Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections The Ultimate King Tafsir of Aal Imran 26 & 27 Part 2
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The conversation delves into the history of the Prophet sallama and its significance in the Bible. It describes the transformation of Islam by Subhan Gulfport and his creation of a "back in time" structure. The segment also touches on various topics related to Islam, including a recommendation for a person to wear a handkeragon, a proposal to pay off a debt, and a presentation to act as an prayer. The segment ends with a mention of a course on Islamic essentials and a certificate for individuals who take a short module.
AI: Summary ©
Imam mammer relates from Imam zody that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam Once entered, went to one of his wife's homes. And there
was a woman there in a very good state in a very good state and
said, Who is this? Oh, this is one of your hollers, one of your
maternal aunts, because in Arabic the word is harlot as well, right?
It's not just the Gujarati word or or the word it's, it's an Arabic
word. Harlequin is a Arabic word, as well. Right? So oh, these are
one of your maternal aunts. Who is she? Exactly. So they said, her
name is Hi, Linda. Hi, Linda. Ben told us with ebony update. Ruth
maybe hadn't seen her for a long time. We didn't know exactly who
she was seen or what the Prophet sallallahu sallam said,
subhanAllah the Ukrainian Haman and maybe it
Subhanallah the Ukrainian higher middle made Protestantism, us a
part of this verse, that Glorified is He Who extracted the living
from the dead. What do you mean? Because she was a very, very pious
woman, but her father had been a calf here. So the problem was, it
was just amazed that look how
father was a Calvin, her father was a disbeliever. But Allah
subhanaw taala produces such good that's why Never underestimate
anybody. Never underestimate anyone, always have hope for
people and always give them the benefit of the doubt and try to
lead them in the right way. So that the good can come out of it.
The living can come out of it from all of this death and destruction
and the shaped idea that we see around us, we need life to come
out of that, may Allah because give us the ability to do that.
Similarly, Rahmanir Rahim Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Hamden
kufuor on a given mobile can feel mobile Canada he cannot your hippo
buena Elba J, while early or Safi or Baraka was seldom at the
Sleeman Kathira on Eli Yomi Dean and my bad
I will be with him in a shape or any Raji, maybe smuggler humor or
learn your Rahi
while in medical model Quito till model Cameron Tasha with zero nmol
What do I assume? Tasha? Were to the Luma tertia Obeah decal Hawaii
in Canada coalition Cody. To Legion Lane effing hurry were to
Legion how often they need to hurry jewel Hi yah Amin al mine at
Matok ritual my Yida Amin al Haj what also Omen Dasha
will be ye haisa.
So as with yesterday, we are looking at some of the prominent
verses and pearls of the Quran or the gems of the Quran. And this is
one verse, which always
people notice, it's verse 26 and 27, verses 26 and 27 of swords,
either Imran and I'm sure you've heard and thought about it and had
seen it quoted as well. Thereafter, Allah subhanaw taala
talks about his Qudra. So aspects of his Qudra saying that, for
example, in this verse, Allah says he really he extracts the living
from the dead, and the living and the dead from the living. He does
it both ways. It's up to him. He's got everything. So you have really
lush grounds, and then suddenly, it's all desolate. Years and years
of that area is all dilapidated, and then suddenly somebody takes
an interest and it comes back. That civilizations for you. Many
of the civilizations at the time of the Prophet sallallahu some of
their headquarters no longer exists today.
Because Rose, who are the leaders of the Persian Empire, greater
than the Roman Empire at the time, were actually subdued the Roman
Empire initially, they used to have the city of Testament which
is called muda in in Arabic, a glorious city that Iwan Okay,
Salah, casos arch, this huge thing. Today that city is just
remnants. There are new cities now.
There's very few cities in the world that have survived for 1000s
of years in their glory, very few. Many are totally desolate and
moved away. capitals have changed, headquarters have changed. Centers
of Caliphate centers of kingdoms have moved to other places. They
don't remain the same. Many of those cities that we hear about,
they no longer what it used to be the Roman Empire for example.
