Assim Al-Hakeem – Lessons In Fiqh 27

Assim Al-Hakeem
AI: Summary ©
The importance of knowing the time of prayer for religious practice is discussed, including determining the shadow's length and marking time for Mahara's prayer when the sun reaches the sky and the shadow reaches the height of the stick. Manners and good manners are also emphasized, including the use of honoring missed prayer times and not standing up during prayer. The speaker also discusses the history of the Prophet's behavior and the importance of not being discouraged by the presence of the sun, while also mentioning the use of spicy foods during prayer and a video of a woman who sat on a table while praying.
AI: Transcript ©
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sallallahu wasallam about acaba de vasudha Ameen Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Jemaine assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And welcome to lessons and

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today, we are studying the times of Salat. And it is very essential for us to know the times of sunlight as it is one of the preconditions required for us to pray. Because if someone prays via her prayer, before, it's time, then he has to repeat it. Again. It's not accepted, even if he did not know, even if he was confused. Even if someone called for the exam before its time, and he knew that afterwards, he should, again, pray once again. So it's very essential for us to know the times of prayer. And we have a lot of Hadith in this chapter. The first one has the number of 129 who will read that for us, brother stuffer

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the rating of the law of Iran rhodiola horn Huma, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the time of noon prayer is when the sun passes the meridian and demands shadow is of the same length as his height. It lasts until the time of the afternoon prayer. The time of prayer is as long as the sun has not become yellow during its setting. The time of the Reverend sunset prayer is as long as the Twilight has not disappeared, the time of the night prayer is up to midnight. And the time of the morning prayer is from the appearance of dawn, as long as the sun has not risen. But when the sun rises, abstained from prayer, for it rises between the two horns of Satan. There it is, bright,

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brighter, brighter are the Allahu anhu in another version of the above Hadith regarding us afternoon prayer, when the sun is white and clear, and Abu Musa for the low rated regarding the time of prayer while the sun is high. Now this hadith the Prophet alayhi wa sallam tells us the beginning at the end of each prayer when it begins and when it ends. And the first thing that the Prophet Allah saw some began with was solid ation or

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which shot your door lower. Is it the same as Juma?

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What is it is it same as Juma you should Juma Zoo law it's not. Friday Prayer is different than the her prayer though they share the time, but they are different altogether. So it's a different prayer altogether.

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Lord prayer was the first prayer mentioned here. But actually what is the first prayer in the day fudger prayer, and that is why a salad to Wooster is answer prayer because we have fudger, Lahore and then Maghreb Russia and we have also in the middle, the prophets Allah Selim began by telling us

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what time the Lord's Prayer starts, and what time it ends. And with a quick glance at the five prayers, how do we as Muslims determine the time of prayers?

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Does anybody have an answer? You know how we determine the time of prayers and stuff Ah,

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excellent, according to the sun movement, so even if you don't have a watch, even if you are not living in the city, wherever you are, you can tell when it is time to pray. And that is done by following the movement of the Sun every morning

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Prayer has a certain period that it begins in, and it ends in the profit started by saying Lahore prayer. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that the time of Lahore or noon prayer is when the sun passes the Meridian, and the man's shadow is of the same length as his height. And this is the end of it. This is also prayer. Now, the whole prayer starts when the sun moves across the sky towards the west.

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If we begin from the very beginning, fuzzier prayer, how do we know it's time for fudger prayer by looking at the East,

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once we say we see that on the horizon, there's a white line, which symbolizes the break of dawn, because the sun is rising, the darkness is fading. So the minute it's done, we can see that at the horizon, at the very end of it, we can see the light breaking.

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It's the break of dawn. So this is the time for fudger prayer, you can pray fudger now.

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And at the very end of the Hadith, the Prophet says So Sam, that the end of fudger prayer is when

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Jackie Sophia, sama prayer, when there is the shadow shadow, which is sunrise sunrise, so it is time for you to pray fudger until the very beginning of the sun appears, then that's it, it's over.

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The Sun comes from the east.

