Ahmed Hamed – Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 5

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary ©
The importance of memorizing Islam's name, Subhanros Al-Bodiedi, is emphasized, along with the need to correct intentions and turn to Islam to strengthen our faith. The speakers stress the importance of honoring Allah's name in his actions and lifestyle, and emphasize the need to remember his name and be a good self-involved creator. Consciously remembering his name is crucial to avoiding negative consequences and avoid mistakes. The importance of having a strong belief in Islam to avoid mistakes and confusion, and staying by his name is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah my brothers and sisters, welcome again to our another session on the reflections of 99 Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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insha Allah we shall continue our series, a beautiful journey, which helps us to be able to connect with our Creator Allah subhanaw taala. After knowing him Well,

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the first thing that we shall begin in today's session of this series in sha Allah, my brothers and sisters is Eileen, Eileen is the one who is the old Knower. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions this name in Surah Al Baqarah surah number two iron number 137. where a lot of blazer, he states that He is Allah I leave the old Noah, my brothers and sisters, again, we need to ensure that we memorize this name Li Li. And we need to understand that he is the old Knower and Subhanallah This is how the creator should be, he should be someone who is all knowing nothing can be hidden from him.

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Everything what ever happens, what ever happens around the globe in the entire creation, it should be in the in the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is Allah Eileen, that is Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And that is the key difference between the creator and the creation. And so we need to understand that he is an alien, meaning he is the knower of everything he knows. And he has the knowledge of the past, the present and the future. It he has the knowledge of what we think what we have in our hearts, what are our intentions, our actions, everything, a lot of blazer, he is an alien, and we need to reflect upon it by pondering and, and thinking about a limb that, you know,

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whatever we do, Allah has the knowledge of that. Whatever we intend, Allah has the knowledge of that. So we need to correct our intentions. We need to ensure that we have a right actions, because Allah has the knowledge of whatever we do. And that's how we actually live by this name. Subhan Allah by living a conscious life by living a life which is aware that Allah is early, and we need to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala we need to call out to a lot of but there is a Eileen, that he is the one who knows all the things, he has the knowledge of all he is all knowing. So we go back to him, we call out to Him and we ask him for our counseling, we ask him to guide us, we ask him to set

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our affairs right Subhan Allah He is the one the one who is having all the knowledge Allah Allah.

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Allah subhanahu wa taala is also Ottawa.

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Ottawa is the one

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who accepts repentance. And I've mentioned this name in Surah Al Baqarah surah. Number two is number 37. When Allah mentions the his name at the web, the one who forgives The one who accepts our repentance, and Subhanallah This is how our Creator Allah is. This is how Allah presents himself, you know, as a quality that he has, he is a club, he is always ready to accept our, you know, appeal our plea, when we go back to allow when we turn to Allah subhanahu wa Tada. He's always ready to forgive us. He is always there to accept our repentance. He always, you know, forgive and he

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he just, you know, not forgive once but he keeps on forgiving. So he's the one who continuously accept our repentance. So my brothers and sisters, the need is for all of us to turn to Allah before we return to Allah. And that is indeed

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quality that Allah subhanho wa Taala he loves. Allah says in the Quran, he loves the one who is the woman, he loves those who turn to him for repentance, who asked Allah to forgive their sins. So let's go back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and make sure that we memorize it we understand that he is there for us. He there is a door that we have to knock and that's the only door. You know where we go back to Ottawa, and we call out to Ottawa and we admit our faults, you acknowledge your mistakes, and we affirm that we have shortcomings, we commit sins and we are disobedient to work, but your mercy is vast, you are the one who accepts repentance, so accept my repentance. Forgive me, forgive

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my sins, and make me among those who are the ouabain Who are those who keep on asking Allah subhanahu wa taala for repentance. Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an Hakim al Hakim is the one who is all wise. Allah mentions this name in Surah Al Baqarah surah number two iron number 129. Allah mentions his name, Al Hakim, the own wise, again, my brothers and sisters, we need to memorize this name. And Hakeem, we need to understand this powerful and beautiful quality of Allah, Allah Hakim, device Subhanallah in our lives, we many times lose faith or even, you know, sometimes we weaken our faith, because we do not understand and have firm belief in Allah Hakeem the wise, you know, when we

