Abu Taymiyyah – Part 6 Aqeedatul Raziyain
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The speakers discuss various topics related to the concept of evil in media and media reports, including cases of losing loved ones and causing regret and shaming. They also touch on marriage, divorce, and the importance of marriage in shaming and regret behavior. The speakers emphasize the importance of understanding the "has been" of the Shaytan and the "will" of marriage, where a man tries to get married to a woman he wants but is not married. They also discuss various narratives and narratives related to Islam, including the Prophet Sallallimm Alaihi wa Sallam and the Jannah.
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So coming from an intellectual point of view,
that's another topic. We're speaking now about a
guy to make him understand some of the
doubts that the atheists bring.
If your lord was really.
You don't know from.
He always tells me, and every time I
teach qadr, this comes to my mind. He's
debating with a guy, Somali brother.
Debating with a Somali brother. The Somali brother
is telling the Sheikh, if your Lord is
really Ahamur Rahimin,
merciful as he claims in the Quran, then
why is
babies being killed?
Stephen Fry. You don't know Stephen Fry?
Who's Stephen Fry?
Steven Hawking.
Which one?
I'll be losing him in my lectures. Steven
is a documentaryist.
The atheist one. The one that one time
came out and he said, how dare you?
Yeah. Do you remember that? Yeah. Yeah. Is
that Steven Price, sir? Yeah. Yeah. Speaking about
Steven Price.
Think Steven Hawkins is dead, sir. Yeah. That's
his views on his videos were 10,000,000,
Wallahi Muslims watch him and they get doubts.
And one of the ways now to answer
and how sometimes some of the evil that
take place in our dunya,
How do we answer this kind of Shubha?
We mentioned before Ikhwanee that Allah
has decreed the good and the evil,
and everything has been created by Allah
the good of it and likewise the evil
of it.
How do we put this now with the
statement of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam?
The evil doesn't go back to you
There's a hadith, the hadith that we read
when we go into the salat.
Make sure you write this down. This is
very, very important. Make sure you understand all
the results together, put together.
That Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala doesn't create something
that is pure evil.
And everything that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala creates,
it is
based upon his wisdom.
Shall I repeat again?
Allah subhanahu Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala doesn't create anything that is pure evil.
Rather, everything that he creates,
and everything that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala creates
is wisdom based on it.
And within it, you find that there is
but some people,
they see it to be evil.
Even though there's evil in it, people, sometimes
they what? They see it to be evil.
And I'll give you some example.
Rather it is
subjective evil.
As for the total and yeah. I need
even in totality,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is free from this
evil being ascribed to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
in totality
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is free from this
Kasha, are you alright? Yeah?
Thank you. Okay.
Just take it down from you, And then
I'll explain again.
So we just mentioned what? Nothing that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala creates is pure evil. The
examples will make you help, understand,
better, so pay attention to the examples. There's
nothing that takes place in this universe.
It might look to us that this is
Naham, it might look to us that this
is evil,
but there's nothing that is pure evil. Rather,
it is in the wisdom of Allah
And an example of this Ikhwani
is when
3 kids
who are with their mother,
They get involved in a car crash. What
happens? The 3 kids die.
The only one that lives is the mother.
This from the apparently looks to us
to be what? Something evil.
3 kids dying 1,
or 4 kids, or 5 kids, all dying
at once.
From the apparently, it looks as I think
as if it is evil.
Little do we know,
these kids, had they lived,
they might have taken the mother to where?
To the fire.
And look at the statement of the prophet
There's never a woman
who's had 3 kids, they have died,
except that this is a seal, a barrier.
It's a barrier between her and the fire.
So, a woman losing 3 kids,
a woman losing 3 kids,
it is a means of there being a
barrier between her and the fire. So, a
woman said to the prophet what's the name?
What about 2?
So the prophet said your mother your mother
loses 2, it's
a barrier between her and the fire.
So as you see now the hikmah
You give the example of.
I'm gonna give it right now.
Little do we know little do we know
that if these kids had lived the Koran,
Taken this lady to the fire.
And at the same time, came out of
even though it might be hard in the
beginning, but comes out of it. Why? Because
it's now of her having a barrier between
her and the fire.
The story of.
Khidr. As for the kid,
that Khidr alaihisat was killed.
His 2 his parents were what? Believers.
And Allah says,
and we feared that had he lived, he
would have brought
and he would have become a disbeliever
to his parents, he would have brought a
lot of promise to his parents.
And we wanted to replace this.
The prophet
mentioned in hadith. This hadith explains
The boy that Khidr killed,
he was sealed to be a kafir.
