Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Purification Episode 08
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The speakers emphasize the importance of the Prophet sallama Alayhi wa sallam and the use of the " admit" meaning for the church, emphasizing the need for a complete and perfect will to achieve rewards and promises. The "order" in a book of purification is emphasized, along with the importance of evidence and proof in the Bible. The "order" in a book of purification covers turubs and clothing for personal safety, and the next week's lecture is covered in both ways.
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen
sallallahu wasallam our bottle Carlos de la hache Meanwhile, earlier he was suffering woman sir Alyssa de Wanda. He was gonna be so nutty. He wanted to be at a meetin seldom at the Sleeman kathira
Okay, last week we began with verbal Judo, the chapter of although this seems like a long time ago with the conference and everything seems like it was months ago, but it was only a week ago.
So what I want someone to do is
give me the rulings that we took all of the warnings that we took last week concerning
one person to summarize the whole lesson
one of the ahaadeeth that we took on mobile
just one person
Mr. Rush
hopefully everyone made up for the prediction
in channel
Okay, let's, let's do this another way. Describe for me the widow of the prophets of Allah hardiness Allah
and speak up several canal
Yes is
and then
Okay, so this is basically over in briefly the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu. And he will send them as was taken from each had his had his own
hammer on whom originally from
or some of your loved one and he said that this hadith along with the Hadith variety, Abdullah Abdullah bin Ahmad
are the four major Hadith in this chapter of whoodle, the other four basic ahaadeeth in this chapter of Moodle, and each one has slight differences in its coloration. And so what the scholars do is that they supplement each Hadith with the other and then get the whole picture of the of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. In this hadith of hamrun is the brother just explained the world of the land from beginning to end, we divided it into two categories, they will remember all of these actions we divided into two
the pillars and then the sunon. What is a pillar and is an obligation and what is recommended? What is the difference between the two who can explain to me this concept.
The difference between a pillar and
a Sunnah.
Okay, the pillars are obligatory, and
the Sooners are
recommended and are obligatory. So if someone was to miss out a Sunday, then
his window is still technically correct and complete. And if someone was to miss out a pillar
then the window is invalid. What are the pillars of Moodle?
How many pillars
Yep, well we added some
maybes on the next page.
How many pillars altogether?
Six. What are those six pillars?
stuff from border.
not the hands.
forums, yes.
Okay, so six pillars, number one, washing the face. Number two, the forums until the elbows number three wiping over the head number four, washing the feet until the ankles number 530 to maintain the correct order, number six move on to ensure that no limb dries, until the window is complete. These are the six pillars of Volvo any one of those pillars that is missed the window is invalid, it is incorrect. And everything else therefore is
as it is. So now, with the difference of opinion over a number of issues such as the mouth and the nose and the ears. The rest is a cylinder. The other sooner that we mentioned last week of the widow was what
there was another sooner that we mentioned the start mentioned the hadith of hamrun.
under the sun,
not mentioned in the hadith of hammer,
miswak using the miswak using the miswak. And that is mentioned in the halifa hora, hora de la one. And then the other Hadith that we took, basically speaking about how to make muscle over the head and wipe over the ears. The final two, a hadith that we talked spoke about another issue, which was related to
which was related to bahara and Budo. And that was washing hands before a person when a person makes up before they touch anything that they should wash their hands. And this is mentioned in the two a hadith of Abu huraira or the Allahu
so basically last week we took an introduction into Moodle, we mentioned its pillars we mentioned it's recommended as we mentioned some of the conditions what was the condition that we mentioned for the
near right intention that the intention must be present before a person embarks on will do
so this week inshallah we'll continue with Hadith number 36.
On an Imam will have little masala for Rahim Allah, Allah, wa creativeness sobre la Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Udo mahalo Albanian Assad, Serbia oberliga Philistine Shanthi Isla and takuna Salima Raja
Raja who was
only a Buddha Buddha futiva either for me, and authority of La PTV sobre hora de Allah who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said complete and perfect the window and ensure that water reaches in between your fingers and make sure that water reaches into your nose and into your throat unless you are fasting. And this was collected by the for the moms of the salon of the salon. And it is authenticated by Jose Ma and in the rewire in the narration of Abu Dawood. When you make widow then Gaga then wash your mouth and make mud model. This Hadith
of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was reported on arranged by Luffy tipnis Sabra was one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whose cornea was Abu Roslyn. And he later settled in Paris and that's where he died. Robbie Allah one Hadith is authenticated by bloesem, and Chairman de
Pon, and others from scholars of Hadith, this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now after the Hadith that the author mentioned last week in Raja Rahim Allah He mentioned how to make a law. And then he mentioned a number of issues concerning the widow in terms of how to make mass over the head, and how to wipe over the ears. Now he goes on, he mentions a number of other issues, which relate now to the perfection of World War Two, completing and perfecting the widow. So after he's mentioned, the basics is going on to what is recommended how to perfect and complete the widow. So this hadith and some of the other Hadith that we will take today speak about perfecting, completing
the widow, making the widow as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordered and we know from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
Completing and perfecting the widow is one of the greatest acts that a person can do, to have a complete and perfect will no. And then to go and pray with that will know and to have for sure in your prayer. It is one of the greatest acts by which a person will be forgiven for their sins, and that allows the region will accept a person's repentance. And so to make this type of perfect we'll do in the Arabic language, it is called his bow, his bow. And espouse means to make sure that every single part of although is done perfectly and properly to ensure that water touches every single limb and touches every part of that limb, and that every single part of the widow is done properly
in the correct order, and ensuring that no limb goes dry until the widow is complete, to begin by saying Bismillah than to end by making the dryer and all of that inshallah we will come on to in a separate Hadith. But all of this together is known as a spell. It is known as is spelled in the Arabic language or in the terminology of the scholars of faith.
