Ahsan Hanif – Quranic Progression – Part 7

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the meaning of two phrases in Arabic language, with the first being the most common and the second being the most common. They stress the importance of maintaining honor and not backbending anyone, as well as the use of words to describe individuals and their actions. The speakers also discuss the concept of "will" and its use in achieving reward, and stress the importance of balancing one's life and one's wealth in achieving a desired balance. They also touch on the negative impact of social norms on people's behavior and personal relationships, and emphasize the importance of letting people choose between their beliefs and intentions when it comes to money and wealth.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salamat Sleeman kathira.

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So rastrick Hamdulillah, we began with the fear of sorrow to humans. And we, I think we just took the first verse or we did the introduction, I mean, the seal of the first verse of the song.

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And essentially basically what we discussed last week is the the majority of the lesson was concerning these two phrases. But a las panatela mentions within the first verse, humans are unlimited, and what the scholars said they refer to. So we said that there was some scholars amongst the

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scholars of Arabic language, who said that the two mean the same thing. The two mean the same thing. Both words refer to one on the same thing. But the majority of the scholars were of the view that it's not the same thing but that there is a difference in meaning. And one of the reasons why this is the differences meaningless shouldn't Ramadan, Amina Shapiro, Kamala or rather in his seat,

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because is the fear of what will ban which is authored by Sheikh Mohammed the militia, Peter Hyman when the book is, you know, like, it is ascribed to him. The chef Rahim Allah passed away before he could complete the book. So he passed away before it's the seed was complete. And then the remainder of his Tafseer was completed by his students. sharqiya Sadie, okay, mala

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Shahada, he's the one who completes and he's like one of his major students. So he obviously took from the chef's knowledge and his learning of studying from with him. And then he completed the rest of the book. So sometimes musician from the municipality said, technically like the student who wrote the end portion of the book. But anyway, he mentioned in his remarks dogen mentions the two concepts of humans and lomasa, or the root word for either of the two outs when the port Alberni separates the meters and bring them together showing that there is a slight difference in what they're referring to in the meaning. So the majority of the scholars are of the opinion, therefore

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that homers and llamas are two different things and the different exactly what they refer to over a number of opinions, they kind of come to the same thing. The first is some of them said that one is to display someone openly in front of them. And the other one is to demean them behind their backs in the absence. That's kind of the first body of opinion and there are amongst the scholars, those who will say one is for doing something humans is doing it openly. And the other one is for doing it behind someone's back. And there are others who

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invert the two, right, they reverse that, and they say, the opposite. And so that shows you that the two terms linguistically are very close together in meaning, but there is a slight difference. So that's that kind of one main opinion as to the difference between the two. The second one is what that one refers to words or verbal abuse. And the second one refers to physical actions, right, either by signaling something or making some type of an illness, whether you win or you do something, you do something physically, and that's basically how you're demeaning that person. You're slandering them, you're backbiting them, you're, in some way, belittling them. And then the

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third opinion that some of them also had. So that's like the kind of two bodies of the main two kind of opinions. And then some of them said, No, it refers to someone who, who harm someone in terms of their muscle, in terms of the lineage. So one is specific concerning attacking someone about something specific concerning them, like their lineage and their background or their ethnicity and so on. They essentially come to the same thing, but essentially it is the same thing in the sense that the terms are referring to slandering and backbiting and speaking ill of other people and belittling and demeaning them. I know that now originals. You all know that there are many Hadith of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam verses of the Quran that speak about the importance of maintaining a person's honor, and the position and the status and not to do anything that verbally or physically diminishes that without pupose Alright, so Alonzo tells us in the Quran, to the extent you're living in a monastery buka Filomena one in Nevada Vani. If you believe stay away from evil fought for verily can lead to sin. What are to just settle and don't spy on one another? When I

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don't backbite one another? Are you

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meeting factory to move would you like to devour the flesh of your dead brother, it is something that you would dislike and the Hadith of the prophets or the laguan even synonym that speak about and we mentioned like some of them last week, but speak about the importance of you know, watching what you say and your words and your tongue and the words that come from it. There are many in the center.

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So why is a large religion

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displacing these people? Why is Allah subhanaw taala admonishing rebuking? Not only that, but he's telling them that they would have punishment and destruction, as we said, Is it the fear of the word? Well, it is because of the harm that they caused verbally, because of the things that they say, and because of the harm that they caused. And like we mentioned last week, the difference of opinion among scholars as to whether the verse refers to a single individual, or whether refers to it as a general verse that refers to everyone, even those who say that it is a specific verse, meaning that the reason for revelation was due to a specific individual. But then see, the ruling,

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however, is general. Why just because the verses revealed, because of the particular incident or a story doesn't mean that the ruling is only for that person, and not for anyone else, however, wasn't revealed for someone because of someone, some of them said yes, whether it's a movie or whether it's

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or whether it's

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a pajama, blommer, or any of those other chieftains and leaders of courage. And some of the scholars that mentioned that look at how a large soldier generally in the poorer the general principle, and etiquette of the Koran is that it never specifies people by name, doesn't speak about people, right? That's the general etiquette unless there's a need or less, for example, you're having a conversation where everyone kind of knows who's been spoken about something, generally the plan doesn't speak about people by name doesn't name them, it will refer to them by title, sometimes by the leaders, the chiefs, al-mulla is very common, and upon analyzed social calls and madder and

