Abu Bakr Zoud – A Huge Thikr with a Huge Reward

Abu Bakr Zoud
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AI: Summary ©

The transcript describes a prophecistic statement made by the Prophet Alayshi wa Sallam during a spiritual transformation. He tells a woman that he will never receive a better reward if she shows him her true accomplishments, and that it is a combination of reward and happiness. He also mentions a woman who has experienced a similar transformation and is now showing the mark of success.

AI: Summary ©

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			In the authentic hadith one time in the riesel Allahu alayhi wa sallam walks by Abu Mammon, Bey Lea
Roby Allahu anhu. And he was sitting at he was making general Vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to him, Allah do look at me,
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			like a mimicry. La Laila man help shala inform you and teach you have something that is much more
rewarding for you. Then you sitting down and making general Vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the
day and the night with it as well. Allahu Akbar, getting the peace of the Lord while he will seldom
is going to teach him the most superior of dry and the most superior of wicked, the master of all
wicked, that if you were to say once, it is much more rewarding, than if you were to sit and make
general Vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala during the day and during the entire night, so would never
use Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said to him, say Alhamdulillah he other than a hillock and
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			hamdulillah he means Mr. hottap and hamdulillah he added a man of his semi well to fill up and
hamdulillah he added, for the devil, and hamdu lillahi Allah socketable Alhamdulillah he added the
cliche Alhamdulillah he mill a coalition, Allahu Akbar. And he said to him, learn them and teach
them to those who don't know them yet. For sapan Allah, this is the ultimate reward and the grand
reward of the word Alhamdulillah when it is said sincerely from the heart first and then others on
the tongue