Adnan Rajeh – Quranic Stories – The Story of Ashabul Jannah
![Adnan Rajeh](
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The transcript describes a group of women discussing the harvesting of land and the importance of being a steward of it. They also discuss the history of the alcohol industry and the importance of the legacy of fatherhood. The speaker touches on the importance of avoiding cyber attacks and the need for people to avoid giving in to their father. The segment also touches on the legacy of good and shaping society in the wake of the pandemic.
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What am I most of my teachers used to see it to be the one that was revealed right after.
So probably the first thing that the Sahaba were subjected to the first thing he heard out of his stilettos, which is why the majority of scholars
point out this story to be the first story in the Quran that was heard by by the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, the Sahaba in terms of sequence of Revelation, the first one to actually listen to,
obviously, it would start a series of ongoing stories in the Quran, the Quran is filled filled with stories is the first one that that they heard the stories of his Hobbit agenda,
going to tell you the story that we're going to point something out at the end, it exists at the beginning of it. So we'll kind of ignore the beginning of it for a second and tell you the rest of the story. It occurs in a place called Little one in Yemen is north of sun out today still exists, the piece of land where the story occurred still exists today, it's quite the scene. You can look it up online, if you want to see the pictures, some people have gone there and taking videos of this burnt land that nothing grows and there's no green anywhere on it has been like that for many, many years. For one reason or the other.
We don't know exactly the timing of the story. Some scholars say it was before a salad he stood on, some say it was right after him. And we don't know exactly the nature of the person who are the people the story, the story occurs to him, we know that their job,
whether they were Jewish, or whether they were Christian, we don't know. But they were allocated during the time when the nature of the belief itself was appropriate and correct before it was manipulated and changed by the hand of man.
The story is of a of an of a man a gentleman whom, who had a
an orchard and agenda.
And this orchard he had was the baba visit as this was the means of His provision is how he made a living so he lived you live based on whatever this orchard gave him he was a farmer.
And he was known to be quite generous. He was someone who gave a lot from with the wealth that he had, and specifically from this orchard, he gave he gave away a lot.
He had a habit of every night before before the time, within the season where you would reap basically the
the crops, he would open the gates at a certain time after the yield and allow all the mosquitoes to come and just take what they want. And then he would harvest and go and sell. He did this every season multiple times a year because there are different types of crops it was a large piece of land is actually quite humongous that that were it's very, very big.
And don't don't make it a small little backyard. It's actually acres upon acres of land just had a lot of different types of trees and a lot of crops were grown. And that was the habit the habit where you'd open the gates after and whoever wanted to come in and fill their baskets or fill up for themselves. If you let them do it. Once they were done, the sun was up. He would harvest the food or the crops and he would go and he would sell it.
This gentleman passed away of old age and you'll have three sons.
Now without him come up and no one else have an agenda. So they're calling the Chronos Hubbell agenda, the owners of the orchard.
Now they had a different outlook, as most sons do, in the early stages of their life, they didn't have the same affinity towards giving as their father did.
It's a it's a skill that you learn and it's an acquired taste. Giving is an acquired taste you don't you're not born wanting to do it, which is why I had to go to kindergarten to teach others share. You don't want to go when you have the ability not to share you don't.
It's the nature of the humaneness
to find joy in giving, which is what the Father had arrived at, takes time and takes discipline for you to find joy and find beauty in giving others and seeing people's happiness when they take something that is yours.
When you see that takes a little bit of work doesn't just happen automatically.
It's very possible. But it doesn't happen automatically. The father left this legacy this this story is important understand the dynamics of it. This story
exists in a pseudo where the Pragati Salatu Salam is being given the moral code, the code of conduct, this is how this is what you stand for. These are your ethics right this is really going to need to be a good Muslims in terms of ethics at the beginning of the surah is just a list of things. He shouldn't be doing illegal stuff
AutoSum important numbers character just look at the opposite of each failure. I took her anymore because Divina what do we know today he knew for you they he knew and when I told her I called her laughing Mahina in her magazine Masha nbme Munna and they'll call it more antigen, a theme or Toulon. medallic has a name and Canada monolingual. Bernie talks about talking about 12 different characteristics that he does not want the private thoughts to have. They don't do these things, then you could take those 12 characteristics and you look at the opposite. That's who he was out of his thoughts and through his life. Right after that we have this story. This story is a story of ethics.
