Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Signs of the Last Day Series Attack of the Tartars

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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AI: Summary ©

The book discusses the history and potential of the title of the book, including its origin, meaning, and potential for conflict. It touches on major events leading up to the end of the Hifees ADframe, including attacks on religious leaders and groups, a war between HanR Chinese and Iranian political parties, and a deadly battle between HanR Chinese and Iranian political parties. The book also touches on the rise of Islam in various countries, including the split of religion between western and Middle Kingdoms, the conversion of religion to Islam, and the loss of important individuals. The golden age of Islam is a cycle of chaos and chaos, with the dean's actions leading to chaos and chaos, the importance of unifying the Muslim economy, protecting privacy, and the need to focus on personal beliefs to avoid chaos.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:00 --> 00:00:01
			Build your moon Rahim.
00:00:02 --> 00:00:06
			hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah number
two who want to start you know who
00:00:06 --> 00:00:09
			want to stop through and you know
be who you wanted our karate when
00:00:09 --> 00:00:14
			are all below him in Cerulean
fusina Obinze Dr. Medina man you
00:00:14 --> 00:00:17
			had to hit low Philomel De La La
MaMa you're a little further How
00:00:17 --> 00:00:20
			do you want to shadow Allah Illa
Illa Allah Who are the hula
00:00:20 --> 00:00:24
			Sharika wanna shadow Anessa? You
don't know Molana Muhammad and ARB
00:00:24 --> 00:00:29
			the who are pseudo SallAllahu
taala. Either you either he or
00:00:29 --> 00:00:31
			Safi about a cosa limit the
Sleeman cathedral and
00:00:33 --> 00:00:36
			you know Yomi Deen, Amma bad
00:00:37 --> 00:00:41
			there are a number of a hadith in
which the Prophet sallallahu
00:00:41 --> 00:00:46
			alayhi wa sallam spoke about the
Muslims having to confront
00:00:47 --> 00:00:54
			a particular group of people with
particular characteristics and the
00:00:54 --> 00:00:55
			Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
00:00:57 --> 00:01:02
			five to 600 years before it
actually occurred, describe them
00:01:02 --> 00:01:09
			so well and gave such a accurate
description of them that when it
00:01:09 --> 00:01:15
			actually came about, it was just
so amazing and awe striking that
00:01:16 --> 00:01:19
			it would have been such a perfect
description. The Prophet
00:01:19 --> 00:01:23
			sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
in one Hadith which is related by
00:01:24 --> 00:01:29
			Buhari Muslim, a Buddha Remi the
even no matter all of them except
00:01:29 --> 00:01:34
			necessity, that the Day of
Judgment will not occur. takamasa
00:01:34 --> 00:01:36
			had that Takatsu Coleman
00:01:37 --> 00:01:39
			near Allah home a shower.
00:01:40 --> 00:01:43
			They have judgment will not occur
until you
00:01:44 --> 00:01:49
			fight a people whose shoes or
whose footwear will be made of
00:01:49 --> 00:01:49
00:01:51 --> 00:01:56
			Well had to cut through a torque
Sahara promenade would you willful
00:01:56 --> 00:02:00
			aloof Ghana would you hum Allegion
Ulmo traka.
00:02:01 --> 00:02:08
			And until you fight with the Turk
or Turkic people, who would have
00:02:08 --> 00:02:10
			will have small eyes,
00:02:12 --> 00:02:15
			red faces or reddish faces
00:02:16 --> 00:02:19
			and small snub noses.
00:02:21 --> 00:02:25
			Small snub noses or in one
narration it says finally chiseled
00:02:25 --> 00:02:29
			noses. Mainly what's common
between them is that it will be
00:02:29 --> 00:02:31
			small noses snub noses
00:02:32 --> 00:02:35
			and their faces as though they are
00:02:37 --> 00:02:42
			like shields coated with hammered
00:02:44 --> 00:02:49
			Leather that's been hammered in
place and their faces are of that
00:02:49 --> 00:02:51
			description. So the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam said it's
00:02:51 --> 00:02:55
			in a in a narration that is in
Buhari in another version it says
00:02:56 --> 00:03:00
			that tacos are harder to cut into
who's working on the Day of
00:03:00 --> 00:03:05
			Judgment will not occur until you
will fight with the who's or the
00:03:06 --> 00:03:07
			and the caveman.
00:03:08 --> 00:03:11
			What does that mean? We'll look
into that soon. So these are two
00:03:11 --> 00:03:17
			of the famous Hadith about this
that I saw he mentioned across the
00:03:17 --> 00:03:17
00:03:19 --> 00:03:22
			In another version, it says Iran
model would you
00:03:23 --> 00:03:32
			futsal aloof seehotel Aryan would
you whom Allegion Elmo traka wala
00:03:32 --> 00:03:35
			takamasa Takatsu Coleman Niala,
whom a shower
00:03:37 --> 00:03:42
			wide faces broad faces, flat
00:03:43 --> 00:03:49
			snub noses, small eyes, faces as
though they are like
00:03:51 --> 00:03:54
			beaten leather or hammered leather
00:03:55 --> 00:03:57
			shield made of hammered leather
00:03:58 --> 00:04:02
			and the Day of Judgment will not
occur until you fight people whose
00:04:02 --> 00:04:04
			footwear will be made of hair.
00:04:06 --> 00:04:10
			Small beady eyes small eyes,
reddish complexion on the face.
00:04:10 --> 00:04:12
			It's a white face with reddish
00:04:14 --> 00:04:15
			small snub noses
00:04:17 --> 00:04:21
			and it says in places eyes like
00:04:23 --> 00:04:27
			the shields because the is
describing the faces like shields
00:04:29 --> 00:04:33
			like beaten leather or struck
leather is because
00:04:34 --> 00:04:39
			it will be fleshy and dense like
leather. But it will be white and
00:04:39 --> 00:04:40
00:04:43 --> 00:04:48
			And the shoes of hair means the
hair the shoes will be made of for
00:04:48 --> 00:04:52
			some kind of firm and according to
some this is speaking about the
00:04:52 --> 00:04:56
			use to use the hair of beavers. In
fact, not just for their footwear
00:04:56 --> 00:04:59
			but for their caps as well.
Because they come from a very cool
00:05:00 --> 00:05:04
			Old climate. So that's why this
fairy hat that they use which is
00:05:04 --> 00:05:05
			made of beaver hair,
00:05:06 --> 00:05:09
			according to some of the research
that's taken place.
00:05:11 --> 00:05:14
			The next the version in Buhari
which says that till you fight the
00:05:14 --> 00:05:17
			people of whose and care man,
that's a bit difficult to
00:05:17 --> 00:05:24
			understand because Jose Stan and
Carmen are in present day Iran and
00:05:24 --> 00:05:30
			the people of that area are very
different to the description. So
00:05:31 --> 00:05:36
			it's most likely that by who's and
Carmen is not referring to those
00:05:36 --> 00:05:40
			particular areas of Houston and
Carmen which is which are in Iran,
00:05:40 --> 00:05:44
			but maybe by whose and Carmen
according to one person, according
00:05:44 --> 00:05:50
			to one understanding. Now, how
accurate is that who's in your
00:05:50 --> 00:05:52
			mind could refer to China and
00:05:53 --> 00:05:54
			And Allah knows best?
00:05:56 --> 00:05:59
			Or I think a better understanding
is that who's in karma do not
00:05:59 --> 00:06:02
			relate to those areas in current
and presently Iran which is, which
00:06:02 --> 00:06:07
			was probably an area of hurrah son
at the time. But this is referring
00:06:07 --> 00:06:12
			to the forefathers of these
tribes, that the great grandfather
00:06:12 --> 00:06:15
			of this tribe, the person that
they descended from us who's
00:06:15 --> 00:06:18
			another was Gearman. It was that
that seems to be maybe more
00:06:18 --> 00:06:21
			likely, because of the people
who's in caravan do not look like
00:06:21 --> 00:06:27
			this. Now, this is speaking about
according to them. I mean, some of
00:06:27 --> 00:06:30
			it is very clear that this is
talking about the Tork Turkic
00:06:30 --> 00:06:35
			people. Now, when we say Turkey,
it encompasses many different
00:06:35 --> 00:06:38
			types of people, many different
people from many different areas
00:06:38 --> 00:06:41
			today. So it doesn't necessarily
refer to only those who live in
00:06:41 --> 00:06:45
			Turkey today. But in fact, this is
probably referring to a very
00:06:45 --> 00:06:48
			special group of a very specific
group of Turkic people, probably
00:06:48 --> 00:06:53
			most likely from the those who are
in Mongolia, or Tatarstan today.
00:06:54 --> 00:06:57
			It's pretty much much of it
Muslim. But yes, that's what it's
00:06:57 --> 00:07:02
			referring to, that you will fight
with these people. There are some
00:07:02 --> 00:07:06
			other Hadees, which we'll look at
afterwards. But for the moment,
00:07:07 --> 00:07:09
			this is talking about Turkey
people and there's been a number
00:07:09 --> 00:07:15
			of attacks by Turkey people,
different types of Turkey people
00:07:15 --> 00:07:18
			in fact, different people of
Turkish background or Turk
00:07:19 --> 00:07:22
			background Turkey background have
actually ruled the Muslims, the
00:07:22 --> 00:07:26
			Seljuks were Turks. The
00:07:27 --> 00:07:34
			samanids were originally Turkic
the Resona words were originally
00:07:35 --> 00:07:39
			of Turkic origin, descending from
the samanids. Because one of the
00:07:39 --> 00:07:44
			last of the samanids he had a
slave, Muhammad Ignis
00:07:45 --> 00:07:52
			Subak Duggan, who, after the
Samanid Empire collapsed, he
00:07:52 --> 00:07:56
			became the ruler of the era then
his son Muhammad, who later became
00:07:56 --> 00:07:59
			known as Muhammad, the visionary.
So he had excursions into India at
00:07:59 --> 00:08:03
			that time as well. But he was
mainly in Afghanistan and the
00:08:03 --> 00:08:07
			surrounding area. That was from a
Turkic origin as well.
00:08:08 --> 00:08:11
			The Tatas who's probably the
biggest representation probably
00:08:11 --> 00:08:17
			the most befitting description of
the Tatas here. And there were
00:08:17 --> 00:08:22
			some drawings that I saw of
Genghis Khan and these Tata, these
00:08:22 --> 00:08:24
			famous titles, and
00:08:25 --> 00:08:29
			the description is absolutely
accurate. It is perfect
00:08:29 --> 00:08:34
			description, literally round,
white, reddish faces, snub noses,
00:08:34 --> 00:08:41
			smaller eyes. It's not entirely
Chinese or oriental in that sense.
00:08:41 --> 00:08:46
			But this is more of a larger kind
of face.
00:08:48 --> 00:08:51
			Well, Hamdulillah, I mean, the
ending was good, although the
00:08:51 --> 00:08:56
			destruction was great, and how it
got there. So let's look at
00:08:56 --> 00:09:01
			quickly some of what transpired at
that time. And how this came to
00:09:01 --> 00:09:05
			be, as the prophets of Allah. Some
said, No, this didn't happen
00:09:05 --> 00:09:09
			straightaway. But this took a long
time to come about the prophet
00:09:09 --> 00:09:13
			Elijah had mentioned this. But it
took centuries for this to come
00:09:13 --> 00:09:16
			about. And he said that a Day of
Judgment will not occur until this
00:09:16 --> 00:09:21
			happens. So clearly, that was to
show that it was going to happen,
00:09:21 --> 00:09:26
			but not necessarily immediately.
