Bilal Assad – The Rightly Guided Caliphs #6 – Abu Bakr As-Siddiq RA (Part 5)

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning from evidence and evidence in the Bible is emphasized, as it is crucial for understanding one's life. The Prophet Muhammad's teachings and teachings of the holy Spirit are discussed, as well as the use of the word Islam and the importance of practicing it. The history of the Prophet's teachings and the importance of sharia in shaping men and women is also discussed. The newcent forth of the Islamist movement after Omar YBNL was appointed by the caliph, and the collapse of the Middle East and the announcement of the newcent forth by the Church of Jerusalem led to the appointment of Omar YBNL as the head of the caliph and the appointment of a man named Bob as the leader. The importance of bringing evidence and solid evidence to judge credibility is emphasized, and the sharia and religion are discussed as ways to gain power and make women stronger.
AI: Transcript ©
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I remember one particular brother, may Allah forgive him. There was a group of people who asked

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him he opposed about some simple religious matter, a very simple thing about pig ingredients being mixed with with something. Anyway, these brothers, they asked me about it, and I gave them what I know from the evidence in the Quran and from Hadith and what the Prophet sallallaahu, Selim said, and what the scholars said, they went back and this view happened to go against his view. They came back and told me, we presented your view to Him with all the evidence, and all he had to say was, well, he's just the Wahhabi. So it's pretty ignorant. Some people they say out of ignorance, they don't know. Some people they say it out of emotions, or even hate, and some people say it because of

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an agenda or a benefit. So do not accept for people to call you a name that doesn't exist. And number two, we do not attach ourselves to personalities and individuals.

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We do not attach ourselves the only one that we attach ourselves to, to the only person individual in this world.

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A human is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So when I spoke about the celebration of the Prophet sallahu wa sallam, I did not mention, because they were happy say this. So the humbly say that or the Hanafi, say this or the Maliki say that I didn't mention any of that. I just said, the evidence of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam what he did was companions did. So

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that's why I said and I'm not a heavy meaning don't go and say, he's only saying that because he belongs to the Wahhabi group. And it becomes a council culture, kind of a, you know, dismissing everything you said. So I like people to talk to me with empirical evidence, bring me evidence, talk objectively, don't talk with emotions, talk intellectually with reasoning, and objectively, I like an intellectual talk. But I do not talk to people who call your names and dismiss you with some titles.

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And there is no such thing as being a Muslim, Sunni, Wahhabi. There's no such thing. All right. So I am a Muslim, and Sunni, I attach myself to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. All right.

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And no one can go against that Jani. What people call each other's names. And so that this is why I said I'm not we're happy I hope insha Allah didn't mean any disrespect to anyone or anything, or even towards Sheikh Mohammed Abdul Wahab or any other scholar.

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Do you understand that those of you who are here is that clarified in sha Allah? Allah us? All good. All right, my Allah reward you doesn't matter if somebody asks me a question like that we are here to learn. And I'm coming here to share with you knowledge, my brother and sister so please, don't feel embarrassed to ask a question or feel like you're gonna put me on the spot or embarrass the situation or whatever. We're all here to learn insha Allah and knowledge does not discriminate. Knowledge is knowledge.

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Before I get into the topic, as well, it just reminded me of something I want to say to the young people as well.

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So this idea of attaching ourselves to personalities and influencers and celebrities is a growing problem among young people. And a lot of people today, my brothers and sisters, as I told you, as a Muslim, never attach yourself zealously to one person, even if they are shameless scholars, and especially people on social media, whose words sound nice to you. Yeah, there are lots of people on there who say things that do make sense. They agree with Islam, maybe 90%, maybe 100%. But be careful to attach yourself to a person, a person can really disappoint you. The only person is Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was your Prophet and anything that's not authentic, rejected. But don't

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attach yourself to a personality, no man or a woman in your life. Listen to what they say. If it's good Hamdulillah you may like them, you may love them, you may grow, you know, you know, attached to their knowledge and their words, but don't get attached to them as a person to take them as your ultimate role model and to take them as everything in your life and you know, go all heads heads over heels with that person. Very normal insha Allah

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so my brothers and sisters, that's all I wanted to say about that. Insha Allah any questions before I begin?

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No. hamdulillah

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so let's begin shall our topic lesson number 500 Hillels salat wa salam ala Rasulillah tres interesting. As always in sha

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religion is always interesting, isn't it? Knowledge is power.