So in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said aspelin will do perfect your widow complete your widow is bound is of two types, it is of two types number one is spelled in that which is obligatory and number two is about in that which is recommended. In order to achieve
the rewards associated with a complete and perfect we'll do one must fulfill both of these things is both in both obligations, and we recommend recommendations as well. When we say is both in the obligatory acts and those are the six pillars, that a person perfects those six pillars without which they will do would be incorrect anyway, it would be an incorrect will do. So as we mentioned last week, in the hadith of that man who came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as after he made will do and he was praying. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw that a part of his foot was dried, the rest of his body his limbs that he had washed in boo boo boo wet. Riyadh
missed out a part of his foot. In some narrations. It was the heel, the back of the foot. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordered him to go and make Waldo again, not just to go and wash the foot, but to go and begin the widow again and repeat it again. And in that narration, Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, we will the la caja de Mina. Now, vo to the hills, beware of the hills touching the fire. So this person who makes will do in this manner. And by the way he did among the companion didn't know that he had missed out a part of his foot that it was still drying. And so the prophet SAW Selim didn't give him an excuse. He didn't say to him,
that because of your ignorance, you're excused, because you didn't know you're excused. No, he ordered him to go and repeat Budo. And then he gave him the severe warning that beware of your heels touching the fight on normal piano. Why? Because if a person does a perfect they will do. And what is the pillars and the obligatory parts, and then they perform the prayer, the prayer is invalid. It is invalid. Why, because this is the bare minimum that they had to do. They have to make sure that this is the way that they pray. Just as someone that comes in, he prays, and he doesn't make a search of the property, he doesn't make sense of the property, he puts his forehead on the ground.
And before it touches the ground is up again. That prayer is incorrect, even if that person thinks that he completed it. And even if that person doesn't know that he didn't make the search that properly unless he's a real giant. Otherwise, the ruling is that his prayer is incorrect. And so this is known as his birth to give every single part of what is obligatory. To give it its due, right. And so this is the bare minimum when it comes to the one that's taken from the Hadith of the man with the dry Hill. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't excuse him. He had to go back, repeat the model, come back and pray again. Come back and pray again. Likewise, and we'll come on to
this in the chapter of Salah, but the Hadith of the man who came in he prayed, and then he came and he gave Salaam to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the prophet SAW Selim replied to his Salaam and he said, aerojet for suddenly for in the Quran to suddenly go back and pray for you haven't prayed. The prophet SAW Selim didn't give him an excuse of ignorance. He didn't give him an excuse that he's a person that doesn't know he hasn't studied. This was the bare minimum that he had to do for his prep. And he wasn't doing it meaning that he wasn't given every single limb and every single action of the prayer, it's due right process. Allah made him go back and pray. He did a
second time and he came again, the professor Solomon said, Go back and pray for you haven't prayed. Then the third time, he said it again. And then the man said, by the one who sent you with the truth, I don't know other than this.
Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught him in that long Hadith how to pray. And so the prophet SAW Selim didn't give him an excuse of jihad organoids. And he didn't give him an excuse that he didn't know that he wasn't aware that he made a minor mistake. His prayer, as the prophet SAW, Selim said, Go back and pray you have not prayed it was invalid. So likewise with Ludo, so his birth is of two types number one in the obligatory actions, so the face has to be washed properly, and the forums and the head has to be wiped over properly, and we have to be washed. And it has to be done in order and make sure that no limb is dried until the widow is complete. This is his bow
and the bare minimum of what to do is the second type of his battle is his bow, in what is the recommended acts, and that is everything else. So the way that you wash your hands at the beginning, the way that a person as is mentioned in the rest of the hundies that a person should ensure that water goes in between every single part of their fingers, and likewise the tools. That's why the prophet SAW Selim said in this Hadith, where Holly bainer Asada ensure and Talia basically means to make sure that water goes in between the fingers, and likewise the toes, so to make sure that every single part is washed, and we will come on to other hobbies that speak about the beard, and how to
ensure that what touches the beard and so on all of this is from his belt in recommended acts. So to ensure that water goes in between each one of the fingers, while burning Philistine Shaka Illa and takuna Salima and ensure that you sufficiently place enough water in your mouth and in your nose. In this handy, the wording speaks only about the water that you place in your nose in Moodle. But the scholars have made an analogy of this on also the water that you place in your mouth. And so the prophet shall send them said that it's not just an issue of putting a bit of water in your mouth or in your nose. But it should be in such a sufficient quantity that your mouth is cleansed properly
and your nose is cleanse property takuna Salima unless you are in a state of fasting. And this is an exception to the rule. And that is because if a person is fasting, then a person feels that they will break their fast by placing too much water in their nose or mouth, and they may swallow it accidentally. And so therefore, in the state of fasting, this is left, the person doesn't go to extremes they don't gobble the water and so on. But otherwise, it is a similar to do so and again this is a spell in that which is considered to be a recommendation. In this hadith at the end, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said illa intercoolers via email, except if you are fasting in a
state of fasting. So this exception does apply to all of that which is mentioned in the Hadith. Or only the last statement. ie does this exception of fasting mean that when you're fasting you don't have to perfect you will know that you don't have to ensure that water goes in between your fingers and your toes. You don't have to ensure that you have sufficient water in your nose and mouth. Or does this exception only apply to the last part of the Hadith concerning water in the nose and the mouth?
