Ali Ataie – The Two Types of War Against Women
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The speaker discusses the global war on women and how it has impacted the gender of women. They note that many women are now considered "less than half as men," and that this pervasive norm is a result of the "teen's act." The speaker also mentions a prophet named Muhammad who recognized the issue of sexism and how it erodes women's roles as leaders.
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When the innocent little beautiful baby girl will
be asked on the ul Mutiamah
for what crime she was killed.
Can you imagine? This is proven. The majority
of children
killed by their parents are girls. No one
wants to talk about this war on women.
This is a global war on women.
The other, front of the war on women
is when men appropriate the gender of women.
When men think they can become women
like some sort of gender blackface.
When womanhood becomes mockingly performative,
this will systematically
that which makes real women unique
and distinct
and precious.
This is in the Quran. The male is
not like the female. The prophet Muhammad salallahu
alaihi wa sallam, he recognized this perennial problem
that people who don't believe in ultimate accountability
oppress others that are physically weaker.
That's the law of the jungle.