Bilal Assad – Hajj & Its Significance

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and practices surrounding Hajj, including the holy city of Makkah and the Kaaba, as well as the importance of changing the shape of the Kaaba to avoid chaos and chaos. They stress the importance of forgiveness, humility, and suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from suffering from
AI: Transcript ©
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Brothers and sisters, today we'll take a break.

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I wanna talk about

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a bit about Hajj,

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the significance of the different practices

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and rituals

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that we do in Hajj. And I wanna

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bring it to what it means to us,

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as a whole community

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of believers, what what does it mean? What

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does it signify?

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With a little bit of history, and then

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we're gonna go on to talk about the

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significance of these 10 days of Dhul Hijjah

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that we are currently in.

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And also the day of Arafah,

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followed by the

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practices surrounding

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Eid al Adha,

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the uthiya korban or korbani, some people call

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it, sacrifice.

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All of its conditions.

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So we're gonna have fun tonight inshallah.

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We'll leave the questions to the end. Of

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course, if there are any questions that you

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need to

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me to clarify, just to clarify,

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you can just put your hand up, I'll

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clarify it for you. But we're not going

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to ask,

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we're not gonna sidetrack with with questions while

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I'm giving the talk. We'll leave that to

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the end, inshallah.

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I don't know if some if a brother

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here has any connection with our sisters upstairs,

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someone can send

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questions through their

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phone, if you have a mother or a

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sister or daughter or someone upstairs,

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or even if sisters wanna throw papers.

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Please don't put rocks in them or anything.

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I assure you your husband's a good man.

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No one got it? Okay, I'll move on.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah Wassa Allahu wa Salamu wa Salam.

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So Insha'Allah, let's begin with a verse of

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the Quran about Hajj, Hajj pilgrimage.

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Chapter 22 verse 27, Surat Al Hajj, Allah

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and publicly proclaim

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and publicly proclaim pilgrimage for all mankind, so

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that they come to you on foot.

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And mounted on lean camels from every distant

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to witness the benefits in store for them,

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and pronounce the name of Allah during the

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appointed days,

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over the cattle that has he has provided

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So eat of it and feed the distressed

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and the needy.

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let them tidy up and fulfill their vows

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and circumambulate

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the ancient house.

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So my brothers and sisters,

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the ancient house

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is in Makkah,

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the Kaaba

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is its center.

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And when you hear in the Quran,

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the ancient house

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the sacred house,

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all of this means

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the territory

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of the sacred,

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peaceful, tranquil,

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sanctuary which Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala made, which

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we call today Al Haram.

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In the center of it

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is the Kaaba.

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as you heard we're going to discuss what

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we just read.

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What is Makkah?

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What is the Kaaba?

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And what is Hajj?

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As we said, Mecca

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is the holy city,

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the most holiest city or the most sacred

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for the Muslims and for the world,

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followed by Madinah, the second,

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and then Jerusalem, Baytul Maqdis

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is the third, or Masjid Al Aqsa.

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One single prayer, farduk prayer, in Mecca

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is equal to 100,000

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prayers anywhere else.

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And 1 single farduk prayer in Madinah

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is equal to some narration said 500, others

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said a 1000.

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And one prayer

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in Baytul Maqdis is 500.

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The Kaaba

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the cube shape

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that you see covered with the black

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kiswa, the curtain that's over it.

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And underneath there are bricks,

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People built with brown bricks, doesn't really matter

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what color they are. Originally it was rectangular

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built by prophet Ibrahim alaihis salam and his

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son Ismael.

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This is all in the quran of course.

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We all know the story.

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But over time,

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the rectangular shape was turned into a cube,

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squarish shape.

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And that's why you see, if you've seen

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an image of it, there is a semi

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around the side

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of the Kaaba, which is called Hejur Ismail.

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The little room that prophet Ismail

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used to sit and pray in.

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That section there is actually part of the

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entire kaaba.

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So whoever prays inside of it, you can

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face in any direction you want.

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If you pray on top of the roof

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of the Kaaba, you can pray in any

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direction you want. This could be a little

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quiz that you can play sometimes with your

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kids and say, where is the only place

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that you can pray in any direction?

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And then finally, you tell them inside of

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the Kaaba are on the roof.

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So why

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did it change to a cube?

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Since it was rectangular.

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I just wanna make a very important point

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that we can understand a good lesson from.

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The prophet peace be upon him said to

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his wife, Aisha radiAllahu anha,

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if your people that's how they used to

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speak, meaning his people and her people.

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If they were not still new to Islam,

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if all this whole Quran and this message

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wasn't new to them,

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I would have demolished

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the current Kaaba and its shape because it

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was cubed.

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1400 years ago in his time. And I

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would have restored it and constructed it the

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way it was in the time of Ibrahim

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alaihis salam, rectangular.

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But he left it at that because the

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people weren't ready to accept

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that fact.

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They would have chucked an uproar.

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And we learned from here that if there

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is something

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that can be changed to better,

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but by changing it, it'll cause

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a bigger harm, such as chaos,

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then leave it as it is until the

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right time.

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So was it changed

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to a rectangle at one stage? Yes. Twice

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in the history of the Khalifa

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on, after the 4 Khalifas.

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It was changed twice, then returned to a

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cube, the next Khalifa would do that, then

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changed to rectangle, then changed to a cube,

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until I forgot which Khalifa said, that's enough.

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We we gotta stop playing around with this.

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I guess it's just gonna have to be

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a cube. And it stayed like that till

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now, but we know that the semi circle

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is part of it. It has one door

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that enters, the other door and exits from

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the out from the other side. And it

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used to have 300 and something

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idols inside of it and around it until

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Rasul salaahu alaihi wa sallam entered

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back and they destroyed all the idols

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we pray towards the Kaaba as a direction,

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just a symbol of direction.

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In fact, we used to pray

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in which direction before the Kaaba. Does anyone

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which way? Obviously, direction of the Kaaba in

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Arabic is called qiblah.

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Did does anyone know where the qiblah was

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at the time of the prophet

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before we prayed to the Kaaba?

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It will be led to Jerusalem, to Al

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Was it always to Jerusalem and how long

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was it?

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The Muslim in the time of Ibrahim alaihis

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salam, Abraham, 4,000 and something years ago,

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all the people prayed in the direction of

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the Kaaba of Makkah.

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But when the Israel Israelites came, Bani Israel,

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and we all believe in Bani Israel, who

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are the children of Ya'akov alaihis salam, Jacob

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and the rest of the prophets, all the

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way up until,

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all the way up until

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Jerusalem is a holy land for a holy

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city, as Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala called it.

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And then when the

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children of Israel's

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reign and,

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what do you call it, the the authority

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and leadership

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came to an end,

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the qibla was changed from Jerusalem

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back to

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Makkah, back to the Kaaba.

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I wanna talk about this a little bit.

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As for Hajj,

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Hajj is a pilgrimage.

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It is compulsory upon every muslim,

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every muslim, male and female,

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once they reach puberty,

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to go to this Hajj, to pilgrimage which

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literally means

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Hajj literally means to face in a direction

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whoever is able to what?

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Able to what?

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Able to?

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Afford it? Able to?

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No, not afford it. Able to?

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can literally translate that?

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Because people, when they think of how do

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they think money? Yeah. If you're in Australia,

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it costs a man on a leg because

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of the flights and accommodation.

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But the meaning of the hadith is whoever

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is able

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to find a way there,

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which means that if you can get there

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in any way

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that is

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safe and sound for you, then go there.

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So Hajj itself doesn't have a price. You

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don't pay for it. But if you live

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anywhere close and you're able to get there,

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for whoever is able to get there. So

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obviously, here in Australia and around the world,

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it costs a lot of money to get

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there. What is it now? 20

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20,000 for

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almost. Allahu'an.

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Oh, it's very hard.

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So now we used to do, you know,

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Mahar Mahar when people get married, they do

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a dowry.

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You know what Mahar is?

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gift. So in the past when they said,

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my you know, the sister acts, masha'Allah, very

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modest, some of them they say, I just

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want Hajj. Now she says Hajj. It's not

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very modest at all, isn't

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it? 30 grand, man.

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In my village, in from Lebanon, 100,000 is

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the minimum dowry.

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So Hajj is still okay.

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Hajj is a good mahar.

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But $30,000

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in it. 60,000 for 2 people.

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Make it easy.

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So the Hajj,

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for a person who's able to get there

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If a person cannot make it there and

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they died and they haven't done hajj,

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then from the mercy of Allah, someone else

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can do the Hajj on their behalf.

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It doesn't have to be a relative. It

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can be anybody.

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On one condition, that whoever does the Hajj

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on behalf of the person who's passed away,

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who couldn't do it,

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they would have already done their Hajj first.

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So you have to do your Hajj first,

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then you can do a second Hajj on

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behalf of someone who's passed away, and it'll

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be it'll count.

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And if you passed away while having the

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intention to do Hajj, but you were unable,

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it'll be written for you insha'Allah, according to

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam's words.

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The Hajj, my dear brothers and sisters, is

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connected to the great prophet Ibrahim

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alaihis salawam and his family.

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it is the first holy place of worship

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on earth.

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The first holy place of worship

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on earth.

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Its foundations

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were built or constructed or laid down by

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prophet Adam, the first human being

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according to the authentic hadith.

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And Ibrahim and alayhis salam and Isma'il alayhim

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as salam constructed the Kaaba onto this original

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foundation. So when they dug deep, the narration

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that they found

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foundations of Adam alaihis salam. I'm not sure

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if this is authentic, but they dug deep.

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The point is, they built the Kaaba

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and there's a long story to it. I

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just recited the verse from all around the

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world. People started going

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And the hearts

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came attached to this place from all people

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of the world. Muslim and non Muslim.

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For 1000 of years.

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Allah says in the Quran,

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In chapter 3 verse 97 96, Allah says,

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behold the first house of prayer established for

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mankind is the one at Bakr.

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So Mecca has several names.

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Bakr is the ancient name of Mecca.

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It is full of blessing

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and a center of guidance for the whole

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In it, there are clear signs.

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And the station of Abraham,

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whoever enters it, becomes secure.

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Pilgrimage to the house is a duty

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owed to Allah

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by all who can make their way

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to it.

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See why I said now? All those who

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can make their way to it. As for

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those who refuse to follow his command,

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surely Allah does not stand

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in need of anything.

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Some people say why does god need us

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to go to his house and pray towards

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Allah doesn't need anything.

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When you talk about someone who cares and

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loves, they want the best for you.

00:15:22 --> 00:15:23

Allah is the most caring and most merciful.

00:15:23 --> 00:15:25

He wants the best for you. But you

00:15:25 --> 00:15:26

have to do your part as well. You

00:15:26 --> 00:15:28

have to want it. If you don't want

00:15:28 --> 00:15:30

it, Allah says, well he's not in need.

00:15:30 --> 00:15:32

What's he going to benefit if you go

00:15:32 --> 00:15:33

or don't go?

00:15:33 --> 00:15:36

So we learn tremendous lessons from this verse

00:15:36 --> 00:15:39

alone. Let's go through it very quickly then

00:15:39 --> 00:15:41

I want to discuss all the different practices.

00:15:42 --> 00:15:44

What does it mean when Allah says,

00:15:44 --> 00:15:47

this is the first house of prayer established

00:15:47 --> 00:15:48

for mankind?

00:15:50 --> 00:15:52

The reason that

00:15:52 --> 00:15:54

this was revealed

00:15:54 --> 00:15:56

and the reason why Allah says,

00:15:57 --> 00:15:58

the first house of prayer

00:15:59 --> 00:16:00

established for mankind,

00:16:02 --> 00:16:04

is because this verse came down

00:16:04 --> 00:16:05

in response

00:16:05 --> 00:16:06

to refute

00:16:08 --> 00:16:11

the jews who lived around the prophet, peace

00:16:11 --> 00:16:12

be upon him,

00:16:13 --> 00:16:14

and the pagan arabs

00:16:15 --> 00:16:16

and the hypocrites,

00:16:17 --> 00:16:18

when the qiblah,

00:16:19 --> 00:16:20

the direction of prayer,

00:16:21 --> 00:16:22

was changed from Jerusalem

00:16:23 --> 00:16:24

to Mecca,

00:16:25 --> 00:16:26

the qiblah.

00:16:29 --> 00:16:29

The jews

00:16:30 --> 00:16:30


00:16:33 --> 00:16:34

what made you change from Jerusalem

00:16:37 --> 00:16:39

to Mecca? Said look at him,

00:16:40 --> 00:16:41

he can't decide.

00:16:41 --> 00:16:44

He's returning back to the religion of his

00:16:44 --> 00:16:44

own people.

00:16:45 --> 00:16:45


00:16:46 --> 00:16:48

seems to have found some affection to his

00:16:48 --> 00:16:50

people, so he keeps changing his religion.

00:16:51 --> 00:16:53

So they made that claim and accusation.

00:16:55 --> 00:16:57

And they also said, look at him, he

00:16:57 --> 00:16:58


00:16:59 --> 00:17:01

that he is a follower of his forefather,

00:17:01 --> 00:17:01


00:17:03 --> 00:17:05

yet he changed from Jerusalem

00:17:06 --> 00:17:09

to Mecca. The Jews were trying to say

00:17:09 --> 00:17:11

that Jerusalem is the place of Abraham.

00:17:13 --> 00:17:15

The people of Mecca,

00:17:15 --> 00:17:17

the pagan Arabs,

00:17:17 --> 00:17:19

they also accused the proper peace of Godin

00:17:19 --> 00:17:21

when the kibla was changed.

00:17:21 --> 00:17:22

They said,

00:17:23 --> 00:17:23


00:17:24 --> 00:17:26

I think this is a good sign.

00:17:26 --> 00:17:29

Finally, Muhammad, salallahu alaihi wasallam, is coming to

00:17:29 --> 00:17:29

his senses.