The last part why
that no break you will do. Okay break your fast that's the part that breaks your fast. So when the profits are low wehrlein will sell them said 11 takuna Salima except you if you're in a state of fasting he gave you now the angler the reason why you shouldn't do it. So anything that affects the fast would take this ruling. And anything which doesn't affect the fast wouldn't take this ruling. So perfecting the water doesn't affect the fast. Placing water in between your fingers and your toes doesn't affect the fast. However, even though this hadith only speaks about water in the nose, the scholars based upon the inlet the reason why the professor mentioned this, they placed in the same
ruling and in the same category, water in the mouth mud Mata. Even though it's not mentioned in the explicit wording of the Hadith, why, because the same reason can be applied, same reason can be applied and that is if you have water in the mouth, it's more likely for you to break your fast than water in the nose. And that's why sometimes scholars have this principle that if the professor sola mentioned something that anything which is greater than that has more likelihood of having the same ruling than it's given the same ruling. So water in the nose is less likely to break your fast and water in the mouth. And so if the professor mentioned the bare minimum, which is the nose and
obviously everything, which has a greater chance of breaking your fast such as gargling water and so on, then that is given the same ruling as well. So these are the benefits of the Hadeeth number one to make this bow and the respect is of two types obligatory and recommended. Number two to ensure that water reaches in between the fingers and the toes.
Number one, that one should place enough water in the, in the nose and in their mouth unless they are fasting. Some of the scholars of this hadith in the fourth benefit they took from this hadith the obligation of washing the mouth. And if you remember last week, we mentioned this issue amongst scholars that there is a slight difference of opinion as to whether washing the mouth and the nose are an obligation as well or whether they are recommendations. And there is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars. From those scholars who say there is an obligation they use the narration of a Buddha would that Abraham's Rahim Allah mentioned at the end of this Hadith, in which the prompts
are seldom said, when you make Waldo, then place water in your mouth, and they use this hadith as as something which is an indication to show that it is obligatory to wash your nose, your nose and your mouth. The next Hadees Hadees number 37 wondrous man or the alarm rang, and then the BIA salallahu alayhi wasallam attorney
of Russia who told me he was Ohio, he blew hoceima the authority of the law one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would run his wet fingers through his beard, whilst making Moodle. This is collected by telemovie and authenticated by yBnL hoceima
orthonormal deola. One is obviously the famous hollyfield the profits on the law where they will send them one of the 10 companions promised paradise and the son in law of the profits on the lawan. He will send them not once but twice. He was married to rupiah and then after she died, the allowing her he married him confirm, he became the halifa in the 24th year of the tight in the 35th of the hitch row in Medina, and he was buried in bopping along
this Hades. In this narration, the narration the chain of narration brings here is weak. The chain of narration that a hunter brings here, in this hadith is weak it is a weak Hadith even though he says that it is authenticated by even Hussein, even hoceima authenticated and not because of this chain of narration this chain of narration is weak, but he will send ticketed, because there are so many other chains of narration that support this hadith. And in the science of Hadith, if you have a chain of narration, which has a minor defect, there has a minor weakness in it. So for example, maybe the narrator had bad memory. It's not a major weakness. He wasn't a liar. He wasn't personal
innovation. It wasn't anything like that he just had weak memory, he would make mistakes. Or maybe for example, he was a narrator, who used to narrate from his writing, everything that he wouldn't rate was from he wrote down because he couldn't rely on his memory. But then he lost his books and he began to narrate from his memory. As we mentioned in a previous Hadith about Ebola here, this was the case with him, he would only narrate from his written books, but once they he lost them they were burnt or they were lost in some way, shape or form, he began to narrate from his memory, and so he would make mistakes you would become confused. These types of defects in Hadith are minor. in and
of themselves, they are sufficient to make a hadith weak, so that chain of narration would be weak with such a narrator. However, in the science of Hadith, if there are other chains of narration, separate chains of narration, that have exactly the same ruling of the same wording of the Hadith, then they can support one another. And when they support support one another, the Hadith raises in strength and it becomes stronger and more authentic. So this chain of narration in and of itself is weak. But there are many other companions that narrated this exact same thing from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So it is narrated from Anna signo, Malik and Arusha and Ali and Amal
Ebenezer for the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so and this is a well known companion, a scholar of the companions of Asia as well, a well known scholar of the companions earlier the long run, one of the most knowledgeable companions, American yasur, one of the earliest Muslims, and again, a great an illustrious companion, but of the Allahu Allah jemena. So when they all gather together to support that narration, it shows that that narration even though one narration chain of narration is weak, in and of itself, it has a sufficient number of other chains of narration that will together strengthen it and make it authentic. And so these Hadith that I
mentioned to you of NSN Arusha, an earlier amount are also reported by Timothy and a manager and then Hackman even if you burn and others, so they are found in many works of Hadith.
So in this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives guidance on how a person should wash their face in Moodle. Once they have a beard. And obviously a beard is a part of our religion. It is an obligation upon meant to have a beard. But how does a person make widow with a beard
Beer is of two types. Obviously, people have naturally different types of beer in terms of how thick their beard is, or how lighter is there is a light beard and a light beard amongst the scholars of Islam is that beard, but through which you can see the skin of your face. So he has hair on his face, but it is very light, and he can still see the skin underneath. Okay, and so much of this brother here has a light beard, right, you can still see the skin under his face. This type of beard.