This was around the seventh
00:09:26 --> 00:09:29
			century, around the seventh
century, and this is probably the
00:09:29 --> 00:09:33
			most likely application of this
hadith. Or the understanding of
00:09:33 --> 00:09:35
			this hadith is that this took
place around this time.
00:09:37 --> 00:09:41
			The hordes of the Tatas, they came
from the Mongolian steppes, and
00:09:41 --> 00:09:48
			they nearly overpowered the entire
Muslim world, nearly much of it.
00:09:48 --> 00:09:53
			They took care of big dynasties
like the Seljuks and just
00:09:53 --> 00:09:57
			completely told them about the
colorism it's just absolutely just
00:09:57 --> 00:09:58
			walked over them
00:09:59 --> 00:09:59
00:10:00 --> 00:10:03
			Why did these titles come about?
It's good to understand the Muslim
00:10:03 --> 00:10:07
			the situation of the Muslims and
this happened after sallahu Dean,
00:10:07 --> 00:10:13
			a UB Rahim Allah had conquered
Jerusalem and taken, taken care of
00:10:13 --> 00:10:19
			the Crusaders and had made a
treaty with the Third Crusade. And
00:10:20 --> 00:10:24
			after that, after Salahuddin
passed away, he passed away very
00:10:24 --> 00:10:28
			soon after the Treaty was made,
and then the rule descended into
00:10:28 --> 00:10:31
			his children. And it was very
large territory because he had
00:10:31 --> 00:10:35
			unified much of the Muslim lands
during his time in order for that
00:10:35 --> 00:10:40
			unified process to take place in
being able to capture Jerusalem.
00:10:41 --> 00:10:45
			Now when after he passed away,
this was the beginning of the
00:10:45 --> 00:10:51
			Ayyubid dynasty, Salahuddin a UB
these were originally Kurds, and
00:10:51 --> 00:10:55
			according to many also a
descendant of Turkey, people are a
00:10:55 --> 00:11:00
			turkey group and Allah knows best.
So these were Kurdish people. And
00:11:01 --> 00:11:04
			when his sons took it up, there
was a lot of infighting, and then
00:11:04 --> 00:11:07
			his grandsons and grandchildren,
and so on and so forth. There was
00:11:07 --> 00:11:12
			a big commotion in the Muslim
lands, groups fighting each other,
00:11:12 --> 00:11:17
			some groups, in fact, some of the
Ubud some of the local groups,
00:11:17 --> 00:11:21
			even taking assistance from some
of the Crusaders, crusades went on
00:11:21 --> 00:11:24
			and on and on. The major Crusades
were the second first, second. And
00:11:24 --> 00:11:29
			third, there were other crusades
afterwards 910 1112 Crusades to
00:11:29 --> 00:11:34
			different areas. Because always
the these Christian monarchs, and
00:11:34 --> 00:11:40
			his Christian priests and bishops
and, and the Pope's, Pope and
00:11:40 --> 00:11:43
			others, they would they would send
out these contingents, under in
00:11:43 --> 00:11:47
			the name of Jesus at the cross, or
whatever they want to call it. A
00:11:47 --> 00:11:51
			Saudi Salatu was Salam. And but
the main ones were the three. So
00:11:51 --> 00:11:55
			there was always this crusade, or
Christian attack through the
00:11:55 --> 00:11:59
			Franks and others. And sometimes
some of these Muslims and Muslim
00:11:59 --> 00:12:01
			leaders or monarchs would
00:12:02 --> 00:12:06
			ally themselves to some of these
crusaders to fight against their
00:12:06 --> 00:12:10
			own brother, a cousin of another
king, another Muslim King. So it
00:12:10 --> 00:12:15
			was really a land grab kind of
situation, a power struggle, and a
00:12:15 --> 00:12:16
			major, major commotion.
00:12:18 --> 00:12:20
			Now, the way the toilet is
actually began,
00:12:23 --> 00:12:28
			there's a very instant cause of it
that you can relate it to, because
00:12:28 --> 00:12:33
			of one incident, but the thing is
that such a massive problem and
00:12:33 --> 00:12:39
			persecution and punishment does
not come about Allah subhanaw
00:12:39 --> 00:12:43
			taala would not bring about
something due to one individual on
00:12:44 --> 00:12:45
			many countries.
00:12:46 --> 00:12:49
			It affected everybody affected
even the people in England at the
00:12:49 --> 00:12:49
00:12:50 --> 00:12:52
			because it raised the prices of
00:12:55 --> 00:13:01
			So this was one of the one very
major influential attacks that
00:13:01 --> 00:13:06
			took place. So one is that we can
relate this to
00:13:07 --> 00:13:11
			Howard is him Shah, that it was
because of his doing that this
00:13:11 --> 00:13:14
			actually began when Genghis Khan
00:13:15 --> 00:13:18
			But there's a number of other
causes that we could look at
00:13:18 --> 00:13:20
			because at that time, the
situation was quite bad. There was
00:13:20 --> 00:13:24
			a number of inner fightings there
was a lot of problems going on.
00:13:26 --> 00:13:27
			For example,
00:13:29 --> 00:13:34
			a place like Egypt was so
devastated by war, because there
00:13:34 --> 00:13:37
			was a Uncle Al medical adult
fighting with his nephew and
00:13:37 --> 00:13:38
			medical often.
00:13:39 --> 00:13:45
			And when the Nile flooded in 597
It was such a severe famine that
00:13:46 --> 00:13:50
			it was maybe worse than the famine
earlier during the time of the
00:13:50 --> 00:13:53
			Fatimids that we spoke about last
time, a few centuries earlier, or
00:13:53 --> 00:13:54
			maybe a century earlier.
00:13:57 --> 00:13:59
			Where they had to resort to eating
00:14:01 --> 00:14:02
			And that's how bad it became
00:14:04 --> 00:14:09
			abou Sharma relates that Sultan
medical ideal provided 220,000
00:14:09 --> 00:14:12
			dead body shrouds in a month.
00:14:13 --> 00:14:16
			That's how many people were just
dying. They couldn't even dig
00:14:16 --> 00:14:17
			graves for them.
00:14:18 --> 00:14:19
			Didn't even have shots for them.
00:14:22 --> 00:14:27
			This then was followed by severe
widespread earthquakes, not just
00:14:27 --> 00:14:31
			in one area, but in many different
areas in Syria, in Asia Minor,
00:14:31 --> 00:14:38
			Iraq and surrounding areas. 20,000
people were crushed under Fallen
00:14:38 --> 00:14:39
00:14:41 --> 00:14:46
			In fact, another historian writes
that it was 1,100,000 people that
00:14:46 --> 00:14:48
			died in an earthquake.
00:14:51 --> 00:14:52
			Along with these natural
00:14:53 --> 00:14:55
			you had again,
00:14:56 --> 00:14:59
			the ruler of Makkah, Qatada
Husseini and Saddam Hussein, you
00:14:59 --> 00:15:00
00:15:00 --> 00:15:02
			Medina, they were locked in battle
between them
00:15:03 --> 00:15:05
			is some ajeeb situation at the
00:15:06 --> 00:15:08
			This was in 603.
00:15:09 --> 00:15:13
			There was a deadly fight between
the hordes of Afghanistan and the
00:15:13 --> 00:15:14
			rulers of Howard ism.
00:15:16 --> 00:15:20
			This basically this was a wastage
of energy between them just
00:15:20 --> 00:15:22
			fighting each other provides, you
know, just expending their
00:15:22 --> 00:15:26
			resources between each other,
trying to gain the upper hand, one
00:15:26 --> 00:15:27
			over the other.
00:15:28 --> 00:15:32
			The Crusades had made some inroads
again and taken certain small
00:15:32 --> 00:15:35
			areas. I mean, it didn't really
pan out to be something major
00:15:35 --> 00:15:39
			afterwards, but they had taken
certain areas again as well. For
00:15:39 --> 00:15:42
			example, the rulers of Al Jazeera
the northern part of the territory
00:15:42 --> 00:15:45
			between the Euphrates and the
Tigris, they were secretly in
00:15:45 --> 00:15:51
			league with the Franks. And
Baghdad was another story. But
00:15:51 --> 00:15:54
			that was now this was towards the
end of the Abbas Empire, the
00:15:54 --> 00:15:58
			tortoise saw the end of the
abovesaid empire. So now the Ibis
00:15:58 --> 00:16:02
			had had this great periods, but
now much of the accomplishments
00:16:02 --> 00:16:08
			had made them so lovers of luxury
and opulence that
00:16:09 --> 00:16:14
			the cliffs court was copied, was a
copy of the courts of the
00:16:14 --> 00:16:19
			Byzantine emperor empire. Such
extravagance amassed wealth, in
00:16:19 --> 00:16:23
			fact, some of their slaves had so
much wealth, whereas the teachers
00:16:23 --> 00:16:27
			of some of the major mothers as
their mother was a millstone,
00:16:27 --> 00:16:31
			Surya and others used to get a
small poultry some some, whereas
00:16:31 --> 00:16:35
			some of the Viziers ministers,
government, slaves and servants
00:16:35 --> 00:16:41
			would have loads of money. One of
them spent about 4000 dinars on on
00:16:41 --> 00:16:44
			his marriage, and he paid another
3000 for a bird that was brought
00:16:44 --> 00:16:47
			from Mosul. The crazy thing is
like when you got a lot of money,
00:16:47 --> 00:16:48
			you spend that
00:16:49 --> 00:16:53
			it's happening in India today,
this newfound wealth, they're
00:16:53 --> 00:16:57
			doing all sorts of stuff, one of
the most expensive buildings have
00:16:57 --> 00:16:57
			gone up in India.
00:16:59 --> 00:17:01
			Right in Bombay more expensive
than anywhere in the world.
00:17:03 --> 00:17:07
			Right. Dubai, same thing. Just
some crazy stuff. In fact, right
00:17:07 --> 00:17:12
			now in Abu Dhabi, in one of the
malls, I think they've got a
00:17:12 --> 00:17:17
			Christmas tree studded with
sapphires, and diamonds and gold
00:17:17 --> 00:17:22
			and other stuff. 11 million
pounds. And they want to be they
00:17:22 --> 00:17:26
			want to be in the Guinness Book of
Records. And this is in Abu Dhabi,
00:17:27 --> 00:17:30
			then Abu This is an Abu Dhabi and
one of the most 11 million pounds
00:17:30 --> 00:17:31
00:17:32 --> 00:17:33
			Christmas tree.
00:17:34 --> 00:17:37
			It just just all, it's just all
expensive, just all expensive. So
00:17:37 --> 00:17:37
			any claim.
00:17:39 --> 00:17:41
			So this is what happens with a lot
of money to throw around people
00:17:41 --> 00:17:44
			that this is what money does to
you. So this is what was happening
00:17:44 --> 00:17:45
			then as well.
00:17:46 --> 00:17:50
			And one thing was that on eBay,
they would have, you know, like
00:17:50 --> 00:17:53
			Christmas Day, possessions,
marriage possessions, or eBay
00:17:53 --> 00:17:58
			possessions. And it was so long
and so big that the whole of
00:17:58 --> 00:18:01
			Baghdad would come out to see it.