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And as it comes up from the east, it goes to the middle of the sky, and then it goes to the west. So if I had something erect, let's say, a pole or a stick, and the sun comes up from here, there will be a very long shadow. Because as soon as the sun comes up, the thing that is erected, it has a very long shadow. As it goes up, the shadow decreases in length, as the sun is exactly in the middle of the sky. This thing, the stick has no shadow, none whatsoever. This time. Now, exactly when the thing has no shadow, it is forbidden for Muslims to pray. This is one of the extreme times that it's forbidden for us to pray, the minute the sun goes to the west, and this stick has a shadow facing

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towards the east, then this is exactly the time for a vote prayer.

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So the Imam at the margin calls for her prayer. And till when can I pray. The prophet in the Hadith

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says until the shadow is of the same length of his height, which means that now as the sun is going towards the west, and the shadow is increasing in length, the minute the shadow is equivalent to the height of this stick that I have put, then this is the end of lower time. And it marks the beginning of us our time. And this is in accordance to the majority of scholars. It's different with an Hanafi School, where they say it should be twice as long. But this is the authentic opinion of the majority of scholars in accordance to this hadith we have before our hands.

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Now, after prayer in this Hadith, the Prophet says the time of prayer is as long as the sun has not become yellow during a setting. And in another version, where while it's a white and clear and another version, as long as it's high while the sun is high. So what is the correct

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among all these versions that are correct, see, when it's time for us or we said that the time for answer is is what Mustapha

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time for us is when the sun goes to the west, okay, and height is equal to the shadow excellent when the shadow is equal to the height. This is the time of us. And what is the end of it. Some scholars say when the

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Sun is yellow, and not bright in the sense that it's okay for you to look at it. Can we look at the sun when it's

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in High Noon is almost impossible to burn your eyes. Can we look at it at three o'clock, four o'clock, five o'clock pm. Still, when it's almost 530 or six o'clock when it's really down, and the heat and light has faded away, it's okay. You can look at it, then prayer becomes not preferable in the sense that if you've delayed us or prayer until this time, you've done something wrong, you should have prayed a bit earlier. But you can still pray until maharrey prayer and psyche how do we mark margaree prayer if

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the moon is your colors, yellows, if the sun is yellow,

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and then No, no, I will Malik at sunset when the sun sets. So this is Margaret. When the whole ring of the sun disappears.

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Then This marks the time of Mahara and Until when

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are we allowed to pray Margaret?

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until the time of Asia

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and Rushdie Do you know what? When is the time of Asia?

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The time of Isa is

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as long as the Twilight.

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Twilight Twilight has not disappeared. You can watch Twilight is

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Twilight, do you know No, Twilight?

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It's not

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the toilet. Ah, Twilight fly by.

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Fadi, do you know what Twilight is? It's a type of redness at the at the end of a sunset. It's not at the end of the sunset, it's in the West.

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So now that when the sun sets

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down here, it's complete darkness in the east, because the sun is as far as possible away from it. But as the sun is going down, there still remains some light and it gives the Twilight it gives the horizon a reddish color. Because this is what they call the Twilight. Now mercury prayer is as soon as the sun has set, and till this redness is gone. This is mother prayer. So how do we mark our Isha prayer, it's very simple. When the redness disappears, this is a short prayer. And often it's about an hour to an hour and a half. It depends on the season if it's winter, or summer. So it varies from one country to the other. And these are the five daily prayers. You don't have to have a watch. To

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know them. All what you have to do is monitor the movement of the sun. All you have to do is monitor where the shade is. And the length of the shade you looked at the East to know is the break of dawn. You look at the west to know the disappearance of Asia of shafique Twilight which marks the beginning of Asia prayer. We have a short break and inshallah We will be right back.

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We are covering the manners in Islam that a Muslim is supposed to have in Islam, there is a strong link between having good manners and piety. And then he said I guarantee Edwin in the highest rank of Jana for the one who perfect his manner that indeed, truthfulness leads to it to righteousness and righteousness and piety leads to gentle prepatellar Selim used to always maintain family ties, gentleness and Islam

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means to treat people with kindness and with tenderness

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Rahim hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah Rasool e Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and welcome to lessons in fact, we are setting the chapter that deals with the times of salaat of prayer. And we have Hadith number 130.