Okay, there's Rome. There was Carthage which is in, in Tunisia
today. That was a headquarters at one time okay, Istanbul has had
been a very interesting and a leading kind of city. This
certain cities Allah has accepted like that. But others, they move
around. It's up to Allah subhanho wa taala. So Allah takes out the
dead from the living and the living from the dead. What exactly
does that mean? A few examples of that is very simple. You know what
I'm most amazed by, I've always been amazed by this, but now you
can actually witness this, go on to YouTube, right. And this is
just cooter of Allah, they they have these videos on people
putting in a seed into a glass bottle, right a glass container
glass petri dish into the soil where and then they do a time
lapse video for the next 5060 100 days. And it's absolutely amazing
how this seed this just the seed,
innocuous looking seed, and then you get a very specific plant or a
flower or a fruit that just comes out of there. And you can see all
of this in five minutes, you can see four months of growth in five
minutes. And it's absolutely mind boggling. The Quran, the design,
the ability, how you pack something into such a small seed
and many seeds look alike and yet from them you get the different
you know, from one you get a sunflower from one you get the
orange from when you get
a lemon from when you get big watermelon Subhan Allah it's
absolutely amazing. If you want to go on to YouTube, that's kind of
stuff what you should just look at and be amazed if you want to pass
some time and where you're born. That's something worth doing
rather than some other waste of time. Subhanallah right. It's
absolutely amazing taking out a living thing from something that
is considered dead. Another one is how absolutely amazing how Allah
subhanaw taala is able to take out a whole palm tree again just
starts off with a sea those huge palm trees with the date so
whatever fruits are that are on there. And then
you get the seed from the fruit. So there's a constant cycle this
is talking about the cycle that Allah subhanaw taala set in motion
in this world. Another one is a Mothman from a disbeliever
mashallah look at our converts. In fact, most of us are convert at
one time meaning our family somewhere, you know, none of us
came. I mean, we're all born with the natural faith but in terms of
actual you know, unless, yeah, I mean, somewhere somebody
converted, most likely, right, most likely. And then Subhanallah
there are dead hearts and then there are living houses somebody
who spent his whole life 50 years messed up corruption in the most
in the greatest vices. And then suddenly they change and then
Masha Allah, they're in the masjid.
All the prayers and the day, they die in a good state that's taking
out a living heart from a dead soul. May Allah subhanho wa Taala
give us that.
And one of the most amazing creations of Allah subhanaw taala
is that you have
a solid structure. It doesn't have an opening. There's no window.
There's no door. There's not even a ventilation.
And yet there's something living that comes out of it.
What is that?
It's a structure that is solid structure.
No opening, but a living
an egg. I mean, it's so simple. I mean, it's just such a simple
creation. But such an amazing creation.
Like how can you take a living thing out of something just so
concealed and sealed and is living chicken sided, but it has to be at
the right time, of course.
How this is again on YouTube, I check this out how silk is made
from the silkworms. They just go to work for a few weeks, they just
go to work. And they just spinning, spinning spinning
amazing. And then you extract this silk thread from it.
And this is exactly how the whole world works. And this is what
Allah subhanaw taala is saying. So
Salman al Farsi
Imam montemar relates from Imams sorry that the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Once entered, went to one of his wife's homes.
And there was a woman there in a very good state in a very good
state and said, Who is this? Oh, this is one of your hollers. One
of your maternal aunts, because in Arabic the word is harlot as well,
right? It's not just the Gujarati word or or the word it's, it's an
Arabic word. Harlequin is a Arabic word as well. Right? So oh, these
are one of your maternal aunts. Who is she? Exactly? So they said,
her name is holida holida. Ben told us with ebony Abdi Ruth maybe
hadn't seen her for a long time. We didn't know exactly who she
would have been seen or what the Prophet sallallahu sallam said
Subhanallah the usual human made
Subhanallah the Eucharist will hire middlemen.
Protestantism used a part of this verse, that Glorified is He Who
extracted the living from the dead. What do you mean? Because
she was a very, very pious woman, but her father had been a calf
here. So the problem was, it was just amazed that look how
father was a caffeine, a father was a disbeliever. But Allah
subhanaw taala produces such good. That's why Never underestimate
anybody. Never underestimate anyone, always have hope for
people and always give them the benefit of the doubt, and try to
lead them in the right way. So that the good can come out of it.
The living can come out of it from all of this death and destruction,
and the shape timea that we see around us. We need life to come
out of that. May Allah make us give us the ability to do that.
Likewise, lots of people are in the death of ignorance, they just
too involved in all other things. They don't have the real knowledge
of the purpose of this world and the Hereafter, and then mashallah
they start learning. They start learning and then they get the
life. The life of Eman comes out of that the life of knowledge,
knowledge is life. As I said yesterday, power and knowledge are
the two most foundational characteristics. And if you want
the knowledge of the Hereafter, that's the most foundational
characteristic. May Allah enliven us that way.
