Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 32
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The transcript describes the history of the European Empire and the importance of protecting against attacks. The speaker discusses the bravery of Ali Aliuh and the importance of hmil, while also discussing the struggles of the past, political backlash, and negative emotions. The importance of staying up-to-date with everything, particularly with regards to the changing world, is emphasized. The speakers also touch on the importance of individuals bringing their words and bringing their actions to make their lives easier.
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This one is quite graphic. He says on every Battlefield, he did not
shy to meet them. He engaged them on every battlefield. He was never
shy he never stayed behind, until Lance's made them seem like flesh
upon a butcher's block.
It's quite gruesome
until Lance's made them seem like flesh upon a butcher's block,
because they were just not able to overcome the small party of men
that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had with him
regardless of who they were, where they were, and there's massive
examples of that, and these This continued for a number of years
afterwards, even after Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam departed from
this world, that's why you remember the likes of qadisiya and
other wars where the same kind of thing happened. Small Group
communicate in Calida Robert fietsen cathedra to me isn't Hola,
soy, Mazda yell calm. That's very simple. He continued to face and
meet the enemy equally more toxic, more toxic. The word more exotic
comes from the root era Iraq, from Iran raw Elif gaff era Iraq is a
big cough. So that's different. But what is the Iraq Iraq with a
small calf means it means to battle. So Murtabak is the place
of battle, so he met them in every Battlefield, had the Hakko Bill
Karna until Hakko here refers to resemblance until they were
resembling Karna. Luhrmann, Allah wa Domi. Karna means a spear
weapon. So until they read until they were like weapon that like
Lachman, man like meat dealt with
a weapon. Allah water me on a butcher's block just chopped up to
pieces. So it's just to show it's just to show how they absolutely
could not face him. Whatsoever
Al hamdu Lillahi wa salatu salam ala so you will more saline water
early he or Sarpy H marine Amma birth or at Kuru Bill either.
roared global either.
He says Robert Kaluga Lerida umber will be 30 He cannabinoids in
cannabis at an edge Fela Hoefler mineral Hanami
or x global either
umber ob 30 He Canada, Canada 18 urged furloughed Hoefler Minami
masala yah hoo, equally Mortara kin Hakko Bill Karna Minh Allah wa
Domi what dual fear or Africa do we have a b two and a b He
Ashleigh sha Allah Tamara, Bernie we're Robbie dumb the laity you
want to ruin that? Man I'm talkin min Leia lil Azurill Hiromi Gan
nama Dino Bhai phone Hello Sahaja home McCauley Carmen Illa, Allah
Miller, Ada Karimi.
For those who understand Arabic
would notice that even the wording used in here is quite complex.
So what Allah Boosey says this is starting a new section. This is
poem number 118. According to one count, 129, according to another
count, but this section is about the knighthood, the jihad the
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions going
out on expeditions and dealing with the enemy, protecting
themselves. That's what this is about. So the first thing he
starts this with, I said, it's a poem. It's not a story. So it's,
all of this embodies the praise of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So
he says, Robert, global reader umber, Obi 30 He cannot attain, he
fell out of liminal run me. So even before he was born, or as he
was born, as soon as he was born, the news of his birth began to
frighten the enemies. Who are the enemies here? He's not even been
born yet. Or he's just about being born who are the enemies? The
enemies in this case, would be anybody who would not accept what
he's come to preach and to proclaim. And anybody who would
then go against him. So this was a challenge. This was competition.
And that's why it frightened them so rara. rara means to overly
too, to
basically do to so much virtue to frighten someone off.
Not out
of violence, but due to your own virtue or
and the state about you, it frightens the other person away.
So he says Robert colluvial Ada, Ada refers to enemies. He says
news that he was sent made faux men quake just as lion's roar just
as the lion's roar shakes, heedless sheep. So raw that means
to make somebody quick, over all the overload
the news of his the news of his coming over awed the hearts of the
enemies, the Folman can abettin Just like a shriek, or a roar of a
lion or any animal, I just felt Hoefler middle hunted me, which
would shake, make tremble sheep that were heedless of the lion. Of
course, if they've seen the lion coming from afar, and then the
lion rose,
they'll be able to bear that that won't strike them in the same way.
