Adnan Rashid – Imagine a World Without Islam
![Adnan Rashid](
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The importance of Islam is discussed, including its relation to the world and its impact on the world. The Hadees and Prophet Muhammad's teachings are also highlighted, along with the importance of protecting one's religion and not being disrespected. The philosophy of justice and progress in Islamic civilization is also discussed, along with the importance of protecting one's religion and not being disrespected. The rise of Islam in other parts of the world and the influence of pop culture are also highlighted, along with the need for change and the spread of Islam through media and political movements.
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What else?
my shoulder
once again,
thank you for waiting so patiently. We're just want to give a brief intro and background last last week. Some of you may not have heard of him. So
Alan Rasheed attained his BA with Honors in HP from Birkbeck college University of London is currently pursuing graduate studies in history at the same university has played a major role in selling TV channels such as the criterion channel, and also has the bulk of the Prophet Muhammad solaria.
Through platforms, such as TV and various other TV channels, it's currently teaching in London and, and intends to finish the
talk now shall run and open up a q&a at the end. So towards the end of the talk, tape around, and if you can just write your questions on the paper.
So without further ado, I'd like to
thank you.
And hunger allows a lot of our lives we love
sisters, first of all, let me
apologize for the delay.
traveling on Amazon is not the easiest thing in life. So that's what I went through today I came from London took me longer than expected, I will be talking about this very important topic. Very, very important for a number of reasons. A world without Islam. Imagine a world without Islam. Some people would love to imagine a world
without Islam nowadays, you turn on news channels. When you listen to news, when you listen to some of the political rhetoric. In the west in particular.
You start to think that some people really truly want a world without Islam. And why is that the case? That is that the case? because Islam is evil, as long as violent Islam is barbaric, Islamic backwards, backward regressive? Or is it because they actually misunderstand Islam?
Or they are ignorant of Islam?
Or perhaps they know Islam.
And somehow,
Islam goes against their agenda, or their values, or the economic interests, or political interests.
So imagine a world without Islam.
Now, first of all, see what Islam has done for the world.
And that way, it will be better for us to know what Islam is in the first place, what Islam has done what it stands for, and then in due course, we can better assess the question whether this world will be a better place without Islam. Right. So until and unless you know, the topic you're discussing,
or the phenomenon you are going to address. One cannot post questions about it without understanding what we're talking about. So Islam, what is Islam? Put it in simple terms, Islam is the faith that 2 billion people,
or most nearly 2 billion people on the planet follow.
And the faith primarily comes from a man called Muhammad peace be upon him a lot is in its current form, as it is known today in the world. It was taught by a man called Muhammad
Abdullah Mohammed Hassan Abdullah was born in the year 571 scene in the city of Mecca.
he preached this fate to a very under privileged, underdeveloped,
semi civilized, sinful
They listen to the message, they understood it, and they applied it.
And when they applied it, within a century of the emergence of this book called The Koran, which is the main source of Islam, one of the two main sources of Islam. The second source, of course, is the prophetic tradition, the Hadees. So we have two main sources of Islam, two primary sources of Islam.
My wife, I'm sorry,
I don't actually need the mic, but I will tell you that there are two main finding.
sources are the Quran and the Sunnah,
or also known as the Hadees.
And the Hadees, the prophetic tradition, the tradition of the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Mohammed transmitted by
his companions
to posterity to the future generation.
So he taught some values certain values to his companions, people who were mainly a very self centered people are very culture centered people, or tribe centered people.
And Savita woke up to the reality of the world. For some reason, these people, as soon as the Koran emerges in the seventh century, in the midst, they have woken up, something happened there was an awakening in the Arabian Peninsula, and these Arabs came out.
And within a century of the prophets, Death Prophet died in the year 632. c.
And in the ESM, 32, c II, within a century, these people have become the most powerful people on the planet politically, militarily, intellectually, intelligently, name it educationally. Within a century, the Quran this book changed their
situation. Their lives were changed beyond recognition, they were transformed. To an extent that those people who were alive to see the change, were shocked that the change is so huge in magnitude.
Because some of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad lived long enough, the very disciples of the Prophet of Islam, those who sat with him, ate with him, caught with him, lived within spent long hours days, in some cases, years with him. Some of them stayed alive for a very long time, almost a century, some of them, in fact, the last Companion of the Prophet Muhammad, the last disciple of the Prophet.
Who was he and many
Muslims, hello.
Do you study your history?
Now if I asked you the genealogy of Shahrukh Khan
Khan crews, are you too old now?
Justin Bieber, okay.
If I asked you about his girlfriend, the clothes he wore in the last video? Yeah.
Where do you come from? What did you do? I'm sure many of you will know the detail right?
And we say No, we don't. We just know him. We just don't love him. We just know him. He just happens to be there. And we know we get to know him by accident, right? We love the professionalism we love.
What we do know him. We don't have any of his companions. We don't know when they die when they live. We just love him. So there is something wrong. So who's the last companion to have died?
We are close but not quite.
Who else anyone wants to try? don't guess because guessing won't get you anywhere. He's close. He had reasons to say what he said. was very close. Mashallah.
Understood. Malik was indeed one of the companions who lived for a very long time. He died in the 1980s almost 83 years after the focus on loss
Winston outlived the Prophet by 83 years, and has been one of the closest companions of the Prophet of Islam. But the last one to die was to fail or fail. Avaya? Okay, failed Ahmed, who died in the year 110. When
almost a century of after the prophets, Allah suddenly, exactly 99 years after the Prophet, he must have been a young lad at the time of the Prophet passed away. So he lived, at least in my opinion, for possibly 110 years.
So by the year 110
In fact, by the year 92, before
Can I get a truck
Back to my students.
You know, they used to do these talks back in the day. And sometimes I'm used to Messara teachers, teachers used to break them and
we used to get BJ
All right. So
what we're talking about the year 92.
The year 92
is a very important year in Islam in the history of Islam. Very important year 9200, which corresponds to approximately 711. CV.
Almost 81 years after the pockets that 81 years. Okay, and 92 Why is the year 92 so special, historically speaking, and the history of Islam very quickly. It was in this year when three Muslim armies landed or arrived in three different parts of the world.
1000s of miles apart from each other. So on the one side, we have polygons, our
in Spain, on the other hand, we had
Muslim, actually,
they've all been Muslim, okay. And in the south, we have Mohammed bin possum, even crossing, okay.
In India, so that happened in Spain, this happened in northern China. Okay, and that happened in Sindh in India, or the Indian continent, the sub continent.
And this was the largest chunk of land ever governed by one group of people ever to date. This was the largest territory governed by one group of people ever in the entire history of Islam to date, larger than Alexander the Great. Alexander in the fourth century BC 330s 330s BC, he traveled from Macedonia and he went as far as Pakistan. Lucky him.
Right. That's why he lost the battle nearly lost. That's where you
blame him for losing that battle.
He lost his life in that battle.
Okay, well, anyone jealous?
dangerous people.