It sold out was performed near
00:18:01 --> 00:18:02
			about midnight.
00:18:03 --> 00:18:06
			Because of precession ended at
midnight, four years later,
00:18:08 --> 00:18:10
			it was performed at sunset bit
00:18:11 --> 00:18:13
			Meaning sunset,
00:18:14 --> 00:18:18
			not the day before. Not the night
before. I mean, not the night
00:18:18 --> 00:18:22
			before, this is talking about
today's Eid. And the day is gone
00:18:22 --> 00:18:24
			after maghrib. And you praying,
you know, occasionally poor lady,
00:18:24 --> 00:18:28
			you know, just prayed at night. In
fact, some say that they even
00:18:28 --> 00:18:32
			studied bow, you know, the sign of
respect to the honorable people
00:18:32 --> 00:18:35
			was to actually bow down. So they
started doing all sorts of stuff,
00:18:35 --> 00:18:39
			all sorts of things. And you know,
a lot of the decadence that had
00:18:39 --> 00:18:42
			hit the Omega towards the end, it
seems like the Abbasids had a
00:18:42 --> 00:18:46
			similar problem, where they
started, some of them began to
00:18:46 --> 00:18:49
			confiscate lands or maybe the
rulers under them, the governors
00:18:49 --> 00:18:51
			under them began to confiscate
people's lands, and so on.
00:18:53 --> 00:18:56
			And this was all going on, while
the tortoise had already started
00:18:56 --> 00:18:59
			coming down. So the tortoise
started coming down from the steps
00:18:59 --> 00:19:03
			of Mongo, the Mongolian steps, and
it come down into Bahara, some
00:19:03 --> 00:19:06
			erkunden those areas and just
absolutely devastating those
00:19:06 --> 00:19:08
			areas. And all of this stuff was
going on in Baghdad.
00:19:10 --> 00:19:12
			And at the same time, what
happened but that was that when
00:19:12 --> 00:19:15
			the Holy finally discovered that
they were going to their sites are
00:19:15 --> 00:19:19
			now on boarded, which is because
initially the Tartars they
00:19:19 --> 00:19:24
			subjugated the seleukid Empire.
Now, as I mentioned earlier last
00:19:24 --> 00:19:29
			week, I think that although the
Caliphate was there in Baghdad,
00:19:29 --> 00:19:34
			many of the outlying areas were
affiliated, they were not
00:19:34 --> 00:19:36
			necessarily under the control of
the belief, but they were
00:19:36 --> 00:19:40
			affiliated and some are not even
affiliated because the different
00:19:40 --> 00:19:43
			rulers in the different areas had
declared their independence and
00:19:43 --> 00:19:49
			and were fighting with each other
to expand their land control. And
00:19:49 --> 00:19:52
			some of them would say that okay,
we're under the Khalifa Baraka,
00:19:52 --> 00:19:55
			but the Hadith had no power over
them, in a sense that it was just
00:19:56 --> 00:19:59
			a honorable agreement as such,
many of them even power, more
00:19:59 --> 00:20:00
00:20:00 --> 00:20:03
			More than the belief and the
Muslim army in Baghdad, for
00:20:03 --> 00:20:03
00:20:05 --> 00:20:07
			Like for example, you had the
Summon, it's up there. You had the
00:20:08 --> 00:20:13
			you had the soldier looks very,
very, very strong. And then you
00:20:13 --> 00:20:17
			had colorism show which I'll be
speaking about. In fact, there was
00:20:17 --> 00:20:22
			so much chaos then that came into
Baghdad that between 640 Hijiri
00:20:23 --> 00:20:26
			and 643 for three years, you know,
there used to be a royal caravan
00:20:26 --> 00:20:30
			that would go for Hajj, an
arrangement for the hajis that
00:20:30 --> 00:20:33
			will take about six months for
preparation so on three years, no
00:20:33 --> 00:20:34
			Hajj caravan.
00:20:35 --> 00:20:38
			And because they were the rulers
and they were the leaders of the
00:20:38 --> 00:20:42
			Muslim empire, the Muslim lands,
the Muslim people that Ameerul
00:20:42 --> 00:20:46
			Momineen. As such, they were
responsible for cloth for putting
00:20:46 --> 00:20:49
			the cloth on the Kaaba draping the
Kaaba. For three years, it
00:20:49 --> 00:20:54
			remained without a cloth as well.
In fact, no, that was on one year,
00:20:54 --> 00:20:58
			it remained without a call for 21
days. And people really took that
00:20:58 --> 00:21:00
			as a bad omen that something bad
is going to happen because look at
00:21:00 --> 00:21:05
			the situation right now. I'm at
Abbas succeeded his father Khalifa
00:21:05 --> 00:21:09
			Al Mustafa BiLlah in 575. Now
remember, this is signaling the
00:21:09 --> 00:21:16
			end of the Abbasids. His title was
a Nasser Lydian Allah. And now
00:21:16 --> 00:21:19
			sadly, they told you that they had
these special titles. His father
00:21:19 --> 00:21:24
			was Mr. Lee biller. This one is a
Nasim Lydian Allah, the helper of
00:21:24 --> 00:21:28
			the deen of Allah. The Mustafi
means the one who takes light
00:21:29 --> 00:21:33
			although a nasally demon Allah
although also I explained to you
00:21:33 --> 00:21:36
			that the police should be going
one after the other because maybe
00:21:37 --> 00:21:40
			they'd get so old that Okay, the
next one would become Khalifa and
00:21:40 --> 00:21:42
			then he'd die in the next one.
He's got a few years left and he'd
00:21:42 --> 00:21:45
			become a leaf, and so on and so
00:21:46 --> 00:21:48
			So he's,
00:21:50 --> 00:21:53
			he ruled a lot. This anassa Lydian
Allah rule, the longest of the
00:21:53 --> 00:21:57
			Abbasids 46 years was the longest
that they that any one of their
00:21:57 --> 00:22:02
			monarchs or kings or leaves ruled,
but it was probably the darkest
00:22:02 --> 00:22:05
			rule as well. He was a violent
person very tyrannical.
00:22:07 --> 00:22:10
			He died in 622 Ah.
00:22:11 --> 00:22:13
			And then was stern said biller
00:22:14 --> 00:22:18
			was some said biller became he
ascended the throne. He was he was
00:22:18 --> 00:22:22
			a lot more mild. He was a very
pious man, half of the Quran. The
00:22:22 --> 00:22:25
			problem is that he was very
focused on his worship and so on.
00:22:25 --> 00:22:29
			He wasn't a very ruling person,
when not a very strategic person,
00:22:29 --> 00:22:33
			so very pious individual, no
complaints on his personality.
00:22:34 --> 00:22:38
			Right. But he was not an
administrator as such.
00:22:39 --> 00:22:41
			He was succeeded.
00:22:42 --> 00:22:46
			Actually Muslims had villa was in
between sorry, Muslims villa was
00:22:46 --> 00:22:50
			in between, it's actually his son,
Mustafa Cymbala, who I'm speaking
00:22:50 --> 00:22:54
			about as the pious person, very
weak, very weak person. He fasted
00:22:54 --> 00:22:58
			on Mondays Thursdays, and so on
and so forth. He had a very there
00:22:58 --> 00:23:02
			was a very strong man in Baghdad
at the time, whose name was What
00:23:02 --> 00:23:08
			are you to do Mohamed YBNL alchemy
very famous, very powerful man, a
00:23:08 --> 00:23:13
			minister. He was a Shiite. And
this time was also a time when the
00:23:13 --> 00:23:15
			Shiites and Sunnis had a major
00:23:16 --> 00:23:17
			problem in Baghdad.
00:23:19 --> 00:23:22
			So what happened at one time is
that some Shiites may have been
00:23:22 --> 00:23:26
			attacked in an area or something.
So this internal alchemy wanted to
00:23:26 --> 00:23:31
			take revenge. And although he was
affiliated to the Hadith, he was
00:23:31 --> 00:23:36
			secretly against him. He saw that
the Mongols are coming. So what he
00:23:36 --> 00:23:39
			did was, he suggested to the
Hadith that we don't really need
00:23:39 --> 00:23:44
			this many troops. And they told
many of the troops to go and do
00:23:44 --> 00:23:47
			something else get into business
or whatever. So many of them were
00:23:47 --> 00:23:50
			left without jobs, and they had to
beg in the streets. This is also
00:23:50 --> 00:23:54
			all a tact and a ploy. It goes
into a lot more detail than this.
00:23:54 --> 00:23:57
			I'm just giving you an overview.
So he disbanded many of the
00:23:57 --> 00:23:58
00:23:59 --> 00:24:04
			Now, although most Tarsem was a
perfect character, in a sense, but
00:24:04 --> 00:24:10
			the thing is what he had inherited
from the leafs before him was not
00:24:10 --> 00:24:13
			readable. It was not something you
could remedy. So although he was
00:24:13 --> 00:24:16
			great in his own cell, there was
nothing he could do, because he
00:24:16 --> 00:24:21
			got a very weak empire. So when
they attacked, there was nothing
00:24:21 --> 00:24:25
			he could do. Right. So we'll wait
to talk about his final end. But
00:24:25 --> 00:24:28
			what we want to speak about is
that in the eastern part of the
00:24:28 --> 00:24:33
			Muslim world, you had the kingdom
of tourism, however, is just to
00:24:33 --> 00:24:38
			give you an idea where ism is
really north up there above.
00:24:39 --> 00:24:43
			Uzbekistan. It may be in
Kazakhstan today. I didn't get a
00:24:43 --> 00:24:47
			chance to look again. But it's
definitely above the Amu Darya and
00:24:47 --> 00:24:52
			Syr it's above it's above the
Caspian Sea. So it's very north.
00:24:53 --> 00:24:55
			Now, the Sultan
00:24:56 --> 00:24:58
			Allah Deen Mohammed Hawa is him
00:25:00 --> 00:25:00
00:25:01 --> 00:25:06
			was a very powerful man. His main
focus he was a very pious person
00:25:06 --> 00:25:09
			in the sense that very Dini
inclined very religious, very
00:25:09 --> 00:25:14
			righteous. But when it came to
power, he his whole focus was of
00:25:14 --> 00:25:18
			sub, subjugating all of the
surrounding areas under his rule.
00:25:18 --> 00:25:22
			That means a sell Jukes before he
was a Seljuks. So
00:25:24 --> 00:25:24
00:25:25 --> 00:25:31
			went around subjugating Egypt,
Syria, Iraq, ages, Asia Minor, and
00:25:31 --> 00:25:35
			the horrors of Afghanistan. He was
one of the most powerful monarchs
00:25:35 --> 00:25:39
			of his time. So he forced us
Seljuks to retreat to the furthest
00:25:39 --> 00:25:40
			ends of their lands.
00:25:41 --> 00:25:42
00:25:43 --> 00:25:48
			he stopped the Hornets from
expanding anymore. He subjugated
00:25:48 --> 00:25:51
			Hora son. So that's the entire
chorus and area which was under
00:25:51 --> 00:25:56
			the hoods before for us on his
part of Iran. And part of a funny
00:25:56 --> 00:25:58
			Stan today, if that is done is
called ASAN,
00:25:59 --> 00:26:05
			Mazandaran, Gearman, Ghazni and ma
na. So he took that entire area,
00:26:06 --> 00:26:07
			it worked out his troops.