00:17:30 --> 00:17:31

He realized that the Jews

00:17:32 --> 00:17:34

weren't above us in knowledge and he was

00:17:34 --> 00:17:35

returning back to his

00:17:35 --> 00:17:36


00:17:36 --> 00:17:37

his people.

00:17:38 --> 00:17:40

So for both of them, for the Jews

00:17:40 --> 00:17:42

it meant Obviously, they were always trying to

00:17:42 --> 00:17:44

accuse and then put fitna, they're just trying

00:17:44 --> 00:17:45

to cause trouble.

00:17:46 --> 00:17:47

They made it

00:17:47 --> 00:17:50

into a progeny thing, a lineage, an ethnicity.

00:17:51 --> 00:17:53

The pagan Arabs also made it into a

00:17:53 --> 00:17:54

tribal thing.

00:17:55 --> 00:17:56

As for the hypocrites, they said,

00:17:57 --> 00:17:59

he can't decide which religion is right

00:18:00 --> 00:18:02

and which qiblah is right. He's delusional.

00:18:04 --> 00:18:06

So everybody wanted to

00:18:06 --> 00:18:09

make a little issue. Just like today, whoever

00:18:10 --> 00:18:11

wants to, doesn't wanna know the truth. They

00:18:11 --> 00:18:13

just wanna pick on every little thing, just

00:18:13 --> 00:18:15

to create chaos and problems.

00:18:16 --> 00:18:18

So Allah sent this verse down by saying,

00:18:19 --> 00:18:21

what are you guys talking about? Especially you,

00:18:22 --> 00:18:23

Jewish people.

00:18:23 --> 00:18:25

You know in your scriptures

00:18:26 --> 00:18:28

that the first house of God that was

00:18:28 --> 00:18:30

laid on earth was not Jerusalem.

00:18:31 --> 00:18:33

It was Mecca, it was the Kaaba.

00:18:34 --> 00:18:35


00:18:37 --> 00:18:37


00:18:40 --> 00:18:42

That Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala points out in

00:18:42 --> 00:18:43

other verses, he says,

00:18:44 --> 00:18:45

you all know

00:18:45 --> 00:18:47

that the house in Jerusalem

00:18:48 --> 00:18:49

was not established

00:18:50 --> 00:18:50


00:18:52 --> 00:18:52


00:18:56 --> 00:18:57


00:18:57 --> 00:18:58

years after Moses

00:18:59 --> 00:19:00

by prophet Solomon.

00:19:01 --> 00:19:03

And this is in the bible,

00:19:04 --> 00:19:05

in 1 kings

00:19:06 --> 00:19:07

chapter 6 verse 1,

00:19:08 --> 00:19:10

where it says that it was during this

00:19:10 --> 00:19:13

time worshipers of Allah started praying towards

00:19:14 --> 00:19:14


00:19:15 --> 00:19:16

And also in 1 king's,

00:19:18 --> 00:19:18

in the bible,

00:19:19 --> 00:19:21

chapter 8, verse 29 and 30,

00:19:22 --> 00:19:24

Jerusalem was after Moses.

00:19:24 --> 00:19:27

So where do people worship before that? The

00:19:27 --> 00:19:28

original house,

00:19:28 --> 00:19:29

which was built by who?

00:19:30 --> 00:19:32

By Abraham. Ibrahim alaihis salam.

00:19:33 --> 00:19:34

And we know that the Arabs in the

00:19:34 --> 00:19:35

arab peninsula, it's undisputed

00:19:36 --> 00:19:38

that the Kaaba and Matqah was established by

00:19:38 --> 00:19:40

prophet Ibrahim alaihis salam.

00:19:41 --> 00:19:44

800 or 900 years before prophet Moses.

00:19:44 --> 00:19:46

Before prophet Moses.

00:19:49 --> 00:19:50

The prophet

00:19:51 --> 00:19:52

had gone to Medina

00:19:54 --> 00:19:56

and up to this time was praying towards

00:19:56 --> 00:19:57

Jerusalem about,

00:20:00 --> 00:20:00


00:20:04 --> 00:20:05


00:20:06 --> 00:20:07

within within a few years, Rasool salallahu alaihi

00:20:07 --> 00:20:09

wasallam, maybe 16 months,

00:20:09 --> 00:20:10

he was looking at the sky

00:20:12 --> 00:20:13

and Allah knew

00:20:14 --> 00:20:15

that prophet Muhammad, salallahu alayhi wasalam,

00:20:16 --> 00:20:18

was after something. He was after a revelation

00:20:18 --> 00:20:20

for something, but he's too embarrassed to ask

00:20:20 --> 00:20:22

Allah. So Allah knew what he wanted.

00:20:23 --> 00:20:24

What did he want?

00:20:24 --> 00:20:26

Allah says in the Quran,

00:20:27 --> 00:20:29

in chapter 2, verse 144.

00:20:30 --> 00:20:31

We see you

00:20:32 --> 00:20:34

often turning your face towards the sky.

00:20:36 --> 00:20:36


00:20:37 --> 00:20:39

we are turning you to the direction that

00:20:39 --> 00:20:40

will satisfy you.

00:20:41 --> 00:20:44

Turn your face towards the holy mosque and

00:20:44 --> 00:20:45

wherever you are,

00:20:45 --> 00:20:46

turn your faces

00:20:47 --> 00:20:48

towards it in prayer.

00:20:49 --> 00:20:51

Those who have been granted the scripture,

00:20:52 --> 00:20:55

certainly know that this injunction to change direction

00:20:55 --> 00:20:56

of prayer

00:20:56 --> 00:20:57

is right

00:20:58 --> 00:20:59

and is from their lord

00:21:00 --> 00:21:02

and is not heedless of what they do.

00:21:03 --> 00:21:05

Allah is telling the prophet

00:21:05 --> 00:21:06

we see you often

00:21:06 --> 00:21:08

turning your face towards the heavens

00:21:09 --> 00:21:10

and now we shall turn your face towards

00:21:10 --> 00:21:12

a direction that satisfies you.

00:21:14 --> 00:21:17

Is telling us that Rasool salaam was expecting

00:21:17 --> 00:21:19

this to come soon. That soon the qiblah

00:21:19 --> 00:21:21

should be changed from Jerusalem to Mecca. Why?

00:21:22 --> 00:21:23

Because as I said before,

00:21:23 --> 00:21:25

the era of the Israelite leadership

00:21:26 --> 00:21:28

at that point had come to a termination.

00:21:29 --> 00:21:31

And this verse is saying that Allah knows

00:21:31 --> 00:21:33

the prophet's feeling,

00:21:33 --> 00:21:36

that since the termination of israelite leadership,

00:21:37 --> 00:21:40

era had now come, the central position of

00:21:40 --> 00:21:41

jerusalem had also seized.

00:21:42 --> 00:21:43

And the need to return

00:21:44 --> 00:21:46

to the original center

00:21:46 --> 00:21:48

of the Abrahamic mission

00:21:48 --> 00:21:49

have to commence.

00:21:51 --> 00:21:51


00:21:52 --> 00:21:53

why are we praying towards gaba? It's the

00:21:53 --> 00:21:55

original place of

00:21:55 --> 00:21:57

the original dawhid, the monotheistic,

00:21:57 --> 00:21:58

abrahamic faith.

00:21:59 --> 00:22:00

Right from the beginning.

00:22:02 --> 00:22:03

Now of course brothers and sisters, Allah says

00:22:03 --> 00:22:04

in other verses,

00:22:06 --> 00:22:07

anywhere you

00:22:07 --> 00:22:08


00:22:08 --> 00:22:09

you are facing Allah.

00:22:11 --> 00:22:13

What does it mean? It means Allah doesn't

00:22:13 --> 00:22:16

really need us to pray or face towards

00:22:16 --> 00:22:18

a particular direction in order to

00:22:19 --> 00:22:21

prove that we're praying to him. Yes, he

00:22:21 --> 00:22:23

commanded us towards the Makkah. But let's say

00:22:23 --> 00:22:24

you're in the desert,

00:22:25 --> 00:22:27

or you're in a place where you don't

00:22:27 --> 00:22:28

know which direction

00:22:29 --> 00:22:31

Makkah is or Kaaba. You don't. It's cloudy.

00:22:31 --> 00:22:32

You don't have your phone. You don't have

00:22:32 --> 00:22:34

a compass. You got nothing.

00:22:35 --> 00:22:37

Allah says in the Quran, wherever you face,

00:22:38 --> 00:22:40

that is correct. So at the end of

00:22:40 --> 00:22:42

the day, it's not the Kaaba that makes

00:22:42 --> 00:22:43

your prayer right or wrong.

00:22:43 --> 00:22:46

It's worshiping Allah, obeying Allah, following what he

00:22:46 --> 00:22:49

told us. We don't worship a brick house.

00:22:50 --> 00:22:53

The other purpose of facing towards the qiblah

00:22:53 --> 00:22:55

is to unify

00:22:56 --> 00:22:57

the Muslim Ummah, to unify

00:22:58 --> 00:22:59

our identity,

00:23:00 --> 00:23:00


00:23:01 --> 00:23:01


00:23:02 --> 00:23:03


00:23:04 --> 00:23:05

The togetherness.

00:23:07 --> 00:23:08

When when when someone becomes a Muslim,

00:23:09 --> 00:23:11

or you weren't religious and you repent,

00:23:12 --> 00:23:14

not only do you feel a fraternity, a

00:23:14 --> 00:23:16

brotherhood, a sisterhood around you in your community,

00:23:16 --> 00:23:18

also, even if you're at home and by

00:23:18 --> 00:23:19


00:23:19 --> 00:23:21

even if you don't know anybody among the

00:23:21 --> 00:23:21


00:23:22 --> 00:23:24

the fact that you face in a specific

00:23:24 --> 00:23:25


00:23:25 --> 00:23:28

with the rest of the nearly 2

00:23:28 --> 00:23:30

1,000,000,000 muslims, if they all prayed. Let's say

00:23:30 --> 00:23:31


00:23:32 --> 00:23:34

At least with the entire muslim world,

00:23:35 --> 00:23:37

you are together with them 5 times a

00:23:37 --> 00:23:37


00:23:38 --> 00:23:40

There is nothing like this in the entire

00:23:40 --> 00:23:40


00:23:41 --> 00:23:43

No religion in the world has this

00:23:44 --> 00:23:45

in the same way.

00:23:46 --> 00:23:48

So the brotherhood and sisterhood bond that we

00:23:48 --> 00:23:48


00:23:49 --> 00:23:50

is not only physical

00:23:51 --> 00:23:52

but it is spiritually together.

00:23:53 --> 00:23:54

Mentally together.

00:23:54 --> 00:23:56

Emotionally together.

00:23:58 --> 00:24:00

It's the strongest bond of brotherhood and sisterhood

00:24:00 --> 00:24:01

to exist

00:24:01 --> 00:24:03

in the history of humankind.

00:24:04 --> 00:24:06

And it is Allah who called us,

00:24:07 --> 00:24:09

the believers, as brothers and sisters.

00:24:09 --> 00:24:10


00:24:11 --> 00:24:14

Muhammad salallahu alaihi wasalam, anyone who followed prophets,

00:24:14 --> 00:24:15

they were brothers and sisters, but there were

00:24:15 --> 00:24:16


00:24:16 --> 00:24:17


00:24:18 --> 00:24:20

But when Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam came,

00:24:20 --> 00:24:22

and the tibla was changed to Makkah, and

00:24:22 --> 00:24:24

the Hajj was reestablished properly,

00:24:24 --> 00:24:26

of course it was always being practiced, but

00:24:26 --> 00:24:28

now it was practiced with monotheism. Before it

00:24:28 --> 00:24:31

was practiced with polytheism, with worshiping different idols.

00:24:31 --> 00:24:33

And they worshiped and they did things terrible.

00:24:34 --> 00:24:35

It got to a point where the pagan

00:24:35 --> 00:24:38

harabs of Mecca used to charge money

00:24:38 --> 00:24:40

in the name of the gods and say

00:24:40 --> 00:24:40

you've gotta

00:24:41 --> 00:24:42


00:24:42 --> 00:24:43


00:24:44 --> 00:24:45


00:24:46 --> 00:24:49

you know, to circumvent that around the Kaaba.

00:24:49 --> 00:24:50

So the poor people who couldn't afford

00:24:52 --> 00:24:54

the clothing that the Meccans provided, they said

00:24:54 --> 00:24:56

our clothing is the pure one, we are

00:24:56 --> 00:24:59

custodians of Mecca. And they couldn't afford the

00:24:59 --> 00:25:00

clothing, the shroud that we wear when we

00:25:00 --> 00:25:02

do some circumambulation,

00:25:02 --> 00:25:03

the ihram.

00:25:04 --> 00:25:05

They started circumambulating

00:25:06 --> 00:25:06


00:25:07 --> 00:25:09

There came a time they were circumambulating around

00:25:09 --> 00:25:09

the Kaaba.

00:25:11 --> 00:25:13

Some people without any clothes.

00:25:14 --> 00:25:16

Until islam came and said what's this business?

00:25:17 --> 00:25:18

People were commercializing

00:25:20 --> 00:25:22

Hajj and making money off it in the

00:25:22 --> 00:25:23

name of the gods

00:25:24 --> 00:25:25

and so on. So Islam came and made

00:25:25 --> 00:25:29

everybody equal. The poor, the rich, the big,

00:25:29 --> 00:25:29

the small,

00:25:30 --> 00:25:32

the high, the low, the successful, the non

00:25:32 --> 00:25:34

successful, the one who had a status, then

00:25:34 --> 00:25:35


00:25:35 --> 00:25:37

The one who didn't, the king and the

00:25:37 --> 00:25:38

peasant, everybody was the same.

