Ahmad Saleem – Prophetic Home 04 The Living room

Ahmad Saleem
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The transcript discusses the importance of "tradials of living" in the context of the "tradials of living" concept, emphasizing the need for people to understand the meaning and impact of these concepts. The speakers also touch on the importance of materialism and the need for people to focus on their roles and values. The transcript highlights the importance of education in creating living rooms and the use of cutting-edge techniques to create furniture. The importance of respect for boundaries and healthy living is emphasized. The segment also includes a discussion of the implementation of Islam in the United States and the importance of learning about the culture of the time.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:03 --> 00:00:33
			Salam alaykum. warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Bismillah Al Hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah
himmelberg Welcome welcome welcome we're just gonna give some time for people to start logging in.
While I do the setup in sha Allah I have everything set up just want to make sure that everything is
going as planned and as we start having our first few people login we will be testing and making
sure that we
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			here we go are you guys I don't know my my broadcast just kind of ended. But in any case
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			insha Allah I hope we're able to do this quickly. Just give me one second said Imani kumara having
to lie over cattle people I hope you guys are doing well. Okay, so little bit of a glitch over
there. But we're back smell out of kind of a hangover Hina stain with activated with tequila that
we're doing a lot of body mean, just like color hair. Thank you everybody, everybody that is logging
in. As we usually do as we you start logging in Insha Allah we would like you to let us know where
you are coming in from few of the regulars we already know where you're from. Some people are from
Melbourne, I already know that some people are from the land of beautiful coffee. That's even nice.
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			And but in any case, if you're new and you're joining in first time do let us know where you're
coming in from. It gives us a really good perspective and sometimes I can share some stories that
are relevant in sha Allah.
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			If it happens to be a country I have visited.
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			So before we get started in sha Allah just wanted to set the foundation for everything. We are going
to be talking about the living room, living room of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the idea
behind all of this is that we want to be able to welcome Salam Rahmatullah Marathi. How are you? I
hope you're doing well. I Aisha, I hope you're doing well. I know you are from Melbourne. So I think
I think you're from Melbourne. But in any case, for those of you that are coming in, we are going to
start in another one minute and sha Allah.
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			Just let's do a quick recap, from what we covered last week. So we talked about the layout of the
Prophet salallahu Salam, we're gonna give some time for people to come in. And we talked about the
layout of the house of Prophet sallallahu Sallam and we said that, you know, his house was on
average, if you were to look at it, like, you know, on the best case scenario, it was seven by
seven, best case scenario, like we're talking about, really, really, really
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			best best case scenario is his house was seven meters by seven meters that included a covered
portion and a non covered portion. While he said Mr. Holmes, Allah, Hannah, and I hope you're doing
well in sha Allah. And then all of you now,
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			in the best case scenario, that was the size of the house today, we have houses that are way, way
bigger, and what we walked away from that,
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			you know,
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			our last session was that the primary foundation of the house of Prophet sallallahu sallam, or if we
were to say, the primary thing that we need to look at as an entrance is, we discussed the entrance
of Prophet sallallahu Sallam and we said that, you know, entrance is both meaning from from a
perspective that it is it is indicative of a physical entrance, but we're also talking about a non
material entrance like an immaterial entrance and entrance that is more in lines of like, what does
a house entail? What is when we say, I entered somebody's house? What do we feel like, right? It
reminds me of like my trip to Ethiopia, where I happened to enter somebody's house, and this was a
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			lady, no exaggeration, her full house where she was cooking food and living and
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			The whole quarters that she had this one room was no bigger than three meters by two meters. But the
smile that the girl had on her face was sometimes far, far more radiating than the smile that you
and I see from people living in houses that you and I have with every single amenity that you and I
need and sometimes beyond our needs, still, we've got a frown on our face, we're not happy, we've
got anxiety, we've got depression, we've got all of these issues, right? As those individuals so we
talked about those elements that you know, it's not house is not our home, the house of Prophet
sallallahu Sallam home was not the concept was not about brick and mortar. It was not about physical
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			like it was not about a closet, it was not about a bathroom, it was not about a bedroom. It was
about a culture. And it was it was very fluid. So rasool Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, his house
was a singular, if you were to look at it, it was a room and that room was very specific, very, very
specific. And that room changed as the requirements of the house changed. So if it was time for
food, that room turns into a dining room, it was time to live with one another, it turns into a
living room. And that brings us to a topic for today, which is that we are discussing the living
room of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, the prophetic home, the house of Prophet salallahu
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			Alaihe Salam, you know, was, we've already discussed the layout part, I'm going to get into the
living room right away. So what you see over here, this piece over here, that was everything that
Rasul Allah had, this turned into the living room, this turned into the bedroom, this turned into
the guest room. So this was a multipurpose room because the culture on that particular time changed.
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			Whereas today, we've kind of evolved in our evolution has led us to be like we've got, you know, so
what happens in the bedroom remains in the bedroom, and it has a certain culture in the bedroom. And
there's a certain culture in the living room, and there's a certain culture in all different parts.
That was not the case at the time of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi, wasallam, his house was one
room, but things changed and evolved as as things went around. Now. Next part.
