Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Paradise and Its Delights Part 14 The Fruits and Crops of Paradise
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The transcript discusses various fruits and fruits that are commonly tasted in the world, including watermelon, yellow watermelon, passion fruit, and shab biya. The speakers emphasize the importance of quality control and healthy lifestyle, as well as the potential for agricultural crops and seeds to create houses. The transcript also touches on the use of cameras and sensors in fruit processing, and the potential for measuring the quality of fruits in the future.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam
ala say even more saline while he was so happy about Akiva seldom at
the Sleeman death here on either Yomi Dean Emeritus
after speaking about the trees of Jana
YBNL ke Rahim Allah He goes on to discuss the fruits,
the types of fruits etc. Though we had a bit of a discussion about
that last time, but this is specifically about all the verses
and some of the narrations that speak about the fruits. This will
then be followed by a discussion on any other types of plants and
growth in Jannah. So we're going to just be looking at the fruits
here inshallah. There's quite a few verses that speak about fruit
fruit is mentioned quite often and I think one of the reasons is that
fruit especially good fruit, which in general, it's all going to be
good right now spoil fruit so going to be perfect.
What happens in this world is that you go to get some fruit and you
buy a watermelon for example, you open it up, mashallah maybe you
say Bismillah, and you open it up, you cut it up And subhanAllah
it's, it's like paradise. It's just so wonderful. So you go back
and after that you want to buy another one next week. And you
open that up and you're obviously comparing
and the second one just doesn't turn out as good as the first one.
So many things can be wrong with a watermelon. That would make it
none ideal, sometimes bit to spongy, sometimes overdone, and
sometimes it's underdone. Sometimes it's just
as I said to spongy and it tastes a bit
doesn't taste right. So especially with the watermelon, you have to
be you know, you can't look inside. So it's always going to be
a risk that you take but we take it because we are looking for the
ideal watermelon in Jannah is never going to be an issue. It's
always going to be wonderful fruit. So that's what Allah
subhanaw taala says yes Surah Al Baqarah
now all the villa him in a shape or new regime Bismillah Rahmanir
Rahim why best sharing levena m n o r m you know Saudi howdy en Neto
home Jen taggi d mu d Hill N
Kula Rosie o mean mu thermo
Mu sub Lt. Response ba Lu hatherleigh the US economy cobble
what we'll do we'll be Muhtar Shabbiha.
So to translate what Allah says he says, give glad tidings to those
people who believe and do good deeds,
who do good deeds that for them is for them our gardens Jannat for
them our gardens beneath which rivers flow
every time they will be provided or fed by sustained by fruits as a
means of sustenance, risk on risk is what sustains you, every time
they will be provided with fruits as sustenance Carlu they will say
this is what we have been sustained with before. This is
what we had been given before. What will to be motor Shabbiha I'm
going to do a basic translation then I'll go into greater depth
about the possibilities of the meanings here, but will to be her
motor Shabbiha and they will be brought these fruits similar to
maybe you know they will be similar one will be like the
other. They will be comparative to each other in some senses. Now,
what I'm maybe looking at here is that since there is such a big
discussion about fruit
in the Quran,
meat is mentioned.
Especially what's mentioned is actually Xia to kirbyville Hoot,
the additional part of
a fish's liver. That's what's mentioned and
a few other things I mentioned.
However, what is generally always mentioned along with the lakes,
along with the water and the trees is the fruit.
So, and here it's an saying Rosie Homina Homina Martin Rees con risk
on as risk as a sustenance. Does that mean that
that will be maybe our main source
of sustenance there
because it's enjoyable.
Of course you can have whatever
curries you want,
you know, whatever mix grills that you want
and what
You know, whatever you wish, I'm sure you'll get it. But it seems
like fruit is going to be a choice, it's going to be a good
choice is going to be a food of choice. Like the main staple. It's
easy, because it's just so much variance in the, in the fruit and
it's natural.
Right? It doesn't require any killing of any sort. It's just
very simple.
anyway, this, this statement, hereby ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
hatherleigh, the Ruzic Manam. In Kabul, this is what we have been
given before. What is before mean?
