Ali Ataie – A Believer’s Patience in Ramadan
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The transcript discusses the history and importance of the title Islam, including its use for political purposes and its weight in relation to our character. The speakers also touch on the struggles of people who experienced a culture of faith and the need for a culture of faith. The transcript describes a conversation between a woman and her partner, discussing their experiences with depression and the importance of patience in dealing with difficult situations. The conversation also touches on the use of words in religion, including "naughty," and the potential for false accusations. The transcript describes a culture of pride where people feel pride and desire to be a "interrupted"-theology. The "interrupted"-theology is a culture where people feel pride and desire to be a "theological" character. The "interrupted"-theology is a culture where people feel pride and desire to be a "theological" character. The "interrupted"-theology is a culture where people feel pride and desire to be a "theological
AI: Summary ©
Santa Monica Mattila de la Veta Casa
so it's difficult for me to speak tonight so many of the people of
knowledge that are here listening to me for whatever reason
but please humor me for a few minutes in sha Allah Tala.
You know, there's people in this community that actually remind me
of Sahaba you know, when CD 50 doing, for example, reminds me of
Satan Ahmad, he's actually a descendant of Satan or model.
Right? The Magette did these come from satan their own model or the
allotted our annual I remember when I first met see the fit a
dune? I was 17 or 18 years old. I was actually afraid to speak with
him. And it's not like I was afraid of him because he's going
to hurt me or stuff but Allah, I was just awestruck by him. Like
sitting there him out if he saw said normally be awestruck by him.
Right. shaytaan is afraid of a signature model. Right.
And he was doing sigma. At the time he was he was with Sheikh
Hamza, they were teaching classes. And I noticed that there's an
intention in his walk. You've watched CD 52, And walk, walk
because it v machinic. Look, man, and Hakeem says to his son, walk
with a maksud walk with a with an intention. Right. So as a mom is
eight said some of us walk with an intention, or MCSA is to go home
and watch Michael Phelps. Take the 100 meter fly, and celebrate or
watch Usain Bolt. We bolt home to watch Hussein.
We should bolt home and emulate Hussein. I need to set up sorry,
that was my joke.
You know, when I when I see brother, Mr. Aude, who's kind of
flying under the radar, I think of Ibnu Masood multitalented Brother,
brother Massoud came to me a few years ago and said I want to be
your Arabic student. So he had to study Arabic. So I was his tutor.
A few months later, he was my peer, not peer in the Desi sense.
He wasn't not peer to side not like that peer as in we were at
the same level after a few months. Alright, so
Jani is aka Lakota for humoring me. There's people here that are
from Adelaide Bates, Aiden Mubin. Al Husseini, seen on Mini or
animun Her seen a local man, the man had that her seen and
I will come up all Alia Salatu was Salam, very blessed that
individuals are here. May Allah subhanaw taala bless all of you,
all of you are blessed inshallah to Allah for coming here tonight.
May Allah subhana wa Tada bless the masjid the people who run the
masjid see the office and see the pet aways. And Allah subhanho wa
Taala preserve them and preserve their families inshallah Tada.
So kind of to continue what we were talking about last night, I
might repeat a few things because I just forget I'm getting a little
bit older so you have to forgive me, but that's okay. Because the
Quran says with that good in that Vica 10 for ultimate meaning
remind the believers because reminders, benefits believers. So
you have to excuse me.
The alarm I say that?
They say that
just as the body needs, time or food for nourishment, the rule,
the spirit needs nourishment as well. And the nourishment of those
who is vichara Allah, Allah be thicker. Allah the victory light
as Manuel Kuru Verily, with the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa
Taala our hearts made tranquil, and if you eat too little, then
the body becomes sick. Likewise, if you don't make enough to decode
the rule or become sick, if you eat too much, the body becomes
sick. But there is no gluttony with the vicar of Allah subhanho
wa Taala This is the only difference yeah you have to deal
with quote Allah the Quran cathedra because here's an adverb,
Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't use this adverb with any other act
of a bad he didn't say cm or so cathedra. So Latin because the
Euro had junk Avira with could Allah the Quran cathedra. And when
we remember Allah subhanaw taala we are in actuality, following the
example of our prophets of Allah who it it was salam. This is the
goal of our vicar, the objective of the vicar is to emulate him,
and to align our character with him as we said in the past, and to
taste some of the actual while of the prophets Allah Allah is in the
states of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is our mother, Aisha Radi
Allahu Allah, Allah said, Can SallAllahu wasallam you have
called Allah for kuleana he, that the Prophet salallahu Salam, he
remembered Allah subhanho wa Taala and all of his states. Think about
the weightiness of our Thika there's three types of Diko zikr
on the tongue zikr on the tongue and heart and then just the heart.