00:26:08 --> 00:26:12
			And, again, they were affected by
the opulence and luxury because of
00:26:12 --> 00:26:17
			all of the great things that were
brought to the the center of the
00:26:17 --> 00:26:17
00:26:19 --> 00:26:21
			But we don't really know what
happened because a lot of them,
00:26:21 --> 00:26:24
			you don't really know much about
how our ism Shah because when they
00:26:24 --> 00:26:28
			were destroyed, all their history
was wiped out. Because of the
00:26:28 --> 00:26:32
			touches. They erased everything so
you don't really know much about
00:26:32 --> 00:26:35
			them and what who what were their
alma were like, what's going on
00:26:35 --> 00:26:38
			what happened? We don't really
know much about that, about that
00:26:38 --> 00:26:41
			time. The one big mistake that the
Sultan made
00:26:43 --> 00:26:46
			was a similar mistake that the
Moors of Spain, meaning the
00:26:46 --> 00:26:49
			Muslims of Spain, the Muslim
rulers, the Ahmadiyya Muslim
00:26:49 --> 00:26:51
			rulers now, you know, the
Romanians had finished had been
00:26:51 --> 00:26:55
			overtaken by the Abbasids in
Baghdad in Damascus in the
00:26:55 --> 00:26:59
			mainland Muslim area. But this
area that had been taken by
00:27:00 --> 00:27:06
			Barak bin Zayed and and the Lucia
was ruled by some remnants of the,
00:27:07 --> 00:27:11
			of the Obama years. And they had
separated themselves from they had
00:27:11 --> 00:27:15
			separated themselves from the
abusive caliphate. So when they
00:27:15 --> 00:27:19
			were attacked, the Abbas is didn't
help them. And they would say they
00:27:19 --> 00:27:21
			were completely annihilated and
wiped out.
00:27:22 --> 00:27:26
			So we learned a number of things
from here that link Association,
00:27:27 --> 00:27:31
			and cooperation is extremely
important. But anyway, that was a
00:27:31 --> 00:27:35
			sight point. But the mistake that
they had made, and the mistake
00:27:35 --> 00:27:38
			that colourism had made, is that
he took all of these areas and the
00:27:38 --> 00:27:41
			areas that he had taken where they
were non Muslims, he did not
00:27:41 --> 00:27:43
			really encourage them to become
00:27:45 --> 00:27:48
			You subjugated them, but did not
really spread the data there. So
00:27:48 --> 00:27:51
			the main thing is the data, he did
not do that. Neither did they do
00:27:51 --> 00:27:56
			that in neither did they do that
in Spain, as much as they should
00:27:56 --> 00:27:57
00:27:58 --> 00:28:03
			And because of that, when there's
a backlash, then there's going to
00:28:03 --> 00:28:08
			be a backlash. But if you have
been able to bring them to your
00:28:08 --> 00:28:09
			way of thinking,
00:28:10 --> 00:28:14
			it doesn't, the the backlash isn't
so strong. And that's the new type
00:28:14 --> 00:28:19
			of warfare nowadays, that these
great superpowers they don't go
00:28:19 --> 00:28:22
			and necessarily subjugate them and
want to continue to rule them
00:28:22 --> 00:28:25
			directly. But they make them so
00:28:26 --> 00:28:33
			westernized or rationalized, or
whatever you want to call it. You
00:28:33 --> 00:28:37
			know, as far as the impact goes,
that you don't have to rule them
00:28:37 --> 00:28:42
			directly anymore. They, they are
allies, and they will work with
00:28:42 --> 00:28:45
			you. So in terms of that kind of
political foresight he didn't have
00:28:45 --> 00:28:49
			but he was a very brave, very
brave, extremely strong and
00:28:49 --> 00:28:53
			powerful man, that he took all of
these areas. Now what happened is
00:28:55 --> 00:28:58
			the Sultan of the
00:28:59 --> 00:29:01
			Genghis Khan had sent a messenger,
00:29:02 --> 00:29:05
			one of his men to cover him
shudder. Look, you're the ruler of
00:29:05 --> 00:29:09
			a mighty empire. And we have this
mighty empire because they take in
00:29:09 --> 00:29:13
			China that taken Beijing and you
know, they ruled a massive empire.
00:29:15 --> 00:29:18
			So we should have some trade
agreement. So that was agreed to.
00:29:19 --> 00:29:22
			But then what happened is that a
group of traders were killed by
00:29:22 --> 00:29:26
			this colorism shadow put to death
for some reason. Nobody knew the
00:29:26 --> 00:29:28
			reason. So Genghis Khan
00:29:29 --> 00:29:34
			sent a group of ambassadors to go
and find out what happened. You
00:29:34 --> 00:29:36
			know, find out if it was the if it
was their problem, it's fine. If
00:29:36 --> 00:29:40
			it's not, we'll see. Now, this
colorism shop probably lacked
00:29:40 --> 00:29:44
			enough foresight and probably very
tyrannical in that sense. He
00:29:44 --> 00:29:48
			killed these ambassadors as well.
That's something you don't do
00:29:48 --> 00:29:51
			according to internationally
agreed laws. You know, you don't
00:29:51 --> 00:29:55
			do that. When he did that.
colourism Shah made a few
00:29:55 --> 00:29:59
			statements. He said they can only
be one Harken. They can't be too
00:29:59 --> 00:29:59
00:30:00 --> 00:30:06
			cons under the sun and the storm
burst forth in 616. Ah,
00:30:08 --> 00:30:12
			Bara came first, absolutely razed
to the ground. The Bokhara was a
00:30:12 --> 00:30:17
			magnificent city, because it was
the center of the Somali Empire.
00:30:17 --> 00:30:23
			The library, the Royal Somani
library of Bahara was such that
00:30:24 --> 00:30:28
			every center Ignosi now says that
when I entered the ISO books in
00:30:28 --> 00:30:32
			there that I'd heard about before,
but never seen, and I also saw the
00:30:32 --> 00:30:37
			in the books that I'd never even
heard about. So bar was entirely
00:30:37 --> 00:30:42
			raised. And all the inhabitants
put to the sword. I mean, they
00:30:42 --> 00:30:46
			were not enslaved, they were put
to the sword they were killed.
00:30:47 --> 00:30:50
			You're talking about hundreds of
1000s of people just absolutely
00:30:51 --> 00:30:52
			destroyed and killed.
00:30:54 --> 00:30:57
			Some are conned and they will just
take down everything someone
00:30:57 --> 00:31:01
			comes. That's the other great city
and obviously we don't even
00:31:01 --> 00:31:03
			mention the smaller cities but
Bara is further north from
00:31:03 --> 00:31:10
			somewhere and reduced to ashes.
entire population destroyed. Then
00:31:10 --> 00:31:15
			came Ray Ray is where Iran is
where Tehran is today in Iran.
00:31:15 --> 00:31:20
			That was a major area major city
then re hum done, again Hamptons
00:31:20 --> 00:31:25
			and gern. Because we in all of
this in Iran today, moral Nisha,
00:31:25 --> 00:31:27
			poor Nisha poor is where Imam
00:31:28 --> 00:31:29
			Muslim came from.
00:31:31 --> 00:31:35
			It met the same feat. The forts of
the forces of Hawaii is him Shah
00:31:35 --> 00:31:37
			despite their power and they were
able to subjugate they were the
00:31:37 --> 00:31:41
			strongest power of the Muslim
land. They were literally just
00:31:41 --> 00:31:44
			wiped away by the forces of the
00:31:45 --> 00:31:48
			and colourism Shah himself. I
mean, they couldn't even stand for
00:31:48 --> 00:31:52
			for too long. They were just wiped
away. What is him Shah managed to
00:31:52 --> 00:31:55
			escape running from one area to
the next one area to the next,
00:31:55 --> 00:32:00
			until finally he took refuge in
some unknown island in the Caspian
00:32:00 --> 00:32:05
			Sea, where he finally died his own
death, heartbroken, completely
00:32:05 --> 00:32:11
			abandoned and alone. And this is
the great colorism Shah. Now the
00:32:11 --> 00:32:15
			thing is that because colorism
Shah had dismembered the
00:32:15 --> 00:32:19
			independent kingdoms and hid, when
his force when there was no force
00:32:19 --> 00:32:23
			left, to be able to deal with
these touches, the Muslims are so
00:32:23 --> 00:32:26
			seized by this fear because
Subhanallah they never felt
00:32:26 --> 00:32:31
			anything like this, that it became
known that if you hear that the
00:32:31 --> 00:32:34
			Tatas, any small army of the
TARDIS has been
00:32:35 --> 00:32:38
			defeated somewhere you don't
believe it? It's they are
00:32:38 --> 00:32:42
			invincible. They are not, they are
not it's not possible to defeat
00:32:42 --> 00:32:47
			them. Once a Mongol woman dressed
as a man plunder the house killing
00:32:47 --> 00:32:49
			everybody in there, except one,
there was only one that last one
00:32:49 --> 00:32:52
			figured out. He's a woman that he
got enough courage to go on
00:32:52 --> 00:32:57
			attacker. And it's true, they say
that sometimes Mongolia would come
00:32:57 --> 00:33:01
			and say just wait gonna get a
sword. And the person will
00:33:01 --> 00:33:04
			actually stand until you got a
sword and then come and cut his
00:33:04 --> 00:33:05
			head off and you won't have the
00:33:06 --> 00:33:11
			ability to run away. It's just so
struck with fear. This was just a
00:33:11 --> 00:33:14
			terrible force that just took
everything in its weak, and they
00:33:14 --> 00:33:15
			never suffered a defeat.
00:33:16 --> 00:33:18
			So great calamity scourge of God.
00:33:20 --> 00:33:23
			Nearly all the Muslims were swept
older by some of the major areas
00:33:23 --> 00:33:27
			of the Muslims were swept away.
Palaces, mosques, Muslims,
00:33:27 --> 00:33:31
			everything was just leveled to the
ground. Books in Baghdad, and you
00:33:31 --> 00:33:34
			know, all the big libraries were
just thrown into the rivers just
00:33:34 --> 00:33:38
			completely destroyed. No respect
for anything. Absolute barbarians,
00:33:38 --> 00:33:42
			in a sense. You know, they had
their own religion, some are
00:33:42 --> 00:33:45
			Buddhists, some, some had this
shamanism, some had some other
00:33:46 --> 00:33:50
			religions, but they had no respect
for any of this. So it wasn't just
00:33:50 --> 00:33:52
			them that they were trembling.
There were other areas. You know,
00:33:52 --> 00:33:55
			the nun was some Muslims, non
Muslims in other areas were also
00:33:55 --> 00:34:00
			impacted by this. They overcame
vast deserts it says barriers of
00:34:00 --> 00:34:06
			mountains did not stop them, or
cease severity of climates, rage
00:34:06 --> 00:34:09
			of famine and pestilence, nothing
stopped them. They just walked
00:34:09 --> 00:34:13
			over everything. That's why it's
led a number of scholars to
00:34:13 --> 00:34:15
			believe that this was actually a
fusion module.