It is obligatory to wash the face. It is obligatory to wash the face even under the beard and make sure that water touches the face. So this type of beard is not what is intended here in this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but rather this type of beard takes the general ruling of the verse of the Quran where Allah azza wa jal says photo cirugia can wash your faces. Because it's not a sufficient impediment for the water to not touch the face, the water can reach the face, and so therefore it must be washed. The second type is a heavy beard. And that is basically the opposite of like a beard one in which you can't see the skin underneath it, you can't see the skin.
And so in this type of beard, the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is to wash the face, and the outer part of the beard. So this part of the beard you'd have water on. And then he would place his fingers in his beard.
And he would just place his fingers in his beard sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this in the Arabic language is known as Tallinn. Johan Lille comes from the word de Lille, that it goes that he just places where fears fingers within his beard. So the outer part of the beard is washed. As you're washing your face, you wash the outer part of the beard. Now obviously, that water is not going to reach the skin underneath the beard, nor is it going to reach every single hair, or the root of every single beard hair. So what the process of selling would do instead was just simply place his finger within his bat would run his fingers through his beard and even though that still doesn't
allow a person to to take the water and place it in all parts of his face or every single hair that he has, it is still better than nothing. And so when we speak about Isabel mudo, perfecting the widow and completing the widow, this is a part of it as well. This is a part of it as well that a person wash themselves in this way.
So the benefits of this hadith are number one, the recommendation to run fingers through the beard. And number two is obviously the beard is of two types. If it is light, you must wash the face completely. If it is heavy, then you wash the outer part and then you run your fingers through it. Let's have you had Islam associate one of the labels eight rhodiola one and then the BSN Allahu alayhi wa sallam utter B through a month for Jalla De Luca the array of Raja who was Ohio Ebro hoceima authoritive Abdullah museen rhodiola one, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was bought two thirds of a mode of water, two thirds of a mode of water, and then he began to rub it on
his arms sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is collected by Mr. McMahon, and the results indicated by nazima and a bizarre Razi and others from amongst the scholars of Hadith. And this hadith again, it is something about sparkle mudo.
perfecting and completing the Waldo is not simply about how you make Budo and how you wash the limbs, but it is about everything connected to the widow. So from Isabel widow would be to make the dryer before the widow. And then after the widow from his Babylonia would be to use the mizpah and from his bourbon widow is what this hadith speaks about. And that is to preserve water, to not be extravagant, not be wasteful of water. So in this Hadith, Abdullah Abu Zaid is one of the companions who has one of the the basis or one of the most fundamental ahaadeeth in this chapter of Waldo he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was one sport with a water. That was two thirds of
a mud. Anyone know what a mud is?
No, it is a measurement type that they had as a type of measurement that they had. But what is it it's not a fist?
Does anyone know what it is? She doing something fancier?
Yes, a mod is 200 falls to place your two hands together. Whatever reaches whatever fits in that is known as a mod is known as a mod. And so these are measurements that they used in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And these are concerning volume. These are types of measurements that have volume and weight, right the volume and that's why when we normally try to, in modern times, try to give the equivalent
in grams and kilograms and so on, it's difficult because it's about volume and not really about weight. But anyway, this was one of the measurements that they have. Another one that's pretty famous is a sock. And normally when it gives the carton fitter, you give it in something known as a SAR, a sort of data saw of wheat, or barley or rice, what's asabe? Does anyone want to size?
Again, it's a measurement type of measurement.
How much is a SAR? How many months is a song, a song is made up of
four, four modes, makes up a song, so four of these would make up a song. Okay, and the way the scholars define a Madonna song is that there are two handfuls together
of an average man.
What an average man is, I don't know, but an average man. So if you have freaky long hands or freaky small hands, you wouldn't count, but it would be an average man.
And so four of these is a PSA. So Abdullah Museo de Allahu anhu is saying is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make will do with two thirds of this, of them.
Two thirds of this, this is all that he would use for his widow Salalah while he was selling them. And obviously living in Arabia in those times, didn't have access to plentiful water, enough tidal taps and running water sources and so on. It was something which was scarce. And so they would look after this water. And so what they would do is that they would preserve their water. So the prophet SAW Selim would make widow with just two thirds of a mode of water, so that he would use so he wouldn't have the tap open form blast, and then use like liters upon liters, just to make Moodle, he would use a very small amount of water, how would he do that? He says, For general a local dry, that
he would rub the water on his arms. So he wouldn't pull the water like loads and loads of water. But rather, what he would do is he would pour a little bit and then rub the rest,
he would rub the rest. And so the point of Budo is not that it has to be poured on everything and have to pour like gallons of water on yourself. What the point of will though is that water reaches every single part of that limb.
Okay, and there is a difference here between wiping and what is known as washing. Wiping an Arabic language is if you were to get a bit of water, and then you will simply to wipe it over this is incorrect. But what is correct and what is allowed for person to do is to pour a little bit and then to rub the rest rub it over that limb. And this was the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim and that's how he used so little water because that was the way that they would wash themselves and make wudu
because otherwise, like two thirds of this, you could just use it on one limb. And it wouldn't probably be enough if you were to wash it the way that we use Budo and make Waldo and wash ourselves but rather he would pour a little bit and then he would rub the rest he would rub the rest sallallahu alayhi wasallam and so therefore,
if a person and this is another benefit that we will inshallah come on to prefer person wants to listen, and they came to an area and they only had, for example, a small bottle of water to say like a milk carton of water one of those like big milk bottles, that's all they had, and they actually may loosen. It is technically correct in Walsall, so long as the water touches every single part of your body.
