Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – The Mahdi

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The history of the Prophet sall shoulder is discussed, including the use of the symbol "median" in various narrations and its significance in relation to the job of the Prophet. The upcoming events of the Islamist movement include a meeting with God and a beta meeting with the Muslim army initer, as well as the return of Jesus to Jerusalem. The segment also touches on political and cultural updates, including the return of the M operational Department and the Department of Social Security.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Udall mousseline

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while he was Safi although Rocco was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira

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la Yomi Deen a bad

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one i beside him hola yo the Allahu Anhu call it a call

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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alma de Yamini

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Angela Jabba octanol and Yamuna a lot of the Keston WILDerland Kumar

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Molly at Goldman, would you run yum li qu Saba Icynene

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Vidya Allah my Quran especially as it moved to Turkey with money sub

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done with water Khartoum, and the rest of our dear friends here.

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The Maddy is always Radi Allahu Anhu has always been

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a very controversial figure in terms of

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his people are trying to what people are trying to do with the

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Mahi and because a lot of the sectarian groups that have come so

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far and may still come, Maddie Radi Allahu Anhu seems to be a

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very important figure for them. One of the reasons possibly for

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that is the, although there's over 200 Hadith about it. I'll cover

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some of them today. But there are over 200 narrations from the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam directly. And then from the

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Sahaba, and other quotes or the Athar like that, but because of

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some ambiguity with them, and maybe no clear mentioned in Sahih

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al Bukhari or sahih, Muslim with his name, or the Allahu, and

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there's a lot of people who have tried to co opt him. So for

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example, we have the Shiites who have taken Mohammed bin Hassan Al

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Askari and said that he is the malady and he's hiding and he is

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going to be coming out. He's in authority. He's in a cave

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somewhere in Samara in Iraq, apparently. And then, of course,

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you have the Golem Mohammed of guardian who had made similar

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claims. I remember once listening to a radio interview,

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in which it will, I can't remember which of the leaders It was either

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the current leader or the one previous to this of the Qadiani

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movement. And one person asked a very good question. You said, if

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you're saying that your grandfather was the,

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the awaited Mojave or ISA the same In fact, he went up to a Saudi

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Arabia beyond man, even three Saudi Islam as well and said they

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claim to be the Messiah. He said, The traditions, the Hadith, etc.

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They tell us that when a Saudi Salam comes, the gel has to be

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there as well because the Saudis Salam will kill that the jungle,

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so we haven't seen it the job. So how can isa have come? How can the

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Prophet Jesus or the Sama come which you're claiming your grandpa

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father to be? How can how can that be the case when the job hasn't

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been around? So the answer that he gave was very interesting. He

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Jin Arkona Eastside Jin Arkona Italia salaam Khanna hippo Chana

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toward the Julbo QSFP Shanti. It's just a clever, it's just a clever

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answer. That's what it is. But basically Maddie Radi Allahu Anhu

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The reason is called Maddie that's not going to be his name. His name

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currently is going to be either I'm gonna go Mohammed Abdullah

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Abdullah from the family of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam. We have numerous Hadees that describe that His name will

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be just like mine as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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but the word muddy is a title. The Mojave means the guided one. His

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one title is Mojave another title is Jabir. So, Maddie means the

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guided one by Allah subhanaw taala especially in those very turbulent

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times. Now let us understand a bit of why MADI Radi Allahu Allah has

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come when he is going to come among the signs of the Day of

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Judgment, which pretty much started at at the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam demise from this world when the when the

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Prophet salallahu Salam departed from this world that was

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considered to be one of the first signs and then there were other

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signs, and throughout history have had many, many signs.

