Adnan Rajeh – Un-Recommended Actions During Prayer #7

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker gives advice on dressing and not wearing clothing that is too formal or too casual. They suggest avoiding clothing that is too formal or too casual, and avoiding wearing clothing that is too formal or too casual. The speaker also gives advice on avoiding touching one's body during prayer and not wearing clothing that is too formal or too casual.
AI: Transcript ©
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Abu Dawood with a reasonable chain of narration

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written by Ibn Huraira This is the final

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hadith within the theme of makruhat al-salah

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or the unrecommended actions during prayer They will

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be playlisted together on Facebook and YouTube Share

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them with your kids, make sure that they

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know what they are so that they can

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inshallah learn to stay away from these things

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We will inshallah continue and talk about the

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etiquettes or adab al-salah later on in

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the year inshallah ta'ala Starting next week

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we'll start sharing inshallah the shama'il of

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the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam Within the

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month of Rabi' al-awwal I think it's

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a nice habit to maintain The final makruh

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that I want to point out to you

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is what the Prophet alayhi salatu wa salam

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pointed out He pointed out two things, I'm

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going to focus on one The other one

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is a little more controversial and a little

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more difficult to understand Qala Abu Huraira The

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam For someone to

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cover their faces Scholars have understood this in

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different ways The way that I think is

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most appropriate for understanding it Is regarding dress

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code, it's not regarding where you put your

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hands Because the madhab have different opinions on

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where to put your hands when you pray

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And the malikis don't say that you necessarily

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need to put it down And it's a

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reasonable opinion, it's an acceptable opinion within the

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madhab And you can follow it if you

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like to But the sadr that he's pointing

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out here is regarding how you dress your

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clothes Because the second piece of advice is

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also about clothing It's about covering the mouth

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So when you're praying you should be dressed

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in a way that is suitable to meet

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and speak And be in the presence of

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the Almighty subhanahu wa ta'ala So you

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shouldn't be covering your face You shouldn't be

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wearing your clothes in a way where one

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shoulder is covered and the other isn't Or

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you're wearing a jacket and the hands are

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not being You have the hands just kind

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of lying on the side You're dressed in

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a way that's inappropriate in the presence of

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Because you wouldn't

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enter the room of a respected person in

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that manner So it's a makrooh in salah

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for someone to come dressed in a way

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that is not proper Like they're not properly

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wearing their clothing Or they're covering their mouths

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And this goes for men and women by

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the way Covering the face during salah is

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makrooh You shouldn't be covering your mouth Unless

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of course you're in a position where covering

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your face is necessary for you not to

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die Because it's very cold and you're praying

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outside in the open somewhere in Antarctica in

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the middle of winter But aside from that

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you shouldn't cover your face And you should

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wear your clothes in a way that is

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suitable to meet And I see this happen

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here a little bit How you dress outside

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the masjid is fine How you dress in

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general is not But when it comes to

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salah try to make sure that you have

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an alternative Or a way so that you're

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dressed appropriately to stand in front of Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala So you don't have

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sadal and your clothes aren't being dressed in

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a way that's inappropriate And you're not covering

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your face or covering your mouth in a

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way To add to that When you're wearing

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clothing for salah try to avoid And this

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could be seen as a makrooh Some scholars

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don't really see it to be that But

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I think it's worthy of sharing with you

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Try not to wear clothing that have pictures

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of living things on them And if you

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do have something on top to cover it

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So if there's nothing wrong with you wearing

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a shirt that has some political statement Or

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some ethical or social statement And there's a

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face of someone Like I've seen people come

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in with pictures of Malcolm X or Muhammad

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Ali or something It's fine, in salah it's

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better if that is covered Like it's best

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if that is not apparent And that's just

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regarding clothing in general A last meaning for

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sadal and I'll end with that inshallah Is

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that you shouldn't be wearing clothing that you

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drag on the ground during salah Now you

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shouldn't do that in general obviously But in

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salah specifically that should be avoided Like you

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should be wearing clothing that you're not dragging

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on the floor during salah Because it doesn't

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look very And that's why a lot of

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my teachers They never wore a abaya for

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salah Which is very common They would wear

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a jubbah And it's a little bit different

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Because the abaya tends to be much longer

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So you're standing there, especially if you're short

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like me Wearing the abaya and half of

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it is on the ground Because it was

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made for a tree of a person The

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jubbah usually is a little bit shorter So

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it doesn't drag on the ground And that's

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something that Prophet Ali pointed out And it

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all comes from making sure that When you're

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in the presence of Allah subhanahu wa ta

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'ala So when we talk about yawning When

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we talk about excessive movements in your hand

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Talk about having pictures in front of you

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Or towards your qibla when you're praying Talk

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about wandering with your eyes Now when we

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talk about praying when you have to go

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to the bathroom Or food is just being

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put there All of these things are makrooh

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Because they take away from your ability to

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pray appropriately To focus And it shows that

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you're not necessarily aware Of the status of

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the one who you're in the presence of

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during salah Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala So

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all of these things that Prophet Ali told

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us not to do And they're makroohat If

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you remove them in your salah Then insha

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'Allah you are in a better position In

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at least revering and respecting Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala As you speak to him I

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hope that was of benefit to you Imam

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Abu Dawood and Imam Al-Tirmidhi Narrated in

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a correct way All of them in his

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Jamia and Musnad Abu Huraira May Allah be

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pleased with him That the Prophet, peace and

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blessings be upon him and his family Forbade

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yawning during prayer And that a man should

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cover his mouth The Messenger of Allah, peace

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and blessings be upon him, said Subhanahu wa

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ta'ala There is no god but You.

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Peace and blessings be upon you And blessings

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be upon our Master and Beloved Muhammad And

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upon his family and companions May Allah reward

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you well

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