Adnan Rashid – Sultan Saladin and King Richard the Lionheart

Adnan Rashid
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The transcript discusses the origins and significance of the "slack culture" that exists in the Middle East, including the influence of Islamists on clothing and clothing retailers. It also touches on the use of language during the early stages of Islam, including the influence of the clergy and monks on clothing and clothing retailers. The segment concludes with a discussion of the importance of learning and practicing Islam.

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			said never, they are not our teachers. The Crusaders are not our teachers, we have our own
principles, we will stand by our principles. This is what we are proud of. This is what Islamic
civilization stands for. This is what we cherish. This is why we turn around and say to the haters
and islamophobes No matter how much you try to link Islam with barbarity and backwardness, and
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			and other you know unpleasant things, we will never believe you because we have a history to look up
to. We have characters like from Tanzania, how do we have our prophets Allah lights on we always
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			Sultan Salahuddin had taken the city of Jerusalem from the Crusaders in 1187 ce II in the month of
July, after a very long, hard campaign,
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			trying to unite the Muslims under one umbrella so that they can take back the security of Islam.
Now, when that happened, the pope
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			encouraged another crusade to reclaim or re take the city of Jerusalem.
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			So tangela up was also found and cut the long story short, Richard, having traveled for nearly a
year arrived in acre. And as soon as he took the city, there was a battle between the Sultan and
him. And there was Richard had 3000 Muslims as his prisoners, and all 3000 of them were slaughtered
in one day. Richard was the very first character, right. And he had shown how barbaric he was by
killing 3000 Muslims an acre, right? Despite that the Sultan was so kind to him. And he even offered
him you know, fresh fruits if he needed Actually, he did send him fresh, fresh fruits from his
territory, and also offered him his physician, physician, personal physician. And they were they
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			were these exchanges between which not only that photons, alladhina uv, LA, after Richard had failed
to take the city, he was six miles away, six miles away from the city of Jerusalem. When the Sultan
was actually inside the city, and the generals of Sultan, they came to him and they said, leave the
city. Okay. And, you know, if the city is taken again, we can go in, we can try to take it back. So
Don said, I will never leave the people of this city. Never. After seeing what happened in acre, I
will not leave the city of Jerusalem alone. So, the teacher of some times a Latina Yogi, he
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			advised him in fact, the Sultan asked him what should I do in this situation? Richard was six miles
away. And where did Richard come from? He came from England, England and France. That's where his
army came from, because he governed both territories, parts of both part part of England and part of
France was governed by Richard. He had come this far 1000s of miles away, traveling for years, and
six miles away from the city. So Tom, and the population is worried that Richard if he takes the
city, he will do exactly what happened in 1099. And the Crusaders took the city for the first time
they massacred the entire population.
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			Right. So photon approach does teacher shift by holding a bunch of dad.
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			Bow the ninja dot advised him that who gives victory?
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			He asked him who gives victory he said a lot. Is it okay? Go and ask Allah subhanaw taala ask Allah
subhanaw taala for respect
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			and bow the matcha dot who wrote a biography of futons alladhina Ub, you must read it. The biography
of photons allowed in a UV Okay, is written by, by howdini Winchell dad. He writes in this
biography, the Sultan went to the masjid Al Aqsa, and he stood on the masala and he cried to such an
extent that the place of such that was wet with his tears. He was it is beyond me now, the Crusader
King. He's a vicious character. He has come with a barbaric army, and we don't know what they're
going to do. It is in your hands. For some reason. Richard turned around six miles away from the
city of Jerusalem and he goes back does not even attack the city doesn't even attack the city. Now,
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			historians give a number of reasons why he did that.
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			Whatever those reasons are,
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			we know that oftentimes, UB was accepted by law anabella imagine Can you imagine? Can you imagine
someone came six miles away from you? And turn turns around and goes back to France and dies in
France? Then your law saved the Muslims from his fitrah
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			but after the city of Jerusalem was taken, what photons to be due to the people.
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			They do what happened in 1099.
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			The Crusaders killed even animals, let alone
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			Humans, the Jews were killed. The Muslims are killed, and the Armenian Christians were killed in the
city of Jerusalem. Everyone was massacred.
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			So Ponce de la Deena up when he took the city, some of his hawkish generals,
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			they were of the opinion that we should do what happened to the Muslims said never. They are not our
teachers. The Crusaders are not our teachers, we have our own principles, we will stand by our
principles. This is what we are proud of. This is what Islamic civilization stands for, this is what
we cherish. This is why we turn around and say to the haters, and islamophobes No matter how much
you try to link Islam with barbarity and backwardness, and,
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			and other you know, unpleasant things, we will never believe you because we have a history to look
up to. We have characters like from Tanzania, how do we have our Prophet satellites, and we have his
companions, we have the terrain, we have our Anima our Ru, we have our teachers to look up to, they
have taught us to be civilized Do they have taught us to be merciful, be compassionate, even when
you are in power? Your true reality comes to light when you are in power. So photons allowed you to
be paid from his own pocket sent people back on his expense to places like France and Britain. So
when people came back to Britain,
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			you know, so tomsula, Dina up within his life, he became a legend. He become a legend Christians in
Britain in England, they were saying good things, it was impossible at that time to praise a Muslim
in Europe.
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			If you did, that the catholic church would be on you. How can you praise the infidel, the incredible
fighting against is the enemy of the Christians. This is how things were black and white. And
amazingly, if you want to read books on this topic, how the Europeans viewed the Muslims during the
Middle Ages. A very important book I recommend is
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			Islam and the West, making of an image Islam and the West making of an image
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			authored by Daniel Norman, Daniel Norman, a must read for anyone interested in how Islam was viewed
and how Islam was, you know, tarnished and maligned and, you know, completely, you know, lied
against throughout the Middle Ages and nothing has changed. Again, the media is doing the same thing
today. Today, it is not the Catholic Church. It is not the the clergy, the monks, writing
Chronicles, it is the secular monks or other monks who have come in different guys to spread lies
and hate against Islam and Muslims. But Alhamdulillah we have our history, we have our characters,
we have our examples to this day, to follow of mercy, compassion and justice. So sometimes a lot of
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			the newbie had a lot of influence in Britain at that time because of his good gesture of letting
people go in one day. So Tom savini up, you know, freed 1000s of people from slavery, people who are
captured after Jerusalem was taken. Right. So tonsil, how do you be was remembered in good words, by
the European throughout the Middle Ages. It doesn't stop there. Even after that