Then Allah subhanaw taala says that he honors whom he wishes, and
he debases whom he wishes, and he gives to whom He wishes, and he
takes away from whom he wishes. Now, this is a very interesting
story. I remember a friend of mine in the 19, literally in the early
90s. He told me this, he was a Saudi doctor, but I met him
actually Suraj Suraj. We know him that Mohammed from in Edinburgh.
This is a story he told us I mean, I that me and him we I did my
first startup in Edinburgh with the famous office Siracha
mashallah, so, I had the blessing of his company for that whole
Ramadan. Mashallah. In Edinburgh, right? Was that 9091?
Or 9291? I think? Yeah. So there was a Saudi doctor there. He told
us the story based on this verse. He said that there's a part of
Saudi Arabia, which is very close. It's the border area, the river
area into the sea that's very close to Bahrain, Bahrain is an
island of Bahrain is seen or was seen, I don't know the exact state
right now is the playground of the Arab Peninsula. That's where they
go to mess around in the weekend, right. It's very permissive and
things like that. I don't again, I don't know what the situation is
now. But that's this was what he was totally talking about. Now,
they wanted to build a bridge to make to make the transit easier.
So now that piece of land where the bridge was going to start off
from, I don't know how true the story is, but this is what he told
me. Okay, that particular piece of land went into auction. So in
auction, there's everybody wanting to buy that piece of land.
1000 2000, riyals 3000 4000 5000, it goes into the hundreds of
1000s. It I mean, it goes into some huge numbers, maybe hundreds,
so they start saying 123 at 100 200 300. Okay, there's a guy
who comes in late
after the auction has gone, you know, has gone quite, you know,
into the hundreds. Now, they're just saying 123, I can't remember
is hundreds or millions. Okay, I can't remember the figure, but it
was in one of those higher digits. And when he came in, he thought
it's at the lower digits. Now every there's less people bidding
now. And finally everybody stops bidding, but he's like he's going
for it. Because he thinks is the lower digit.
Right? He doesn't know it's in the millions or the hundreds of 1000s.
Everybody else knows. So they've stopped, he goes for it. And
finally he gets it.
He gets it. And as he's walking away, still, you know, he thinks
Marshall, I want this at a very good rate. Very good price. He
doesn't know it's in the higher rate. And suddenly, there's a
really major
party that comes in who are really interested in this. Like, oh,
auction is finished is gone, the land is sold, who's who did you
sell it to? Who who's the purchaser? So he won, he wins,
they go to him, and they offer him.
They found they found out what had gone for the real figure. Just say
it's 10 million. They offered him the 11 million or whatever it is.
Like, why not? Because he's thinking he got it for 100,000 or
900,000. And now they're talking in millions, you know, that much,
much higher figure. He sold it in a few minutes he makes total boom,
come into the shop.
I mean, I know this doesn't necessarily happen every day, like
you go into an auction and you just go late one day and you know,
just do that same thing you will get in trouble.
But it does happen in auctions, these kinds of things. So Allah
subhanaw taala gives it to whomever he wishes. Okay, another
thing about this verse Cordilla, Houma medical Maliki took the loan
Chemin de SHA within the realm welcome him.
Russia with resume and Russia were to the lumen Russia via decal
higher in the cada coalition in Kadir Imam top RANIA is related to
our bustle the Allahu Anhu the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said that there is Mullah Hill out of them
is this verse of Surah earlier Imran so this is a verse of Islam
Allah Hillel them I think I discussed this last year in
Ramadan here. This is one of the this is one of the Hadees that
mentioned this name. So that's why I should use all of them. I
mentioned all of them. There's you can listen to lectures online on
zum zum Academy, but this is colada homomeric and Mercury
totally welcome and Dasha until the end. That is considered to be
the is Mala Hill album. Right now the next thing probably the last
point today. Miles immutable Radi Allahu Anhu he says, Once I
couldn't make it for NAMAs I couldn't make it for prayer.
Jumana ma MMAs. Don't do this at home. Right? But he said one day I
miss my gym. I couldn't be with the province that allows them for
the gym or so the person said Yeah, Ma Ma Ma come in Salah till
Juma Where were you Namaste Juma Katya
as though he said no, do right. Where were you in? Solitaire?
Joomla said Yara Salalah. You Hannah. A blueberry.