00:34:16 --> 00:34:20
			There is an minority but there is
a large number of these scholars
00:34:20 --> 00:34:23
			who actually believe that when we
talk about Gog Magog, it's talking
00:34:23 --> 00:34:24
			about these titles because of the
00:34:25 --> 00:34:29
			the destruction that they play
through the lens. You can only
00:34:29 --> 00:34:31
			describe them as yet huge, huge.
00:34:32 --> 00:34:34
			Can you imagine it? That is one
00:34:36 --> 00:34:41
			However, is him Shah. Small
mistake he makes which for him was
00:34:41 --> 00:34:45
			insignificant lead to such a
thing, but we can't really just
00:34:45 --> 00:34:48
			blame him. We have to blame the
state of the Muslim lands and the
00:34:48 --> 00:34:50
			Muslims of the time.
00:34:51 --> 00:34:55
			So they started with Genghis Khan,
and it ended with his grandson,
00:34:55 --> 00:35:00
			Kublai Khan, when the Mongol
Empire broke up, finally in 650
00:35:00 --> 00:35:04
			Sikhs, they advanced to Baghdad,
killing everybody in the in the
00:35:04 --> 00:35:09
			way, trembling into Deus, whatever
they could not possess. For a
00:35:09 --> 00:35:12
			month in Baghdad, they killed
00:35:13 --> 00:35:15
			1,800,000 dead
00:35:16 --> 00:35:18
			in a city of two and a half
million people.
00:35:20 --> 00:35:21
			That is not a joke.
00:35:22 --> 00:35:27
			In a city of 2.5 million people,
we're talking about
00:35:28 --> 00:35:33
			1,800,000 people that what
percentage is that?
00:35:34 --> 00:35:39
			That's about 60s 60 65% of the
Christians were allowed. I mean,
00:35:39 --> 00:35:41
			they had a special relationship
with the Christians, and they were
00:35:41 --> 00:35:45
			allowed to carry it carry on. So
they split that up into four
00:35:45 --> 00:35:48
			different areas, the Armenian
area, that sorry, the Christian
00:35:48 --> 00:35:49
00:35:50 --> 00:35:51
00:35:52 --> 00:35:55
			it made the Muslims heartburn
because the Christians were kind
00:35:55 --> 00:35:56
			of becoming dominant there.
00:35:57 --> 00:36:00
			Then they went to hub, a hub is
the north of Syria. So you have
00:36:00 --> 00:36:02
			Halloween at the top, which is
00:36:03 --> 00:36:07
			very close to the Turkish border.
And next to Iraq. Iraq is on the
00:36:07 --> 00:36:13
			on the east of it. So they came
first to hub. After Hollub comes
00:36:13 --> 00:36:18
			Hermsen hammer, then comes
Damascus. And then after Damascus,
00:36:18 --> 00:36:22
			you go further south, and then you
can get into the Sinai and you can
00:36:22 --> 00:36:26
			get to Egypt. So that's where they
were going. So they first they
00:36:26 --> 00:36:31
			took Hollub or Aleppo was
recorded. Then they turned to
00:36:31 --> 00:36:35
			Damascus and captured it in 658.
00:36:36 --> 00:36:41
			Ah, two years after Baghdad, the
Christians began to sprinkle the
00:36:41 --> 00:36:43
			wine on the Muslims and in the
masjid, I mean, they again they
00:36:43 --> 00:36:45
			had a good relationship with the
00:36:46 --> 00:36:48
			Muslims couldn't dare do anything.
00:36:49 --> 00:36:51
			They didn't destroy everybody
didn't destroy the Muslims in
00:36:51 --> 00:36:55
			Damascus, but it subjugated them
and gave the Christians the upper
00:36:55 --> 00:37:02
			hand. They wanted Egypt. And this
there was a shift is the Dean
00:37:02 --> 00:37:04
			Dibner Abdus Salam in Egypt.
00:37:05 --> 00:37:09
			He really encouraged a medical
model for sayfudine Give him a lot
00:37:09 --> 00:37:12
			of homies that Allah will help you
Allah will help you. You need to
00:37:12 --> 00:37:15
			attack them before they come here.
Because if they come here, then
00:37:15 --> 00:37:20
			Egypt is gone. So finally, you
summon up the courage and
00:37:22 --> 00:37:25
			they decided to attack the
tortoise in Syria meaning in Sham
00:37:25 --> 00:37:30
			in that general levant area. So at
Angel loot, which is just below
00:37:30 --> 00:37:35
			Nazareth, 25th of Ramadan 650 58
00:37:36 --> 00:37:40
			Ah, under Baybars, who later
became the Sultan,
00:37:41 --> 00:37:46
			sovereign of Egypt called Sultan
Baybars. That Tatas were first for
00:37:46 --> 00:37:49
			the first time driven back. Many
were slaughtered and they were
00:37:49 --> 00:37:55
			purse pursued, pursued. And this
discipline, this proved in the
00:37:55 --> 00:37:58
			minds of people that they were
00:37:59 --> 00:38:02
			It gave him to a lot of people.
00:38:03 --> 00:38:05
			what the sword could not do,
00:38:06 --> 00:38:10
			was done by the preaching of many
religious people, many Dini
00:38:10 --> 00:38:13
			scholars and pious ascetics,
00:38:14 --> 00:38:18
			this group of people the scourge
of God, as they call it, these
00:38:19 --> 00:38:23
			huge, huge Metaphorically
speaking, we would say,
00:38:23 --> 00:38:24
			metaphorically speaking,
00:38:25 --> 00:38:28
			how would you expect them to
become the champions of Islam,
00:38:29 --> 00:38:32
			when they've just needed destroyed
so much of it? I mean, that's some
00:38:32 --> 00:38:36
			of the that's the majority of the
main Muslim lands were being
00:38:36 --> 00:38:40
			destroyed. You're talking about
all of Hora sun and ma na, you're
00:38:40 --> 00:38:44
			talking about Baghdad and the
surrounding areas of Iraq and Iran
00:38:44 --> 00:38:47
			is all gone. Right, Asia Minor is
all gone.
00:38:48 --> 00:38:50
			All the way up to the north to the
00:38:51 --> 00:38:52
00:38:53 --> 00:38:58
			or much of Sharm Egypt, his left.
So can you imagine that?
00:39:00 --> 00:39:03
			Now the title is, we don't have
time to go into that much detail.
00:39:03 --> 00:39:08
			But if you want to listen to more
detail, I've actually done a more
00:39:08 --> 00:39:11
			detailed talk about that. Right,
which is part of the series of
00:39:11 --> 00:39:15
			Islamic spirit seriously, you
could read shapeable Hassan Ali
00:39:15 --> 00:39:17
			nadwi his book called savings of
Islamic spirit, and I'm sure
00:39:17 --> 00:39:23
			there's a number of other writings
about the Tatas Harold lamb has a
00:39:23 --> 00:39:28
			quite a decent account of how it
is him Shah and the Tatas and what
00:39:28 --> 00:39:31
			happened and then their
conversion. So I mean, these are
00:39:31 --> 00:39:36
			all these are all different
resources that you could resort
00:39:36 --> 00:39:42
			to. But basic overview is that
these Tatas after Kublai Khan,
00:39:43 --> 00:39:44
			they split up.
00:39:45 --> 00:39:48
			The Saudis heritage of Genghis
Khan is split up into four
00:39:48 --> 00:39:52
			dominions, very vast land. I mean,
they take it I mean, hello from
00:39:52 --> 00:39:56
			China to Sham. So this is very
vast land. So it's split up into
00:39:56 --> 00:39:59
			four different four different
00:40:00 --> 00:40:02
			four different sections. One was
00:40:03 --> 00:40:09
			called the western portion was
called the was was ruled by the
00:40:09 --> 00:40:10
			son of GG Han,
00:40:11 --> 00:40:16
			who was the son of Genghis Khan.
His name was Berto and he was the
00:40:16 --> 00:40:18
			heart of the Golden Horde, so
their name was the Golden Horde
00:40:19 --> 00:40:25
			1256 1267 They finally turned to
his and they were probably one of
00:40:25 --> 00:40:28
			the first to turn to Islam.
Because a caravan of merchants
00:40:28 --> 00:40:34
			were passing by, and Masha they
did such great power that they
00:40:34 --> 00:40:37
			influenced his brother. And then
00:40:38 --> 00:40:42
			he actually had an alliance with
Sultan Baybars. afterwards. They
00:40:42 --> 00:40:43
			had some problems, but
00:40:45 --> 00:40:49
			basically they the cons of the
Golden Horde, they became Muslim
00:40:49 --> 00:40:53
			so the Western hands they became
they became Muslim. The second one
00:40:53 --> 00:40:55
			was the ill khanate
00:40:57 --> 00:41:00
			HELOC, who was the founder of the
HELOC. Wuhan was the founder of
00:41:00 --> 00:41:00
00:41:01 --> 00:41:05
			HELOC in Arabic means destruction
by the way, HELOC Wuhan was
00:41:05 --> 00:41:06
			perfect name.
00:41:08 --> 00:41:12
			This dynasty was primarily in
Iran, currently Iran today, the
00:41:12 --> 00:41:16
			progress of Islam there was much
slower, because they had an
00:41:16 --> 00:41:17
			alliance with the Christians.
00:41:19 --> 00:41:19
00:41:21 --> 00:41:24
			his son abba, abba Kohan, married
the daughter of the emperor of
00:41:24 --> 00:41:26
			Constantinople, which was
00:41:27 --> 00:41:30
			But then, slowly, slowly,
00:41:31 --> 00:41:37
			there was a conversion in one of
the subsequent generations. And
00:41:37 --> 00:41:39
			finally, after a lot of turmoil
00:41:40 --> 00:41:41
			goes on Han,
00:41:43 --> 00:41:46
			who was one of the greatest of the
ill hands he became Muslim.
00:41:48 --> 00:41:51
			Still waiting for somebody with
that name. Just such a majestic
00:41:52 --> 00:41:56
			sounding name goes on what's your
name, brother goes on. Like take
00:41:56 --> 00:41:59
			take the world anyway.
00:42:00 --> 00:42:03
			So they made Islam the ruling
religion of Persia.
00:42:04 --> 00:42:08
			He was brought up a Buddhist but
then became Muslim. They did a lot
00:42:08 --> 00:42:11
			then to to encourage others to
become Muslim, they would shower
00:42:11 --> 00:42:13
			them with gifts if they became
Muslim, and so on.
00:42:14 --> 00:42:18
			The third one was called the
Middle Kingdom. A third of them
00:42:18 --> 00:42:19
			was called the Middle Kingdom.
00:42:21 --> 00:42:25
			Some of these, some of their
rulers had Muslim ministers, but
00:42:25 --> 00:42:28
			didn't really affect them. In
fact, Chagatai Han harassed the
00:42:28 --> 00:42:32
			Muslims, he harassed the Muslims a
lot. And
00:42:34 --> 00:42:36
			finally, some of the
00:42:37 --> 00:42:41
			against some of their descendants
became Muslim. Then this Chagatai
00:42:41 --> 00:42:44
			Hans Kingdom broke up so this
middle kingdom actually then broke
00:42:44 --> 00:42:50
			up into smaller factions. And one
of there was a prince, one of them
00:42:50 --> 00:42:57
			whose son, the prince, whose name
was Doug look, Taymor, Han. He was
00:42:58 --> 00:42:58
			in some
00:43:00 --> 00:43:01
			area of his way used to go
00:43:02 --> 00:43:07
			And this very pious man, Kaushik
jamaludin, had strayed into that
00:43:07 --> 00:43:09
			area by mistake. So the
00:43:10 --> 00:43:16
			he was captured and brought to
this prince Douglas de Mohan. And
00:43:16 --> 00:43:17
			he said a lot of bad things to
00:43:18 --> 00:43:22
			He said, You when he heard his a
Persian said, your Western a dog.