00:25:39 --> 00:25:40

There were no peasants anymore. We were all

00:25:40 --> 00:25:41


00:25:42 --> 00:25:44

So Hajj, my dear brothers and sisters, is

00:25:44 --> 00:25:45

the strongest

00:25:46 --> 00:25:47

symbol today

00:25:48 --> 00:25:49

of our identity

00:25:50 --> 00:25:51

and our unity

00:25:52 --> 00:25:53

as equal brothers

00:25:54 --> 00:25:55

and sisters.

00:26:01 --> 00:26:02

In this verse

00:26:03 --> 00:26:04

it says

00:26:04 --> 00:26:05

in there

00:26:05 --> 00:26:07

are clear signs

00:26:08 --> 00:26:11

with the station of Abraham and proof it

00:26:11 --> 00:26:13

is chosen by Allah as a sanctuary. How

00:26:13 --> 00:26:15

do we prove that? What do you mean

00:26:15 --> 00:26:18

that in there, there are clear signs? Clear

00:26:18 --> 00:26:18

signs of what?

00:26:19 --> 00:26:21

Clear signs that it is a safe, peaceful

00:26:21 --> 00:26:22


00:26:22 --> 00:26:24

and that it is sacred.

00:26:24 --> 00:26:26

Allah tells us there are signs. What are

00:26:26 --> 00:26:27

these signs?

00:26:28 --> 00:26:29

Well you have to know a bit of

00:26:29 --> 00:26:31

its history and when you go there, you'll

00:26:31 --> 00:26:31


00:26:32 --> 00:26:34

Even if you see it on

00:26:34 --> 00:26:36

social media, you can tell.

00:26:38 --> 00:26:41

1,000,000 people will be going around together. Men,

00:26:41 --> 00:26:42

women and children.

00:26:43 --> 00:26:45

And they come out all in one piece.

00:26:46 --> 00:26:47

Beautiful in harmony.

00:26:47 --> 00:26:48

The way you

00:26:49 --> 00:26:50

make tawaf and circumambulate.

00:26:51 --> 00:26:53

The way Allah has designed. The way we

00:26:53 --> 00:26:55

walk together. The way we enter. The way

00:26:55 --> 00:26:56

we exit.

00:26:56 --> 00:26:58

You enter and exit peacefully.

00:26:59 --> 00:26:59


00:27:01 --> 00:27:02

There's nothing like this in the world.

00:27:04 --> 00:27:04

Number 1,

00:27:05 --> 00:27:06

despite being in the heart

00:27:07 --> 00:27:10

of a wide expanse of dry desert,

00:27:10 --> 00:27:11


00:27:12 --> 00:27:12

its inhabitants

00:27:13 --> 00:27:14

have always lived

00:27:15 --> 00:27:16

and enjoyed

00:27:17 --> 00:27:19

a satisfactory life of peace

00:27:19 --> 00:27:21

and quality of life

00:27:21 --> 00:27:23

throughout the 1000 of years since the time

00:27:23 --> 00:27:25

of Abraham at Asena. Number 2,

00:27:26 --> 00:27:28

how is it a clear sign of sanctuary?

00:27:29 --> 00:27:30

Although the rest of Arabia

00:27:31 --> 00:27:32

were plunged

00:27:33 --> 00:27:33

in chaos

00:27:34 --> 00:27:35

and fighting

00:27:36 --> 00:27:39

and disorder all around Makkah, the whole Arabian

00:27:39 --> 00:27:40


00:27:41 --> 00:27:43

for 2 and a half

00:27:43 --> 00:27:45

1000 years

00:27:45 --> 00:27:46

they were in

00:27:46 --> 00:27:49

chaos up until prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa

00:27:49 --> 00:27:50

sallam came along.

00:27:51 --> 00:27:52

Peace and tranquility

00:27:53 --> 00:27:54

always remained

00:27:55 --> 00:27:56

in and around

00:27:56 --> 00:27:58

the city of Makkah.

00:27:58 --> 00:27:59

That was never disturbed.

00:28:00 --> 00:28:02

Can you imagine that? The third sign,

00:28:03 --> 00:28:04

the entire Arabian peninsula

00:28:05 --> 00:28:07

enjoyed 4 months,

00:28:08 --> 00:28:09

4 months

00:28:11 --> 00:28:13

of peace and order every year,

00:28:13 --> 00:28:15

which was called al ashrulhurum.

00:28:16 --> 00:28:18

In english, the 4 sacred months,

00:28:19 --> 00:28:20

when people went to pilgrimage.

00:28:21 --> 00:28:22

They are Rajab,

00:28:23 --> 00:28:23

Dhul Qadah,

00:28:24 --> 00:28:27

Dhul Hijjah and Muharrah. They're called the sacred

00:28:27 --> 00:28:29

months. Even till today, they exist.

00:28:30 --> 00:28:30


00:28:33 --> 00:28:33


00:28:35 --> 00:28:36

these sacred months came along,

00:28:37 --> 00:28:38

the Arabs respected

00:28:39 --> 00:28:41

it. No one was allowed to fight anyone

00:28:41 --> 00:28:44

else. They laid down arms and said, let's

00:28:44 --> 00:28:45

just wait until the 4 months are over.

00:28:46 --> 00:28:48

Ashurul Khurrul. So it's a place of sanctuary

00:28:48 --> 00:28:50

that governed a lot of the peace.

00:28:51 --> 00:28:52

Number 4,

00:28:52 --> 00:28:55

50 years before the Quran was revealed,

00:28:56 --> 00:28:58

the incident of Abraha. Remember the

00:28:59 --> 00:29:02

ethiopian king, Abraha, who brought the elephant, wanting

00:29:02 --> 00:29:04

to destroy the Kaaba, and we have a

00:29:04 --> 00:29:06

whole surah about it and the birds came

00:29:06 --> 00:29:07

and dropped

00:29:08 --> 00:29:10

those rocks, those burning rocks and Allah subhanahu

00:29:10 --> 00:29:12

wa ta'ala protected the Kaaba. You might be

00:29:12 --> 00:29:15

saying, why wouldn't it happen now anymore? Because

00:29:15 --> 00:29:17

in those days there was no one to

00:29:17 --> 00:29:19

protect the Kaaba. There were no monotheists, there

00:29:19 --> 00:29:19

were no

00:29:20 --> 00:29:22

worshipers of Allah that protected it. So Allah

00:29:22 --> 00:29:25

took it upon himself. But now after Muhammad

00:29:25 --> 00:29:25

salallahu alaihi wasallam,

00:29:26 --> 00:29:29

Allah guaranteed the ummah, the nation or the

00:29:29 --> 00:29:31

community of Muhammad salallahu alaihi wasallam will never

00:29:31 --> 00:29:32

die. To

00:29:33 --> 00:29:35

the toward the end of time.

00:29:35 --> 00:29:37

There will always be standing. Therefore Allah put

00:29:37 --> 00:29:40

that responsibility upon us. We protect it. It's

00:29:40 --> 00:29:42

on our shoulders.

00:29:42 --> 00:29:44

And if we are not united, and if

00:29:44 --> 00:29:46

we disperse and we start fighting each other,

00:29:46 --> 00:29:47

that's when

00:29:49 --> 00:29:50

even Mecca itself

00:29:51 --> 00:29:52

could be at risk.

00:29:53 --> 00:29:53

So now

00:29:54 --> 00:29:57

but so long as its sanctuary is there,

00:29:57 --> 00:29:59

there is a good sign that there is

00:29:59 --> 00:30:01

hope in this Muslim ummah.

00:30:01 --> 00:30:02

This is what it means.

00:30:03 --> 00:30:05

Number 6,

00:30:05 --> 00:30:08

pre Islamic era, which we call the age

00:30:08 --> 00:30:09

of ignorance, Asur jahiliyah.

00:30:11 --> 00:30:13

Those who thirsted for each other's blood saw

00:30:13 --> 00:30:15

their enemies in the sacred territory,

00:30:15 --> 00:30:17

but would not dare to attack them.

00:30:18 --> 00:30:20

So as you can see, this is what

00:30:20 --> 00:30:23

it means when Allah says, fihi ayaatun

00:30:23 --> 00:30:23


00:30:24 --> 00:30:26

Inat there are clear signs. Clear signs that

00:30:26 --> 00:30:27

it is a sanctuary.

00:30:28 --> 00:30:30

And you know, there is the famous proverb,

00:30:30 --> 00:30:32

all roads lead to Mecca. Have you heard

00:30:32 --> 00:30:33

that one before?

00:30:34 --> 00:30:36

Never heard of all roads lead to Mecca?

00:30:36 --> 00:30:37

What about,

00:30:39 --> 00:30:40

what about,

00:30:40 --> 00:30:42

many roads lead to Mecca?

00:30:43 --> 00:30:43


00:30:44 --> 00:30:46

No? You guys gotta read hot.

00:30:47 --> 00:30:48

So the the proverb, all roads lead to

00:30:48 --> 00:30:51

Mecca, because Mecca was known for you can

00:30:51 --> 00:30:52

enter it from all directions.

00:30:53 --> 00:30:53


00:30:53 --> 00:30:55

North, South, East and West. They had many

00:30:55 --> 00:30:57

doors. The proverb means

00:30:58 --> 00:30:58


00:30:59 --> 00:31:00

there are many pathways

00:31:02 --> 00:31:03

to your goals.

00:31:03 --> 00:31:05

So Allah made this central place.

00:31:06 --> 00:31:08

Let's now move into the story

00:31:08 --> 00:31:11

of how this whole story began. You all

00:31:11 --> 00:31:13

know it, but I wanna emphasize on a

00:31:13 --> 00:31:15

few things. The place that I wanna start

00:31:15 --> 00:31:17

with the history of this beautiful place

00:31:18 --> 00:31:20

starts with 2 people.

00:31:21 --> 00:31:23

Very simple, 2

00:31:24 --> 00:31:24


00:31:25 --> 00:31:26

They were just

00:31:27 --> 00:31:28

they were weak

00:31:28 --> 00:31:31

compared to the rest. They had no army.

00:31:31 --> 00:31:32

They had no

00:31:33 --> 00:31:33


00:31:35 --> 00:31:36

It was one

00:31:37 --> 00:31:38

woman and her baby child.

00:31:40 --> 00:31:41

Have you ever thought about that?

00:31:44 --> 00:31:45

Yeah. Every day

00:31:46 --> 00:31:47

there are at least

00:31:48 --> 00:31:48


00:31:50 --> 00:31:50


00:31:51 --> 00:31:53

in this place Mecca everyday.

00:31:54 --> 00:31:55


00:31:55 --> 00:31:57

And right now in Hajj,

00:31:57 --> 00:32:00

a minimum of 2,000,000 people to 3,000,000

00:32:02 --> 00:32:03


00:32:03 --> 00:32:06

or I don't know of any history when

00:32:06 --> 00:32:08

people never circumambulate around the Kaaba, night or

00:32:08 --> 00:32:09

day, 247.

00:32:10 --> 00:32:12

Except when there was a flood one time

00:32:12 --> 00:32:13

and even one Sahabi,

00:32:14 --> 00:32:16

he swam around it.

00:32:18 --> 00:32:20

Which shows you can make bawaf swimming,

00:32:21 --> 00:32:22

or riding on your camel, or even in

00:32:22 --> 00:32:23

your car.

00:32:24 --> 00:32:26

They have it now. They've got buses on

00:32:26 --> 00:32:27

the top. Have you seen it? They circle

00:32:27 --> 00:32:30

over there with buses now. The point is,

00:32:30 --> 00:32:30


00:32:31 --> 00:32:32


00:32:32 --> 00:32:34

this place in the middle of the desert

00:32:35 --> 00:32:36

started off

00:32:37 --> 00:32:37

with 2

00:32:38 --> 00:32:39

physically weak people.

00:32:40 --> 00:32:41

A mother

00:32:41 --> 00:32:43

who had just given birth

00:32:43 --> 00:32:46

to an infant baby. Her name was Hajar

00:32:46 --> 00:32:47


00:32:48 --> 00:32:51

and the little baby's name was Ismaeel alaihassalam.

00:32:52 --> 00:32:52

What happened?

00:32:53 --> 00:32:54

Prophet Ibrahim

00:32:55 --> 00:32:57

is her husband and prophet Ishmael

00:32:58 --> 00:33:01

is his son. He had another child named

00:33:01 --> 00:33:01


00:33:02 --> 00:33:04

and another wife named

00:33:04 --> 00:33:05


00:33:05 --> 00:33:07

All of them did Hajj. In our Islamic

00:33:07 --> 00:33:08

books, all of them did Hajj. All of

00:33:08 --> 00:33:11

them respected it. Not just Isma'in, but Ishaug

00:33:11 --> 00:33:13

and Sarah and all of them, alaymus salam.

00:33:13 --> 00:33:15

Ibrahim alayhis salam was ordered by Allah

00:33:16 --> 00:33:19

to take his wife, who was previously

00:33:19 --> 00:33:21

a slave of a king in Egypt, a

00:33:21 --> 00:33:22

tyrant king.

00:33:23 --> 00:33:23


00:33:23 --> 00:33:24

he freed her,

00:33:25 --> 00:33:27

and Prabhu Abraham alayhi salam married her as

00:33:27 --> 00:33:30

a second wife. She was gifted by Sarah,

00:33:30 --> 00:33:33

who was who Hajar was originally her slave.

00:33:33 --> 00:33:34

She freed her and gifted her to prophet

00:33:34 --> 00:33:36

Ibrahim alaihi sallam to marry her because she

00:33:36 --> 00:33:38

was felt sorry for Ibrahim alaihi sallam. They

00:33:38 --> 00:33:40

had grown old in age and couldn't have

00:33:40 --> 00:33:42

children yet. So he married her and had

00:33:42 --> 00:33:44

Ishmael. And afterwards, he had Ishaa.