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madder is the nobility of the people who had power and had saved within that community. It is only the rent individual like Abu lahab, from the enemies of Islam that is named, that is mentioned by name, because generally a large soldier doesn't mention them, or some of the scholars said here, for example, if you were to take the opinion that was revealed concerning a certain specific individual, some of those individuals that were mentioned by the College of Tafseer, would actually go on to accept Islam, they would become Muslim later on. And so lots of pantalla rebukes them

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by way of action, but later on the individual themselves, becomes a Muslim. And that's why the prophet SAW so often when he would speak about these issues, it is the action that is referring to that it's correcting, not necessarily the person, because the person may, as everyone does, has good and bad, and maybe they can improve and change and so on. And so it's not linking the action to the individual rather than action itself. And that's why you get those headings for the process. And rather than, say, my battle, I mean, what is wrong with people? Why you would often say that, when he's addressing the community in large, because no one really knows that it's possible that I could

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have that mistake, and you can have that mistake in the third person. And so you don't even know that person was speaking about you in that context, even though he may well be speaking about you. Because it's very likely that in the congregation, there are many people who fit that description, and many people who have that same weakness.

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okay, so

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I think we covered the last one.

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So yeah, so large, so therefore, he doesn't mention people specifically by name. So once upon a time that begins is sort of therefore and the winner of the majority of scholars of Tafseer in Marathi poverty, and others we said was that the vs general doesn't refer to anyone specifically, and was revealed because of specific incident it is, General, meaning what meaning that it refers to all of those people of orange, and all of those people who are enemies of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who would criticize him and call him names and, and belittle him and backbite and slander. And all of those people, it refers to all of them, and not just one, as opposed to the other. So

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once upon a time investment, but to then he goes on to mention the description.

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We don't equal the humans at the lomasa vote to the one who is Islam brought back by the one who demeans, and then a large social gives a further description of them. And under the jamara madawaska, who has gathered wealth and counted it or you know, other translations who are masters riches, counting them over accumulates wealth, and counts it. So there's two descriptions or two things that are largely referred to here number one, is the gathering of one a number to the counting of one. Why

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isn't a kinda like the same thing.

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There is a slight difference obviously between gathering and the candidate you know, inferred, right? If you're a person who gathers well

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Why does a large so just specify that the gathered the wealth and the cantaloupe

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counting refers to this greed?

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All zil overeaten like an eagerness over it

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not giving charity right that they constantly like counting every penny and pound a needle and that kind of concept.

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hoarding, right the masking or hoarding, in the sense is kind of seemed because hoarding means what you're not spending it in ways that you should.

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Yeah, people that gather don't necessarily Mashallah, that out. People that gather it don't necessarily

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count it right.

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Are people who count it doesn't necessarily mean that they have much, right, some people can't be on average. And so they can't do it. A large surgeon specifies both. And so it's to show that these are people who do what, who their whole, you know, like their whole existence is in amassing wealth, and it's about the dunya and they're attached to it, and they've become slaves to it, and they have become subservient to it. And they've submitted themselves to this, by hook or by crook, whichever way they will gather this wealth. And this is a common concept throughout the clamor Allah subhanaw taala often refers to this concept of people

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gathering wealth in ways that isn't beneficial to them. I always thought something which is halal or something which is pure, because of the way that they gather the wealth and the way that they amass it. And then because they refuse to give its rights my alarm surgeon says linic mizuna.

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When are you gonna have to be the law, those who hoard and amass golden silver, and they don't spend it in the path of a law for the should be either been a lien, then give them the tidings of a painful punishment. Yo yos merry happy nerdy jahannam. On the day that it will be That same month that the Amazon hoarded it will be heated within the fire of how big boom, boom, boom, has a mechanism. The unfussy konforlu mechanism says that a law will then use those coins to burn those people on their foreheads on their faces on their backs, and it will be set to them. This is your treasure that you heard it. So now enjoy it. Enjoy the treasure that you wanted to amass a large

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zildjian will punish them using the same monster the auditor didn't spend in the past on the last panel. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the famous Hadith illegitimately when he speaks about the types of people that you get on in this world. In the madonia, the Albertina, four, there are four types of people in this world. The first type that he mentions, is the person who has wealth and knowledge.

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And because of the knowledge, they use their wealth in a way that pleases the last panel data, meaning knowledge of their religion, knowing the rights of Allah and knowing, you know, the position of wealth and so on. They use their knowledge in ways to use their wealth in recipes and lots of data, which shows you what number one that was in and of itself is not an evil concept. Wealth is not evil in Islam. Notice it in pure in Islam, notice the concept of earning wealth, or becoming wealthy, or having you know, like a lot of money in and of itself, an impure concept or evil concept, or an incorrect to haram concept in Islam. Because once it's a commodity, it is the way

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that you use that wealth that determines whether you you know, like achieve great reward, or whether you have punishment.

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So in the Hadith, the Prophet Solomon says, this person has knowledge. So they use that wealth, to bring themselves closer to a large soldier to bring their family closer together, to spend on the poor and the needy. And the Prophet sent him then rates this person when he grades them, and he says, For what we have been in medicine, this is the best of all people, to use your blessings and the skills that are given to you with the knowledge that you have of your religion, what pieces allow What brings you closer to Allah, how to use the asset in a way that will bring you closer to a larger region and achieve maximum reward for you. This is the best of people. The second person is

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the one who has knowledge doesn't have wealth. They don't have money, but they were given knowledge. So they understand through their knowledge that there is a path to an equal amount of reward, through intention. So this person says sincerely Oh Allah, if I had money, like the first person had money, I would spend it in the way that they spend it meaning in the good that they do.