It's a story of ethics. But it's looking at ethics. From a perspective that's a little bit different than what the surah went out and talked about at the beginning of it, and right after that, it was important to my opinion for people to understand, like, you should definitely study it.
Because the father had an ethic, he had built an ethic or a value, we spent time building it. And that is what the children should have inherited.
They thought they inherited an orchard. They didn't they inherited a value.
He passed down generosity to them. That's what he passed down, not the orchard. But they didn't understand that. They didn't like the fact that he did this, but he opened the gates every season and let people come and take whatever the heck they wanted.
It was their wealth. There was three of them. They were young, they had dreams, they wanted to get married and build homes and go on expensive vacations. So they didn't have a lot to spare from this orchard. They didn't want to give this away to people. The old man was senile.
The old man just didn't care. He didn't. He didn't think about us. He wasn't thinking about us.
He episomal When they made in the store when they sat down, you know, people feed off each other. So the brothers are sitting there they fight fed off each other. Yeah. Every year he does this every year we tell him that, you know, maybe don't do it every year. We haven't be able to do this we haven't. The roof needs to be changed and our neighbors are annoying. We have to buy them out so we can put a nice big fence.
They fed off each other. So XML so they swore they asleep Munna is Saddam is to harvest and gather.
So Saddam is two things is, is for you to harvest it, take it from the tree, and then put it in boxes ready to be sold as a sudden, some people, some farmers and I think of Palestine still use that word. It's not used in Syria, but I know this word used elsewhere, not sure exactly what they also leave most behind in the morning, when they are used to noon.
And they do not make any exceptions. They don't leave a tree.
And they don't go and leave a tree. Because you're gonna say, well, maybe we don't open the gates for you to take everything, we'll choose what you'll with what we give them his schemes will choose not even that well is just noon, they no exception, they were gonna take it all. The plan was to go really early.
Really early before the time that his their father used to open the gates before that, to go really early before the time that the people are used to coming to with their baskets to fill their food, they would go before that, harvest everything, put it in trucks or on the back of it and and go to sell it. So by the time that people came with their baskets, it was empty. So they wouldn't have to send people away. They didn't want to do that they didn't want they didn't want to have to look at someone coming with a basket to fill their food and say, go home. There's nothing for you. They had something left. Yeah, something less than some politeness left in them. They felt it wasn't
appropriate. So they said we'll just go harvest it all. It'll be empty. By the time they come, they won't even be there. They'll come to find nothing and they'll leave and then we wouldn't have to tell somebody to turn back and go home because there's nothing for you.
That's what the intention The intention they made they agreed on it. It took someone else's behavior. Well, I used to thrown
photographer I let you help. Are you filming from big?
Buff it here. Something buff is a word that means to something to move in a direction. So we use it for the largest circle relation rotation around something, but usually you'd have to save off or how will you have to use the word around Botha I don't is different for something it's not a deletion anymore. It is something that is that is moving directed in a specific direct direction, it will come in it will come to something but if I am doing something, what was it that been falling apart? If whenever whenever I was trying to use that terminology, it's it doesn't matter. If you just sit down with my Elisha, when the Sidra was covered by that which was covered by mileage, it doesn't
matter. Doesn't matter. I don't it The point here is not what exactly was sent upon the orchard. It was not the point. You have to sit down and study what was sent at the origin. It doesn't matter how awful it helped. It will never be something that your Lord sent upon it. He sent upon it something
Your Lord sent upon it something that he sent upon it was a moment they were sleeping at night for us beheads girls Sunday and it looks like the whole land was harvested. They said lay asleep Munna
said we're going to do Sodom, we're going to go and harvest and take everything and leave nothing. Sonam is nothing's left at all. So he sent upon his subhanaw taala something that made it look like it was harvested, not the fruit the land. He harvested the lands upon it without He left nothing on its this land will never give a fruit again. Because it was completely harvested. There's nothing left for us about ghosts Salim and his many men, Jamal was seen as a robot for crime. When he were you when he uses subhanaw taala the same word.