And technically your water is correct, that is the bare minimum that you must do. And so if a person was to just pour it on the different parts of their body, and then rub it everywhere, technically it would be correct. This was how the competitors made although they didn't have like big tubs of water where they could go and wash themselves and pour over themselves and so on. They would preserve water and this was how they would wash themselves around the Allahu anhu
so making Moodle with a very small amount of water, it is the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Eliza which are mentioned in the Quran. Allah 234 in the hula, your Hebrew must refrain Don't be extravagant, don't be wasteful, indeed, Eliza which does not love those who waste and so to use a little bit, a small amount it is the Sunnah is it as soon as you use two thirds of a mud, some scholars said if you're able to use just that amount and that is better because that is what is mentioned in this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but the point isn't to use exactly two thirds The point is that it is a small amount of water. So even if someone was to
open the tap slightly, just a bit of water comes out and then they close it and they wash each part of the lemon shala that is okay. So that is the first benefit number two is obviously not to wastewater. Number three that it is allowed to remote onto limbs so as to ensure water reaches
Part of the limb or parts of the limb. And so if a person was to pour a bit of water on themselves and then rub everything out, so it doesn't mean that literally every single part of the arm has to be washed in terms of water being poured over it. But if a little bit is pulled over, and then it's rubbed in there is sufficient. And this is an issue where some of the scholars said that it is an obligation for you to make Waldo like this, that you must rub the water on your irrespective of how much water you use, you must use your hand to rub it into that limb. And those scholars who said this took it from this Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim that he would use his hands to rub the water
in. So even if you were to use a lot of water and to pour it all over the limb, to say the water touched every single part of your body, but you didn't use your hand. Would that be correct or not? That's the issue here. Some of the scholars said no, you must use your hand to rub it in others of the scholars said it is sufficient so long as water touches every part of that limb that is sufficient because that is what is meant by will do and that is what a lot of his original wants and that seems to be an Illinois vessel stronger opinion. So long as you have made Waldo in whichever way it is correct. If water touches all part of that body, then it is all the part of that limb.
That is correct. Whether you use your hand for beating or not for obviously to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is better and more virtuous. Had this number 39 one who and the hora nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Julio Luna Hema and falafel ma Allah the CEO of Russia who will be happy while wearing the Muslim in huddle watch bill of Mombasa hubiera CB MA in lira familia de Palma
Ananda authority about the leg nauset rhodiola. One there is so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam take fresh water for his ears, other than the water that he used to wipe over his head, and this is collected by Albay hupy.
And then he says in the wording of Muslim concerning this, and he said that the prophet SAW Selim took water for his head, other than the water that he used for his arms. And then even a Hydra says what were my fault. And this is what has been preserved.
There are two high detail two generations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they speak about two slightly different issues. Number one, in the first generation, it speaks about the water that you take for your ears. So we know that for every single limb, every single limb, you take new water, you when you wash your hands is new water. When you wash your mouth and nose is new water, when you wash your face is new water, when you wash your right arm and your left arm is new water when you wipe over your head in his new water.
Now, when you go to your ears after you wipe over your head, do you take new water meaning you wet your hands again, and then wipe over your ears and in your ears? Or do you simply suffice on whatever is remaining after you wipe over your head?
This is the issue in this Howdy. This is what this hadith is speaking about. So according to this narration, the companion is saying that this is why I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do that after he wiped over his head that he wet his hands again. And then he wiped his ears sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The other narration speaks about
taking new water for wiping over your head. So he says that he took new water for his head other than the water that was remaining. So after you finished washing his arms, he wet his hands again. And then he went over his head. And he says we'll have a world map for the first duration is collected by Albay happy The second one is in Sahih Muslim and he says that the second one is what is my fourth it is what has been preserved and it is what is more authentic. So the issue is here now that we have two narrations, the scholars of Islam say rahimullah
that the first Hadeeth it is authentic, in terms of his chain of narration, but it is weak in terms of its mutton, what is the mutton the actual wording of the Hadith Hadith is made up of two parts and isnaad, which is the chain of narration, so and so narrated from so and so from someone so from so and so from this companion from the prophet SAW seldom, that's a chain of narration, or that chain of narration can either be authentic or weak. The second part that I had is made up of is known as the metal. And the metal is the actual wording of the Hadith. The prophet SAW seldom said so and so, he did so and so. So, so and so this is known as the mutton and the mutton also can be
weak or it can be authentic. So sometimes you have an authentic is not an authentic chain of narration per week, mutton, a week, text of the Hadith. And this is known in some cases as what is a hadith
shall have had Ethan shall means that even though the chain of narration is authentic, the wording and the text is known as peculiar it is, shall. And that means that basically that companion has narrated something, which contradicts what the vast majority of what the companions have narrated. And those other companions are more knowledgeable, they're more senior, the more trustworthy and they are, and then aerations, underrated in books of Hadith and by scholars were also more knowledgeable and more trustworthy and more authentic. And so, therefore, it is shall, because there is no possible way to reconcile between the two. so in this situation, what we have is what is
preserved as even hydrolysing. In this narration, what is preserved from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is that he would take new water to wipe over his head.