00:43:23 --> 00:43:25
			They really hated the Persian. He
said, You're worse than a dog.
00:43:26 --> 00:43:27
			So the Sheikh said, yeah,
00:43:29 --> 00:43:29
00:43:31 --> 00:43:35
			I don't die on the true faith,
absolutely. I'm Western a dog. So
00:43:35 --> 00:43:37
			when he heard that, that wasn't an
answer, that he was used to
00:43:38 --> 00:43:40
			equilibrium. What are you talking
about? What are you talking about?
00:43:40 --> 00:43:43
			If I die if I don't die to to true
faith, what is the truth faith you
00:43:43 --> 00:43:46
			speak about? Because this con was
a bit of an intellectual person
00:43:46 --> 00:43:48
			and you're seeking spiritual kind
of person.
00:43:49 --> 00:43:52
			He then explained what Islam was
all about. And he talked about
00:43:52 --> 00:43:54
			eternal salvation in the
00:43:55 --> 00:44:00
			And this melted this hands hot to
such a degree when he saw this
00:44:00 --> 00:44:03
			terrible picture that was drawn in
front of him of the hellfire and
00:44:03 --> 00:44:06
			so on. It really affected him. But
he said, You know what, right now,
00:44:06 --> 00:44:09
			my father, I know he's not going
to change. But the day I ascend
00:44:09 --> 00:44:12
			the throne, I want you to come to
me, and then I'll take care of it.
00:44:12 --> 00:44:15
			You know, we will I will become
Muslim. And you know, we will
00:44:15 --> 00:44:16
			we'll, we'll move on from there.
00:44:18 --> 00:44:21
			The thing is that it took a while
for his father today. His father
00:44:21 --> 00:44:24
			didn't die very soon. In the
meantime, Sheikh jamaludin, passed
00:44:24 --> 00:44:29
			away. But before he passed away,
he told his son, Rashid, the dean,
00:44:29 --> 00:44:31
			that when this prince becomes the
Han, you need to go to him and
00:44:31 --> 00:44:34
			remind him of the promise that he
made to me.
00:44:35 --> 00:44:39
			So when he passed away, and
Tagalog became king Rashid, the
00:44:39 --> 00:44:42
			Dean went to find him and went to
his camp. He couldn't get close.
00:44:43 --> 00:44:46
			Nobody would let him get there.
Nobody would let him get to the
00:44:46 --> 00:44:49
			king. Some normal person go and
want to speak to the king. You
00:44:49 --> 00:44:50
			don't just get there like that.
00:44:51 --> 00:44:55
			So finally, he decided that where
the king king was camped out, he
00:44:55 --> 00:44:59
			went close to that area and began
to give along louder than in the
00:44:59 --> 00:44:59
00:45:00 --> 00:45:04
			Don't disturb the king kings or
what is this? And he had brought
00:45:04 --> 00:45:08
			in front of him. And that's when
he reminded him. So the king said,
00:45:08 --> 00:45:11
			I've been waiting for your list
time. And I've been thinking about
00:45:11 --> 00:45:12
			I've been waiting for you if
you've been,
00:45:13 --> 00:45:14
			he became Muslim.
00:45:16 --> 00:45:21
			And Arnold, speaking about this
tortoise, about Genghis Khan,
00:45:21 --> 00:45:23
			actually, he says,
00:45:24 --> 00:45:27
			in that morning, the sun of bounty
rose out of the east of divine
00:45:27 --> 00:45:32
			favor, and he faced the dark night
of unbelief. Can you imagine the
00:45:32 --> 00:45:34
			sincerity of this chef
00:45:36 --> 00:45:41
			jamaludin and his son that because
of that this entire third kingdom,
00:45:41 --> 00:45:44
			called the Middle Kingdom now
comes under Islam.
00:45:45 --> 00:45:48
			Then finally, you had the fourth
one, which was the branch of the
00:45:48 --> 00:45:48
			Golden Horde.
00:45:50 --> 00:45:54
			So this was a branch of the Golden
Horde, which was succeeded by Olga
00:45:54 --> 00:45:57
			de Haan, the third son of Genghis
00:45:58 --> 00:46:02
			under which Kublai Khan brought
the whole of China. So this was
00:46:02 --> 00:46:06
			the part that was under China.
Okay, they became Muslim, after
00:46:06 --> 00:46:12
			become after being a Buddhist in
this way. Now, Islam spread right
00:46:12 --> 00:46:19
			through all of the four different
kingdoms of the same Tartars that
00:46:19 --> 00:46:25
			had just a few years before,
sought to destroy, destroy it. And
00:46:25 --> 00:46:28
			they became some of the greatest
some of the greatest of their
00:46:28 --> 00:46:31
			descendants. Some of them became
some of the greatest scholars, you
00:46:31 --> 00:46:35
			have the fatawa of kadhi Han, and
you have numerous scholars that
00:46:35 --> 00:46:39
			came from under them, and many
defenders of Islam. So that's
00:46:39 --> 00:46:44
			speaking about the Titus. Now, as
I mentioned, the Prophet
00:46:44 --> 00:46:46
			sallallahu sallam said a number of
other things. I'd mentioned only
00:46:46 --> 00:46:49
			that one Hadith, which just
describe them.
00:46:50 --> 00:46:53
			Now, let's look at a few other
Hadith about this. There's a
00:46:53 --> 00:46:59
			hadith which says that otaku,
Turk, Matata, qoocam, leave the
00:46:59 --> 00:47:03
			Turks alone, or the Turkic people
alone, because when you say Turks
00:47:03 --> 00:47:06
			today refers to people of Turkey,
and it's not just those this a lot
00:47:06 --> 00:47:10
			faster than that. Leave the Turks
00:47:11 --> 00:47:15
			as long as they leave you alone,
for in a word, I mean, yesterday
00:47:15 --> 00:47:19
			or Marti Mulcair. Home ban
00:47:20 --> 00:47:26
			Because the first group are the
first people who will dispossess
00:47:26 --> 00:47:30
			or plunder my ummah, their
sovereignty, will plunder their
00:47:30 --> 00:47:34
			sovereignty and their their
kingdom will be the bunu Contura.
00:47:35 --> 00:47:38
			That's referring to them. In
another version, it says For in
00:47:38 --> 00:47:42
			the home as * but since
shrouded in wahana, in home Calida
00:47:43 --> 00:47:49
			they are people of great power and
strength, great force, and they
00:47:49 --> 00:47:53
			have a name, their booty is very
minimal, which could either mean
00:47:53 --> 00:47:56
			that they don't take much booty,
they just destroy everything, or
00:47:56 --> 00:48:01
			that if you, you know, they don't
leave much for you. You might know
00:48:01 --> 00:48:04
			he says that all of these
ahaadeeth IRA marches of the
00:48:04 --> 00:48:07
			Prophet sallallahu sallam, you
couldn't even see the signs of
00:48:07 --> 00:48:11
			this. Nobody would believe that
this could happen until the sixth
00:48:11 --> 00:48:15
			century. So this is a prophecy and
a miracle of the Prophet salallahu
00:48:15 --> 00:48:19
			Alaihe Salam because he says how
the hill Hadith Kulu hamara jeiza
00:48:20 --> 00:48:24
			Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam
forgot the Arafa Ha ha ha. Willa,
00:48:24 --> 00:48:29
			it took be Jimmy is refer to him
or forgot Arafa Allah Iturbi Jimmy
00:48:29 --> 00:48:32
			Sivaji mulata coronaria sallallahu
alayhi salam, we'll call it Elohim
00:48:32 --> 00:48:37
			al musli. Munna Murat, because of
the rodef, I would read it like
00:48:37 --> 00:48:39
			that. This is the emergence of the
prophets of Allah or you Salam,
00:48:39 --> 00:48:45
			because the state of these Turkic
people was known with all of the
00:48:45 --> 00:48:49
			characteristics exactly, as the
prophecy lost them and mentioned
00:48:49 --> 00:48:53
			it, and the Muslims had to fight
with them a number on a number of
00:48:53 --> 00:48:53
00:48:55 --> 00:48:58
			Now, if you take this in a broader
sense about fighting with the
00:48:58 --> 00:49:02
			Turks, as mentioned here in this
hadith, then it could apply to
00:49:02 --> 00:49:06
			many different groups. Allah
zahavi, you mentioned, Connor,
00:49:07 --> 00:49:10
			that from the different times and
the different occasions when the
00:49:10 --> 00:49:15
			Muslims had to fight the Turks was
during the blue omega. So during
00:49:15 --> 00:49:18
			that time between the Turkic
people and the blue omega, there
00:49:18 --> 00:49:22
			was a barrier, but then that was
broken slowly, but slowly, and
00:49:22 --> 00:49:23
			then the Muslims had to deal with
00:49:24 --> 00:49:30
			In fact, much of if you if you
remember, I mentioned that much of
00:49:30 --> 00:49:35
			the army of the Fatimid rulers was
made up of these Turkic people,
00:49:35 --> 00:49:39
			and these other Abyssinian people,
or African people.
00:49:40 --> 00:49:41
00:49:42 --> 00:49:47
			in fact, some of the above said,
Mark Dawson Billa, some of his
00:49:47 --> 00:49:50
			much of his army was actually made
up of these Turkey people as well.
00:49:52 --> 00:49:57
			Then, these Turkey people, they
actually became the dominating
00:49:57 --> 00:49:59
			ones. So you had to sell jokes.
00:50:01 --> 00:50:05
			You had the mum Luke's afterwards.
So all of these were the origin
00:50:05 --> 00:50:08
			was Turkic and samanids, as I
mentioned earlier as well.
00:50:09 --> 00:50:16
			So you had the Somalis, they took
the area then you had Alice Subic
00:50:16 --> 00:50:20
			Tekin, which was the hordes? Well,
the audits came from them.
00:50:21 --> 00:50:26
			And their rule reached Iraq shaman
row and room and then whatever it
00:50:26 --> 00:50:29
			was remnants of them, that was the
family of zingy do routine Sangli
00:50:29 --> 00:50:30
			and so on.
00:50:31 --> 00:50:35
			And then came the humans,
Salahuddin a ubian.
00:50:36 --> 00:50:36
00:50:37 --> 00:50:39
			They spread around
00:50:40 --> 00:50:44
			into Charmin hijas and other
places. And then you had the silk
00:50:44 --> 00:50:48
			jukes. That was just before the
tortoise you have the silk Jukes
00:50:49 --> 00:50:53
			in the fifth century, and then the
worst ones came because the first
00:50:53 --> 00:50:55
			ones all became Muslim, isn't it
the all of them actually just
00:50:55 --> 00:50:59
			became Muslim. But then the worst
of them who actually then became
00:50:59 --> 00:51:03
			Muslim as well were the titles,
which were in the sixth century.