When they make when they say something, and then he responds with to them with the same thing. Alright, I'll do I'll do that to you want to do Saddam? Well, I'll do it for you. Here you go. It's sorry. Now.
See how you like that? You see, you don't own that land.
That land was never yours. That land was owned by Allah subhanaw taala. It still is not yours. Do you that piece? The father understood. It takes time.
It takes time. It doesn't. It's hard. It's hard upfront doesn't happen immediately. That conclusion takes time.
First, you just feel like Alright, maybe I owe something. So you give. And then you're like, No, I for sure I owe something that you give. Then you say well, you know, there's beauty and giving. And then you see it's not mine. This is Allah subhanaw taala. I'm grateful that you you made me the steward of this land of yours.
It's yours. I'll give it to your people. And I will take that which I need to benefit for myself. That takes time. That's a continuation doesn't happen up front. The youngsters they didn't pick it up. Their father practiced it. He role modeled it for them, but they didn't want to pick it up. There was a little bit of greed.
So they thought it was theirs. It's not it's not yours says
fellas but just scream.
But another almost behave. So they call upon each other in the early early hours of the morning. When brother yellow feet get up. All right, you know if you don't get up,
and you will do I know how to tickle your lips go in the huddle is to go early, really early. Right? And we'll do is when you go right before for sure. And yes, we'll do what I have to go to the harvest In Kuntum sorry mean, if you have the intention of taking everything they still have the intention of the client is pointing out that they weren't punished because of a whim or because of a thought. No, they were punished because they had made a plan. This is what they're going to do. And you have to do I know how sick they are getting up they got they performed they got themselves up before the sun was out before any light in the horizon in Gautam Saudi mean from Bala poop, so they
went home yet a half or two they're speaking low. They're whispering so they don't wake anyone up. So no one hears them and then says oh, you're going I'll go with you and get mine. I'll see that your father used to give me no no, they just whispering no one should should hear them.
The whole unholy OMA Aliko miskeen
they're whispering What are they saying? No miskeen enters today. We've got this done before miskeen. Now you had Hulan indeed no miskeen will enter this orchard today
is very clear. Their intention was made very clear.
Hola Hola. And welcome. Isla how the party this guy in the midst of it. He's always forget it when a memorize as soon as a kid because I understood the story. And I couldn't figure out why that I it was important.
When I was a kid, I couldn't figure out why this little piece there because you understand the story you can the continuation. It's almost like it's a they call it an Arabic gem not yet all the meaning it's a sentence in between sentences that the story can, you can easily tell the story without needing it. But it's something he points out as a pilot without saying Indeed, they left early. The word held means
for you to be to how hard this is holding back something is to take it and hold it back. deprive others of it. That's the word held in Arabic is what it means when other will manner for you to take something and hold it back at the same time. Meaning you're taking it for yourself and you're keeping it you're not you're not sharing it. That's literally the meaning of there's no other meaning for this word. It's not really used anywhere else in the Quran. You can look into Word How to look it up. There's no other use for it. And the point is the only time it's used and it holds it. This is the only meaning it has and if you go to a recital, there's no other uses. It's free to
take something and keep it it's two things taking it one thing keeping it holding on to it not sharing it is another thing this is together. You go take it and you hold on to it. You're refusing to share it
Welcome to our either how to do pod in the left that morning, capable of taking and holding on to something and not sharing it. They were capable. They had the ability because why? Because Allah says what he thinks about as I gave them that ability. I gave him the stewardship of that land and they were capable of holding back what was in it for themselves. They could they made that it says if to say Shame on them.
Shame on you to abuse your power.
Shame on you to exercise that type of power upon something that I gave you the built God here, I gave you a bill I gave you the stewardship over it, I gave you that stewardship wasn't yours. It was mine. But I gave his stewardship over it. Shame on you for going with the intention of keeping it all to yourself because you can just because you can.