Are they going to be speaking about this, they've had some fruit
in Jannah. And then when they get it again, they're gonna say, Oh,
this is similar to what we had last week, or a few days ago. Or
does mean couple refer to this is similar to what we had in the
Now, it's not mentioned whether this is referring to the world
agenda, it just mentioned that they will say, we were provided
this before. Now, among them of a city and there are two opinions
about this, some very strongly say this is referring to in Jannah,
because there can be no comparison to the fruits of this world. So
this is speaking about people later on after having tried fruits
for several days or whatever, or whatever they will, this will be
one of the expressions, this will be one thing that they will
mention, they're not going to say this every time they get, oh,
we've had this before, they're not going to say that, you know, as
normally, when you've had something once twice, three times
that, oh, we've had this one before. It's a statement of sorts.
Are they say no, that they have this is this is how do you? How do
you specify that that is what Allah is saying? Because he's
saying it generally. So if a person every time he gets fruit in
Jannah, right, has to say we've had this before, over the first
time, he has not had it before. So how can that be referring to fruit
again, in Jannah, he must be referring to fruit in the world,
because Allah will give you things down there that you're used to.
But of course, the characteristic and the nature of it will be
different, though an apple is an apple, but it's a different type
of Apple in terms of size, and color and juiciness and tastes,
and everything else in Jannah, though, it was a hey, that's an
apple, I've had this before. I've tried these pink ladies before.
Pink Lady apples, by the way,
says that have a lovely rosy economic couple. It means that
this will be similar.
This is similar to what I've seen before, of course, it's not the
same thing. It's going to be totally different. So according to
the theory of Saudi, he relates from Ignite Abbas are the Allahu
Anhu from numerous Rudra the Allahu Anhu and other companions
of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam they said this her the lady
Ruzicka Nam in Kabul,
we've had it before refers to that which one they would have been
given in Jannah. So this is a statement they making later on.
Now sorry, they they're the ones who are saying that this refers to
remembrance of the same fruit in the world. How the lady Rosie
economic Coolblue fed duniya we used to have this in the dunya
number of people say the same to IGNOU immunoassay, then number of
others. The others, they say no, this is actually just referring to
all in general, they're not going to compare it with the world at
all. This is talking about Jana. But the reason why they're saying
that this is similar to it is because they will all look very
similar in terms of his color, and taste. But they will be different
when they actually have it.
The reason they give for their opinion that this is all about
Jana comparing fruits of Jana is because
the comparison of a fruit of Jannah to the fruit of this world
is two different you can't compare the two they're very different. So
how would they say this is like that? This is Oh, we've had this
agenda before this is an agenda again. So that's what they're
gonna say.
Because it seems so similar.
Another thing that imagery relates is that
in Jannah, every fruit that you pick,
another one will appear in his place immediately.
So they will never decrease. Every time you pick a fruit it will
This is related from the this is really from obey that he says
kendama nausea thermal
added McCanna ha ha another one will come in its place. The other
thing is that all the fruits in Jannah clearly many people are not
going to have tasted all of the fruits that are going to be
available in Jannah they wouldn't have tasted in the world. So how
could they say this is comparing to the ones in the world?
I must be referring to it taste having tasted in general, for
Have any of you tasted yellow watermelon?
Or even seen it?
Most watermelon we open today's red inside. Have you ever seen a
yellow one?
No. Okay, I have. So imagine we get the engineering so we're gonna
say this is the same. Oh, this is different. So that's what they're
saying. If you go to Harrods, you'll get you'll get them. I know
they were there one time.
Who's tasted a dragon fruit?
Anybody tasted a dragon fruit.
We have seen one
very red from inside. Outside. It's kind of got these big
prickles they're not very prickly, but they're soft prickles outside.
So never seen one you'll see one in Jannah How many of you have
tasted a sweet passionate fruit?
How many of you tasted a passion fruit?
Is it sour or sweet?
Passion Fruit is generally the small
purple ones that generally sour because they are the sour variety
which you generally get. Sometimes if you're lucky, you'll find the
larger ones, the yellow, those are sweet inside. Same thing but it's
larger and it's sweet inside.
So again, there are so many fruits out there. There are so many
fruits out that many people would not have tasted would not have
tasted even seen even thought about even known to have existed.
So how could they say the same thing?
Leanna Kathy Roman Alia ally Arona la ID funa thi Mara duniya wa la
Roja. They've never seen it before.
However, as I mentioned, the other people they say that how can this
be referring to be when Jana? They're going to say it each time?
How do you specify that and obviously they're probably
referring to it has to be referred to those of the world and they've
got their own reasons anyway.
Okay. So, after moving on, moving on from the will to be motor
they will be brought these motor Shabbiha and they will be similar
in a similar form that they will be brought. What does that mean
exactly? Hustle and bustle he says here on Kulu la Ravi Luffy.