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			What do we say by the word living? We're getting into the meaning of today's topic? So when I say
the word living room, what do we mean by the word living? Can somebody tell me like, let's, let's,
let's let's talk about that. Like, what does it mean? People that are online, please feel free to
comment. But like when I say, a living room, okay, what are we doing? We're already living in the
house. So what is the living room supposed to do for us?
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			Or in Arabic, as they say solitude? Ah, like, you're already there, he will bite you're already
living in the house? What are you going to do in the living room? You're already living in the
house? Why do you need a living room?
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			Why do we need to have living rooms in our houses? Right?
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			A very important question.
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			And the answer is, it is the heart of our homes. Right? Everything revolves around that one place.
Everybody huddled together, and at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu. How do you sell them, his home
would more often turn into a living room than a bedroom than a guest? It's the main part. Exactly.
It's a main part home with activities. Everything happens at that living room. And for Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The reason I chose living room was because his house was more of a
living room than a bedroom than a guest room than any other thing.
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			You don't say in our next session, we'll be combining the two things together, we'll probably have
like a guest room. And we'll probably have like the bedroom combined two things together because
there were certain times when those things will take place. But in specific over here, you know,
people got together. This was a time where rasool Allah spent most of his time together with his
family in that particular room. Well, in that particular setting, or the environment, Now very
important for us to understand that at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this
is something that I wasn't going to allude to, because what is happening is today our lives are
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			devoid of meaning and and material world has taken over. Right. So where we were supposed to have
meaning Miami, meaning value sentiments attached to our homes.
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			Today, materialism materialistic Ness, that's not our word. I just made it up, materialistic,
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			whatever you want to call it has taken over. Right? So we're we are very material about things.
We're very specific about things. We're very, very cautious about how this is going to take place.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, this has to be placed over here. Your audience you want to Yeah, this should
be pink. No, that has to be black. It doesn't suit this. So everything.
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			And what is happening is the culture more and more times that we're, you know, as people who are
dealing with these cases, you find that people have started to treat marriage which was the nucleus
of this house. We've talked about that the other day, right. You start your your foundation, the
nucleus, the husband and wife that is being treated today like a joint venture. Right. Mira, Yarrow,
let Tamara Ururoa I have this role. You have this role. I have 6040 split. I am 60%, part owner of
this joint venture called Emma den Esma, or I am 60% of the joint venture of Hama, Hama and use of
like, you know, it's a joint venture. No, it is not. Right. But unfortunately, it is being treated
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			like a joint venture. Right. So now we are focused, and our focus is about Mira kitra, Tamara kitna,
how much is mine? How much is yours? What how much did I put in? How much did you put in? What did
you put in? Where did you put in? How did all of that mean? It's like, you know, in corporate world,
we say operation capex strategy, right? This guy, he's capital expenditure, this guy's operation,
this guy's strategy, this guy's HR, every department is operating like that, we are slicing and
dicing the house, like a corporation as if it is a corporation to produce children and the next
generation. Right, that's not the case, house, our homes were meant to have meanings over material
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			That is what you will find people that are living in the worst conditions in the world, sometimes
are the happiest, because their houses are not built around materialism. But they're built around,
meaning they're built around values. They're built around providing comfort to one another. Right?
Now another culture. Another sad reality that is happening with us is that so much focus on roles
and rules. Like the focus in our living rooms, in our houses is all about Mira Corolla, like, what
am I supposed to be doing? What are you supposed to be doing? And each person is so ever so equipped
with recognizing the shortfalls of other person's role, like, Oh, that is, that's a point against
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			you. Right, you know, ding, you you scored negative on that one. That was you know, Allah, Samantha
is gonna hold you accountable for that. Why? Because that's not your role. You just short fell in
your role. What about me and my evaluation disrupt Oscar CAFA report that doesn't really doesn't
matter, right. Like, you know, who cares about me and how I'm doing in my role, it's about that
other person's role and all the rules that the other person has not followed. So the focus of our
conversations, the focus of our our whole environment around it becomes what it becomes unrolls and
rules. Now, keep in mind, I am not saying at this moment,
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			okay. In our religion, we don't have any rules. And we don't have any roles, right? We do have
pretty defined roles on canonical inference, right? We have Shediac coming and telling this is
mandated on the wife, this is mandated on the Husband, husband must spend x, y, y, z, z, the wife
and the money of the wife husband does not have any role in it. Like there are very specific roles.