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the orlimar have distinguished the signs between the minor and the

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major. And one of the ways to understand minor and major as

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opposed to something just small and something great is that the

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minor signs are those which will be in which will manifest

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themselves around the world in different places, in different

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intensities. So for example, disobedience to parents, that's a

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minus sign, the prevalence of dancing people and singing and

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*, and so on and so forth. You get that more in some areas,

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as opposed to others. There's more disobedience to parents in some

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areas as opposed to others and so on and so forth numerous signs

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like that. So, in terms of that, the description of the major signs

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are those which will become a global phenomena. So after all of

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the minus signs is numerous minus signs

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After that, you come to the major signs. And the first of the major

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signs is the MACD or the Allah one. But he will come in tandem

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because as soon as he comes in his army has been paired. There's one

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opinion which says that he'll be born in Madina Munawwara. Another

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opinion says that he'll come from the east, at the head of a huge

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army. So there are various opinions to where he is going to

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exactly hail from. But he is the first of the major signs of global

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finance. Because after that, the world will not be the same again,

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after that the situation of the world will not be the same again

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ever. Because once he comes, the jail would have done soon, the

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jail would then soon arrive and start his corruption around the

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world. And that's a long story. And maybe somebody else is going

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to speak about the job. But Matthew, the hola one would be at

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the head of an army, and there'll be a Soufiane he apparently

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there's different versions of this, there'll be

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in some narrations, and not all of them are sahih, necessarily, but

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there are descriptions of various different leaders that will be at

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loggerheads with one another, and Maduro, the Allah one will be at

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the head of the army of the hawk and the truth. So

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when he comes, eventually he will he will be the story goes and

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there are as I said, many generations to sift through here,

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but one of them say says that many are older now because of the

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turbulence around the world and the situation with with the around

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the world being on fire, basically, they would have come

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for hedge as a lot of people go fires and a lot of aroma go for

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hedge and some of the top Obama of the world most influential ones,

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the greatest of the Obama would have come for hedge and

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approximate approximately seven of them. This is as mentioned

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bipartisan genius, Alicia Shazza. And he mentioned that approximate

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similarly seven of them will suddenly coincidently God

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incidentally come together and they'll say we need to find

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Madeira the alarm because the situation has now basically become

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extreme. So, they will they would have come from different parts

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with huge followings and they will suddenly come together and they'll

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decide we need to find him now.

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So, they will

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there are numerous descriptions mentioned in the Hadith about him

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so they will eventually single out a person and they will try to and

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he will try to run away from the individual who is supposed to be

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the money or the alone. He will run away from him escape. So they

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will chase him too. They will basically find him in Makkah first

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but then he will go to Madina Munawwara and this is around

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lunchtime. Three times this will happen Maka Medina Maka to Madina,

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Munawwara Medina wanted to Makkah and then so on. And eventually

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they say that they will say to him that this is your responsibility.

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Allah knows best but they said this is his response, this is your

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responsibility and then they will take the beta and then after that

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the world will never be the same again, because the entire world

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will see a lot of differences taking place after that.

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Eventually he will end up with the Muslim army in Damascus in the

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masjid which is the Ummah we Masjid now that was built by

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Khalid Abdullah Abdullah medic. In the first century. He was one of

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the omens Abdul Malik number one son, he built the masjid amazing

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masjid, it's actually

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there are it's a very very large masjid and there's a huge

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community all around it on one side, which is the side where Imam

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Hassan Tala used to have his retreat place. When we studied

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there. That's where we used to study with Sheikh Abdul Razak al

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Halaby. Rahim Allah on that side. On the opposite side is the

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eastern side. And the eastern side has a white minaret and I remember

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we could never go in there because it was closed. And what's

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interesting is that behind that minaret behind that corner of the

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machine, the opposite corner of the circle Hamidi as it is, is the

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Christian area of Damascus behind that, and that is apparently the

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minaret, which it says that Menara told by law that Sid salaam will

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descend on this minarets in in Damascus Mahavira the Allah would

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have already been there, the economy would have been given the

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famous Hadith, the karma would have already been given. And

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Matthew, Esaias son would have descended, and people will

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obviously notice who he is the Christians are there, the Jews are

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there, and everybody's waiting. So it's look it's like it's imminent.

