Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections The Qur’an Explains the Reality of the World Part 2
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AI: Summary ©
The "byproduct of weakness" and "byproduct of strength" are common characteristics of Islam, and individuals can show off their accomplishments and family members with their family. The "byproduct of age" is the ability to pursue a new car, extension, wallpaper or paint, or new gadget, while the "frback time" is a cycle where things happen slowly and gradually, leading to a "over span of life." The "frback time" is a cycle where things happen slowly and gradually, leading to a "over span of life."
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But the weakness has to sit in because that's just human life,
the weakness has to sit in. I mean, we revel at people who are
at and very, very, you know, or even 70 And who are very, very
healthy because that's not usually it doesn't happen to everybody. A
lot of people start deteriorating after the age of 60. And then as
70 that, you know, for a lot of people it could be decrepitude
essentially, may Allah subhanaw taala protect us from evil old
age, however,
what we need to understand is that when this person is as a as a
youth and a young adult, you know, they're at their most beautiful,
they are fresh, there's a lot of vitality, they've got the
strength, they go around, they do what they want. But slowly,
slowly, all of that changes the person becomes much slower, a
person becomes much busier, a person becomes more occupied and
becomes a person doesn't have the same vitality anymore. So he
becomes an older person eventually, Allah subhanaw taala
speaks about this in Surah two room verse 54. Hola, hola. Hola.
Hola, como endorphin? So mudgear I mean by the Darphin. Cool, so
much. I remember the cool word endorphin. We're Shaybah Yahoo.
Local nyesha. Well, Ali Makabe. This can be read as dorthin and
Darphin. I've just used the Darphin today, right Allah
subhanaw. Taala has created you from out of weakness, and you
started off with weakness as well. And that was after weakness, you
get an after the weakness, you get strength. So then eventually,
after your infancy and your childhood, you get strong and then
you get core, right, you get strength. And then after the
strength, there comes a weakness again, and an older age and the
graying of the hair, et cetera, et cetera, Yahoo Dooku, Masha Allah
subhanaw taala creates what He wills and he is the most knowing
and the evil one.
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa
salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi
edge Marina and my bed got a lo Darla for the Quran emoji they
will Farrakhan in Hamid are all the Wilhemina shape or any Raji me
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim,
Allah mu and ml higher to dunya Allah Ibu Allah who was ina to
whatever home the inner Kumada Catherine, Phil Mo Le will will.
Chemistry Hi Ethan RJ Bell Kufa Rana back to who soon nya Haeju
fat raw homos far wrong Miko no help on
or Phil Irati either boo Shadi do no fear I mean of law he worried
Armelle higher to duniya Illa matter who. So the color of an
army. The fourth characteristic Allah subhanaw taala. The fourth
characteristic Allah subhanaw taala mentioned is differ from
being a con, the dunya is also something that you earn, and you
achieve and you acquire and you pursue so that you can basically
compete with one another, my brother, my friend, my neighbor
has achieved this has acquired this has got this new car or has
done this to his house has built this, this extension has got this
nice embellishment or chandelier, for example, or a feature wall, or
this wallpaper or this paint, or this additional gadget that when
you open the door, there's, you know that there's a special light,
and so on and so forth. I mean, there's, there's so much of those
kinds of things, right. So you do the same thing as well, so that
you don't get left behind, you're only doing it for that purpose.
Right? That's a problem. Right? Now, there's multiple ways of
showing off between one another one is to be showing off with your
family lineage with the family that you come from, maybe they've
achieved something so then you know, you show off about it, you
can definitely be thankful for it, but you should not be showing off
about it. Another one is the ability that I have, or the
influence that I have or the position that I have or the money
that I have. Or it's even in armies like countries with their
armies and their power and their technology and their advancement.
If they show off with that that's a problem. If they're thanking
Allah and assisting others with that, that's completely fine.