But if they were totally engrossed in their own eating, and they were
totally oblivious to what was going on, and then suddenly
there's a roar that's going to make them masky. So
this is the poet's reach, that he's not he could have said the
roar of an animal, the roar of a lion to sheep in general. But he
said, No, the sheep they don't even know. They're not, they're
not focused on the on the line, they haven't seen him yet. They've
been surprised by the line. Likewise, these people have been
surprised, because they didn't know. Because those that didn't
know, like, for example, the Yahoo, they knew that there was
profit was to come. There's others as well, that had been told by
their fortune tellers that he was going to come. So they were
expecting something. So they dealt with it differently. But these
people, they were just too autonomous. They felt they were
too self independent. They didn't need to know these things. So when
he did come, it was a massive surprise. And it really shook
them. It overrode them. Because now it made them tremble. And
eventually, that was the, the reason for the collapse of the
Persian Empire. So now you can see how he brings these two things
together. And in this, obviously, what you've got is you've got the
poems, understanding of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi
wasallam. But it's not just sort of Lhasa, Lhasa, it's the
understanding of the history. It's the understanding of how things
work, the animal kingdom, all of these things together, he put he
strings them together to make this beautiful poem. So basically, what
he's saying here is that many of the disbelievers were totally
ignorant. In fact, heedless of any news to do with the next prophet
that was to come, the final prophet, they had absolutely no,
they gave it no attention whatsoever. So when they did
eventually hear about His coming, or that he was going to come
before he became a Prophet from they heard this from what the suit
says the fortune tellers and different people and from the gym
that they used to listen to the fortune tellers used to listen to
the gyms and so on, that really made their hearts quiver and
So it made them really frightened.
So they were like these sheep, who are suddenly surprised by a lion
who rose at them, and then it just makes them scatter here, and
they're headed to the and this is exactly what happened with the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That was his effect on
these people. It made them disperse. They weren't able to
deal with it. So obviously, there were some vahidi causes, there
were some external causes to that the Persian Empire totally, then
imploded, in a sense with its own problems.
Had they not been had they been paying heed to these things and
not being so self engrossed in their own idea, and being so self
conceited, and so proud about what they had?
And they had focused on what's going on around the world, and
maybe the same effect would not have taken place. That's why the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned this actually,
he mentioned his the effect that he has on people. What did he say?
He says, No, sir, to be Robbie Masirah. Tasha has been,
I've been assisted by all to the distance of one month.
What does that mean? So I strike or people are over owed by me up
to a month's journey, it could be up to a month's journey. Now in
those days, they dealt with distances in months, because
that's how long it took them. Nowadays, because it takes us
hours, it's a matter of hours to go around the world. You know, 36
hours maximum probably, maybe 40 hours. So we do it in hours in
They did it in days and months. So for one month journey, they all
would be struck. There was just something around them.
The note of his was just too great. So, in the Sahai Haney
mentions one month journey, when it comes to Tada, Ronnie, it says
that I have been assisted by or for two months journey. Then yet
there is another narration, which says that one month in front and
one month behind.
So that could mean
in each distance in each direction one month, so it was like he was
in the central location. And he was, he had this on all sides.
Because why would it just be in the front or the back, it'd be all
sides. So that's the way you reconcile these different
narrations as well, very interestingly. So while on the one
hand, it made the enemies dispersed and frightened in this
way, for those who accepted and who are looking forward and then
took, took the message, it brought them together and united them.
Subhanallah like you see, there were infections that Arabs were
known for that the Arabian Peninsula they were known for, in
fighting constant wars for many, many years, just one tribe,
overcoming the other and then suddenly being overcome again, one
man killing somebody else. So this was all brought together by the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. So while it's a mercy for these
people who took and it made a massive difference and evident
difference, that was there was no doubt about that. So the others,
they were told they were advised and so on.
But they decided to remain
away. And thus that's what happened. Then he says Mazda, the
yellow car, whom equally Mortara kin had the Hakko Bill Karna
Lachman, Allah water me.
This one is quite graphic, he says, on every Battlefield, he did
not shy to meet them. He engaged them on every Battlefield, he was
never shy, he never stayed behind, until Lance's made them seem like
flesh upon a butcher's block.
