Ammar Alshukry – Why Immigrants Should Appreciate Black History

Ammar Alshukry
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Speaker 1 discusses how America opened up immigration to the " colored world" after the we'd been living in Asia or Africa or South America. The presence of America in the United States directly indebts to the African American community, as it was directly related to the "irresistible world" after the we'd been living in Asia or Africa or South America.
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When we talk about black history if your parents or grandparents immigrated to the United States from anywhere that's considered to be the colored world, so Asia or Africa or South America, then most likely it happened after the 1960s. And the reason why that is, is because America didn't open up immigration to the colored world until public consciousness towards color people change and that's after the civil rights struggle. And so our very presence in the United States is directly indebted to the African American community.

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