But he wouldn't take new water to wipe over his ears, he would use that same water that was left over from wiping over his head, to wipe over his ears. So that Hadith or that narration of a bay happy and I'm delighted to Mosaic, it is shed that goes against the vast majority of what other companions have said, the other companions are more authentic, they're more trustworthy, they are more better known. And so there's a hadith is given precedence and this is known as a peculiar Hadith assures child Hadith. And it is from obviously, the science of Hadith that people study this.
So the first Hadeeth is peculiar because the second one, it is more authentic, it is more well known. One of the ways that we arrived at this conclusion was the older Hadith hadith of man, the hadith of Abdullah bin Ahmad is the hadith of Adi rhodiola. All of them don't mention this, they don't mention that he took new water for his ears. And this man is a much more senior companion than our beloved Lindsay. Most of us probably haven't even heard of Abdullah bin Zayed. But everyone's heard of Horace Mann, and Ali, Abdullah bin, Ross and all of these other major companions of the Prophet or seldom, so that's one. That's from one issue or from one angle. The other angle is this
hadith is narrated, by Al bei happy, whereas a hadith unreached in Bukhari and Muslim and so on. And by agema, by consensus of the Muslim Ummah, Bukhari and Muslim are more authentic and stronger than ever be happy, or any other book of Hadith for that matter. And also, the other Hadith are more in number. So there are more Hadith that don't speak about this issue of taking new water for your ears than the single caddies that speak about this issue. So this is why even Raja Rahim Allah He brings it to our attention here to show that even though it's authentic in this chain, then sometimes even though it is authentic in his chain, it can still be weak in this text. And so he brings it here so
that people don't become confused. You just think that it's an authentic Sham operation so you accept it, but rather you know, that sometimes the method or the wording and the text itself can be weak. The next Have you had it number 41 Lb hora de Allahu anhu call submitted to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a pole in umatilla tuna yo malpighia mahalo moto moto gjelina methylene blue feminista I mean, come on up lavorato folia fall upon la will not only Muslim, and Osaka hora de la no who said that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, indeed my alma will come on Yom Okayama with light coming from their foreheads and from their forearms and from their shins
or from their legs, due to the effects and the remnants of will do. So whosoever can increase this light will let him do so is afflicted by Bukhari and Muslim and the wording is of Muslim is hard. It is obviously authentic. And it's right to biblecourier rhodiola Wang, and this hadith is a famous Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that shows us the virtue and the reward of Waldo. The from that which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam will use to distinguish people on normal pm and to recognize his own that he never met in this dunya is through two things, primarily number one, the signs of odo and number two, the signs of sajida. These are the ways that the prophets of
Salaam will recognize his ummah. And this hadith is used by some other scholars to say that we'll do is something which is unique to this oma. It is unique to the Muslim Ummah, the nation of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, no prophet beforehand will do in this way. Even though there is an aeration, in which is ascribed to the prophets of Salaam in which he made Waldo, and then he said, This is my widow and the widow of the prophets who came before me. For as we said last week, that is a weak narration, it is a weak Hadith. And so even to me and many of the scholars are of the opinion
In that it is unique to this ummah that we make in this way that we wash ourselves in this way before worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it is a virtuous deed. And it was one of those things that will person would that will make a person stand out a normal piano just as the final sajida will make your person stand out. And there are narrations of people Muslims will enter into the fire when they are taken out of the fire the way that they will be recognized from the non Muslims is due to the sign of such the the prostration on their forehead. So this hadith speaks about Waldo its virtue and its reward on normal piano. The profits on a lower and he was seldom said a normal piano
a lot as one gel will make my own man horombo hug Jolene. These two terms were on Mahajan, was normally used by the Arabs to describe horses, horses. And it was described to us a horse of dark color that had white hair on its forehead and on his legs. And so they would call this type of horse Warren Mahajan that it's a horse even though it's stuffed in its skin stuck in a chair. It has this streak of white on its forehead and on his legs. And it was something because it's peculiar because it's something different, because it looks beautiful. It is something which the Arabs would prize into something which they liked. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam used that analogy in
this hadith that are normal piano, the Muslims irrespective of this skin color, and so on, they will come those who made will do with this extra light shining from their foreheads, and from their arms and legs. This is water and water on refers to the light of the forehead. Mahajan refers to the light of the arms and the legs mean a solid model due to the widow that they would make. So therefore a person who doesn't pray in this dunya he doesn't pray. So he doesn't make although he won't have the same light on normal piano, he won't have this great virtue and reward a normal piano. And again, this Hadeeth shows again, from the great benefits of making model is not only that
a person has gets the Toba accepted that Eliza will forgive them. But on normal piano, they will have light shining on that day.
So then the Hadees continues feminista I'm income Come on up. lavorato hufa Leah foul, Whosoever therefore is able to increase their life than they should do. So. Now this Hadith, the hadith of Avaya rhodiola. One shows number one that our normal pm everyone will be resurrected not only in Seoul but in body as well. Structures the resurrection of soul. It is a resurrection of body. And that's why the professor is speaking about the limbs of the body, how they will be enlightened illuminated, how a person will be given this light on their forehead, on their arms and on their legs. At the end of this howdy if you have the statement whosoever is able to increase then let him
do so what does this mean? What does this mean? How do you increase in your light
and we'll know
by then we'll do correctly
to model modal
during your three times
increase the area What do you mean by increase the area
so to watch more than the allocated to watch above the elbows and to watch above the ankles to watch more of the limbs.