It's quite gruesome
until Lance's made them seem like flesh upon a butcher's block,
because they were just not able to overcome the small party of men
that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had with him
regardless of who they were, where they were, and there's massive
examples of that, and these This continued for a number of years
afterwards, even after a sort of loss or loss and departed from
this world, that's why you remember the likes of qadisiya and
other wars were the same kind of thing happened. Small Group
communicate it in Calida Robert fietsen cathedra to me is an Hola,
soy masala yell calm. That's very simple. He continued to face and
meet the enemy if equally more toxic, more toxic. The word Matata
comes from the root era Iraq, from Iran raw Eliska. Iraq is a big
cough. So that's different. But what is the Iraq Iraq with a small
calf means it means to battle. So Murtabak is the place of battle.
So he met them in every battlefield had the Hakko Bill
Karna until Hakko here refers to resemblance until they were
resembling Karna. Luhrmann, Allah wa Domi. Karna means a spear
weapon. So until they read until they were like weapon that like
Lachman lachemann, like meat dealt with
a weapon, Allah water me on a butcher's block, just chopped up
to pieces. So it's just to show it's just to show how they
absolutely could not face him whatsoever.
So that was the swords of the Muslims. That's how they dealt
with the enemies at the time. That's just the rule of battle
ism. That's, that's what happens.
Now, the thing is that, unlike many other leaders, the Prophet
salallahu Salam was there himself, he wasn't sitting back. He used to
be part and parcel of the army that went forth, or that defendant
Madina Munawwara on many occasions, where that went out
when they had to go out, so he would take part in the battle
And that is because he had a high level of
bravery, high level of Valor,
when it came to dealing with the Mushrikeen.
So, you know, the sources are not silent about that. They're very
clear about that.
In many cases, when some of the bravest people would run away, he
would still stay and he would stand up and stay standing.
Moving forward, not moving back. Ali, really Allahu Anhu mentioned
and this is a statement of it earlier.
Last one, which needs to be understanding says, couldn't
either hmil What is
the battle really became at its most intense?
You know, when it gets really intense, we wish that the till
and the battle was in its most intense form was mortal hudec And
the eyes would become red. Because it's just a constant movement. It
Dhaka in Rasulullah sallallahu
we would actually seek protection with Rasulullah lorrison Where was
the Prophet salallahu Salam, for my Hakuna had an Accra Villa do we
mean who? Nobody was closer to the enemy than he would be in that
He says that, though. What kind of shujaa I mean, I've Ilhabela the
Akun Caribbean Rasulullah sallallahu some either denilla Do
the bravest person among us the brave people among the in army
would be those that would be closest to the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam and assassin would be at the front.
So we're talking about the bravest you heard about are these bravery
and hiring and so on and so forth. Well, they will behind the sort of
law seminars and so the Allah one relates
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the most excellent of
people. He was the most generous of people what a share a nurse and
he was also the bravest of people. And he must have observed in
numerous times for him to make that statement. That's why there
was once some kind of commotion in Madina, Munawwara and people will
be scared is there an enemy going to attack us? So now it was a
state of unpreparedness in a sense. So people move towards that
direction to see where this big noise had come from. And the
progress that was made already been there. And now he was coming
on the naked back of a horse. So even without a saddle, he just
took a horse. And he went a brutal Hala will tell his horse, he
borrowed it. And he had already gone before anybody even decided
what to do. He came back, he said, Don't worry about it, everything
is fine. Nothing to worry about.
Now, you might think, and you might say, well, we don't hear
about these kinds of excursions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam all
the time. So this gent, you didn't see this happening all the time,
because obviously,
the Sahaba were they're prepared. They're not going to let him go
all the time. But when nobody went, he would just go. So other
times, it would just be that, don't worry about it, we'll go
because they were well prepared, afterwards, well trained, well
His bravery had rubbed off onto them as well.
So he had come back and already taken he taken a sword as well. So
there was a sword around his neck when he came back. So he's
prepared, he'd gone single handedly. He said, learn Torah
rule. Don't worry about it. Don't Don't be frightened.