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Today Insha Allah we reached the point about Abu Bakr Radi Allahu anhu, whose life were a situation developed. And this is why we learn about their lives, when situations develop, that did not exist at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam what do we do? There are always new developments in life brothers and sisters. We don't go and hide. We try to solve it we come together we find a solution

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from our religion and as a community. What was this problem in a time of Abu Bakr Alana and he is known and praised and we owe it all to Allah then Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah for doing what he did next. Do you remember when we spoke about the big battle that happened in the battle called Battle of Yamama. With that false prophet Musa lemma, the liar. We spoke about this last week. In that battle, he was fierce, and many of the prophets companions were martyred. Among them, some historians say up to 500 of the memorizes of the Quran. The correct view is about 70. But that is a huge number. Because there weren't many companions at that time. And there weren't many people who

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had embraced Islam as much as today. Today we have millions and millions of people have memorized the entire Quran. When you have 70 people that hold the Quran and before it was even written and compiled in a in a book. Everyone had it in here. They die. The people who come later are not going to have the opportunity to memorize the Quran and learn it.

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So when they died on October the Allah Juan who went to Abu Bakr, Radi Allahu Han, and he said to him, yeah Abubaker I fear that because of the death of so many of the memorizers of the Quran, the generations after will not be able to know the Quran as we knew it.

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Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu his reply was, what do you think we should do?

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He said to him, I suggest that you compile all the writings of the Quran in one single book cover to cover.

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It was not like that before.

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When the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam died, the Quran was not written in one full book that you can carry like what we have today.

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There was scattered in different like fragments on pieces of paper, some on bark, some on

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animals, leather, and so on. Some of them on their clothes wherever they could write it. They didn't have utensils and papers like today you're talking 1400 years ago in a very remote and simple life, didn't have technology.

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Now when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam died before he died, he gathered a number of his companions among the most trusted who had memorized the entire Quran directly from his mouth. Their names among them were Ali ibn Abi Taalib Radi Allahu Anhu sadhna Aubade been a no man ignore Hamburg news aid Abu Garda and there was also more I didn't know German. And it was also Abu Zaid, therapeutic news. He didn't know man, there was also obey you have no car and there was obey didn't know muawiya And there was Zaid IGNOU sabut.

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So about eight of them that I saw. So I sent them called them in the last month before his death. And he listened to every single one of them the entire Quran from beginning to end, by heart, nice day.

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And then he told them to write it wherever they can. And he or put it the Quran in order. So first there were verses everywhere because the Quran came down over what, over 23 years, different places it wasn't arranged like it is today. The Prophet peace be upon him told them, put this and call it Surah to whatever and put this one called Surah Al Hamra on this one, call it so that whatever, and put it in this order and put this verse after this verse and that one after that one until we have the exact order as we have it today, from Bukhara, all the way down to call all the webinars in that order. We know where all the verses lie.

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And that and they did that. These trusted companions wrote it and preserve those different fragments but they were with them because they kept it in their hearts. When the Prophet peace be upon him died. They didn't have a book. Oh my God, Allah who I know and I'll tell you about him but he's very innovative.

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He was very innovative and courageous. And he understood the religion quite well said yeah Abu Bakr put it in a book Islam is growing, Muslims are growing its people and there are people that don't even know how to read Arabic. He gotta have it in a book for them to read it and memorize it. And look at the one who said to him, yeah Omar, how can I do something the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not do.

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I'm not going to do something he didn't do he would have done it in his life.

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And then they began a back and forth discussion back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Until in the end, Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu was convinced that hombre de la Juan who was correct, and it was not an innovation against the religion. It was an innovation that supported the religion. And there is a difference between changing the religion or adding to the religion itself. And between making up a new invention that helps people practice their religion better. For example, microphones and speakers. We now have internet we have a car to come to the masjid. And we have the Quran put in one single book for people to have ease and convenience to learn the Quran. You haven't

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changed anything in the religion, you've assisted people to learn their religion better. Do you understand the difference between these two innovations brothers and sisters? Good. When Abu Bakr the Allahu Anhu was convinced, he thought who is the best person that he could recruit, to give him the responsibility of gathering the Quran, making sure of quality assurance that everything is with him. Everything's authentic from the first letter to the last letter of the Quran.