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			But those inferences are when things go sideways. But they're not to be the norm. They're not to be
the primary focus of our life. Today, the real like number one reason why people when people come
and discuss things, they come and talk, and then what ends up happening, they come and talk and
they're like, but she did not fulfill his or her role. Oh snap and ionic here, Boustany yen in
Korea. He did not do this, she did not do this. So our focus becomes on meaning. Our focus becomes
on materialism and our roles and focus between you know who's short falling where and rather than
the focus that Allah had in
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			tended, What did Allah Subhana Allah? How did Allah subhanaw taala described? Allah described the
nucleus, how has Allah described the nucleus of living room? Allah Subhana Allah says, I mean it and
Holla Holla calm mean and fusi calm as Raja and from the signs of Allah subhanaw taala from the
signs of heaven and earth and creation of the mountains and the rivers and all of these signs from
one of those signs is what one of those signs is that Allah subhanaw taala has created for you Hello
by law calm he has created for you mean unfussy come from your own cells as wadge. And
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			what pairs me that's gonna relay ha. So you may find peace and comfort, you may find comfort in
them. While Jhala Bina co I'm now that I'm Russian law has placed between the two of you by
* between the two of you, my word that 10 compassion,
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			and Rama and mercy that my brothers and sisters is the meaning that we need to instill in our living
rooms. If our living rooms are devoid of wood, compassion,
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			and Rama, mercy, then they're not living rooms, there are rooms where you can call it living room,
you can set it up as a living room, you can dress it up as a living room, you can design it as a
living room, you can do whatever you want in your capacity to turn it into a living room. But it is
not going to be a living room that Allah had intended. Because that nucleus that that, you know,
Allah is saying that you know, commodities in the economic world, like your relationship between
your wife and your husband revolves around this nucleus, its essence is when you're living together,
whether you are living in your house, or are you living outside, you're living together is based on
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			my blood in Russia. And from there, our living rooms should be primary sources of knowledge that and
Rama. So when when your children come to your living room, when you come down to your living room,
you shouldn't feel like a botanical hug. Right? When you are sitting in your house. As a father as a
mother in the living room. It shouldn't be a place where your child runs away from it shouldn't be a
place you know, I will be now faced with my father almost at the soil getting a right it shouldn't
be a place where your child your children don't want to hang out. It should be a place where they
like it is a place where they should feel at home. They should feel this is my spot. This is my
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			place. Immediate Jirga. I belong here. Right so very important for us to understand this one
particular point.
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			I'm gonna give some examples. So So where are the Allahu Allah and asthma I forgot to put a smile on
the Allahu anha in the garden. Very, very interesting story. So a Smeb interview Butker the wife of
Zubaydah awam she married z variable
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			and and she mentioned in the story so long Heidi's I've just highlighted the part that I want if you
guys can even read it. Can you guys read that? This can anybody tell me in the comments if you guys
are able to read the Hadith? I can't even read it. I don't know.
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			I don't think you guys are able to read the Hadees
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			maybe it is just me and my screen.
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			Anyhow let me know I have I'm here the comments if you are able to see the screens otherwise I will
change the setting. Oh no, no, no. Okay. Is this better?
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			Is this setting better?
00:19:06 --> 00:19:09
			Well, what can you say about you? Man? You've got some laser eyes man.
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			Okay, you guys are able to hear this. Okay, so this is a really interesting Hadith right as Mabin W
Bokaro. She's narrates
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			or really, people can read it. So she says when I married variable Allah, I'm not going to read the
whole Hadith. Those of you that want it you guys can read it. But you know.
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			Okay, so as mapping W Bucher she says when I married my wife um, you know, he was not a very very
very rich person. Right. He didn't have a lot of property. I think it was sort of a loss on a loss
and I'm gifted him some property some two miles away. And and he didn't have any slaves. He didn't
have any anybody, any servants. Nobody was there like he was not basically he was a very poor
person. Okay.
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			And you don't show us to help
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			in the house.
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			Hold, right she used to be part and parcel. So she didn't complain. She didn't say, Hey, man, I'm
the daughter of the best man that has ever walked on the face of the earth, which is a Boba kettle,
Viola Hawaiian? Could you just like, you know, you know, give me a better lifestyle man, like, you
know, at least like the least you can do for me is like, you don't just make my living easy.
Alright, she went to work.
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			Because it was not about roles. It was not about Mira or theory, it was not about media
responsibility at the money and responsibility. Right? It was never like that. The idea was, she got
to work. Like she mentioned that, you know, she had, he had a camels, she would draw water, she
would stitch up that, you know, bucket was in those days, they used to have those, you know, they
had to sue it with leather, and you know, it would be a leather skin and they would, you know,
stitch it with needles and water would be coming out and they had to really pull it up really hard.
But she did whatever it was in her capacity. And one of these days she says, I used to feed his
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			horses with the fodder and she would you know, draw the bucket bucket. And what happens is, here's
the funny part. And this is the funny part of the story. Right? She says that I would prepare the
dough but I did not know how to bake bread. This is the daughter of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and
she is working in the fields. She is working in the farms and another narration mentions cannula who
have Cullen that Zubair Emil awam used to have a Heckle. He used to have a garden. This was around
two miles from Medina. And he used to have a garden of day palms. And he you know, he owned it. And
she would work in that garden, she would work in that garden and one of these days she was working
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			in that garden, and she was carrying the date stones on her head and debated no one was given a line
by Prophet salallahu Salam, and while she was coming back, but I saw the loss and Allahu Allahu
Salam meets her Rasul Allah sees her and he says something like, you know,
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			to the camel, which means the camel is going to kneel down.
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			And he, he kind of like, you know, the idea was, he was intending that, you know, she writes on the
back of the camel, and it was sort of like and then take her right, keep in mind, remember we talked
about it and see it all Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there are five sciences. One of
those sciences is Hassan is exceptions for Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So for Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi salam that was one of the exceptions that on her camel and other woman could ride
and that was permitted for him. Okay, but not for you and I we cannot say oh, you know, since rasool
Allah offered us mob and Abby Bucher a ride on his camel. Now you know what, it is permissible for
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			me to get a sister in the car and you know, I was go for a drive thru. Like, it doesn't work like
that. Right? Like that was something that was only specific for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and it was never meant for anybody else that's from the HA saw is that is from the
exceptions that Allah subhanaw taala had intended or had given to our NABI. SallAllahu are they he
was a lamp. Now.