Imran ignore Hussein, or the Allahu Anhu relates that whenever
the prophets Allah lorrison met in a excursion he'd be the first one
to strike.
And there was one occasion, a very interesting story, one of the
leaders of the Quraysh, who was an enemy obey, you know, hot off
during the Battle of word.
When he saw him, he saw the Prophet salallahu Salam.
And he said Aina Mohamed
ways Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam learner Joe to in Niger. So
he came in that battle saying that I'm not going to survive today. If
he survives, one of us has to day to day.
There was a story behind it
is he he had told the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when
he had been ransomed during the Battle of butter. So he'd been
caught in a battle of butter just some time before. But he had said
something to reverse the loss. And at that time, when he'd been
ransomed and set free in the forests, I have a horse. I'm going
to feed it every day, this much corn.
And I'm going to kill you on that horse.
So he had the that's what he said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam when he was freed.
So you can see what kind of big headed person he was. So at that
time, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe, Salam had said to him up
to Luca, insha, Allah, I'm going to kill you in Chava.
Probably Saracen never spoke like that in general. But this was to
really set an example of this individual. So then when it comes
to the Battle of orange, now, they know they've seen miracles
happening, so he is worried. So that's why he's thinking I'm going
to have to go and deal with this before anything else happens
because if he survives today, I'm dead. So that's why he said that.
So then, as soon as he saw him during the Battle of the next
battle, he rushed with his horse towards the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam. And of course, a number of Muslimeen came in
In to protect the province that allows them and defend him. But
the province of Allah some kind of just told them move out, he moved,
he shook his hands, he said, move out. And he took a spear from one
of the
Ignace sim. A lot of people have semi, he took a spear from him.
he just kind of moved it around a bit.
And then they were face to face. And the professor Lawson just just
literally just touched him with the spear.
And got him pierced him
on his neck.
Now, he began to, you know, he began to tremble on his horse he
was just about managed to stay on.
Whereas he was just when people saw him, they were laughing, and
they said, What's wrong with you? It's just a small wound. What's
your problem? But he was imbalanced? He was unbalanced on
the horse. And he was it saying that say that? Maybe his rib was
broken. His ribs broke, there's that's a possibility. But then he
came back to the Quraysh. And he's saying Catellani Mohamed Mohamed
Salah has killed me.
I'm dead. They're saying about Saudi. There's nothing wrong with
you. What's wrong with you? Why are you getting so worried?
And he said, you know, you don't know how I'm feeling if what I'm
feeling was to be distributed among everybody here. It would
kill them. So you must have been going through some serious inside
pain that only he knows. And then he said, Didn't he tell me that
I'm gonna kill you?
Now what kind of a paradox is this big paradox, isn't it? You know,
you have kind of a belief in your heart like, I know it's gonna
happen, but you're trying to overcome that paradox. Second
matrix or something.
and then he said, wala Hilo Basilica, Allah yella Catellani.
If he just spat at me who would have killed me.
So he, you see, what you have to remember here is that they had
seen so many things, and they were people who recognize miracles. But
the reason they didn't accept the faith was because of obstinacy.
obstinacy, comes in many different flavors, many different shades.
One is because of enmity. So that was the case of these people. It
was because they had to stay with their group. So they were the
group required that you act aggressively. And this is gang
culture. You see that everywhere. As people get stuck in gangs, they
have to go and do things which they don't want to do inside. They
hate doing it, and then it becomes too late because they've done it a
few times. It's stuck in it, then it's too difficult to get out.
This is just human nature to do these things, right? And then
you've got Abu Talib, who is of a different obstinacy, his obstinacy
was just, he was supportive. So he had overcome that stumbling block.
He was supportive of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he
was willing to stand in the face of everybody else, but not in one
thing. So at his deathbed the prophets Allah is telling him read
the Karima read the curry masala Allahu Allah say the formula. But
he sees the faces of Abuja, * and whoever else sits around him
and will have a whoever's around him. I will have I think
they're probably just looking at him. And that for him. He just,
this is a stumbling block. But this is Tofik. This is a matter of
the week you think he supported the professor lorrison stayed out,
was banished from the community struggle through all of that did
everything that he had to, but he just wouldn't say La ilaha IL
How can you compartmentalize that in your mind? But it's a matter of
Tofik it's a dire and that's why the prophets Allah has said after
he passed away, after his uncle passed away, I'm still going to
pray for him until I'm prohibited from doing so. And then this is a
Hadith it's, it's clear Muslim. Then the verse was revealed that
he is not allowed
to pray for those who have died Mushrikeen and in Nicola Habib,
robbed and the guidance is not in your hands. This is an example it
was a sample for for for that to happen.