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plan something, and it doesn't happen that way, we should be happy that Allah Hakeem has planned something better for me in sha Allah. So we need to, you know, reflect this name. And Hakeem in that perspective, that whatever happens happens for good insha Allah, whatever happens, it happens with the wisdom of Allah. And Allah says, wisdom is infinite. It is uncomputable we cannot imagine and comprehend the wisdom of Allah azza wa jal of Allah Almighty, what but what we need to do is we need to rely on him, we need to have believe in Him, we need to live by this name. And Hakeem, we need to have that understanding that he is the one who is all wise. So obviously, he is the planner of my

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life, and what better planner than Allah subhanaw taala is Subhana Allah, so we need to ensure that we rely upon him and we always, always call out to an Hakeem to, you know, help us and to formulate our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him alone. Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So indeed, my brothers and sisters, he is an Hakeem. That's how we need to memorize it, understand it, you know, reflect upon it, live by it and call out to Him alone.

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Allah subhanahu wa tada is also alleghany Allah honey is the one who is rich, free of all worlds. A lot of larysa mentions this name in Surah Surah number six iron number 133. When Allah or Buddha he uses this name, Alberni, rich, free of all, once again, we need to memorize this name Allah Ronnie in our lives, and we need to understand that he is rich. He is the one who is extremely rich, one, free from all ones he knows to give, but he doesn't need any help from us. He doesn't need our assistance, our support, he doesn't need any strength from us, but he is the one who is the giver of everything. So panela we need to reflect upon this name of Allah azza wa jal, and that is unfunny.

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Again, and again. We feel we need to feel in front of him that we are the beggars and that's how we are. Allah says in the Quran, Allah who honey you one fukuhara allies Bunny, Allah is extremely rich, free from all ones and you are the beggars. So we all are the beggars of Allah. We all are the slaves of Allah, we all are the worshipers of Allah. We all need the help of Allah, Allah honey, the rich free from all ones. So we need to turn to Him in

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That perspective and we need to live by this name again and again by professing and practicing this claim that he is alleghany and we are the sakara We are the beggar. So we need to raise our hands and ask from the one who is a honey, we need to call out to Allah, Allah azza wa jal who is alcone De Vich, free from all once again, this is the quality of Allah and this is exclusive quality of Allah. It is only he who is free from all wants and needs. It is only he who is the giver of everything. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is a live Ronnie and that's how we need to go back to him and turn to Him who is alleghany

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Allah subhanahu Tyler is also al Karim al Karim is the one who is the most generous. Allah mentions this name in Surah Al in Fatah

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number six, and seven, where Allah mentioned this beautiful name, Al Karim, the most generous again we need to memorize this name, Karim. And understand that he is extremely generous, there is no generosity which has a limit to Allah subhanaw taala he is extremely generous, and he is someone who gives and gives them gives the whole creation, even if they come together for the purpose of asking a law and align it with you know, start giving people the whole creation. We the creation will get tired but a lot of boiler is a lot of the most tight, he will never be tired in giving Subhan Allah that is Allah, I look at him the most generous, you know, and we see this practically whatever we

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want. When we raise our hands and ask Allah How long do we ask Allah? How long Our hands are raised? One minute, two minutes, five minutes, how long Subhanallah you know if we get tired in asking ALLAH, but Allah is someone who is extremely generous, who is Al Karim. So we need to live by this name and go back to him and seek from his generosity. We need to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala Karim and ask, you know to shower His mercy, his blessings, his favours upon us so that we may be successful in this life and the hereafter.

