Reflection on 40 Duas of Rabbana – Our Lord
Ahmed Hamed – Reflection on 40 Duas of Rabbana – Our Lord – Part 1
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The importance of recognizing and reciting words like "verbal" and "immature" in the Quran is emphasized, as it is crucial for everyone to accept and pray for their spiritual connection. The speakers stress the need to ensure everyone accepts and pray for their spiritual connection, and to plant seeds for success and offer good things to people. They also emphasize the importance of remembering the fruit of one's actions and planting seeds for success to ensure the best way possible.
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Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim while early he was hard he edge marine
Aldo Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim robina de cobalamin. In Naka, anta Samia Aleem rubbish really sorry, we're certainly Omri aka data melissani yfp, who totally my brothers and sisters, welcome to our new series, a beautiful journey insha Allah, titled Rabbana Our Lord, we thank Allah subhana wa Taala for giving us this opportunity. And I asked a lot of visa to bless each one of you who have registered for this beautiful program, we ask at the outset to Allah subhanaw taala to grant us the beautiful objective that we have set for this beautiful journey, and that is connecting with the Creator. This is all what matters, my beloved brothers and sisters in
Islam, connecting with our Creator, if this connection is lose weak and poor, then obviously we will not be successful for dunya will asherah in this world and the hereafter. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us this objective that we have set for this beautiful journey robina our Lord and that is connecting with our Creator, a lot of binaries. So my beloved brothers and sisters in Islam, or insha, Allah our approach in this journey to connect with our Creator will be based on five our approach five, our approach. That's right, so firstly, we'll get to know the recitation of it. So recite, remember, recognize, reflect and relate. So these are the five our approach that we will be
going through throughout the series B in Allahu taala with the help and permission of Allah subhanaw taala. So, let us begin with the first ayah that we will go through inshallah, in the cities of robina. And Allah subhanahu wa Tada. He says, the following.
So my beloved brothers and sisters, that was a beautiful recitation of this powerful Do
you know of Ibrahim alayhi salam, we need to ensure that we decide it and we remember it rememorize this beautiful device so that we may use this law in our lives.
My brothers and sisters, we need to recognize and reflect on this powerful draw, where a lot of binaries that he says are older below him in the shape on the regime spend a minute or a buck Rabbana ductable Minh, in Naka, anta Samir Aleem, so a lot of briza he says our Lord, which is actually a dua made by Ibrahim alayhi salam, when he and his son is marine la Salaam, built al Qaeda. They made this era banner, Taco Bell Mina, our Lord accept this from us. In NACA, you indeed you are under semirara. Eileen, indeed, you are the hearing the knowing my brothers and sisters, what we need to recognize is the meanings of this powerful law of Ibrahim alayhi salam, where he
said, Our Lord accept the service from us. Indeed, you are the hearing the knowing my brothers and sisters, we need to ensure that whenever, whenever we do any good thing, we have to ask Allah and pray to a lot of Blizzard to accept it. Remember, and recognize that Ibrahim alayhis salam along with his son is Mariela Sonam built this car by the first house of a lot of butter is an carrabba massive project, isn't it?
After building that he was not satisfied, because he being the Nabhi of a law that are suited for law, the role model, you know, for us, he showed us how we have to learn what we have to do after doing a good deed.
And that is to ask a lot to accept it from us. So, whenever we do anything good, we have to ask a lot to accept this from us. And Subhanallah a lot of but there is a, he says, indeed, you are the hearing the knowing. So, there are two attributes used in this draft, my brothers and sisters, which we need to actually reflect upon, a lot of but there is a he is all hearing and he is all knowing. He is the one who hears everything meaning when we say robina when we say your love and we ask Allah, Allah years that we need to have this feeling in our hearts and minds that Allah listens, our drawers Subhana Allah because there are many people out there who think that Allah doesn't miss
Listen, how do we learn, this is the negation of one of the powerful attributes of a lot of binaries. And that is a semir. That own hearing. So we need to ensure that Allah hears, Allah hears us, Allah is also knowing he his own lower Subhana Allah, He knows our past present in the future. He knows our situation, he knows the ins and outs of what we are going through. So we have to ensure that we ask Allah for the acceptance of any deed that we do.