So on their way back, please call safe on the way back from the
vessel. Please call set if that's where he died. This obey Ibnu
Now the question that arises is that if that was the Sunnah of
Rasulullah Salallahu salam to go in battle himself, and to be at
the forefront. Another great example of that is during the Hawa
is in the Battle of horrors in the others you can't really tell
because in a lot of the others, mashallah the Muslims were at the
forefront. You can only tell this when it's their suffering when
suffering a setback? Then you see what the person was doing. And
there were hardly any battles in which that happened except halfway
in Ord, and the other one was in Hawaii was in the Hunan. But in
that one the province of Austin was clearly at the forefront
where he even said at the forefront, he says, An EBU like an
Abu Abdul Muttalib because everybody's there was a massive
dispersal because they were suddenly surprised, attacked by
all of these arrows. So they, a lot of the Muslims would come with
them and just newly entered Islam. The faith wasn't a strong yet so
they all dispersed. Probably Ross was left alone with a group there
and he just kept going forward. And he was not even on a horse. He
was on a mule. So horses, an attack animal but not a mule. So
everybody dispersed, but he still stayed there with a bursary and
Abu Sufian was with him as well, or the hola Juan, and he just
carried on moving forward. He says, I'm a prophet that doesn't
lie. And true to what I say. Because I'm the son of Abdul
Muttalib, Abdul Moto, he was known for his dignity and bravery and so
on. So he's trying to you know who I am, I am the son of
Abdulmutallab, and in better you can show off just to put or strike
or in in your enemy, otherwise Rosa Lawson was not one to boast.
So then the question is that why didn't other Sahaba battle and
other leaders afterwards and Muslim leaders afterwards? Why
didn't they go into battle themselves? Which leader goes into
battle themselves now? They just sit in the White House
or in the parliament, just send a lot of forces out there poor guys.
Right? Who goes out today, Amara, the Allahu Anhu was going to go in
the first excursion towards the Romans towards the Persians, he
was gonna go, he'd even gone out of the city of Madina, Munawwara
but then I'm the rendezvous now for them and told him, I don't
think it's a good idea that you go, you should stay in Madina,
Munawwara and govern from here. Because if something happens to
this group of people in their first incursion into the Iraq into
those lands, then what's going to happen to the dean? What's going
to happen to the faith? So then, I'm one of them really thought
about it and said, Yeah, you have a good idea. So then he went back,
and then he sent abort obey David and Jarrod and others towards that
side. So they did try to go but the Prophet sallallahu is the
difference between the two is this,
that if they'd gone that, the whole reason was that if they if
they went to see you had massive problems afterwards. And if
somebody was elected, then if they went out and they were to be
killed, then there would be massive chaos in the background.
So it was for that safety, just to make sure that somebody is in the
powerhouse to make sure that things are still going well. So
it's just politically that's what they have to do. So there's
nothing wrong with it. And when it comes to the Prophet, sallAllahu
alayhi wa sallam, he had a bit of a unique situation, which sets him
apart from everybody else. What was that? Initially, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to go or used to be wherever he
was, and he used to have people protecting him, initially. But
later the verse came down with Allah who yell Similkameen, and
nurse, Allah assumed became the security firm to deal with it. I
have assumed your responsibility. Don't worry about it. Now. Allah
we asked him, we're gonna so then he stopped even having somebody
outside his room, outside his house, nobody would be there.