You know why? Because the battle was fought
between Horace and Alexander very close to the city of Judah. And that's where Alexander's hawks died in this battle. Alexander lost many men. And this was the bloodiest battle of his
life, possibly, okay, because he had heavy losses. He won the battle eventually. But he had heavy losses, his horse Pacific's died in this place. And he made a speech he built the city and the squat to commemorate the legacy of his horse. And people think GLM is the place where the battle took place very close to jail. Right. So Alexander went very far from Macedonia, 1000s of miles. He crossed a
few continents, you know, if he went into Africa from Europe, into Asia, Conakry, Syria, he conquered the land of Iraq, then Iran
into a vanished on and then into Pakistan. This is a very, very huge territory, unimaginable at that time. And one had to have had immense power an immense army to do so. Okay. That's why I believe for stones baton people who inhabit the tribal region, the tribal belt in a vanstone. In Pakistan, these people are actually remnants of Alexander the Great when you look at them, if they are original stones, they have blue eyes, blonde hair, they're very, don't look like that they are from this region. Okay, they are the remnants of Alexandria. Okay, that's another question altogether. So coming back to the history of Islam, three generals landing in three different places. At the same
time in the year 92. And others demonic the prophets companion is alive.
So these people
had seen what Islam was.
When the Prophet was alive, it was a very small group of people in the city of Medina.
It was beyond the imagination to have realized something like that. It was unimaginable. In fact, when the Prophet foretold this very occurrence, this very map of the world, he foretold it when he was alive. In fact, there's a verse in the Quran that directly alludes to this point, Chapter 24 of the Quran, verse 55, very, very specifically, gives this picture. It states why the Lovelady nominal income, how the relationship on the regime is, under him, what a low Latina woman komamura saw the heart
must have lafonda renam in public him, it is a promise of Allah to those who believe among you, talking to the companions of the Prophet, the disciples of the Prophet, and the Prophet, talking to them primarily. And when was this verse revealed? Well, they don't know where the water is coming from, they don't know where the food is coming from, they are surrounded by enemies, they are not they will survive for another week.
This was the condition of the Muslims, the early Muslim community in the city of Medina and the verses are being revealed and this verse in particular 2455 foretold occurrence this very occurrence, that it is a promise of a lot to you.
People among you who believe and do righteous deeds, they are they are believers number one, and they are righteous,
they are virtuous, they are more ethical, you will inherit the world you will occupy planet temporary This is not spiritual, this is not spiritual power. This is
a prophecy about temporary power, physical power material power you will
suddenly find out we'll armed you will become successors in the planet Earth. In other words, you will take the planet Earth. And exactly a century later or less than a century later, this was fulfilled. In fact, the Prophet told one of his companions
that there will come a time you will open the treasures of kisara kisara.
Okay, hisab is an Arabic word or
And whoever controls anyone
the Persian Emperor Okay, uh, one of the most crucial the second, the one who governed at the time of the Prophet was cultural the second, okay.
And his name was kisara been almost author Robin Hood was okay. So the Prophet told one of his companions aren't even hearted that this will happen.
And he was shocked. What
you just said is wrong. And the Prophet said Yeah.
Which, which is what are you talking about? Because Robin hormoz, the Persian Emperor, and indeed, you will open his treasures. In other words, you will take them you occupies treasures. And I've even had him
lived long enough this by the Bible is Arabic.
And he
lived long enough to see
the city of stessi for the Persian capital, taken by the Muslim armies
cut the long story short, the prophecy from the Quran and from the tunnel was fulfilled to them.
Three Muslim armies landing in three different places.
At the same time, the year 92 711, Spain bargains out a table with Muslim impossible. Now the question
a very important question, what difference that Islam make to these lands and and to the people of these lands? is a very important question. Find the land has been taken, what happened to the people the masses, right? Because we're talking about a world without Islam. So when we imagine a world with Islam, when Islam came to the parts of the world, what happened to these parts of the world? Once you imagine what happened and understand what happened, you'd be able to better imagine what happens if Islam is taken away from the world, because the contribution
of Islam will speak for itself. And if you remove that contribution, whether it's positive, negative, barbaric, civilizing, or regressive, progressive, whatever it is, we can talk about it in due course, we will see what it was, in my view, okay, that's my view. And you can go and check the sources if I'm telling the truth or not.
So once we understand what happened, then we can better understand what would happen if this contribution or this legacy, or this faith or this system was to be taken away from humanity
So what happened?
These people were just with a bunch of mindless warriors, people who were bloodthirsty, who wanted the wealth of these lands. They went to Spain, having conquered all of North Africa, Egypt, Syria, on the way, Jordan, you know, so many countries in the way, likewise, in Sainte
Marie land, and they're in stock and say, they went as far as the Punjab region, in Pakistan into Pakistan, the same man.
When some of the companions of the Prophet who are alive, they are still alive. Some of the disciples who directly learned from the prophets on the lives of them were still alive, then this man, how did he end up in northern China?
Do you just have an open road and one.
So what happened? All of these labs will take them.
And in these lands,
we have Christians all the way and the Jewish people.
North Africa, Spain, full of Christians and Jews,
hey, we have
some other faiths, religions of people in Central Asia, right? worshipping all kinds of things, right? And some were Buddhist as well, no doubt ever caused him and he went to India and said,
people were worshipping differently. Like there were two main religions at that time. Buddhism and Hinduism encountered then when they came to Persia,
so restrooms,
what people commonly call him or that religion fire worshippers, which is a very crude way of putting it, I don't like to
use that term. So let's call people what they are, what they would like to call themselves the Austrians, people who believed in
a profit called a bust, okay, in Persian, okay. So
all of these people, what happened to them is the question
what happened to them when massacred, bullied,
suppressed, oppressed, forcibly converted to Islam? Or were they allowed terms to live in peace?
So in order to see the behavior of these people, with the native masses, what happened to the native people of these lands? We must go back to the ethics of the Quran which is on the pop the teachings of the Quran
what is going on teach them first of all, what what what what were they doing in these places? Why did they even come out? Why did they even come out to these places? What happened to them? They read the Quran, Quran was taught to them and they became a very different people. Instead of now thinking about the goats and the camels and little fields here and there, or their little business in Mecca or somewhere else in the Arabian Peninsula, they started to think of the world. Why could chapter 21 of the Quran 107 announced to them that you are a manifestation of
God's mercy.
You are you, the disciples of Mohammed are the followers of Muhammad, are a manifestation of God's mercy because it is the same God who spoke to Moses, Abraham and Jesus. The same God said Mohammed is the final messenger with the best message
and the message if you follow it, you will prosper. You will prosper. physically, spiritually, mentally, financially, economically, socially, name it, you will prosper. You don't listen to it, you put it behind, you will suffer like those who suffered before you because they ignored the teachings of the prophets. So take the teaching seriously, you will prosper. And these people took the teaching seriously. One of the teachings was that you are a mercy for the world's or Marshall Naka ilaha illAllah, Amina Mohammed, you have been sent as a mercy for the worlds.