This issue is an issue in which the span is different. The issues which has fellows had a long discussion amongst themselves there is much concerning this hadith and exactly what it means. So some of the scholars said that it means that you perfect your order that you perfect your order. And so you will get more light if you will do the more perfect more complete you will know is the more correct it will be an including and that is that you make will do more that you perfect as much as you can that you try to preserve you will do so every time you break you will not you make new will do again. And as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, There you have an older Illa moment
no one preserves the widow except a believer, meaning that they're always constantly in a state of boodle even before they go to sleep, they make mobile Okay, so this is one meaning that the scholars gave to this hadith the other meaning was the meaning that is taken from the narration of Abba hora rhodiola one and that is when he would make although his understanding of this hadith was that you increase the area in which you make Waldo. So instead of stopping at the elbows, which is what is mentioned in the Quran, he would continue to wash the top part of his arm and sometimes
Up to his shoulder. And likewise, when it came to washing his feet instead of stopping at the ankle, which is what is mentioned in the verse of the Quran, he would continue and wash his shin. And this was his understanding and interpretation of this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this opinion of Abu huraira was an opinion that many of the scholars took, there is an opinion which is famous amongst the former times and other scholars of Islam. That the meaning of this hadith is that if you want to gain this reward and you want to increase your light, you increase the area in which you wash the area that you wash. So you go above the elbow and above the ankle.
However, other scholars such as Mr. Malik ignore Tamia ignore him. And that is the opinion of many of the scholars today. shefa members and others, Rahim Allah who edge Marian, their opinion is that there is no increase in Moodle. And the meaning of the Hadees is the first meaning that I mentioned that you perfect and you complete you will do not that you increase the area. And this opinion and Allah knows best seems to be stronger. It is a stronger of the two opinions. And there are a number of reasons of this number one, because to increase the area, we need proof we need evidence from either the Quran or the sun. We need evidence just as if a person was to come and to pray vote. And
just because prayer is a good act of worship, that is something which brings you closer to Allah, instead of praying for a cause they pray five, they say we want to increase, we wouldn't accept that fifth rocker. Why? Because there's no proof for it. So likewise, here, we have no proof number two,
that is based upon the verse of the Quran and all of the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. The verse of the Quran in surah, ma either speaks and explicitly states, the elbow and the ankle.
And it doesn't say increase if you want, what does it say up to the shoulders or the shins. It is explicit in stating the cutoff point being the elbows and the ankles, and all of the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam, the hadith of hamrun that we took the Hadith from the legends in the hadith of Ali, the hadith of Abdullah. And all of the other Hadith Not a single Hadith ever speaks about the prophets of Salaam having made will do that goes above the elbows or the ankles. No Hadith at all ever speaks about them. Even this hadith doesn't explicitly state state that you should increase doesn't say that you should increase in area. But rather it says whosoever is able to increase
should do so whosoever is able to increase in their light, that doesn't mean that they have increased in the Washington area and wash more of that limb, it means increase in light and that can be done in other ways.
Also this last part of the Hadeeth feminist apart, I mean, come on up lavorato hopefully, whosoever is able to increase then he should do so. According to many of the scholars of Hadith, this last part of the Hadith is not the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but it is the wording of Abu huraira rhodiola one. So the Hadith finishes. Indeed my alma mater, Yama will have light shining from their foreheads and their arms and their legs, from the remnants of Buddha from the signs of Buddha and the Hadith finishes. Then the last statement, Whosoever can increase should do so this is the statement of Abu hurayrah rhodiola one, and that's why in other wordings of this
Hadith, and I think it's a Muslim, Mr. Mohammed, the narrator says, I had doubt did the prophets of Salaam to say this last statement or did have already received which shows that he had doubt as to who to ascribe the statement to and many of the scholars many of them have their own many of the scholars of Hadith they said that it belongs to Abu huraira. And this was his opinion, and the opinion of a companion is something which we respect and honor unless it goes against what is established in the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this was his interpretation, and it was his opinion and other scholars followed his opinion. But when we look at
the verses of the Quran and all of the Hadith, all of the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim in modo Not a single one speaks about this and even this handy, doesn't explicitly state increasing the idea of Waldo, it just speaks about increasing your light and that can be done by perfecting the window and completing it and preserving the window and so on. And this is mentioned by even obey Him in His famous poem and no nia. Nia is a poem of no pain where he speaks about gender, about issues of athlete and then he speaks about gender. And one of the issues that he brings to attention is this issue, this issue of widow and he is of the opinion that it doesn't increase but rather you stay and
you stop at the elbow and ankle and Allah azza wa jal knows best had his number 41 when I Chateau de la one Hippolyte, canon w sun Allahu alayhi wa sallam a euro Djibouti yamanouchi Tara, Tara, Julie Moto, holy
He will officially Hakuna Matata canali on the soccer very short of the Allahu anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would start with the right when he placed on his shoes when he combed his hair when he purified himself and in all of his affairs and this is collected by Al Bukhari and Muslim. This Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, even though it is genuine, and it is more general than the issue of Waldo because it mentions the aspect of bahara Abraham's Rahim Allah mentions it in this chapter of Waldo. And that also goes obviously, to complement the previous Hadith that we took, in which the prophet of Solomon start with his right arm before his left arm,
you start with his right foot before his left foot, Sal, Allahu Allah, He will sell them. So the prophet will sell them would love to start with the right generally, as Muslims, we know that anything which is likable, anything which is good, anything, which is something which is permissible, something which is recommended, we should start with the right. So when you enter into the machine, you enter with the right foot, when you go home, and you enter into the house, you enter with the right foot, and so on and so forth. And so placing on the shoes, he would start with his right, and combing his hair, he would start with the right side of his head before the left side
of his head, making bahara whether it's also too young or will do, he would start with the right before the left. When he would place his clothes on, he will start with the right before the left in all of his affairs salallahu alayhi wasallam we would start with the right before his left, unless that issue is something which is disliked in the Sharia. It's something which is not considered to be praiseworthy, like, for example, a common law entry into the toilet or cleansing yourself after you relieve yourself. These are things which are not praiseworthy, and so a person begins with the left hand who uses the left rather than the right, so that is the hadith of Arusha. The next habitat
is number 42 wannabe hora de Allahu anhu, Paul, Paul Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam either.