Allah said, I'll protect you. So he was easily able to go into
these vessels and do whatever he wanted anyway. Right. So he had a
justification for going into battle. So his playing that role
doesn't mean that others are also forced to go out. Because
politically speaking is better for for them to make sure they keep
everything in control back home, in
in the place of governance. Then he says, What do you fear are
Africa do we have a b two and a b He Ashleigh a sha Allah tamale,
Ecuador and Iraq me is really rubbing it in now. He says they
long to run away. And these battles they were there they long
to run away, almost jealous of the carrion bone away by hawks and
vultures. So some had fallen. Others had to stay on and fight.
But they were actually jealous of those who had fallen. At least
they're fallen and they've gone. We still have to suffer because
there was suffering inside. So what dual Ferrara fucka do young
between me they were close to being jealous RIPTA they will
close to being jealous of the ashleigh. Of those who had been
dispersed cut into pieces. Charlotte Mark Coburn, you will
rock me This is talking about hawks and vultures who are
consuming them. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala was providing
his assistance to his
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and making their swords
work basically hit the right mark. And they were just one after the
other, they were able to defend themselves well, and to deal with
the enemy,
the enemy would want to run away. But the leaders, the arrogance
knows no end. And thus they keep forcing their people and rally
them on. So this was the inside thought, I'd rather be of those
who'd already fallen. When they saw that around. They thought I'd
rather be them who've gone now and ended this because this is a life
of misery that we're constantly being told to fight in this case.
then he says, in the next one, he says, Tom will lay early now this
one is really to show that this is an internal problem that they
have. It's an emotional state. He says Done will lay early while I
had ruined data marlim That could mean late early lash will hurt me.
Now, there's a few wonderful points in here. It's a very simple
point he makes, but in the way he makes it and what he covers is
quite interesting, he says,
The Knights kept passing. But they forget that they forgot how many,
apart from the nights of the sacristan months, how many
sacristan months are there assuring them, there's four out of
the 12
out of the 12 this fall, which are, so that's a minority, that's
What he's basically saying is that for most of the year, they didn't
even know what they were doing.
nights were passing, they had a absolutely no idea. When you have
good times, you can count the days, if they're so difficult,
then they just pass by, and they don't even know where they are,
what the what they're thinking about. Except when it came to the
four sacrosanct months when warfare was not allowed, then they
could relax, they could get back to their work, they could think
about things, they weren't in that state of being engaged, they could
relax a bit, and they could try to get their life back together. So
that's the only days that they could actually start counting
again. So it's a minority of the time. That's what he's saying in
here. So that's why he uses and then the other thing is that he
doesn't say day, he says nights, why would nights days refers to
the same thing, night has to follow a day, or come with a day.
Because nighttime is generally daytime, it's a time of
engagement. Nighttime generally has time to relax, but they
couldn't even relax this is really robbing because to say night over
day means that even at night, they couldn't sleep properly. So then
imagine what the days were like.
So that's what he's saying here. He's saying that the disbelievers
because of
the harshness of what they had to go through,
to try to deal with this weird war that they had to keep fighting,
because it was just about some preconceived beliefs that they
had, just to, just to say, we're still on the dean of our
forefathers. That's what it was all about, wasn't it. And they had
to fight with Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam, which was the cool
thing to do. So many people were moving over that side, only the
few of the leaders because it was an act of losing your leadership
or perceived act of losing, losing your leadership. And that's why
they didn't want to stop doing this. So then they would be
extremely depressed, they have a lot of grief, and so on, which
would last for a very, very long time. And it was terrifying for
them. It was terror, self inflicted terror in that sense.
So they would wait for these four months, they would wait for these
four months, until their intellect could come back to them their
minds, they could regain their minds and actually start thinking
properly, comfortably relaxed, without any kind of pressure.
So that's the days that they would
they would actually count which were which was the minority.
Now, initially,
initially, it was allowed, sorry, it was prohibited from
fighting during those months, that was the social custom of the time.
And pretty much all the tribes they except to use to observe that
so all the hundreds of tribes, they would all observe these four
months, that nobody fight in this time. This was like an agreement
between them.
except two tribes.
These two tribes they were a bit kind of extreme they they did not
agree with it. However.
Eventually Islam abrogated those those days.
The prophets Allah some initially used to also observe those Easter
say, look, let's leave it because it's a social kind of thing. But
then when he was ordered, what cultural Mushrikeen Cafritz in
karma you call it Luna Kapha. Now you can fight
altogether wherever they are just like they fight you in that way.