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He chose the companion Zaid hypnotherapist, Radi Allahu I know and he was only about 21 or 22 years old at the time, front of him without a single mistake. And he had memorized that on all its different dialects. The Quran has what they call the seven different dialects and there's several different letterings we're not going to go into detail about that there's lots of discussion on this. It's a whole topic on its own, but the Quran comes down you can recite it in different ways, actually, and that's how it came down from Allah. The current one we have is called the Huff's version and it's going to go into detail called the manuscript. We'll get into that when we talk

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about mathematical the hola Juan, but for now, ze did nothing It was the best candidate. There were other companions more knowledgeable than him. But Abu Bakr chose him because he was the most knowledgeable and the most fluent and best with the Quran. So he chooses the one not based on their status but based on their skills and ability.

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They have no Thabeet refuted or Abu Bakr, he said No How can I do what the Prophet did not do? Same thing back and forth, back and forth until zero their loved one was convinced as well that they should compile the Quran in one

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and this is now what happened by the way what I'm telling you, it's inside your body up to here.

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And also Sahih Muslim, many other books.

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So say the bill said it.

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He used to also write to the poor and directly from the Prophets tongue prophet will say hit writer.

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the great Islamic scholars like Cordoba, he says, they did nothing but was chosen above others like Abdullah ibn Massoud, even though Abdullah was early, an earlier Muslim greater than him and wiser, however, Zayed was a better memorizer and a bit had a bit better memory than Abdullah ibn Massoud and choosing a person who wrote the entire Quran from the mouth of the prophet Sallallahu Sallam memorized it from his mouth and recited it all back to him directly was more suitable and qualified.

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To take this task.

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The prophets Allah Salam described zayde as the most knowledgeable in the compulsory acts and worship of Sharia of Islam, and among the six most knowledgeable in fatwa that Tuesday through the law and was

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the people that took part in bringing the different fragments of the Quran and reciting it. Among them were

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Omar Ali, Ibn Massoud, obey YBNL, God, Abu Musa, Ashanti, Zaid hypnotherapists and others.

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how did say that the Allahu Anhu carry out this enormous duty first thing he said he said one more he went Abu Bakr brought me this I tried to refuse it for it was heavier on my back then putting the mountain of offered on my back. What a tremendous task for the rest of the day.

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till the world ends,

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the call to earn and its authentication everything is based on what he has to do from here. What an amazing task.

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This these were his criteria is number one,

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he will only take the verses from the mouths directly with his ear from only the ones who had memorized the Quran and wrote it directly in front of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was prisons from beginning to end, only those people were allowed to come forward. That's number one. His second condition was only what was already recited and written in front of the prophets, Allah Salam in his final year of his life, so not in the beginning in his final year, why in his final year, because the Quran had been completed, had someone taken and written it. Halfway through the Prophet's life, there are many verses they're going to be missing. Number three, they could only

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come to him if they had two witnesses from among the companions who saw them and witnessed them reciting it to the Prophet and writing it in front of him.

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The fourth condition was that Abu Bakr and Omar Abu Bakr, they're ordered that Abu Zaid and Omar have to stand at the entrance of the masjid of the Prophet Salah Salem publicly so everybody can see them. And they had to choose who's coming in while everybody watched that two witnesses are with them. They are known to the people and they have to be companions before they could enter and recite the Quran. So the thing was extremely transparent and very, very stringent. Even though ze there'll be Allah one who had already memorized the entire Quran from front to back, even though the people around him have already memorized the two.

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I should know the law one was one of those who memorized nearly all of it to everybody was around him who already had memorized that yet he had the stringent conditions to make sure the entire Quran was absolutely authentic anyway, Allah did say in the Quran Nevertheless, in Zelina the Quran were in Allahu Allah Hafiz one. It is We Who sent down this vicar this remembrance meaning the Quran, and it is us who will preserve it.

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So it was never going to go last anyway. But remember when we started about Qatar, predestination and fate, remember when we said that Allah uses people to fulfill ricotta which he had destined? So there is God or

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faith that God had written? Which is the Quran always be preserved? It's not up to us. And there are causes so Allah uses the causes, and Subhanallah all these causes and all this wisdom brought the Quran to us till today without the change of the Quran, nothing from beginning to end memorized for 1400 years.

