Adnan Rajeh – Post Maghreb Khaterah

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The conversation is about the norm of being on the same path as one of the Muslims. The main point is that the norm is to be ungrateful to Allah and not to bepped off. The conversation also touches on the importance of being a part of theering and being haneolemen.
AI: Transcript ©
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This hadith is in the collection of Imam

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Muslim with an authentic chain of narration by

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Abu Huayra radiAllahu an. The, the prophet alayhis

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salatu wasalam said,

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began as a strange thing, and it will

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return to being a strange thing the same

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way it began. So blessed are those strangers.

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So then he was asked, who are these

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strangers? He said, those who fix and do

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good, while the people are corrupted.

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This hadith,

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to an extent it applies to us. Because

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here in the west, we are the strangers

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when it comes to religion. Because there are

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so few Muslims compared to all the other

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Umar ibn Khattab one time, he heard a

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man say, Allahum Majaliminibalikal

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Khaleel. Oh, Allah make me from

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from the few.

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So Umar al Khalfab asked him, what do

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you mean by this du'a? He said, I

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got it from the aya.

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Waqaleelum min abadiya shako. And very few of

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my servants

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are truly grateful.

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So he's asking to be of this,

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few amount of people that are truly grateful.

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So here we see that the norm,

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according to this ayah, is the norm is

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to be ungrateful to Allah. This is what

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the norm of the people are. And according

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to the hadith at the beginning, the norm

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is to be corrupted. Ilevinyushlihoona ilaha pasadan nas.

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So the norm is to be corrupted.

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So how do we know how to steer

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away from this corruption, and from the people

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that are ungrateful?

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Ibrahim alayhis salaam,

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in the Quran, when Allah wants to describe

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him, a lot of times He describes him

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with the word haneef.

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What this word means, it comes from the

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word Hanafah,

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which means to lean.

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He he uses this word to describe Ibrahim

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because at the time of Ibrahim a lot

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of people, majority of people actually, they were,

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going in one way with their faith, which

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was the way of shirk. So Ibrahim leaned

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away from them and went back to Islam,

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which is why Allah describes him as Hanif.

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So and then in Surat Adi Imran, it

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tells us, fittabi umilat Ibrahim Hanif ou'makaanamil mushrikeen

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Follow the ways of Ibrahim, Hanif, and how

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he leaned away from the people, and he

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wasn't of the mushrikeen.

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So how do we do this? This is

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an order of Allah to follow the way

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of Ibrahim in this sense.

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the way to do this is there's a

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hadith, it's a very famous hadith

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And this ummah, the Muslims will split into

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73 sects. All of whom will go to

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health, except for one group. Except for one

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of these sects. So, before I go on,

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I just wanna point out that even here

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amongst the Muslims,

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the ones that are going to heaven are

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still considered a minority because it's 1 in

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the 73.

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So how do we, so the sahaba asked

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him, who are these people? So that we

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can be a part of them. He said,

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Those who follow,

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the same path as me and the sahabah.

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So this is the answer that we're looking

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for. In order to be

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Those who fix and do good while the

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people are corrupted. And in order to be,

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and very few of my servants are grateful,

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in order to be a part of them,

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and in order and and in order to

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be haneefeen.

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Like Ibrahim alaihi salaam, the answer is in

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this hadith,

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where it says,

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Those who followed the same path as me

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and the sahaba, which meaning the sunnah. Because

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we get the sunnah from the prophet alayhis

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salatu wa sallam, and the best followers of

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the sunnah are the sahabah. So we have

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our role model and the sahabah show us

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how to follow this role model.

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