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Allah subhana wa tada is an I had, I heard is the one and only and Allah mentions his name in Surah. Allah, Allah says in Surah, number 112. Iron number one were lost in school, who Allahu I had, I had is the one and we need to memorize this name I had, and this is a very powerful name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we need to understand that he is absolutely exclusively unique one who in his lordship in his names and attributes in his divinity in his actions, in his decisions in his worship, in his role as a creator, he is absolutely 100 the only one, the one and only who is unique, the one and only who deserves all kinds of respect, honor, dignity, Majesty, and worship,

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the one who sustains entire creation, the one who gave us everything and who's giving us the one who created us, the one who will give us death, the one who will return to us, the one who will insha Allah will give us genital for those who are the highest levels of gender, the one who would appeal to the * to the you know, people of Gen nine sha Allah, may Allah make us among them, who will witness the face of a law D one. I had this attribute my brothers and sisters, this quality of Allah but there is so powerful and so important that this is the quality that distinguishes him from all the other false dieties This is the quality that should be

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Be, you don't mean quality that we should always understand of Allah subhanho wa Taala throughout our lives until we die. So we never, ever get involved in schilke. And that is to associate partners with the law to associate anyone in terms of his names and attributes, in terms of lordship, in terms of answering prayers, in terms of worship, in terms of, you know, acts of worship, in terms of decisions, in terms of actions, we should always, always make him as the only one who is worthy of all these things, and never ever associate partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that's the Creator, Allah subhanaw taala. And that's how we we need to call out to an ad for all our needs. And

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once Allah subhanaw taala is also a summit, a summit is the one who is be self sufficient, the self sufficient, the absolute, and the one who does not die. Allah mentioned this name in Surah, Allah collas again, surah number 112 ayah. Number two, Allahu Samad Allah de self sufficient, the master, who all create creatures need, he is the one who never, you know, eats or never drinks. He is not someone who is having any quality of the humans. He is a Samad, D independent, the one who does not die, the one who is always self sufficient. So we need to memorize this name, my brothers and sisters, a summit, a summit, a summit. And we need to understand this name, that he is the self

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sufficient, D absolute, we need to reflect and you know and think about it again and again, that we have a creator, who is the self sufficient, he doesn't need anyone, he doesn't have to take any support from anyone. Rather, he is self sufficient, the absolute and that's how we need to live by this name, by going back to him and calling out to him, the self sufficient, Allah azzawajal and Allah Almighty alone has this quality. And this is the quality that makes a creator the creator Subhan Allah, if the Creator is not self sufficient, then what will happen to the creatures if the Creator, he is dependent on people, he is you know, not eternal, then what will happen to the

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creation, the whole creation will cease to exist in right, it will collapse it will destroy So Allah is alone who is a summit and that's the quality of Allah subhanaw taala that we need to memorize it, understand it, reflect upon it, live by it and call Allah subhanaw taala by it a summit the self sufficient the absolute.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an Talib al Karim is the glory grows one, the one near to own boy by his knowledge, Allah mentions his name AlKhateeb in Surah, hood surah number 11 ayah number 61. where a lot of but there is a he mentioned this is

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and this says, My Lord is near to all by his knowledge. So Allah Almighty, he's AlKhateeb, by his knowledge, by his, by his understanding by his knowledge, and that's what we need to memorize this name is corrib we need to understand that he is near he is closed, he is very, very near and he knows everything in terms of his knowledge is absolutely near. So we need to reflect upon it. You know, how can I do evil? How can I be immortal? How can I deal unjustly? How can I you know?

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Do any, any injustice to anyone? How can I not obey Allah? How can I you know, disobey and dishonor? You know my parents Subhana Allah so we need to have this conscious feeling in our lives. And that's how we live by this attribute corrib the quality of Allah subhanho wa Taala nothing is nothing can be escaped from Al Karim Allah subhanahu wa taala everything is is being aware by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we need to call out to Reba and corrib you know what ever we have a desire, whatever, you know, we have a wish

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worms needs help. Anything. Just call out to Al Karim is absolutely near he's very close to us. By His knowledge, he responds my brothers and sisters, never ever think that Allah doesn't, you know, know your things and doesn't listen to you Allah indeed is corrib

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Allah subhanahu wa to Allah is Allah Mooji de responder? The answer sapan Allah. Allah mentions his name in Surah Hood surah number 11 ayah number 61. Allah says that he is the most responsive, the answer. You see, that's what we were just talking about that Allah is Allah corrib and he is Al mujeeb. He accepts

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and he answers he replies he responds to our drawers to our you know, wishes you so never ever think that you know Allah doesn't listen to me. You know many people when they are in distressed when they are suffering when they are into difficulties. When they are facing challenges when they have obstacles in their lives when they are going through a tough times. They think that Allah is not listening to them, Allah is not answering my prayer are also Billa. This is as if we are denying one of the names and the attributes and the quality of Allah. g b d responder, Allah responds my brothers and sisters, but Allah knows when to respond. Allah knows who to respond. Allah knows, we