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Brother Fadi will read it. Narrated by Abu barzal eslami May Allah be pleased with him. Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to offer the entrepreneur and after the prayer one of us would return to his house at the furthest end of Medina, and arrival The sun was still hot and bright, and he sallallahu Sallam love to delay dosha prayer and he disliked sleeping before and conversation after it. After the February he used to live when a man could recognize the ones sitting beside him. And he used to recite between 60 to 100 verses of the Quran in the Frederick prayer narrative, jabbering the version of Al Bukhari and Muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam used to advance the ship or sometimes in the late at other times, whenever he saw the people assembled for their supper, he would pray early and if the people delayed he would delay the prayer. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to offer the threadripper when he was still dark, narrated Abu Musab, may Allah be pleased with him in another version of Muslim he sallallahu Sallam offered the prayer at daybreak when he when the people who could hardly recognize one another. Now this hadith has a lot of issues in them. And one of them seems to be conflicting with the others. So in some parts of this Hadith, the prophet SAW Selim would, they would pray fudger, when people could

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recognize each other, and in other parts of it, and some version of it, that they do not recognize each other. So do they recognize or don't they recognize depending on the light, the amount of light is there, they finish the prayer in darkness or in light, we will go through this inshallah, in details as much as we can.

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From this Hadith, and for other Hadith, the student is to pray prayer, immediately after the event. So the more it's closer to the event at the very beginning of its time, the better it is. And this is with all the prayers to the exception of

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arratia prayer, and Lord prayer, as we will come to learn Sharla raesha, the prophet as in this Hadith, sometimes advanced it sometimes delayed it. And in so many times, he came and said to his companions, that this is the time of Asia. But people can't tolerate and wait all this time, but it's the preferred time for a large region. That is before midnight.

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As for zohore, prayer, noon prayer, it depends on the heat. So if it's really hot, then it's preferred that one delays it as we will shall not come to learn about this. Now and the Hadith, it mentions that they finish after prayer, while the sun is still bright and hot. Which means that the prophet SAW Selim prayed it immediately after the event, because,

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as you recall, we said that answer prayer begins when the shade of an object is equivalent to its height. And this is approximately like two or three hours after noon. So the sun is still hot and bright. And this is exactly what the prophet when the prophet SAW the Muse to pray, awesome. Immediately after the event,

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I shall prayer the Prophet is our son used to

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prepare to delay it. And so many heads. As you remember, we've mentioned some of them, that the companions would wait for the Salah, and they would dose a bit, you know, they would almost feel asleep while sitting down waiting for the Salah, which meant that the Prophet used to delay it for like two and a half to three hours after the event and that's a lot of time. Yet, the companions would spend their time making Vicar making something useful of their time. They didn't have any TVs. They didn't have any things to waste their time on. They would probably sit in the masjid, learn the Quran, learn the Hadith as we're doing now, or do something that is useful in their life.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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did not like

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Sleeping before it. So sleeping between Muharram and Asia is not preferred. It's not recommended. It's mcru. And why is that? Because if a person sleeps before Asia, he either skips Asia because he was asleep. Or he prays Asia on time with the congregation, but then does not feel that he wants to sleep. So he would stay awake all night long. And maybe this would affect his fudger prayer, or would affect his day time activities, work study, etc.

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Karen Malik

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if there's if it's possible for him to wake up without, you know, affecting on his rest of his sleep or affecting on the prayer, is it permissible? Now, the Hadees does not say it's forbidden. Now you have to be careful in this. We said that the Prophet has some did not prefer. And there are so many things that the prophet SAW Selim did not prefer, and they're not forbidden, so we can do them. For example, do you have any examples? We've mentioned few. Along the programs, you've made, things that the prophet SAW salon

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did not prepare. yet they're not forbidden, or things that the prophet SAW Selim did not do and we can do them. Brother, Fadi, like drinking while you're standing, like drinking while standing. We did not mention this, but you brought it so we have to talk about it. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam said that one should not drink while standing up. Yet it's reported that Al Bahari that he came to the well of Zamzam, and he drank standing up. So scholars say it's either recommended not to drink standing up, or it was obligated. Both ways, it's preferable that you sit down. Now this is not the example that I wanted you to mention. The example is that the Prophet that I saw some never

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ate on a table.