What this means to be hemo, the Shabbiha mini there will always be
brought like what that means is clear on Kulu they will always be
perfect, the fruit will always be sound, there will never be any
defective fruit in the there will never be any inferior grade of
fruit inside.
Now, if you look at the world fruit, even though Subhanallah,
even though our supermarkets in this country, because they have
the income to do this, right? They insist on the best fruits from the
farmers. Anything that is a bit curved or twisted or whatever the
case is, they won't accept it. Have you ever seen a defective
apple? If you go to markets, Farmer markets, you'll see him.
But in supermarkets, you'll never see it. I think the way the most
defective fruit that you will see the sorry, the fruit that you will
see that has the you know the most crookedness in all the fruit that
you can, it's probably a pear, because pears are crooked the way
they are, but they're never too crooked. They generally there's
always a specific country. Otherwise, apples you never see
oranges, you never see the weird oranges. However, they can't
control it inside candy. Sometimes you buy grapes, very good. They
are crispy. They are sweet. And other times it's not the same.
Likewise, strawberries, and raspberries and things of that
nature sigh very sweet. Some of them have no taste whatsoever this
con controller can be.
So in Jannah, all of that the quality control will be perfect.
The right kind of fertilizer has been used. The you know the in
many companies, you have an r&d, faculty research and development.
So the research and development
it's all done by Allah subhanaw taala master development, no
research needed. Right? It's just master development. So the
fertilizer being used the growth,
you know that you're talking about in this in this country.
They've made farms into industrial farms where it's like a factory.
Literally, they teach it that they treat it, like there's no humanity
at all, the way they treat the animals and so on. Right? We're
just trying to feed them and let them grow as fast as possible so
they could just churn these things out. Likewise,
they're trying to do with different types of fertilizers and
hormones and everything like this. It's a good job that Europe is a
lot more considerate and careful about this than America is, for
example. But the whole purpose is to produce the most ideal fruits.
And to do it in a way that it doesn't rot. It doesn't, it comes
out in the right way.
And subhanAllah in Jannah is like that you pluck one, there'll be
another one there straightaway, and everyone will be perfect.
See, a lot of things in this time and age is being revealed to show
us what the verses and Hadith have been telling us for basically, for
You see, a friend of mine just went to a security and
surveillance kind of conference, where they're showing you all the
technology in terms of cameras and security. Right. So security, he
does buildings and things. So it's all about security. Subhanallah
you you have cameras now that see infrared in the night, it's
completely dark.
You have facial recognition. You have cameras that are 170 miles an
hour, apparently they can pick out license plates 170 miles, or they
can still capture your Can you imagine how fast that is? 170
miles an hour, something's going past, and they can capture that.
You know, basically you can program your gates with certain
number of number plates. So every time that particular car with that
number plate comes along, the gate will automatically open. Let's
understand it was at five miles an hour, 10 miles an hour, we're
talking about catching things at 170 miles an hour. We're talking
about uploading certain profiles in putting certain profiles into
the system, and that camera or a series of cameras will then
automatically follow that particular object. Wherever it
Subhan Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling you that with
you, there are angels all the time, everything you do is being
Everything that you do is being noted. And technology today is
going in that direction showing us how these things are not far
fetched. They are absolute possibilities.
Can you imagine that? So based on this, based on this reading so
far, it means that all the fruits will be perfect and similar in
terms of quality, and there will be no inferior quality. Another
group they say, among the second group is Abdullah Massoud Abdullah
himno ibis, and some other Sahaba of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
they sang with a shabby hand Filoni? Well, Mara, though they
will be similar in terms of the color and the appearance. But
Lisa, you should be talking with Tom, the flavor will not be the
same, the taste will be different. So although each of the foods that
you see will all look similar, and you think 100 fruit on this tree,
they're all the same. You pick one, it'd be a different flavor.
You pick another one, it'd be a different flavor.
And as I said, I don't think it's even far fetched that you get a
different, you get a different pleasure. Sensory pleasure in
every bite that you take. I don't think that's even far fetched.
That's why Anasazi Allahu Anhu or actually Robbie Ennis, he says, he
relates on Yeah, he has a bigger theory that the grace of Jana is
going to be saffron so saffron Subhanallah here, one gram because
five pounds, right? That from one gram, you know, cost so much
money. It is very strong.
I remember a story about Zafran.