Right, the hearts of the Sahaba were making vicar of Allah
subhanho wa Taala and many of them when they were sleeping, it would
come to the tongue. You can hear them making zikr and this still
happens contemporary with Alia, this is something that's
documented something that's seen they're sleeping, they're making
vicar of ALLAH SubhanA wa
Honor, this is a holy language. Arabic is a holy language Allah
subhanho wa Taala chose Arabic. The Quran is an Arabic the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam who stayed in Caligula was an Arab, right?
Party Ahmad. Have you the hello to Isla when he recited a vicar Imam
Zaid gave the Hadith tradition the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
describing the power of the vicar but he didn't translate it. He
said, You know I would say supine, Allah will be handy Subhan Allah
Allah azim. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said about this statement
Keti Mitanni a FIFA Tani Isla de Sani, there are two statements
that are very light on the tongue. It's very light on the tongues
easy to say, Fuck Lila, tiny filmy. Zanni but extremely weighty
on the Mazon extremely weighty on the Amazon on the Yeoman cuyama
There are scales and this supplication or this praising of
Allah subhanaw taala this to spear of Allah subhanaw taala is very
weighty. Habiba Tani Allah Rahmani they are beloved to Allah man
Allah Subhana Allah to Allah Subhana Allah who will be Hamdi
Subhana Allah who love him.
So we have to think about these things we have to have to double
when we make vicar of ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala engage our hearts
and the meanings of these things. Right. The goal again is to tap
into the states the actual Allah the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the
the station of patients for example, we quoted this hadith the
other day at vicco. What is true vicar. What is the objective of
is to reform the internal character because the Prophet
sallallahu sallam said in the Bible, if God utami Mama Karim
Allah flock, I was only sent to a reformed character or to perfect
character. Right? So true patience, is something that you
don't have to think about. Because you've habituated yourself into
emulating the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that it becomes second
nature, it becomes adept and this is according to our virtue theory.
Right that you fake it till you make it, you have to have the
prophets on the line to cut it off the prophesy. Salami said, cry in
your prayer. If you can't cry, make yourself cry. If you can't
make yourself cry, pretend to cry, pretend to cry, and then that will
eventually become your adult. That's how you acquire a virtue.
Right? So it's not enough just to come and do vicar, although
there's blessing in that the melodica descend some people are
forced into coming here by their parents and whatnot, the man that
he can still bless them, according to the Hadith, but we have to
benefit from the vicar and have this internal transformation of
character. The prophets I send them there's a hadith he was
walking through Bucky or through
the graveyard, the cemetery in Medina. And he saw this woman far
off sitting by her grave and she was down on the ground and she was
weeping and she was being a little excessive with her weeping there's
nothing wrong with weeping, right but comes from the eye and from
the heart is permissible, but if you're wailing and things like
that, this is not Lisa Mina min min Baba who Duda was shut down.
Juba. What the RB da Jia Jia Helia Oh, come up Allah, you know,
hitting yourself and renting your clothes and things like that. So
the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he approached her and he said, and he
walked up behind her so she did not turn around. And he said,
Yeah, I'm at Allah. Oh maid servant of Allah. It tequila.
Tequila was very
have Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa taala, and be patient. And then
she immediately snapped at him and said, you've never been afflicted,
like I've been afflicted. You've never been afflicted like this,
and the Prophet sallallahu sallam. There is no refutation of this
statement. Now we know a shed that Bella and the most extreme type of
severe type of tribulation comes to the prophets and then those
closest to the Prophet. The Prophet sallallaahu Salam was
orphaned at six years old. His grandfather died when he was eight
years old. His beloved wife had digital Cobra, she died after over
25 years of marriage. He had seven children, he buried six of them.