And these people understood that very clearly. The disciples of Prophet Muhammad understood that very clearly that we are to deliver that mercy, which is Islam to the world not forcefully presented to the people. And they can either leave it
or they can either adopted or leave it.
So this is exactly what drove these people to come up to deliver the message of Islam.
And how do we know that was the aim so that the people can see the world of Islam they can hear, or they can see Islamic practice. We have an interaction historically,
that is thought to have taken place between the Surgeon General rosetown and one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad called ribbit even army ribbon, the Muslim representative, and on the other hand, we had the Persian gender problem. So when the Muslims came close to Persia,
outnumbered by fart,
possibly 10 to one,
the Persian army was one of the strongest armies in the world. So I had an interview with this core guide or Ruby renamo came from the desert, scruffy looking person it sold was all over the place, it wasn't the best of the Persians took a lot of pride in their, you know, home and glitter.
The pomp and glitter, the sword cases were studied with diamonds and rubies. I mean, some of them you can see in the British Museum.
Please leave me alone.
who've been to the British Museum.
Of course, you know,
you don't go to museums.
museums are not for
human rights, campaigning for animal rights of campaigning, campaigning for
environment, better environment in this world. These causes are not for us, taking care of taking care of children in the streets of Brazil in South Paulo and and Rio de Janeiro. Half a million orphans walking around sniffing glue prostituting themselves they're not
Muslim. No, we don't do things like that. Which the home
watch football reimagined the month of Ramadan. And our stomachs get half the size No, bigger. Not more. Right.
Sorry, I do apologize.
My dad sending me some images of madness.
what happened? In the month of Ramadan, I saw an image on Facebook, Spider Man, a guy in a Spider Man suit. Spider Man suit is very tight.
skin tight. You know what I'm talking about? This guy had a big stomach popping up. And he's standing like side pose. And he's wearing the Spider Man suit. And his stomach is popping up and he's got a big stomach. And then there was a caption, you know what caption is yet?
It was a meme. Right? It stated Spider Man after his bar
popping up like that, right? Muslims don't go to museums, and inshallah in due course I will talk about it. Why we need to start thinking intellectually about our heritage, preserving protecting our heritage, and work towards it in our own capacities as much as we can. We have a very strong tradition we need to preserve and learn and teach in due course.
So Ruby had an interview with us the first time asked What are you doing here?
You need goats need camels need money, take it and get lost, but go back to the desert. We have no business to do people. He said no.
We're not here for any of that anymore. We used to but not anymore.
We're not interested in your goals and your money and your goal and your your your current and your, your zip code. And we're not interested in that. We are here to remove you from the way you are an obstacle. We want your people to see us.
See us how we live. We are Muslims, we have brought this mercy to people, but you will not allow us to show ourselves to your people. You have to be removed. And then of course the Bible of policy 150,000
reports were defeated by 12,000 Arabs, miraculously your quality of life, but it was an amazing event in the history of Islam. And amazingly most of these armies were all of them without an exception outnumbered all of them. Every single army was outnumbered.
polygons are for 100,000 men with 12,000 people get 5000 Arabs and 7000 burgers you know barbers,
the barber people.
Have you seen Moroccans and Algerians?
Have you seen faced fair skinned Nigerian brothers and
Who are these are actually originally barber people the barber was a tribe. It was a big, you know, tribe is still exist. Okay, so these people back to the Arabs when they came 5000 Arabs 12 7000 burgers, 12,000 people landed in Spain, and they confronted an army of 100,000 men led by a man called King Roderick.
Okay, same happened there was a new costume with 5000 men for a huge army led by Raja die King died of sin and in that part of the world, same albritton goddess here, same happened in general and other examples.
So, this was the purpose. So the mercy had to be seen and delivered.
So cut to the chase, I have a very simple theory. I have a very simple theory. And that theory goes as follows I call it the golden chain of events in the history of Islam, the golden chain of events, what is the golden chain? You know, every chain has locks, right? Yes. And locks have to be together for the chain to become a chain. Yes. So we have four locks in this chain for locks that click together or that claim
on to each other. Number one, the golden chain of events for
the emergence of Quran
number two, the concept of justice that came from the Quran
number three is a
piece that came from that justice.
And number four,
what progress
that came from that piece.
golden chain of events,
okay, we have this, we have this, we have this, we have this
each one of this these contingent upon the one that comes before.
Right? So the Quran came with a very unique philosophy of justice, delivered this philosophy to the Arabs, they went out, they took these lands and they delivered this justice that they took from the Quran ethically, morally, morally, they took it from the Quran, that just is end result or resulted in
peace between different communities. us Christians, Hindus, Rastafarians Buddhists coexisted for centuries,
as the Islamic civilization would progress
and then on peace came progress, what we call the peak of Islamic civilization
or the Muslim civilization, right. So, this is very important for you to understand, let me qualify it
from secular sources. This is the Islamic theory
on in a number of places states that if you follow it, if you follow the teachings, you will have justice. You will have justice you will have peace. And if you will have peace you will progress. Okay. God be known universe. All right. So the 23 o'clock aren't successful are the believers. prosperous are the believers.
Progressive are the believers translated as you like by
After the honeymoon, and then it gives qualities, ethical qualities of people how they become successful. Once you follow the quality, you will have progress, you will have success. Okay? So it's a very strong chain
strongly linked with
all of these
locks strongly linked with each other.
So, from this golden chain of events comes,
equals, in other words, Islamic civilization
what we call the civilization of Islam,
what we call the civilization of Islam. I'll explain what that means later on very quickly, what it constitutes will be discussed very quickly in Newport.
Right, so
let me quantify this from secular sources. What secular philosophers or social scientists think about this theory that come from the perhaps
there is a man called we'll do it. We'll do it. The reason why I use him is because he specialized in the history of civilizations. Right? And he wrote a monumental history of civilizations in 10 volumes 10 volumes history of civilizations, and on the very first page of
the first volume of his books. He defines a civilization as follows. Are you listening? Hello?
If you're not listening, I can sing Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are. What do you prefer me talking about? What would you prefer?
We mean,
okay, so we'll do it on the first page of the first volume of his book, a history of civilization. And this particular volume is titled our oriental heritage. And this one even talks about oriental civilization from Mesopotamia, Iraq, for example, Iran and other places, right.
So on the first page, we define the civilization as follows. A civilization and I quote, consists of four elements. It consists of four elements. Number one, economic provisions. Number two, political stability. Number three, pursuit of knowledge and arts. Number four,
moral traditions, moral traditions, are repeat. Number one, economic provisions, number two, political stability, number three, pursuit of knowledge and arts, number four moral traditions, these four elements together, make a civilization.
And all four of them
these days, rest upon one pillar, all of these four elements, they rest upon one pillar.
And if you remove that pillar, all of them will fall. And what is that one pillar, sense of security and justice. In other words, peace and justice. If you do not have if you do not have peace and justice in a society, none of these four elements will survive.