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I will do something similar, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fubini Yeti, for drew masala, this person will be rewarded for their intention, they will be equal in reward. Right, and that is equal in reward based on intention, right because of what the person does.

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The first person who has the intention and the capability to do that

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we said

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intention to get exactly the same reward the same as a mode of intention.

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So, is the person who are the second person who's who has the intention but doesn't spend, are they equal in reward

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because of the intention or not because of actual physical action, Allah had, it seems to be that the equal in reward

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Yeah, because this person is refrained from spending

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food because they have they have the inability to spend, they don't have the money to spend.

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But a lot of soldier knows the sincerity of their intention that worthy to be in a situation they would spend. And it's similar to Harry Potter book where the processor went for the battle, and there were companions who didn't go and he said to the companions, who in the army, the brothers of ours in Medina, they didn't step outside of us any valuable than any mountain pass, but they have our reward habits over and over. It is a valid excuse that prevented them from leaving.

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If I had the money,

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exactly the same as the person who did. So that's like the different issue or

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Yet the focus of the person who has the intention to do the action is similar to the other person who has the intention to the same action. Now that person who goes and does the Hajj himself, they have extra reward. Why because they do extra acts of worship.

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When you go for Hajj, you're not just doing the intention, right? You're physically going and you're praying, and you're doing altcar, and you're doing other stuff that a person wouldn't do.

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So they wouldn't be equal in that sense. Like the Hadith of the Prophet Solomon, he says that a person like people come later on, but they hold on to the original love center water the pan, are they equal as companions? No, they're not because of the situation and the context. So there are other factors that are mitigating tourists, right, but they get that reward, right, that is mentioned within the center. So then the third person that the processor dimensions.

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The third person, the processor dimensions is the one was one, but no knowledge. So the first one was what knowledge and the second one is only knowledge. The third one is wealth of knowledge. So this person because they don't have knowledge means they don't know what pieces Allah, they don't know how best to use their work. And they instead listen to the desire. And the whisperings of shaman, the Hadith says that they don't give the real rights of Allah, and they don't uphold the rights of the of the poor and the needy. And instead of bringing their family closer together, they drive their family apart, right? Because now everyone's fighting over money fighting over land

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fighting over property. And that's very common, right? When people don't understand how wealth is used and its rights, it drives people further apart, right within a family, within a community within a neighborhood within, amongst relatives and friends. It drives people apart. The professor seldom said further we'll be experts in managing this is the worst of all people. And then the fourth one is the Miskin was neither

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neither knowledge nor nothing. But he does have intention. So rather than aspiring to be like the first person because of the lack of knowledge, who do they aspire to be like, the third one, oh, if I had money, I would do that I would children I would spend and I would enjoy myself and I would end up doing harm. And because of this sincere conviction, Allah knows that if they were in that situation and they had the money, they would spend it in that way. The processor name said for beanie yet he for his raha masala, he too will be judged according to his intention, and he will be equally insane. Right? Showing watching that these are the types of people that you get in dunya

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some people who have good that Allah has given to them blessings, and they use it in a way that brings them closer to a large religion and other people who have been given blessings but because of a lack of knowledge or a lack of you know, piety or lack of Eman, they use it in ways that are displeasing to Allah.

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Yeah, yeah. So here it is, in this hadith knowledge is the man and it is righteous deeds and it is, you know, piety and it is all of that stuff.

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So this is knowledge, right knowledge isn't necessarily that this person is a spotter is that they know the rights of a law concerning what they have in terms of their work. Right? And that's why in Islam, everything that you do, you have to have knowledge concerning it, in order to fulfill that part of your responsibility. So as a parent, I need to know what are my rights? And what are the rights of others, as a husband or a wife? What are my rights towards others? If it's money, and I'm involved in business? How do I do business?

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In accordance to the Sharia, and so on? Right? That's what it means by knowledge.

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Yes, so that's the difference between so that's why knowledge isn't just about the morning slot information only. It is imagine it is righteousness, and it is piety.

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But it is what it is encapsulated in knowledge, because knowledge is the basis of all that knowledge is the foundation.

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And you have similar hobbies, of this of this type in the center. So the concept of wealth in itself isn't that it is impure, but it is often mentioned in the Quran. In this way, that it is evil leads to harm because a large social often gives examples in the Quran of people who use the wealth in restaurant, and in ways that are displeasing to Allah subhanaw taala and in ways that cause harm towards others, because that is often the, you know, the majority, right? That's because what is that type of temptation? So large audiences alamelu albana Xena to hire the dunya wife, and children are from the government and from the trials of this life. In the Quran, we have the example

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therefore, of mine Soraka sauce are only someone who's given wealth from the people who sell Islamic nation, given an amazing amount of treasure and wealth, and what do you do with it? He uses to oppress and transgress and cause evil and harm. And you have the example of, for example, the man of the two the two gardens that are larger to give him much love, and much blessings and many blessings and, and he has prosperity. But instead of using it in a way, that brings him closer to a large soldier, what ends up happening,

