Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa Dec 31st, 2020

Ahmad Kutty
AI: Summary ©
The host of a daily series introduces a new episode of the series, focusing on the importance of surrendering to the will of Islam. The series emphasizes the need for faith in Islam to achieve beneficial goals and offers a tool to guide individuals on how to achieve them. The host also mentions a new episode of the series on philosophy and the importance of surrendering to Islam's will.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala

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Rasulillah. While it was hierbij Marine, brothers and sisters, it's

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my pleasure once again to welcome you to another of our daily series

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of Dwars. To power your day, and today I have chosen the most

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wonderful dua is a dua that helps us to surrender to the will of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala we see all around us things that will

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Perplexus sometimes that will throw us into confusion

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and even crashing or fate, because as we see allows one author giving

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a but the lead to some, and denying in the more the most basic

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thing from some

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and somebody is guided and you will see someone else with guided.

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You see, allows one author bringing something closer and

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keeping away from others. All of these are things that may

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perplexes and bring confusion, and even lead us to question our fate,

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the way to achieve PCs, that everything in this world

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is according to superevil and the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And what you see is not the end of the story,

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there is another life. So those who are denied here will be

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compensated by Allah subhanho wa Taala shall light the next world.

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So as long as you have faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala in knew

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turn to Him and surrender to His will.

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That is the recipe for joy and happiness and salvation. And

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that's the idea of this to our to teach us to surrender to the will

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of Allah subhanaw taala that Allah does what is best for a servant.

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So accept the will of Allah subhanaw taala This is no way we

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that a Muslim should not strive to achieve things in life. Of course

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the Prophet taught us that we should strive for to achieve

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beneficial goals. But if after expanding for the best of our

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efforts, still we think that we are not gaining we are not

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achieving that we should say that was the will of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala and He does what He wills so join me in this tour inshallah

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Mila inspire me and you to read this tool and meditate on it and

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surrender our will to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Allah humara kabhi Lilia Baba wherever Asita Lima Qobuz whatever

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ha the alumina lilt. When I'm a little lemon hate when I'm on a

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theory bomb and art when I'm on nearly tomato eat when I'm on

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Kareem Malema but when I'm about a dilemma corrupt, I will be coming

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shattered Rima Otto eterna washery Rima manera, tamanna Allahumma, la

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kabhi, Lima BASET wherever Sita Lima, Kabul wherever ha Dr. Lehman

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lumen Herdade What are more theory monart What Aman Ulema Otto it

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will occur Reba Reba but well mo Bari De Lima, corrupt I will be

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commissural Rima, Arthur eterna Rochelle Rima manera Tamanna

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Allahumma Munna kabhi Luma set well Abbas Italia merkaba when a

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hottie illumine Roosevelt when I'm Olivia lemon hydrate when our

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military mom on earth when Mr. Nearly market when Mr. Curry

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Malema but while mo bar in the liberal corrupt I will be coming

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Cherie martyr eterna washery ma manera Tamina

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wala Norwood can be told what you have stretched out and no one can

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stretch out what you have a talent.

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No one can guide the one you have led astray and no one can lead

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astray the one you have guided right?

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No one can give you what you have denied. And no one can be told

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what you have is told. No one can bring closer what you have kept

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far away. And no one can keep away. What you have brought

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I seek refuge in You from the evil of what you have given as well as

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from the email of what you have retired. May Allah subhanaw taala

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inspire we are new to turn to Him always surrendering our will to

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the will of the Creator Akula Cody ha was tough for Allah it will

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come As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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