Right to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for these things. Now you
have to remember, great nations have come and gone great people
have come and gone, people with great amount of wealth and
influence have come and gone. So that's what you have to understand
that why am I showing off for Okay, I have something, I have an
ability, I have a position, I have money, I have some capability,
great, but there's other people who have had that where they're
gone right now, let me do something by which I can actually
be fondly remembered. And somebody can pray for me. So if you look at
the people of the past who had these things, we might study
people like stylin we might study people like Hitler, we might study
people like fear our own and many others, but nobody, nobody
respects them today. Right. You know, usually the world does not
respect them anymore. They've gone down they may be remembered but
notoriously they may be remembered for notoriety for the wrong
reason. We want to be remembered for the right reason we want to be
like the Prophet sallallahu Sallam o'mara the Allah and Abu Bakr, the
Allah one. And the other great people that came in past this
world and they did something, right? That if it's for that
Hamdulillah, maybe that's good to get dollars from them, that that
could be a good thing. Otherwise, it's all gonna go just like they
went. That's something Allah subhanaw taala tells us, I mean,
if this isn't enough for us to really understand the nature of
this world, the next time that you feel like you want to get
something, just because somebody else has it, this should they
should stop it. Right.
the fifth case, the fifth characteristic, Allah subhanaw,
taala, speaks about is staccato, that if it's none of that, then
it's just to have more is just to have more is just to multiply. And
this is what the prophets Allah mentioned in a hadith as well,
where the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that, you know, you
get so greedy, you get so greedy, you want more and more and more
and more and more, even if you've got enough and sufficient, you
still want more. And if we don't stop, and if we don't put a limit
to it, and we don't realize that, look, I've got enough and more
than enough, right? I've got enough and more than enough, then
after that what's going to happen is the only thing that can
actually stop your pursuit will be
the soil of the grave. That's the only thing that can fill our
stomach and our mouth. Right. That's the only thing. I think I
may have mentioned this before, but a masjid that was being
developed. They went to ask some they work, they were doing a
fundraising. And there was
bus drivers that bus drivers are not like the greatest job in the
world necessities a decent job, people that were hard earned, you
know, 10,000 pounds, they were coming to donate that the one
individual manager for the masjid, he went to an individual who owns
multiple houses in London, right? That their income is approximately
700,000 a month. So they can literally buy a 700,000 pound new
house every month for their investment. So he went to ask him
for it, but he wouldn't give him any money for the Masjid. Why?
Because that that's just the calculation is wrong. In that
case, they're doing it for a different reason. Whereas this
he's not doing the Kurth or for the sake of the Catholic he's not
doing the Catholic at all and he's saving up to spend in the right
way. Allah subhanaw taala has given that person a heart may
Allah give us that as well. So we do this thing of multiplying
having more children, right having more money having more assets. If
not I bursa the Allahu Anhu says that these people are gathering
and angering Allah subhanaw taala. And they're showing off sometimes
against those who don't do that, who usually are the Olia of Allah,
who usually are the friends of Allah who don't do that they're
showing off against them, they look down upon them, that will
that person doesn't have that much. He's just an imam of the
Masjid. He's just the Quran teacher, right?
For example, and then what they end up doing is they end up
spending this additional wealth in a disobedience so it's become
mischief for them. It's become a source of misery for them in the
Hereafter, for who alumina tune. But the home folk about this all
these are all darkness is just some darkness is above the other.
And so this is not what you want to follow.
So it should be the hereafter. That's why now in the next part of
this verse, Allah subhanaw taala says, so now the second part of
this verse, so that was the first part of this verse. So today we're
going to cover the second part of this verse. The second part of
this verse,
is now Allah subhanaw taala giving an example, a parable, right?
Allah says commodity lathe and so it's just like rain, just like
Allah subhanho wa taala. Another verse says, while the ribblehead
methyl highlighted dunya while the rebloom methyl hayati, dunya,
gamma in
give them an example of the life of this world, Allah subhanaw
taala often does this in the Quran, he talks about rain because
rain comes and mashallah it provides a refresh, it provides a
revitalization it provides a greenery and mashallah that's
where the crops grow from. Usually when there's a drought, people
suffer. So that's what's going on here.