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he becomes arrogant. I mean, come on, we're gonna follow and he says to his friend, I have more money than you. I am stronger than you have more people in number. It leads to arrogance, right. So Lars zildjian describes these people, as people who chase the dunya. And people who spend the time

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chasing the dunya. Allah the German Amala de su de said, it is the field it means the one who comes to our data is to come. I saw, he's counting and he's seeing how much he has. Mohammed

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said Rahim, Allah tala. This is the person who gathers his wealth by day. And by night, he counsels by day, he's a Muslim. And by night, his country meaning that what his day and his night revolves around money is 24. Seven is money, or is gathering or is thinking wisdom gathering, or is counting on his own life, his money, he's attached to a wall, that is all he wants to do, and all he wants to attain in this dunya. And McCarthy said, similar statement, but he's gonna be an example is the one who gathers his wealth in order to buy livestock, and servants, and so on and so forth. So it's an example of what what is doing with this wealth, right? He's using that wealth to buy everything that

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he wants in this dunya and to gather this dunya for himself. It look as Tyler said, and they have a similar statement from the meme of poverty. It is the one who gathers wealth to wealth, meaning he gathers wealth upon wealth, money upon money, and then he

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counts it and he and he makes account of it.

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There is a recitation or Akira. So we used to recite this verse as a lady jamara manohara. In the era of Hamza ltci, Abu Jaffa

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was one of the readers of your book and they read it with a shudder. They say a lady jamaa. Manawatu

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Lily, Gemma

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and Gemma, Gemma and Gemma means the same thing. But when you either shut the in Arabic language if you add something to the root word, an extra letter, or a vowel or something, what it means is it takes it up a notch in eloquence, meaning that this person does more of the same thing, right? So like for example, you have around him

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Which means merciful. Rahim is one who shows even more mercy, or a man is one who has more mercy than this, right? Because you add in letters when you add letters to the root word in Arabic, you increase in eloquence meaning that this person does more of this, right? It is more of the same. So likewise the same thing here, Gemma, our man, this person is gathering wealth. gem Merlin, is he is amassing wealth upon one, right. And one of the benefits, as we sort of described is not that they act also as Tafseer. Right? They give you a different meaning. So this person isn't just gathering wealth and adding wealth, but they are amassing wealth. And this is something which they're doing

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over and over. If not I showed him Allah said, those colors are those recitations that say, gentlemen, it is also because then it rhymes with

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our data.

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la de Janeiro.

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Wagga Wagga is in JAMA agda both of them have attested and so he said even from a linguistic point of view, it then makes it makes it equal in that sense as well. But either way The meaning is the scene that these are people who gather the water and spend the time gathering the wealth and counting it to

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to make sure that they always have enough

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Okay, is the stream dropping?

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Okay, so, they say that stream keeps dropping so if you miss something, then the recording the recording will be then shallow. Question Sameera has is well this Hadith of the four types of people is in

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what I say Chairman

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quarterback chairman

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is named on the tip of my tongue.

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I knew that

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I forgot his name. But anyway, if you do like a Google search, you'll find it in the madonia bachina and you'll find it

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Yeah, so see the person that it is to me and it's a long day. The Potter I mentioned is the final portion of the Hadith Hadith is longer than what I mentioned to you.

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So the Jamaat

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al man, large social says that they gathered wa mal nowadays like Arabic language and the way that it's spoken man is used and people normally refer to man as money.

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About capture, capture.

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Capture is the root of the hadith of eternity a book capture of the lava. So, a man today when we say man, we normally translated as being money. And even if you go to the translations to the same money or to say well,

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we say well, okay,

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or riches, yeah, okay.

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So normally trademark now when people say man refers to money, right, which is, you know, pounds dollars, gold, silver, and so on. But man in classical Arabic, and especially in the context of the Quran, and the Sunnah, Mal is more general, it is any form of wealth, and wealth would therefore be in accordance to the custom of the community and those people, what they would consider to be their trading commodity, what they would consider to consider to be their wealth, obviously now across the world, you know, money is wealth is pounds and dollars and currencies, because that's kind of become standard currency for everyone. But remember, at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, actually

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the not all of the Arabs treat in wealth in money in gold and silver and dinar. And that's not the common trading currency for many of the Arabs because the Arabs were poor. So what is meant for them? Mal is whatever it is that that community works on. So for example, with the answer, it is there, you know, the livestock and the agriculture, because that's what the people in Medina are known for. So man, for them is this. It is dates, it is barley, it is wheat, it is livestock, it has camels, it has cows and the sheep and so on. And that's why you'll find this in the sun in a hurry for example, in a Muslim lady from Abu huraira.

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When he says that the people say concerning me, meaning, he says people say consenting me, I know it to maturity, and there are too many hobbies. And once the other companions don't know it so many. He says As for my brothers from the unserved they will be busy with their man.

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Right, they're busy with their work, what is their wealth?