They will collapse. So you will not if you don't have peace and justice, you will not have economic provisions, your economy will fail. Right. You know, we're looking at the global situation today, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Right. Okay.
Because recently, some countries got devastated by war, right. What happened? economies failed. Number two, no political stability. If you don't have peace of justice, no political stability, as they say, no justice, no peace, right. Okay. Number three, no procedural knowledge enough. Can you sit in a university and study if there are bombs going off on the streets? No, you can't. You cannot do it peacefully. Eventually, it will collapse the system will collapse the education system in collapse. Number four, moral traditions, moral traditions, you will morally start to decline. If there is no peace and justice morally, you'll suffer, your morality will suffer. And I can give you
examples of what happened to
Bobby's writing, for example.
They had morally suffered because they were enslaved by the pharaohs. Likewise, we have Atlantic slave trade that continued to for centuries when after
Frequently picked up on
the western coast of Africa, taken in the millions to the Americas, Atlantic Ocean across the ocean, and put into plantations or other works. And most of the majority died. If they were not dumped into the scene, the millions, they, they were taken across the Atlantic Ocean, they were put into plantations. And their life expectancy, life expectancy was nearly 45 years, depending on which industry you were working in. If you were working in a sugar plantation, you will likely to die within two to three years, you will be worked to death strong mandinka men from West Africa you know everything people concern about Nigerians, you know exactly what the big guys is a big lad, right?
Easily six and a half feet, yeah, muscular up someone like that a 20 year old man would be dead by the time he reaches 24 worked to death.
But then that had a moral
impact, this enslavement of these people destroyed them morally in many ways.
this chain,
according to will do it is absolutely valid.
That if there is no sense of security and justice, all of these four elements will collapse, you will not have a civilization. So this is the first thing is London, taught the importance of justice. For example, specifically to give you verses, in particular, chapter five, verse eight, and
chapter 435.
These two verses in particular pretty much talk about the same concept, while then states clearly that do not avoid justice even if you dislike the people.
Allah Allah, Allah Do you know who alcoholic taqwa chapter five verse eight, that even if you dislike to people to justice, so the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam taught his companions, morals and ethics. So the Jews and Christians were told to live in peace and harmony, you will not be forced to accept Islam.
To the contrary, you will be protected by the Islamic system. So the people the Christian, the madron, came to the prophet of Islam.
Now talking about the teachings, how the puranic teaching the prophetic teachings establish justice, right?
Very quickly.
So the Christian Dona john came to the Prophet.
And the Prophet asked them to accept you as a project manager. No, we won't cut the long story short, they had a discussion in the mosque in Medina. They said we won't believe you. We won't believe in you. What did the Prophet tell them or take them away? Put them in a dungeon, Guantanamo Bay CIA rendition or something like that? No, no, none of that the progress of go and live in your city, the drawn in peace. As long as you pay us the tax, which will require for your protection
and keep peace, maintain peace and social harmony, nothing will happen to your situation. You may remain in status quo, your bishops will remain in power, they will govern your societies your churches remain intact. No one will molest you. No one will disturb you. And this is clearly stated in treaties, which I quote in my booklet I have written a booklet on this very topic. It can be found online to put my name of non machine
a dnn nine machine in Google monster Google is amazing right
now machine, Islam's war on terror.
on terror.
You will get a PDF free PDF copy of that. All of this, what I'm talking about is there, all the references, all the evidence is there, the actual text is there. And the source I've taken this text from is also there. So you can read what Muslims did to all of these lines and the people. Right? So and how prophet established a precedent for the later Muslims to follow. So the Christian and Magellan were told to go and live in peace. The treaty is there in the book with the reference, right. Likewise, when the second character of Islam took the city of Jerusalem from the Byzantines from the Romans because it was occupied by the Romans 636 was the year
and armor was requested.
To come in person to take the keys from the patriarch, or the Archbishop, or the chief clergy of the city.
His name was to fronius. He requested that I will give the keys to the ruler, your ruler, bring in. So I'm working on the old one cut the long story short again.
Ahmed told him to write the terms and move assignment, what do you want? And then he followed the same precedent established by the prophet with the people who are drawn you have your churches, to freedom, your bishops, your lives, your stocks, you know your livestock, your properties, everything is protected by Islam and Muslims. We will protect you
pay the tax
and maintain peace and harmony. Do not disturb the peace. You will have your harmony. Okay. Continue. polygons are planted in Spain 92 in the year 94, a treaty between Pollock br vineyards general who sent a Mousavi Mousavi, there was a man who sent parekh to land in Spain. And amazing even thought it landed in Spain. The Jewish people welcomed him and his army as liberators because they were heavily persecuted by the Catholic Church in Spain. Catholic Church was very, very brutal against the Jewish people in Spain at the time. So when the Muslims landed in Spain, the Jewish people welcomed the Muslims as liberated, who say so there is a scholar called Zion, Doha, Zion
zophar, who's a Jewish scholar who has written a history of Spanish and mithibai. Jewelry
story, a history of Sephardic and Mithra. Yuri, page eight. on page eight, he stated that when Muslims landed in Java, he landed
on the land of Spain, the Jewish people welcomed them as liberators. Okay, so, in the year 94, a treaty was struck between the son of Musab in the save the man who actually sent Tarik. And one of the kings of seven cities of Spain is there was gap douche. So the treaty follows the same precedent set by the prophet in the drop again, you may have your churches, your bishops, in livestock, your families, nothing will happen to you no pressure in religious affairs will be put upon you, you will not be harmed or disturbed in any shape or form. So long as you maintain peace, and continue paying taxes, and do not harm other enemies. There are political enemies are Muslims do not harm them, that
would be disturbing the peace, right?
And the list goes on.
And there's a treaty of Jerusalem as well. So we have
a number of treaties documented in our history, where peace and harmony and friendship was offered to people who were the conquered of these lands, Native people of these lands, Native people of these lands, whether it is North Africa, whether it is pain, whether it is India, or northern China, wherever they went,
No indiscriminate massacres, no forced conversions, no destruction of churches and buildings, nothing like that. Nothing like that, historically. And when it did happen occasionally,
in exceptional cases, people who did it work condemned and punished by the authorities, by the authorities. So it was very, very clear. And you will see exactly what I'm talking about in this document. Okay, all the evidence is there. Now what? They have established treaties, they have taken this land now what, what did the people think? What did the Christians and the Jews think of this particular settlement? We have so many testimonies on the Jewish and the Christian people praising the Muslims and the system. In fact, Karen Armstrong recently wrote a book a history of Jerusalem, on page 245, Roman state, page 245 to 41 of these two pages. She states that Muslim brought system
talking about Jerusalem in particular, that allowed the three Abrahamic faiths to coexist for the first time.
These faiths coexisted for the first time because of the system of Islam. That's what Karen Armstrong said.