When it wasn't yours to understand that this is this is what this story is telling. It's a very difficult story to accept if you don't understand the context of what I'm trying to explain to you. He is pointing out that it was never theirs to begin with. It was always ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and the moment that they stopped seeing that because he this was an act here's here's the beauty of this story. What he did to them was an act of mercy
was an act of love, he bought their orchard to the ground for eternity this land will never give another green thing never will a green thing ever grow in this land till the Day of Judgment
because he loved them
because he wanted to teach because they had to learn that he could have he could have left them and they could have went and they could have taken it all for themselves and bought their homes and went on their vacations and built their empire and then you know middle Korea they would come back to him Subhana wa Italia and hold them accountable for their heart
for their heart for the fact that they held back what was by no he decided to give them give them a lifeline in the form of burning it down to the ground
for them Mara AHA so if you go I don't know if you've been to
farming land in the Middle East they're all the same if you miss a like if you don't know which rights to take within these big pieces of land you'll get lost easily Yeah, we used to have a piece of land a little bit farther away from where we lived. So you had to know at night exactly not the first or the second right the third right within the if you make the wrong turn then you're lost for a good 15 minutes before you can figure out how to get back again and that's with flashlights and stuff. So if you're going if you're doing this way before you know the concept of electricity existed and they're going way before failure, then it's easy for them to come to a conclusion that
for Mr. Alcala when he must have taken the wrong turn. You take the wrong turn here. Where did what did we do right I called you to correctly did we not? Because obviously it's impossible to accept what they saw the land was burnt to the ground there was nothing left of it follow in Alba loon now we must have been mistaken our ticket took the wrong turn
then after they stood there for a few minutes
they figured it out by the national motto mon bell means no no. That what happened on was not that this is what it is no matter we've been deprived even deprived it's been taken away from us all that we sell to whom we sell to whom the middle of them now Some scholars say in terms of age, but most scholars say has nothing to do with age has to do with iman do this use the cell phone means the one who had the most email amongst them. The one who had to clear out of the three of them he was the one who's like I don't know we should be doing this. All right. We'll do it. I sure maybe we do something the both like No, no, no, we should do all right, fine. But deep down inside he was like I
don't feel this is the right thing to do. So when he saw it Paula osato LM Akula canola two sub b one. Did I not tell you that you should perform this beer? I've always why this?
Why out of everything. Is he saying this? You have to ask yourself why Lola to sub lol I mean, you should instead of doing making this intention you should have performed to speak that's what Lola is loaded in the Quran is what it's used for. To say yeah, what you should have done was this instead of whatever it is that you did know what it was.
He chose that one. Out of all the different acts of worship he said to set Behold God who Subhana Rabina in Cannavale mean well that's just to be mean.
When you say this V and you refer to it as exalting ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
we exalt ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
the concept of it
is seeing that all good things. Their source and origin come from Allah subhanho wa taala. And all that is not doesn't. That's what this be has in its essence if you want to take it and break it down to its elements
via has just seen that which is good coming from him, and that which is not not coming from him, meaning you see no flaw. You see no mistake sourced or originated in Allah subhanho wa taala. And you'll see only that which is good. They missed that for a moment.
There fundamental flaw with their relationship with Allah subhanaw taala is that that wasn't there. They didn't see it anymore. Because they wanted everything in the order for themselves. They knew they knew that their father maintain this orchard and this orchard grew because of his generosity. They knew that his father built a reputation of goodness or reputation that he was loved by people. And the orchard had Baraka in it, because they gave from it. But they lost that affiliation.
They lost the connection between that and in what Allah subhanaw taala did they couldn't see it anymore. And because they lost that concept of disappear, they weren't able to see the flawlessness of what Allah subhanaw taala set up for them. They only saw that which they didn't like, and the use the sloth that association, so he said Lola to somebody whom you should have done to spear you see, as Ali said, on the Day of Judgment, when he's asked by Allah subhanaw taala why is it that you're you and your mother, or worshipped he didn't do it was It wasn't his fault? He did nothing. And he said I'm too just to elude people that he was worthy of worship nor his mother, when he was asked
that question, because he didn't do anything about it. His answer was to behind that Maya Cooley and Akula MLA Serbia those answers Subhanak mean I don't I don't blame you. I don't see you to be flawed for this. So when they came to this piece of land that was burned to the ground burned to the ground what who's to blame football for? For a min min min rhombic? The pontiff came from their Lord, who do they blame when they go out and find their only source of income to be burned to the ground overnight?
They blame Allah.
No, you don't blame God.
