Fatima Barkatulla – 70 Major Sins #04 – Sin 4 Cont. Neglecting Salah, Teach Children Salah

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary ©
The importance of praying for Islam, finding one's joy in the moment, and protecting against attacks is emphasized in the context of the Hadith statement. The speakers also discuss the use of technology for social media campaigns and the importance of praying for spiritual health and avoiding harms. Prayer is a fundamental belief and is linked to health and wealth, and is crucial for personal reasons. The importance of praying for spiritual health and avoiding harms is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah dear sisters as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And welcome to another 70 major sins class where we're looking at the 17 major sins mentioned by Mr. avahi in his book Kitab al Qaeda.

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let me share my screen with you.

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Do you.

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So we had begun looking at the major sin last time, which was

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a neglect of the solar. Yes. And I had highlighted to you this worksheet

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that you can have you can get if you just go to this link, and it's a solid questionnaire worksheet that helps you to understand what level of what level your salary is, and which areas need improving.

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Now I had this terrible PowerPoint slide, which was too much information. So I've actually adjusted it and found a much nicer way to

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present the information on that slide. And so this was the five levels of seller,

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the five levels of seller. First of all, if you remember, we said

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neglect of Salah, which is a major sin is not just completely abandoning the Salah, completely abandoning the size, of course, another level of major sin, right, it's the worst, it's the worst, worst way you could relate to salam, but

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neglect of the Salah as the major sin actually is even not praying within the times. Okay, not praying the salons within their times. So delaying them until the next prayer, delaying the next until the next prayer, etc, etc. And so we said that this is from even nucleons

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he said that there are five levels of Salah.

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And so the worst, or the lowest level is punishable. This person whose Salah is like this is punishable. The next level is this person is accountable for this. The next level is a person who's striving, they're not sinful

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because they're striving. The next level is a person who will be rewarded for their level of saw. And the next level is the one who achieves closeness.

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Of course, the person who's striving will also be rewarded, but meaning that this person has reached the level where you know,

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he's not having to struggle anymore. So look at the descriptions you see the punishable level, which is obviously the one we want to be very careful about his he says it's the person who wrongs themselves. You know, by doing this, you're basically

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harming yourself.

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This person is negligent about the prayer times negligent in the areas in various areas of the sell out, for example, in the widow does not make sure that the water reaches all the limbs or does not cover all the limbs at all.

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They don't pray on time, and even the obligatory parts of the prayer because you know, the seller and I encourage all of you to study at least 1/5 class about Salah you know what are the different actions of Salah because what you'll find is there's certain things are obligatory without those Salah is not complete and certain things are any better, or the ones that the prophet SAW Selim did, and he told us to do and, and there are certain ones that are like that beautify the Salah, a person who neglects the obligatory parts of the Salah, right, like for example, the fact they had not not reciting the fact that for example, or missing out a complete action action, like

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such as, etc.

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Then that person is punishable because their Salah basically is not complete. The next level up from that is accountable. The person who observes the outward essentials of the Salah, so the actions are all there that doesn't miss any major like the necessary parts.

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This person prays on time even Okay, so within the prayer times

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makes proper will do but this Salah has got no concentration in it at all completely overwhelmed with whisperings and I think the key thing to note here is this person is not even trying to fight the whisperings when we say whisperings we mean you know that when you're trying to concentrate in Salah constantly these thoughts keep coming thoughts and the concerns of the dunya just completely this person is not paying attention at all in the salon and not even trying to so it's like Solo is just like actions to that person right? It's like autopilot Salah

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that's very scary because very easy for us to fall into that right.

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Um, the next level up from that is a person who is striving, not sinful, striving, not sinful, meaning

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striving not sinful. And of course that means

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they've done the outward essential they're praying on time they make it will do

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but, and this person suffers from whisperings. But the difference between this one and the accountable level is this person is actually trying not to pay attention to the whisperings and trying to constantly bring their attention back to the salaat.

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So they're considered almost in a state of jihad, right they're fighting against a NASA fighting against the Shetlands whisperings

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the next level up from that is rewarded a person who fulfills the requirements and

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their heart is focused and alert careful not to emit any parts you know not to make any mistakes, praise properly and completely their heart is deeply immersed in worship.

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And I think this the jump from striving not sinful to reward it is that the person just practices right.

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So, the more one practices with this level, the striving not sinful level, the more is the the more likely they are to move into this level where their heart is deeply immersed in worship, right? Um, and then the highest level is the person who achieved closeness May Allah make us of the of those people mean?

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So this is a person who has achieved the fourth level but rewarded level. But this person

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prays as if Allah sees as if he sees a lot, right? Or at least he's constantly aware that Allah sees him.

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The whisperings and distracting thoughts have diminished

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and this person is pre occupied during the Salah.

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Thinking about Allah and content with Allah.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us to achieve this level of Salah Amin.

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So if you go ahead and look at the Salah questionnaire worksheet, you will be able to figure out where you are, with regards to the Salah in sha Allah. And it's just like a worksheet for you to do personally. And then at the end, you can see what level you're at and what some suggestions, you know, charlo, you'll find it useful.

