Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Learning to Control One’s Anger

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of identifying and addressing anger in a positive way. They suggest identifying the root cause of anger and making notes about it. They also advise people to prepare ahead of potential triggers and avoid harming themselves or others.
AI: Transcript ©
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ABA spoke about blameworthy trades, and mine is anger, I find

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it very hard to control my anger and just a couple of seconds, or

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in just a couple of seconds or minutes, I'll say so many things,

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which I'll regret, what can I do to control it? Basically, there

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are courses and there is there, there is guidance, even online on

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anger management. One is a spiritual issue. The other one is

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a practical issue or therapy or guidance to try to stop.

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I would just say a few things right. Now one of the things that

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I would say is that a lot of the time going off like that on anger

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is that many people get angry, but the way they respond is different.

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So I think what's happened is that we've considered it to be fair

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game to respond that way and say so many things. And we've become

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so probably habituated to it, we've done it so many times that

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it's all hardwired now that every time we get angry, we're going to

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say all of these things. So we have to unravel that we have to

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change that. So let us try to identify first, where we do this

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most, or who we do it most with, there are always going to be some

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trigger, trigger people trigger situation, which they will trigger

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this thing off. So let us start to sit down and think for ourselves,

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maybe jot it down, make some notes that it's with the certain people,

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whether that be with our own parent, our own children, our own

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spouses, or whoever it is, right. Or it's when I'm in a certain

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situation, or it's when I'm hungry, for example, because low

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blood sugar can create that kind of a symptom as well. Or things

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like that, when I'm agitated, if we can identify when we do it,

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then we can inshallah hope to be more prepared them because when

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I've identified these with this person, so if I'm going to go

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there, and I know it could generally happen, I'm going to be

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more careful at this time, I will not do so.

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So Inshallah, if you can understand the triggers that will

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that will help. And then of course, we keep asking Allah

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subhanaw taala for refuge from anger, from exposing the anger

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from expressing that anger. And every time we do at the end of the

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day, we look back and think why we did that. And then try to again,

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analyze the situation. And Sharla slowly, slowly, if we just try to

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act more positive in the world, because anger comes from

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arrogance. Anger comes from a feeling of

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entitlement. Anger comes from so many different narcissism it can

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come from so he did so if we can understand the root cause of our

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anger, is it because I just feel everybody else is below me. They

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must do things in the way I want them to do things. I don't have

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any patience. Maybe I'm arrogant. I can't take when somebody else

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has something better than I have. Or somebody gets think about these

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things. And if you can, it's all about identifying now

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Alhamdulillah The first thing is that if somebody is asking this

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question, it means that there's a concern. Now it's just about going

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deeper and finding out what are these triggers? What are these

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problems? Where does it come from? And keep making dua to Allah

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Allah, how many are all the becoming a mineral hardab You can

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say, or read the caramel catecholamine allay those who

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control their anger. And try to just prepare ahead Allah Khomeini

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are all the bigger man a ship party when the 40 or so good luck

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luck is very good, which basically means Oh Allah, I seek your refuge

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from disputation from hypocrisy and from bad character. Anger is a

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trigger it is basically an ingredient of bad character. So we

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ask Allah for Tofik

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