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do not know Allah is wise. He has the wisdom when to do what we don't know. Allah is all aware, but we are not aware of all the things. So we need to trust Allah subhanaw taala and have believed the firm belief in Allah. And that's how we reflect on this name and live by it. We need to have this belief with Allah is Allah Mujib be responded the answer. So we need to keep on asking Allah keep on making da keep on supplicating to Allah with a conviction in our hearts and minds that Allah will respond. Sometimes we see that Allah responds very quickly and we see that in our lives. Sometimes it happens after, you know some time, you know, after a month or two, or whatever, you know, it

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happens a little later. And sometimes it happens it doesn't happen if we don't see the result the sponsor of that, but Allah knows when to give void, perhaps in our Hara, Allah will give back to as an award to all the prayers which was not accepted in this world. So just keep on relying on La subhanaw taala he is indeed Alamo Jeep so called out to Alma Jeep and asked what ever you need in your life.

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Allah Subhana Allah is also a local food, the oft forgiving deal, remoter Allah mentions this in Surah Surah number 15 ayah number 49. When Allah uses and mentioned that I am, I look out for the oft forgiving Allah Almighty, He is Allah for the oft forgiving, you need to memorize this name again, my brothers and sisters, that he is eligible for the oft forgiving he keeps on forgive people and need to understand that he is the one who is so extremely forgiving, that he does not just forgive, you know, once or twice but he keeps on forgiving. SubhanAllah and the beauty is, you know, we just can't you know, be away from the, the temptations, you know many times we fall in, in trap

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of shaitan we do evils we commit mistakes, we disobey Allah, what is the rescue? What is the way out the way out is we reflect on this name, aloha food, we live by this name and have this sense and this feeling this knowledge, this experience this conviction and belief that Allah is alga food, and we call out to Him. We call out to Him and we ask your local food. I've done a mistake. I have wronged myself. I have disobeyed you, indeed. I have really did not. You know come to your expectations. Yaga food, forgive me and Allah forgives Subhana Allah, Allah forgives.

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My brothers and sisters, this is the need of the hour that we all need to go back and turn to him before we return to, to him Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is unaware dude, be affectionate, the loving.

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Allah mentions this in Surah Surah number 85 ayah number 14 and 15. Allah mentioned this, that he is an Edward wood, full of love towards the pious, who are real true believers of Islamic monotheism. SubhanAllah. Again, my brothers and sisters, we need to memorize this name that he is alpha dude. He is extremely loving. He loves us, He loves us, He cares for us. He loves us the sign of His love is so clear and manifested in our lives. We see so many signs that he is extremely loving. You know, my brothers and sister the need is to understand that he is extremely loving, you know, many times we have, we create a wrong picture of Allah, we create a wrong impression of Allah that Allah is only

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the one who punishes Yes, Allah punishes those who do wrong, but he's also alpha dude. He is extremely loving. We need to promote this, you know name and the quality of Allah that He is extremely loving. Allah is extremely loving, and His love has no limits. his affection is genuine, his care is clearly you know, visible Subhanallah in our lives. So my brothers and sisters, we need to keep on understanding and reflecting upon this powerful and a beautiful name of Allah azza wa jal that he is alpha dude, we need to live by this name, alpha dude and we need to reciprocate, love him in turn, fall in love with Allah, that is the best love that you and me can carry in this world.

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Keep Allah in your heart, love Allah intensly Allah is Allah dude. He will love you. And Allah subhanho wa Taala He will forgive us and Allah is the one the best one to love as well my brothers and sisters, he is alpha dude, the affectionate one, the one who is extremely loving, we need to call out to Allah dude, to love us as well so that we may be successful in this life and the hereafter. May Allah subhanaw taala help us all to open our hearts and minds to comprehend all these names, the Beautiful Names and perfect attributes of Allah azza wa jal, so that we may get closer to him and be pleased with him in sha Allah in the in this world and the hereafter Salaam Alaikum

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warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 5

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