Assim Al-Hakeem – Lessons In Fiqh 41
![Assim Al-Hakeem](
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The importance of conditions of worship and the use of words like "hamm fe"] in the context of "hamm feq" is discussed. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to prepare themselves for worship and avoid false accusations, and the use of "ma'am" in Islam, specifically not wanting to pray when it's convenient and convenient. The speakers also touch on privacy and privacy-related conditions, including not wanting to pray when it's convenient and not wanting to pray when convenient. The segment concludes with a discussion of the importance of praying for the Prophet Muhammad and the use of the symbol "w h m" to avoid false accusations.
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Aim at hungry la hora de Sala la hora de la vaca, Dr. Su de Nabina Muhammad and he was happy. I mean, do you brothers and sisters in Islam Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And welcome to lessons. And
today we're going to start a new chapter. And this chapter has the title of the conditions of salad, the conditions of salad. And
there are people that argued, these terminologies that we have nowadays. And they say, Where did you get pillars of solid? your hammock common law?
Whenever someone sneezes is not like when someone says, I said, I'm on a call,
when someone says Assalamu alaykum, and there's a group of six,
one, answering this and saying why they come, Sam is enough. So it's fun to fire. But when someone sneezes, it's obligatory upon each and every person that heard him say Alhamdulillah to say, your hammer como la. So it's not enough that one says, Your ham qumola providing that you heard him say Alhamdulillah. And it's not saying that to say Bless you, busy and tight, and so on. All of this is not acceptable in Islam. Yet the question that
we have to ask ourselves,
is that if he doesn't say Alhamdulillah, should we remind him
just to open the floor for suggestions before we go into conditions of Salah Mustafa? Yes, we should. We should Fadi. Yes, we should we should Mohamed nods his head. Yes, you should know. And Abu Myrick and also no I, well, most stuff I decided to be on the safe side because whenever we have the consensus of the floor of the panel, then I beg to differ and I beg to differ again.
the where do we stem and get our knowledge
from the Quran and from the center. And sometimes we get also our knowledge, if not available in the production from the doing of the compact of the scholars a set of a style. And if we read Abdullah Mubarak's
biography, we find out that
a man sneezed once in his presence. And look at this guy's smart thinking. So I built on Barack asked him and told him
Do you reckon? What does a person say when he sneezes? So the man said, he says and hamdulillah so I've got access in Hong Kong.
So he didn't ask him directly to say it. But indirectly or when the white man said it, he said there Hong Kong Allah. Now, if we refer to the sooner we find an authentic hadith, where two men sneezed in the prep in the presence of the prophet SAW Selim, one of them said that hamdulillah and the other did not say anything. So when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam hurt the man say at Hamdulillah, he said, Yama, como la, which means God has mercy on you, may God have mercy on you. So the other one, you know, felt
angry, because he missed this supplication display from the Prophet. So he said, Oh prophet of Allah. We both sneezed. And you said this to this man, your homcom Allah, may Allah have mercy on you? And he did not say that to me why? The Prophet said, because he said at hamdulillah he said, Allah
Praise be to Allah. And you didn't. That's why I said your ham qumola. And I didn't tell it to you. Where's the catch?
know, that he didn't. He didn't remind him to stay hungry. That's the one because the prophets are seldom heard this man sneeze and did not remind him means that we should not remind people in this particular point. Otherwise, we would have done something that the prophets of Salaam did not do. So, he sneezed. Before he sneezed. I was talking about
the objection of some people, some people say, now this terminology, you have conditions of Salah pillars of Salah obligatory things in salah and new things that nullify Salah are these things mentioned in the sooner?
Are they?
I'm asking. I'm not receiving any answers. Do we have reception guys? I think it's still, like the it's been read between are they? They establish it from the cabin. So it's not in the cabin sooner by saying that the Prophet said, these are obligatory, these are pillars, and these are prepared, some of them and
the shorter Salah conditions of Salah don't have any any word that says conditions of Salah conditions of fasting conditions of pilgrimage. No. So wouldn't this be considered to be innovation?