00:51:04 --> 00:51:08
			That was Genghis Khan. Now in
terms of killing, as I mentioned,
00:51:08 --> 00:51:11
			talking about Baghdad when they
killed all of these people, three
00:51:11 --> 00:51:12
			quarters of its population nearly
00:51:14 --> 00:51:20
			the Khalifa was left the last
Khalif poor guy. May Allah have
00:51:20 --> 00:51:24
			mercy on him because he was such a
good person but had inherited is
00:51:24 --> 00:51:28
			really weak state couldn't really
remedy the situation was too late.
00:51:28 --> 00:51:31
			And then he had all of these
forces against him as well. So
00:51:31 --> 00:51:34
			what they did was there was a
superstition this idea that his
00:51:34 --> 00:51:38
			blood could not touch the ground.
So how to kill him now and this
00:51:38 --> 00:51:41
			evening alchemy wanted him killed.
So he came up with this idea that
00:51:41 --> 00:51:46
			wrap him up in rugs and then beat
him to death. She was beaten to
00:51:46 --> 00:51:46
00:51:48 --> 00:51:52
			and that's why Saturday Shirazi
the great poet of Shiraz. In
00:51:52 --> 00:51:58
			Persian he says aasmaaN Allahu
Akbar Cohoon br Barza mean, but as
00:51:58 --> 00:52:01
			of Allah Malik Musa Assam Ameerul
00:52:02 --> 00:52:08
			which means it is rightful for the
heavens to cry on the earth
00:52:09 --> 00:52:16
			at the annihilation of the ruler,
Mustafa sim, the Emir of the
00:52:16 --> 00:52:23
			believers, that happened in 656,
Dodger Dean subkey I mean, if you
00:52:23 --> 00:52:27
			look at all of the historians
ignore a theory, a subkey all of
00:52:27 --> 00:52:31
			them. When they describe the
tortoise it is like they're taking
00:52:31 --> 00:52:36
			deep breaths. You can see the
tears in the work because not just
00:52:36 --> 00:52:39
			the destruction of people the
destruction of knowledge, the
00:52:39 --> 00:52:44
			destruction of everything. He
says, lemme tragedian Sookie says
00:52:44 --> 00:52:49
			lumea comando Hala kala who dunya
fitna to Akbar Amin, fitna, Tara
00:52:49 --> 00:52:53
			for inom Harajuku massage Wuhan
Rocco masa hefele koto wa Cataldo
00:52:53 --> 00:52:58
			regional was suburban Nisa, Baba
karuna, home for Hora jolla whom
00:52:58 --> 00:53:02
			Wakata loom. That since Allah
subhanaw According to him, he
00:53:02 --> 00:53:05
			says, Since Allah created this
dunya there has been no fitna that
00:53:05 --> 00:53:09
			has been more severe severe than
the fitna of the Tatas. Like in
00:53:09 --> 00:53:12
			any history that you could know,
they were the worst.
00:53:13 --> 00:53:18
			Because they would empty the
masajid they would burn the Quran
00:53:18 --> 00:53:21
			and the books, they would kill
them in, and they would capture
00:53:21 --> 00:53:24
			the women and imprison them. They
would they would make them
00:53:25 --> 00:53:29
			prisoners and slaves. And then
they would cut open their stomachs
00:53:29 --> 00:53:33
			and they would pull out their pull
out their embryos. The Serbs did a
00:53:33 --> 00:53:34
			bit of that in Bosnia as well.
00:53:36 --> 00:53:39
			And I'm sure they some of these
other Shayateen do that as well.
00:53:40 --> 00:53:43
			So he said then the rest of them
came into loss of them was
00:53:43 --> 00:53:44
			immediate, the more
00:53:45 --> 00:53:50
			the more lung, the one you had a
disability in his in his leg.
00:53:52 --> 00:53:58
			Anyway, he burnt Damascus and
destroyed much of the Levant and
00:53:58 --> 00:53:59
			the sham area.
00:54:01 --> 00:54:05
			Even went into India, the
influence reached all of that
00:54:05 --> 00:54:05
00:54:07 --> 00:54:14
			And that's why we're here that the
first people that will destroy my
00:54:14 --> 00:54:14
			OMA or
00:54:15 --> 00:54:17
			create such carnage in my oma
00:54:18 --> 00:54:23
			in their sovereignty, it shook the
center of Caliphate. And he took
00:54:23 --> 00:54:27
			all of the other serious rulers
away. That would be the blue
00:54:27 --> 00:54:32
			contours referring to them. So
what is banal Contura? It's not a
00:54:32 --> 00:54:35
			very popular word. According to
00:54:37 --> 00:54:41
			some, this was actually a slave
girl of Ibrahim Alayhi Salatu was
00:54:41 --> 00:54:48
			Salam, from whom came a tribe, and
from them came much of these Tux
00:54:49 --> 00:54:52
			Ebola theatres mentioned his but
he doesn't reckon it's a very
00:54:52 --> 00:54:53
			strong idea.
00:54:54 --> 00:54:58
			Although much the Dino firozabad
in car moves, he reckons that that
00:54:58 --> 00:54:59
			is exactly what Contura is about.
00:55:00 --> 00:55:03
			is referring to the slave girl of
Ibrahim Ali salatu salam from whom
00:55:03 --> 00:55:08
			these people came Allah knows
best. How table Baghdadi is one of
00:55:08 --> 00:55:12
			the hot from Baghdad, one of the
most famous historians. He's got a
00:55:12 --> 00:55:20
			massive 70 Volume I think, history
of Baghdad. He records everything
00:55:21 --> 00:55:24
			mashallah records and potable
Baghdad is great Hadith scholar as
00:55:24 --> 00:55:24
00:55:25 --> 00:55:27
			He relates from it Rhodiola one,
00:55:28 --> 00:55:35
			that there will be a city between
the Euphrates and Tigris digital
00:55:35 --> 00:55:35
			and fraud
00:55:37 --> 00:55:42
			in which will be the kingdom of
the Benoit buss. There will be a
00:55:42 --> 00:55:47
			deadly war in the in which the
women will be made prisoners and
00:55:47 --> 00:55:52
			the men will be slaughtered just
as sheep are slaughtered. This he
00:55:52 --> 00:55:56
			relates from Anatolia Lavon. Now
although the isnaad the chain of
00:55:56 --> 00:56:01
			this narration is very weak, it's
very weak it won't stand up to a
00:56:01 --> 00:56:03
			lot of scrutiny. But
00:56:04 --> 00:56:09
			katiba is related this and so you
came a lot later SUDI passed away
00:56:09 --> 00:56:11
			in 911 Hijiri
00:56:12 --> 00:56:17
			suit relating with Jeremy or Kabir
that after hottie Baghdad is death
00:56:17 --> 00:56:19
			100 years after his death,
00:56:20 --> 00:56:25
			actually 200 years after
hardeeville Bada is death, this
00:56:26 --> 00:56:29
			war took place and this is when
this destruction to me so
00:56:29 --> 00:56:32
			Honeyville birthday was before the
touches, but he raised his hands
00:56:32 --> 00:56:36
			from it, and it's a perfect
description. If no Masuda the
00:56:36 --> 00:56:38
			alone uses, and this is stuff that
they must have heard from the
00:56:38 --> 00:56:42
			Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam so
even though Massoud Sahabi or the
00:56:42 --> 00:56:47
			Allahu and relates that can only
be took what come Allah Bara viene
00:56:48 --> 00:56:51
			Maha Rama Mohan Mohammed Al Athan
00:56:52 --> 00:56:54
			had Dr. Bhutta Bishop tell for us
00:56:56 --> 00:57:01
			it is as though I see the Turks
and they have come to you on
00:57:01 --> 00:57:06
			horses with perforated is with
holes in their ears
00:57:08 --> 00:57:12
			until they will tie them to the
banks of the Euphrates River. And
00:57:12 --> 00:57:15
			then he talked about Sherm and he
said get a neon through LA
00:57:15 --> 00:57:19
			humanoid robot to for you the
homie Saba al Masjid. It is as
00:57:19 --> 00:57:23
			though I'm seeing them and they
have tied their horses to the
00:57:23 --> 00:57:30
			pillars of the masjid in Sham. So
that was the Tatas and now you can
00:57:30 --> 00:57:32
			see how the prophecies of the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam
00:57:34 --> 00:57:37
			so accurate. And as I mentioned, I
mentioned those first a hadith
00:57:38 --> 00:57:42
			initially because they're from the
Saheeh collections, perfect
00:57:42 --> 00:57:45
			descriptions of the way they
looked and their characteristics.
00:57:46 --> 00:57:48
			And then these other ones just
support the whole
00:57:49 --> 00:57:52
			the whole other occurrences that
took place. In fact, you have
00:57:53 --> 00:57:57
			narration from Abner Massoud and
earlier the Allah one most likely
00:57:57 --> 00:58:00
			from that which definitely, in
fact, from what that they had
00:58:00 --> 00:58:02
			gathered from the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa salam.
00:58:03 --> 00:58:07
			So may Allah subhanho wa Taala
give us insight into these
00:58:07 --> 00:58:10
			matters. May Allah subhanho wa
Taala protect us from such
00:58:10 --> 00:58:15
			carnage. May Allah subhanahu wa
Tada allow us to learn from these
00:58:15 --> 00:58:17
			things and the situation that
prevailed before this actually
00:58:17 --> 00:58:22
			happened. Because clearly it
didn't happen in a vacuum. And one
00:58:22 --> 00:58:26
			man's mistakes Yes, it was great
mistake was a very bold mistake.
00:58:27 --> 00:58:31
			And he had to pay for it big time.
But the thing is that if nobody
00:58:31 --> 00:58:35
			else could stand up to it, until
finally Egypt they had a lot of
00:58:35 --> 00:58:39
			respect for is the dean of no
Abdus Salam. If you understand the
00:58:39 --> 00:58:42
			respect that the people of Egypt
head for is the dean of Abdus
00:58:42 --> 00:58:47
			Salam, maybe you might see some of
the secret there is the dean of
00:58:47 --> 00:58:52
			the salam was a scholar. He was
not the leader. But whatever he
00:58:52 --> 00:58:56
			said went and the King used to
respect him that the ruler they
00:58:56 --> 00:58:57
			used to respect him a lot.
00:58:58 --> 00:59:02
			On one occasion, if he said that
tomorrow is it doesn't matter what
00:59:02 --> 00:59:04
			the king said tomorrow was it
00:59:05 --> 00:59:08
			so hon Allah so we need to you
know, we need to Is it enough that
00:59:08 --> 00:59:13
			Abdus Salam today, right? Take
care of everybody else that falls
00:59:13 --> 00:59:14
			into the mess. Anyway.
00:59:16 --> 00:59:20
			One day, one of the chief
ministers who was a mum look now
00:59:20 --> 00:59:22
			this is a very strange thing that
these mum Luke's you have these
00:59:22 --> 00:59:26
			slaves who used to work for the
state, but then they used to
00:59:27 --> 00:59:30
			attain these high positions and
ranks and you know, they they
00:59:31 --> 00:59:34
			command, you know, that they
command a lot of influence.
00:59:35 --> 00:59:39
			Is it the Navy Abdus Salam said
that this man, one of the chief
00:59:39 --> 00:59:43
			people, they're close to the king,
he has to be sold for him to be
00:59:43 --> 00:59:46
			free. So you have to take him to
the market, you have to send him
00:59:46 --> 00:59:46
			as a slave.