00:33:46 --> 00:33:47

So Allah found that I told him, you

00:33:47 --> 00:33:49

have to go and take Hajar and Ishmael,

00:33:49 --> 00:33:52

your first newborn son. Ibrahim al Salam was

00:33:52 --> 00:33:53

over 80, 90 years old.

00:33:54 --> 00:33:56

In the middle of the desert. You got

00:33:56 --> 00:33:58

to leave him there and walk back. Don't

00:33:58 --> 00:33:59

even say a word.

00:34:00 --> 00:34:00


00:34:01 --> 00:34:03

So we took his wife and son, they

00:34:03 --> 00:34:04

didn't know where we were going. He placed

00:34:04 --> 00:34:06

them in the middle of this desert.

00:34:07 --> 00:34:08

Not a single

00:34:09 --> 00:34:11

soul other than them. Nothing. Not even water.

00:34:12 --> 00:34:13

Just vultures and beasts.

00:34:14 --> 00:34:16

They sat down, he got up and started

00:34:16 --> 00:34:17

walking away.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:22

Hananja saw him. She understood what that meant

00:34:22 --> 00:34:23

by her husband.

00:34:24 --> 00:34:25

So she hurried

00:34:27 --> 00:34:28

up to him and said

00:34:28 --> 00:34:29


00:34:29 --> 00:34:31

in her own language of course, it was

00:34:31 --> 00:34:31

in Arabic.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:36

Who are you leaving us to?

00:34:36 --> 00:34:38

And he wouldn't reply.

00:34:38 --> 00:34:40

He just kept walking not looking at it

00:34:40 --> 00:34:42

because he doesn't wanna feel compassion

00:34:42 --> 00:34:45

which will make him disobey Allah. He obviously

00:34:45 --> 00:34:45

he won't

00:34:46 --> 00:34:47

but he has to obey Allah with no

00:34:47 --> 00:34:48


00:34:49 --> 00:34:50

Yeah Ibrahim ila man tatrukana,

00:34:51 --> 00:34:52

who are you leaving us to? To? Who

00:34:52 --> 00:34:54

are you leaving us to? Just answer me.

00:34:55 --> 00:34:57

He wouldn't reply. He just kept walking. Not

00:34:57 --> 00:34:58

a single sound.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

It's very terrifying.

00:35:02 --> 00:35:03

And then,

00:35:04 --> 00:35:05

because she's pious and she's knowledgeable,

00:35:08 --> 00:35:10

she stopped and asked him one question.

00:35:16 --> 00:35:18

Was it Allah who commanded you to do

00:35:18 --> 00:35:19


00:35:20 --> 00:35:22

And he only said one word,

00:35:22 --> 00:35:23

ajal, yes.

00:35:24 --> 00:35:25

She stood back,

00:35:26 --> 00:35:28

went sat back down and she said one

00:35:28 --> 00:35:28


00:35:37 --> 00:35:37


00:35:38 --> 00:35:38


00:35:39 --> 00:35:40

will not leave us.

00:35:41 --> 00:35:41


00:35:42 --> 00:35:43

will not lose us.

00:35:45 --> 00:35:46

The reliance on Allah.

00:35:46 --> 00:35:48

Yeah, and she's like a single mother,

00:35:48 --> 00:35:50

modern day single mother,

00:35:50 --> 00:35:51

left alone,

00:35:52 --> 00:35:53

with no child support,

00:35:54 --> 00:35:54

with no

00:35:55 --> 00:35:55


00:35:56 --> 00:35:58

with a husband who just Yeah. Of course,

00:35:58 --> 00:36:00

I'm giving a modern day example. Ibrahim alaihis

00:36:00 --> 00:36:01

salam would never leave him. This is the

00:36:01 --> 00:36:02

command of Allah.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:04

But it's like modern day, a single mother

00:36:04 --> 00:36:06

with no child support, no housing,

00:36:08 --> 00:36:11

the father of her child has just abandoned

00:36:11 --> 00:36:13

them with no whereabouts, don't know where he's

00:36:13 --> 00:36:13


00:36:14 --> 00:36:16

And she's alone with no support whatsoever.

00:36:17 --> 00:36:18

Not even a refuge.

00:36:18 --> 00:36:20

In the middle of the desert.

00:36:22 --> 00:36:24

But Allah doesn't leave

00:36:25 --> 00:36:26

her because she relied on it.

00:36:27 --> 00:36:28

Of course, she kept doing things.

00:36:29 --> 00:36:31

After the food ran out and her milk

00:36:31 --> 00:36:32

ran out, they got hungry,

00:36:32 --> 00:36:34

she started to run

00:36:34 --> 00:36:35


00:36:35 --> 00:36:37

2 little hills called Safa

00:36:37 --> 00:36:38

and Marwa.

00:36:40 --> 00:36:42

There's about 500 meters between them.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:46

Maybe, maybe I exaggerated, maybe 250 meters between

00:36:46 --> 00:36:46


00:36:47 --> 00:36:49

And she would go up, suffer,

00:36:50 --> 00:36:52

and she would walk back, looking at her

00:36:52 --> 00:36:54

baby, and there was a ditch, like a

00:36:54 --> 00:36:55


00:36:57 --> 00:36:58

ditch in the ground which she went

00:36:59 --> 00:37:01

underneath and then she would run that ditch.

00:37:01 --> 00:37:02

Why she would run? Because she couldn't see

00:37:02 --> 00:37:04

her baby, so she would run it.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:06

To get back up, see if her baby's

00:37:06 --> 00:37:08

alright on the floor. She'd go to the

00:37:08 --> 00:37:09

next one, Marwa, look around.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:12

Back and forth, back and forth, doing exactly

00:37:12 --> 00:37:12


00:37:13 --> 00:37:14

On the 7th time,

00:37:15 --> 00:37:17

she was at Marwa and she heard a

00:37:17 --> 00:37:18


00:37:19 --> 00:37:22

where Ismael was. So she said to herself,

00:37:22 --> 00:37:23


00:37:23 --> 00:37:26

Sa. Shh. Shh. When a person's spent time

00:37:26 --> 00:37:29

alone, they talk to themselves. She goes, shh.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:32

She went back and what did she see

00:37:32 --> 00:37:33

according to Islamic traditions?

00:37:34 --> 00:37:35

She saw

00:37:35 --> 00:37:36


00:37:37 --> 00:37:38

Water gushing.

00:37:39 --> 00:37:41

A very big water gushing from underneath the

00:37:41 --> 00:37:42


00:37:42 --> 00:37:45

near the feet of the baby Ishmael alaihi

00:37:45 --> 00:37:46

wa sallam.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:50

Our traditions from the prophet says

00:37:50 --> 00:37:52

that Jibreel alaihis salam

00:37:53 --> 00:37:53


00:37:54 --> 00:37:56

in a form of a of a man

00:37:56 --> 00:37:58

and he stamped his foot near

00:37:58 --> 00:37:58


00:37:59 --> 00:38:00


00:38:00 --> 00:38:02

and out of it came gushing water.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:04

Now because he was so huge, he was

00:38:04 --> 00:38:06

about to create a river.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:09

Hajar started to gather the soil and the

00:38:09 --> 00:38:10

rocks to make it smaller.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:13

And she would say the words,

00:38:15 --> 00:38:16

Maybe it was their language,

00:38:17 --> 00:38:19

but from here the name, Zamzam

00:38:20 --> 00:38:23

came out. That's why we call it zamzamwara.

00:38:24 --> 00:38:25

Which means shrink shrink.

00:38:26 --> 00:38:28

So it was bigger and it shrunk.

00:38:31 --> 00:38:33

And the prophet feisty of an im does

00:38:33 --> 00:38:34

make a remark. He says, may Allah have

00:38:34 --> 00:38:36

mercy on our mother. Hajar, had she not

00:38:36 --> 00:38:37

sit to the water, shrink,

00:38:38 --> 00:38:41

it would be far and wide feeding

00:38:42 --> 00:38:45

and giving water far and beyond. I don't

00:38:45 --> 00:38:47

know what that means, but what happened that

00:38:47 --> 00:38:48

day, the water shrunk.

00:38:49 --> 00:38:50

Until today brothers and sisters,

00:38:51 --> 00:38:52

nearly 4,500

00:38:53 --> 00:38:53

years later,

00:38:54 --> 00:38:57

this zen zen fountain and the well

00:38:57 --> 00:38:59

has not decreased

00:38:59 --> 00:39:00


00:39:00 --> 00:39:01

an inch.

00:39:02 --> 00:39:05

It is exactly flowing as it always

00:39:05 --> 00:39:07

flowed. And they don't know where the water

00:39:07 --> 00:39:09

is coming from. A lot of research has

00:39:09 --> 00:39:11

been done these days.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:12

I don't know if you read about it.

00:39:12 --> 00:39:14

There's a lot of research on the internet.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:16

You can look how much they're doing of

00:39:16 --> 00:39:19

Zamzam water, its content, its ingredients, where it's

00:39:19 --> 00:39:21

coming from, why is it continuing.

00:39:22 --> 00:39:24

What they found was that it has many

00:39:24 --> 00:39:26

streams. It comes from the different mountains all

00:39:26 --> 00:39:27

around. 360.

00:39:28 --> 00:39:29

They don't know exactly where it comes from,

00:39:29 --> 00:39:31

but it comes from the mountains 360.

00:39:32 --> 00:39:33

And no matter how much you take out

00:39:33 --> 00:39:36

of it, it rises and it stops at

00:39:36 --> 00:39:37

a certain level. It will not overflow.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:40

It will never overflow. It stops. So there's

00:39:40 --> 00:39:42

some kind of a balance in the earth

00:39:42 --> 00:39:44

there that makes it stop there. Truly, and

00:39:44 --> 00:39:46

it's it's a kind of miracle, if you

00:39:46 --> 00:39:48

like. I mean, everything, every blessing is a

00:39:48 --> 00:39:49

miracle. It's a blessing from

00:39:50 --> 00:39:51

Allah and a sign.

00:39:52 --> 00:39:53

And the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,

00:39:53 --> 00:39:54

said about Zamzamwara,

00:40:02 --> 00:40:05

The best water on earth is Zamzam

00:40:07 --> 00:40:09

and he said, sallallahu alaihi wasallam, having a

00:40:09 --> 00:40:12

food benefit and a natural healer

00:40:12 --> 00:40:13

for ailments.

00:40:15 --> 00:40:16

Now I'm not sure about the first part.

00:40:17 --> 00:40:18

It's the best water on earth, but certainly

00:40:18 --> 00:40:20

the second part is authentic

00:40:20 --> 00:40:21


00:40:22 --> 00:40:22


00:40:23 --> 00:40:24

authentic in Sahih

00:40:25 --> 00:40:26

by albani and others.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:29

And there is also research at the moment.

00:40:29 --> 00:40:30

I told you last time that I like

00:40:30 --> 00:40:32

researching this place called PubMed.

00:40:32 --> 00:40:35

It's, National Center For Biotechnology Information.

00:40:36 --> 00:40:38

And I've got an article there, dated December

00:40:38 --> 00:40:38


00:40:40 --> 00:40:43

22. It says, in response to a BBC

00:40:43 --> 00:40:46

claim that Zamzam water was cancerous

00:40:46 --> 00:40:48

of high serum

00:40:48 --> 00:40:51

arsenic and nitrate contents, which made the UK

00:40:51 --> 00:40:55

ban its import in in 2020. I'm sorry,

00:40:55 --> 00:40:56

I said 22.

00:40:56 --> 00:40:59

And this article refutes it, researched by 20

00:41:00 --> 00:41:00


00:41:01 --> 00:41:05

And it's entitled Zamzam Water is Pathogen Free.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:08

And then have all these big words,

00:41:09 --> 00:41:13

and exerts tissue protective effects, relieving BBC

00:41:13 --> 00:41:17

concerns. The conclusion is confirmed safety and beneficial

00:41:17 --> 00:41:19

effects of Zamzam water for human health.

00:41:21 --> 00:41:21

There is nothing

00:41:23 --> 00:41:24

cleaner or,

00:41:26 --> 00:41:27

yani. Zamzam water is one of the cleanest

00:41:27 --> 00:41:29

waters on earth, naturally.

00:41:31 --> 00:41:34

Rasool, salaam, called it, it carries food.

00:41:36 --> 00:41:37

When you drink it hands up when you

00:41:37 --> 00:41:39

drink Zamzam water, Like, the real stuff over

00:41:39 --> 00:41:41

there, not the one imported from there.

00:41:42 --> 00:41:45

And the hands go down there. Over there.

00:41:45 --> 00:41:46

And when you when you get here, it

00:41:46 --> 00:41:47

still has a bit of the taste. Right?

00:41:47 --> 00:41:49

But the biggest benefit is when you drink

00:41:49 --> 00:41:51

it straight from the fountain there or from

00:41:51 --> 00:41:54

the Madinah or Mecca there. And if you

00:41:54 --> 00:41:56

remember, it's quite heavy, isn't it?

00:41:56 --> 00:41:58

It's not easy to swallow.

00:41:59 --> 00:41:59


00:42:00 --> 00:42:01

the proper peace be upon me and this

00:42:01 --> 00:42:02

article actually

00:42:03 --> 00:42:05

tested it to say it has a nutritious

00:42:05 --> 00:42:06


00:42:06 --> 00:42:08

It's not just water.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:11

There is we have a tradition about sahabin

00:42:11 --> 00:42:13

and Abu Zar al Ghifari. Ever heard of

00:42:13 --> 00:42:14

him? Abu Zar al Ghifari

00:42:16 --> 00:42:17

When he first became a Muslim, he's got

00:42:17 --> 00:42:19

a long story, I'll just summarize it. He

00:42:19 --> 00:42:21

came to Makkah hearing about the messenger shalallahu

00:42:21 --> 00:42:22

alaihi wa sallam,

00:42:23 --> 00:42:25

and in that time, Islam was made secret.