Had he lived
had he lived,
he would have brought
disbelief and also on gratitude onto his parents.
Do you understand now?
It's a lot of information to take in,
but we need to understand this with all
these proofs and evidences put together.
What's also this this this this had this
is a proof of what that will be
taken today?
The prophet said,
He wants to live,
but he's dead now.
knows hypothet if something was going to happen,
how this would take place.
So if this kid was going to live,
what he would have done?
So sometimes an evil takes place and
there is Hikma behind it.
And also the Shaytan,
can we
say that the Shaytan, the presence of the
shaitan, and the fact that the shaitan was
created is purely evil?
The presence of the shaitan,
even the in it. Should I tell you
What happens now when a shaitan is whispering
in your ear and you go do zina,
And you become regretful,
what did I do, and this and now
you're making to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
It raises your rank. And at the same
time, what did Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala say?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves those that make
So the fact that the Shaitan whispered and
it led you to doing something that is
wrong, you thought to yourself, you need to
go back to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala now
and when the person goes back to Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, what does he do? He
loves him.
Could you also use the example of, Ukraine
and and the. You could.
No. Babe,
I had a friend that was involved in
a car crash. Never used to pray.
After he got into a car crash, what
happened? As soon as he came out, the
whole family started praying.
Sometimes one is afflicted with an affliction, it
changes his life.
And from the apparent is what? Okay. How
can this evil take place?
They'll say to you, if there was really
a lord, if there was really a lord,
normally we see a guy stabbing another guy,
what we gonna do? Call the police.
2 people are fighting, we're gonna jump in,
we're gonna try to stop it. If there
was really a lord, he sees now a
baby being killed, a baby is about to
die. Why doesn't your lord stop it?
Why doesn't your lord stop
it? Because the human human being will stop
Like we mentioned, there's Hikma behind it.
Khair comes out of it. You see something
to be evil,
but there's a lot of good in it.
says what?
This eye is very, very important in this,
Perhaps you love something, but it's evil for
And perhaps you dislike something, but it's good
for you.
knows and you don't know.
Brothers, this personal experience, and I mentioned this
before, is when my friend got shot.
I remember in a time called in in
Camden in Camden,
in London,
there was generation after generation after generation, a
bunch of Somalis and also Eritreans, Ethiopians, Arabs,
They're all hanging
around. I was 1, one of them at
a time.
Generation after generation after generation, what? Dealing drugs.
Everyone does. Dealing drugs.
all kinds of shulrah taking place and obviously
the parents they get sad, they're making Dua
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
and nothing is changing
Brothers were talking about the elders, they got
the youngest got, youngers now, and then their
youngest, they have youngers as well, 4 generations
4 generations.
What happens?
1 of the brothers get shot
and he dies.
This is something that is from the apparent
is evil.
So it looks to us that it is
evil. What happened?
Majority of those that used to hang around
on the streets, what, some of them went
to Egypt, some of them went to Yemen,
some of them went to Saudi, and they
left the streets
altogether in totality.
And maybe it wasn't because of that, I
wouldn't be sitting here today. One of the
reasons why I'm sitting here today is because,
Halas, I said to myself,
if this happens to me now, all my
friends gonna leave me. What benefit are gonna
do for me?
So do you understand, brothers? Sometimes something evil
from the apparent takes place, and it brings
out of it. So as the time when
I left London and I moved to Leicester,
and then after I went to Yemen and
etcetera, went to Oman to change my life
now this period just came now, you know.
It wasn't
before. But and sometimes it's only Juan.
A divorce that takes place.
Okay. Before I go into the divorce, let's
talk about marriage.
One guy, he's dying to get married to
that girl
As they say, love is blind He's gone
he really wants to get married to a
he tries and he tries and he tries
What does
Allah say? Perhaps you like something that's evil
for you or bad for you.
He's trying, he's trying, he's trying, he can't.
It's just not happening.
I remember I tell you this, story as
well. I was first
I I was about to get married to
from, from Yemen.
And I tried and I tried and I
tried. Wallahi, I was trying so hard.
Previously was your story, isn't it? Previously was
my story, ma'am. True story. Sometimes true story,
they make you understand the adila and etcetera.
I was trying so hard, Nam, and you
know it's not easy to bring a woman
from another country all the way to Britain.
At that time, Ikhwan, I didn't have a
At that time, I didn't have a job.
So you need money in order to bring
a woman. How are you gonna bring her
with that money?