And this is the allegation they brought up? And the answer would be no, it's not an
innovation, simply because you are not worshipping Allah through this, these terminologies. On the contrary, you are organizing your classifying knowledge through labeling them in this manner. And this makes it easier for worshipers, and for those seeking knowledge to acquire this knowledge through this means and way. Now conditions of, of prayer, we have conditions, and we have pillars of prayer. Can any one of you think of pillars of prayer?
I'll give you an example. What's the difference between conditions and pillars?
conditions usually come before a worship.
So you have to prepare yourself. So they come before a worship and sometimes they continue. pillars do not exist exist except in the worship itself. So can you think of examples of pillars of solid
the first step could be era insula, where you integrate Salah with this the Kabira Fadi Mustafa reading
reading the Fatiha standing standing position. You have to stand when you are able to do this
bowing record racor Fadi taking your time and establishing a Viet East Africa. Nina, Nina Yeah. And, and also, throughout the whole play coming up throughout the whole prayer, and so on. These are all pillars of solid pillars of prayer, which means that if you abandon them, deliberately, your prayer is void is not accepted. And if you forget or skip one of them,
because you forgot, if you did not
bring it and performed it through the prayer and you left you went home, your prayer is void again. It has to be in prayer or otherwise it's gone. It's not accepted. So if someone leaves one is not accepted, these are the pillars of Uppsala. But what about the conditions?
There are a number of conditions for salaat. For example, Mustafa purity, purity is a condition. And in Arabic, I can explain this much easier. But let me translate it and I hope it's not a rough translation condition. They say that
it's something that is a prerequisite for every worship. But when it's there, it does not mean necessarily that you will perform this worship. But if it's not there, then your worship cannot be performed, meaning
evolution is or taharah
In general, is one of the conditions of Salah. If I perform a solution, does this mean that I have to pray? No, I may pray, and I may not. But if I do not perform a solution, and I pray this, this means my prayer is accepted, definitely, it's not. So if I perform this condition, there is a possibility that I pray or ministry. But if I do not fulfill this condition, then my prayer is invalid automatically. So we have a bahara, which is both cleaning the body, the clothings, in the way, the place I'm praying on, and it means also perform a convolution or total and obligatory bath, Malik that presents as mature.
past the age of puberty, yes, this these are the general they call it the general conditions for all forms of worship, you will find that they always tell you that you have to be Muslim,
all forcible worship, because if you're a non Muslim, this is a prerequisite. And you have to be sane. And you have to be either reaching the age of puberty or less, which is you have to be able to recognize and distinguish they call it signal to me is the age of being able to distinguish things. So these are the three prerequisites for any form of worship. So we have bajada, what else
we have brother Mustafa facing the Qibla, facing the Qibla is also one of the conditions of solid, north, our our center allow our excellent which means that you have to cover the hour, the place or the area
designated that you may not uncover it through the salad and anything else.
We've just studied it a couple of chapters ago.
The intention, know
how many hammock Nia knows the intention is one
of the places praying around there, she's praying around this clean, no, this is included in bahara.
two chapters ago, we at the time of prayer, the time, the time should be called for the whole walk. Because if you pray before time, the condition is not there, then your prayer is invalid, you may not pray until the call for the door is made has been made. Otherwise, then your prayer is not accepted and so on.
Now, when we come to the conditions of salaat, we have lots of hadiths that govern this. And we can stem and take these conditions by reading the whole the whole and, and also by reading the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam where we learn these conditions, and we read the Salah how they classified it and listed it for us and we can cross examine, and whatever goes with the origin that we accepted and whatever is invented, we rejected. We have a short pause. So stay with us.
Shanghai from Al Haddad sheds light on the second best generation of this community, the successors to the companion.