Imagine seven children, you bury your one child. People go into
depression, they can't function. He buried six of his children. And
he knew that his seventh child Fatima Zahra Gouda to a&e, the
light of his eye the apple of his eye. He knew that she was going to
pass six years after and he knew about Imam Hussain what would
happen to her saying I know his Salam in Sunni traditions and the
Sunnah wal Jamaah
hadith of Al Hakim in his most sutra, Hadith. So here, almost
Salama says, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was sleeping.
He suddenly estate acaba faj attan he woke up suddenly he was
agitated, agitated, and then he tried to go back to sleep and it
was difficult for him and then it stay a cover again and he
eventually slept and then he woke up again. This happened three
times through my stay a cover with a yet to hit
Sharifah talking about John hamre and in His hand was read soil.
This is a Hadith in Al Hakim in his Masada sound Hadith rigorously
authenticated Hadith from Allah Sunnah wa Jamar. And he was UCOP
Bilou ha and he's kissing it, this red soil in his hand. And she said
y'all Rasul Allah. What is this? He said, This is the torah of Cara
Bella. This is Gibreel Isla is Salam came to me and said that my
grandson, Imam Hussain, the beloved, Habiba rasool Allah, the
Beloved of the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, per se Allah
His Salam who came into the masjid, who heard the voice of his
grandfather on the minbar and he comes into the masjid following
the voice of his grandfather, the prophet, he descends the minbar
picks him up, hugs him, kisses him, and then reassess the minbar
and finishes the hotbar this is her saying I need to sit down.
When the army of Yazidi brought the heads into Damascus, they
paraded them around. This is part of our history. It's painful to
talk about, but we have to mention it.
We love our little bait. We love them with all of our heart and
this has faltered from Allah subhanaw taala. They brought their
heads they're parading them around their Sahaba in Damascus, who had
no idea what had happened side of a new side a Sahabi old man at the
time, he sees this this Eid happening in Damascus. Right? So
he goes to Zainal Aberdeen who's tied to a camel and he says what
can I do for you Zain on Aberdeen who has seen on Aberdeen alley
Ibnu her saying, this is a son of Imam Hussein. Right? The great
great grandson of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam said
what can I do for you? So do you have any money? He said, Yes. He
said pay the soldiers to allow the women of Atul Bay to cover their
faces they had torn off the head jobs to disk to to to insult them.
And then they brought the head of Imam Hussain in front of us eat
and he took a stick and he was hitting the blessed lips of Imam
Hussain Ali Salam and he said Al horrible CJ have a Yummly budhan
like Abu Sufian Ebonheart said before he became Muslim, Abu
Sufian Abner hub Radi Allahu Allah and who was a Sahabi in respect
him became Muslim. He proved good his Islam he died in Gaza. He lost
his eyesight, but this is what he is he did. He hit the mouth of
Imam Hussein. He said war is attrition. This day for Buddle
right side of new sites at Walla he's at way Hakka world to you
what Allah he will Allah He I saw the lips of the messenger touch
those lips, I saw the lips of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam touch
those lives. The Prophet sallallahu sallam. He knew he knew
about this. So anyway, back to the Hadith. He didn't argue with her
you've never been. You've never had a musi but like I've had a
Musa. The Prophet says Sammy goes home, the Sahaba they approached
this woman, and they said, you know who that was? He said, and
she said, I had to mean come. She's, he was one of you, right?
And they say no. Who are rasool Allah, this was a messenger of
allah sallallahu Salah. So she makes haste she runs and stands
behind his door, standing behind his door waiting for him to come
out. Eventually he comes out and she says, I want to be patient. I
want to be patient. The Prophet sallallaahu Salam does not scold
her. What does he say? He gives her a gem of guidance. He said in
NAMA, Cebu and the submittal hula Okoma. Kala Salatu was Salam. So
true patience is when the affliction first hits you. That's
true patience. That's prophetic patience. When the affliction
first hits you and you have patience, Imam Ali said, giving a
tough syrup, this hadith, that if you hear something, if you hear
about a Musa, and you just slap your thigh like this is like that.