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context is they live

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And that's what they're busy with, right. And the people I've met, are busy with their wealth, what is their wealth,

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they are people of commerce and trade where they go to serve the legal team. And so they're more like money. So from amongst them, some of them are people of livestock, and some of them agriculture. And some of them people have, you know, like money actually, like physical, silver and gold. So man encompasses all of them. And therefore, it would encompass in our time, the same currency, or whatever it is that we consider to be mad that people gather, once the people gather. And it's something that you a mask, and a mask and a mask. And in those times, it was not like commonly known amongst the Arabs, at least, like as far as I know, that they would buy multiple

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houses. Right? You don't really hear that the Arabs had five houses in Mecca and six in Medina that they had them on rent and, you know, you don't really find that they had, you know, multiple

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properties and land. In that sense, yes, they would possibly have a house and a farm, Missouri or D corrigenda. garden, a farm that they would have, that's possible to like just have in multiple houses. No, for an hour time, man is that many people, their business, and their wealth is property, having lots of land and property and houses and renting it, and so on. And so man encompasses all of that. And so it is incorrect to think and just do narrow, make it narrow and think of just, oh, it's the money in the bank, right? That's what it's referring to. But it's my pounds and whatever. That's what it's referring to No, man is a much wider and more general concept. And that's why it is the

00:31:39 --> 00:32:20

word that a large surgeon uses in the Quran. Because when a large surgeon wants to use the app and gold and silver, that's what he says. Right? Like in the verse in Toba, that I mentioned to you, those people who are mass golden silver, Allah specifies what it is. and other places a large religious specifies an Iron Man, which is livestock. So last part, Allah will mention them. And these concepts when it is relevant, but generally speaking, when a large soldier wants to measure mentioned wealth, he uses the word man, because it encompasses all of these forms, or encompasses all of these types of wealth. And so Allah subhanaw taala refers to it as man. And it can be a

00:32:20 --> 00:32:39

prized possession. People who are into buying cars, that is man, right side, oh, no, no, no, I don't like have any money left in the bank. Because I've spent too long like these 10 cars, it is still man. It is still the concept of man, even if it's not being used as a trading commodity.

00:32:40 --> 00:32:54

Like what is the answer? Like it's not like you know, I have 10 cars, but they're all mine. I drive them. They're not for hire, and they're not for rent, and no one can ask them and whatever. And so therefore, no man is even the property that you keep for yourself, because the hydrophone

00:32:56 --> 00:32:56


00:32:58 --> 00:32:58

ns will be allowed

00:33:00 --> 00:33:04

to speak about the alarming a large social reveal diverse and untenable

00:33:06 --> 00:33:12

a boon you will never attain piety and righteousness until you spend from that which you love.

00:33:14 --> 00:33:57

Who's the stepfather of enniscorthy allow one thought hang on sorry about the lower income to the Prophet Solomon, he says, a messenger of Allah, my most beloved wife have been mal la, beer her is this one that he owned. And so one for him. This is one of many benefits from what he uses. So it's not like the trading commodity, but he calls it man, Allah or messenger of Allah, the Most Beloved wealth to me, is this one. And I want to spend it in the path of Allah. So what shall I do? The process of him said, Do you have relatives that could meet like to do with this watering hole? This one that they could gather water from? He said yes. Or Mr. giavotella. He said then divided amongst

00:33:57 --> 00:34:29

them, make them partners and let them all benefit from it. Right. So the point is here that it's called math. So math is a much wider concept. So lots of data is St. Louis, Jama nanowire data. These are people who are mass wealth. And they, you know, they gather that what they counted was therefore the difference between these types of people and this type of description. And then the examples of abubaker, IRAs man and under management, and others form amongst the Companions for the long run.

00:34:31 --> 00:34:39

Okay, the moment that they give, give it in terms of its rights, they're not miserly. They're not stingy. They spent in the past of the last pandaren and number two,

00:34:42 --> 00:34:43


00:34:46 --> 00:34:52

Yeah, they had bought something. What's the difference between right, this description of people who have wealth and those people who had well

00:34:53 --> 00:34:59

they don't want to write they're not servants to it, that are attached to it. Their dunya isn't running after one year.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:35

A large social system and, you know, they were good at making money and so on. And so they did not neglect that skill, or the talent that Allah placed in them. But at the same time, they didn't run behind, right? This wasn't the whole thing that they did. So you know, find the alarm signal messenger. Well, you know, I can't actually do this anymore. Because I'm a businessman, right? This is what I need to do. I don't have time for Dawa. You know, I'm busy with my money and my trade and so on. But the concept of companions, even after the death of the prophet SAW Selim, Horace Mann and Abubakar, among others, and so they're not attached to the wealth, and they know the rights of a

00:35:35 --> 00:36:13

large soldier, regarding that one as well. And when you have that, sincerity, that intention, that righteousness, that knowledge, while is one of the paths to gender, right, you see, which increases to do like the famous study where the poor companions come to the Prophet Solomon, they say, a messenger of Allah, the wealthy form amongst us have taken all of the rewards. He said, What do you mean? He said, they pray us, we pray the fastest we fast, but they give sadaqa and we have no money. So we can do what they say, shall tell you something that if you do it, you will be equal to them say Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah Akbar and the Hadith. And then what happens after a few days, they

00:36:13 --> 00:36:42

come back almost in Java law. Our brothers heard what you said. And now they make the liquor that you gave to us. And we'll send them send their liquor for the law, you t Misha, that is the grace and bounty of a law he gives it to him, so ever heroes. So when it is done with righteousness, it is an opportunity for great reward. Right? And it is a avenue that is open for those people that many others do not have. And, you know, cannot

00:36:44 --> 00:36:45

be able to do.

00:36:52 --> 00:36:53

He would go one day.