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It seems that Eastside Islam is going to come and when he comes,

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they will say okay, now you lead the prayer. So that's the famous

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Hadith that's mentioned that you lead the private Madeira the

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alarm? Sorry, sorry, somebody say no, it was the iqama was given for

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one of you for your Imam and that they say is referring to obviously

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the Mahavira the Allah one. So that's up to where Medina the

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Allahu Anhu will do his main task after that isa Ali Salam will

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obviously take over and be the be the main person. But then some,

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some narrations or some understandings also mentioned that

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it was it will actually be Matthew will continue with a silent Salam

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there as well. But then you don't hear much about Matthew or the

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One. According to many of the narrations, Matthew, the Allah one

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will be around for seven years meaning his prominence in terms of

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him leading the OMA will be for around seven years. From there,

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they will actually find out that the jewel is going to Jerusalem.

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So they will go to Jerusalem from there. And eventually East Ali

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Salam will will kill the will kill the Jews in Jerusalem. Now going

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back to Madeira the Allahu Allah, as I mentioned, because there's so

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much ambiguity about him. I remember, in the 90s, I read a

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book, it was called the malady written by a Western author, I

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think his name is quinoa or something like that. It's a very

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interesting, really a massive conspiracy story. And there are

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numerous reviews on it. It's a made up story, but just to show

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you the importance of Maduro, the Allah one in terms of determining

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the future of the Ummah as such, right. That's why I mentioned the

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story. It mentions in there that the CIA, CIA and the Mi six get

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together. And they basically tried to find the guy who they want to

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convince that he's the Maddie. But he's their stooge. And they find

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the guy like that. And they make it so realistic for him, that he

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is supposed to offer a sacrifice of alarm or a goat or something

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like that. And the way he's been hearing voices, right now, this is

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a time when there were no cell phones, no mobile phones and

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things like that. So essentially, the story is that this is set in

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the 1980s. So he's saying that he's going to he's being made to

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he goes into a cave. And he's been made to hear voices, basically,

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this is a speaker's place there. I don't know if anybody else has

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written read that book. And so he hears voices that you're going to

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be chosen and so on. And you know, you get people like that, you

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know, you have people just recently in Pakistan last year,

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who claimed to be the next prophets, right. So you have

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people like that anyway, imposters, there are going to be a

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certain number anyway. And then he's supposed to give a second to

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make this to make this really real, they say that he's is going

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to, he's going, he's told that you have to give a sacrifice. And if

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this sacrifice is accepted, and you are the method, then there

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will be a light that will come a laser light that will come from

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the heavens, and it will basically burn this or it will strike it.

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And the whole idea is that from a satellite, they were going to send

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a laser beam to a receiver that was inside that animal.

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Have you read that book? You sound like you've read it. Okay? So the

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KGB gets involved.

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Right? So they're going to try to undermine this, and then they see

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that it's a great plot. So they want to part of it. And then after

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it all falls apart, right. But just that's just to give you an

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idea, and some of the reviews on that book is that if only this

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could have been plausible. And if only this could have been a

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reality. That's what a lot of the reviewers were saying, then we

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would have dealt with a lot of the Muslim ummah, basically, that just

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shows you the importance of the position of Mafia and even today,

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the major conspiracy theories, numerous reviews, reports,

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on YouTube and other places about the signs of money. In fact, you

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will probably know yourself in the last 15 to 20 years, how many

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How many predictions there have been for the signs of muddy

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Rhodiola one that he's going to come and I think the last one was

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to from the last one I remember was 207. There was a scholar would

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come there was a Molano come from South Africa. And he mashallah

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gave a lot of insight and he predicted that it was going to be

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around 2007 2007 I can't remember exactly and 2007 went and he

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hasn't, he hasn't come yet.