Then we have Thomas Arnold, Professor Thomas Arnold, who wrote a book titled the preaching of Islam. In this book, he states that some of the minor Christian sects,
some of the minor Christian groups who disagreed with the major majority only survived because Muslims protecting them are using
Groups like nestorians, Jacobites, monocytes, and Orthodox Church of Syria, the Orthodox Church of Egypt, the Coptic Orthodox Church, they only survived. Because the Muslims came to power in these lands, the Byzantines, the Romans, were oppressing the masses. And one of the reasons of the rapid expansion of Muslim lands was that the masses, the people, the native people of these lands, they sided with the Muslims, because they were so heavily oppressed by the Persians, by the Romans, and then in Spain, by the the Catholic Monarchs, that the people opened the doors of these people. So one of the reasons was the behavior of the Muslims towards the masses as to how they were able to so
quickly so rapidly consolidate their power in these lands, because their behavior. Okay, what happened then, on that came peace. So once justice was established, peace followed, and people justified. I'll give you an example, writing in Syria, john bar, Pankaj,
kanji or pinkeye, I don't know how to pronounce the name. But that's how I spelt he wrote, and the time of Medallia, while your babies of yarn who governed from the 40 to 60 degree 28, govern Muslim Empire.
Thank you.
JOHN writes in Syria, during the reign of Malia that there is so much peace in the world that we have never heard of anything like it. And our even our grandparents and our parents have never heard of anything like john writing in Syria.
Let's go further in the 19th century, when
a French traveler called Bernard the wise, Bernard, the wise, was traveling through Palestine in the ninth century, he came to the pilgrim from France, to visit the holy sites in the city of Jerusalem, Christian holy sites, like the holy separate cup, where Jesus is
being. So he writes his sentiments about what he found in the city of Jerusalem, governed by the ambassador at the time.
He writes that if you were to leave your luggage in one place, temporarily.
This is not the ninth century ninth century Jerusalem, people say many evil is backward. Now, not everything many evil is bad. In what many evil is the Middle Ages, you know, old times, many evil means old times, right? From the year 500 to 1500. This period is usually known as the medieval period. in history. Many people are the Middle Ages, okay. 500 to 1500. Okay, so not everything in the Middle Ages, or during the medieval time was bad. So, the Wise case that if you were to leave Islam in one place, and go away for a while, if you return, you will find your luggage, untouched, unmolested, no one would touch it.
Okay. The ninth century, I dare you. Are you listening? You're listening, everyone. I know there is something going on there. But.
now I challenge you, humbly to leave something
on a busy street in London.
She will happen to you leave your bag there. See what happens. Okay. Or in New York
or in Karachi?
You in Karachi, you disappear.
So, Bernard is saying in the ninth century, there is so much peace in Jerusalem, that you can leave your luggage somewhere you can walk away, you come back is there. No one is touching?
states he makes a point of there is so much peace there.
There's so much peace there. So he's come from Europe and France, right. At the same time. In the ninth century. We are patriarch Theodosius,
the Archbishop of Jerusalem patriarch of the city of Jerusalem Christian leader, writing a letter to his counterpart in Constantinople. He's writing a letter to the Patriarch of Constantinople.
He writes that the Saracens, ie the Muslims allow us to live in peace and harmony. They do not put pressure on us in religious effects.
This is the leader of the Christians right into the middle of the equation with Constantinople.
We have in the 11th century a Jewish rabbi writing in Cordoba in Costa Rica giving examples from different periods from different places. Okay. His name is by Avi Tokuda is a Jewish rabbi. And he writes that as far as living is concerned, our condition is even better than the Muslims
are conditioned writing in Islamic Islamic quarterback, but have been Tokuda. Okay, so now, peace was well attested, very powerfully adjusted even by the non Muslims, people who were the vanquished people who were conquered. People were taken those lands were taken, when they planted when they're destroyed.
No, no. And then came progress, what we call the Islamic civilization, the emergence of the accumulation, or the manifestation of this golden chain of events in Islamic civilization. What was Islamic civilization very quickly. Okay. Now, before I go to this point, I want to mention something passingly very quickly, what are you? Okay, this?
Stay with me, please.
I know we have spoken for a while. I need you to stay with me.
Won't belong very quickly. Brothers and sisters.
So, the Islamic civilization before I talk about that, I want you to think about do a contract. Now we have seen passingly what Islam did to the masses to the native people of these lands.
And there may be examples, unpleasant examples, some people might bring exceptional example. Remember that? Oh, look what happened in 1064. in Grenada, there was a pogrom against the Jewish people. They were massacred. Okay, oh, look what happened in Armenia. When the Ottomans conducted the Armenian genocide. Oh, look what happened there. And then it stopped doing or maybe the picture was not all done pretty No, I am saying these incidents if they were true,
or exceptional, the norm was justice, peace and progress. That was the norm of the Muslim civilization, that for the norm disturbances were abnormal and exceptional. So if anyone carried out who carried out a massacre in the name of Islam was immediately condemned. So we have a man called Timo Have you heard of him?
Who was he?
Hey, move the lane.
All Time old land owners.
Does anyone know Persian?
we speak Pashto. Anyone know what's the
mo learn
more was
a Central Asian warlord
who had recently heard about Islam. He was born Muslim no doubt. But his inspiration. Where did it come from? He embraced Islam. No doubt. His father, you know his grandfather it I'm not too sure who did actually, but he was born in Central Asia.
And who was inspired by
he wanted to become a great ruler, a great conqueror. Like who? Like who? Anyone.
gang is
what is kangaroos can do all the mumbo jumbo.
They killed anything that moved.
Anything that came their way that killed okay. From the Mongols destroyed the entire eastern side of Islam. They killed almost 10 million Muslims in the 13th century mumbles so today more because gang has gone and taken so much land in such a short span of time and his successors. Timo was highly highly inspired by Candace Khan to move was trying to be him. Not like Mohammed, Salah galoot legacy was very clear, so remover had nothing to do with Mohammed Salah Allah Islam as far as his conquest
was concerned he was not doing it for Islam. He was doing it for his own power, so that he can be remembered just like Genghis Khan, a great conqueror then came after a few generations down the line power
the first mobile Emperor, the European Mohammed bombers, who invaded India in 1526 Okay. So, these individuals in our history
are exceptional. The norm is not that because what they were doing was not only harming non Muslims, it was destroying Muslims more than anyone else, say more. Who did he attack any idea? He attacked the Ottoman Empire even captured the Ottoman Emperor by z
by z was captured by a mood. And then he attacked the city of Delhi in India in 1398. Timo attacked the city of Delhi who wasn't governed by who wasn't governed by
Delhi at the time
you know, no, oh my god
Muslims, these alternate today's alternative according to more also attacked Damascus and who was in the city of Damascus at the time when he received it and you want a man called even full don't even come down the historian, the one who wrote the vocal Dima, the philosopher, he was in the city of Damascus when they moved besieged it. So they move caused more devastation to Muslims than anywhere else. Likewise, barber
like was bothered. So, these are exceptions in our history, this is not the norm, this is not the norm they were not doing this for Islam, okay.