He said, You haven't been patient. What do we do when we hear about
mo Seba? This is our reputation now that Muslims have short fuses,
that Muslims are very reactionary, they don't think they just react.
They don't know how to think this is a stereotype about us amongst
non Muslims. Muslims don't know how to think they just react
Elijah to an atom in Allah When Angela Dumanis shaytaan. That
precaution and thinking things through is from Allah subhanho wa
taala. But haste, being hasty, being reactionary, this is from
the shaytaan the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he never acted
in anger, the Sahaba couldn't even tell he was angry, except that his
face his blessed face countenance would have a little bit of a tinge
of red and it would be a vein in his forehead like say the Armada,
one time he's reading the Torah scroll, he's reading the Torah and
that's not forsake nama that doesn't mean that you're not
allowed to read the Torah right? They've been with Abbot he
mastered Hebrew learn the toad out to make Dawa. That's his job
that's his occupation, his wealth Eva but say no, Omar is not
supposed to read the Torah. So St. Thomas, I'm reading the Torah. I
look up the prophet is looking at me and he's a
and greed is to describe his anger. He was smiling.
He was looking at me angry. So he was smiling as he asked, but I saw
a little vein in his forehead. His face was slightly red tinged red.
He said I dropped the scroll and said, I seek refuge. Ooh, the
biller, I seek refuge from the hub of Allah subhanho wa taala. And
from the hub of his messenger from the anger of Amanda's messenger,
there's another Sahabi Abdullah, even more often than Moosonee, who
was on an expedition, he found a piece of food on the floor, he hid
it like this. And he said, Well, Allah, He never I'm not going to
share this with anyone. He just said to himself under his breath,
I'm not going to share this with anyone. And then he said, he
looked at a distance away, a distance away, I don't know. 30
yards, 50 yards, right? Men understand yards more than feet,
probably because of football. Many, many yards away. He sees in
a distance somebody is smiling at him a disapproving smile.
Right? So he called five other men and they shared this little piece
of food that he had found. This is the concern of the prophets, Allah
Allahu Allah, Allah wa salam. So this is true patience. Patience
You know,
I'm going to be patient.
After I've punched someone in the face, or after I've abused my
wife, or after I've, you know, made a fool out of myself and I'm
all embarrassed and I'm going to have patients no true patients, is
that when that sudden Tula hits when that first move Ciba hits
that, you remember Allah subhanho wa taala, because the prophets
Allah, Allah, Allah said unremembered ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
when you remember Allah Who do you remember next Rasul Allah, this is
Bill a Botha. This is according to annexation Rasul Allah, the
Messenger of God. And when you remember the messenger of God, you
remember his vicar. You remember to be patient, you remember Allah
subhanho wa taala. Therefore you control your actions. Right?
So this is one of the benefits of Nico is that it aligns our
character with the character of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
Last night we were talking about love added baits and a special
position that they have love with the Prophet sallallaahu Salam.
We discussed the, the shahada, Imam Ali Karim Allahu wa.
And its significance in the lessons that we learned from it.
So we'll continue with that and inshallah to Allah for a few
minutes and then we'll end the talk in sha Allah to Allah as we
can hear from my teacher, CD 50, doing inshallah to honor the
Prophet sallallahu sallam, according to hadith of Amar,
vinyasa, rhodiola Tila and Houma. He said that the Prophet
sallallahu sallam said and you can read this entire the whole whole
of, of general ADINA, so ut Rahim Allah Allah Allah. So the Prophet
sallallahu sallam said to Ali, he said that two men are going to
have the most grievous type of punishment and Alok era,
two men are going to have the most grievous type of punishment the
most painful, tormenting type of either in the in the afterlife. He
said the fair complexion demand of Benny thumb ood who hamstrung the
Nakata, Allah, the she camel of Allah subhanho wa taala. That's
one. And then he said, and the man who is going to strike you here,
and this will be saturated with red. The man is going to strike
you here, and this is going to be saturated with red. The Prophet
sallallahu Sallam is a prophet. What does a prophet mean? A
prophet means someone who prophesizes someone who gives
information. We have this whole corpus of eschatological
literature, Hadith IACA is a man really interesting stuff. Amazing
IG, we don't read our we don't read these things anymore. Muslims
go into the newspaper, and I'm a Sagittarius and oh, I'm going to
meet someone nice, you know, read this hadith, really, really
unbelievable. From the Prophet sallallaahu Salam sound, Hadith.