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And even when he described these levels, he says about them. He says afterwards that whoever finds his joy in prayer in this life, will find his joy in being close to Allah in the Hereafter,

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and will also find his joy in Allah in this world. Whoever finds his joy and Allah will be content with everything. And whoever does not find his joy in Allah will be destroyed by his feelings of grief and regret for worldly matters.

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So in other words, sisters, we think are salaat it's not like an abstract thing that's not connected to your dunya not it's not connected to you the way you are in the world, the way you live in the world and the way you experience life.

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When our Salah has suffered, you will find that life the suffering in life increases because we respond to life in a different way.

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And that's a very, very important thing for us to bear in mind many times when

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People are suffering from some kind of spiritual illness or, you know, they they're feeling depressed or, you know,

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have all sorts of negative feelings. Yeah, grief and regret and many times it's connected to the state of their spirituality and their Salah. Not always okay? Of course, there are some

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chemical imbalances sometimes in people's brains, or sometimes there's

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other matters, you know, life can knock you over, not could knock you sideways.

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But I'm talking about the everyday life, you know,

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Salah is not just for the benefit of our afterlife, it affects the quality of your life in this world as well.

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So I think it's very important for us to understand that our it's almost as though salaat that little moment of Salah a few minutes, are a microcosm of your day. If you can concentrate and find joy in that moment in those moments that will

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kind of magnify and spread out into your day.

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Last time, somebody was asking the question about children, right. And

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that was interesting because the next

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I have kuranda mama daddy mentioned is this. He says yeah, you have Lavina Manu, laterally calm and well and why lucam Allah Allah Dooku mantequilla Oh, my F and liquor for eco

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for like a whole house Iran.

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Yeah, you had Lavina Manjula Tony Hey calm welcome Allah. Allah do calm and decorilla my f Lika for Allah iica hoon hos your own. Oh believers, do not let your wealth or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah, whoever whoever does this, it is very who are the true losers. And the more first zero and they said here, the cruel line this idea, don't. Don't let your wealth and your children divert you from the vicar of Allah dhikr of Allah here is the Salah.

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Subhana Allah. So

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we will look at that in more detail in a moment.

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There are some very serious Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam about the person who abandons the prayer. Okay.

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In one Hadith, nothing stands between a man and coffer and shirk, which is disbelief and polytheism except the Salah.

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Now, the Hadith, the contract

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is determined by that which is between us and the prayer, or the contract between us and them is the prayer. Whoever abandons it has a disbelieved

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meaning, I don't really like that translation. But anyway, the point is, it's almost as though we have a contract, you know, we have a

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covenant with Allah.

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And the Salah is that covenant, and the line between us and the disbelievers is the Salah.

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panela. That's a very heavy statement, right? If you think about it, a very, very heavy statement, and that's why you'll find that

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the scholars differed regarding the ruling on a person who abandons the summer.

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But the mama nawawi when he explains this, these are Hadith he says,

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The scholars have explained the statement of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam between unbelieving man and shirk and kufr is the leaving of the Salah to mean that the one who abandoned Salah is befitting of a punishment like that of an apostate. Okay, which is capital punishment under Islamic law. So that was they've, they should be dealt with like a person who has

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Jani who has apostatized

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can also mean that this hadith is regarding the one who considers the abandonment of the abandonment of Salah to be permissible. It can also mean that the abandonment of Salah will take one towards kufr disbelief, or this act is like that of the disbelievers and Allah knows best. So

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we will break that down a little bit in a moment.

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Some of the scholars did consider the total abandon

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of the salon to be like to be apostasy and, you know, classically apostasy or abandoning Islam, it was

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a sign of treason, right? It was a sign of treason that you've basically you're against the state now, right? And

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and the scholars also some, some scholars didn't pray janazah for a person who was known to have abandoned the salah

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and some even prevented them from inheriting.

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That's kind of really serious, right? In other words, they're dealing with that person as though

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they've left the the dean right.

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But the majority of scholars say that it's a major sin, abandoning the Salah is a major sin doesn't take a person outside of the fold of Islam.

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But denying that the Salah is obligatory, okay, so can you see the difference between the two, one person is abandoning the Salah or doesn't pray and they probably feel bad about it. You know, they know that they should pray but they don't pray. That person is a major sinner. But a person who says Well, I don't have to pray.

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They deny that the Salah is even obligatory. It's not even. Maybe they say that it's not a part of the deen or they say I don't have to pray. It's not, you know, not an obligation. This takes a person outside of the fold.

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The point is this, okay, it's not for us to go around putting labels on people. Right.

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But what, and of course, there's so much that has been written about this.

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The bottom line that I think we all want to take away from this is that leaving the seller, neglecting the salaat missing Salas, all of this is very, very dangerous. Yeah, I hope you're getting that message from this is a very, very dangerous for a person state of faith. Okay, and that your man is at risk very much at risk.

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He doesn't come without other consequences, you know.

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And I'm just going to read to you some of the

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narrations because the reason why I want to spend more time on this solar topic is it's very serious. You know, Salah is like the the main things, the main thing that we should really, that we've got to focus on and

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it can be, it can slip away from us because we go into autopilot, right?

