Akhi Ayman – The Truth About My Power

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 describes how their father left them in the UK and then went to Syria, creating a brief brief but decent experience. They later visit Afghanistan and experience a beautiful place called "fountain Well" that they couldn't catch a direct flight from Iraq.
AI: Transcript ©
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My father left us, he came to the UK to try and get some aid

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regarding his condition and so on and so forth. Yeah. And then

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somehow he got us to go to Syria. So we went to Syria now. So it was

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beautiful. Forget the bombardments that you see now and how the

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buildings mash up. But Suria was one of the most beautiful places

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that you could ever go to in the Middle East. Every roundabout had

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a fountain Well, I'm not even kidding. It was just clean, like,

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banging your the sound coming from. It didn't make sense. But I

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didn't want to leave there. It was just nice. But we ended up coming

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from Sudan because we couldn't catch a direct flight from Iraq.

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So we came from Syria to where England

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