Abu Taymiyyah – Don’t Destroy your Reward (Ramadn MCL)

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of fasting during praised month-ish and the significance of "core concept" meaning a "istic means" in reference to one's actions. They also discuss the concept of "core concept", which is a way to withhold from certain activities and is seen as a way to reduce reward. The narration that is going to reduce reward is a form of withhold from something specifically and it is what really concerns the speaker. The narration that is going to reduce reward is a form of withhold from something specifically and it is what really cares.
AI: Transcript ©
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My dear respective brothers and sisters,

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in this short reminder

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I would like to speak about

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something that hopefully will inspire us this Ramadan

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and that will give us a better understanding

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in how we should conduct ourselves in this

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month. The attitude that we should have towards

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala while fasting in this

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blessed month of Ramadan.

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Did you know my beloved brothers and sisters

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that when Muhammad,

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and Fatima

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are carrying out acts of worship,

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it may seem from the apparent that they

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are doing the exact same thing. However,

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it could possibly be that their rewards are

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completely different.

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The messenger sallallahu

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told us about the salah.

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When one finishes the salah

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salah, he only received 1 tenth of the

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It could be that he got only a

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9th, an 8th, a 7th,

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a 6th, a 5th,

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a quarter,

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a third, and half of the reward.

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Is my brothers and my sisters the one

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who is focusing on his Lord. Because when

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you're standing in front of your Lord, messenger

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said

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When one stands in front of his Lord

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in the salah, he's interacting with his Lord.

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He's the one who's focusing

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on Allah

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the same as the one who's thinking about

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what his wife has cooked back home?

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Of course not.

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Likewise, the messenger of Allah ari was telling

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me told us in a hadith

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when he prays for 60 years

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But his no salah is accepted from him.

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Perhaps he does the ruku properly but he

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doesn't actually do the sujood properly and because

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of the his salawat his prayers are not

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being accepted from him. And likewise my brothers

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and my sisters the prophet sallallahu

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ahi wa sama told us about the Hajj.

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Whoever performs the Hajj and he doesn't engage

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in obscenity,

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any transgression

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then this person will come back like a

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newly born baby. My brothers and my sisters,

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can the one who is in the state

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of Ihram

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concentrating and focusing on his Lord, staying away

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from that which you shouldn't be engaging in,

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can he be the same as the one

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who might spend the days of hajj arguing,

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spreading rumors about others.

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Maybe even going as far as pushing people

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and getting onto the bus to move from

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one place to another. Something we see every

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single year. Can they be equal?

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Of course not my beloved brothers and sisters.

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Again it shows us that one may do

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these acts of worship however

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people come out with different rewards and that

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brings me on to our discussion today and

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that is about fasting. The Messenger Sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam told us about fasting

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Perhaps one may fast and he gets nothing

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out of the fasting except

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and hunger.

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The same is said about the fasting, my

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beloved brothers and sisters.

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It may be that one withholds from the

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things that he should be staying away from

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like food,

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drink and sexual *.

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The reward on your Marqiyama

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is completely different. Imagine to yourself my beloved

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brothers and sisters that you come on Yawmul

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and the fasting

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that overwhelmed you,

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that really tired you, that exhausted you, you

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have absolutely nothing from it.

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And that is because you didn't

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stay away from the things that you should

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have stayed away from. That brings me on

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to what a soul means. What does a

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soul mean my beloved brothers and sisters?

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A soul linguistically

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means Alimsak

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to withhold from something.

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If I say to you you need to

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do a song from social media it means

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you need to withhold from it. If I

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say to you that you need to do

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a song from haram relationships it means that

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you need to withhold from it. If I

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say you need to do a psalm from

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Netflix it means that you need to withhold

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from it.

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And this meaning is also mentioned in the

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Quran in reference to our

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mother Maryam alaihis salatu was salam. When she

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gave birth

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she was very worried about what the people

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are going to say to her

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when they see this newborn.

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Jibril Alaihi Sallatu Wasallam he said to her

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When you go to the people and they

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ask where you got this baby from say

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that you did a

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What was this vow to do a psalm?

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What was this psalm? What was this thing

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that she was going to withhold from?

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I'm not gonna speak to anybody today.

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Technically my brothers and my sisters there is

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a 4 part definition to what a soul

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means from a technical perspective and we're just

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going to stand over the first part Insha'Allahu

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Ta'ala. It is

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It is to withhold from something specifically

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and this is split into 2. Number 1

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that which is going to nullify your fast

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like food, drink and sexual * and all

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the other things that is going to nullify

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your fast. And the second thing that is

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going to my brothers and my sisters or

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the second thing that we need to withhold

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from and this is what really concerns me

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in this reminder

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is that which is going to reduce your

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Ramadan is so much more than just staying

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away from food, drink and sexual * guys.

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It's so much more than that.

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That brings me on to what

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Jabir ibn Abdillah radiallahu ta'ala Anhu mentioned. And

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this second part my brothers and my sisters

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is that which is going to reduce your

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reward, that which is going to destroy it.

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What did Jabir ibn Abdillah radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu

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say? He said

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When you do fast

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then make sure that your hearing

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is fasting as well and also your eyes

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are fasting and also your tongue is fasting.

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From what? From lying and all sorts of

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sins. If you're listening to music

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you are working towards destroying your fast. If

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you're watching things that you shouldn't be watching,

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haram things and we all know that which

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is out there that people fall into. This

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is going to affect

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that which you attain from this month my

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beloved brothers and sisters.

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And that which we say with our tongues,

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the swearing, the backbiting that we do. In

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fact my beloved brothers and sisters it's not

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just about killing time as we hear

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every single Ramadan. Let's go here, let's sit

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in this place in order to kill time.

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My brothers and my sisters is much more

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than that. Look what Ibnuqayim

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The best of those who fast are those

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who remember Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala the most

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while they are fasting and the best form

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of dhikr guys is

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reading the book of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Reading the book of Allah Azzawajal

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in this blessed month. So it's a month

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of activity,

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it's a month of getting closer to Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Not a month my brothers

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and my sisters where we spend

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the days of fasting,

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or not doing anything.

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It may be that one comes across that

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narration that I see every single year going

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and then he acts upon it and thinks

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that he's actually doing something

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great. What is his narration guys?

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The narration that has been attributed to the

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that he's completely free from. One

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One being silent is like him saying SubhanAllah

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SubhanAllah SubhanAllah.

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And him sleeping is a form of Ibadah.

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So he sleeps for 17 hours

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or maybe even sometimes more than that.

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From Fajr all the way up till after

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because he spent the whole night

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maybe engaging

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in things that only Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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knows best about. And then he sleeps, wakes

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up at Maghrib time,

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and he may think that khalas now I've

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managed to attain so much reward. But in

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reality, my beloved brothers and sisters, that narration

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is mawdur.

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It is fabricated

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and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us

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to have a productive

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where we attain the maximum and the optimum

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