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And there are no two versions of the Quran.

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Do you understand what saying no two versions, not no two dialects. The Quran came down in several dialects, but in the original form, never change. And the Quran still makes the challenge says Bring one chapter like it one chapter is a Surah. The shorter surah is one line and a half in Alpine coaster for some lady Rebecca went in a shiny alcohol after nobody has been able to even bring a line and a half, even from the Arab Arabs in those days that real linguistische Is the people of real Arabic could not match the Quran and the challenge still stands.

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Had it been from anyone other than Allah, you would have found many contradictions, many mistakes, at least one you know 1400 years now.

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Next came after they compiled it and put it into one we had a whole book. Abu Bakr came up to the van he said you have to make a name for this book. What is it called?

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Quran does not mean book.

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Quran does not mean written. Quran means recited with the mouth from the heart. That's what Quran means to recite. So everybody knew what Quran is. But what do you call it? The words of the Quran written in a book? What do you call that? They got together.

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And some of the companions thought of the Christians. They call their book in jail. So let's call ours in jail.

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But a lot of them the Post said no, it's not appropriate. Another group said let's call it what the Jews called is said no, we don't think it's the appropriate name. It doesn't be fit. Until finally Abdullah ibn Mossad, the great companion of the Prophet peace be upon him said let's call it what the? He said. Let's call it what

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the Ethiopians

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They have a book and they have a name and I think it suits here the Ethiopian people have been there. They call their books most half.

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And so they all agreed that we call the hour book which has the Quran words in it must have

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seen when someone says grab with the Quran.

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It's not the technically the right word, but you can say it, we all know what we mean but the correct word for his grandmother, Mazel Tov, meaning the words of the Quran that are written in pages in one book, that's what it means Mazel tov. And most half literally means that which that which gets, it means pages that turn your Safa to page turner page. So that's where the word must have came from. So what's, what's the copy of the Quran they're called? Most half everybody know that now. All right,

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and hamdulillah the most half that those companions wrote in was a bit thicker, bigger than this one. You know why?

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Because it had all the seven different dialects that it could be recited in as Gibreel, as Allah said that with the angel Gabriel down exactly the same way the Prophet risotto on different dialects. Why? Why was the reciting different dialects because of the different tribes of the Arabs, they had different dialects themselves to make the memorization of the Quran easier, but be careful, the different dialects is not a different version, they are the exact same meanings. And they do not differ in meaning, except they make the meaning even clearer. Making the meaning even clearer. That's all it is.

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The dialects so

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those of you who come from different countries here, so I come from Lebanon, originally it's from my parents come from

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and when I visited Lebanon went there and studied there, I found that Lebanon has so many different dialects, they all speak Lebanese, Arabic, Arabic, but the Arabic, the Lebanese, sounds different when you go to the north in the South and in the mountains and in the land.

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Right, but they are the same meanings. The Quran came in a different tribal

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dialects. Okay, so for example, I'll give you an example.

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The classic one that everybody knows a vegetable means the wolf, or the bull is what most of us recite. It's called the Hubsan, analysing version. And in the other styles called the workstyle. The different dialect they say a V table, the Boo the table, same word same meaning just pronounced differently. So it came down from Allah that way. Do you understand now? Yes. All right. Some people say raw, others say rare, rare. Ali from Alif Lam raw Alif Lam rare, different dialects were Baja LeBeau. He will do Hey, dialects. Understood.

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All right, let's move on insha Allah.

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In the NBC live science article, I read the other day it says that in Birmingham University, scientists archaeologists discovered what they believe is the oldest Quran fragments.

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It's 70% of what was the original written Quran at the time of the Prophet peace be upon him. And what they did was, quote, they said, the radiocarbon dates from the parchment. Parchment means what they wrote it on, indicate that the animal that provided the parchment they used animal leather

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lived during or right after the lifetime of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. This means that the parts of the Quran that are written on the parchment can, with a degree of confidence be dated to less than two decades after Muhammad's death

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by Thomas and Dinshaw, who are scientists, archaeologists, we still have Hamdulillah, the most half that was originally written, at least to the time of Othman, did not follow the Elana. So within 20 years of the prophets, Allah sillens death in Istanbul museum, we have one and I think that's where it is. And I'm not sure where else we have different fragments, can you imagine?