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You remember this? Now? Does this mean that we cannot eat on the tables? No, yet the Prophet did not do it. Again, the prophet never ate salatu salam using a spoon or a fork, he always ate with his bare hands. Now, does this mean that eating with a spoon or fork is not permissible? No, these are things to do with customs. It doesn't have to do with religion. Now in the case of not sleeping before Asia, the logic behind that is understandable, which is that there is a possibility that you will skip fudger prayer or ratio prayer itself while sleeping or this will encourage you to stay awake all night.

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That is why the Prophet that is and some did not prefer conversation after Isha because it's a time of sleep. And you get three four hours of sleep and then you wake wake up and pray the whole the rest of the night.

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scholars say that if there's a legitimate thing for you to do, then you may sleep before and you may have conversations afterwards, such as if a person has guests. And they come to your house after a short prayer. Would it be Islamic to tell them? Well, I cannot accept you you have to go live? Would it be Islamic to kick them out? No. abubaker did

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exactly what we're talking about. He had guests sent to him by the prophet that is awesome. After Asia, he prayed the issue with the prophet and came back and sat with them for an hour or two. So abubaker did this. May Allah be pleased with him? The Companions did this. May Allah be pleased with them all. So by saying that the Prophet did not prefer sleeping before, or having conversation after Asia does not mean it's Haram. It means it's not recommendable unless there is legitimate reason behind it. Such as in many mosques in around the Muslims world. They prefer to give lectures after Asia. Because, unfortunately, most Islamic countries use the western way of working hours. So they

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start from 95 or from eight to four. And this is not quite Islamic, the Islamic way of working is right after dawn right after fudger prayer. And it's astonishing how the companions used to begin their days. And one incident. This Hadith was narrated by Abu hurayrah May Allah be pleased with him and it's reported in Muslims Muslim

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after it says after the

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Prophet SAW Selim prayed fetcher.

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He looked at his companions. Now fetcher is about what 5am, depending sometimes you could go up to 4am. So it's between four and 530. So, the prophet looked at the companions and said, who woke up this morning fasting? Who wouldn't? Who will fast, shorter worker races, and I am fasting to the Prophet. So he asks his companions again, who followed a funeral, to the burial to the cemetery, and buried dead man. So abubaker raises his hand, said I did or prophet of Allah, are you in your mind? It's 5am. So the Prophet goes on, who fed, a poor man gave him food. So Walker says I did. And finally, the Prophet says, I saw some who visited a sick person, a patient, who was ill, who visited

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him, and comforted him. So Becker says, I did a prophet of Allah. So the Prophet says, Who ever does these four things in one day, we'll enter heaven.

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And abubaker definitely is one of them. The catch here is that he did all of these four things before as your prayer now you knock on people's doors at seven o'clock, eight o'clock, 10 o'clock am and they are dead asleep.

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The companion started their day, like two or an hour and a half or two hours before the break of dawn, which tells you that there is something wrong. Unfortunately, we begin our day,

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like nine to five or eight to four, which is on Islamic and this is not the way we should do it. We should sleep after Asia. So that we can make night prayer, but because we do not, because we have working hours that is different, that are different, we extend the this period until midnight, and usually people sleep at 12 o'clock or 1am. The sooner is not to sleep before it and not to have Converse conversation afterwards. Now this is for Asia.

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us for fetcher.

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Yanni, it is clear to us that the profit used to begin federal prayer early in the morning.

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But he would extend it and recite 60 to 100 verses until it's light and people can recognize each other. So by this way, we can join the two Hadith where it says it states that the Prophet has some use to pray when it's dark and used to finish this prayer when people recognize each other. I'm afraid that this is all the time we have for today's program. inshallah we'll recap again next time and until we meet Fiamma Allah was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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