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			It's really interesting. I'm going to end the story because it's a really interesting story. What
happens is a snapping Debbie Bucha she does not ride the camel and she says she she doesn't say
anything to Rasulullah and Rasulullah understands this, but in your heart She says that. I know that
Zubaydah awam had a very high sense of rira. Zero is like pride for honor like he was really
sensitive about his honor. Right? And he goes back to rasool Allah to she goes back to the better
than I am and she says Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
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			he saw me so he needed his camel down hinting towards me that I should get on the camel because he
felt bad for me that I was walking two miles back to get this thing done, like you know have the
date stones and stuff on my head, and I'm going back to the house. So he kind of felt bad for me. So
he wanted me to get a ride. But I remembered ozone layer that you are a very, very a person that has
a high sense of lira so out of your lira I did not write the camera with Prophet sallallahu Sallam
so so wherever you are, when he responds back, I have not mentioned the whole Hadees here but I'm
just completing it. You know, just a very interesting story. It's a bit it's a bit of Zubair even
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			though he says it would have been much better for my Libra. If you like, you know, the fact that you
didn't ride has heard my lead on more than you riding the camel that would have made me feel less
lira. But seeing that Rasulullah saw you walking like this and you didn't take his offer that is
hurting my head are more right and then from that day onwards, you know, she did whatever was in her
capacity to you know, but the point over here is not about the theater and all of that
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			We're gonna diverse the point was, she was involved in every single element of the house of Zubayr
awam. Right, her role. So does that Hadees tell us that, okay, you know what from now on all the
women should also get involved in everything to do with work and work related matters with men, and
they should go out. And you know, this is the lead for
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			foreign involvement of women. Yeah, sure this how these tells you that, but it also tells you
something else. That if this was the case was as Mabin Debbie bapco was a bit of an alum, and there
are many other stories, then you also had the stories of others who have us as Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam forget this habit, this took at Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam right, he was involved in the
affairs of the house, right, whatever was possible.
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			Now, I want to caveat this with it with an element that when we talk about getting involved in the
affairs of the house, something very important that we all need to remember is that
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			we're living in strange times. So our living rooms, our houses, everything has been occupied by a
particular device, I don't know where my device is, it's here somewhere by this beautiful device.
And this beautiful, beautiful device does not let you disconnect with your life from work. So you're
always connected to work, you're always on the call, you're always just, you know, and one of things
that we as human beings, I think, and I shortfall on that a lot of times is that we do need to
figure out ways in which we are able to communicate better, and set some boundaries around our
communication tools. That is impacting our lives in our living rooms, because we almost never
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			disconnect from our work. Whether it is a man or a woman, irrespective wherever you are very
important for us to understand that, you know, being able to disconnect from our work is very
important. And it's not healthy. But I sort of like did not have those tires. He didn't know he
wasn't he didn't have those strings. But whenever he was in the house, he would be involved in every
single matter of the house. He was involved in like, oh, once he noticed a plate in the house, and
it's like, Oh, where did you get this plate from? Like, you don't think about it, he was able to
pick up the plate is not ours, right? Like, if I see a new button, I don't I don't even know it. The
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			other problem is we have so many buttons that we can't even keep track of and we got so many cutlery
and you know, so so much stuff that it's very hard for us to even keep track of you know, what
plates and utensils that are ours and where does it where are the new ones that are coming from, but
any case he was fully involved, right, he asked me when I lay he would be sewing his own sandals. So
the part that I want to allude to, because we all have roles, we all have specific specific things
that need to focus on. But understand that those roles those responsibilities, are predefined
because when things go sideways, we need to be able to fall back to the minimum performance level.
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			But Rasul Allah lived a life that was above a minimum performance level, the Sahaba they lived a
life that was above a minimum performance level, because they were focused on building meaning, but
not building materialistic structures. So their houses had meaning over other things.
