Akram Nadwi – Women Around the Messenger – Short Course

Akram Nadwi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history of the Prophet Muhammad Muhammad's title to respect women and men. He explains that the title was given to women with the same title as men, and that the title was given to men with the same title as women. The speaker also talks about the importance of the Prophet's teachings to women and how he instructed them to not leave him.
AI: Transcript ©
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There has been no civilization, no culture, no nation, no people, no religion, which really made effort to understand the women and to be fair with them. And nobody can claim really no people there there gave the women their rights, nobody can claim, the only person who can see in the history of the mankind in the Prophet Muhammad Salah, listen, no doubt, really, he understood them. And he really elevated their position, respected them, and taught people how to respect them. And the title he gave to them with so differently not only for women for men and women both same title.

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In our time, when I teach you to what I say, I'm a teacher, you're a student, you know what you've got in mind. I'm hurt and you are lower. If you go to Oxford, you'll see really the high table and the low table to the professor they sit on the high table, and other students they use look they will cut when you say to non teacher, that what you got in mind, Sophie, people have got Shire, unmooring, disciple and master to again same thing masters higher and disciple lower. When a prophet Muhammad come here the more than is sufficient with more than a teacher isn't either. Prophet Muhammad is the best teacher, be the best spiritual person you can imagine. But he never called

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himself a star, or chef. What he causes is his people around him companies.

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it the first time in history of mankind when women became companions of the Prophet, prophets in nature, these women as companies, equal level

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Sahabi yet, just imagine this, how great that are even the name of it tells you that how much respect he has for the women.

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The title the women got actually from him easily and all the time. They are Sahabi yet

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they're not telling me that they are not his tuners. They are not Amaury that disciples, the prophet never called the Maury, that

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Prophet never called him telling me that what he calls the Sahaba companions with the wife is his companion, his wife's company, all women, Muslim women, that his companies that

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he gave good name to make them happy. He treated them like the equally they are his companies. They advise him, he listened to them, they consult him that if they differ from him, many of these women that differ from the prophet and he listened to them, he respected him when he gave them this title, not just to make them happy. He means he means what is what he said. Then he respected those women.

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You know, listen to them, or you know, that not important upon him. He knows that dignity, they have dignity, our men a couple parcela seldom so how's the profit are they're not there. You know? Hey, damn, even

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cancel and sorry. Yeah. Okay, that was I forgot the name of a Muslim. So she said to Ayesha, I want to ask a prostitute, Alison, and my father has forced me to marry someone.

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So the provider comes, she says, The professor No, no father can force their daughter to marry someone whom daughter's not like, you see, he respect the words. He makes them equal. He really elevate the status

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barrier that he got freedom and Islamic law, then she was married to a slave. When you become free, then you have a right to choose a new husband, because that has been forced upon you to shift your carefree now she knows she had freedom and she can't leave her husband and marry someone else.

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Her husband loves her. And she hates him. She wants to get rid of him. But he says he can't live without her. Wherever she walks in the street. He looks after her. cries tears come from die begging her. Don't leave me. You know, the prophet has soft heart, too. He said to his company. You see movie in his name, how desperate P is for Berea. How much he loves for her loves her. Then the profit becomes softer and you know, His heart is moved. He asked her over here. Don't you see how much more He loves you to buy but you keep him.

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But you see, the prophet had taught her the freedom to breed us as a person. Is it your command? Or is it your advice?

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The person who learned by command just advice to she uses this teaching. She said no. I'm not going to accept him. You see the Prophet mind? Did prophet say you become coffered? Because he said to me, do you get fatawa that you don't listen to me coffee? No. He respected her and she kept coming to his house. She still learned woman she remained louder for a long time is there's so many different hobbies. This what you do really nobody ever had done

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