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direct solo means the person who leaves the salon is neglectful of the SAR might have been I just want to read this to you.

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This is very different or below that he said anyone who neglects the prayer has no portion of Islam.

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And they'll be happy also related that Omar said a man went to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and asked messenger of Allah which actions does Allah Almighty love the most innocent? He answered the prayer at its time. Anyone who abandons the prayer has no Deen. Prayer is the main state of the deen

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and listen to this. This is amazing when Omar bin Al Khattab was stabbed, you know, when he was the halifa and he was leading a prayer. This is this is how he was assassinated. He he was stabbed in the prayer in the middle of the prayer and he's the Imam. Right. Somebody said to him

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the prayer ameerul momineen. He said, yes, there is no portion for anyone in Islam who abandons the prayer.

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And he prayed with his ruled gushing blood.

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I mean, he took it so seriously, he continued to pray.

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And there's loads of Subhanallah loads of narrations from the seller from the early generations that make you really scared. That's what I'm gonna say very scary about the way they responded to people who do not pray. A person who does not pray has no deal. Even a bus. Even Massoud says even our boss says anyone who abandons the prayer deliberately will find a lot angry with him when he meets him.

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I mean, there's there's a lot, okay.

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Also when it comes to the quality of the prayer, okay.

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The quality of the prayer. So

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in the two in the Sahih hain, the Muslim there's a narration from the Prophet sallallahu

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says a man entered the mosque while the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was seated in it. The man prayed and then came and greeted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who returned his greeting, and then said to him, go back and pray, for you have not prayed.

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He went back and prayed as he had done the first time. Then he came and greeted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who returned his greeting and said again, go back and pray.

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You have not prayed, he went back and prayed as he had done the first time. Then he came and greeted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who returned his greeting and again said, Go back and pray you have not prayed

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a third time and mentored by the one who sent you with the truth. Messenger of Allah, I cannot do any better than that. So Teach me. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when you stand for prayer, save a tech beer. And then recite what is easy for you of the Quran. Then do record until you are at rest in your record. Then stand back up until you are completely upright. Then go into frustration until you are at rest in your frustration, then sit back until you are at rest in the sitting position. Then go into prostration until you are at rest, in your frustration, do that throughout all of the prayer. So the prophets or someone was highlighting the

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until you are at rest. Right? So this man he was praying very fast. When he did any action, he didn't he wasn't at complete rest. He was doing it fast was doing the movements very fast.

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And another Hadeeth

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the worst thief is someone who steals from his prayer.

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He was asked, How can anyone steal from his prayer he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by not properly completing his record. So Jude or recitation.

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another Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim.

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He says the Mohammed related, he had the youth of America in which the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah does not look at a man whose spine is not straight between the Roku and the prostration. So Roku is you know, when you're bending down, right? So between that, and going into such that a person who doesn't stand completely straight.

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In other words, they're just going quickly, right, just making the movements very, very quick.

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And then the profits are sad and said, that is the prayer of the hypocrite who sits looking at the sun until it is between the horns of shape on and then stands up and pecks four times and only remembers a lot and little

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Johnny, he described, you know, the Salah that basically is not not good enough

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as being a person who's like packing for times, they're such that they're, you know, it's like picking the dog going so fast.

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And there's many, many habits about this.

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And that's why, you know, the scholars really highlight the extra prayers, the supererogatory prayers, right? The Samaritan No, I feel I mean, so no, I for the same thing in the sense like, the word when we say similar prayers, what it basically means is the prayers that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam prayed, right, and there's the special ones, or the ones that he never used to miss, there are some sunon that should say some sooner

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and sooner or sooner in a row active. Okay. Those are the 12 records that are sort of La sallallahu Sallam prayed up in addition to the five prayers, right. So you know, the five prayers are federal the harasser, Marie benicia.

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And each of those have different numbers of units. We can't go into in a lot of detail. So if you're, like a new Muslim, or somebody who's doesn't pray, and once you start praying,

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then you know, please look those up. But for the average Muslim, I think, who does pray or the average person who's attending this class anyway, I assume praise.

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This is a very important thing to highlight because this is one of the things that can protect our solar. This can protect our foreign sellers by and so the profits or loss

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He used to pray for a cat before and two records after the

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two after more than two after Asia and two before the fudger prayer. So these are the extra prayers, right?

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And by praying those, okay, a person really protects their four solids.

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Okay, I'm not saying that they're obligatory, they're not obligatory. Okay? So I don't want to like, put like a burden on people. And that's why like, some of the scholars even say like, unfortunately, in places like India, people sometimes think that these Sunnah prayers are obligatory. And so they think, if they can't do those, they end up neglecting the Salah. Right? They just can't be bothered. They just think I just if I can't do everything, I might as well do nothing, right. Which is obviously the wrong way to think about it. So that's why some scholars like to only highlight the five prayers, you know, like, because not to overburden people with extra when they're not even

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doing the basics, right. But for those of us who have, basically establish the five prayers, this is really the next thing that's going to help us protect those five prayers. You know,

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I really love this allegory of, sorry, it should say your mom, not your mom, your mom will hijo de, which is he's a hanbali scholar. And I just loved the way he described the sunon. Press right. He said that

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the allegory of belief Eman is that of a land that has five walls. So imagine that, you know, in the old days is to have a city and then it would have walls right like surrounding it.

