Bilal Philips – The Best In Islam #23

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The importance of emigration and avoiding disrespect in Islam is emphasized, along with the need for guidelines to ensure children grow into a determined and rewarding life. Visitors are encouraged to use words and circumstances to make the best decision, as it is evil for their actions to share belongings during the Day of Judgment. Visitors are encouraged to give information and encourage their devotion to practice their devotion and receive benefits from a charitable deed. The concept of inheritance is discussed, where individuals have a certain amount of wealth and are given a certain number of benefits, and it is beneficial for individuals and their parents. Visitors are encouraged to use words and circumstances to make the best decision and are warned about upcoming episodes of the best in Islam program.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Allows Peace and blessings beyond each and every one of you. I'd like to welcome you again, to our series, the best in Islam. In this series, we seek to grasp and to understand, to reflect on those issues, which Allah and His Messenger have defined as the best. What is better for us? What is best for us? What is good for us, whether it be in our deeds, in our words, and our thoughts, and our possessions and our acts, the rituals, et cetera, et cetera. And in this episode, we're going to be looking at hijra, the concept of hijra, and the best of hijra, we have a narration from the Obama era, in which he quoted the prophet be God's peace and

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blessings be upon him as saying of the little mohajir in Manhattan Hajra Manoj Allahu taala,

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for of the Lord jihad. Mangia had enough sir who feels that Allah azza wa jal, the best immigrant is the one who emigrates from what Allah has prohibited. And the best jihad is that of one who strives against his own desires, for the sake of Allah Most Great and Glorious. So, the prophets here, peace and blessings be upon him, explained an element or concept within the general concept of Hijra Hedra being leaving the land of disbelief, and going to the land of belief, and the time of the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him. It was leaving Makkah and going to Medina, was obligatory on the Muslims when Prophet Muhammad SAW Salam made the Hijra or the emigration to

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Medina. So this became a principal and ongoing principle. Of course with the conquest of Mecca. That particular element of Hijra ended, the obligation of going to Medina and the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem was known to have said, lie, Hirata Vidal

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after the conquest of Mecca refers to the conquest of Mecca, there is no Hijra required. If one chose to go there, it's still valid or invalid. But the obligation of Hijra to Medina was no longer

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an obligation, no longer a requirement. However, the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him. He also clarified that Hijra with that same concept behind it where we live, a land where we are having difficulty practicing Islam to try to go to a land where we can practice Islam properly, that remains an open principle until the last day. There's a well known Hadith in which he was quoted as saying, Latin Qatar on hijra, hedgerow will not end had some kata October, until repentance ends, till the time for repentance stops, Allah will not accept any repentance after that Hijra will remain.

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So that was already an understood principle. This idea of Hijra or emigration for the sake of Allah, for the sake of the deen to be able to practice it better. Now,

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what we find is that this narration, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had said, the best immigrant is one who emigrates from what Allah has prohibited. He has taken it to an even more basic level that ultimately, emigration hijra, is avoiding whatever Allah has prohibited, leaving it behind. Whatever law is prohibited in any area of life.

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In any art, word, deed, etc, leaving it because it was prohibited. That is the best muhajir one who applies that principle, not only in his physical movement from one place to another, but in his spiritual decision to follow the commandment of God and avoid, emigrate from abandoned leave

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all which is displeasing to Allah, which is why he has prohibited it. Then, the Hadith goes on, though the main focus, for which we quoted the Hadith was Hijra. The Prophet Muhammad wa sallam adds to that, that the best jihad is one who strives against his own desires for the sake of Allah, giving us the foundational principle behind jihad. We said before, that this concept of jihad has become distorted to the point where it is a dirty word. It's not a nice word, to praise, or to encourage, or to promote jihad is to invite the wrath of the west on oneself. The West that doesn't understand Jihad uses the term jihadist in the newspapers, and they use it to apply to anybody who

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is engaged in terrorist acts. They will call them as one of the optional names from Muslim terrorists to jihadist or Salafist, there are a variety of other names, which they have incorporated in order to demonize this principle of jihad, a principle whose foundation was the defense of Islam,

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promote Islam, and to defend its teachings defend the right of all human beings to have access to Islam, Islamic teachings. So, the Prophet SAW Selim here said that the best jihad is where one strives against one's own evil desires, because the strive against the evil forces externally, if it is not preceded by the internal struggle to overcome our own internal evil forces. If we haven't dealt with the internal, then we will not be successful in dealing with the external. So this is why the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him, stressed the most important aspect of jihad, where one tackles one's own weaknesses. And all of us have in our selves, many weaknesses. So, the

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struggle begins at home,

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in our own hearts, and this is where we either win or we lose, as individuals we win or we lose, then the Prophet may God's peace and blessing be upon him, praises that individual who makes this jihad, Jihad enough's, as it is sometimes called, the struggle of the soul

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or the spirit.