00:42:26 --> 00:42:27

No one was allowed to If they found

00:42:27 --> 00:42:29

out you're a Muslim, they'll imprison you or

00:42:29 --> 00:42:31

they'll kill you. So he comes in and

00:42:31 --> 00:42:33

he was allowed now for Abu Zar. And

00:42:33 --> 00:42:35

he was a leader of his tribe.

00:42:36 --> 00:42:36


00:42:37 --> 00:42:38

he he said to the people, where is

00:42:38 --> 00:42:40

Mohammed? Where is this man who's calling to

00:42:40 --> 00:42:41

the religion? They said, why do you want

00:42:41 --> 00:42:42

him? He said, I wanna learn about his

00:42:42 --> 00:42:45

religion. So they beat him until he was

00:42:46 --> 00:42:48

on the floor, unconscious.

00:42:48 --> 00:42:49

So he stayed

00:42:50 --> 00:42:52

neither Kaaba, and he used to hide there,

00:42:52 --> 00:42:54

waiting to see if anybody

00:42:54 --> 00:42:56

could guide him to Muhammad

00:42:57 --> 00:42:59

and he said:

00:42:59 --> 00:43:00

I had no food,

00:43:01 --> 00:43:03

no water, and I couldn't escape.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:04

And the only

00:43:04 --> 00:43:04


00:43:05 --> 00:43:07

of any water or food I had was

00:43:07 --> 00:43:08

zam zam.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:10

He said, so I just drank from zam

00:43:10 --> 00:43:12

zam. He said, I was stuck there for

00:43:12 --> 00:43:15

nearly I forgot the period of time, I

00:43:15 --> 00:43:16

think he said 20 days.

00:43:16 --> 00:43:18

He said, wallahi,

00:43:19 --> 00:43:21

I found that I put on fat. I

00:43:21 --> 00:43:22

put on weight.

00:43:22 --> 00:43:25

Just from Zamzam water. How thick is authentic

00:43:25 --> 00:43:26

about Abu Ghadar al Thari waddalullah.

00:43:28 --> 00:43:31

So, Zamzam water has nutritious benefit and quenching

00:43:31 --> 00:43:32

of the thirst.

00:43:33 --> 00:43:35

SubhanAllah. Something special about that water.

00:43:35 --> 00:43:36


00:43:37 --> 00:43:38

Zamzam water.

00:43:39 --> 00:43:43

And the and the Sai, the the walking

00:43:43 --> 00:43:45

between Salfa and Marah is called Sai,

00:43:45 --> 00:43:46

Was because of who?

00:43:48 --> 00:43:49

2 little

00:43:49 --> 00:43:50

simple people.

00:43:51 --> 00:43:53

You can say a single mother.

00:43:55 --> 00:43:56

A mother alone in the desert

00:43:57 --> 00:43:57

and her baby

00:43:58 --> 00:43:58


00:43:59 --> 00:44:00


00:44:00 --> 00:44:01

for nearly

00:44:02 --> 00:44:03

4000 years,

00:44:04 --> 00:44:05

give or take,

00:44:06 --> 00:44:08

men and women from all around the world,

00:44:11 --> 00:44:12

millions of people,

00:44:13 --> 00:44:16

every single day. We could say 100 of

00:44:16 --> 00:44:18

thousands of people every single day, and in

00:44:18 --> 00:44:19

Hajj time millions,

00:44:21 --> 00:44:23

they walk between these two little hills

00:44:25 --> 00:44:26

because of 1 woman,

00:44:27 --> 00:44:28

Because of 1

00:44:29 --> 00:44:29


00:44:31 --> 00:44:32

And this is

00:44:32 --> 00:44:33

one of the

00:44:34 --> 00:44:37

greatest signs of islam telling us that islam

00:44:37 --> 00:44:38


00:44:38 --> 00:44:39

to honor women,

00:44:40 --> 00:44:41

when they were degraded.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:43

It's the living example.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:47

And the men are the only ones who

00:44:47 --> 00:44:48


00:44:49 --> 00:44:49


00:44:50 --> 00:44:52

where that ditch used to be. I told

00:44:52 --> 00:44:53

you about the ditch, she used to now

00:44:53 --> 00:44:55

it's covered, there's 2 green lights.

00:44:56 --> 00:44:58

Only the men run it. The women don't

00:44:58 --> 00:44:58

have to.

00:45:01 --> 00:45:02

Because Hajar,

00:45:03 --> 00:45:04

she used to run it, so we run

00:45:04 --> 00:45:06

it. Just take it easy on the women

00:45:06 --> 00:45:08

in case she's pregnant or whatever. Allah says

00:45:08 --> 00:45:10

men you run it. So do you see

00:45:10 --> 00:45:12

how we're copying this woman? No one ever

00:45:12 --> 00:45:15

said, why would I copy a woman? Who's

00:45:15 --> 00:45:17

this woman? She's nothing. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

00:45:17 --> 00:45:18

doesn't look at your gender.

00:45:19 --> 00:45:21

Allah looks at your value

00:45:21 --> 00:45:22

in your actions,

00:45:23 --> 00:45:23

your piety,

00:45:24 --> 00:45:25

your righteousness,

00:45:25 --> 00:45:28

your god fearing, your obedience to Allah. If

00:45:28 --> 00:45:30

Allah tells the women you do that, men

00:45:30 --> 00:45:31

do that,

00:45:31 --> 00:45:33

a pious woman doesn't say why can only

00:45:33 --> 00:45:35

men do it and not women. A man

00:45:35 --> 00:45:36

doesn't say why is this for women, not

00:45:36 --> 00:45:39

men. Everyone has their rights and obligations and

00:45:39 --> 00:45:40

their boundaries.

00:45:41 --> 00:45:43

A pious person says I hear and I

00:45:43 --> 00:45:45

obey. I'm a woman, alhamdulillah,

00:45:45 --> 00:45:47

and this is how a woman should be.

00:45:47 --> 00:45:49

I'm a man, alhamdulillah, and this is how

00:45:49 --> 00:45:51

a man should be. These are my obligations,

00:45:51 --> 00:45:53

alhamdulillah. Allah said them, I'll do them. This

00:45:53 --> 00:45:55

is the mark of Hajar alaihi wasalam.

00:45:57 --> 00:45:59

And we drink water because of Hajar.

00:46:01 --> 00:46:02

Hajar alaihis salam

00:46:03 --> 00:46:05

was there and then the people of Yemen,

00:46:05 --> 00:46:06

Bani Jurhum,

00:46:06 --> 00:46:07

original arabs,

00:46:08 --> 00:46:09

they they were looking for a home because

00:46:09 --> 00:46:11

they had a drought and they couldn't have

00:46:11 --> 00:46:13

anything in their land and they saw vultures.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:15

So they came up and they saw the

00:46:15 --> 00:46:18

water and they didn't harm Hajar. The arabs,

00:46:18 --> 00:46:20

although they fight and there were chaos and

00:46:20 --> 00:46:21

disorder, they never harmed a woman alone.

00:46:22 --> 00:46:24

If they did that, their tribe would carry

00:46:25 --> 00:46:27

the dishonor for the rest of the year

00:46:27 --> 00:46:28


00:46:28 --> 00:46:30

So they never harmed a woman

00:46:30 --> 00:46:31

or a child alone.

00:46:32 --> 00:46:34

So they offered her to pay her a

00:46:34 --> 00:46:36

wage to share the water

00:46:36 --> 00:46:37

and she agreed.

00:46:38 --> 00:46:39

And they built a city

00:46:40 --> 00:46:41

and it became

00:46:41 --> 00:46:42

the city of Mecca.

00:46:43 --> 00:46:43

And Ishmael

00:46:44 --> 00:46:45

grew and married from them,

00:46:46 --> 00:46:48

and he had children that were mixed,

00:46:49 --> 00:46:49


00:46:50 --> 00:46:51

and wherever

00:46:51 --> 00:46:53

Ibrahim and Ishmael came from,

00:46:53 --> 00:46:56

near Babylonia, somewhere there near Ur.

00:46:57 --> 00:46:59

And there from him came Al Arab al

00:46:59 --> 00:47:01

Mustaraba. Arabs that became Arabs, so or not

00:47:01 --> 00:47:03

original Arabs. So these are most of the

00:47:03 --> 00:47:05

middle easterners are like that.

00:47:05 --> 00:47:07

Saudi's as well in the Arabian Peninsula were

00:47:07 --> 00:47:08

called the Arab mustarab.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:10

We're not very dark

00:47:11 --> 00:47:13

from Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

00:47:13 --> 00:47:17

And our great forefather is Ibrahim Abraham alaihi

00:47:17 --> 00:47:17


00:47:18 --> 00:47:20

My brothers and sisters,

00:47:20 --> 00:47:21

the Kaaba.

00:47:23 --> 00:47:24

The Kaaba

00:47:24 --> 00:47:26

was built by Ibrahim, my son is Samayel

00:47:26 --> 00:47:27

as I said.

00:47:28 --> 00:47:30

And the Kaaba, if you like, it has

00:47:30 --> 00:47:31

the same coordinates

00:47:33 --> 00:47:34

as another Kaaba

00:47:35 --> 00:47:36

in the heavens.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:39

I'm not talking science, see, I'm talking religion

00:47:39 --> 00:47:40

now, the the traditions.

00:47:41 --> 00:47:43

Our prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, the

00:47:43 --> 00:47:45

hadith is inside Bukhari and Muslim,

00:47:46 --> 00:47:47

he said, in the 7th

00:47:49 --> 00:47:51

sky, there is Baytin Ma'amur,

00:47:52 --> 00:47:54

the holy house, or the sacred house,

00:47:55 --> 00:47:56

which is always lively.

00:47:57 --> 00:47:59

Meaning, what does it say he says?

00:47:59 --> 00:48:00


00:48:00 --> 00:48:03

angels enter al bayt al ma'mur in the

00:48:03 --> 00:48:04

7th heaven.

00:48:05 --> 00:48:05


00:48:05 --> 00:48:08

angels enter at a time and never return.

00:48:09 --> 00:48:11

Never return. They enter, do their tawaf and

00:48:11 --> 00:48:12

never return.

00:48:13 --> 00:48:14

And it's never

00:48:14 --> 00:48:15

empty of 70,000

00:48:16 --> 00:48:17

angels at a time.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:20

If an angel prostrated on earth,

00:48:21 --> 00:48:23

in Beit El Ma around Beit El Ma'mur,

00:48:24 --> 00:48:27

and he his he would he would be

00:48:27 --> 00:48:29

prostrating on the Kaaba on earth.

00:48:29 --> 00:48:32

It's directly above. And you're probably thinking, but

00:48:32 --> 00:48:34

what about the universe and how it rotates

00:48:34 --> 00:48:36

and all that? Look, we don't know this

00:48:36 --> 00:48:37


00:48:37 --> 00:48:39

We don't know what the universe is like.

00:48:39 --> 00:48:40

We don't know if the universe is rotating

00:48:40 --> 00:48:41

or stable.

00:48:41 --> 00:48:43

They say it's fixed, but everything else is

00:48:43 --> 00:48:44


00:48:44 --> 00:48:46

This knowledge is only known to Allah. How

00:48:46 --> 00:48:48

is Baytin Lamur in the heavens,

00:48:49 --> 00:48:52

the Kaaba of the angels, directly above the

00:48:52 --> 00:48:54

Kaaba on earth while we rotate and so

00:48:54 --> 00:48:55


00:48:55 --> 00:48:57

That the knowledge is only known to Allah

00:48:57 --> 00:48:58

subhanahu wa ta'ala.

00:49:02 --> 00:49:03

So this Kaaba

00:49:03 --> 00:49:05

is shared not only with all the people

00:49:05 --> 00:49:08

of earth, Muslims, believers, but also with the

00:49:08 --> 00:49:10

angels of the heavens, of the skies.

00:49:13 --> 00:49:14

The Tawas.

00:49:15 --> 00:49:17

When you go to Hajj, you circumambulate

00:49:17 --> 00:49:18


00:49:18 --> 00:49:19

the Kaaba,

00:49:20 --> 00:49:21

7 times

00:49:21 --> 00:49:22

in an anticlockwise

00:49:23 --> 00:49:24


00:49:25 --> 00:49:26

You begin

00:49:26 --> 00:49:27

at Hajar al Aswad,

00:49:28 --> 00:49:28

the black

00:49:29 --> 00:49:29


00:49:30 --> 00:49:32

Whether it came from paradise or not is

00:49:32 --> 00:49:33

known to Allah.

00:49:33 --> 00:49:35

The hadith is actually weak.

00:49:37 --> 00:49:38

And if it was authentic,

00:49:39 --> 00:49:41

it would mean it came from the sky,

00:49:41 --> 00:49:42

not necessarily

00:49:42 --> 00:49:45

Jannah, the garden. Because the Arabic word sana

00:49:46 --> 00:49:47


00:49:48 --> 00:49:50

sky. The real word for paradise

00:49:50 --> 00:49:53

or jannah is jannah, and it has other

00:49:53 --> 00:49:55

names, but it's not called sky.

00:49:55 --> 00:49:56

So Allahu'ala,

00:49:56 --> 00:49:58

it could have been a meteor,

00:49:58 --> 00:50:01

it could have been something else, Allahu'ala, God

00:50:01 --> 00:50:03

knows. The point is, Ibrahim alaihis salam needed

00:50:03 --> 00:50:05

a rock and Ismailib went and he grabbed

00:50:05 --> 00:50:07

this rock that was there and put

00:50:08 --> 00:50:09

it on the corner.