That is how we recognize and we reflect. Finally, my brothers and sisters, we need to relay and share this beautiful Dora with others by asking, you know, and informing and inviting people to reflect and recognize and recite and remember this beautiful Dora of Ibrahim alayhis salam. And we need to set a target that we should at least pass on this beautiful message of a lot of binaries that are mentioned in the Quran of Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam to at least five people beat among our parents, our siblings, our spouses, our children, our friends, our neighbors, our relatives, on the WhatsApp groups on the online platforms, you name it, whatever you can, wherever you can share,
share this beautiful message so that people can really benefit out of it in sha Allah, Allah tala
the second draw my brothers and sisters is from Surah Baqarah surah number two is number 218. And it goes as follows
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Locky Allah subhanho wa Taala he sees Rabbana mostly mainly look, woman Rhea Tina omata Muslim mutton luck. What arena manasi Kanagawa tuba Elena in Naka, undertow verbal Rahim. My brothers and sisters What a powerful dua of Rahim Allah Salam again, we need to recognize and reflect to this to our let us recognize by knowing the meanings of this drop, Ibrahim Ali Salam he made this drama mentioned by a lot of Bonanza in the Quran, our Lord and make us Muslims in submission to you and from our descendants, a Muslim nation in submission to you and show us our rights and accept our repentance. Indeed, you are the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful, my brothers and sisters, what
we need to realize is the farsightedness of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam Suhana love, he was talking and asking a law for the present and the future. So we need to recognize that that how visionary Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was that he prayed for himself, his children and those who are going to come to Han Allah, and from him came, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So a lot of other Iza is, is helping us to recognize this drama. And also, you know, to reflect on it Subhan Allah by understanding the meaning of it. Furthermore, Rahim is a salami said and show us our rights and accept our repentance, you know, that we as men,
mean we need to realize and understand my my brothers and sisters, that we commit mistakes? We do you know, since we are, you know, involved in this obedience to a lot of binaries. So here is what Ibrahim Alayhi Salam is teaching us in this draw and show us our rights and accept or repentance. We need to make Toba to a lot of research and ask a lot to accept our Toba. Both the things are important, not just making Toba but asking a lot to accept our Toba our repentance, our you know a sincere apology, you know for the sins or the mistakes that we have done. And a lot of but there is a he because indeed you are the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful One. So a lot of Bonanza, he
is extremely villain in terms of accepting our repentance. This is again, one of the powerful ways of for us to recognize and reflect then when we ask the repentance to Allah subhanho wa Taala we ask a lot to accept our repentance. We need to have this believe that he is a verb. He is the one who accepts our repentance. And he is
a Rahim He is the one who is extremely merciful, Entirely Merciful. So we shouldn't have any doubt whatsoever in our minds and hearts. When we ask Allah for repentance, we rather we need to believe that he is a toward meaning the one who accepts our repentance, provided it is sincere. And we need to believe that he is the one who is extremely merciful. So obviously, he is the one who forgives, shortcomings and our sins and our disobedience. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us this momentum of you know, forgiving us for our sins to Allah subhanho wa Taala.
deterred dua mentioned in the Quran is from Surah Al Baqarah surah number two and number 201. And it goes as the following.
My brothers and sisters, let us recognize and reflect on this ayah where Allah subhanaw taala he says robina Tina Fey dunya Hasina? What Phil harati Hasina joaquina and
our Lord give us in this world, that which is good. And then the year after that which is good, and protect us from the punishment of the Fire
in Surah, Baqarah surah number two or number 201 a lot of galerija is giving us a practical, you know, approach of our life a roadmap in fact of our lives, that we have to ask Allah the good of this world and the good of your after, and ask Allah on the top of it to protect us from the punishment of the Hellfire, my brothers and sisters in Islam, we need to ensure that this world is also invested properly and Subhana Allah This is the only chance where we have to perform in the best way possible. Only then we will be able to gain the fruits in the hereafter. So we need to ask a lot of good in this world Subhanallah there is nothing wrong in asking wealth in asking money in
asking uh you know jobs and ask that is nothing wrong. In fact, it is encouraged to ask a life we don't ask alone do we ask Allah so we asked a love for all of this. And we asked a lot the good of the year after as well. On the top of it we asked a lot to protect us from the punishment of the Fire. So we need to reflect my brothers and sisters that when it comes to our Hara, there are two things Allah is teaching us to ask one to have that which is good in the Hereafter, and to protect us from the punishment of the hellfire. This is a very powerful, you know, glass panel of my brothers and sisters that we need to ensure that we recite we memorize we remember this drive we
reflect we recognize by understanding its meanings, and we need to relate this to our we need to share to our loved ones and to the entire humanity beginning from our parents, our siblings, our spouses, children, relatives, friends, neighbors, you know, wherever however,
It is possible to take this message across, we need to ensure that we benefit people in a way that we benefit ourselves in sha Allah. And this is how we actually grow together. This is how we win as a team. This is how we basically, you know, emulate the tradition of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who lived not just for himself, but for others as well. So we asked Allah subhanaw taala robina Athena cydonia has an a waffle, karate Hasina, working by
default do it goes like this from Surah Baqarah surah number two Ayah number 250.
My brothers and sisters, let us recognize and reflect.
says robina Africa Elena sub Rome was a bit awkward Amina won't SORNA lol Tomioka feeding our Lord hold upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people. My brothers and sisters let us
reflect on this idea where we are connecting with our Creator and asking him alone to pour us on us patience. This is very, very important. My brothers and sisters that we connect with our Creator and ask everything possible, everything that we need and Subhanallah for us to be successful. We need patience. So we are asking a lot of breweries to pour upon us patience and not just that we are asking a lot to plant firmly our feet and give us victory you know over the disbelieving people. So we need to ensure that we ask Allah for the firmness in our feet and that is the reason the prophets and the diehard Allah He was seldom he taught us this dry yarmulke liberal galoob submit can be
either denecke Oh, who the one the changer of hearts.
Grant us give us that firmness you know of our heart on fate on the dean. You know that that stability on our fate Subhan Allah on our Deen so my brothers and sisters We ask Allah subhanaw taala to pour on us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people. We need to ensure again my brothers and sisters that we share we relay this message to our you know loved ones and to everyone in the humanity where we see there is a huge lack of, you know, patience in the people's lives. Because of that, they actually lose faith Subhan Allah those who do not have faith, those who do not have patience, many times we see either their their faith goes
weaker, or they actually end up losing faith. So how important is patience, we come to know at this point in time that we ask a lot to grant us patience imposed upon us patience and we grant the firmness you know in Deen to Allah subhanho wa Taala and we ask Allah to make us victorious to to help us win over those who are unjust insha Allah