These stories serve as guidelines for us covering all spheres of life, political. Now, let us understand how Islam deals with prisoners of war. Mr. Abdulaziz told his son, a very important policy that has been used now by so many jurists to address some contemporary issues, worship, he used to pray 1000 Raka 1000 maybe we wouldn't understand how they managed to pray 1000 tracker, there is an element of Baraka that Allah Allah Allah gives to certain people. So who is going to allow me to marry their daughters, I am a poor person, I don't have money. I only have two parents who would accept me to marry their daughters while I'm in that devastated situation.
So even when we say upset,
as well as economic and other aspects of our daily life, then he gave his instructions that when they send something, they should use either a piece of paper or a piece of skin in proportional to
What they have written? Do you want to call this as caring about the environment? Do you want to take the time to consider this as a matter of worrying about the wealth of Muslims? Don't miss out on second best airing on houda TV.
May Allah bless you and your family.
And welcome back. The Hadith we have has a number of 160 the first Hadith in the chapter that deals with the conditions of salaat. A Hadith will be read by a bumalik
narrowed by Ali, radi Allahu Allah, His Messenger sallallahu wasallam said, when one of you releases air meaning through his *, during salaat, meaning prayer, he should break the Salah, meaning prayer, then perform ablution and repeat the prayer. Now, this hadith
was regarded by some to be sound and by others to be not authentic and weak.
And in both cases
it's the meaning is is correct that when if anyone were to pass wind during salaat This means that his evolution has been nullified as you remember the things that nullify will do are Can we just recap on that
passing you don't you don't know the things that nullifies Waldo major impurity and well measure purity does not only nullify your world, it also notifies your purity, and purity of
passing when passing wind is one must have Sleep, sleep is the other
answering answering the call of nature, urinating or defecating five, any discharge from which is falls under answering the call of nature, any thing that comes out from the private parts, bleeding, bleeding, does bleeding nullify? Oh, no, we said it does not.
What else
you guys have to remember because if we study it, then we should be able to recall it and remember it, eating camels meat, eating camels, meat. And the last and final one that has to do with touching one's private private parts. And we say that the authentic opinion of scholar is that it does know if I will show these things. nullify widow passing the wind is one of them. The Hadeeth is not authentic, but the meaning is correct, that whenever your wobble is nullified during prayer, you have to stop and go perform a solution and come back again. Now, we have some stuff is no problem that some people for example, have diseases that caused them that result that they have to have when
throughout prayer. So does this mean that they have to leave prayer and perform go again and then come repeat the prayer? What do you think of the disease? What do you think? I think if it's uncontrollable, it might take the hokum the ruling as
solace and don't worry about
it making life difficult, which we barely can translate things to English now you're getting us terminologies and, and medicine back a person who always re urinates all the time or
drips of urine, okay.
What he said is quite true. If a person has this illness in him throughout our which means that he constantly passes wind, or he he constantly urinates, he cannot control himself. We cannot ask him to go and perform ablution comfrey. Again, because this is an an endless process, it will never end. But
Islam tells us that because it's beyond his control, that Allah azza wa jal does not ask him to do something he cannot do. So scholars say that he performs whoodle and then he comes to the prayer and he prays and regardless of what comes out of him, now we're talking about a person that it doesn't happen that frequent, you know, or it doesn't happen at all except once in
Every Blue Moon or it just, you know, flipped, he couldn't control himself and it just escaped without him paying any notice to it until it was released. So he should go and live salaat. But wouldn't this be embarrassing? You imagine yourself spraying behind the Imam, the whole mosque is full. And you are in the first chakra? And then you pass when? What do you do?
I have to go and after the completion, how will you go? People are praying. They're all praying in the congregation.
What would you do?
The prayer will go
and have an evolution? And what are the things that the people who say your friends and what do you do? Hmm.