Yeah, have the heart to form to speak.
They should have performed the spirit beforehand. And seeing the source of all that was good coming from him somehow there. They didn't. They didn't they thought it was something else. So it was the land. So he burnt it for them to see maybe they'll wake up then they could have they could have maybe not woken up. It was it's easy, by the way for the story to have a different ending. The ending could have been different. They could have said why do you why do you do this to us? What type of God would would do this to us and take away our only source of income?
Which Elijah they could have said that, but they didn't. They realized we should have? They would have to step behind. We should have performed SBR
now we'll do it. That we'll do it. We've lost our land we won't so behind Albina this is we don't we see you to be flawless era. We don't blame you for what happened here. We don't object to what just occurred in terms of losing everything in couldn't now volley me. No, it was our fault. We weren't the oppressors were the ones who who broke the legacy of our father. Were the ones who didn't understand what it was that we were given for alphabeta but I'll do Humala about the yellow moon they turned to each other and started blaming
who came up with this idea wasn't it you won't get the first but no no it wasn't me you're the one who said it first. Yeah, but anyway, they started blaming each other which was you want to push this farther?
That's always a waste of time, by the way.
Doesn't matter. Oh, yeah. Wait, no.
We are in what a bad outcome.
In quitting alcohol D and D Do we were transgressors see the first set of oppressors then they thought about a little bit more and they came to the conclusion no, it wasn't oppression it was transgression was even worse. I saw a buena Are you dealing are higher on minha. We ask our Lord that who he replaces us with one that is better than it in it out of being out of the blue and indeed we have desire in the reward of our Lord. These performed Toba that thing, the three of them.
He says subhanaw taala Cavalli colada, that is that is the example of punishment. When I verbally ask you about the alcohol and the punishment of the do judgment is worse, no kind of lemon If people only knew
they made it. They were able to repent before before they died. Had he not burnt that orchard for them, they probably wouldn't have not done that. They would have taken what they thought was theirs. They would deprived people of it, they would have stopped the legacy of their father. They would have thought that their the inheritance that they actually took from their father was the piece of land and not the ethic that he built over a long period of time. He built a legacy of an ethic of a value of a behavior, something beautiful, which was generosity and the love of the scheme and taking care of them. That's what he left them. He didn't leave them an orchard with them.
with trees, he left them a legacy of generosity and they just missed that. So Allah subhanaw taala made sure that they didn't forget about it. And he loved them with the orchard, they would have forgotten what their father actually gave them what he left them. But what happened that day was an act of mercy. So they woke up, and they understood what their father left the narrations that we have in the books of Sita is that they would go on, and they would work and they would buy other orchards and they would continue the legacy of their fathers within it. It's not in the Quran. But it doesn't have to be because you just look it up and you'll find it's like the movie ends here and
they can go see what happened and you read what happened later. That's what happened. They figured out that they should be different so they were let's go to the beginning of the story. The beginning of the story starts with the word in but oh no whom come up I don't know. Enough but who
what does that indeed we have tested them Bellona is to put someone to a test. So what is but we don't know whom who is it?
Now below no camera below now like we tested or like we put to the test as Harbhajan other people in the orchard. So that's how it began. So story starts. So what are you talking about here?
Yeah, he's talking about crash in nearby Oh, now. Indeed, we have put to the test. The people have kurush like we put to the test of hydrogen. But where is the similarity in the test?
I'll make it not have huge orchards.
The similarity of the test is the legacy of the Father
is the legacy of the Father you see Quraysh have a legacy of their father, their forefathers, Ibrahim Ali, you sit up and be smart Italia, they had a legacy. And they they ditched it the ditch that which their forefathers had left them and they thought what they inherited was the was the ruling of bathe in Haram was the ruling of the city and the ruling of it wasn't the legacy were the ethics that Ibrahim and it's made at least and I'm taught with the value that they brought forward
and just like us have agenda forgot about what it was that they were supposed to continue from their fathers so husband,
but unlike us Hobbit agenda Quraysh has did not have their land burnt to the ground like like tabula Jenna did. Why? Because the profit on his thought was that it was sent to them. They were given they were given a lifeline. Here, we're gonna give you someone who will remind you instead of reminding you by burning it to the ground, I'll send you Mohamed Salah Ali's vision by
he is going to be the act of healing. He's the lifeline for you. He'll come and he'll teach you something. And if you learn it, then you don't. You don't have to.