So there's a there's a context to this verse at the time. So after
that, he could he could attack them at any time.
And that's why I say Dibner Musa he says that a soul allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to initially consider it to be
unlawful to, to fight during the sacristan months. But then
when Allah because Allah, Allah subhanaw taala originally
mentioned that in the Quran as well, but then when Surah Al Bara
Hakuna and Ricardo machina Kapha and then after that it was no
longer necessary to do that.
One of the predecessors he says that he met the scholar whose name
was Arthur L MK DC.
McAleese means somebody from Jerusalem.
And he said that I had a shake. This has to do with
this is actually to do with the
counting days and nights.
Very interesting point. He says, I had a Sufi Sheikh, whenever he
would have a good day, in which he did all of his overall there were
no problems. And he felt that he had worshipped Allah subhanho wa
taala, as he should have worshipped him,
he would take
probably a lot of nuts around him, and not and he would put it in a
Anytime he was asked about how old are you shave, he would take that
And he would count
the knots in there and said, This is how old I am.
Basically, he says that my life is only worth as much as the day is
in here. Because those are my good days. Any days that were wasted.
They're not our days,
which is SubhanAllah. So I mean, how many good days do we have? How
old are we really, in terms of what we projected a year after are
we going to get in the hereafter.
So that is what should be counted, not the other days that should be
counted. Because every day as we grow closer to our death, we're
literally it's inescapable, this train is not going to stop, it's
going to move regardless. So one is you can stop the train. So
let's embellish the train a bit. No, the train is going you just
have to do what you can with this train. just tried to get it, keep
it right, as much as possible, it's gonna keep moving, there's no
way it's going to stop. So we're
moving to our death.
So Allah subhanaw taala says, With a cute home, be a year Mila,
remind them of the days of Allah. So even an RB says about that,
here, a yarmulke, if it were niram, those are the days of
wellbeing and of bounty.
And that's what is referred to by this. Except that unfortunately,
the majority of days that humans deal with is of difficulty,
And all of that is a burden. Our lives have become a life of
updating your gadgets, your appliances, and your wardrobe.
Because constantly things are becoming out of date. So you have
to move from one phone to the other day, it takes a few days,
because you have to move settings and all this, you know, it's not
like the old days where it's just your contact details. It's a lot
of other stuff, you have to move generally, your cost that's given,
you have to move to a new car, your clothing, you have to move on
to new clothing.
Everything from bulbs going off to small, small things, but they all
counts. They all it all matters.
And you're never free. You certainly think you think you've
dealt with all the chores in the house, and suddenly you think, oh,
everything's up to standard. And suddenly you have to do it again.
That's why my son he couldn't get it told me to make his bed. So
what's the point of making your bed, it's gonna get dirty again.
It just couldn't get into his mind. He honestly genuinely felt
why should I make my bed when it's gonna get messed up?
And rationally trying to explain to him that look, no, it's a good
thing to keep it clean.
Subhanallah it's just one of those things. And we are in to just
making sure we have to stay up to date with everything. We're the
opposite. We have to stay up to date with everything. So we have
to make sure we get the next thing we get the next thing we get the
next thing and some things are obviously necessary. You know, if
you could just cut your nail once and never have to cut them again.
You've cut your hair once you never have to do it again. If you
never have to go into the toilet, never have to use the you know,
wash yourself. relieve yourself. That's Jana.
This wasn't supposed to be like this one is supposed to remind us
that this is a world of constant change and flux and things come to
an end and things do deteriorate. That's the whole point of it.
And then you have to renew
Do things because we're going to. Same thing is going to happen to
us if it's our phone today our clothing today our car today,
tomorrow, it's going to be us. That's why we lose something that
Da is in LA he were in LA urology, Arun. We are ourselves for Allah.
We're going to return to him. What's the big deal that this fell
down? Or this broke or this accident happened or we lost this?
We're gonna go as well. This is just what we all say it's our job.
What Allah subhanaw taala it's all a sign, but it's only a sign for
those who Allah opens it up for the old Bob. And for those who
can't see it, then it just becomes agony in this world. For those who
do see it. They take they take solace from it, they understand
it, they understand the reality, but they understand where they're
going and that makes a big difference to their life. So may
Allah subhana wa Tada.