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But you might be asking, well, if it's only 70% How do we know we've got the right Quran? That's an obvious answer. We don't need the Quran to be written. The Quran is memorized. And our evidence is, we have millions and millions of people have memorized that. All the way back to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam with no change, no contradiction, no emissions, no additions, you can get somebody who lives on Mars, an alien or somebody lives on Mars who's memorized the Quran. You come over here I'd never met him before you recite the same Fatiha isn't that correct? Saying

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It's the only book that you can reproduce if it was if all the books were destroyed, because it is memorized. And this is a miracle, this is Wallahi a miracle.

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Now, my brothers and sisters, I want to make a very quick point over here.

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The Quran, therefore, was compiled and written in the early stage into a book for the first time, in a time of Abu Bakr de la Juan Hall, by about eight or 10.

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men with all that conditions that we just said, all the conditions.

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And what makes it surprising to me is that

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I hear some of our

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some people who say they're Muslim,

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who say to you, this religion is based on masculinity, and it is based on men's egotistic

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perspectives. And this entire religion is based on that.

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In this modern day, they call themselves Liberalist, or progressive Muslims. And so they start to allow things that are forbidden in Islam and have always been known for 1400 years. And their arguments is, I actually read one, the other day Subhanallah when I was talking about

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how now some people think that a woman can lead in prayer stand in front of the men and lead them in prayer going up and down and prostrating and bowing in front of while the men and women or maybe men pray behind her, some of them they mix men and women standing next to each other. So shoulder to shoulder while you're praying, and the woman is praying up and down in front of them as the Imam,

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and SubhanAllah. We see some people who call themselves say their Muslim, saying to us this is a chauvinistic, misogynistic religion, which is based on interpretations of men who wrote this religion and interpreted the Quran as they please. And then they say, refer to the Quran, how it talks about equality. And what's surprising to me is that this person refers to the Quran, which was compiled by men.

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So it's a contradiction. Why refer to the Quran if you're against men writing it? And then secondly, who, in the history of the Islamic world ever even crossed their mind, men or women never crossed their mind? That knowledge of religion is based on your gender, knowledge of the religion has no gender, it's non binary. The knowledge is doesn't discriminate, whether it's man or woman. What it's based on is empirical evidence, solid exegesis, exegetical analysis. So you got to look at past studies and what the Prophet did in his time and all the scenarios and what they said then the authenticity of statements

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and Yani, Subhan, Allah to bring emotional responses to the emotional egos who told you they had egos? How did you work that out? Who told you they were masculine? And anyway, what is a masculine perspective? And what is a feminine perspective? Can anyone define that? And if I got two women, they will oppose each other on views who's feminine and who's not?

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We say they're both females. So what's a feminine perspective, you get men arguing with each other who's masculine, who's not? Who decides that? To come and say that Islam is based on masculinity. Wallahi is,

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is unjustice ignorance. And really, you're not basing it on any intellectual reasoning here, just emotions.

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Secondly, my brothers and sisters, these people do not know that our Hadith, the words of the Prophet, on which our scholars based principles on which these same men based on at least 216

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original narrators of this hadith were women companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam 216 We still haven't written our books of Hadith they are the writers of these Hadith by which we study.

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It reached to the point of 2764 different narrations in all of our main six books of Hadith and others that came from women

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and our scholars based on their honesty, and these women's narrations, nobody said that among the men and said, Look this feminine perspectives in our religion know

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my brothers and sisters mm and Buhari know right

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31 Women companions, Imam Muslim 36 Women companion habits, a Buddha would just another book 75, a Timothy 76, unnecessary 65 and ignore major 60 Different women compiling different heights. And among these Hadees Hadees, which are narrated by single women alone, and upon them no men in the know men in the generations who brought us these Hadees women only by which scholars today we have principles, and foundational rulings by which we practice our religion.

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So this is a really emotional and I don't want you guys to my brothers and sisters, please use your brain use reasoning intellect, The Quran mentions reasoning and thinking more than 30 times. Think of everything objectively, we are not like other religions. I don't know about Christianity in the church. I don't know about Judaism. I don't know about Hinduism. I don't know about Buddhism, I don't know what their whole story is. But I know that in Islam, we are not the same. And the way our religion is compiled is so different to any other religion.