Give you an example. During the Meccan period, there was there was
a lot of persecution of Muslims. Very, very
heavy persecution of the Muslims, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he
approaches the the person who carries the miftah of the Kaaba,
his name was mandible new Talhah. He said I want to enter the Kaaba,
right? And he said, No, I'm not going to allow you you're Muslim.
You can't come into the Kaaba. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says
Allah Allah Katara Earth man that Allah Katara have an miftah Yeoman
Brd for him, perhaps he will see that key one day in my hand.
Perhaps you're going to see this key one day in my hand. He said,
Look at halachot Quraysh. He said Quraysh must be must be destroyed
on that day, or he must be destroyed on that day. So no.
arratia is honored on that day. Right? This was during the Meccan
period during a time of massive persecution of Muslims. Many years
later, during the Fatah Mecca and eight Hijiri. The Prophet
sallallahu Sallam he's coming into the city
There's a long procession coming into the city. And in the front is
sad or bad. He's carrying the standard of the Muslims. And he
shouting, and he passes by Abu Sufian, who had just become
Muslim. And Abu Sufian is standing next to Al Abbas. What are the
Allah Tala and who and Assad passes Abu Soufiane he says Al
yamamah Yo, yo molten metal hammer, above Allahu Quraysh.
Today is the day of slaughter, the debasement of the Quraysh. Today
is the day of slaughter, the debasement of the Quraysh. And Abu
Soufiane hears this, and word reaches the Prophet sallallahu
sallam, and he doesn't like it. He didn't like that. So he sent a
rider up to Simon Obadiah. And he says, take the standard from him,
and let them see that the standard is being because you're scaring
the people. People are being frightened. Take the standard. So
the rider comes beside him and Obeida. And he says, a messenger
of Allah says, give me the standards, and I'm not gonna give
it to you. I don't believe you. I'm not gonna give you no
standard. Right? So he comes back, the writer comes back to the
prophesy center. And he's he's not giving up the standard, the
prophets I send them he unwinds his red turban is a mama Sharifah.
And he says, give this decide and say give up the standard, but give
it to case Ibnu sad, who's bisogno said the son of sad.
This is the wisdom of the Prophet salallahu Salam is when you honor
the Son, you honor the Father. If I shake your son's hand, in
reality, I'm shaking your hand. I'm honoring you. Right? Because
he knew this would bother sad. It's going to bother him and it's
going to be in public. So let them see that you're giving it to his
son. Right? This is how he deals with people. Salatu Salam.
So he went up back to the site and he immediately gives it up. And
the Prophet Salah Salem, he passes by Abu Sufian into the gate, and
he says Al Yama, yo, Muammar Hama.
Your is Allahu Quraysh. Today is a day of mercy, the exaltation of
the Quraysh. Today is a day of mercy, the exultation of the
cottage, the prophesy sent him What did he do? Then?
He climbed Abaco base, and people are saying, you know, he said,
What should I do with you? And according to the jehadi custom,
what is he to do? You would cut their four locks and sell them
into slavery, and they knew that was going to happen, and that's if
he's being merciful. You know, the Torah says, wipe everyone out
Deuteronomy chapter 22. If the city is of these cities, that the
Lord that God gives you, as an inheritance, save nothing alive
that breathes. This is the hokum in the Torah.