Give us the Tofik he says in the next point anamod Dino De phone.
Hello sir Hutto home, Nikolay Carmen Illa Allah Mila ADA Karimi
as though religion were a guest come upon their gate met by
voracious foes hungry for their flesh.
So Navami says the word you bring from him, the voice of the
voiceless will be the bomb you bring from him, the cure for the
wounded will be.
So the word you bring from him meanings the word you bring from
Allah is centered about celluloid Salam, the word you bring from
Allah subhanaw taala it will give voice to the voices. It will bring
the poor up. It will bring those who are not honored, it will give
them honor the bomb you bring the healing that you bring from Allah,
Who will be the cure for the wounded
RIA the new Rula says the first to spring to face a raid the first to
spread a smile.
It looks like people don't smile today. I was walking in Finsbury
Park today and somebody
is coming the other way. He goes, give me a Friday smile.
Nice man. He goes yeah, that's what we want.
Somebody is looking for smiles upon.
The first to bring to face the first to spring to sorry, the
first to spring to face a raid.
The first to spread a smile. The first to give though hunger Nord
always the poor exile.
That's our soul, allah sallallahu orders.
He's the one who can bring all of these things together.
They come with Liberty. They come with liberty to purge a weary
world of Rome's dominion. It is the God of Israel. Smith smiting
with the sword.
and reupload Allah also says he fills the idols and breaks their
hold on mines that should retrace outpace the stars and melt the
bars of caste and rank and race.
When idols take hold of people, it stunts your growth, you become
stuck in the mundane. So today, although we don't have lot and
Erza, and we don't have the stone idols, physical, tangible stone
idols, we have many other forms of idols that we worship instead.
It's just a new form of idol worship, which are more intangible
concepts and ideas. And sometimes it's in the form of liquid wealth.
Sometimes it's in the form of
things that shame
sometimes it's in the form of adornment and embellishment, it's
just a constant problem.
Constantly, you just can't see the idols as clearly.
You can't break those idols so easily. You have to convince
people it's a mind game now.
May Allah subhanaw taala give us true understanding. May Allah
subhanaw taala show us the truth is truth and allow us to follow
Because one is you could see the truth and you can't follow it. So
the DUA Rasul Allah Salam is so wonderful, allow us to see the
truth as the truth and then allow us to follow it as well and allow
us to see the wrong as wrong
and allow us to abstain from it. I keep it that way. And I did
hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen Allah Mantis, Salam Inca Salam, the
Bharatiya they'll jewelry will be chrome Allahumma Yahya yaka Umrah
Metuchen stuffy Allah Mia and we can
either learn the Subhanak in condemning of Lonnie mean just
Allah one Muhammad and Muhammad Mohammed Allahumma salli wa salam
ala see that Mohammed were in early so you dinar Mohammed or
vertical Salam o Allah excepto adorers.
O Allah
set our minds right? Oh Allah, we ask you forgiveness, from all
forms of Blessed, blessed for me whether they've come and been. And
it's been expressed in actions or whether it's been thoughts in our
mind of Allah, we ask that you purify our minds and our hearts of
Allah. We offer you our hearts. We want you to make them the way you
want them to be the way you'd be pleased with them. Oh Allah, we
ask that you make us and our actions, our behavior, our conduct
and our worship, the way that you would be satisfied with us of
Allah for us. It's a lifelong struggle for you. It's just the
decree of Allah, we ask that You grant us a beautiful ending of
Allah and make the ending of our life better than the earlier parts
of our life and make the best day of our existence. The day that we
stand in front of you. I will not Oh Allah, we ask that you give us
the company of our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, you give us the drink from his whole little Goethe. And we
ask that you give around to this company in the hereafter. Subhan
Allah because Allah is at your mercy food was salam al Mazzone Al
Hamdulillah. The point of a lecture is to encourage people to
act to get further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously, to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate, which you take 20 Short modules and at the end of
that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you will feel a lot more
confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue
to live, you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have
this more sustained study as well as local law here and Salam
aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.