Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A The Second Wife Discussion the Husband

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of being honest and having a frank discussion about one's feelings. They also mention the danger of "bringing up" certain feelings and the need for a conversation to avoid sexual tension. The conversation is difficult to follow and requires a discussion of the topic.
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I feel uncomfortable when my husband talks about second wife,

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should I feel bad and selfish?

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Hmm, this is an interesting question. You see, the way I look

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at this is that they should be honest. And many of you may agree

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or disagree with me because you're women, right? But to be honest, if

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you can get that out in the open, then you know what your husband is

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thinking, number one is good for you, though, it's very difficult

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for you to maybe deal with that in the beginning. But the main thing

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is that, if you're going to shut it down completely, and not even

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let him, you know, speak about it, then what happens is, he has all

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of these ideas, and if he can't voice them to he's gonna voice

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them to others, and may even be led into that, if you know what

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he's thinking about. And you can have a frank discussion you can

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protest, or do you want you can say no, right? You have the right

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to do that. But to at least listen to it and to help him understand

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maybe, or for you to understand your biases. I think that's a very

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healthy conversation. Having said that, that doesn't mean that men

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should be tormenting their wives, right? Always with this or

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blackmailing their wives with this and bringing it up every second

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day, it's not a nice thing to do at all. And you're talking about

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it every day is stupid. I mean, can you got nothing else to speak

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about in life? Right? Right. But I'm not talking to men. today. I'm

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talking to women today. Right? So if it is a discussion that you

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have once in a while, because something happened outside, and

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somebody else spoke about it, so he needs to come and vent his

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ideas or whatever, then I don't think a woman should I know,

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that's very difficult asking you to do that. I know, it's very

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difficult asking you for that. But I know couples who do this

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discussion, we've had this discussion, and they're a healthy

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couple generally, because it's there's no taboo subject, there

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shouldn't be a two it's a halal thing. So why should they be a

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taboo subject, maybe you got it wrong, you know, like, maybe your

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biases are too much. Because a lot of the time, what I've noticed is

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that one of the reasons why women so feel so bad about it, is

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because they feel that there's something wrong with them. And

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that's why their husband is even thinking about that. But you must,

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I'll tell you, like nearly 100%, that that is not the reason for

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most cases, it meaning in the desires that people have, men have

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a natural desire, that's why Allah has allowed it. Men have a natural

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desire to want more than one, even if he's got the best one. And the

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second and third, and even maybe a fourth will not be the best one

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and will be inferior is just something that is is a desire that

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men have. And if you don't talk about these things, men will go

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into *, men will do a lot of the they'll flirt at work,

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and all of these kinds of things. You're wondering why all of these

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things are happening. I'm not blaming you for that. This is men

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and the taqwa should obviously govern these things, but a

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dissident discussion, if your husband wants it needs to be done

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in a decent way. And you can lay your parameters down and say,

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Look, I don't want you bringing this up every day is stupid to do

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that. Right? Because that's to men. I don't find it easy to talk

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about this. But I'm willing to talk about it, just so that we can

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go through these issues. Right? I'm willing to learn I'm willing

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to maybe correct some of my ideas doesn't mean I have to agree,

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right? To let you but the I can't I can't have that. So this is a

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very important discussion that needs to be had in the house.

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Because I guarantee there's so many men, when you sit when men

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men speak, they have this. It's just the natural state and man and

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that's why because it leads people generally to if a person doesn't

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have a way to deal with these issues, because it will lead to

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flirtation, it will lead to heart arms and everything like that.

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Right? Generally, what what I'm trying to say is that, despite the

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fact of how bad wife, a woman feels, of a husband, even thinking

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of another, Why did Allah allow it for the men to even do it? Didn't

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Allah think of the thoughts of women, her feelings of women, if

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he, if you look at just the feelings own, how bad they feel,

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how I shall be alone, I used to be, and it's not, you're not

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abnormal for thinking that way. Meaning you're not abnormal for

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thinking bad of your husband having another way. You're not

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abnormal, as normal, that is normal, right? What's abnormal is

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if you allow him to have another husband, you'd be very brave to do

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that. Right? So you're not abnormal. But despite that,

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despite that being such a norm and such a nature, Why did Allah allow

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men to have three more than one, four? Why because the danger in

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not allowing that is worse than the danger in the woman's

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Because the danger here is that he's going to commit Zina if he's

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not allowed, and that's why you have so many husband wives

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breaking up today. They find somebody else at work if find

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somebody on Facebook wives or husband, you know, it's just

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getting really messed up.

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So, conversation has to happen. Very important, of course, with

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within reason, though, right?

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