Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Secret to Successful Ramadan Fasting Revealed

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the purpose of fasting, including decreasing food intake and sleep. They also mention the importance of avoiding waste of time during the meal phase and the need to practice healthy eating. The goal is to decrease food intake and sleep, but the exact timing and details are unclear.
AI: Transcript ©
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There are three things one is to decrease your food.

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That's one of the purpose of fasting. Number two are Ramadan.

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Radha, the second one is to decrease your sleep. And number

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three, to decrease your meeting with people. How does that apply?

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If in Ramadan, we're supposed to eat less in the sense that there's

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one less meal you're supposed to have. Now, of course, if third

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time we're going to stuff ourselves and do one and a half

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meals there, and then one after taraweeh, you know, half a meal

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after taraweeh and then instead you have another whole meal, then

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it we're really wasting our time and in these days is unhealthy as

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well. Because you've got what, like five, six hours window to eat

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in and you're gonna have two meals in that that's crazy, isn't it?

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Right? So be very careful of what we eat during this time, because

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the whole purpose of it is to decrease the food Baraka

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