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The first wall, the innermost wall is made from gold. The second is made from silver, the third is made of iron, the fourth from cooked clay and the fifth from brick.

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As long as the people of the brick wall are diligent in protecting the brick, the enemy does not aspire to destroy the second wall. But if they neglect the brick wall, then the enemy will aspire for the second wall and then the third wall until they demolish all of the walls.

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And he said that those walls similarly A man has five walls.

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performing what is obligatory

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performing the sun, and then having refined behavior adapt. So Parnell I just love this allegory. I mean,

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so he's saying as long as one holds to it holds to and is diligent with having refined behavior, chiffon does not scheme to destroy him. But if one forsakes refined behavior shape and aspires to destroy the recommended works, meaning the sunlen there's some that act right, then the obligatory then sincerity, then certainty, certainty, meaning get your mind. Right. So kinda.

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I mean, I don't know how you feel about that. allegory. I'd love to hear your comments. But for me, that really kind of

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made me understand why. How all the different types of acts fall into place, right? How and it's so true, isn't it? Like,

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when you have a certain culture in your home, you might have had certain standards, once you start losing those standards, when it comes to adab and behavior, right. Then other things start suffering as well. Right.

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I don't know if you've experienced that yourselves. And what you think about that, I'd love to hear your comments. Just gonna have a quick look if anyone has any comment to make about that because I just love this allegory. So I hope you understood. So it's as though this is your Eman. surrounding your Eman is certainty yaqeen Yeah, right. And then sincerity, and then a wall that is the obligatory act. So for example, the five prayers, right? And then the sun acts like for example the sun and erotic prayers, right the 12 extra prayers and then surrounding that is your, your behavior, right? Once what he's saying is if you take care of your behavior,

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then shapen will not be able to attack your son and act. Right. And then if you can't do that, if you neglect that

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You will attack your son and act when your son acts are neglected, then he has a chance to neglect to attack your obligatory act. When your obligatory acts start getting affected, then your sincerity starts getting affected.

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When your sincerity is affected, then your certainty gets affected in mind can you can shake in your in your email even right. So I think what I'm trying to highlight with this is

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how everything is interconnected, right?

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We cannot imagine that not praying the five prayers has no effect on our demand definitely has an effect. In fact, you'll probably notice in your own life that at times when you've been not very attentive in your Salah, or if you've neglected it in some way. Your Eman suffered, right, the way you you experience the world suffered, even the way you were able to take, you know, calamities and tests suffered.

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And so panela it shows you that sunlight is for our own good. Salah is actually for our own good. Allah gave us the seller to protect us, you know, five times a day that connection with him. We need it he doesn't need it a lot doesn't need it is us who needs it?

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So Panama

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Yeah, sobre la Ferran.

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So some of the scholars

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I think this is from a hadith actually.

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They said you know, that the person who neglects the Salah will be raised with our own and ferroan and obey been harloff and Harmon.

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I believe it's from a Hadith of the Prophet salaallah wedding center.

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in explaining it the scholar said, Why, why is it you know, barwin Harmon, VEDA and elephant hammer and Sharon. They said, Well, it depends on what causes you to neglect your Salah. And here I'm I feel like these are quite masculine things but Allah Allah the prophets Hassan was probably talking to men at the time.

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But they said if it's wealth that causes you to neglect the Salah In other words, pursuit of wealth pursuit of your property and your you know, your your basically your belongings and your wealth then you'll be raised with Carl on the day of judgment

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and they said if it's your Dominion meaning

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if you're like in charge of us of something, you know some kind of land or you're in charge of some if you're a leader of some sort

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and that's distracting you from the solar and lit causing you to neglect salado and you'll be raised with for Alan they said and if it's your business, your what your you know, whatever your businesses your you know, in terms of trade,

00:33:14 --> 00:33:20

then you'll be raised with your baby Hello was one of the machine again rice, the brother of may have been high left who was the

00:33:22 --> 00:33:23

the master of

00:33:24 --> 00:33:33

below or the line, all right? very oppressive. They were obsessed with money, they were obsessed with their businesses right with their trade.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:49

It's your job, your ministry that's causing you to neglect the Salah, then you'll be raised with how man, they said. And this got me thinking because this was mentioned in the double carbuyer it got me thinking

00:33:50 --> 00:34:05

in our times, what are the things that cause a person to neglect the sob? And especially for women? What are the things that cause women to neglect the salon? I'd love you to just type in the chat. what your thoughts are?

00:34:07 --> 00:34:07

You know,

00:34:09 --> 00:34:13

because I don't know about you. Some of these examples don't really

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resonate with me. They seem quite masculine in a sense, but actually Subhanallah you could you could say that they are analogous with lots of things right wealth, women get obsessed with wealth as well. Right? Spending wealth. And

00:34:31 --> 00:34:44

so shopping for example, buying things obsessed with your property, your house and extension and improving yourself in in terms of wealth right women can be obsessed with that as well.