That will be my minicamp for Jehovah. Also, how was a man on the photo hora de la one, who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when you make will do when begin with the right and this is collected by the four scholars of the sun and unauthenticated by Eben hoceima. And again this hobby like the similar the past Hadith speaks about the recommendation of starting with the right before the left
a question if someone wants to make although
when they wash their arms and their feet they began with the left before the right is the correct or not
is the correct one. So, they began they wash the left and then the right time we came to their feet they wash the left foot then the right foot is the correct or incorrect
This is correct.
This is incorrect.
Interesting has to be
in order
It is correct by each of the scholars by unanimous consensus of the scholars it is correct. What is meant by the order is the order of the limbs, not the order of right or left the order of the limbs. So the face than the arms the miking the head then defeat that is what is meant by the order, not whether you start with the right or left in those limbs. And so by each map, it is correct. However, it is disliked because it goes against the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it's never reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ever made will do in that way that he began with the left and then the right. But this is obviously one of the benefits of having a
pillar and a recommendation that if someone was to miss a recommended Act, the widow itself was still technically be correct, even though they have contradicted on going against the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the final creditor will take today Harris number 43 were unavailable shorba and an obeah Salalah alayhi wa sallam motto for master happiness. At the moment he will feign origin Muslim on the 30th of April Shara Guardiola, one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he will do so he worked over his forehead, on his turban and on his socks, and this is corrected by Muslim mahira Sharma. The Allahu Allah is one of the famous companions who became a
Muslim in the year of the year of the Battle of the trench, and he witnessed for the BIA and he lived until the year 50 hegira and he died in the city of Kufa. rhodiola and
this Hadeeth Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this hadith speaks about wiping over stuff, wiping over and making muscle over stuff and a shot inshallah we will come on to it in a lot more detail when we go into a chapter one of the chapters. That module will bring later on in this book of purification is Babel mazarin whorfin.
A chapter of wiping over the socks and within that chapter you will mentioned wiping generally wiping over the turban and so on as well. But in this hadith he mentions that here, Rahim Allah tala, because it is a part of it is a part of although, even though the scholars mentioned it in a separate chapter as well. So in this how do you, we won't take a lot of detail concerning the issue of turbans and scarves and so on, but we will just hint at it and then inshallah, when we come to the chapter of wiping over socks, we will go into a lot more detail. So in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made whoodle, Lee wiped over his forehead, and his turban. And he wiped
over his socks sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this hadith basically shows that it is permissible to wipe over a turban that is permissible to wipe over a turban, even though many of the scholars of Islam disagreed with this opinion. And they said that is not allowed to wipe over anything other than the hair. But this hadith is authentic as a Muslim. And it clearly shows that the professor solemn Not only did it, but he allowed it. And so it is allowed for a person to wipe over a turban. Some of the scholars said that there are conditions for this number one, that this is specifically for men, why people wear a turban, because women don't wear turbans, number one, so it is for men.
Number two, that turban should cover the majority of the head. So it is a covering of the head that covers the majority of the head. So it's not something which only covers a small part of the head, but covers the majority of the head. And number three, that it is a turban that has a tail has a tail. Now there are different types of turbans, one type of turban is what you get, which you find commonly now in Egypt and other places that the scholars have Azhar on others where there isn't they just have a turban around the head, and it finishes there.
The other type of turban, which you commonly see in Sudan, amongst the Sudanese, and others, and this was the turban that the prophet SAW Selim would have in his time is a turban, where at the end, a tail comes out, meaning that they have a lot of cloth coming down. And what they would often do was that they will wrap this around their neck, they would wrap it around their neck, this was the customer, the people and the way that they dressed. And so these collars said, Why does it have to be this strap and on that Turman, they said, because that turban is easy to take off the one that has no tail, it is like the hat. Because the way that it's done is you have a hat and you place the
turban around it. So you can take it off like a hat wipe over your head and then place it back on. But the one that is done and wrapped around the head with a tail, it is difficult to take off because you have to unwrap it and then rewrap it again. And so they said because of the mashapaug because of the difficulty in taking off such a turban and placing it back on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brought this concession and that is that it is allowed for a person to wipe over it instead. And this is what the heartbeat is speaking about. But as I said, we will go into a lot more detail concerning the conditions and the turban and the scarf and so on in Sharla when we come to
the property chapter, so with that inshallah we'll conclude for today. Next week in Charlotte, the lecture will be back on a Thursday, so go back to inshallah it's normal scheduled on the Thursday. If there's any questions, inshallah we'll take them otherwise we'll conclude. So when it comes to washing the mouth and the nose, they don't develop,
the mouth and the nose are washed together three times.
You have to take your head back, the point is that the water reaches the back of the mouth, towards the throat, and then you spit out so it touches goes everywhere in the mouth, not just the front.
Okay, so inshallah with that from fluid was the last amount of improvement on it.