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I remember we asked our hazard monitor, Hashem sat down with

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baraka to him about the money when we were still studying about the

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signs because you always hear that there are signs that he's been

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born now, because remember, Matthew will be alone. While he

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may be born, he's only going to be revealed as the Maddie as the man

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he has the position of the body when he's 40 years of age. So

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technically, he could be born but personally speaking, I'm not

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waiting for him.

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Right? A lot of people, they have such a pessimistic attitude

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towards the world, that they think it's the worst situation we're in

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now and it cannot become any better.

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And that's why only Maduro the alone is needed now to come and

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solve the situation. That's a very defeatist attitude. Because then

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we're just saying we've outsourced it to Maddie. But the hola Juan we

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don't have to do anything. And the only if you read I would suggest

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everybody recheck. I will have an ally that we Rahmatullah is

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saviors of Islamic spirit, especially the first volume,

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because what it shows you in that first volume, the first seven

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centuries are covered of the ups and downs of the Muslim ummah,

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of the ebbs and flows of the difficulties and then Allah

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sending somebody and we had some situations with the Tatas for

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and other situations where it was much worse than now. In Baghdad

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alone, a million Muslims were killed when the when, when the

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Titus came in. i That was shocking. All right, compared to

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current times, current times are bad. But that was even worse, the

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Khalifa was killed. Along with along with a million people in

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We lost Masjid Luxor for over 90 years, there was a cross on top of

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the pub to Sahara. So we mustn't lose hope we have to do our part.

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That's very, very important. That's why Allah has kept this

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veil from us. I personally, I wouldn't want to be there. Maybe

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I'm wrong in this, but this is my understanding that when he comes,

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because when he comes, the gel is going to come. And the gel is

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Sharapova Ibn Yun Tada, one of the worst of the unseen realities that

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are being awaited the fitna that's going to be that I mean, just

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think of any, any temptations for you today. And how difficult it is

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for us to manage those temptations deal with them. That time it's

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going to be much more complicated. So I don't want to be around I'd

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rather die on Eman before that with with security we ask for

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personal hardship for us. And and for you know, for all of us, but

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these challenges around that's what gives you an understanding of

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the Mojave or the Allah and the final point I want to make is that

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of course there's none, then there's a lot of people who've

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actually completely denied the MADI or the Allah one that there's

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no such thing. But as I mentioned, there are numerous Adama who have

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and compiled is no need to give you all of the names of the books

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on all of the ahaadeeth rates. To map the ready alone is over 200

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narrations which with at least a handful from the Prophet

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sallallahu some directly clearly they may not be in saleable Hadith

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Sahih Muslim directly with his name but there are in the other

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Sunon and there are definitely a hadith in Bukhari in Muslim which

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indicate towards him and he can't indicate towards anybody else

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except him because of the descriptions are so vivid. I

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remember once I went into a shop, I was just having a discussion.

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Everyone said there is no Maddie. There are people out there who are

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dilemma and there's people out there who are denying the coming

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back of SRA Salaam. So Maddie is Maddie are the Allah who can, you

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know can more easily be denied by people if that's the case. So

00:17:20 --> 00:17:24

Maddie Rhodiola has been distorted he's been co opted, he's been

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00:17:26 --> 00:17:30

then disowned and disregarded as well. Our belief is in him and we

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ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to grant us Iman and to grant us

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illumination and grant us a clear understanding of these things. I'm

00:17:38 --> 00:17:41

really glad mashallah that is this the first hot minute boots in

00:17:41 --> 00:17:45

primarily in English second is the second one has very good mashallah

00:17:45 --> 00:17:48

that's very good because until now, a lot of people out there

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just felt it was overdue Pakistani issue or Indian issue. So now

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inshallah the mainstream will take this on and they will become much

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more educated about this. So you will become a bigger inshallah

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biggest inshallah a much bigger movement inshallah. Welcome to

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that one in 100 Live

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