00:50:10 --> 00:50:12

Rasool, salallahu alaihi wasallam, used to kiss this

00:50:12 --> 00:50:12


00:50:13 --> 00:50:14


00:50:16 --> 00:50:18

we also do the same, as the prophet

00:50:18 --> 00:50:19

salallahu alaihi wasallam did.

00:50:20 --> 00:50:21

But we don't do more than that. And

00:50:21 --> 00:50:23

if we can't kiss it, we point to

00:50:23 --> 00:50:24


00:50:25 --> 00:50:27

Out of love for the prophet, Muhammad salallahu

00:50:27 --> 00:50:28

alaihi wasallam, not out of love for the

00:50:28 --> 00:50:29


00:50:31 --> 00:50:33

I need to emphasize that because unfortunately a

00:50:33 --> 00:50:34

lot of Muslims,

00:50:35 --> 00:50:37

the way they deal with the rock,

00:50:37 --> 00:50:40

it's as if they're worshiping it. As if

00:50:40 --> 00:50:42

I'm not saying they are. I'm saying as

00:50:42 --> 00:50:45

if the amount of zeal and energy and

00:50:45 --> 00:50:47

fight to get to the rock, they think

00:50:47 --> 00:50:48

by doing so,

00:50:49 --> 00:50:52

something, some miracle is gonna happen to them.

00:50:52 --> 00:50:53

This is not true.

00:50:55 --> 00:50:55


00:50:57 --> 00:50:58

we circumambulate around the Kaaba

00:50:59 --> 00:51:01

7 repeated times.

00:51:03 --> 00:51:04

Why 7?

00:51:04 --> 00:51:07

Allah only knows why 7. But the number

00:51:07 --> 00:51:07


00:51:08 --> 00:51:10

some scholars said, it's always repeated in the

00:51:10 --> 00:51:11


00:51:11 --> 00:51:12

7 skies,

00:51:12 --> 00:51:14

7 semit commambulations,

00:51:14 --> 00:51:16

we've got 7 sahi,

00:51:17 --> 00:51:19

7 verses in mathani, sort of fatiha.

00:51:20 --> 00:51:22

But the word 7 in the Arabic language

00:51:22 --> 00:51:24

means many and abundance.

00:51:25 --> 00:51:27

So sometimes it means literally number, 1, 2,

00:51:27 --> 00:51:30

3, 4, 7. Or it means uncountable, many

00:51:30 --> 00:51:32

and abundance. So the the word 7 depends

00:51:32 --> 00:51:35

on the context. It means many and abundance.

00:51:36 --> 00:51:38

So 7 means a lot,

00:51:38 --> 00:51:41

and that is a meaning of blessing as

00:51:41 --> 00:51:41


00:51:42 --> 00:51:43

Why circumambulate?

00:51:44 --> 00:51:45

Why do tawaf?

00:51:46 --> 00:51:49

Allah knows, it is a symbol, an action.

00:51:50 --> 00:51:50

And perhaps,

00:51:51 --> 00:51:52

the way that we do

00:51:52 --> 00:51:54

it ensures safety,

00:51:54 --> 00:51:56

peace and harmony as we go around. Because

00:51:56 --> 00:51:58

everybody's going at the same time. Hands up

00:51:58 --> 00:52:00

if you've done doof before.

00:52:01 --> 00:52:03

It's safe, isn't it? Just lean on each

00:52:03 --> 00:52:03


00:52:04 --> 00:52:05

Just be careful if they're sisters.

00:52:05 --> 00:52:07

Right? You don't lean on sisters.

00:52:08 --> 00:52:09

And you circumambulate

00:52:09 --> 00:52:11

around, but we support each other, and you

00:52:11 --> 00:52:14

just come back out. It's the it's it's

00:52:14 --> 00:52:15

the best system.

00:52:16 --> 00:52:17

Right? Can you imagine everybody doing their own

00:52:17 --> 00:52:18

thing? It'd be chaos.

00:52:19 --> 00:52:21

So it is a system of organization.

00:52:21 --> 00:52:23

If anything that I can get out of

00:52:23 --> 00:52:25

it personally, it would be

00:52:25 --> 00:52:27

a sign and a call for us

00:52:27 --> 00:52:30

to be organized in our life,

00:52:30 --> 00:52:31

in our community

00:52:32 --> 00:52:33

and to work together.

00:52:34 --> 00:52:35


00:52:35 --> 00:52:36

it'll be chaos.

00:52:37 --> 00:52:38


00:52:38 --> 00:52:41

disorder, everyone doing their own thing is chaos.

00:52:41 --> 00:52:44

And this is an example that Muslim Ummah

00:52:44 --> 00:52:46

should be at the forefront of being the

00:52:46 --> 00:52:48

most organized and working together for the same

00:52:48 --> 00:52:49


00:52:49 --> 00:52:51

If anything, this is what it says.

00:52:52 --> 00:52:53

Why anticlockwise?

00:52:54 --> 00:52:56

I've seen a lot of people write different

00:52:56 --> 00:52:58

things, and they're all guesses and opinions, and

00:52:58 --> 00:53:00

they use science, and they get the science

00:53:00 --> 00:53:01


00:53:01 --> 00:53:04

They get the astronomy wrong. For example, some

00:53:04 --> 00:53:05

people say,

00:53:05 --> 00:53:07

oh, it's because if you look into the

00:53:07 --> 00:53:08


00:53:09 --> 00:53:11

everything goes anticlockwise.

00:53:11 --> 00:53:13

The earth rotates anticlockwise,

00:53:13 --> 00:53:15

the moon anticlockwise, the sun anticlockwise,

00:53:16 --> 00:53:18

all the planets anticlockwise, our Milky Way anticlockwise.

00:53:19 --> 00:53:20

The truth is they don't.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:22

As much as there is anticlockwise,

00:53:23 --> 00:53:24

there is also anticlockwise. There is kind of

00:53:24 --> 00:53:25

a balance, really.

00:53:26 --> 00:53:28

Not everything goes anticlockwise. So that goes out

00:53:28 --> 00:53:29

the window.

00:53:30 --> 00:53:32

But what we do see, definitely,

00:53:32 --> 00:53:35

is that moving around in a rotating,

00:53:36 --> 00:53:37

orbiting motion,

00:53:37 --> 00:53:40

truly is in unisons, in unison

00:53:41 --> 00:53:42

and harmony

00:53:42 --> 00:53:44

with the rest of everything else

00:53:45 --> 00:53:45

in the universe.

00:53:46 --> 00:53:48

Everything is rotating around a mass.

00:53:49 --> 00:53:52

Everything is moving in the same direction. Even

00:53:52 --> 00:53:53

the angels are moving. Not in the same

00:53:53 --> 00:53:55

direction, but they are moving in a motion.

00:53:56 --> 00:53:58

So what does this tell us? It tells

00:53:58 --> 00:54:00

us that Allah is 1.

00:54:01 --> 00:54:03

There is no other god but Allah. There's

00:54:03 --> 00:54:05

no other creator but Allah. What is it

00:54:05 --> 00:54:07

telling us? As Allah says in the Quran,

00:54:14 --> 00:54:15

If in the heavens and the earth,

00:54:16 --> 00:54:18

there was a creator other than Allah,

00:54:19 --> 00:54:22

there will be disorder and chaos in earth

00:54:22 --> 00:54:23

and the universe.

00:54:24 --> 00:54:26

But the fact that there's only one god,

00:54:26 --> 00:54:27

one Eli, the fact that it is in

00:54:27 --> 00:54:29

harmony, in unison, and there's an order, and

00:54:29 --> 00:54:31

there's a design, and something happening, and this

00:54:31 --> 00:54:33

does that, and there's a purpose, there's emotion,

00:54:33 --> 00:54:35

there's physics happening, there's maths happening,

00:54:36 --> 00:54:37

Shows us

00:54:38 --> 00:54:40

that there is only one creator behind this.

00:54:40 --> 00:54:41

It cannot be 2.

00:54:42 --> 00:54:43

Like 2 kings fighting over

00:54:44 --> 00:54:46

their territory or over a land. There cannot

00:54:46 --> 00:54:47

be 2 gods.

00:54:48 --> 00:54:50

And truly, the fact that there is a

00:54:50 --> 00:54:51


00:54:51 --> 00:54:52

and a purpose

00:54:52 --> 00:54:54

shows there is an intelligent creator

00:54:55 --> 00:54:56

behind it who purposefully

00:54:57 --> 00:54:58

did it.

00:54:59 --> 00:55:01

So my brothers and sisters, it teaches us

00:55:01 --> 00:55:02

again unity,

00:55:03 --> 00:55:04


00:55:04 --> 00:55:05

brotherhood and sisterhood.

00:55:07 --> 00:55:07

No superiority

00:55:08 --> 00:55:10

of an ethnicity above another.

00:55:10 --> 00:55:12

No color or race is better than another.

00:55:13 --> 00:55:14

No status

00:55:14 --> 00:55:15

or power

00:55:15 --> 00:55:17

makes you better than another. And the only

00:55:17 --> 00:55:17


00:55:18 --> 00:55:20

that makes anyone more favored to Allah than

00:55:20 --> 00:55:21

another one,

00:55:21 --> 00:55:22

is by their

00:55:23 --> 00:55:24

piety in here

00:55:25 --> 00:55:26

and their righteous actions.

00:55:27 --> 00:55:28

Work and earn it.

00:55:29 --> 00:55:32

Not by privileged being privileged with money or

00:55:32 --> 00:55:33

family or whatever.

00:55:35 --> 00:55:37

Rasool alaihi wasallam stood on his last sermon

00:55:37 --> 00:55:38

when he did his Hajj and he said

00:55:42 --> 00:55:43

There is no

00:55:43 --> 00:55:44


00:55:44 --> 00:55:46

of an Arab above a non Arab except

00:55:46 --> 00:55:47

in piety and righteousness.

00:55:49 --> 00:55:52

Nothing. And he described all the children of

00:55:52 --> 00:55:53

Adam like teeth of a

00:55:54 --> 00:55:54


00:55:55 --> 00:55:56

You wanna rise?

00:55:56 --> 00:55:59

Be pious, be humble, worship Allah and show

00:55:59 --> 00:56:00

in your actions.

00:56:01 --> 00:56:02

And on the day of judgment, Allah

00:56:03 --> 00:56:03

will rise,

00:56:04 --> 00:56:05

promote and demote.

00:56:05 --> 00:56:07

That's when the hisaab, when the judgment happens,

00:56:07 --> 00:56:08

not now.

00:56:10 --> 00:56:10


00:56:11 --> 00:56:12

When you go to Hajj,

00:56:13 --> 00:56:14

we wear,

00:56:14 --> 00:56:16

for about 3 and a half days,

00:56:16 --> 00:56:19

we wear simple white cloths. Only the men.

00:56:20 --> 00:56:20


00:56:21 --> 00:56:23

the men. Can they be other than white?

00:56:23 --> 00:56:24

Yes, they can be other than white. They

00:56:24 --> 00:56:26

don't have to be white. But everyone does

00:56:26 --> 00:56:29

white anyway. What about women? Women wear their

00:56:29 --> 00:56:32

normal hijab, from head to toe. But they're

00:56:32 --> 00:56:34

not allowed to cover the face.

00:56:36 --> 00:56:38

They can cover it like this, like with

00:56:38 --> 00:56:39

the, with their shawl,

00:56:40 --> 00:56:40

but not

00:56:41 --> 00:56:43

on, not not fixed on.

00:56:45 --> 00:56:46


00:56:46 --> 00:56:48

we men are not allowed to wear anything

00:56:48 --> 00:56:49

on our heads.

00:56:49 --> 00:56:51

Those two pieces of cloth must not be

00:56:51 --> 00:56:52

knitted or sewn,

00:56:53 --> 00:56:54

so like towels,

00:56:55 --> 00:56:56

and nothing underneath,

00:56:58 --> 00:56:58

just like that.

00:56:59 --> 00:57:01

And shoes must not be

00:57:02 --> 00:57:02


00:57:03 --> 00:57:05

on both ends, has to be open from

00:57:05 --> 00:57:06

the front and the back.

00:57:07 --> 00:57:09

And as we're doing circumambulation,

00:57:10 --> 00:57:11


00:57:11 --> 00:57:14

7 times we uncover the right shoulder.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:17

Some people say 3 or whatever, difference of

00:57:17 --> 00:57:19

opinion. But the point is we are so

00:57:19 --> 00:57:20


00:57:20 --> 00:57:21

The king,

00:57:21 --> 00:57:23

if he does tawah,

00:57:23 --> 00:57:24

he dresses the same.

00:57:25 --> 00:57:28

If Elon Musk became a Muslim, he'd do

00:57:28 --> 00:57:29

the same. Doesn't matter how much money he's

00:57:29 --> 00:57:30


00:57:30 --> 00:57:32

If the poorest person in the world was

00:57:32 --> 00:57:34

there, he'd be the same as the king.

00:57:34 --> 00:57:37

Allah humbles us all. Why do we wear

00:57:37 --> 00:57:39

these 2 little white cloths? It's a reminder

00:57:40 --> 00:57:41

of death.

00:57:42 --> 00:57:43

Not in a bad way, but

00:57:44 --> 00:57:46

to remind us this world is material.

00:57:47 --> 00:57:50

This world is nothing. It's temporary deception.

00:57:51 --> 00:57:52

Don't cling your heart to it.

00:57:53 --> 00:57:54

It will destroy you.

00:57:55 --> 00:57:56

Always remember,

00:57:56 --> 00:57:58

you will all pass through and you're all

00:57:58 --> 00:58:00

going to Allah. So reminding ourselves that we

00:58:00 --> 00:58:03

will one day end, humbles us and returns

00:58:03 --> 00:58:04

us back.

00:58:04 --> 00:58:05


00:58:05 --> 00:58:06

not boasting.