I had a friend of ours in America in South Africa, who he's passed
away now may Allah have mercy on him. He used to have a very nice
He's have a very beautiful lawn
outside his house. So there was a person who lived down the road.
was not the brightest person. Right? He wasn't the brightest
person. So he is going past every day. He says to him a smile by
how'd you get your loan loan to be so nice. So green is just so nice.
So he smiled. Why? He says,
You know what I do I get Zafran I'm mixing in a bucket of water.
And then i
i Water this with the water of the frog. He's just joking with him.
And the person who went and started doing this and then he got
very, very angry when he was told that wasn't.
So zafra is very valuable.
The day mashallah you know you got all the grass there you know that
the hay is all over it's just that front loads of it what Keith van
hull misc
and then you've got mounds of musk.
The way it's going to be all design is going to be perfect.
It's not like it's just going to be thrown around, you know and
people even in this world when they design these these things,
it's done in a very artistic way with Allah. It's obviously we're
due for it he will ill will then we will fuck yeah.
And the children will come around serving them fruits, they will eat
them, then they will come again to me at two and a half immediately.
Then they will come again with some fruits that are similar for
Kowloon and the people will say, You just brought these to us
before just just now you you had the same fruit for your colon
we'll have them Kulu for in the lone warhead. What time multileaf
says no, no, eat these try these ones. They look the same, but the
taste is different.
And that is what Allah says Kula Maroussi comin home in thermal
Ratan rescan. Carlu ha the lady Rasik Nam in Kabul. Whoa to
behemoth a Shabbiha exactly what we've been discussing until now.
That's why Abdurrahman liberalization says that people
will recognize the fruits
that they used to have in the world to fair who be tougher.
Romain will be Romain Apple for Apple and pomegranate for
pomegranate. And then they will say hey, you know, so that's the
that possibility is there as well.
Then there's a number of other said there's a number of verses
what are the other verses that speak about fruit? Another one is
in solid, solid solid. Jana to adenine molfetta Hatton. Lahoma
will absorb these are the Gardens of Eden.
Those will be clearly opened up for them with the key enough here
they will be reclining there in their own Fe hobby Fuck yeah, they
will order the fruits. You don't have to go to a restaurant to do
it. For the market. Yeah, their own hobby fuck. They will
order their fruit 30 hatin cathedra on the menu Subhanallah
as many fruits as you want, whatever is available, were shut
up and then various types of drink that's inside Surah to Doohan
Allah says, yeah, the Runa fi hub equal Leafa ki hatin meanie, they
will call for all types of fruit in the morning, completely safe,
safe, that you can eat as much as you want. Don't worry about any of
them having too much of a laxative effect. You know there are certain
fruits, you eat that too cold for you, you end up getting cold it
too many leeches they say it has a cold effect. And that's the next
day you've got a cold right? Or you have certain fruits like
dates, and it's too hot for you and you're bleeding and your nose
is bleeding the next day for some people, right. That's why the
province of Assam used to always mix the two he used to take the
dates and along with
cucumber or coconut works as well. Coconut is supposed to have a
cooling effect.
So all of these things that are very interesting, and it's kind of
achieved they say that the coconut is cooling, but the coconut water
is heating. It's warm. It's that has heat inside. It's really
strange all of these things the way they work the way they react
to your body.
So they will call out for fruit so none of these fruits where you'll
you'll you'll always be pleased with what you have none of it will
have any kind of weird effect they will all be perfectly moderated,
perfectly moderated.
Then Allah says in sort of zone of what they will call Jen Atleti or
is to move Bhima coo to dark maroon lagoon v have key her to
Kathy NEERA minha Kowloon that is the garden that you have been that
you have inherited based on what you used to do for you in there is
abundant fruit again fruit is mentioned from it you will eat it
looks like the staple of Jana is going to be fruit.
Again Allah says in surah WildCare wolffer quixote you get the wrong
llama co toward you Allah, nor abundant fruit again. Lamb Aqua
while I'm Noah, you will never be prevented from them. None of it
will ever go out of season.
None of it will be bad for you and thus you will be told you have to
abstain. Don't eat this don't eat that.
Allah says in surah Al Harco again, for Hua theory, Shetty,
Raul duniya. Fijian Latina Leah otaku, her dunny.
He will be in a
state of existence full of joy and bliss in these lofty gardens
Kotova dhania whose branches will be close, readily available for
you to take from so again you've got this concept of something
coming off
a tree
that's what Allah says Again totally insane what Danny it's a
gnarly him later on who was Ooh Lila Otto for her the lead that's
inserted in son.