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So as emigration, fundamentally was a spiritual act, were one has in fact abandoned what is displeasing to Allah. Similarly, jihad is fundamentally a spiritual act also. wherein one seeks to strive against, to struggle with to overcome the desires of our soul, continuing with the thought, of struggling with the desires,

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we have a verse from Surah Ali Imran verse 180, in which Allah addresses one of the vices of the soul. He said, Well attacks abandon the DNA Ibaka Luna Bhima Tao whom Allah in fugly, who are hired Allah whom balharshah Rola home, so you thought we're gonna ma Buckelew be here Omen Tiama those who greedily withhold some of the bounties which Allah has bestowed on them, think that it is good for them. No, it is bad for them,

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for it will be tied around

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Under Next, on the Day of Judgment, so here's the struggle of the knifes.

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Those who greedily withhold some of the bounties which Allah has bestowed on them,

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they don't share it. They don't pay the car required for it. They deny even their own relatives access to it. And they think that is

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a bounty from Allah. However, it's not good for them, they may see that their actions of greed keeps more of the wealth

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in their control, they're able to squander it and waste it more easily.

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But in fact, it's not good for them, because they are involved in more and more sin. It is really evil for them. So they need those people in that situation, need to struggle against their own desires, their own desires for the accumulation of wealth, and position, power.

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That they be praised. People envy them, they love it. But this is an evil state to be in. Because Allah goes on to say,

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it will be tied around their necks, all of what they have accumulated and not given there is a cat on it, not given the rights of the poor in it. All of this wealth will be tied around their necks like a millstone tied around their necks. On the Day of Judgment, they will be exposed and they will regret having not shared it with others. With that their viewers would like to take a brief break, following which we'll continue to look at some other aspects of the best in Islam.

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As Salaam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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in Buhari there is a narration by Osama bin Zayed right we learn who that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he stood over one of the high buildings of Medina. And then he said to the people, do you see what I see? They said no. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, I see afflictions falling among your houses as raindrops fall. That's how the parenting challenges of today's sound like it's a daunting task. With lifestyle changes and more demands on the parents. maintaining a balance between parenting job and other chores is very stressful. There is a plethora of duties with very little time devoted to parenting. multitude of studies indicate that kids are

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involved in undesirable activities because there is failure to impart moral values to them. What to pre plan to bring back balance in life and strengthen the family structure. We need focused step by step guidelines to make sure that our kids grow into determined and not easily distractible, Muslim Ummah. So me Dr. Kamal guesser, bring you this amazing course, a visionary child, a future investment for all the parents who can change the world, benefit the society and be on the path of Jnana This course is designed to bring clarity in the parenting practices so that parents understand the age appropriate behavior of the child. And yes, using principles from Quran and Sunnah develop a

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multi dimensional trivia plan for the child. Remember, Weejun is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. So don't miss this opportunity to overcome all the roadblocks that you have. While you're trying to fulfill your responsibility. As mentioned in sort of the Haym wisdom was six. Yeah, you had Lizzie Amanu who am fullcycle well actually Canara are believers save yourself and your family's from the hellfire?

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Welcome back from the break. Prior to the break, we were looking at the concept of Hijra Hedra for the sake of Allah, the basic hedgerow which is obligatory on us to leave areas where we can practice Islam and God

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other eras where we can. That requirement is preceded by

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internal Hijra Hijra of the soul where it abandons and emigrates away from what Allah has prohibited. Then we talked about

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the bounties which Allah has given, and how people misuse them

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and do not share them with others, thinking that

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it is in fact good for them because now they have more to play with. But in fact, Allah tells us that it is not good for them.

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It will be tied around their necks on the Day of Judgment. Moving on to the concept of inheritance.

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What we leave behind very important Abu Qatada narrative that the Prophet sallallaahu Salam had said, Hey, Roma Johan Leffel in San Obeida who fell off Walden Salah here drew

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Masada cartoon tragedy, Diablo who drew or Ellman, even tougher will be, he may embody the best things that a human being can leave behind a three,

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a righteous child who will pray for him, a continuing charity whose reward reaches him, and knowledge which benefits those who come after him. So with regards to the best elements of inheritance, normally we think of the best being the wealth we leave behind, but the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, he pointed out things whose spiritual value is far greater, the first a righteous child, who will pray for him, leaving behind a righteous child, that righteous child is a product of his own efforts. Very important, his prayer for