00:58:06 --> 00:58:08

Arrogance is the worst thing that anyone can

00:58:08 --> 00:58:09

go through.

00:58:11 --> 00:58:12

Fasting, the day of Arafa.

00:58:13 --> 00:58:15

Arafa is the real Hajj.

00:58:16 --> 00:58:18

There is a place in Hajj, it's a

00:58:18 --> 00:58:21

big plain, a land, where the prophet, peace

00:58:21 --> 00:58:23

be upon him, went and sat there from

00:58:23 --> 00:58:24

Dhuhr until Maghrib.

00:58:26 --> 00:58:27

And there he cried.

00:58:27 --> 00:58:29

He made dua'at prayers.

00:58:30 --> 00:58:31

All the muslims were crying.

00:58:31 --> 00:58:33

They sat down. It's where the muslims and

00:58:33 --> 00:58:35

the hajjs go. They sit down. And when

00:58:35 --> 00:58:37

you go there in Arafa, you'll see people

00:58:37 --> 00:58:39

crying. Some Some of them wailing. Some of

00:58:39 --> 00:58:40


00:58:41 --> 00:58:43

asking Allah, everyone making dua.

00:58:44 --> 00:58:46

And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, saih hadith, he

00:58:46 --> 00:58:47

says to his angels,

00:58:49 --> 00:58:50

look at these people.

00:58:51 --> 00:58:52

My servants.

00:58:52 --> 00:58:53

They have come.

00:58:54 --> 00:58:56

Dust on their heads. Tired

00:58:56 --> 00:58:58

and humbled and simple.

00:58:58 --> 00:59:01

Why are they coming here? For me.

00:59:01 --> 00:59:02

Oh my angels.

00:59:03 --> 00:59:05

Allah takes pride in that, in the way

00:59:05 --> 00:59:08

that befits Allah. Says, bear witness, I have

00:59:08 --> 00:59:09

forgiven all of them.

00:59:10 --> 00:59:11

Whatever they ask, I will give them.

00:59:12 --> 00:59:14

The people of Arafa. The prophet, peace be

00:59:14 --> 00:59:15

upon him, described it like the day of

00:59:15 --> 00:59:16


00:59:16 --> 00:59:19

People crying and begging and asking Allah

00:59:19 --> 00:59:21

and saying my Lord forgive me, my Lord,

00:59:21 --> 00:59:22

my Lord, my Lord.

00:59:23 --> 00:59:24

It is one of the

00:59:25 --> 00:59:26

I don't think there is a place in

00:59:26 --> 00:59:27

the world

00:59:27 --> 00:59:30

you will see more sincere and humbled amounts

00:59:30 --> 00:59:32

of people. I'm not saying every one of

00:59:32 --> 00:59:32


00:59:33 --> 00:59:35

That nothing else is causing them to be

00:59:35 --> 00:59:37

like that, except that they're in Hajj.

00:59:38 --> 00:59:40

Like, you see people who are destitute,

00:59:41 --> 00:59:43

tragedies, and they'll call upon a lawyer. Yes.

00:59:43 --> 00:59:46

They're very passionate and very strong. But people

00:59:46 --> 00:59:48

who have no reason, accept the fact that

00:59:48 --> 00:59:50

you're on Hajj. And you are there believing

00:59:50 --> 00:59:52

that Allah is closer to you right now

00:59:52 --> 00:59:53

than any other time.

00:59:54 --> 00:59:55

And you're weeping like a baby. This is

00:59:55 --> 00:59:57

it. So harafah

00:59:58 --> 00:59:58

is Hajj.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01


01:00:01 --> 01:00:02

here in

01:00:02 --> 01:00:04

not doing Hajj, what do we do? We

01:00:04 --> 01:00:06

share with the people of Arafa

01:00:06 --> 01:00:08

on the 9th day,

01:00:08 --> 01:00:09

9th day.

01:00:10 --> 01:00:11

And we

01:00:12 --> 01:00:13

it's a sunnah,

01:00:13 --> 01:00:14


01:00:14 --> 01:00:16

must. It's just a recommended act if you

01:00:16 --> 01:00:17

wanna do it.

01:00:18 --> 01:00:20

That if you're going to slaughter a Korban

01:00:20 --> 01:00:21

or a Korbanian, Uthaya,

01:00:22 --> 01:00:24

just don't clip your nails and don't cut

01:00:24 --> 01:00:25

your hair.

01:00:25 --> 01:00:27

I'm gonna get to that in a minute.

01:00:27 --> 01:00:29

Another thing we do

01:00:29 --> 01:00:32

is these 10 days of Dhul Hijjah.

01:00:33 --> 01:00:35

Dhul Hijjah started 6 days ago. We're on

01:00:35 --> 01:00:36

a 6th day now.

01:00:37 --> 01:00:38

Tomorrow is the 7th.

01:00:38 --> 01:00:42

Friday is the 8th. Saturday is the 9th.

01:00:42 --> 01:00:45

9th is the day of Arafa. That's when

01:00:45 --> 01:00:47

the Hajj people will be in Arafa.

01:00:48 --> 01:00:50

The sunnah act for us to do, recommended,

01:00:51 --> 01:00:52

is to fast

01:00:52 --> 01:00:53

on that same day,

01:00:54 --> 01:00:56

while the Hajj people are in Arafa.

01:00:57 --> 01:00:59

That's how we connect with them.

01:01:00 --> 01:01:02

That fasting on the day of Arafa, which

01:01:02 --> 01:01:04

is coming up on the 9th day, which

01:01:04 --> 01:01:06

is Saturday, the prophet peace be upon him

01:01:06 --> 01:01:07

said, in a hadith which is in muslim

01:01:07 --> 01:01:08

and others,

01:01:09 --> 01:01:09

he said:

01:01:10 --> 01:01:11

I hope

01:01:12 --> 01:01:13

that fasting this day

01:01:14 --> 01:01:15

will cause the expiation

01:01:15 --> 01:01:16

of your sins

01:01:17 --> 01:01:18

1 year past

01:01:18 --> 01:01:19

and 1 year forward.

01:01:20 --> 01:01:23

All the minor sins that are left over.

01:01:24 --> 01:01:26

So it's a great day. Today that Allah

01:01:26 --> 01:01:26


01:01:28 --> 01:01:29

Of course I wanna make a note here.

01:01:30 --> 01:01:33

Brothers and sisters, fasting the day of arafa

01:01:33 --> 01:01:34

is not obligatory.

01:01:35 --> 01:01:36

It's recommended.

01:01:38 --> 01:01:39

So don't

01:01:39 --> 01:01:41

look at anyone else, who is not fasting

01:01:41 --> 01:01:42

that day,

01:01:43 --> 01:01:44

as if they are doing a crime.

01:01:45 --> 01:01:46

Don't say anything.

01:01:46 --> 01:01:48

Don't put him down. Don't look at him

01:01:48 --> 01:01:50

funny. Don't say, oh, you're not fasting. Don't

01:01:50 --> 01:01:51

do that.

01:01:52 --> 01:01:53

It's forbidden to do that.

01:01:54 --> 01:01:55

Put your brother down on something that is

01:01:55 --> 01:01:56

just a sunnah.

01:01:57 --> 01:01:59

What you can do is advise them brotherly,

01:01:59 --> 01:02:02

say, subhanAllah, I just wanna remind everyone that

01:02:02 --> 01:02:04

insha'allah, alarfa is coming and fasting, it will

01:02:04 --> 01:02:07

expiate sins like this. So remind them. But

01:02:07 --> 01:02:09

don't come up to every person, fast, bro.

01:02:09 --> 01:02:11

Why aren't you fasting? Are you not fasting?

01:02:11 --> 01:02:14

Like as if, it's almost the shaitan can

01:02:14 --> 01:02:15

get to you and make you feel like

01:02:15 --> 01:02:17

you're above them. And that's when arrogance comes

01:02:17 --> 01:02:18


01:02:19 --> 01:02:21

Some scholars even said,

01:02:22 --> 01:02:24

recommended acts, it's good every once in a

01:02:24 --> 01:02:26

while not to do them.

01:02:26 --> 01:02:29

So that you don't do it as if

01:02:29 --> 01:02:29

it's an obligation.

01:02:30 --> 01:02:33

Alright? So don't make a big deal out

01:02:33 --> 01:02:34

of it. But if you do, make a

01:02:34 --> 01:02:35

law reward you.

01:02:36 --> 01:02:38

The 10th day is what?

01:02:40 --> 01:02:42

Eid. Eid. Eid al Atha, we call it.

01:02:42 --> 01:02:45

The second big Eid. Does anyone know how

01:02:45 --> 01:02:46

long Aid Al Adha goes for?

01:02:48 --> 01:02:49

One day?

01:02:50 --> 01:02:50

2 days?

01:02:51 --> 01:02:52

4 days?

01:02:53 --> 01:02:54

When does it start and when does it

01:02:54 --> 01:02:55


01:02:57 --> 01:02:58

When does it start?

01:02:59 --> 01:03:00

Does it start at Fajr?

01:03:01 --> 01:03:02

At Dhuhr?

01:03:03 --> 01:03:05

The night before on Maghrib?

01:03:05 --> 01:03:06


01:03:06 --> 01:03:07

Fajr itself.

01:03:08 --> 01:03:08


01:03:09 --> 01:03:10

Not madrib the night before?

01:03:13 --> 01:03:16

Now the Hajj is, they start at zhoor.

01:03:17 --> 01:03:20

The Hajj, they start at When do we

01:03:20 --> 01:03:20


01:03:23 --> 01:03:24

As brother said, the majority

01:03:24 --> 01:03:26

scholars say start at fajr.

01:03:29 --> 01:03:31

Fajr. But you can also start Maghrib the

01:03:31 --> 01:03:32

night before.

01:03:33 --> 01:03:34

When does it end?

01:03:36 --> 01:03:37


01:03:37 --> 01:03:38

on the 4th day

01:03:39 --> 01:03:40

at Tahasr.

01:03:41 --> 01:03:43

4th day at Tahasr, this is agreed upon.

01:03:43 --> 01:03:44

So it's a longer

01:03:44 --> 01:03:45


01:03:46 --> 01:03:46

Longer Eid.

01:03:48 --> 01:03:49

Let's talk about that a minute.

01:03:51 --> 01:03:53

What is the main thing that muslims around

01:03:53 --> 01:03:56

the world do on Eid al Adha, different

01:03:56 --> 01:03:57

to Eid al Futturi?

01:04:00 --> 01:04:01


01:04:01 --> 01:04:02

the utheyya,

01:04:02 --> 01:04:04

called korban or korbani.

01:04:04 --> 01:04:05


01:04:08 --> 01:04:09

In Lebanese, dahi.

01:04:09 --> 01:04:11

So utheyya korban korbani.

01:04:13 --> 01:04:14

Making an

01:04:14 --> 01:04:16

is a recommended act

01:04:17 --> 01:04:18

for the person who is able to do

01:04:18 --> 01:04:20

it. It is mentioned in the Quran and

01:04:20 --> 01:04:21

in the sunnah.

01:04:22 --> 01:04:23

The hadith of the prophet salallahu alaihi wa

01:04:23 --> 01:04:24


01:04:24 --> 01:04:26

which some of you may have heard,

01:04:26 --> 01:04:27

which says,

01:04:28 --> 01:04:30

whoever does not do a kurban and uthaya,

01:04:31 --> 01:04:33

do not come near our prayer or nayd,

01:04:35 --> 01:04:35


01:04:36 --> 01:04:38

an unauthentic hadith.

01:04:39 --> 01:04:39

It's not

01:04:40 --> 01:04:40


01:04:42 --> 01:04:42


01:04:43 --> 01:04:44

it it goes against

01:04:46 --> 01:04:47

the fact that it is recommended, it's a

01:04:47 --> 01:04:48


01:04:48 --> 01:04:50

So if it was a sunnah, it's not

01:04:50 --> 01:04:50

a sin

01:04:52 --> 01:04:53

not to do

01:04:53 --> 01:04:55

Qurban. Even if you are rich

01:04:56 --> 01:04:56

with money.

01:04:57 --> 01:05:00

Some people use another hadith, they say, whoever

01:05:00 --> 01:05:01

can afford it

01:05:02 --> 01:05:04

but doesn't do it, don't pray daweed.

01:05:05 --> 01:05:06

It's not accepted.

01:05:06 --> 01:05:09

This is wrong. Again, this is false.

01:05:09 --> 01:05:11

So please don't use this.

01:05:12 --> 01:05:13

It is a recommended act

01:05:14 --> 01:05:14


01:05:16 --> 01:05:17

the majority of the madhabs schools of thought,

01:05:17 --> 01:05:18


01:05:20 --> 01:05:21

they say

01:05:22 --> 01:05:23

that it is,

01:05:25 --> 01:05:27

sunnah, and some say it's wazib, obligatory.

01:05:28 --> 01:05:29

But the majority is sunnah.

01:05:30 --> 01:05:31

The Hanafis say it's mubair.

01:05:33 --> 01:05:35

Or is it maybe I made a mistake.

01:05:35 --> 01:05:36

But the point is the majority

01:05:37 --> 01:05:39

have agreed that it is sunnah. Anyway, it

01:05:39 --> 01:05:40

is a sunnah,

01:05:41 --> 01:05:43

and it's not worship, it's not obligatory.

01:05:45 --> 01:05:46

Even if you're rich or poor.

01:05:47 --> 01:05:49

And normal, come to the aid prayer, don't

01:05:49 --> 01:05:50

miss out. Don't let the shaytan play with

01:05:50 --> 01:05:52

you and make you miss out on the

01:05:52 --> 01:05:54

Eid salah with the Muslims.

01:05:55 --> 01:05:56

Now, let's talk about the Qurban.

