Adnan Rajeh – Post Isha Khaterah Who we are not -3-.

Adnan Rajeh
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The phrase " lie" is used to describe actions and actions that do not belong to them. It is used to describe actions that bring harm to oneself, such as causing a death or causing problems. The speaker discusses the negative impact of Islam on society and the importance of acceptance and understanding. They also touch on the concept of passive and aggressive behavior and emphasize the importance of acceptance in Islam's overall well-being.
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Amina al Amin Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad wa earlier he was like a big manual about your real Imam we will hurry up so he and Abdullah hippy Massoud Radi Allahu anhu, Kala kala Nabil Sal, Allahu Allah who earlier said on the Hadith tonight and collection, Imam Bukhari narrated to us by Abdullah bin Masood.

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And this is the theme of the Hadith to start with, or have within it the word, the phrase lay some in whom we are not or it is not in keeping with our values defending depending on how you want to explain it. And there's a dozen Hadith that have this phrase, and it's I'm gonna narrate the 10 that are authentic, and they're very different everyone, what I'm going to do at the end, and I'm going to put them all together, because when you put them all together, he actually tells you a story. Like you take them individually, they're just saying, the first one was ethical Muslim, is not amongst us, you're not in keeping with our values, those who don't respect the elder and show Rama

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and compassion to the younger and respect our need. And know the status of our scholars is not in keeping with our values. You're not amongst us, if you do not enjoy and blissfully recite the Quran.

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And tonight's it's a completely different one, but you put them all together, they actually draw a picture of what we should not be doing. And then if you take the opposite, okay, what's the opposite of these things that we shouldn't be doing, then you end up with what you shouldn't be doing. And then and then the Quran does that a lot a lot. The Quran tells you a lot about what not to do. Because all you have to do just take the opposite. They know what to do, and it's less limiting. If I tell you what to do, then you only have one option. I tell you what not to do, you have a lot of options, right? Because you just have to stay away from that one thing. So it's easier for you to be

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prohibited than it is to be told what to do. Most people don't understand that but that's actually the 50 and it's much easier to get a prohibition because there's one thing and then everything else is open if I tell you what to do, then you're done. Right you have to do anyways. Nothing to do with this. So he said Alia salatu salam ala Lai, Samina malapa Mal who dude worship tells you whether we that was your Helia it is not in keeping with our with our values it's not in amongst us who whom loca well who dude and shackles you endow a die with Allah God this is talking about the people, the way they treat the way they people the way that people deal sorry, with a trial with calamities, or

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with the misfortunes or difficulties or with without what you didn't want or that wish you did not expect or something that you you saw as very painful and difficult. And the property is awesome. It's not amongst us. It's not in keeping with our values for you. If you do run into something that you don't like or calamity to ultimately do to perform self harm shackles you are to act in a way that is excessive, or to do something that that brings upon you the attention of other people or to express with your behaviors some degree of disgruntlement or refusal or objection to the musi by that you're dealing with because you don't want it. Why don't I be that was that he kind of

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basically summarizes the first two but the first two is what happened a lot during his life on a hill salatu salam and I thought with my own eyes, every night, ha, I've heard that word. And not the lady is someone that you pay to come in and scream at a funeral.

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It's a job. I know people who did this for a living, you would pay them so they would go to a funeral. And they would hit themselves and say, Yeah, I knew he was this and he was that that what I'm gonna do without him and all this garbage? Because if you don't, if that's not there, then that person must have not been loved. And the prophet Isaiah 40 years it didn't I don't know none of this anymore. So it passes away dying. So we'll see what happens. You don't you don't hit yourself. You don't harm yourself. You don't rip your clothing. You don't start saying things down with Gehenna. You don't you don't say that which was said back in the time of Tjahaja, which is objection to God,

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or refusal, or any disgruntlement or saying something that means that you believe that this is not fair, or that there's something else should have happened. Or there's a lot of things that can be said when you run into a calamity. Oh, the first instinct of a human being when you're when somebody doesn't want is why me? Everyone else seems to be fine. Why did I have to get this? Why do I have to be the one who has this disease? Why do I have to be the one who has no money? Why do I have to be miserable in my marriage? Why do my kids all have to be buffoons? Why is it that I have to live in a community that no one was? You cannot you can ask all these questions we can say why? Why is it? No,

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that is so anti Islam that Islam is the literal opposite of that, like the literal opposite of that is what the deen is is is an homage it's a renewal is accepting that Allah subhanaw taala will will deal you ahead and you may not like all the cards but you'll be thankful that you were Delta to begin with, it'll show satisfaction. So gratitude and also acceptance and you'll do your best of what you got. And it's not in keeping with our values to for us to behave differently when we end up in a in a submissive situation or position that we don't like or we don't understand, sometimes. Some things about not understanding it. Sometimes you don't know why this happened to me. I didn't

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What did I didn't do anything? Yeah, you're not going to understand. There may never be an explanation. The explanation may not exist until you stand in front of them. subhanaw taala and he explains it

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You may or may not be a world the explanation. And as a Muslim, we're, we're just the way that we are coached and trained and taught is to be okay with that. But yeah, of course, there's a reason behind it all. Of course, there's wisdom and what it is that I got, of course, I may not see it. And that's because I'm very ignorant. I don't know much to begin with. And I'm okay with that. But I'm not going to behave in a way that that expresses any other form of disgruntlement or refusal or objection, very important. Now, we're not the people may not go to the point where the lock them cruddud Or Shaka, Zulu, maybe, maybe people aren't doing that. But there are other ways to show

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objection, for sure. There are other ways more subtle, for sure. And there's still problematic, there are subtle ways that you can show objection. When you just stop engaging. When you lose your connection, you're not committed anymore. When you're upset all the time, when you're just not happy with your situation in any form, no matter what. That's very similar. It's very similar, actually. Actually, the first one that the prophet is gonna give an example of is just open. It's not there's no filters, it's unhindered, right? There's uninhibited. This one is passive aggressive. Tell me one example where you think passive aggressiveness is better.

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Yeah, passive and then no one likes passive knowing you can't live with passive it's horrible, passive aggressive. It's not but you can easily object everything he does in the passive aggressive way. But no, we don't. That's not in keeping with the way we are. We accept. We persevere. We show patience. We show rebar and we move on. And that is who Muslims are. And for sure in your life at some point, you're going to be you know, he's gonna throw a curveball he's gonna walk you right in the head. You're gonna fight you're gonna fall splat on your face. You're gonna break your your facial bones for sure. For sure this is going to happen to you multiple times is going to happen to

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you really there's no way around it. And Islam is just about are you able to stand up again? Say Lalit biller hamdulillah has to be Hola Hola. Hola. Hola. Quwata illa Allah because other things you can say. There's other things you can say as well. And this is what this hadith is teaching Allahu Allah and I find it to be very important. We may not see certain behaviors anymore, but the concepts are still definitely there. Yahweh the Imam will hurry up. So he and Abdullah Hindi Massoud probably Allahu anhu, I'll call and maybe your Salah Allahu Allah. You early, he was salam, lay some in malapa Maluku, dude, worship culture YouTube, by the way, that was really sort of Rasulullah Hassan

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Rouhani Haleiwa your site Mr. McCullen Hamdulillah you know he learned so feel good to break Allahu wa salam O Allah can be you know, have you been on Muhammad earlier so which means well article

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