00:36:57 --> 00:36:59

Yes. So clearly there's a balance, right?

00:37:00 --> 00:37:03

No, no, obviously, there's a balance in this right in terms of

00:37:04 --> 00:37:16

so our model, the long run, as you know, would work one day and he would spend the day with the professor center to balance between the two, right and still has his business running. Even though his competitors might not be alone and

00:37:17 --> 00:37:37

another's, they still have their businesses also they had a balance. However, there is also within the center people who dedicated their lives to knowledge, like the law, and they dedicate themselves to lunch, but they are not the general know, those of you and obviously, isn't married at the time, doesn't have children at the time, and so on.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:52

Used to balance their time. But it wasn't that they were shorter ball. So it's not that they were having to spend the money just for the complete fun because he has more than sufficient.

00:37:53 --> 00:38:01

So what would you say is the healthy balance? It's not that they have to work to earn the money to spend or feed their family he already had sufficient.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:42

Okay, so the question is like comparing cigarettes man, well wealthy and prosperous, and not need to really work because they have so much wealth. But still, they continue to work while they continue to dedicate a portion of their time to ending that living and then continuing with their business. What's the balance there? Why, why are they doing that rather than spending more time for example, study hall, with the professor, that is like them, appreciating a lot of blessings in our lives, which has given them in terms of talents. And one thing that's amazing about the companions is the processor was able to nurture everyone's talents and skills. So someone like us man is never told

00:38:42 --> 00:39:17

stop. Might you need to spend more time with me You should be studying more, you should be learning more. And this is therefore like an incorrect concept. Sometimes when we think you know that everyone should always be in our circles where everyone should be studying, everyone should be a student of knowledge. Everyone know, everyone needs to learn what they need to learn about the original in order to be a Muslim, they have to pray and give zakah and whatever else but not everyone has to be a student of knowledge. And sometimes it is far better to have people in the community who have wealth and support others who don't. Amongst them through some knowledge and

00:39:17 --> 00:39:57

others. You need those people in the community right above the law one are smart enough, they play a vital role in their community. But at the same time, remember that Abubakar and Horace Mann might have been home for what from amongst the most knowledgeable of the companions as well. So they had that balance as well. So it wasn't you know, one or the other workers considered to be the most knowledgeable of the companions as man from amongst them and hopefully amongst the most senior and knowledgeable of the companions of the process. So and you could add more into that category as well. So they will people knowledge as well and they you know, they have that balance between the

00:39:57 --> 00:39:58


00:40:02 --> 00:40:03

Yeah, yeah.

00:40:05 --> 00:40:41

Which is, which is also understand the concept of not relying on others not being dependent upon others. You know, and so that might have been, even though he's offered like half his friends wealth and the brothers on one side, he refuses. And it says, Let me go and earn my own way. Well, that's obviously an important concept as well. And so the standard is like always a balance right between between this is why this hadith is amazing hadith of autonomy, very underrated, because it also doesn't neglect this issue of wealth. And he doesn't In fact, he's saying, What is a good thing here and you can use it in a way to bring yourself closer to the person who calls them the best of people

00:40:42 --> 00:41:04

because a lot of social give them money wasn't doesn't mean that they're the wealthiest of people in the hardest right? It is people who have been given a comfortable living have money have mouth large socialists open up doors for them, where they have enough for themselves and they have more left over Besides, right, those people are considered to be you know, wealthy in the sense of the word.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:07

Anything else?

00:41:09 --> 00:41:16

What is the difference between the word used here for backbiting and homopolymers? And when we say Riba, this is also translated as backbiting

00:41:18 --> 00:41:31

Yeah, it is true. Riba is also translated as backbiting. Here the difference is that humans are like, as we said, like last week, when we went through like the linguistic terms, how it is,

00:41:33 --> 00:42:15

you know, the one who kind of degrades and one who it is more to do it is more sinister than backbiting. Because backbiting can be someone bagpipes doesn't necessarily mean to harm or they know people often backbiting say bad things, but they don't necessarily mean that they actually want you to demean that person, or it's just the way some people are constantly. And so people always talk about others and some people, but here, it is actually with the intention of evil and harm. And whatever it is a more severe form of, of that type of backbiting and strangling a large social causes that sort of Parliament's we said last week without laughing maheen amazzing. A shot in Benin

00:42:16 --> 00:42:20

uses the word Hamas, which is a more severe form of Milan was best.

00:42:22 --> 00:42:22


00:42:24 --> 00:43:05

So going back to the data. So these are people who are counting on behalf Rahim Allah said, it is those who count it in order that they may leave it behind for others who will inherit from them. It is those who count as well, in order to leave it behind, for others who will inherit from them. And that's also like this concept of wealth, where people think that it gives them prestige, and honor and so on. And so this person is gathering this wealth, in order to as some of the other scholars have to set in order to show arrogance and pride and pride. And so they gather this wealth, and they don't spend it on paths of God on the path of Allah subhana wa tada because they consider it to be a

00:43:05 --> 00:43:49

source of honor for them. Right? So the wealthier you are, the more honorable you are, the higher the status you have. Whereas if I spend it, and I give it away, then my status diminishes. Right, and my position in society diminishes. And it is that something which also stops people from spending in the way of a last panel wattana Ignacio Rahim en la ciudad de to count can also mean not just counting it, but to count as many types and varieties. So not that this person is only gathering one type of wealth, but that he is gathering many types of wealth, like you said, livestock agriculture, many land property cars, he's gathering them all. And he's making an