The prophesy Salem, what does he do? He claims Abaco base. And he
says, I'm going to say to you what Yusuf alayhi salam said, and many
of them don't know what use of it is Lamsa
What did he say La Tirtha Reba, la como yo, yo, Allahu La calm. There
is no blemish on you today. Allah has forgiven you go and you're
Go in your free. Many men had fled Mecca during this time, like a
crema Ibnu ABI Jahad crema is a son of who Abuja Hall who is worse
than Iran. The Prophet has said I'm sorry Abu Jamal was worse and
around because when the when the waves crashed, what did he say
around man to I believe in the God of Bani Israel. Well, Ana middle
Muslim in the Allah subhanho wa Taala said we're going to save you
in your garden in your body. Right. But when Abidjan was slain
by EBMs road at butter, he said, I want you to remove my head from
the base because I wanted to be big and I wanted to scare
Mohammed. This is what he said, obstinate a gnat till the very
end. So it could have been he fled. He tried to cross the Red
Sea. And there's a couple of traditions as to what happened at
this point. But one of the traditions say that
that the boatman was a Motorhead, he was a monotheistic and he
wasn't allowing any Mushrikeen onto the boat. So somehow it could
have got on the boat. Maybe you just said okay La ilaha illallah
Nygaard on the boat somehow now he ends up in the water
splashing around in the water. And he says yeah, Hoban.
Yeah Who but oh, you know, this God is God that the pagan Arabs
used to worship and the people on the boat started laughing at him
you're calling on a God who bought it who's who bought it. Right
called on Allah. He said then I knew he said faith entered into my
heart. So he goes back to the prophets they sell them but he
sends a messenger before him. He's I'm getting the timeout here. I'm
getting the axe Inshallah, finish the story then we're done. Insha
Allah. He sends a messenger before Him to come into the city
and the prophesy Salem. He tells us a harbor
that have been wronged by Abu jihad. He was the most wrong by
Abu jihad. He says I forbid you from abusing Abu Jamal, his son
Ekrem is coming. Look at look at the magnanimous nature of the
prophets. Allah mateesah His son economics coming to me now as a
Muslim is going to make Baotou me so he comes the prophesy Selim.
He takes me out with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he says,
Let let me do something for you. The Prophet says to him, let me do
something for you. And he says, just ask Allah to forgive me. And
he said, I always knew there was some good in your father. I always
knew there was something good about your father and it was you,
you are a son. This is how the Prophet SAW Selim, he dealt with
people this is just one example of a prophecy. One example of a
So finishing the story now
Imam Ali, when
because there was a pact right? We don't have time to go through the
story, but there was a packed by cottage, colada jar, interesting.
Lot of people. These people are fire and brimstone theology. If
you commit a minor sin, your blood is listed, they'll kill you.
Right. They declared him Alia Katha because of the tacking the
arbitration that happened.
So they met in, in Mecca at the Kaaba in Ramadan. Three of them,
and one of them said, I'm going to go to Damascus and kill I'm gonna
die, but I lost the other side. I'm gonna kill them while we're
there. I'm gonna kill it. Those two failed, but this man, Abdullah
Abdul Rahman, the mole, German, Marathi and the prophets. I said
to them, he described the killer of Ali to Ali and Ali used to
point him out to his companions. He's this man right here, he's
going to kill me.
This is according to our sources. This man over here is going to
kill me. So why don't you kill him? He's, Oh, who's going to kill
me then? He wants to become shaheed. And he also said, Well,
how is that going to look? Like? It's gonna look like I'm killing
an innocent man. And he's people gonna say oh, he's just he's
killing his companions. This poor man didn't do anything. Let's say
an ally is leaving the masjid and he gets hit here. It splits the
cranium and his beard is immediately filled with red. And
his last words were what foods to what up what up balaclava foods to
worship balaclava. I have triumphs by the Lord of the Kaaba. This is
an artist Billa This is a Gnostic. There's someone who knows Allah
subhanho wa Taala This is someone who's in a state of, of stiff Rock
who is annihilated to Allah subhanho wa Taala is only his only
object of contemplation and love is Allah subhanho wa Taala amount
of time may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us like Imam Ali and
said no Omar and Saint Abu Bakr and say the Earth man, may Allah
subhanho wa Taala give us to fix, to know the reality of things to
see the world as it really is to make as people that are people of
knowledge to make us people that are people have patience, people
have mercy like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala
Muhammad didn't wanna and he was