00:34:45 --> 00:34:59

dominion, so you could be in charge of some some kind of thing you could be in charge of your family could even be that and your family could. Your obsession with certain family things causes you to neglect your business. You

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

Could be a business woman, for example,

00:35:02 --> 00:35:10

your job ministry, whatever your employment is, that could cause you to neglect. I'm going to read some of your

00:35:13 --> 00:35:14


00:35:20 --> 00:35:22

household chores? Yes.

00:35:23 --> 00:35:40

household chores. Yes. Are you just so busy with your household chores? never enjoy. Children? Yes. The kids Yes. The Companions you have the influence? Yeah. Cuz like, have you noticed when you hang around with people who don't really care that much about Salah

00:35:42 --> 00:35:45

you end up being likely to forget about it as well. Right?

00:35:50 --> 00:35:56

So which shows you that you should minimize? We really should choose our friends, right? should choose our friends

00:35:57 --> 00:35:57


00:35:59 --> 00:36:12

Our job and family social media. Oh, gosh, that's a new one. Right? So being on, I mean, finally you can you can just be scrolling. And you realize, Oh,

00:36:14 --> 00:36:18

you know, I was a past supine I love.

00:36:19 --> 00:36:27

That's why I always say, you know, use the technology for you, not against you. How we can use this technology for us, not against us.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:53

set alarms, you know, like, you can literally at the beginning of every month, create on if you have Google Calendar, you can create like a box for the whole month, like generally, when the seller times fit and say, Okay, this is my Salah, our, you know, within this hour, I have to pray for each of the prayers, you know, and put an alarm with that. can use this technology for us or against us.

00:36:56 --> 00:37:02

Elderly at home, so I guess if you're You mean like if you're a carer, right? Somebody? Yes.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:27

busy with worldly things like shopping your beauty regimen? Yeah. Okay. The studies Korea. Yes. shopping, cooking, appearance, beauty, cleaning laundry, children, latest gossip, phone rumors on the phone rumors, watching TV stuff. Rila. TV phone. Yeah.

00:37:28 --> 00:38:03

So you know all these things. And in a way you can, you could put all of them under the category of dunya. Right? They're all to do with immersion into the life of this world, the material world. But of course, I'm not saying that children and looking after the elderly are not important. I'm not saying that. We're just saying that. The point of Salah is that interrupts whatever you're doing, interrupt whatever you're doing. And it's like, a reminder that no matter what's going on a lot is number one, right?

00:38:05 --> 00:38:15

So here are some of the thoughts that I had on things that are common things that probably cause people to neglect the Salah, and some of these are specific to women, I would say.

00:38:17 --> 00:38:19

I think makeup. And

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you know, there are sisters who wear makeup every single day. And

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they don't realize that, you know, they feel they can't live without that.

00:38:35 --> 00:38:42

But that makeup is a barrier to them praying because what happens is and they don't want to make will do, right?

00:38:43 --> 00:39:06

Because they don't want that makeup to be wiped off or whatever. And so either they spend the entire day very uncomfortable. I don't know how they manage that. Or they literally are neglecting the solar. Because anything that is a barrier to your skin, right? Like nail polish.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:16

I think somebody wrote false lashes, for example. Those types of barriers, right? waterproof stuff, right?

00:39:19 --> 00:39:23

You can't make will do with those, right? You can't make her do with those. So

00:39:24 --> 00:39:33

I really feel that we really need to make sure that we you know, highlight to our sisters and to the next generation of our daughters

00:39:34 --> 00:39:59

that it's almost as though Allah does not want us to be obsessed with these things, you know, doesn't want us to be obsessed with this makeup with this. Because it's literally a barrier to your Eman. It's literally creating a barrier to you connecting with Allah. When it gets to that level. You know, when it gets to the level where it becomes a part of your everyday life, where I'm not just talking about a little bit you know, and make

00:40:00 --> 00:40:10

Are you aware that you probably could wipe off? Or you know you can make with do with it? I'm not talking about that. I'm saying when you just have a serious makeup regime, you know where

00:40:11 --> 00:40:14

some of that stuff is impossible for you to make, we'll deal with it.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:29

Alright, I've also written not wanting to make wudu some sisters are very sensitive, like they don't want, I don't know, they like don't want to make wudu they don't want to wash their face and arms and whatever.

00:40:31 --> 00:40:41

They just like it messes up their I don't know what. So Pamela, again, Allah is making us put him first. You know,

00:40:42 --> 00:40:48

it might crease your sleeves a bit, you know, might make some some of your clothes a bit wet.

00:40:49 --> 00:40:52

That might look a bit unattractive, you think.

00:40:53 --> 00:41:01

But Subhanallah that means you're putting the dunya first * all the way people look at you first and you're obsessed with the way people look at you. And think of you.

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00:41:08 --> 00:41:44

children? Yeah, I think children distract people from the salon. Now, of course, children have needs and we have to fulfill their needs. And if there's an emergency, then that's a different matter, right. But we're talking about everyday life, you can get so immersed in being with your children and the needs of your children or it's sometimes not even need small like once right having a children that you don't plan your day around the salon. Shopping as another one, right? Have these long marathon shopping trips, which take forever.