00:43:49 --> 00:44:33

inventory of all of them. So it is not just one month, but he's gathering many types of wall. Rahim Allah, Allah said, he gathers his wealth to think that it is something which you will leave behind as his legacy order is something which will live on after him. Right? And this is similar to what Allah subhanaw taala will mention in the next verse, verse number three, because a large soldier then goes on to say, yes, and Amanda who athleta Yes. And Amanda, he thinks that his wife will make him last forever, or in the other translation thinking they will make him live forever. He thinks that his wealth will make him eternal or immortal. Right. So this person thinks that their wealth

00:44:33 --> 00:44:49

will give them immortality, why? Why would this person think that that they are not necessarily that they will have mortality or whatever, but that they will always have an in an honor and reward and whatever? Why.

00:44:51 --> 00:44:59

One of the greatest things that you find in the Koran in the stories of these people who have become attached to wealth from subservient to wealth, is that

00:45:00 --> 00:45:40

They often think that their wealth is a sign of a loss pleasure over them is a sign of a lost love for them. They equate wealth and the fact that Allah has given them this blessing of wealth where many others don't have love. They don't have money, the love and the position of comfort, that therefore Allah must love me, an alarm must be happy with me, an alarm must approve of what I'm doing. And that's why Allah has blessed me in this way. And he has not blessed others. And that strike, you know, very explicit in some of the passages of the Quran likened Sora to gaff, or in the story of the man with the two gardens. What the * agenda volume, DFC law says he entered into his

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garden, and he's oppressing himself, Karla, Entebbe, the heavy Avada. And he says, I don't think that this will ever diminish. I will never lose what I've been given from this card, and its wealth, and so on. And so that is arrogance and pride. Were his friend thinking, be humble, be humble. Don't Don't be arrogant, thank Allah, given the way of a large socialism, he said, No, I don't think this will ever finish. Well, my own masataka, nor do I think that the our will ever be established. And then what does he say? What it will do to Iraq be like he didn't hire a minha mukalla. And even if I were to return to my Lord, I would find something better in return.

00:46:26 --> 00:46:28

Why would he think that he would have I mean, he's denied

00:46:31 --> 00:47:13

everything. And now he's saying that actually, even if I go back, even if there is for the sake of argument of the am and accounting standard for Allah, surely Allah would give me even more, even greater, even, you know, more blessings and more wealth and so on. Why? Because it comes from that same belief, a notion that a law must be pleased with what I'm doing, right, I do harm I spend, I buy, I do what I want, and I still get more money, I'm still making more, I'm still waffling, I still have it. And therefore, a law must approve. So surely, when I go back to Allah, on the day of judgment, a lot takes me back to him. Surely Allah would give me even more, Allah would reward me

00:47:13 --> 00:47:36

even more Allah would give me better than what I have in this life. And that is that concept, often with one of the causes arrogance, and causes pride and causes the person to become so haughty, and so that it can even lead to disbelief, as in the case of this man with the two Cardinals, right. And that's not understanding what it's about understanding how a large social views work, and how everything in this dunya

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in the sight of a large soldier is only equal to the wing of a mosquito, as is mentioned in there is nothing, a lot of doesn't consider it to be important. So Allah gives it to him, so ever he wills and withholds it from everyone else, and it gives it to people that he loves, and people that he doesn't know, because there is not a sign of a lot approval. It is a test that a large soldier tests people with. And so last part that doesn't view things the way that we view them, and he doesn't measure people the way that we measure them. And so this is a common thing in the Quran. And that's why you find what the opposite is true as well. Whereas people who are poor, or in poverty may be

00:48:12 --> 00:48:50

considered to be people who are far from Allah is green, so far from his bounties are far from his blessings. Actually, we know, from the Quran and the Sunnah, that the opposite is often true, that Allah subhanaw taala, often honors them, and a large soldier loves them, and they have more piety and righteousness within them. And they will enter into gender 50,000 years before the wealthier brothers and sisters, and, you know, like, and the Hadith and so on, are many in that regard, right, where people who are poor and in positions of poverty, a lot of social honors them, if they have, obviously, Emacs and taco, and so on. But that's something which a lot of social honors within them,

00:48:50 --> 00:48:55

irrespective of their financial status. And so it is a balance, you know, between the two always

00:49:01 --> 00:49:01

before sending.

00:49:04 --> 00:49:06

That is also true as well. So

00:49:09 --> 00:49:37

yeah, so alarms are often before punishing a person increases them in their life. Yeah, that a person if they transgress, they continue in their transgression. For a long time before largest punishment usually descends. That's usually how a large surgeon does something when a person transgressors, and they have the disability, they go to the extremes of the transgression, that allows you to allow them to continue to accumulate that sin for two reasons. Number one,

00:49:38 --> 00:49:59

to give them the opportunity to repent so that they have no excuse to say that I was never given any time or any chance but also, because the evil only continued to increase. And so the punishment punish strikes that also be hard upon them when it strikes upon them. So the alarm soldier is saying the same thing, right, these people who gather their wealth and they count it and they are massive.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:40

