Abu Taymiyyah – Depression Caused By socialmedia celebrity

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 explains that many girls are more likely to display signs of depression than boys on social media, and that this is due to their higher number of interactions with these celebrities. Despite this, most girls have poor physical appearance, indicating a poor quality of life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Stop following these celebrities.

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Stop following these celebrities and all of these

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other guys who are flashing their dunya.

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It's found that many girls spend far more

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time using social media than boys. And also

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that they are much more likely to display

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signs of depression

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due to their interactions on platforms such as

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Instagram, Whatsapp and Facebook. Almost 40% of girls

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who spend more than 5 hours a day

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on social media, they show symptoms of depression.

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Most girls with depression

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are unhappy with their appearance

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and 2.5

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times more likely than boys to be dissatisfied

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with their weight.

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All because they didn't lower their gaze

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when looking at all of these girlies

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and all of these celebrities

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that are idolized and popularized,

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and portrayed as the ideal woman of how

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a woman should look like.

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