00:41:45 --> 00:41:57

Sometimes it's being disorganized, just being basically disorganized. And one of the great things about Salah is that it makes you disciplined, right, encourages you and forces you to become disciplined.

00:41:59 --> 00:42:05

Sometimes it's just not planning your day very well. So you've got X number of things that you're going to be doing.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:12

Have you factored the Salah, and that's very important, right? should be the number one thing that you're factoring in.

00:42:14 --> 00:42:31

Sometimes there's all sorts of excuses. People make all sorts of excuses for not praying. But what I'd encourage is for you to challenge yourself to be unreasonable. And what I mean by unreasonable is, don't give yourself any reason to neglect the Salah.

00:42:32 --> 00:42:36

So if you're going out, you are prepared.

00:42:37 --> 00:42:39

You're you've always got a prayer mat with you.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:45

You've always got a bottle of water with you. Something like that, you know,

00:42:51 --> 00:43:05

you don't allow the place that you're in to be an excuse for not praying. So if you go to uni, if you're even if you're in a shop, so hello, once I was stuck in Tesco was on where and.

00:43:06 --> 00:43:19

And I realized that I was going to miss the prep because maybe there was a long queue or something right? And I just thought, oh my god, I need to deal with this. So I literally locked myself into the baby changing rooms.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:20


00:43:22 --> 00:43:27

yes, the baby changing rooms, and I made me do it. And I prayed that, right?

00:43:29 --> 00:43:51

That's not ideal. I could have planned my day better. Okay. But what I'm saying is you got to be unreasonable. If you're in the if you're in university, you can't make it to the prayer room. You need to pray, maybe go in the library. Don't be scared. Just get up and pray. Go make who do get up, put, make a clean space for yourself and pray

00:43:52 --> 00:43:55

in the corner. It's fine. Just do it.

00:43:59 --> 00:44:17

I mean, there's just no excuse. And hamdulillah we live especially if you're in Britain. We live in a place that's very accepting of these things. I've only ever been told to move maybe once. And that was in a shopping center.

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00:44:20 --> 00:44:35

but they weren't telling me not to pray. It was just that the place that I was praying, they started getting a bit worried. Like, I don't know, I started having security questions, right. Maybe they thought I was dodgy in some way. But um

00:44:36 --> 00:44:40

I've never really had any trouble praying in public in the UK.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:43

Either at airports.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:59

Even at the train station once I think with my kids, and the thing is the attitude that you have your children will have as well. If they think we can always have an excuse for not praying for delaying the prayer. Oh, you know, we've got we just got caught outside camp.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:09

prayer in public, they start having the attitude and they stop sensing that you're embarrassed to pray in public Subhana Allah, that what kind of Muslims you think they're going to be?

00:45:11 --> 00:45:17

You got to desensitize yourself and you've got to desensitize your children to being a Muslim and public.

00:45:18 --> 00:45:18


00:45:20 --> 00:45:30

I'm not saying stand in the middle of the road and pray, right? But I'm saying there's always a space, even if you're in a park, you can find a space near a tree or somewhere, you know.

00:45:34 --> 00:45:47

Sometimes it's forgetfulness. So we just have to be prepared. We have to use alarms, you know, it's like quite basic. Like I say to my kids, you know, if you had a flight to catch in the morning, you would wake up

00:45:48 --> 00:45:56

doesn't matter what time it is, you would wake up. So what about the Salah? What about fudgier? Salah? How come it's so easy to sleep through budget.

00:45:57 --> 00:46:03

But if you had a flight to catch, in other words, if you thought something was important enough, you would wake up, right.

00:46:04 --> 00:46:24

And another cause of people neglecting the solo, we've already mentioned is being embarrassed, they just don't want to play in public. But that embarrassment says a lot about you, says a lot about your, maybe you have an inferiority complex, should never be embarrassed handle at once. I was in a taxi with a

00:46:25 --> 00:47:05

with an Irish in Ireland, the Irish guy, myself and my husband were in taxi, going to the airport. And the taxi driver said started just having a conversation about Muslims and Catholics and because, you know, they're Catholic in Ireland. And he said, You know, I really, I really admire Muslims. And he said, Okay, why, like, What makes you say that? And he said, Well, you know, when, because he goes to the airport a lot as a taxi driver. And he said, I see them praying, and they don't mind praying in public, their mind praying, you know, in the airport, and just makes me really admire them that they put God first.

00:47:06 --> 00:47:31

panela You see, sometimes we have an inferiority complex about ourselves that when actually the world is admiring us, right? It's only the idiots who don't admire admire that. People who, really any people who have a conscience, remember it's in their fitrah in their fitrah to want to pray to God.

00:47:32 --> 00:47:36

So when they see us they think, Wow, this person is putting God first.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:38


00:47:39 --> 00:47:43

So never ever feel embarrassed. times.

00:47:46 --> 00:47:50

Amin Yes, may Allah guide this Irish taxi driver.

00:47:57 --> 00:48:03

By the way, if you really want to get understand, like how amazing is like,

00:48:04 --> 00:48:06

you know, you should if you can listen to

00:48:07 --> 00:48:10

my discussion with Muslim Beck on feed.