So, it is very clear that this has to be understood. Personally before I go to Islamic civilization very quickly, I know time's running up, I want to talk about what happened in other cases when some other civilizations or colonial powers took other lands examples and colonial powers. Examples Hello.
Sorry, British Empire.
British Empire Okay, British, what else?
Who else? French?
Spanish as well.
That pretty much sums it up okay.
What happened?
Sorry, son never says when he rises advance everyone.
In this case, we did burn and we won when the British came to power in India
in the year 2007, or by that time when the strongest or the most powerful mobile Emperor governing India is no orange. When he died he died in 1707 orange a volunteer at that point, the GDP of India
okay was 23% of the world, it was one of the richest countries in the world are using
the GDP in India was 23% of the world. One of the richest quarter of the world's wealth was in India
and control orangevale me by this time,
okay, so British, the accumulated or they acquired some land in India after the Battle of placee in 1772. museums are unusual in due course, I will talk about why we need to start thinking intellectually about our heritage, preserving protecting our heritage and work towards it in our own capacities as much as we can. We have a very strong tradition we need to preserve and learn about and teach in due course.
So Ruby had an interview with rustem first I'm asked What are you doing here?
You need goats need camels need money, take it and get lost but go back to the desert. We have no business to do people. He said no, we're not here for any of that anymore. We used to not anymore.
We're not interested in your goals and your money and your goal and your your your current and your your zip code and we're not interested in that. We are here to remove you from the way you are an obstacle. We want your people to see us.
See us how we live. We are Muslims. We have brought this mercy to people, but you will not allow us to show ourselves to your people.
He have to be removed. And then of course the Battle of policy 150,000 urgent.
reports were defeated by 12,000 Arabs miraculously your quality like it was amazing event in the history of Islam. And amazingly most of these armies
all of them without an exception outnumbered all of them. Every single army was outnumbered.
polygons are for 100,000 men with 12,000 people get 5000 Arabs and 7000 barbers you know barbers,
the barber people.
Have you seen Moroccans, and Algerians?
Have you seen faced fair skinned Nigerian brothers and
these are actually originally barber people the barber was a tribe. It was a big, you know, tribe is still exist. Okay. So these people back to the Arabs when they came 5000 Arabs 12 7000 burgers, 12,000 people landed in Spain, and they confronted an army of 100,000 men led by a man called King Roderick.
Okay, same happen their
costume is 5000 men for a huge army led by Raja die King died of sin and in that part of the world, same albritton goddess here, same happened in general and other examples.
So, this was the purpose so the mercy had to be seen and delivered.
So cut to the chase, I have a very simple theory. I have a very simple theory. And that theory goes as follows I call it the golden chain of events in the history of Islam, the golden chain of events, what is the golden chain? You know, every chain has locks, right? Yes. And locks have to be together for the chain to become a chain. Yes. So we have four locks in this chain for locks that click together or that cling
on to each other. Number one, the golden chain of events for
the emergence of Quran
number two, the concept of justice that came from the Quran
number three is
peace that came from that justice.
And number four
was progress
that came from that peace
golden chain of events.
Okay, we have this, we have this, we have this, we have this
each one of this these contingent upon the one that comes before
right? So the Quran came with a very unique philosophy of justice and delivered this philosophy to the Arabs. They went out, they took these lands and they delivered this justice that they took from the Quran ethically, morally, morally, they took it from the Quran, that justice end result or resulted in
peace between different communities, us Christians, Hindus, Rastafarians Buddhists coexisted for centuries
as the Islamic civilization would progress
and then on peace came progress, what we call the peak of Islamic civilization
or the Muslim civilization, right. So, this is very important for you to understand let me qualify it
secular sources, this is the Islamic theory
on in a number of places is that if you follow it, if you follow the teachings, you will have justice you will have justice you will have peace. And if you will have peace you will progress. Okay. God known universe All right. So we are 23 o'clock or and successful are the believers, prosperous are the believers.
Progressive are the believers translated as you like
me known and then it gives qualities, ethical qualities of people how they become successful. Once you follow the quality, you will have progress you will have success. Okay? So it's a very strong chain
strongly linked with
all of these
locks strongly linked with each other.
So from this golden chain
Events comms
equals, in other words, Islamic civilization
what we call the civilization of Islam,
what we call the civilization of Islam. I'll explain what that means later on very quickly, what it constitutes will be discussed very quickly in due course.
Right? So
let me qualify this from second sources, what secular philosophers or social scientists think about this theory that comes from the
there is a man called we'll do it, we'll do it. The reason why I use him is because he specialized in the history of civilizations write, and he wrote a monumental history of civilizations in 10 volumes, 10 volumes history of civilizations. And on the very first page of
the first volume of his books. He defines a civilization as follows. Are you listening? Hello?
If you're not listening, I can sing Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are. What do you prefer me talking about? What would you
Okay, so we'll do it on the first page of the first volume of his book, a history of civilization. And this particular volume is titled our oriental heritage. And this volume, he talks about oriental civilization from Mesopotamia, Iraq, for example, Iran and other places, right.
So on the first page, he defines a civilization as follows. A civilization and I quote, consists of four elements. It consists of four elements. Number one, economic provisions. Number two, political stability. Number three, pursuit of knowledge and arts. Number four,
more moral traditions. Moral traditions, are repeat. Number one, economic provisions, number two, political stability, number three, pursuit of knowledge and arts, number four moral traditions, these four elements together, make a civilization.
And all four of them
these days, rest upon one pillar, all of these four elements, they rest upon one pillar.
And if you remove that pillar, all of them will fall. And what is that one killer sense of security and justice? In other words, peace and justice. If you do not have if you do not have peace and justice in a society, none of these four elements will survive.
They will collapse. So you will not if you don't have peace and justice, you will not have economic provisions, your economy will fail. Right. You know, we're looking at the global situation today, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Right. Okay.
Because recently, some countries got devastated by war, right. What happened? economies failed. Number two, no political stability. If you don't have peace of justice, no political stability, as they say, no justice, no peace, right. Okay. Number three, no procedural knowledge enough. Can you sit in a university and study if there are bombs going off on the streets? No, you can't. You cannot do it peacefully. Eventually, it will collapse, the system will collapse, the education system will collapse. Number four, moral traditions, moral traditions, you will morally start to decline. If there is no peace and justice, morally, you'll suffer, your morality will suffer. And I can give you
examples of what we do.
But we tried, for example,
they had morally suffered because they were enslaved by the pharaohs. Likewise, we have Atlantic slave trade that continued to for centuries, when African law picked up on what
the western coast of Africa taken in the millions to the Americas, Atlantic Ocean, across the ocean, and put into plantations or other works. And most of the majority died. If they were not dumped into the sea in the millions. They they were taken across the Atlantic Ocean, they were put into plantations and their life expectancy life expectancy was nearly 45 years depending on
On which industry you were working in, if you were working in a sugar plantation, you were likely to die within two to three years, you would be worked to death, strong mandinka men from West Africa, you know, have you seen people who turn about Nigerians, you know exactly what the big guys is a big lad, right?
