Adnan Rajeh – Un-Recommended Actions During Prayer – Being distracted – Lack of Focus

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The shama-ism is a fundamental strength of shamans' work, where they protect something from being stolen and avoid being damaged. Shay comfort is the ability to protect something from a sham with shameless behavior and the ability to steal and embezzle something from someone. Shayers are used to protect shameless objects and offer book recommendations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salli wa sallim wa barak ala nabiyyina wa

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habibina muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma

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'een wa ba'd Yarwi al-imam al-bukhari

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fi sahihihi ana aisha ta ummi al-mu'mineen

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radiallahu anha qalat The hadith tonight is a

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collection of Imam Bukhari narrated to us by

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Sayyida Aisha radiallahu anha And the theme of

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makruhat al-salah or the unrecommended actions within

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prayer is what I'm going to conclude insha

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'Allah tomorrow and then we will start next

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week insha'Allah with the shama'il of

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Sayyidina wa Habibina Rasool Allah alayhi salatu wa

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salam as the month dictates as such But

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I do have two more makruhat that I

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think it's worthy to point out to you

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or for you Again, if you study, depending

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on what madhhab you study, you'll find a

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different list of makruhat, of unrecommended actions There

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are similarities, obvious, but there are different lists

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I'm not interested in giving you a full

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list, I'm just going to point out, I'm

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trying to point out the ones that are

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most relevant and that occur most often from

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my experience or from my observations And they'll

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be put into a playlist and put on

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YouTube for you to kind of share with

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people or your children if they want to

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learn more about this Tonight, the nature of

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the makruh is different than everything I've shared

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with you up till now Everything I've shared

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with you up till now has been mechanical,

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something that is technical, something that is based

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on movement, meaning don't move your, don't fuss

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too much and move your arms, don't wander

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with your eyes, don't yawn, these are the

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types Tonight is a little bit different Aisha

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said, I asked the Prophet about iltifat Iltifat

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is not really moving your head, even though

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that's what we use it for, but what

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she's asking about here was not actually that

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Because she talks about this in other ahadith

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and she uses different phrases for it, and

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the Prophet used different phrases for it Here

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in iltifat, what she's asking for is when

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you get distracted, meaning when you're no longer

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focusing on the one that you're speaking to

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When you're no longer in the same du

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'a, when you're standing, when you make takbeer

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and you start reading Fatiha then you taltifat,

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meaning now you start thinking about your day

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You think about something that happened earlier, or

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is going to happen later, or a problem

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that occurred, or someone that you yelled at

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you, or someone that you yelled at, or

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something that happened So you're no longer actually

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speaking to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, you

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know, it's iltifat It's as if I'm becoming,

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I mean, wa lillahi ma thul a'la

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has the exalted

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example For example, if I came up to

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you and I shook your hand and I

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was talking to you, and then I start

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talking to someone else, that's called iltifat, and

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that's what it is, meaning I'm no longer

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focused on the person that I'm having the

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conversation with and I'm talking to someone else

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And in Salah, wa lillahi ma thul a

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'la, it's very similar, is when you have

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iltifat, is when you're no longer speaking to

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the one you're speaking to It's not apparent,

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I don't see it, if I'm standing there

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watching you, I won't see it, but it's

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happening on a subconscious or on a psychological

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level, a spiritual level, where you're no longer

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speaking to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala And

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that's what Aisha asked the Prophet ﷺ about,

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iltifat, that I get distracted, I'm no longer

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focused, I'm losing my, I lost my train

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of thought, I lost my, I start thinking

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about something else, the ful that I had

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before, the batata I'm going to have later,

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something that I'm not focused anymore, so when

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he said ﷺ, this is the answer, qala

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innama huwa ikhtilasun yakhtalisuhu al-shaytaani min salati

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al-abd All it is, it's ikhtilas, fiqh

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is a word that has importance, it has

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significance in fiqh, because sariqa is when I

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steal something from hirzil mithil, where it is

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properly hidden, meaning it's a break in entry,

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and then a steal, ikhtilas is embezzlement, ikhtilas

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what it is, is embezzlement, that's what it

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is, it's when you take something that is

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open, it's public fund, and that's what ikhtilas

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is, and it's as if the Prophet ﷺ

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is saying that your salah, if you don't

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protect it, it becomes something that's exposed to