So I'm looking for a job. I'm trying
to go to this warehouse. I'm trying to
go all the everybody is getting the warehouse
jobs. But you understand, it's not easy, Yani.
It's not hard to get a warehouse job.
A lot of the the fathers from, say,
Matthews, they all went to Marks and Spencer
to go work there. It's not easy. You
don't need qualifications to,
to go into I'm going, trying to go
in this morning, go to this agency, that
agency, this agency.
Never ever works out. I even went to
the induction for the August warehouse.
They never called me back. They called everyone
else back but they never called me.
So I'm thinking why is it because of
my body, I'm skinny or what, I can't,
you know, handle the job or
I'm trying, I'm trying for a whole year,
I'm looking for a job, Iqwant for a
year. And the woman is waiting. They've given
me the lady, I'm about to get Yani.
They said you can get married to her,
but all you need now is to you
need some money, obviously, to cover your basic
Well, like, they reached a point, like, this
guy is not serious.
What is he doing? He's not got anything,
he's not doing anything, he's not making any
so in the end we decided to call
it off.
I think it was 2 weeks later I
got a job
For a whole year I was looking for
job. 2 weeks later,
wallahi, the job they just yeah. I mean,
the job came to me. I didn't even
go to the job came to me. I'm
just walking in the middle of town, some
guy or some people we saw there, now,
they just said to us apply for this
job. I applied for it. I got the
So the whole point is,
sometimes you really wanna do something.
Uh-huh. And then my mom, obviously, she,
she went to Yemen,
and then she's seen some things, obviously, I'm
not gonna mention now. Now I'm gonna she
was very very happy that it didn't actually
work out for me because,
it's being recorded. I don't wanna you know?
After they get complaints and it gets thrown
on the Internet and the family there, you
know, they're complaining to my parents or anything
like that. Any private matters there, I'm not
gonna go into it.
you really wanna do something, but it doesn't
work out.
How many guys have come up to me?
Oh, Allah, he goes to me, I was
about to get married to that girl, and
now I realize now she's taken off her
hijab. She's taken off her gloves, her niqab,
everything has gone on. I used to think
she was righteous.
I never got married to her.
And the brother got married to a girl
that's very, very good after.
these things happen on a person, his patience,
and he does his, etcetera.
And sometimes a divorce,
a divorce from the apparent is evil.
A boy and a woman, they just got
Divorce, it came in a hadith that is
weak, that
Allah becomes angry when a divorce takes place
even when the relation is weak.
Sometimes you find that due to the characteristics
of each one,
he dislikes this from her, and she dislikes
this from him.
When they get divorced and they
partake now or they embark on another relationship,
they've always got some of the things they
used to do,
their evil characteristics in the back of their
mind. If I was to maybe do this,
or my previous husband used to dislike this,
This guy might dislike it. So sometimes a
divorce happens, and a person, he changes,
what, for the
better. Is that clear? So there's always Hikma
behind it. There's always Hikma behind it.
Nam? The wisdom of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
and this eye
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows and you don't
It's a clear one. It's a lot of
information, and,
our brother, Levi, he has the honors for
next week to mention everything that we mentioned.
Naaman to give us a lesson on this
Does anyone have any questions regarding this topic?
Brothers, this topic
is a topic that
I remember when I was in the Majah,
people were studying the issue of, Wasiyyah, akhiratul
the book of Shadalah 17
When it comes to this topic,
they leave the lesson,
and they come back 1, and they ask,
and they ask, okay, has he finished the
issue of Al Qadr yet?
You find that if a person does not
understand, he can get a lot of doubts.
So if you don't understand this now, now
and you're able to explain this
you basically covered a big chapter in Al
Aqeedah that is very hard for a lot
of people to understand and a lot of
people have doubts regarding
But you need every aspect, the 4 things
that we mentioned.
And then some of the scenarios that I
gave you, that if someone says no,
that a person is forced because Allah
him and his actions, he's like a feather
in the middle of the wind, all of
this needs to be known. Now I'm I'm
blaming the or someone say from the people
of the fire.
I've been doing sin for 90 years.
What is there any,
what hope is there for me?
That issue of the people the fire issue,
does that mean if you it's not permissible
to them. You know that when you have
a child if you have a child and
then and then they do something bad.
You tell them be careful not to do
that or you you can't tell them why
you're going to fight.
Yeah. Well, Yani, tell them
because you don't know whether they're gonna go
in a fight or not. No. You can
say to him, Yani,
you you
this action that you're doing,
there's a chance of you getting punished in
the fire. Uh-huh. Or you could lead him
to the fire.
