Ali Ataie – Is Faith Blind or is Faith Confidence in the Evidence of God

Ali Ataie
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The speaker discusses the concept of faith in the Latin language, stating that faith is not just a belief without evidence. He uses the phrase "confidence" to mean confidence, rather than just belief. He also discusses the controversy surrounding the term " faith" in the Latin language, citing a person who identifies as a pro-life Catholic and a Roman Catholic church.

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			The word faith, unfortunately, has been tarnished by
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			new atheism. People like Richard Dawkins, they they
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			say that faith means belief without evidence. So
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			I like to use the word confidence. What
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			what does the word confidence mean in the
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			Latin? Con with faith, it just means faith.
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			So we believe in the prophet salam alayhi
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			sallam. We have confidence
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			in the prophet salam alayhi wasalam precisely because
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			of evidence. In the Quran, he is called.
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			The evidence that he is the And sometimes
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			it's very tempting to say that all religions
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			are essentially the same, but that is a
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			of Islam as well as these other religions.
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			These differences matter, and they are important. I
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			personally know a guy who identifies as a
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			pro choice Catholic.
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			Pro abortionist means pro death, pro murder. The
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			tradition in binding teaching before to the Roman
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			Catholic church is against abortion. He said, I
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			don't care. And I said, can you be
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			a Unitarian Catholic? And he said, no. And
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			I said, well, what's the difference as long
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			as we're picking and choosing?
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			Details matter. Definitions matter.