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			Again, we have lots of stories coming so so one of the things that you understand that Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam in his house, in the living room, he would understand his he SallAllahu sallam,
you know SallAllahu Sallam would have various styles with various personalities. So for example, one
of his wives had previous kids and she was an older woman and she was a she was somebody on the
chubby side or heavier side, kind of bullied as she was older on soda. And you know, she would get
angry really fast. But you find it sort of Allah salAllahu it you send them never ever using her her
heart her short fuse when it came to her emotions against her. You never find one Heidi's ever
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			mentioning that you find that you know some of the one of the wives of Rasulullah Sanam was the Euro
she was like she was really jealous. Hi shouting Allah. Allah has so many stories of her being
jealous with other wives breaking the button, breaking the utensils of other wives, the sort of line
never chastise her for that right. Why is that because he was able to understand the various
personalities. So if we want our living rooms to replicate the house of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, it
is very difficult but it is very important for us to understand how do we deal with different
individuals in our houses with different manners right now
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			Not one cookie cutter, you know, painter, one brushstroke technique, everybody gets treated the same
way. Some people would be a lot mature, some people would be a lot less mature. So all of these
things in terms of the culture are essential for us to have our living rooms thriving with meanings
not materialism
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			you know, to two stories that I want to mention because and then caveat it with with an element of
education was that Rasulullah sallallahu it who salams life Rasul Allah is house lasuna Allah's
living room was filled with deep dives of Quran, and I'm going to just present two examples of that,
right? Where his wives would challenge Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam on understanding or they would
question new ways of understanding or they would question his statement and say, but you're saying
this in the Quran says this and how do you reconcile between that? Right? And that was something
really interesting that we find the Sahaba doing, and I'm going to share one Hadith over here in
00:31:09 --> 00:31:50
			specific and this is from Kitab Zoho Ibn magia. And the hadith is very interesting. Have salad the
Allahu anha she says that, you know, she came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam and she heard
kala Nabi sallallahu alayhi salam she heard Prophet sallallahu Sallam say in Nila or Jew, Elia Holan
had insha Allah to Allah min min Shahida runwal Davia. So Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam comes to have
PSA and they're having these conversations. And then Rasul Allah makes a statement, right? It's a
general statement. He says, that, you know, a general statement is that he says,
00:31:52 --> 00:31:59
			Prophet sallallahu Sallam says that I hope in Nila or Jew, that indeed, I hope, Elias Hulan
00:32:01 --> 00:32:17
			that none shall enter * insha Allah if Allah wills from those who participated or who witnessed
the Battle of badger and the Treaty of her debut,
00:32:18 --> 00:32:37
			okay, that's very interesting. So it also Allah says, I hope and I have this hope in Allah subhanho
wa Taala that no one from those who witnessed the Battle of badger and the Treaty of Saudi Arabia
shall ever enter Hellfire in sha Allah.
00:32:39 --> 00:33:04
			All right, very interesting. So so allah makes a statement. What happens with that would have sort
of the Allahu anha. She says right away, she remembers an iron she says, got it. She says, I said
Yanni. I said, Yeah rasool Allah, Allah, Allah Allah didn't ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala say, didn't he
say? What? IMing come Illa worry do ha.
00:33:05 --> 00:33:22
			Can Allah begotten Medea? Haven't you heard Allah subhanaw taala say in the Quran, then we shall
have we shall save those who used to fear Allah and we're no no sorry, wrong, wrong idea.
00:33:25 --> 00:34:03
			Wrong, we're immune come Illawarra do ha that not there is none amongst you except that you are
going to pass over it. Why do you do ha Are you worried do ha ha is referring to the Jahannam that
you are going to pass over Jahannam and can I rub beaker Heathman naka de this with your lord or
this matter in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala is a decreed upon matter that is going to happen
monthly basically means it will be accomplished but over here what is what we're referring to is it
is going to happen.
00:34:04 --> 00:34:36
			So then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responds back and he says God, Allah rasool Allah
salAllahu Salam Alaikum tests marry he cool. Have you not heard Allah subhanaw taala say so I'm
gonna Jin levena Taco. Have you not heard Allah subhanaw taala say we shall save those who use to
fear Allah subhanaw taala donate jewelry in a taco, the ones that had Taqwa we shall save them.
00:34:38 --> 00:34:59
			Okay, well another of Valentina V Hydra Thea that Allah is going to to leave the wrongdoers there in
IE Allah would leave them in * fire on their knees. Do you think it means that somebody's you
know, kneeling on their knees? So this was a very interesting thing, right? But also a lot is in his
00:35:00 --> 00:35:08
			He makes a statement, his wife have served in Abu Bakr have been trauma have served in trauma.
00:35:09 --> 00:35:12
			The daughter of Rama Radi Allahu Anh.
00:35:13 --> 00:35:15
			She's like, listen,
00:35:16 --> 00:35:20
			great statement. But I think that's contradicting the Quran
00:35:21 --> 00:36:11
			are very interesting for point over here, right? She is finding a contradiction in her understanding
of the statement, or the statement of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam and her understanding of
the Quran, or her specific Ayah from the Quran, which she remembers, and she recalled, and she
recognizes that there seems to be a direct contradiction in this matter. What does this tell us?
This tells us that the living room of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, when it will be turned that one
room that we talked about when it will be turned into a living room, it had opportunities for his
wives and other people that would be in it, to communicate, but also to express their
00:36:11 --> 00:36:19
			contradictions, to figure out that, you know, I don't think so make sense to me. And today, we have
to take a lesson from here.
00:36:21 --> 00:37:03
			That when it comes to the life, when it comes to our life today, and when it comes to our living
rooms, your children, your husband, your wife, they should feel absolutely comfortable in that
living room to discuss their contradictions that they feel in their hearts, they should be able to
feel and come out and say, you know, Bob up, this does not make sense to me. You Manyara you sense
the binary? Right? I don't understand this. And I do not expect parents over here to know the
answer. Right? I don't expect that. And that expectation would be a false expectation from a parent
to be able to answer every single question that the child has.
