Adnan Rajeh – Humbleness #01

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a series of short hadiths that will be covering humbleness and the importance of humility in the teachings of Islam. The speaker explains that the title of the series is not J confident, but rather J confident, which is a piece of advice to show superiority to others. The speaker also discusses the importance of humility in establishing and practicing one's humility, and how it can lead to negative emotions and negative behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Collection, imam Muslim. And the series that'll or

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the series of hadith that I'm going to

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share with you over the next 2 weeks,

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this week and next week, is going to

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be talking about humbleness

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as a topic of of of great interest.

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I think, for

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for not just Muslims, but for the human

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race, in total. Understanding the the what the

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word means and how to practice it. And

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I'll be trying to cover cover that throughout

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these short kawwalta, inshallah. Just walk away sha.

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There's indication in the in the books of

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tariq and the history books that he is

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one of the Prophet alaihis salatu wa sallam

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old friends before Islam. And he accepted Islam

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a little bit late but, and one of

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my teachers and the reason I'm saying this

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because I was reminded today by a book

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that I read

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many moons ago. And I'm going to go

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on a

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goose hunt to find. One of my teachers

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at the Mujamba that I studied at, he

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wrote a small risallah

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And he went through all the books of

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Hadith and and and Sira. And he and

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he put and he plucked out all of

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the people the prophet alaihi wasallam was close

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to. Like when you think about him alaihis

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salatu wasalam before Islam, did he have friends

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or he was friendless? Of course he had

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friends. He was a very social personality alaihis

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salatu wasalam and very beloved by a lot

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of individuals and he had people that he

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was close to. Of course Abu Bakr takes

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the lion's share of that. Yeah, he's number

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1 on both sides. But he didn't know

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a bunch of other people

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He loved and respected. Some of them whom

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accepted Islam early. Some of them who accepted

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it late. And some of them who never

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did. And, he

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the the the risada was nice. He kind

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of went through their names. I'm gonna find

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it inshallah and then try and come and

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maybe do a series just to share with

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you the names and yeah. Although the lawhuana

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is one of the prophet, alayhi sallam, his

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early friends and there's a bunch of stories

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about him but I'm not gonna take take

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more of your time. So he said, alayhi

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sallam, in this hadithqara.

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So he said, 'Indeed Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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has revealed to me

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So, Ohayyah and tawalaw. I mean, he gave

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me a separate revelation with this one command

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attached to it. Which is actually very meaningful

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if you understand what is meant because revelation

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usually comes through Quran. Like usually, revelation from

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is going to be

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Very rarely did the Jibreel come with revelation

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that was not going to be Quran. It

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happened very rarely.

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It happened in the form of

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of Jabir telling him

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about a time he was going to be

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assassinated or him coming and speaking to Khadija

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before she passed away. So it was very

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few times throughout the seal. You can count

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them maybe 10, 15 times where if Jibril

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came and there was no Quran involved. And

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this hadith is indicating that this happened, That

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that Jibril came and gave a piece of

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revelation that is not Qur'anic and it's just

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a piece of advice, something to tell the

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people to do which is,

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be humble.

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Be humble.

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So that no one will see themselves to

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be superior to someone else. Al Fakhr is

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is is, is for you to feel or

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show or establish or demonstrate superiority over others.

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You try to prove it by doing something

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to show that you are better or more

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important or more significant or held in higher

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regards in life. You have higher status than

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someone else. That's what fakhrra actually means and

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it's an important word that I will unpack

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for you over the next course of the

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next 2 weeks.

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So that no one has the ability or

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the right or engaged in an activity where

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they try to establish superiority over someone else.

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is that no one will

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or transgress again. Albari

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is when

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you cross someone's line.

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It's not crossing just any red line. No.

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It's when you cross someone else's personal line

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and you go into their space and you

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take something that is theirs or you mistreat

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them in a way that is oppressive.

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What he connected for us here, which I

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think is worth your contemplation, is that he

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connected humbleness

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with not having racism

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and not having transgression.

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Right? So he's he's connecting 2 things.

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If you have if you have humbleness, if

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humbleness is established and practiced, then you will

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not see racism, which is what fakhr means.

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And you will not see transgression,

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which is a a Voluum.

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And if you lack humbleness, then these two

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things will prevail.

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So when we see these 2,

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behaviors, unfortunately,

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increasing in their amount in the world or

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existing, it's because of the lack of this

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And sayyidu akhlaqat Tawabar, as the as Ilham

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al Hadam say. Sayidulakhlaq.

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The master of all ethics is tawabar. The

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master of all ethics. The most important of

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all ethics is this one. If you don't

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have this one, then you don't have anything.

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Like, it doesn't matter what else you have.

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This one,

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even when it comes to being a good

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Muslim. If you're a good Muslim and don't

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have humbleness, then your good Islam will make

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you arrogant, and that will walk you on

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a plank right to jahannim. So it doesn't

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help. Doesn't help. Even even even if you're

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giving a better Muslim, if you don't have

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humbleness attached to it, it takes you in

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the wrong direction because now you'll use Islam

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as reason to become superior and that will

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walk you in the wrong direction. You'll milkiam,

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you think you're going to jannah, you're going

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the other direction because you lack this ethic.

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So it's worthy of taking time to think

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about and I think this hadith is a

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good way to start.

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