Okay. As to say, you're in the fire,
or you're going to Jannah. That's a whole
different topic that we're gonna take when we
come to the issue of
say that Fulan is in the Jannah,
or Fulan is in the fire.
Until we have clear proof,
until we have clear proof that the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam mentioned Fulan is in
the Jannah.
he mentioned,
I never heard 1, Youani,
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ever say someone
that is walking upon the Earth to be
from the people of the Jannah except Allah
Alaihi Wasallam. That's one narration. Another narration came,
Aisha ra to fill Jannah. 10
of them are in the Jannah.
If the Prophet
clearly mentioned Fulan is in the Jannah, or
Fulan is in the fire, then we have
to take it. As for everyone else, we
don't know.
We don't know where the person even if
a person is committing Masha Allah Yani, the
best of the Ibadat, he's performing the best
of the Ibadat,
the Prophet said,
was Hadith
Do not become amazed of what action of
a person
until you clearly know how his ending is,
how he died, because a person can deviate.
Or one can be sinning and Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala might forgive him.
we can't say
with takid, with confirmation, full lands in the
fire, full lands in the Jannah. Even the
the one that's dying in the war, died
in the jihad. He's taking part in the
Someone is taking part in the jihad
and he's fighting, killing a kuffar and everything.
We can't say that Fulan
is a shahid.
We say insha Allah, we hope
for him to be from the shahada. Imam
Bukha has got a whole chapter in the
He has in his chapter, he chapters in
the Sahih.
The chapter it shouldn't be said that Fulan
is a shahid
and then it brings us proof.
who has been killed
for His sake,
and only Allah
knows who has been injured
and wounded for his sake.
And you know the hadith of the man
that was killing and everything,
and then he ended up killing himself.
The prophet said he's in a fire. Some
of the sahab were about to apostate, how
can this man go to the fire? He
was fighting. He was doing this. He was
killing all the kuffar.
So we don't know. We say, inshallah, we
hope that he's from the shuhada.
If this is regarding the shuhada, the guy
that's fighting in the jahada, then how about
anyone else?
And even, for example, you're under the.
Yeah. And you can't say you're in a
fight. You you have to say We can't
say he's in Nafai. He might turn around
tomorrow and become Muslim. How do you know?
And likewise, the issue of Allah, and we
can't curse a person. When it's a kafir,
even though there's a Ikhtar regarding a kafir,
it's not allowed. The rajah is that you
can't curse a, a kafir, say,
that's currently,
living. Because obviously you're expelling him from the
rahm of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. There's a
whole eye that came down
that came down saying that the affair is
not in your hands, oh, Mohammed.
After he cursed a few of the mushriks,
them, or and then after, 2 of the
people that he cursed became Muslim,
after a certain amount of time, and Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala knows this.
Is that is that is that okay?
I want to you know how, like, if
the person's mother Mhmm. Passed away, and they
they just say she does a curfew. Uh-huh.
So so she's I just believe in her.
If she clearly died upon Kufoor? Yeah. Yeah.
Exactly. She's yeah. Open it now. Yeah. And
then we know how to
Yeah. She's Yeah. Open his life. Yeah. And,
we know we know that.
Yeah. Yeah. Allah
in the
do not pray on any of them that
have died, and do not stand at their
grave. And it also says in the Quran,
It wasn't the way of the prophets and
the believers to make istighfar for the mushrikeen.
Yeah. So and the next question is
just so you know, okay. I passed the
unit for me as well as to the
punishment for them.
That's not in that's not something that's gonna
As I give them, like, if I'm Like,
what happened to Abu Talib? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
This is from the Shafa'ah. We're gonna take
in the chapter of Shafa'ah that is specific
for the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. If someone
died as a mushrik halas, you can't do
They're shurud, conditions when it comes to the
Do Allah
be pleased with him?
has to be happy and satisfied with the
one that's
asking for intercession,
the Hadith,
that kind of intercession
of the Adah being enlightened is specific for
the Prophet, the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned
perhaps my Shafa'a will
be a benefit for him.
And then the Hadith I mentioned to you
earlier when the Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
He will be put in the shallowest part
of the fire where the fire will touch
his ankles and because of this, his head
his brain will boil. Naam, that's only specific
for the prophet as
for anyone else,
Naam, you can't intercede for a kafir, a
personal zayhi, for kufir, and, the shirk. And
we're gonna take the In many of the
books, we're gonna be studying on Tawhid
and also when we reach the chapter of
a Shafa'ah
where Imam Abu Zura'at Haraz here and also
Abu Hatimaraz mentioned what Shafa'at