00:59:48 --> 00:59:50
			Right? If to free him, that's the
only way you can win because it
00:59:50 --> 00:59:55
			belongs to the state. Right? I
don't want to go into much detail
00:59:55 --> 00:59:58
			about that. But that's basically
just understand it that way. Now
00:59:58 --> 00:59:59
			that's obviously a major
01:00:00 --> 01:00:02
			cannibalism, and I mean, he's one
of the chief ministers, how is he
01:00:02 --> 01:00:05
			going to be humiliated? Like the
king tried to convince him that
01:00:05 --> 01:00:08
			there's no way I'm having? That's
the Sharia. That's what he has to
01:00:08 --> 01:00:12
			do. It was either on that occasion
or another occasion, the king
01:00:12 --> 01:00:17
			didn't listen to him because he
couldn't difficult. Is it in Abdus
01:00:17 --> 01:00:18
			Salam said, I'm leaving Egypt.
01:00:19 --> 01:00:24
			And when he said that, much of the
population of Egypt wanted to
01:00:24 --> 01:00:26
			depart Egypt with him.
01:00:27 --> 01:00:30
			So some people quickly ran to the
king said, Do you know what's
01:00:30 --> 01:00:34
			going on? All your population is
gonna go with him, gone do some
01:00:34 --> 01:00:37
			things they went quickly rushed
out to the dozer sitting president
01:00:37 --> 01:00:40
			Abdullah was on his way. And he
convinced him to come back.
01:00:41 --> 01:00:44
			See the people the respect that
they had for the Scott, obviously,
01:00:44 --> 01:00:48
			scholar was of a very high
stature, he is even Abdus Salam,
01:00:48 --> 01:00:52
			he would go and say whatever he
liked to Dickinson, his students
01:00:52 --> 01:00:55
			would be with him and come back
and he would, they would say to
01:00:55 --> 01:00:59
			him, can you have any fear like
Subhanallah when I go in there,
01:00:59 --> 01:01:00
			it's like, I'm speaking to a cat.
01:01:02 --> 01:01:03
			I have no fear whatsoever.
01:01:04 --> 01:01:08
			And he miracles that on one
occasion, somebody actually wanted
01:01:08 --> 01:01:13
			to come and kill him. He got to
his house is even Abdus Salam even
01:01:13 --> 01:01:15
			opened the door and the person
just shook and could not do
01:01:15 --> 01:01:16
01:01:17 --> 01:01:20
			Allah subhanho wa Taala just
struck him with all is even
01:01:20 --> 01:01:22
			Abdullah when he went through one
city and they said, why don't you
01:01:22 --> 01:01:26
			stop here? Why don't you stay
here? He said, No, no, you're this
01:01:26 --> 01:01:28
			is too small for my knowledge.
01:01:29 --> 01:01:33
			so you see that he really
encouraged it really said, Allah
01:01:33 --> 01:01:36
			is with you, you know, you need to
go against the status you need to
01:01:36 --> 01:01:40
			fight with them in you need to
take a force up there. To to, to
01:01:40 --> 01:01:43
			show them you can't let them come
here and find Alhamdulillah Allah
01:01:43 --> 01:01:46
			subhanaw taala gave victory on his
hands. So may Allah subhanho wa
01:01:46 --> 01:01:50
			Taala give us our strength
insight. May Allah Allah us to do
01:01:50 --> 01:01:54
			the right things and not create
and cause contribute to the chaos
01:01:54 --> 01:01:58
			in the Muslim lands. Whether it be
you know, at any level, try to
01:01:58 --> 01:02:01
			unify ourselves. I think that's
very important that Muslim be
01:02:01 --> 01:02:04
			unified. And I think we need to
start really focusing on uni
01:02:04 --> 01:02:07
			unifying ourselves in many
different things, just overlooking
01:02:07 --> 01:02:10
			our differences, overlooking our
personal thing just for the higher
01:02:10 --> 01:02:11
01:02:12 --> 01:02:14
			It's very important that we do
01:02:15 --> 01:02:18
			May Allah subhanaw taala give us
stuff because it's not difficult.
01:02:18 --> 01:02:22
			It's not easy to do. It is not
easy to do. And he stole from
01:02:22 --> 01:02:25
			Allah may Allah subhanaw taala
give us Tofik Allah Who mantissa
01:02:25 --> 01:02:30
			salaam Inca Salam Tabarrok the
other jewelry with a crumb. You
01:02:30 --> 01:02:35
			have a huge medical history. And
I'm unlucky Allah Subhana Allah in
01:02:35 --> 01:02:38
			economical body mean just Allahu
Allah, Muhammad and Muhammad,
01:02:38 --> 01:02:42
			Allahu McPhee, Lana or Hamner or
if you know what the now we're
01:02:42 --> 01:02:45
			gonna Allah Houma filling mustard
Muslimeen all Muslim it will mean
01:02:45 --> 01:02:48
			you know and what minute Allah
here even when I'm word, Allah
01:02:48 --> 01:02:51
			homophily Medusa you know Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
01:02:51 --> 01:02:56
			Allahu livina Colombina Allahumma
salli wa Nina, Allah Houma
01:02:57 --> 01:03:02
			submit aka Domina Allahu Morphicon
Lima to Hibou a thermal coal you
01:03:02 --> 01:03:05
			will Amman you will fail you will
Nia of Allah except our daughters
01:03:05 --> 01:03:09
			Oh Allah accept our daughters
forgive us our sins. Forgive us
01:03:09 --> 01:03:13
			our wrongdoings Oh Allah bring us
closer to you of Allah grant us
01:03:13 --> 01:03:15
			your love and the love of those
who love you of Allah makers of
01:03:15 --> 01:03:19
			the true Siddiqui in O Allah,
makers of the true champions of
01:03:19 --> 01:03:22
			the faith and the deen of Allah
make us worthy of your Kadima on
01:03:22 --> 01:03:26
			our deathbed. Oh Allah grant us
the Kadima La Ilaha illa Allah on
01:03:26 --> 01:03:29
			our deathbed. Oh Allah, make us do
the actions of the people of
01:03:29 --> 01:03:33
			paradise and allow us to abstain
from the people. The actions of
01:03:33 --> 01:03:37
			the people of hellfire of Allah,
Oh Allah diminish the influence of
01:03:37 --> 01:03:41
			shaytaan over us, Oh Allah, Oh
Allah grant us true insight and
01:03:41 --> 01:03:45
			allow us to follow the truth
wherever it is, and allow us to
01:03:45 --> 01:03:49
			allow us to abstain from the wrong
and about wherever it may be. And
01:03:49 --> 01:03:52
			however it may seem to us, Oh
Allah, Oh Allah give us for us or
01:03:52 --> 01:03:56
			give us true insight deep inside
penetrating insight into these
01:03:56 --> 01:03:59
			matters so that we make the right
decisions that will increase our
01:03:59 --> 01:04:03
			beneficial knowledge. Oh Allah, Oh
Allah, Oh Allah protect us from
01:04:03 --> 01:04:07
			non beneficial knowledge. Oh Allah
give us Baraka Baraka in our
01:04:07 --> 01:04:10
			families in our deen our religion
in our practice, oh Allah give us
01:04:10 --> 01:04:13
			Baraka in our homes, in our
households in our family and our
01:04:13 --> 01:04:17
			children. Oh Allah give us Baraka
in everything. Oh Allah for Allah
01:04:17 --> 01:04:22
			fulfill our permissible needs. Oh
Allah, Oh Allah grant us the Tofik
01:04:22 --> 01:04:25
			and the guidance to do that which
is good and to abstain from that
01:04:25 --> 01:04:29
			which is wrong of Allah do not
allow us to succumb to the control
01:04:29 --> 01:04:33
			of our knifes or Allah allow us to
control and subdue our desires and
01:04:33 --> 01:04:37
			our knifes and our ego Oh Allah Oh
Allah protect our eyes and our
01:04:37 --> 01:04:41
			ears and our hands and feet to now
bodily parts from all forms of
01:04:41 --> 01:04:44
			haram and wrongs of Allah allow us
to use them in the right things in
01:04:44 --> 01:04:47
			those things which you love and
you are pleased with Oh Allah Oh
01:04:47 --> 01:04:52
			Allah grant us power paradise
genital for those in all the
01:04:52 --> 01:04:55
			stages before it to get to their
Allah make them easy for us
01:04:55 --> 01:04:58
			whether they be over the causeway
in the spirit of ALLAH the
01:04:58 --> 01:05:00
			questioning on the day of God
01:05:00 --> 01:05:02
			judgment Oh Allah allow us to go
into paradise without questioning.
01:05:02 --> 01:05:06
			Oh Allah give us to drink from the
hole in the water in place of your
01:05:06 --> 01:05:09
			messenger Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa salam, O Allah grant us
01:05:09 --> 01:05:14
			high places in paradise so Allah
Jinnah to fulfill those genital
01:05:14 --> 01:05:16
			for those which your messenger
SallAllahu Sallam has spoken
01:05:16 --> 01:05:20
			about, Oh Allah bless our
messenger Muhammad sallallahu
01:05:20 --> 01:05:23
			alayhi wa salam and all Allah
grant him a befitting reward on
01:05:23 --> 01:05:27
			behalf of all of his ummah, oh
Allah grant him a befitting reward
01:05:27 --> 01:05:31
			and send your salutations Oh
Allah, send your blessings and
01:05:31 --> 01:05:36
			your peace on him. Oh Allah until,
until you remain, oh Allah until
01:05:36 --> 01:05:41
			your everlasting and for
everlasting for eternity. Oh Allah
01:05:41 --> 01:05:45
			grant him grunting rewards Subhan
Allah be corrupt velocity and
01:05:45 --> 01:05:49
			merciful was salam ala l
Mursaleen. With hamdulillahi
01:05:49 --> 01:05:53
			rabbil Alameen. The point of a
lecture is to encourage people to
01:05:53 --> 01:05:59
			act to get further an inspiration
and encouragement, persuasion. The
01:05:59 --> 01:06:03
			next step is to actually start
learning seriously to read books
01:06:03 --> 01:06:06
			to take on a subject of Islam and
to understand all the subjects of
01:06:06 --> 01:06:10
			Islam at least at the basic level,
so that we can become more aware
01:06:10 --> 01:06:14
			of what our deen wants from us.
And that's why we started Rayyan
01:06:14 --> 01:06:19
			courses so that you can actually
take organize lectures on demand
01:06:19 --> 01:06:22
			whenever you have free time,
especially for example, the
01:06:22 --> 01:06:26
			Islamic essentials course that we
have on there, the Islamic
01:06:26 --> 01:06:31
			essentials certificate which you
take 20 Short modules, and at the
01:06:31 --> 01:06:36
			end of that insha Allah you will
have gotten the basics of most of
01:06:36 --> 01:06:39
			the most important topics in Islam
and you'll feel a lot more
01:06:39 --> 01:06:41
			confident. You don't have to leave
lectures behind you can continue
01:06:41 --> 01:06:44
			to live, you know to listen to
lectures, but you need to have
01:06:44 --> 01:06:48
			this more sustained study as well.
JazakAllah Harun salaam aleikum wa
01:06:48 --> 01:06:49
			rahmatullah wa barakato.