So here he says, camera 30 lathe in Jebel Kufa, Roberto. So it's
like that rain,
whose crops farmers are very excited about. Now, I don't know
if you've ever grown anything if you've ever sown a seed and waited
for it to grow Subhanallah when you sow a seed, and then slowly
slowly you see the first shoots have it appear. It's amazing. And
if that then becomes a full crop, a full on crop, or a full on tree
then farmers can't be more excited
about anything
than that, I mean, those of us who are not farmers, maybe we won't
understand this property. But if you put yourself in the, in the
shoes of a farmer, they are seasonal people in the sense that
what they do is they sold the crops, they tilled the land, they
nourish the land, they work on the land, and all of that, they have
to have huge amount of tobacco, they have to have huge amount of
Whether you're Muslim or not, you're gonna have to have the
local industry guard, I've actually spoken to somebody in
Australia says that many of the farmers they've got a lot of
tobacco. Why? Because you don't see the fruits of this
straightaway. You have to wait for weeks or months for that. And even
after that it could be caught up in a disease, it could be caught
up in some kind of calamity. So you have to have a huge amount of
Tawakkol that you sow the seeds, and then you let it grow. I mean,
another example of this, where it's not like that, and when they
grow, I mean Subhanallah the amazement and the amazement of the
people is is amazing. That's why Allah subhanaw taala says, At
Jebel Koo Farhana Berto its growth, its final growth gets
excited, makes makes the kuffaar Excited. Now the kuffaar here
doesn't necessarily always have to refer to disbelievers here. ghafar
here, refers in Arab in Arabic, they actually say Guevara refers
to hiding a seed or planting a seed, right? To conceal the seed
inside because Guevara is to deny and conceal, right? So kuffaar are
sometimes actually used as hurrah as farmers. So that could be a
meaning here as well. Because a curvier yak for all better yet for
dinner, he actually goes and plants a seed and puts it inside
and high hides it in the ground, and then after it comes out, so
they get very excited when they get when they get a growth from
that right. And surely, so they should get excited about that. And
then Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
So Maria Haeju Fatah who but the problem is that every growth and
every object in this world eventually with us, right? So if
you leave a house and it's a brand new house, you made a brand new
house, and then you leave it for a while. And you don't let the water
run, for example, you don't open the windows, you don't live in
that house is going to become dilapidated. Right. So there's
many examples of this hotels during COVID times they actually
had to have, have somebody go in and once every day, or every few
days run the water because if that water is not running, there's
going to be an issue. If it becomes extremely hot, there's
going to be various different things that will happen to the
house. That's what happens to everything. And then if you look
at crops themselves, what happens to crops, you're very excited when
those crops grow, those strawberries have grown. Okay?
Those limes have grown, those apples have grown those lettuce
and that Mint is just there Mashallah. And then after that,
you leave it for a while, right. And slowly, slowly just start to
weathering, it becomes yellow, it loses its freshness, it loses its
vitality. And then after that it becomes dry and cracked and
crumbles and becomes nothing. It's not useful for anything at all,
saying the same thing is going to happen with the world. It's just
that with the world, we just keep getting new things keep getting
new things, but eventually in terms of the Hereafter, that is
exactly what's going to happen. So
that's what Allah says. So my Hakuna who Tama will fill
earthhero The other one Chedid warmer Farah to mean Allahu Allah.
Now this is very important for us to understand the last part of
this verse, where Allah subhanaw taala is saying that
Subhanallah there's only two possibilities.
But in son in his early life, and in his youth, and in his middle
life, in his early middle life, he's got very strong, high
potential, high achiever. Now, what happens is that as soon as
you go over that 40 mark, and then after that, you start getting
symptoms, you start getting signs of going over the mark going over
the hill, essentially. So then you're supposed to start thinking
about this, but sometimes if you're just having such a good
time in this world, you don't think about these things. We don't
think about these things.
But the weakness has to sit in because that's just human life,
that weakness has to sit in. I mean, we revel at people who are
at and very, very, you know, or even 70 And who are very, very
healthy because that's not usually it doesn't happen to everybody. A
lot of people start deteriorating after the age of 60. And then 70
That, you know, for a lot of people it could be decrepitude
essentially, may Allah subhanaw taala protect us from evil old
age, however,
what we need to understand is that when this person is as a as a
youth and a young adult, you know, they're at their most beautiful,
they are fresh, they have a lot of vitality, they've got the
strength, they go around, they do what they want. But slowly,
slowly, all of that changes the person becomes much slower, a
person becomes much busier, a person becomes more occupied and
becomes a person that doesn't have the same vibe.