Easily six and a half feet, muscular someone like that a 20 year old man would be dead by the time he reaches 24 worked to death.
But then that had a moral
impact, this enslavement of these people destroyed them morally in many ways.
this chain,
according to will do it is absolutely valid. That if there is no sense of security, and justice, all of these four elements will collapse, you will not have a civilization. So this is the first thing is London, taught the importance of justice. For example, specifically to give you verses, in particular, chapter five, verse eight, and
chapter four, verse 135.
These two verses in particular pretty much talk about the same concept, while then states clearly that do not avoid justice, even if you dislike the people.
Allah Allah, Allah
who alcoholic taqwa chapter five verse eight, that even if you dislike the people to justice, so the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam taught his companions, morals and ethics. So the Jews and Christians were told to live in peace and harmony, you will not be forced to accept Islam.
To the contrary, you will be protected by the Islamic system. So the people the Christian, the madron, came to the prophet of Islam.
Now talking about the teachings, how the Quranic teachings or the prophetic teachings establish justice, right?
Very quickly.
So the Christian Dona john, came to the Prophet sallallahu.
And the Prophet asked them to accept him as a prophet. They said, No, we won't cut the long story short, they had a discussion in the mosque in Medina. They said, We won't believe you. We won't believe in you. What did the Prophet tell them or take them away? Put them in the dungeon, Guantanamo Bay, CIA, rendition or something like that? No, no, none of that the progress of go and live in your city drawn in peace. As long as you pay us the tax, which will require for your protection
and keep peace, maintain peace and social harmony, nothing will happen to your situation. You may remain in status quo, your bishops will remain in power, they will govern your societies your churches remain intact. No one will molest you, no one will disturb you. And this is clearly stated in treaties, which I quote in my booklet, I have written a booklet on this very topic. It can be found online to put my name of non Rashid
a dnn non murshid in Google monster. Google is amazing, right? anonymous, Islam, the war on terror,
on terror,
you will get a PDF a free PDF copy of that. All of this, what I'm talking about is there, all the references, all the evidence is there, the actual text is there. And the source I've taken this text from is also there. So you can read what Muslims did to all of these lands and the people. Right, so and how prophet established a precedent for the later Muslims to follow. So the Christians are told to go and live in peace. The treaty is there in the book with the reference, right? Likewise, when ombre, the second character of Islam took the city of Jerusalem from the Byzantines from the Romans because it was occupied by the Romans 636 was the year
and Omar was requested to come in person to take the keys from the patriarch, or the Archbishop or the chief clergy of the city.
His name was so fronius he requested that I will give the keys to the ruler, your ruler bring in. So I'm working on the law one cut the long story short again.
Over told him to write the term limit assignment, what do you want? And then he followed the same precedent established by the prophet with the people who know john, you have YouTube
edges to freedom, your bishops, your lives, your stocks, you know your livestock, your properties, everything is protected by Islam and Muslims. We will protect you
pay the tax
and maintain peace and harmony. Do not disturb the peace. You will have you harmony. Okay. Continue. polygons are planted in Spain 92 in the year 94, a treaty between Tarik br busienss general who sent a Mousavi Mousavi. There was a man who sent party to land in Spain and amazing even Park London in Spain. The Jewish people welcomed him and his army as liberators because they were heavily persecuted by the Catholic Church in Spain. Catholic Church was very, very brutal against the Jewish people in Spain at the time. So when the Muslims landed in Spain, the Jewish people welcomed the Muslims as liberators who say so, there is a scholar called Zion zohore Zion sohar, who's a Jewish
scholar who has written a history of Spanish and mithibai jewelry
store is a history of Sephardic and Mithra jewelry, page eight. on page eight he stated that when Muslims landed Tarik ninja when he landed
on the land in Spain, the Jewish people welcomed them as liberators. Okay, so, in 94, a treaty was struck between the son of Musab in the save the man who actually sent Tarik. And one of the kings of seven cities of Spain is there was gap douche. So the treaty follows the same precedent set by the prophet in the drop again, you may have your churches, your bishops, in livestock, your families, nothing will happen to you no pressure in religious affairs will be put upon you, you will not be harmed or disturbed in any shape or form. So long as you maintain peace, and continue paying taxes, and do not harbor the enemies. There are political enemies or Muslims do not have them. That would
be disturbing the peace, right?
And the list goes on.
And there's a treaty of Jerusalem as well. So we have
a number of treaties documented in our history, where peace and harmony and friendship was offered to people who were the conquered of these lands, Native people of these lands, Native people of these lands, whether it is North Africa, whether it is pain, whether it is India, or northern China, wherever they went,
No indiscriminate massacres, no forced conversions, no destruction of churches and buildings, nothing like that. Nothing like that, historically. And when it did happen occasionally,
in exceptional cases, people who did it were condemned and punished by the authorities, by the authorities. So it was very, very clear. And you will see exactly what I'm talking about in this document. Okay, all the evidence is there. Now what? They're establishing established treaties, they have taken this land now what, what did the people think? What did the Christians and the Jews think of this particular settlement? We have so many testimonies on the Jewish and the Christian people praising the Muslims and the system. In fact, Karen Armstrong recently wrote a book a history of Jerusalem, on page 245, Roman state, page 245 to 41 of these two pages. She states that Muslim
brought a system talking about Jerusalem in particular, that allowed the three Abrahamic faiths to coexist for the first time.
These faiths coexisted for the first time because of the system of Islam. That's what Karen Armstrong said.
Then we have Thomas Arnold, Professor Thomas Arnold, who wrote a book titled the preaching of Islam. In this book, he states that some of the minor Christian sects,
some of the minor Christian groups, who disagreed with the major majority only survived because Muslims protecting them are using groups like nestorians, Jacobites, monocytes, and Orthodox Church of Syria, the Orthodox Church of Egypt, the Coptic Orthodox Church, they only survived because the Muslims came to power in these lands, the Byzantines, the Romans, were oppressing the masses. And one of the reasons of the rapid expansion of Muslim lands was that the masses, the people, the native people of these lands, they sided with the Muslims because there are so
Heavily oppressed by the Persians, by the Romans, and then in Spain, by the the Catholic Monarchs, that the people opened the doors of these people. So one of the reasons was the behavior of the Muslims towards the masses as to how they were able to so quickly so rapidly consolidate the power in these lands, because they behavior. Okay, what happened then on that came peace. So once justice was established, peace followed, and people justified. I'll give you an example. Writing in Syria, john Barr pinkeye,
can j or pinkeye. I don't know how to pronounce the name. But that's how I spelt he wrote. And the time of Medallia while you Maja babies of yarn, who governed from the 40 to 60 degree 28 govern Muslim Empire.