00:48:12 --> 00:48:31

He talks about Salah when you're shackled, he was shackled with his hands behind his back in an aeroplane, right? With a hood on his head. He had been kidnapped. And he's standing there. And he his voice next to him. And the brother says, brother Have you prayed?

00:48:32 --> 00:48:42

Panama? Brother, have you prayed? And he said he just you know, he forgot to say he'd been kidnapped. Right? So you've probably had forgotten, lost all sense of time.

00:48:43 --> 00:49:11

And he said no. And he said, okay, you lead. And then the brother led Him in prayer. While Lewis with shackled standing there, right? So even if you have a difficult situation, there's a way to pray. Can you imagine there's a way to pray. Even if you're ill, there's a way to pray. Even if you can't stand there's a way to pray. If you can't sit, there's a way to pray. If you can't move, there is a way to pray.

00:49:13 --> 00:49:14

Even if you

00:49:15 --> 00:49:18

can't move your eyelids, there's a way to pray.

00:49:19 --> 00:49:36

There's always a way to pray. Okay, as long as you're conscious, you have your conscious right as long as you're conscious. There's a way to make the salah and you know you can find out more about that. And why is that because Allah is not given us any.

00:49:38 --> 00:49:49

He's given us all the opportunity to pray. No matter if you're disabled or if you're able bodied is a way to pray. If you're ill or if you're healthy, there's a way to pray.

00:49:50 --> 00:49:59

And yeah, just listening to Muslim beg really. It really makes you realize kind of love we have our freedom. We have our ability to pray to

00:50:00 --> 00:50:17

Fast he talks about how they lost track of time. They didn't even know it was a normal bomb when they were in Guantanamo, right? It was only some prisoners that came in who said, Did you know that it's Ramadan? So they realized that it was one of those they'd lost all track of time.

00:50:19 --> 00:50:21

So what about us, you know, we're free.

00:50:22 --> 00:50:23

have the ability.

00:50:25 --> 00:50:30

So I want to talk about this section, which is the hubby goes into which is

00:50:32 --> 00:51:04

habituating children to the salon. This is so important. This is so important. Why? Because Do you know subpanel remember a few years back a father came to my husband he said, you know, My son, he's he's left the home. He's gone and shacked up with some girl right? Basically, he's living with some girl is committing Zina, basically right. And he's living with her and I don't know what to do. Where did I go wrong? Right. And

00:51:06 --> 00:51:16

my husband just had a good conversation with him. And he said, Did you ever teach him to pray? Okay. And the guy was really surprised. We're asking about Salah, right?

00:51:17 --> 00:51:25

Well, basically, we found out he didn't teach his child to pray. He didn't teach his child the basics. Or if he did, he didn't.

00:51:27 --> 00:51:29

He didn't insist that his son prays.

00:51:31 --> 00:51:36

And so my husband's hitting, do you know that that's actually worse than Zinner?

00:51:37 --> 00:51:43

Do you know that? When your son was not praying, that's worse than Xena.

00:51:45 --> 00:51:46


00:51:48 --> 00:52:10

So, sometimes we think of certain sins as being so evil, right? When actually Subhanallah the Salah is more important. If that Father, perhaps if that father had instituted site in his house, then he would have instituted God consciousness in his house, right? And then that will cause his son to be called conscious to have Taqwa. jhala.

00:52:11 --> 00:52:39

Right? Um, so the Sharia encourages us or commands us, the prophets has told us to start telling our children to pray at the age of seven. So say to them, pray, pray with us. We're praying, pray with us, but not insist, you know, that's when they start getting psychologically, the idea that, oh, there's something called Salah something I need to? I could join in. I could, you know, but you don't have to force them. There's no kind of

00:52:40 --> 00:52:49

any insistence. But he said that at the age of 10. You should insist on it. Yeah. And they should discipline them if they don't.

00:52:51 --> 00:53:07

And, you know, people nowadays, parents, panela. Sometimes parents are so weak. Right? They have this idea that discipline is like, you know, we don't want to learn to make little Abdullah cry, we don't want to make little, you know,

00:53:09 --> 00:53:16

we don't want to put pressure on her. Right? I'm not saying make your children cry. Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. What I mean is

00:53:18 --> 00:53:30

this idea that children should have no discomfort, should have to not sacrifice anything. Right, you're setting them up to become spoiled brat, basically.

00:53:33 --> 00:54:00

Remember, you have to remember that our children from the age of puberty are accountable for the summer accountable for all their deeds. So the age of puberty is usually Yanni when the period starts with the girl. And when you know, the boy starts having pubic pubic hair and beard growing or his voice changes, or he has a *, right? for either of them. So

00:54:01 --> 00:54:32

Subhanallah, that's around the age of 15, we would say could even be earlier than that. You know, for girls, it could be 11, for example, you know, I've known people longer than that even. So, if you want them to be able to deal with their obligations, how are they going to be able to do that if we don't habituate them from the from a younger age, right? You can't just suddenly put something on someone and then they'll be able to do it. And then you complain, How come my son can't do this? How can we because you never habituated them right.

00:54:34 --> 00:54:42

So it's really important that we take this seriously. And this idea of disciplining your children for solar.