Tality anymore. So he becomes an older person eventually. Allah
subhanaw taala speaks about this in Surah two room verse 54 Allahu
Allah the Halacha come in Darphin so major Allah mean by the Darphin
cool so much I remember the Kuwait in Darfur where Shaybah Yeah,
hello coma. Ayesha? Well, animal Cuddy, this can be read as Dr.
Finn and Darphin I've just used the dolphin today, right? Allah
subhanaw taala has created you from out of weakness, and you
started off with weakness as well. And that was after weakness, you
get an after the weakness, you get strength. So then eventually,
after your infancy and your childhood, you get strong, and
then you get core, right, you get strength. And then after this
strength, there comes a weakness again, and an older age and the
graying of the hair, etc, etc. Yahoo lucuma insha, Allah subhanaw
taala creates what He wills, and he is the most knowing, and the
ABLE one. So all of this tells us essentially, that this is the same
as the world eventually will come to an end as well. And everything
in this world just happens faster. So while the whole world will come
to an end, eventually after 1000s of years, right? Everything in the
world has its own lifespan, everything. So your fruits and
your veg and your buildings have a lifespan. Look around your
country. What is the oldest building in your country, it won't
be more than a few 100 years old maximum several 100 years, but
nothing is there forever, right? There's nothing from other Muslims
except mountains. But even then they may have changed, right
through various earthquakes and things like that. So everything
has its own lifespan. And that's what we need to do, we need to
understand our lifespan. Now, if that's the case, and everything
has its lifespan, and everything eventually is going to end because
the dunya as a whole is eventually going to end. That's why Allah
subhanaw taala finally leaves us with two choices at the end of
this verse will feel a hero to either one Chedid Walmart FIRA two
min, Allah He wanted one.
There's only two choices. Allah says in the Hereafter, there is no
third option. Right in the world, it could be a bit of double here
and bit of dabbling in there. But in the Hereafter, there's just two
choices, which is in the Hereafter, is either a severe
punishment. And well, it's, he doesn't say either. Allah subhanaw
taala says in the Hereafter, is a severe punishment, and a
forgiveness from Allah and His satisfaction, which essentially
saying, Go for this or go for that you can't get both, right. And
then Allah leaves us at the end with a woman higher to dunya Illa
material who remember, the this world is literally just a
merchandise just chattel, right of deception. It looks good, it's
great, it feels good. It's good experience. It tastes good. It's
wonderful. But at the end of the day, it's all going to end. So
enjoy it for its own purpose. Enjoy it for the right purpose,
because we need to be in this world enjoy it for that reason,
not to show up, not to multiply, not to play, not to go and be
distracted. Again, having a having a bit of a downtime, having a time
to enjoy yourself, every now and then there's nothing wrong with
that. However, the problem is, is when we make this and this is the
world we're living in today, the world we're living in today is
that it's based on adult based entertainment. They've just
changed the names in many cases. But there are just as we've got
Hamleys in these stores, for children, we actually have
multiple places now online and otherwise for adult entertainment.
May Allah subhanaw taala protect us some of this adult
entertainment seems to be halal at the basis of it, while the other
is obviously completely haram. Now,
let us understand this, let us understand this, that and again, I
will just leave you with a simple advice. If you ever need to get
something and we need to get things get something that is
function, get something that is useful, get something that is
beneficial. Don't get it purely because somebody else has it.
Don't get it. If any you don't need it, don't get it because you
want to show off with it. Don't get it because you want to be
distracted by it. Don't get it because you want to play with it.
Only get something because it's functional and then insha Allah
you will, you will derive the benefit from this and will will
remain safe it will remain safe in this world and the dunya will give
us its greatest potential which is a benefit for the hereafter. So
Hanabi globalized that your mIRC phone was salam al Marcelino Al
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen May Allah bless us As Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.
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as Aquila harem salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.