Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Requesting Loan Back

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The customer is experiencing pride when they receive a loan, but also when they receive it quickly. They are hesitant to ask for it again later, as they may be embarrassed and feel embarrassed by it. The agent advises the customer to not feel embarrassed and to wait until the next day to try again.
AI: Transcript ©
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I don't know, it's kind of strange that when you need a loan from

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somebody, that's when you are very humble. And then when you get it,

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then you become arrogant. And then sometimes people even say that the

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guy's got enough money, why does he need this money back so

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quickly? Right? Subhanallah alone, right? Is such a kind of a debt

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that the person even if he promises you that will come. I'll

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give it to you for two years, he can literally come back the next

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day, because the voluntary act, he can ask for it the next day, like

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when I take a loan from you, then although you give me two years to

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pay, you could technically ask back tomorrow and it'd be your

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right to do so. And in my best ability, I should be able to I

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should try to give it back to you. Okay. So of course you shouldn't

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be giving and then you know, trying to ask the next day again,

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because you're going to hassle, but you might run into trouble,

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like you might need it. So you might say look, I know I gave it

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to you for two years, but please, I need it. And you shouldn't feel

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bad about that. I shouldn't feel bad about that.

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