Why do they do it because they think it is a sign of a lost love or approval, they think that it will make them immortal, that it will make them last forever, either themselves, or their name, their legacy, their children, whatever, it will continue to stay within them. And even if they die, they will benefit from it in the next slide, right? Whatever the understanding of the next five may be, they will take it down, they will benefit from it right? It's very common amongst them, for example, the ancient Egyptians when they would die with the very with the wealthy and the pharaohs and so on. you bury everything, right? All the walls and all the gold. Like you have these tomb

00:50:40 --> 00:50:40


00:50:42 --> 00:51:22

The graves are full of like wealth. And so that's what they do. They used to why why do they bury everything with them? Because the belief that the next five, whatever that may be, they will continue to benefit. It gives them a sense of eternity mentality. And so that's what they used to believe. So these people think the same thing. Even Tyler said, this person thinks that they will live forever in this life. Death will not understand because of the wealth and because of their prosperity. reclaimer Rahim Allah says it means that they think that it will give them an increase in their lifespan, not assuming that they will live forever, but that they will live for much

00:51:22 --> 00:51:39

longer. It will teach them in their lifespan. So they said they think that it will prevent them from death. It will prevent them from death or save them from death. And you have the two recitations right. Yes. And Amanda holiday and Cebu, even army

00:51:40 --> 00:52:08

enhancing Hamza hon. Jaffa senior Sabu for the others. So knafeh, even Kathy Obama and the Pura, they recite it as a symbol with the castle. And both of them mean the same thing. There are just two pronunciations or two lovers amongst the Arabs, that they would read them in different ways, one with the Fatah and one with the cursor, but they think that they will give them longevity. Eternity.

00:52:10 --> 00:52:12

All right. Any questions?

00:52:14 --> 00:52:16

I think we'll we'll stop that inshallah Tada.

00:52:19 --> 00:52:22

The last one was no knowledge.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:44

Yeah, so the difference between the heartbeat of the four, as mentioned that we mentioned, and Gemini, intention means your firm conviction, you know, you get the Hadith of the Prophet cylinder, if a person intends to do a good deed, and they don't do it, they get the reward. And if they intend to do a bad deed, and then they don't do it,

00:52:45 --> 00:53:22

it is removed from them. Right? The difference between the two is the conviction. So there's difference between someone who intends to do something and then changes their mind. person who tends to commit a sin to steal to do harm, and then I can actually, no, that's wrong, and I'm not gonna do it. And they didn't do anything in their heart, they change. They get a reward for that. This Hadith says what? These are people who would do it, don't reason that they don't is because they can't, they don't have the ability, right? Like someone who, you know, if someone's, for example, driving, and they're going to steal something, and the car breaks down, do we say that, oh, they're not

00:53:22 --> 00:54:01

sinful? What is sinful that every intention is just circumstances out of their control came and changed the scenario and they couldn't do it, they still have the sin, because they have the firm conviction. Right? That is what Nia means. Nia has a couple of meanings. One of them is the firm conviction. And that's why the Hadith says men hammer and hammer his conviction with intention you sincerely really intended to that, and that's what a large soldier knows. Right? And that's why he like sees other people in the water like, yeah, that's nice, you know, I do a sort of firm conviction, right? Because if Alaska was to give them that wealth as well, would they necessarily do

00:54:01 --> 00:54:23

it? No. They could just go and spend it somewhere else. They're just like, yeah, that's a nice thing to do. That's not a firm conviction, sort of firm intention. Right? A firm intention is when you would, if you could write you would definitely do it. And Allah knows you would write those companions who are willing to leave from Madeira to go to the book. They just couldn't because they didn't have the village.

00:54:24 --> 00:54:26

Right, that's that's the difference between the two.

00:54:41 --> 00:54:59

So the links between verses one, two, and three, is like from multiple angles from them is that a person who standards in this way and spreads rumors and speaks in this race a person who doesn't fit on accounting, right is afraid that they will be held to account or that they will be judged for this. And often we think that you know, spreading rumors

00:55:00 --> 00:55:20

So what we say, with our tendons is something like light's not like, you know, I didn't actually hurt the guy, I didn't hit him, I didn't steal his money, it will be kind of considered to be a lighter form. But a larger thing isn't it's not it's not a lighter form. And so the two are both in their own way attached to the dunya. Or not thinking that they will be held to account for the

00:55:29 --> 00:55:30

example of a person who is

00:55:32 --> 00:55:34

surely the one who goes out of his way just

00:55:35 --> 00:55:37

isn't the same as a person who wants to

00:55:41 --> 00:55:42

be that person gets rewarded, more

00:55:45 --> 00:55:52

difficult, yes. Also the the more that you struggle and strive responsible that you get a great reward with the extra struggle.

00:55:58 --> 00:56:19

You don't get more rewarded for that if you have a choice, right? If you have to struggle more because the machine is further from your home than someone who lives next door. That's like a struggle. But if you have the choice of warm water and following I'm gonna go for the cold water. Now that's not because I was never given a choice between two things, except that I chose the easy one. So long as it wasn't Haram, then

00:56:25 --> 00:56:52

walking is better because there's Hadith and speak about that, right? Yeah, because the Hadith says that the more footsteps the more rewards you get by when you drive you're not going to get those footsteps. So the more that you walk every footstep one good deed, one able to take away one level rate. That's like an amazing reward. And that's what you have, like, you know, books on Audible machines and tickets of walking to the prayer because of, of its of its status.

00:56:53 --> 00:56:54

Okay, martial law.

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