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So it's a non gender religion. Maybe people think that, on what basis? are they basing it on? What standards? are they measuring it against? are they measuring against today's world? So today, someone comes up with theories, and then they go and judge 1400 views of people and scholars have the highest esteem.

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In fact, it is known among the scholars of Hadith who are men, that the most reliable of Hadith have always been the ones from women. Did you know that in the scholars of Hadith, they say many men were liars in Hadith, the only gender,

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whom we see a little very little criticism of whether women are writers.

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These are the men who took the narrations and spoke this about them. Where's the masculinity or femininity in that? It's got nothing to do with it. It's just knowledge and facts. Bring your evidence, throw all their emotions aside. Bring evidence bring solid evidence.

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They say interpretations rulings are based on the masculine perspective, we explained that Imam Ahmed no humble became a scholar because he was raised by a single mother. Imam Shafi a single mother, instead of being proud of these male men, scholars who came to us raised by mothers, because of their mothers, they became the way they are, we attack them as masculinity.

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And this is the Sharia of Allah.

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Who are we any man or woman as Allah says in the Quran, and you're gonna love him, who will any of us has the option of having our own personal opinion, or our own whims and desires in the matter

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is only to Allah subhanaw taala.

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And someday said that our religion is based on social constructs and environments that affected the men so they were kind of an environment environment changed the men and made them like this. Were the were the women living then are they not part of this environment? Or they're not part of this society? Did they come from another planet and suddenly here they are. Like they're not. They don't exist. They're among the society and environment. Only for the first time today we hear these attacks on our Sharia.

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So my dear brothers and sisters, I can go on and on about that. I'm telling you this so that my brothers and sisters do not fall prey to such things. Learn, read, understand, ask. Ask the people of knowledge Don't be tick tock as tick tock type of don't be people who look for Tiktok as your source or your Instagram or Snapchat or look for short memes or flimsy words from messages that people comment at the bottom. This is not where your knowledge comes from inshallah and I'm sure none of you hear like that.

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Any questions?

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For you.

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There is a little bit more about the life of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu.

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I think we can finish it in less than 10 minutes. I'm going to skip some of the important parts, not important parts. I'm going to skip some of the parts that are not very important. And summarize it in this during the time of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu.

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Many conquests happened.

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And the tribute goes out to the great highly determined elite Radi Allahu anhu, the best known Gen in history.

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They conquered and they conquered the Iran, the Persians.

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And the area which today is called Iran and Iraq, all of that area.

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They took it over with only 10,000 Muslim soldiers against a 10 times their amount because of how they didn't win.

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They call it when Walid grew and nine, they fought the Byzantines. They did many conquests and reached very large parts of the world until the Muslims became revered and feared

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in the entire world.

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From that moment onwards,

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the name when I say feared as in anyone thinking of attacking them, of having beef with them, being an enemy to them, did not there, they had to really calculate. In the beginning they thought they were Arabs, desert people from behind camels and dung, who don't know anything about civilization illiterate, but within a short span of time by the miracle of Allah, sending the Messenger of Allah within 10 or so years, Islam, Muslims expanded throughout the world, and they had a name as a superior and superpower, the one name that made the Byzantines and Persians the rest of the world Shiva.

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When they heard his name was harlot, Edmund Walid or the Allah Juan.

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Anytime they heard in the Army is harder than when

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they surrendered. And one of the main

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principles of Harlequin Waleed was that half the victory is fear, if he can make them afraid, that's half the victory already. In fact, that's all a victory.

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homily became a name. The Sahaba is in the Companions became a name, to the point where even the Byzantium of the Romans in those days used to ask whenever they took slaves,

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is there a companion among them?

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And if they say yes, the King would say, Bring him

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would you marry my daughter?

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Why would you marry my daughter, the King would say, because they believe they had a gene, something in their bodies genetic, that if they married their daughter, they'll have children like the Companions, fierce warriors who can help the for example, the Roman Empire.

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And the Companions would reject Of course, then they would say, share my kingdom with you, so that you can share power, thinking that from him, they will also rise even if he was a woman companion. So such was the state of the Muslims by the time of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu. Brothers and sisters.

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Those are the core people man. Those are the strong words, you know, when you talk about shape, when you say shape or a man

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what image comes to your head?

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So, shapes and Imams and scholars and companions, right?