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shaytaan, he can just embezzle something, he can

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just * and run with it, because you

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did not protect it, his choice of word

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here ﷺ is miraculously accurate, had he used

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any other word, like using ghasub or nuhba

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or sariqa, it wouldn't have the symbolism that

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the word ikhtilas does, because what he's telling

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you is that you did not protect this,

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you left it open, so shaytaan had the

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ability to embezzle something and * it, if

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you protected it, which is what you're supposed

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to do in salah, you protect your salah

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from shaytaan's grasp to actually take away something

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from him, he wouldn't have the ability, he

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can't steal from you, but he can embezzle,

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he can't steal, he doesn't have the ability

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to steal, but he can embezzle, if you

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leave it open, he'll do it, if you

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are not focused, if you enter salah not

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knowing that shaytaan is waiting for you to

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put your guard down so he can go

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and * away everything good from your prayer,

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if you don't understand that, so you put

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your guards up and you put your walls

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up and you focus and you deny shaytaan

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any access into your heart or mind during

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salah, he will take everything that he can

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*, and that's what Isa pbuh answered, huwa

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ikhtilasun, it's an embezzlement that shaytaan will take

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from the prayer of abd, salallahu alayhi wa

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sahbihi wa sallam ajma'een, to me, wallahi

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I share with you, they always ask why

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do you keep on doing a hadith, wallahi

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it's because the prophet alayhi salatu wa salam

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is amazingly precise and accurate in his words,

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like I am taken, I am breathtaking by

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his Arabic linguistic abilities, I'm sorry if I

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don't do a very good job at making

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sure that you can feel the same way,

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but he is so accurate with the words

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that he uses when he chooses to speak

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about something that I don't even know if

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the people who heard it all, they all

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got it, like they all were able to

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appreciate how accurate he was when he used

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one word and not the other, alayhi salatu

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wa salam, and I feel like I want

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to share that with you so that you

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appreciate the genius of what Muhammad salallahu alayhi

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wa sallam was, because that's how I see

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him, to me he's a genius who walked

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this earth, like an interest of mine kind

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of growing up was reading about geniuses, I

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still do it, I still buy, whenever there's

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a book someone writes about a historic figure

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that they thought was a genius, I'll buy

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the book and I'll read it, and I

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always found it to be, I was always

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connected to people who just had that, and

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the more I studied, you see because that's

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not how he's presented to you alayhi salatu

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wa salam growing up, the more I studied

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him alayhi salatu wa salam, the more what

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I found about him that stayed with me

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is his genius, there's piety and there's leadership

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and there's compassion and there's love and there's

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prophecy, but then there's this aspect of him

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where he was just, he was just a

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genius alayhi salatu wa salam, he just knew,

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he just had a philosophy about life, and

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he conveyed it in the most beautiful way

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that no philosopher was able to convey their

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way of seeing the world as he did

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alayhi salatu wa salam, try reading the words

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of Plato, go ahead, read Ibn Rushd, everyone's

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all happy about Ibn Sina, we're very proud

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of him, read his work, I dare you,

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I double dare you to read Muqaddimah ibn

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Khaldun, read their work, if you can read,

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if you are able to read the Muqaddimah,

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I will do a hafla for you here,

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I'll have like a full, read the whole

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thing and you'll have a dinner on your

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honour in this place, people will read the

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first chapter of a book and then leave

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the book and just stare at it as

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they walk by it, but to read the

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words of philosophers and thinkers is very difficult,

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it's very hard to actually grasp what they're

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saying, but then you read the words of

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Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they're just,

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they're a different nature, he just thought differently,

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he spoke differently, and he conveyed his ideas

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alayhi salatu wa salam differently, and it's why

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I like to share these hadiths with you,

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because I feel like there's something in them

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that I just find to be majestic and

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miraculous and beautiful, and I want you to

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be able to see it as well, so

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that's the makrooh that I want to share

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with you today, it's more of a spiritual

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one, it's makrooh in salah, it's unrecommended in

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salah, for you to lose your focus, and

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for you to speak to someone else, aside

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from the Almighty, who has invited you to

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His presence and allowed you to stand in

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front of Him and speak, it's rude, it's

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not respectful, so that iltifat that happens when

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you lose your focus, that's you not guarding

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that which is precious to you and shaytan

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embezzling from it immediately, so don't allow that

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to happen to the best of your ability.

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