Some of them didn't. Some of them didn't. Some of them didn't, some of them too. But that's why it's in there. But oh no, you put them to the test. Like we put a cyber agenda to the test.
Or their father passed away. And they had to decide whether they continue the good never never stopped something beautiful. This is just never stopped something beautiful in this world. Once it's your ability to do so. If something beautiful to the good. So now happening, and now you're carrying, you're holding the reins don't stop something beauty. It's a big we'll see. But there's one thing not to start something. But it's another thing for there to be a legacy of Hyatt and then you you're the one who stops it. That's a whole different story. If there's a continuation of hire, and then you're now in charge, and you decide to cut it off to stop later, that is a problem. That
is a problem you don't that's not that goes against the natural design of this world. If anything higher has to grow and not be cut down. There's one thing that there's no kind of happening and you continue that it's another thing when you've been given a legacy of goodness and you decide to ditch it and get rid of it. That is because not everyone is given that legacy. If those who are they don't continue it, spread it and grow it and there's no hope. There's no hope anymore. There's no hope of any continuing. If those are inheriting that good that goodness, I don't you do with an orchard, you're hurting the goodness and not continuing it and spreading it and growing it then there's no
hope. And that was the story, the first story those are herbalism to go back and look at the legacy of clarity that you inherit and continue it and do not stop and don't hold it back and things Apple years of generosity, but there are many others.
There are many others.
I'll tell you a funny story before we end. So I mentioned I was I was emailing for a decade in Syria, it was young was an old Masjid that was built
maybe a couple of maybe almost
a bit less than a century before I held on to it, but it was an old master they built a new one and that's where everyone went and had to lug big Menara and Laura Hyman but and this message was a simple one. So my audience there are either the children I was teaching, so everyone under 20 or the old men who grew up in that message so people over 80 I had no those are two demographics I had 80 above and 20 under it's almost like everyone between those
So he has a sore not to come to that place. So I had other children or grandfather's is the grandfather who didn't know me by my father. They knew me by my grandfather. They me they knew me by being the son of my grandfather My grandfather was the mortality was the
the mayor maybe I don't know what you call it is what is the leader of the of the village and they used to like him because he was a generous guy used to give he didn't have a lot we used to give he used to always make sure people got so this old man
would catch me almost every week. Nobody would come and tell me your your grandfather used to bring on everybody a
bag of lamb like a meat. But for me, he used to bring me to chickens because he used to like know that I liked chickens. And I told y'all I don't have chickens for you. Okay, I know that's a good legacy a lot, but I have no money at all and I can't get you chickens.
But he would tell me this story ever. I think he was probably little bit demented. But every single week after so not gonna measure on Friday. You were telling me this story. I know. Before you get your my grandfather, I got your two chickens. So once I did it finally like I decided to house I
don't know actually I went to it. But I told him Look, I want two chickens to be slaughtered before I bring him to the masjid on Friday. And give this gentleman and so he that's what he did. He brought up the chickens. And that one Friday, everybody else doesn't show up. Now what if I didn't have it? So I don't know where he lives. So I take the bigger chickens and I go carrying and walking around I saw the video with two dead chickens in a bag looking for this guy's I was I find it they're gonna give it to him. And I don't know if you even notice that he got the dog. But he got them anyways. It's hard for a legacy of, of beauty to be to be halted or stopped. It's hard. You
almost feel like you almost feel like it's one of the signs of Day of Judgment. What is happening that someone comes and stops that are hosted or breaks it off. It's it's a really scary thing. Scary Thing. So be careful. Be careful of that if something beautiful is going on. If you don't grow it, don't stop it. Because that action can be detrimental to the to the health of a society and the wealth of society and the legacy that Allah Subhanallah wants for us to continue. I hope that was beneficial for you and from the story. So I'm not gonna go hunting Shinola Illa, HetLand has moved to wheeling west of Allah who was telling them about like, I don't know Muhammad Ali earlier so it
just means talking to Allah here. Well, I don't want to wait I don't want to get