Thank you,
john rights in Syria, during the reign of Malia that there is so much peace in the world that we have never heard of anything like it. And our even our grandparents and our parents have never heard of anything like john writing in Syria.
Let's go further. In the ninth century, when
a French traveller called Berlin the wise, Bernard, the wise, was travelling through Palestine in the ninth century, he came to the pilgrim from France, to visit the holy sites in the city of Jerusalem, Christian holy sites, like the holy separate cup, where Jesus says to
be, so he writes his sentiments about what he found in the city of Jerusalem, governed by the ambassador at the time.
He writes that if you were to leave your luggage in one place, temporarily.
This is not the ninth century ninth century Jerusalem. People say medieval is backward. Now, not everything medieval was bad. You know what medieval is? The Middle Ages, you know, old times. Medieval means old times, right? From the year 500. To 1500. This period is usually known as the medieval period in history, many evil or the Middle Ages, okay. 500 to 1500. Okay, so not everything in the Middle Ages, or during the medieval time was bad. So burn in the worst case that if you were to leave your luggage in one place, and go away for a while, if you return, you would find your luggage, untouched, unmolested. No one would touch it.
Okay. The ninth century, I dare you. Are you listening? You're listening, everyone. I know there is something going on there. But.
now I challenge you, humbly to leave something
on a busy street in London.
She will happen to you back, leave your bag there and see what happens. Okay. Or in New York.
Or in Karachi.
You in Karachi, you disappear with the map.
So, Bernard is saying in the ninth century, there is so much peace in Jerusalem, that you can leave your luggage somewhere you can walk away to come back is there, no one has touched it.
And he states he makes a point of it. There is so much peace there.
There's so much peace there. So he's come from Europe and France, right? At the same time. In the ninth century. We are patriotic Theodosius,
the Archbishop of Jerusalem patriarch of the city of Jerusalem Christian leader, writing a letter to his counterpart in Constantinople. He's writing a letter to the Patriarch of Constantinople and he writes that the Saracens ie the Muslims allow us to live in peace and harmony. They do not put pressure on us in religious effects.
This is the leader of the Christians right into the leader of Constantinople.
We have in the 11th century a Jewish rabbi writing in Cordoba in Costa Rica, giving examples from different periods from different places. Okay. His name is by Avi Tokuda is a Jewish rabbi and he writes that as far as learning
is concerned, our condition is even better than the Muslims
are conditioned writing in Islamic Islamic quarterback for him in Tokuda. Okay, so now, peace was well attested, very powerfully attested even by non Muslims, people who were the vanquished people who were conquered. People were taken lands were taken, when they plundered when they destroyed.
No, no. And then came progress, what we call the Islamic civilization, the emergence of the accumulation, or the manifestation of this golden chain of events in Islamic civilization. What was Islamic civilization very quickly. Okay. Now, before I go to this point, I want to mention something passingly very quickly, what are you? Okay, this?
Stay with me, please.
I know we have spoken for a while. I need you to stay with me.
Won't belong very quickly. Brothers and sisters.
So, the Islamic civilization before I talk about that, I want you to think about do a contrast. Now we have seen passingly what Islam did to the masses to the native people of these lands.
And they may be examples, unpleasant examples. Some people might bring exceptional example. Remember that? Oh, look what happened in 1064. in Grenada, there was a pogrom against the Jewish people. They were massacred. Okay, oh, look what happened in Armenia. When the Ottomans conducted the Armenian genocide. Oh, look what happened there. And then it stopped doing or maybe the picture was not all done pretty No, I am saying these incidents if they were true,
or exceptional, the norm was justice, peace and progress. That was the norm of the Muslim civilization that are the wrong disturbances are abnormal and exceptional. So if anyone carried out who carried out a massacre in the name of Islam was immediately condemned. So we have a man called Timo. Have you heard of him?
Who was he?
Hey, move the lane.
All Time all land owners.
doesn't even know curl your hair.
Or see
we speak Pashto anyone know what?
Moore was
a Central Asian warlord
who had recently heard about Islam. He was born Muslim, no doubt. But his inspiration. Where did it come from? He embraced Islam. No doubt. His father did or his grandfather did. I'm not too sure who did actually, but he was born in Central Asia.
And who was inspired by
he wanted to become a great ruler, a great conqueror. Like who? Like who? Anyone.
gang is
chinggis han
what his gang is gonna do?
Or the Mongols in generals.
They killed anything that moved.
Anything that came their way that killed okay. From the Mongols destroyed the entire eastern side of Islam. They killed almost 10 million Muslims in the 13th century. So they more because gang has gone and taken so much land in such a short span of time and his successors. Timo was highly highly inspired by Candace Khan. So Tim Wu was trying to be him, not like Mohammed Salah
whose legacy was very clear. So remover had nothing to do with Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam as far as his conquest was concerned, he was not doing it for Islam. He was doing it for his own power, so that he can be remembered just like Genghis Khan, a great conqueror, then came after him a few generations down the line power.
The first mobile Emperor, the European Mohammed bombers, who invaded India in 1526. Okay, so these individuals in our history
are exceptional. The norm is not that because what
What they were doing was not only harming non Muslims, it was destroying Muslims more than anyone else. It's a more who did he attack? Any idea? He attacked the Ottoman Empire even captured the Ottoman Emperor by z
by z was captured by a mood. And then he attacked the city of Delhi in India. In 1398. Timo attacked the city of Delhi who wasn't governed by who wasn't governed by
Delhi at the time
you know, no, oh my god.
Muslims. Today's alternate today's alternative according to more also attacked Damascus and who was in the city of Damascus at the time when he received it. And he was a man called April Fool don't even come down the historian, the one who wrote the mocha dama, the philosopher, he was in the city of Damascus when Mahmoud besieged it, so it's a more cause more devastation to Muslims than anywhere else. Likewise, Baba,
Baba. So, these are exceptions in our history, this is not the norm, this is not the norm they were not doing this for Islam. Okay.
So, it is very clear that this has to be understood passingly before I go to Islamic civilization very quickly, I know time's running up, I want to talk about what happened in other cases when some other civilizations or colonial powers took other lands in the examples and he won colonial powers. Examples Hello.
Sorry, British Empire.
British Empire Okay, British, what else?
Who else? French?
Spanish as well.
That pretty much sums it up okay.
What happened?
When it arises, it burns everyone.
In this case, we did burn everyone when the British came to power in India
in the year 77, or by that time when the strongest or the most powerful mobile interval governing India is no orange, when he died, he died in 1707 orange abandoned you at that point, the GDP of India
okay was 23% of the world. It was one of the richest countries in the world. Are you listening?
The GDP in India was 23% of the world. One of the richest quarter of the world's wealth was in India
and control orangevale me by this time
okay. So British, the accumulated or they acquired some land in India after the Battle of policy in 1773 for all of you.
Okay. Very important book on Islamic civilization, Thomas armed preaching of Islam.
So now the question the over I want to quickly address something very quickly.
the lecture is over, you can stop that. Thank you so much.