00:54:43 --> 00:54:51

It's not controversial, because if you think about it, if your child refuse to wear a seatbelt in the car, right?

00:54:52 --> 00:54:57

How would you react if your child refuse to wear a seatbelt in the car

00:54:58 --> 00:54:59

or if your child refused to brush

00:55:00 --> 00:55:00

their teeth.

00:55:02 --> 00:55:28

If your child refuse to, I don't know, make their bed even. I'm saying even basic, more basic things in that brush their teeth, or make, you know, I don't know, seatbelt I think the CBOE is a good example. Would you just be like, Oh, it's okay. You know? No, you wouldn't you wouldn't? You'd say, No, this is a rule. Yeah, this is a rule and you follow this rule?

00:55:29 --> 00:55:37

Initially, you'd teach them nicely. But if they get really like, belligerent about it, you would insist, in fact, you'd make them do it.

00:55:38 --> 00:55:48

Right? You'd March them to the sink and make them brush their teeth, for example, right? Why? Because you know that there's a harm a great harm that's going to come from them not getting into this habit.

00:55:49 --> 00:56:03

Similarly, by them not getting into the habit of Salah there's a big harm that's coming their way. Just because you can't see it, just because they don't talk about it in the news, right? Doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

00:56:04 --> 00:56:12

So just as a responsible parent, make sure that their child follows certain rules. One of those rules is the song.

00:56:13 --> 00:56:35

Right, you may get one of the rules of your house, it's just a rule in our house that you pray all the press. Of course, initially, you do it with love. You always do it with love. And you hope that and most children will just fall into line, right? They actually they actually want to pray. But if there is some resistance, then you make a rule of the house.

00:56:38 --> 00:56:46

And what does the Salah instituting for Salah teach them? Quickly? Before we end? I'm sorry, we haven't had a q&a.

00:56:48 --> 00:56:58

I'm going to copy your questions. And hopefully at the beginning of next session, we'll start with q&a. What does PSA teach them? Number one, that Allah comes first

00:56:59 --> 00:57:25

very important lesson that they need to learn in life, right? Number two, that you have to interrupt your duty for Salah for them at the moment, the dunya is games, or playing with toys or I don't know reading a book, whatever it is, right? But that discipline of having to interrupt your dunya your material world for Allah, it's important for them to learn that five times a day.

00:57:26 --> 00:57:30

It teaches them discipline, how to have a disciplined and orderly day

00:57:31 --> 00:57:33

what the boundaries are right?

00:57:34 --> 00:57:36

It teaches them connectedness with Allah.

00:57:37 --> 00:57:42

Because you're not going to be there forever for them. You're not even going to be there sometimes during the day for them.

00:57:44 --> 00:57:51

So who do they have? You've given them an amazing gift by teaching them the Salah.

00:57:52 --> 00:57:55

They have that immediate connectedness with Allah,

00:57:56 --> 00:58:00

someone who's more powerful than you and who can protect them better than you.

00:58:01 --> 00:58:29

We teach them cleanliness and purity because of course, a prerequisite of the Salah is the will do is being clean is making wholesome etc, right for adult children. So you, it teaches them that when they go to the toilet, they can't have remnants of urine or any kind of impurity on them, right? So really, you're really setting them up for a very disciplined and good lifestyle. It also protects them from sin.

00:58:30 --> 00:58:40

When you're somebody who prays Allah says doesn't he that that Salah protects from sin and for waggish from the kind of shameless type since

00:58:44 --> 00:58:46

so inshallah I'm going to end the session today.

00:58:47 --> 00:58:51

next session is about Zika and then

00:58:53 --> 00:58:58

not fasting Ramadan without an excuse the next major sins.

00:59:04 --> 00:59:04


00:59:05 --> 00:59:16

as I come along here, and I'm sorry, I couldn't get to the last questions. I'm going to copy them before we ended the session so that I can start next session because I've got some from last time as well actually.

00:59:17 --> 00:59:18


00:59:20 --> 00:59:22

what I will do is have them

00:59:23 --> 00:59:25

for the next time.

00:59:26 --> 00:59:31

beginning of next session, please remind me to start with q&a.

00:59:32 --> 00:59:41

Sorry for not being able to answer your questions this time, but please come next time and bring a friend as well inshallah. And this session is going to be uploaded on to

00:59:43 --> 00:59:59

YouTube as well. And please, before I go, I have to say please go to launch google.com slash Muslim woman, launch good.com slash Muslim women and please make a donation towards our project. We want to

01:00:00 --> 01:00:49

Make a new Muslim women's organization for the Muslims in the West especially. And hopefully it's going to bring programs, educational programs, campaigns and just you know positive messages as well as an international conference. That's what our hope is to establish. So please go to launch group.com slash Muslim women and support us because you know, we need your support, just come along. And with that, I will end the session. It will be uploaded onto YouTube, my YouTube channel and the Ullman our YouTube channel. So just do a quick search for them to Zackham allow Karen subhanak Allah whom I will be handig shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta a stamp Europa to bootleg Sarah la cama

01:00:49 --> 01:00:52

rahmatullah wa barakato idea, sisters

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