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They learned the art of, of war, The Art of Fighting self defense, they read, they knew maths, they knew science, they, they learned languages, they knew they were advanced, they were technological, they were innovative, all that stuff. Everything they had hobbies, they laughed, they joked, amazing.

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So all the Companions if most of the compounds are also SLM were young and they were fit they were healthy. And you would hardly see any of them who ate a lot or got or put on a lot of fat because they were always active always energetic always exercised. So they will call you know the are amazing.

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I'm not having a go anybody here who was putting a little bit of fat that's that's how life is some people genetic for them. And brothers and sisters, no judgment. What we're trying to say is that

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only when you have when you hear about the Companions, you think about people who had a lot of different hobbies and skills and and they always moved you know, they were stronger than I'm trying to fix my words was not working. So let me move on.

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Cutting the story short, Islam expanded.

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Holiday even rallied had no problem until he reached Syria and Syria fell for the Muslims. The entire Byzantium conquered, colonized place.

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Muslim women were the backbone of all these victories as well. They took part in dressing wounds, encouraging soldiers to fight and be brave and some took part physically themselves such as how literally Allah Juana and Al cancer who lost four of her

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boys in the army and she took up arms. But later on, you'll find in the story of Amara de la Hana this particular woman al cancer was assigned by Amara the Allahu Anhu to be

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Quality Control. She went around to all the businessmen and made sure that their products were right there being fair to the customers, and she had to report anybody who was being who was exercising unfair trade. So we'll come to that insha Allah Huhtala the women used to stand on a bridge. And they used to say to her and Khalid said to them, oh Daughters of Islam, if any Muslim soldier tries to flee, kill him at once. I used to take the women with him, and he said, tell the women to do that if any soldier tries to run away.

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The women used to throw stones on any soldier who was trying to run away and they returned him back to the battlefield. So you can see brother and sisters, men and women support each other and rely on each other. We're not talking about throwing stones at each other. But in the battlefield at the time, when the muscles were being attacked, they all stood together, and it was a matter of this survival. They work together inshallah.

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The final battle was called the Battle of Yermak. Yarmouk is a very very important significant battle. As the battle was going on holiday of the Allahu Anhu received a southern letter from the Khalifa from Abu Bakr, Viola Juan Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu had died of a burqa had died. And who was the new Khalifa or Omar Radi Allahu Anhu. We're going to talk about that next week. He was the new Khalifa. And he sent the letter to Khalid and when it after he had reached so far and so wide, and he told pilot to be dismissed from his post as a general and that Abu Zubaydah to take the command for the first time pilot and when he was not a commander,

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call it showed it to abort or beta. And while they were fighting in the Battle of yarmuk, Abu Zubaydah acted like he didn't see the letter.

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Why? Because he said Omar is not here to see our situation. If I were to resume command, the Muslims may lose hope and they'll probably be massacred.

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So he hid the letter from the soldiers went into battle until they were victorious. When everyone found out later

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on, Omar asked Khalid, he said Khalid, how is it that the news did not weaken? Sorry, the the people said to harlot how is it that the news did not weaken your morale and your spirit when you received that letter from Abu Bakr? Like a nice changing you to make up or obey then you were the best? He replied. I was not fighting for Omar. I was fighting for the cause of Allah.

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This victory led the Romans to gradually retreat from all the greater Syria and Palestine between 637 and 647.

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Abu Bakr and Omar combined

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got the Byzantines out of the land, which was once owned by the Muslims, and surrender Jerusalem in 638. One of the most peaceful conquests in Jerusalem history was the conquest of Jerusalem. We will talk about that almoradi Allah one has time. But finally, I just want to end with Abu Bakr the Allah one whose death it was the Arab the Islamic Hijri seven jamaa to Thani the year 13 After hijra, Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu became ill he was sick. The only thing on his mind was the affair of the Ummah, the Muslims

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here are taken care of leadership.

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And he wants to think who is going to take the leadership after me who is the best? He brought an advisory council and he himself suggested or Omar YBNL hardtop Radi Allahu Anhu. One man stood up and said, Omar is a great man, but he is too harsh, too strict.

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Even some people said Yeah, Abu Bakr, you're doing wrong to the Ummah by selecting Omar is 2000 Tough.

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Abu Bakr said he will become more mild, as soon as he left falls on his shoulders. I know him too well.