01:05:57 --> 01:05:58

How do you do a Qurban? Who does

01:05:58 --> 01:06:00

it? What are its conditions?

01:06:00 --> 01:06:02

The conditions of a korban. Number 1,

01:06:03 --> 01:06:04

3 things you have to remember.

01:06:05 --> 01:06:05

The type,

01:06:07 --> 01:06:07

type of animal,

01:06:08 --> 01:06:10

the age of the animal, and the health

01:06:10 --> 01:06:11

of the animal.

01:06:12 --> 01:06:14

As for the type of the animal, there

01:06:14 --> 01:06:16

are only 4 types of animals

01:06:16 --> 01:06:19

that we do Korban in 4. Only 4.

01:06:20 --> 01:06:21

They are the camel,

01:06:23 --> 01:06:23

the cattle,

01:06:24 --> 01:06:26

cows and buffalo, cow, cattle,

01:06:27 --> 01:06:28

goats and sheep.

01:06:29 --> 01:06:30

You can't do a chicken

01:06:31 --> 01:06:32

or a kangaroo.

01:06:33 --> 01:06:35

We've got a bit of koala that endangered

01:06:35 --> 01:06:36

species don't touch a koala,

01:06:37 --> 01:06:39

or a possum or anything like that, or

01:06:39 --> 01:06:42

a rabbit. Just these 4. Behim atul anaam,

01:06:42 --> 01:06:43

in the in the Quran, they're called. These

01:06:43 --> 01:06:44

are the 4

01:06:44 --> 01:06:45


01:06:46 --> 01:06:47

The age.

01:06:48 --> 01:06:50

The camel has to be minimum 5 years

01:06:50 --> 01:06:51


01:06:51 --> 01:06:52


01:06:52 --> 01:06:53


01:06:53 --> 01:06:56

buffalo or cow, can be has to be

01:06:56 --> 01:06:57

2 years old, minimum.

01:06:57 --> 01:06:59

The goat has to be 1 year old,

01:06:59 --> 01:07:03

minimum. And the sheep, 6 months old minimum.

01:07:04 --> 01:07:05

As for the health, there are 4 health

01:07:05 --> 01:07:06


01:07:07 --> 01:07:09

4 only. Number 1: It must not be

01:07:09 --> 01:07:11

one eyed or blind.

01:07:13 --> 01:07:13

Number 2:

01:07:14 --> 01:07:17

Not limping disability. So it limps because of

01:07:17 --> 01:07:19

a disability, including bone breakages.

01:07:20 --> 01:07:22

Oh, actually, not limping because of a disability.

01:07:22 --> 01:07:25

Number 3: Is no major injuries, including bone

01:07:25 --> 01:07:25


01:07:26 --> 01:07:28

And number 4, it must not be skinny.

01:07:30 --> 01:07:31

And the better

01:07:32 --> 01:07:33

the animal is, and the healthier,

01:07:34 --> 01:07:36

and the more beautiful it is, the better

01:07:36 --> 01:07:38

the reward is for the korban.

01:07:38 --> 01:07:39

Who do you give it to?

01:07:40 --> 01:07:40


01:07:41 --> 01:07:42

it's recommended

01:07:42 --> 01:07:44

for you to eat from it. You and

01:07:44 --> 01:07:46

your family, give some to your neighbors

01:07:46 --> 01:07:48

and relatives, even the ones who are not

01:07:48 --> 01:07:50

poor. And the rest of it, give it

01:07:50 --> 01:07:51

to the poor and the needy

01:07:52 --> 01:07:54

around the world. You can do you don't

01:07:54 --> 01:07:56

have to eat from it. It's a recommendation.

01:07:56 --> 01:07:57

But you give it to the poor and

01:07:57 --> 01:08:00

the needy, insha'Allah. The rest of it.

01:08:00 --> 01:08:02

You can send it through a charity organization.

01:08:02 --> 01:08:04

You can send the money to someone and

01:08:04 --> 01:08:05

do it for you.

01:08:06 --> 01:08:08

All good. Another question. The other day someone

01:08:08 --> 01:08:10

said to me, do I have to do

01:08:10 --> 01:08:11

the qurban

01:08:11 --> 01:08:13

before Eid prayer?

01:08:13 --> 01:08:16

The answer is no. The qurbani is done

01:08:16 --> 01:08:17

after Eid prayer.

01:08:18 --> 01:08:20

You're mixing it between Eid al Fitr, where

01:08:20 --> 01:08:22

you have to pay zakat. This is after

01:08:22 --> 01:08:22


01:08:24 --> 01:08:25

So if you send the money and someone

01:08:25 --> 01:08:27

slaughters it next day or the 3rd day,

01:08:27 --> 01:08:28

that's okay.

01:08:31 --> 01:08:32

What else?

01:08:32 --> 01:08:33

You have to be a muslim.

01:08:35 --> 01:08:36

You have to be aware enough.

01:08:36 --> 01:08:38

Some people thought you have to reach puberty.

01:08:38 --> 01:08:39

It's not true.

01:08:40 --> 01:08:41

In Arabic, we say mumayaz,

01:08:42 --> 01:08:44

which means you can even be a child.

01:08:44 --> 01:08:46

In the olden days mumayaz, a child that

01:08:46 --> 01:08:48

can differentiate was aware enough was about 7

01:08:48 --> 01:08:51

or 8 years old. In our days, maybe

01:08:51 --> 01:08:52

11, 12,

01:08:53 --> 01:08:53

we're going backwards.

01:08:55 --> 01:08:56

So if you've got money and you wanna

01:08:56 --> 01:08:58

do it, here, go for it. But doing

01:08:58 --> 01:09:01

1 korban on behalf of your house family

01:09:01 --> 01:09:03

household is enough. The head of the family

01:09:03 --> 01:09:04

does it, and it's done. The prophet, peace

01:09:04 --> 01:09:06

be upon him, is to do a kurban

01:09:06 --> 01:09:07

every single year, 3 of them. 1 on

01:09:07 --> 01:09:09

behalf of himself, 1 on behalf of his

01:09:09 --> 01:09:11

family, household and 1 on behalf of the

01:09:11 --> 01:09:13

rest of the ummah.

01:09:13 --> 01:09:15

So prophet says, hey, then on the qurban

01:09:15 --> 01:09:16

on behalf of each one.

01:09:18 --> 01:09:20

And the animal can be slaughtered by a

01:09:20 --> 01:09:21

man or a woman,

01:09:23 --> 01:09:24

And it can be slaughtered by a muslim,

01:09:26 --> 01:09:27

or a christian,

01:09:27 --> 01:09:29

or a jew. And it'll still be an

01:09:29 --> 01:09:31

utahya. I'm not saying the christian and jew

01:09:31 --> 01:09:33

slaughters and Allah accepts it from them as

01:09:33 --> 01:09:36

an utiyah. I meant you can hire a

01:09:36 --> 01:09:37

christian or a jew to slaughter

01:09:38 --> 01:09:40

that utiyah for you.

01:09:40 --> 01:09:42

And it'll be an hut here. So you

01:09:42 --> 01:09:44

go to the butcher, they send money to

01:09:44 --> 01:09:46

the abattoir and some Christian does it. That's

01:09:46 --> 01:09:47


01:09:49 --> 01:09:50

Of course, there has to be a Christian,

01:09:52 --> 01:09:53

or a jew or a muslim.

01:09:54 --> 01:09:55

As for Eid al Adha,

01:09:57 --> 01:09:59

takbir, and I'll finish it with this now.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:02

The famous thing in Eid Lat Haiz will

01:10:02 --> 01:10:04

make takbir. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

01:10:04 --> 01:10:05


01:10:05 --> 01:10:05


01:10:06 --> 01:10:09

Allahu Akbar Waleelaha Ilham. There are different versions.

01:10:10 --> 01:10:11

And you begin,

01:10:12 --> 01:10:13

guess when?

01:10:13 --> 01:10:14

When do you begin takbir?

01:10:18 --> 01:10:20

Fajr prayer, any other answers?

01:10:20 --> 01:10:22

When do you begin your Takbir on Haydla

01:10:22 --> 01:10:23


01:10:26 --> 01:10:28

4 Higgs. Any other answers?

01:10:31 --> 01:10:32


01:10:33 --> 01:10:35

Maori, any other answers? On the way.

01:10:36 --> 01:10:39

On the way. Any other answers? Aisha. Aisha.

01:10:39 --> 01:10:40

Other answers?

01:10:41 --> 01:10:42

Alright. I'll tell

01:10:42 --> 01:10:43

you. All

01:10:44 --> 01:10:46

all 10 days of Dhul Hijjah,

01:10:46 --> 01:10:48

right up to the 13th day.

01:10:49 --> 01:10:51

So right now, we should be saying Takbir,

01:10:52 --> 01:10:53

but I'll tell you the difference.

01:10:54 --> 01:10:56

There is Takbir general

01:10:57 --> 01:10:58

and takbir that is,

01:11:00 --> 01:11:01

in a particular time.

01:11:02 --> 01:11:05

So the general takbir right now, in these

01:11:05 --> 01:11:06

10 days,

01:11:07 --> 01:11:08

is everywhere else. In your car, when you

01:11:08 --> 01:11:09

go to the shops.

01:11:10 --> 01:11:12

Don't don't scare people. Takapita in the shops,

01:11:12 --> 01:11:13


01:11:13 --> 01:11:15

Or you're walking the street or at home,

01:11:16 --> 01:11:17

taking the kids to school, bringing them back

01:11:17 --> 01:11:19

if you're a parent, whatever. You and your

01:11:19 --> 01:11:21

mates, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

01:11:21 --> 01:11:23

But when it comes to Eid, you start

01:11:23 --> 01:11:24

at fajr,

01:11:26 --> 01:11:27

after each salah.

01:11:28 --> 01:11:29

So that's the difference.

01:11:30 --> 01:11:31

After your salah,

01:11:31 --> 01:11:32

the proper way is to

01:11:34 --> 01:11:35

say, you make your zikr,

01:11:37 --> 01:11:38

those ones and then

01:11:40 --> 01:11:42

lahina hate allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar

01:11:42 --> 01:11:42

lahinahit allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar lahal

01:11:42 --> 01:11:44

ham. You say it a few times with

01:11:44 --> 01:11:45

the congregation,

01:11:45 --> 01:11:47

all by yourselves, and then you go into

01:11:47 --> 01:11:50

your subhanAllah, alhamdulillah, rest. You do that, obviously,

01:11:50 --> 01:11:52

for 4 days.

01:11:53 --> 01:11:55

And so, brothers and sisters,

01:11:55 --> 01:11:57

final thing I wanna say

01:11:59 --> 01:12:01

is is a time of remembering that we

01:12:01 --> 01:12:02


01:12:02 --> 01:12:03

our past

01:12:04 --> 01:12:05

bad habits,

01:12:05 --> 01:12:06

and we begin

01:12:07 --> 01:12:08

new good habits.

01:12:08 --> 01:12:11

Uyid Al Adha is about humbling ourselves

01:12:12 --> 01:12:14

and thinking of the poor and the needy,

01:12:15 --> 01:12:17

thinking about those who are less privileged than

01:12:17 --> 01:12:19

us. The world is full of about 700,000,000

01:12:20 --> 01:12:20


01:12:21 --> 01:12:23

below the poverty line, which live on less

01:12:23 --> 01:12:24

than $1.50

01:12:24 --> 01:12:25

a day, Australian.

01:12:27 --> 01:12:29

There are people who haven't eaten meat all

01:12:29 --> 01:12:31

year and they wait for this Eid al

01:12:31 --> 01:12:31


01:12:32 --> 01:12:34

Of course, slaughtering the meat in Islam must

01:12:34 --> 01:12:37

be done in a humane, most kindest way.

01:12:37 --> 01:12:40

Sharpen the sharpen the knife very well. Don't

01:12:40 --> 01:12:42

slaughter an animal in front of another animal.

01:12:42 --> 01:12:44

Rest it. Cover its eyes if you can,

01:12:44 --> 01:12:47

and swiftly slaughter from jugular vein to jugular

01:12:47 --> 01:12:50

vein or from carotid artery from carotid

01:12:51 --> 01:12:53

artery. Making sure that you reach halfway until

01:12:53 --> 01:12:55

it reaches close to the spinal area to

01:12:55 --> 01:12:57

let the blood flow quick as possible so

01:12:57 --> 01:12:59

the animal can lose consciousness within seconds

01:13:00 --> 01:13:02

and make it as humane as possible.

01:13:02 --> 01:13:04

And so the blood can gush out very

01:13:04 --> 01:13:07

quickly. Adrenaline rush, the heartbeat

01:13:07 --> 01:13:09

cleans out the system very well.

01:13:10 --> 01:13:12

Releases all the toxins and makes it halal.

01:13:13 --> 01:13:15

So this is the utaiyah and korban. This

01:13:15 --> 01:13:16

is how we slaughter

01:13:17 --> 01:13:19

the food and we don't waste.

01:13:20 --> 01:13:22

I ask Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, to accept

01:13:23 --> 01:13:23

our worship

01:13:24 --> 01:13:26

and to make this ahiid, a beautiful aid

01:13:26 --> 01:13:27

for you all and for all our brothers

01:13:27 --> 01:13:30

and sisters around the world. Our destitute brothers

01:13:30 --> 01:13:31

and sisters in Gaza,

01:13:31 --> 01:13:32

in Palestine,

01:13:33 --> 01:13:34

in China,

01:13:34 --> 01:13:35


01:13:35 --> 01:13:38

everywhere where they are suffering. When I say

01:13:38 --> 01:13:40

China, some of the lawduses were in concentration

01:13:40 --> 01:13:41

camps. May

01:13:43 --> 01:13:44

Allah change their state

01:13:44 --> 01:13:47

from bad to good. May Allah forgive our

01:13:47 --> 01:13:47


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