00:37:05 --> 00:38:01
			But there is an expectation on the parent here. And the expectation is what the expectation is, that
the environment and the culture that you create for your bedroom, sorry for your living room should
be open enough that your child should come easily and express their faith concerns, their
contradictions that are obvious contradictions to their minds, and they would come and they are able
to express that and you are able to either address, but if you cannot address acknowledge better,
that is a genuine concern. How about we find a way to answer this, right, rather than the child
feeling completely helpless, and having no room to go nowhere to go? And then he goes online and he
00:38:01 --> 00:38:44
			finds an answer. And the answer is given by some previous non Muslim somebody who have left who has
left Islam or somebody who doesn't have the best of intentions for him and that person comes back
and your son is like oh you know what Baba I found a beautiful answer. Right? Don't ever let your
living rooms be spaces where any any you know, make this very clear to your kids. But this is safe
zone. You hop out Joby Kang Joby cutting it whatever you do, whatever you say, nobody's going to be
chastised over here. And again, this was for me when I was going through the prep for this it was a
very big learning that, you know, I shot at the Allahu anha
00:38:46 --> 00:39:00
			in another narration, you know, I you know, in another narration I just like it clicked over here.
In another nation Aisha Radi Allahu Allah is sitting and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
right? He says
00:39:03 --> 00:39:04
			what was how did it go?
00:39:10 --> 00:39:34
			Yeah, so Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he says man Husi biomol Tia material. Whosoever is taken
account on the day of resurrection or zip as if you are punished like the fact that Allah takes you
into an account Allah says our Tamara his upcoming as has started for you that individual right? So
I shut up the Allahu Allah she finds that very, very, very contradicting in her mind.
00:39:36 --> 00:39:59
			So she goes to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and says Elisa protocol Allahu Allah for Sophia, you
have Cebu? His Albania Sierra. Right? Didn't Allah say that? All in the Quran that you know, Allah
subhanho wa Taala is going to have a very easy hisab or a very easy hit.
00:40:00 --> 00:40:05
			Sub for that person. Then Prophet sallallahu Sallam What did he say? Laser Dhakal he's
00:40:06 --> 00:40:26
			this hisab that you understood in this verse is out that I am talking about that mon mon who Sabir
yo Maratea maturo. Zip that if you've taken into account and hisab or for sofa you have Cebu in
Sabah and Sierra that is up. Those are two different herbs.
00:40:28 --> 00:40:29
			Right? And
00:40:30 --> 00:40:34
			Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he says laser that his
00:40:35 --> 00:40:38
			inner mother cut it out of the
00:40:39 --> 00:41:12
			well, my new fish. If you are in a conversation about your deeds, you are your deeds are presented.
And at that moment, you are going and you are being examined. Oh atonia, Kyoto, Kyoto kiss, Leah,
Kiyotaka, Scalia, Kyoto, all of these questions, when you go through that reckoning, when you go
through that examination, that is determined.
00:41:14 --> 00:41:28
			Imagine for one second you standing in front of Allah subhanaw taala. And he is questioning your
answer to his question. And he is a lamb all over you. He knows all the things that are you're going
00:41:29 --> 00:41:37
			Right? He knows your inner and outer. He knows what you hidden. He knows what you don't even know
about your own self.
00:41:39 --> 00:42:24
			That was what crystal Allah was referring to. But what you find is she is questioning Rasul Allah.
That's the point here. Right? She's questioning her understanding. And that is what we need to build
in our, you know, that is what we need, you know, these two Hadees that I mentioned over here, I was
supposed to mention another Hadith. But again, you know, this was a more pertinent heavyset, Allah
subhanaw taala brought it up. So education and discussions have to be a primary primary part of your
culture of your living room, your living rooms could be built with whatever it could be just a pure
barren floor and Osmocote cheese kneel. Or they can be the most lavish living rooms, but if they are
00:42:24 --> 00:43:05
			not sources of education, and if they're not places where discussions are taking place, then they're
not living rooms, because they're not helping the life of your child, they're not helping your you
and one another to grow. And I ask Allah subhanaw taala that, you know, he gives me and gives you
and every single one of us still feel that our living rooms become a source of of guidance for
everyone and including yourselves. I'm about to come to an end, but I just want I know that there is
a delay. So those of you that are online, if you have any questions, start populating your questions
here. As soon as I am done my session, then I will refer to the questions because usually what
00:43:05 --> 00:43:19
			happens is if we ask the question in the end, then then it becomes very difficult. And you know, I
ended and there's a minute delay or two minute delay or whatever. So if you have questions, start
populating your questions over here as I'm going through this.
00:43:21 --> 00:43:39
			This is a beautiful Hadees another thing that the living room needs to have is food on your face.
What do I mean by that food on your face? Right food on your face? Are you guys ready to hear this?
heavys This is probably one of the funniest Headies you're ever going to come across
00:43:42 --> 00:44:20
			and if anybody knows what he says, please do let me know in the comment before I started the Headies
but are you guys do you guys want would you like to hear this hadith and by the way, if you are
enjoying this, please do share it with your family and friends share the hype. It makes it a whole
lot easier for other people to benefit. This is something that everybody needs to hear so people can
benefit if you have your friends and family and you know if you know anybody then take a moment and
please do share with your friends and family. And you know, just like a lion for ohada and for other
people to you know anybody all the people that were involved in making this happen this was like a
00:44:21 --> 00:44:36
			thing that had been brewing in my mind that one day inshallah I will do this something to relate it
to prophetic home and Allah you know, give me that tofield now if you are ready for this hadith, I
will do the Hadees please do remember to put in your questions now because it becomes very difficult
then later to answer those questions.
00:44:37 --> 00:44:40
			Okay, so the hadith is something really interesting.