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Who knows I'm on more than

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someone entered and said, Oh Abubaker Don't you fear Allah? What you will say to Allah by appointing Omar knowing his harshness, Abu Bakr replied, sit me up. He was very sick of getting to sit me up. So we set up and he said,

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Are you people threatening me? With the fear of Allah? You're telling me to fear Allah.

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You are threatening me by saying fear Allah.

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When the fear of Allah should be upon those who support oppression, and appoint injustice, you're telling me to fear Allah.

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If Allah asks

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Me, I will say, My Lord, I appointed the right man who will serve your cause injustice and goodness. You told me to fear Allah in that way.

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I could have been stood up and addressed the people and said,

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Do you all agree that I appointed Omar as your new Khalifa

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and automatic don't offend is the one who read the letter out. This is the will of Abu Bakr, the Caliph of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is making the will when he is about to leave for the next world. This is the time when even a non believer begins to believe. And even a sinner begins to trust Allah. I appoint Amara, Bob as your ruler in appointing him. I have kept your welfare fully in mind. I hope he will be truthful and just but if he leaves his path and becomes unjust, I know nothing about the unseen I have only the well being of Muslims at heart. Everybody is responsible for what he does.

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With Alana rises to the top of his house supported by two people. And he says to everybody allowed my brother in in faith, I have not appointed any of my own brothers and relatives, as your qlf I have appointed a man who is the fittest person among you, do you approve of him? And they all said with one word, of course we do.

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And the the voice came from hundreds of men and women.

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Abu Bakr gives Omar sincere and Sterling advice. Then Abu Bakr makes dua, saying, Oh Allah, I have taken this step in the best interest of the Muslims, I fear disunion among them. So I took this step, the consequences of which are best known to you. After careful thought I have appointed a man who is the sincerest and the most energetic worker for the well being of the people. I am at death's door now. So help the Muslims Oh Allah after I am no more. They are Your servants. The future is in your hands. Oh, Lord, keep their rules on the right keep their rules on the right path, make Omar one of the noblest caliphs and help the Muslims help me.

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At his time of death, Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu brought his daughter Aisha and he said to her, Oh, I Isha.

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What day is today? And I Isha said, Oh, Father, it's Monday. Abu Bakr said, I hope to die by tonight.

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I hope to die by tonight, or by the fall of this day.

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Elijah, When I die, rip my clothes that I am wearing now and make them my shroud.

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I should have said, but we can afford new shroud for you. Yeah rasool Allah nice white one, which we can walk you up with.

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And in other words, I'm gonna replied, Oh, daughter, the living is more in need of new material than me.

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This is just the dead body. What's it going to do when it turns into dust and soil, wrap me up with my clothes and leave that for the Muslims. The body will decay.

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Then he said, sell my land and pay back the public treasury all the money I got as my salary, all his salary for those years. But, you know, it was about a few years, maybe four years. He said, give all my sell my lead and give back to the Treasury all the salary that I got in all those years as the value for the seller was about $6,000 homes per year. Then he said

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that his wife, a Smith, one of the ones promised paradise

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to wash and shroud his body.

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So he has a wife named asthma.

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And he was buried on the right side of front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam his grave near his shoulders process and his head was needed prophets shoulder

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and then Omar was buried at the hip of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is level beside Abubaker Robbie Allah one of course a lot of them are asked permission from Aisha, his wife from Santa Ana, his wife, if she would allow him to be buried next to the principal SLM. And she said yes. And then Omar did the same thing. This was just like the order that they sat if you remember the Hadith when they entered the well, and the Prophet was sitting there, Abu Bakr sat next to him on the right then Omar on his right and in North man came and sat across and the prophets and this interpreted as the prophet being buried next to the Prophet, Abu Bakr being buried next to the

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Prophet, or being buried next to Abu Bakr and Othman, being buried

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In an Bahia, another cemetery outside of Medina and that's how they are today my brother and sisters when you go to Medina and you visit the prostitutes and it was great to see the Prophet there next is Abu Bakr a little bit lower and almost a little bit lower next to the shoulder of Abu Bakr and a worker next the shoulder of the prophets Allah said and why next to his shoulder. Out of respect for the Prophet they are lower than him and he is higher.

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Or the Allahu Anhu mwah home as a family in my brothers, sisters, the great companions of the Prophet. Thank you for listening and shall next week we'll commence the beginning of the story of Omar Edna hubub Radi Allahu wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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