There was one incident where one of us have a pass to end and another other Sahaba last attempt and the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam told them that this is natural, and you shouldn't laugh at it. It's true. So so it should be normal that if you pass one dream, what would you do? A romantic? Well, there's a big difference between scholars and how you can leave it you know, without causing fitna and problems between Muslims. Some scholars from what I've read, I don't remember exactly who said what, but I'll mention what they said. Some of them said, follow with them without your intention that in the prayer, and some say grab your mouth, like you know, you're bleeding out of your nose or
something and leave the prayer, make a coughing sound or walk out.
And some other scholars said just leave you know? Well, those who said continue with them without an intention are definitely and grossly wrong. Because when you pretend that you're praying with them, though you are not in the state of bahara or evolution. Who are you deceiving?
You deceiving the people.
Okay, what are you doing? On the surface you are praying. So your prayer is not intended to Allah azza wa jal, it is intended to the people. And this is a major sin.
And this is found mainly in schools, you know, Muslim schools, when the guys are in intermediate and high schools, and they're forced to pray because prayer time between classes, and the headmaster and the teachers, you know, gather them all so that they can all pray in congregation, you get people that don't want to pray.
And they don't, they don't dare to say I don't want to pray. Because they know that this is a major sin is unacceptable. So they pray, but without performing will do. And I've seen a lot of them, you know, praying, pretending to pray with chewing gums, and bubble gums in the making no bubbles and so on. And this is a major sin. Now, the second
type that you've mentioned, which is grabbing one's nose and moving out as if he's bleeding there's an authentic hadith which made by an amendment body which says that this is the way if someone passes when during salaat he may put his hand over his nose as if there's something wrong happen and excuse himself because if you see someone doing this you will not say Haha, no he passed when you're not gonna fool me. Now, he may not think that no person in the first straw a person seriously praying would not be pretending. So this is just to save your face.
Then you would know that he might have passed when done
probably but again it saves face because once you know that he passed when and he is applying the Hadith of the Prophet Allah Susannah, you respect him for this? Definitely not gonna go out to say I know what you know what you've done. I've seen what you did. Now, you will go in no respect him because he's applying the sooner. So this is the way that we are supposed to follow with this incident.
Again, is a clear sign last week on that one of the preconditions of salaat is bahara to be in the state of purity. The following Hadith Hadith number 161 narrated by Isha may Allah be pleased with her the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the salaat meaning prayer of a woman who has reached puberty is not accepted unless she is wearing a human.
Okay, well can you explain what Mr is? commands
A piece of cloth that women wear over their heads and covers the head and the neck, just showing the face. Okay, now, this is KMR that allows the viewer will not accept her prayer unless she has the MMR. She's wearing the MMR. And by the way, was the woman in America, according for the event, was she wearing the humar? She wasn't only when she prayed the to pray wedding imar then her prayer is not accepted. And she is ridiculing with prayer. And there is a very big possibility that this might be something that nullifies her Islam. So she has to repent, and she has to ask Allah for forgiveness. Now this hadith points out the second condition of salaat. Which is no five condition
of Salah No, no. The second condition of Salah this hadith tells us about the second condition. What is it?
We have to use him and you don't have to use him out I hope Oh no, no, no for for for special for women, for women. And generally speaking, this is called
talks about puberty. No, no, no, no, it's talks about
the Hadith talks about the second condition. The first one, the first Hadees talked about a purity. So the second it talks about the second condition which is covering up covering up the hour. And for women to cover up during Salah they have to wear the veil. And this veil is covering their whole body with the exception of the face and the hands providing that no strange men are looking because the authentic opinion is that the face of a woman is our is something that strange men should not look at and this is an issue of dispute, we will not go
through it. As for the man, his hour is known to be from his belly button to the knees. This is during prayer. And there's a difference between the hour for prayer and the hour to look at.
So it's a different thing all together. And what about the foot? What about the feet of women? Is it considered to be our if there are no strangers looking or not?
Even Tamia says that the authentic opinion is that it's not considered to be our then it's okay for her to show the feet. There are lots of issues that we have not discussed yet but I'm afraid that this is all the time we have for today's program. So inshallah till we meet next time family Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.