00:44:42 --> 00:44:59
			So that the House of Rasul Allah, the living room of Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, it was open
to the elements of Ns. Unconditional Love. Badger, unconditional happiness. Alpha. We Yeah,
00:45:00 --> 00:45:28
			It was filled with forgiveness. You know, it was given, you know, ease like loosen the restrictions.
There was no lock down. It was unlocked. Right. I thought we had to hire right. It was like it was
just very easy going environment when the whole house of Nabi sallallahu alayhi salam would turn
into a living room. So what happens once is so that all the Allahu Ana
00:45:30 --> 00:46:12
			she often used to come and visit Aisha Radi Allahu anha. And if you remember in the map that we
showed you in the past, I'm not going to go back. We showed you that the House of Aisha Radi Allahu
anha was on top and um, so that was right there. So it was the closest house for her to come and
visit. So so that are the Allahu anha, Yeoman vivo jurati Ha she was in the house of hospitality
Allah on for July so rasool Allah He said Allahu Allah, he was alum by now however in Ayesha, so she
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is sitting between so that all the Allahu anha and I shall
have the Allah on her. Well, well law they Regie Lee
00:46:13 --> 00:46:44
			PHE hedger Aisha so he has one of one of his legs in the lap of Aisha Radi Allahu anha. Well ora and
the second one in the lap of Sodaro, the Allahu Allah so imagine the scene, I shot at the Allahu
anha so without the Allahu Allah, they're both sitting and Rasul Allah has extended his legs and one
leg is in the lap of Aisha and the other leg is in the lap of Sagar or the Allah Juan, for those of
you that are referring or that want to know what is the
00:46:45 --> 00:47:05
			the, where's this Hadees found? You can find this hadith in Madera to NAS in Abu Dhabi dunya and
also in Muslim abhi Allah so these are Hadees that are found also incidentally Cobra you will find a
portion of this hadith and necessity and also in phala Illa Sahaba you will also find that book
00:47:06 --> 00:47:24
			you will find it in specific in the way the couple you're in a specific section you will find you
know, that book over there and there's other also tidy for the mesh. The mesh also mentions this in
a passing by reference, so there's enough evidence for this Hadees to be authentic and true.
00:47:26 --> 00:47:32
			So anyhow, so they're sitting and they have their legs on Rasul Allah has his legs.
00:47:33 --> 00:47:37
			You know, rasool Allah has his legs at the the laps of
00:47:39 --> 00:47:50
			soldato the Allahu anha and I shall be Allah one very interesting fact biologically so Dr. Cooley,
they were about to eat food. So she tells so that the Allahu anha eat
00:47:51 --> 00:47:54
			what happens so Darla, the Allahu Anhu she says,
00:47:55 --> 00:48:04
			I don't feel like I'm not feeling it today. For adduct she said I'm not feeling it like I'm no I'm
not I'm not just fighting with the food today.
00:48:06 --> 00:48:21
			Let let Cody you shall definitely eat. Oh, let let play 100 Now watch hockey and if you do not eat
I'm gonna take this food and I'm gonna shove it all up your face.
00:48:23 --> 00:48:26
			Forever. She said no way I'm not gonna eat like I just don't feel like it.
00:48:28 --> 00:49:08
			For that to be Kofi ha che Aminul Casa whatever was in the food obviously imagined it was not a
machacas Harlan ROSAT cormar Nihari unanimously How do you on the face so please do not do that to
your husbands in your wives you know don't do that if your husband and what you know if your husband
wife and your husband refuses don't take that Heidi and shove it on his face, which I can keep
deleting. You know just you know be sensible right? I don't think it was a food that would have
harmed anybody on their face. Right? So she takes the coffee Hi Shay and mineral casa. Fi let the
hot we have what you ha ha she smothered it all over the face of so Donald the Allahu Allah Varaha
00:49:08 --> 00:49:19
			rasool Allah is Allah Allahu Allah he was sending LEM Fringilla home in hedger soda. So now he takes
off his leg from the soda or the Allahu anha and he grabbed some of the food
00:49:20 --> 00:49:30
			and that's also a che and and he puts it in the hand of soda the Allahu anha for let the hot we hear
what you have Aisha
00:49:32 --> 00:49:45
			so now she wraps the whole food and smothers a whole food in the face of Pfizer. What a sword Allah
He said Allah Allah Who highly he was a lamb yellow Huck Missoni ie Hema
00:49:47 --> 00:49:48
			min see me min
00:49:50 --> 00:49:59
			Slony or email when sunny or email, the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he is laughing and he
is just enjoying that scene.
00:50:00 --> 00:50:02
			With what the two of them have done
00:50:03 --> 00:50:53
			Subhan Allah, then as they're sitting and they're having these conversations, one violet alpha, a
Sahiba the the funnel Ha, the happiness exuberates did so much that send me all the sounds of the
house, the happiness and them laughing was so loud that Omar of the Allah one he heard the sounds of
the wives of isover, the Allah Juana prophets of Allah who it was, you know and soda and I shouted
Allahu I NUMA them laughing so loud that Omar Radi Allahu Allah and he wanted to make sure that the
soul of Allah is aware of the situation. So he started saying and Rasul Allah hears the sound of the
sound of Rama and he says, yeah, the law even
00:50:54 --> 00:51:05
			the law even Norma Yeah, Abdullah ibn Norma so he starts calling upon Abdullah ibn Omar Abdullah bin
Omar like that. And then Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says,
00:51:06 --> 00:51:19
			Get up, and folk sila would you hakama Go wash your face. Fela Acebo Amara Elijah Hilah it almost
feels like Omar is going to about to come inside. And he's going to come and discuss this matter
with me. Right?