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his parents or parent who died, has value, because he is a product of them of their upbringing for him. Whereas people who have nothing to do no relationship to others, for them to make dua for them, will not have the same impact. I'm not saying that there is no benefit, depending on the individual and the circumstances, etc, there can be benefit, but it will not be like the benefit of a righteous child that he had raised and left behind his benefit, or her benefit will be far greater. Secondly, continuing charity whose reward reaches him, continuing charity, he has done a charitable deed. And that charitable deed, benefits not only those immediately, in the vicinity of it, who take the

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benefit from it like a well, that's first generation that got the wealth, they took out the water they benefited, but also those who come after them,

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those of the generation to follow that still benefit from that well, and after them and after them. So all who would benefit from that well, and that's the provision of good fresh water, all those who would benefit would

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make dua for that individual, or even if they didn't make dua, the fact that they benefited, and they were grateful for it, then this is all beneficial to the one who left behind in the first place. And the third is knowledge, which benefits those who come after him. Knowledge, useful knowledge, beneficial knowledge, if he leaves behind that knowledge, and of course, when he dies, he's left it, but it means here he leaves it behind by writing a book,

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or publishing a book or making a video or publishing a video, whatever form that he or she has the ability to share their knowledge with others, then, he or she should try to do so. So, if such a person who has been engaged in benefiting others through recordings and variety of different ways, when that person dies, then they will still continue to reap the benefits from the good deed which they had done. So when we

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In terms of our legacy, and what we should leave behind, we should keep in mind certain practical things are usually people tend to focus on the big things that will have a big plaque they're saying, dedicated by or donated by, so and so on, so on. So, people tend to head for these types of opportunities. But in fact, one is doing that just to have his name upon the plaque. So they would know, so and so from the family of so and so gave so and so. But this is not the way Islamically we should give people

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knowing what is being given to them, knowing to whom we are giving, charity, which is left behind, will only be effective and beneficial, if it is given to the right people. And if it is from our own wealth, not the wealth of others, then charity will benefit those who come after. But if one's relative, for example, were bad people, then to say that simply giving in charity, and asking a lot to give the reward to those parents or relatives, who were bad people,

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then know that the deeds of relatives really had nothing to do with them. It was your parents who made you who you are, you learned nothing from that relative, that uncle, that grandfather, whoever you learned nothing from them,

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nothing of good. But you have gone and done a good deed and ask that Allah reward them, then, you know, such an act of charity left behind, it is only acceptable to Allah, if that person has the man, which makes it there, right? If they didn't have any man, they were not really practicing the deen for people afterwards to do charitable acts expecting that it will benefit them, then this is not acceptable Islamically it means then that simply because you have wealth, you can buy your way into heaven. This is not possible. So that's why whatever is going to be done by a generation later children, relatives, etc. It should be people who are related who are the product of your deeds,

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then there is a relationship, they're good because you raise them well.

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They're kind because you taught them kindness, etc, etc. So when they do acts of kindness and ask Allah to reward you, then it is quite reasonable that you are rewarded. However, I'm not saying that others were not related or may not have been a product of their efforts. If they were to make dua for them, or do at HR to block for them, it will not benefit them at all, but just know that it's just not an automatic thing that Allah will look at these people and judge them and decide whether your righteous deeds done after them will in fact or should in fact, benefit them. Moving on to another area of what is in fact, the best in Dawa in the invitation to Allah subhanho wa Taala we

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have in surah and Nahal as the 16th Surah verse one to five, in which Allah says there other Willa cibilia Rebecca Bill Hekmati, Wilmore eyelet in hacer una caja de la home Bill Lottie here acid, Invite to the way of your LORD with Wisdom and fair preaching, and discuss with them using what is better. So, in the course of giving Dawa and we see here and this verse, a command, Allah commands us to invite all who we are in contact with invite the non Muslims and even Muslims who have gone astray invite them to the way of our Lord with wisdom, using the wisdom of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Sahaba in a wise way, not straight to their face. Give them an indirect Dawa used a variety

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of different techniques to reach them. Invite them with fair preaching, in our words, the words that we use should be words which would be pleasing to them, they will feel our concern, our care etc. Their hearts will be open they will be motivated to hearing the message and discuss with them with what is better in the course of discussion where you exchange ideas etc. Don't get into negative argument

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Since using harsh words, back and forth to it becomes a major argument as opposed to merely a discussion and sharing of ideas. So that is the advice where Allah tells us to do all of this miletti Here acid, using what is better, we always try the better route, the better words, the better circumstances. We tried to choose what is best when we engage ourselves in calling others to Allah. And we will continue to look at this concept, the concept of what is best in our in our coming episode. And with that the viewers would like to thank you for being with us on this segment of our episode from the best in Islam program, dealing with

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invitation to Allah as well as the inheritance that we leave behind. So until we meet again, in our coming episode salaam aleikum wa Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Hijrah (Immigration), Inheritance, Invitation to Islam [1 of 2]

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