The Yahudi I owe him a one. Okay, a measure of gold. I probably
borrowed off him. I owed him. Right. And I've owed him that
money. And he was at my door waiting for me to get out so that
he could grab me. So I stayed at home. I stayed at home I didn't I
didn't want him to get grabbed, right. I stayed at home.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him or to hey boo
yah Morales and yuck the Allahu Dainik Do you want your debts to
be paid on while like your debt to be better? You'd be assisted in
your debts? Absolutely. He said absolutely. Called a cool Coolio
min. Every day. Read the following will Illa Houma medical mortgage,
tell him welcome Tasha with zero Mulqueen Tasha, what do I Zuma
Tasha over to the lumen Tasha Obeah decal higher in Nicaragua
coalition in the two digit laid off in a hurry, were to Legion or
fill lady with Aqua digital Heidi Aminul, my YouTube channel, my
YouTube channel. Hi, what are Zuma? Tasha will be very haisa up
to them, and you give to whomever you wish without any kind of
And then it doesn't mean that you don't just read the verses. Then
Rama dunya will Hera are most merciful, one of the dunya and the
hero or Hema Houma and the Most Compassionate of them took the
mean Humar man, Tasha, you give off the to who you give from the
to to whom ever you wish, what does that mean her mom and Tasha
and you withhold it from whom you wish it the only Dany which means
repay my debt for me follow.
That's the end of the DUA, the progress a lot of them said that
if it was the world, full of gold as a debt that you owed, Allah
subhanaw taala will assist you so keep reading dissented. Allah
subhanaw taala assist you to do that. Even if you've got these
mortgages that you've been stuck in for a while you did a bad
decision and you did it right and you're paying interest you're
paying interest you're paying interest, get it done, get it paid
off as soon as possible. Right so that at least the burden of that
okay, you've made a mistake. May Allah subhanaw taala Forgive We
ask Allah for forgiveness, but get it done. And we don't have the
time otherwise, I would have told you a very, very amazing story of
how somebody got his interest paid, how he got his mortgage off
from Goodra of Allah subhanho wa Taala absolutely amazing from
where you would never think of and it was Ramadan, and he made a
special dua to Allah and he gave a proposal and mashallah, it's in
one of the other axes I have to go. So maybe some other time we'll
discuss that inshallah. But it's the time of Ramadan if you've got
these kinds of debts, or whatever it is, that's, that's bothering
you. Read this dua and pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah
subhanaw taala will grant us
Allah home and the salah morning because Salah and about the other
jewelry with the Quran. Yeah and Yemen. You know how you learn to
Subhanak Inaka nominal volume in Cali, la Houma medical Mulkey
total Malcolm and Tasha Withernsea Elimelech me mentorship with
resume and Russia with illumination via decal hired in
Nicaragua Colombia in Kadir tours you later in the Hollywood tours
you know how to fill it with a critical human media with oxygen
media the middle how you without supplementation will be really he
said yeah Allah have mercy on us our light except from us of Allah
forgive us of Allah purify us. Ramadan is a month of your mercy
and your forgiveness and your immense generosity of Allah we ask
you from this generosity of Allah Oh Allah we are insignificant we
are just one of your slaves but our Allah you treat all of your
slaves Our Allah with significance of Allah allow us to be Allah
allow us to be those who
We who call out to you and who are thankful to you and who can sign
their matters to you and who glorify you, and who respect you
and who recognize you and who know you, our lawmakers have your nose.
Oh Allah bless us all of Allah bless us with your Quran of Allah
keep us associated with it and accept all of our deeds of this
Ramadan and oh Allah make this Ramadan better than any Ramadan
before it. And Oh Allah, this little presentation that we have
given and that we have heard, oh Allah accepted, and oh Allah make
it a blessing for us. And oh Allah allow us to glorify You in the
correct way and understand you in the correct way of Allah bless us
and our children, our progeny until the Day of Judgment, keep
the Quran and Iman in their hearts. And oh Allah allow us to
rise on the Day of Judgment. Happy to see you and you happy to see
us. Oh Allah accept our Dias and remove the suffering from our
brand sisters around the world. And Oh Allah, thank all of those
who arranged these programs and contribute to these massages and
build these massages. And frequent these massages and stay in touch
with these massages of Allah keep us in touch with the massage
Subhan Arabic herbalist that here are my Aussie Fonasa laminal
Marcelino Hamrick?
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further and inspiration and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate which you take 20 Short modules and at the end of
that insha Allah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well as Aquila harem salaam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.