00:51:21 --> 00:52:10
			So this is a beautiful Hadith that tells you what, that the living room of Nabi sallallahu alayhi
salam living rooms are for fun. If your living room is not filled with fun, if your living room is
not filled with genuine happiness, elements in which you all enjoy one another, you have an element
of love and laughter, all of those things, then that is not a living room. Right? Today living rooms
are very, you know, a budget and they sit in the chair and like, I am the Hitler of the house up to
Massaquoi button. Right. And, you know, again, I understand that we live in very different
circumstances. But again, this is the the hope that we all have one day to be able to reach that
00:52:10 --> 00:52:11
			level in sha Allah even in law.
00:52:16 --> 00:52:21
			Now, so education is the foundation,
00:52:22 --> 00:52:55
			there has to be some elements of education, there has to be some elements of you know, the Aileen
conversations, discussions, again, those of you that are watching online, you know, I'm about to
come to an end, if you have any questions about what we have discussed, or if you'd like to put some
comments up there, then please, please, please do let us know now. Because once I come to an end,
then obviously we'll end the session and then you know, if there is a delay, so that's why I'm
asking if there's a question in advance inshallah. So you guys can ask that. So education is the
foundation on which everything is built for your living room.
00:52:56 --> 00:52:59
			You know, what you can have, and I'll give you some tips over here.
00:53:00 --> 00:53:01
			What you can do is
00:53:03 --> 00:53:10
			your living room could be a space where you can have a set time, where you are reading a book
together, where your whole family is reading a book together.
00:53:12 --> 00:53:23
			We have started something like that in our house. And it has been a very satiating experience, that
has been a very fulfilling experience. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala that he gives us an you know,
tofield and Subotic, were able to continue that
00:53:24 --> 00:53:27
			it has it has, you know, greatly impacted
00:53:29 --> 00:53:36
			the level of conversations, you know, that, you know, that things.
00:53:37 --> 00:54:16
			Sometimes when you're reading books together, you realize, oh, you know, my child has this element
that needs to be addressed. Or sometimes you realize, I've got this issue that needs to be
addressed. Like it's not always mutually it's not always, but chasing that RBC thing, right? You
also learn getting married in the coming here, majority Coniah. Other thing, I've got a kinetic of
respect, right, we have to make sure that our living rooms are filled with respect there, if there
are people who are trying to cross those boundaries, then you become that element. The only time
where you enforce something is when the boundaries of adopt and respect are being violated. Or,
00:54:17 --> 00:54:55
			obviously I'm not talking about cultural respect, but I'm talking about respect Kay, just met
another person is being violated there in reference of like, you know, but that means you see vodka
or something in which you become that gatekeeper. And sending this is a living room and we live
together. Everybody is, you know, spending time together, we respect one another. We've already
talked about it, need to have lots of fun, lots and lots of fun, right? And then, more importantly,
above all, when you have education when you respect one another, when you have fun together, then
ultimately, you develop love for one another.
00:54:56 --> 00:55:00
			You have a beautiful comment here. It's a big comment. I'll read
00:55:00 --> 00:55:01
			Read it. This is from
00:55:03 --> 00:55:26
			homophone and she's saying, Not a question, but something new I have learned is that during any
discussion heated or normal, when any family member raises a question, they're not challenging your
authority, but trying to understand the discussion, yeah, beautiful, beautifully said Baraka la vie
Crumrine. That the element that somebody
00:55:27 --> 00:55:49
			is questioning you or other people who have got hurt like they're like, How dare you say like, it's
more about like, I don't understand like, why are you saying this? Like, can you explain this to me
further, and those are very important elements. Inshallah, our next week's session, please do look
forward to the next week's session. Again, once again, I ask Allah subhanaw taala that you know, you
all benefit from this.
00:55:50 --> 00:56:16
			And also, one more thing that I would like to ask every single one of you, if you could kindly
please do do do let other people know from this because I think I think this is probably one of a
very unique series of its its kind on internet, I have not been able to find something that is
covering the cultural aspects, the physical aspects of the house of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, we might
have a couple more sessions left.
00:56:18 --> 00:56:57
			I had planned it to be anywhere between six to eight, I had a lot of content. But again, as I go
through the content, I can I can judge it. So maybe like two more sessions with three more sessions
Allahu Alem. But in any case, I just wanted to say thank you so much for everybody that is here.
BarakAllahu li comb, I hope that you guys have a very blessed weekend and I asked Allah subhanaw
taala that those people that are working tirelessly for the service of for the service of Quran that
Allah subhanho wa Taala illuminates their lives and fill their lives with the likes of Quran and
every single person at Al Hoda and all other places. Insha Allah hota Allah. With that we come to an
00:56:57 --> 00:57:09
			end with our session today. May Allah subhanho wa Taala unite us again and give us the TOEFL to
connect back next week. As Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
00:57:11 --> 00:57:16
			Subhanak Allahumma we handpick a shadow Allah ILAHA. illa Anta Mustafa rocoto Willie