The shade will be upon them. And the branches will be brought low
for them, so that they can take from it. So again, you've got a
concept of branches again. That's why even our bus of the Allahu
Anhu says that whenever a person will intend or desire to eat any
of the fruit, that the branch will just hang down, and he will take
whatever he wants.
Nobody has to prepare it for you. It's directly you will have this
coming from the tree itself.
Then in Surah Rahman again, right, so again, see how many verses
there on this surah Rahman, Allah says V Hema mu Khalifa Quixote in
the region. That's the first set of paradise. The other set of
paradise he talks about two sets of paradise, right, two different
gardens for those priests who are people who are very, very close to
foreigners. And then for the other people who are secondary who come
after them. They're the people who do righteousness. So for the first
one, it says, for them in it will be fruit, every fruit, two types
of every fruit, a pair of every fruit. And in the other two
gardens fee, Hema key had to I know no room. It specifies this is
that it will be fruit for them. Knuckle and Romain. That's the
palm which is generally the date palm and the pomegranate, the date
palm and the pomegranate. The reason why those two have been
mentioned and insert another it mentions that the grape so you've
got the grape, the pomegranate,
and the date, the date the grape and the pomegranate, and then
you've got the fig mentioned as well. Right and the olive you know
how you classify that as fruit so what you got the but specifically
about gender you've got this because these are some of the best
fruits in the world when you get good grapes. That they're amazing.
Good dates are amazing. In terms of both its nutritional and
everything inside
sort of Muhammad Allah says what at home feed me call Alyssa Bharat
or mouth era to me Rob be him. For them. It will be for them. It will
be all types of fruits
and forgiveness from the Lord.
So I don't think there's any escaping of fruit anybody who has
problem with fruit
has problem with that. That's why it's related from Thorburn are the
Allahu Anhu Toblerone relates is from soulburner The Allah rasool
Allah SallAllahu sallam said in the Raju either Naza thermadata
mineral Jana added McDonough okra. Whenever a person picks any fruit
from any tree then there will be another one that will come in its
place. Abdullah the son of Imam Muhammad, he relates this
narration from Zahid from Abu Musa Radi Allahu Anhu that Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
that Allah subhanho wa Taala caused Adam alayhis salam to come
down from Jana.
He then Allama husana Attica Lee che He taught him
the how to manufacture everything how to make everything was the
word of whom in thema. Real Jana and he also gave him provisions as
some of the
fruits of Jannah for three Morocco heavy him in thematic, Jana. The
fruits that you have here they are all from the fruits of Jana, her
Euro Anahata the year the only problem is because the nature of
this world and it's not forever, they do change and they do perish.
Everything perishes in in this world, whereas in Jana nothing
perishes that's why fruit stay as well. What till Kola Yatta, yatta
Yatta, yatta and Jana nothing happens to it.
And likewise, there's a another Hadith related from Jabra the
Allahu Anhu that once while we were inside the door,
we were in Salah to the the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is
Reading the prayer. Suddenly the professor Lawson's moves a bit
And then he grabs onto something or he tries it seems like he's
trying to hold something, take something then he moves back. So
you probably took a little movement forward, try to grab
something came back.
Because the muscle wasn't that big. He wouldn't really be
standing too much, far further away from the wall. Right? Because
unless you know you're small, so they wouldn't be he wouldn't be
standing like miles away. It's probably like here where he's
standing. So he tried to grab something in the Qibla wall by the
Qibla Wallace and then he took a step back.
When he finished the prayer obey abracadabra the hola Juan says
Yara swill Allah, so Natalya home of his Salah de chez la quinta de
You did something in Salah today that you don't generally do. He
said, Yes. What happened is paradise was presented in front of
me, and all of its adornment and all of its resplendence and glory
was presented in front of me. So I tried to grab I tried to take hold
of one of the branches of,
grapes. I tried to take one of the cluster of grapes from there so
that I could tea can be so I could bring it to you. But for hailer
beanie or Boehner hall right something came in between
prevented me you can't take it it's not you're not allowed right
it's not if I did bring it to you if I was able to take it and give
it to you then
whoever is between the heavens and earth would have been able to eat
from here and you would not have decreased it
because if it's from Jana is never going to end how Allah knows best
but it's just endless sorry sorry deployments who relates from Bella
ignore as zebra the Allah one in a halal agenda yet Coronavirus Jana
Creo Manuel Karuta or moto je nada Johan in show the people of Jana,
they will eat the fruits of Jana standing, sitting and lying down
in any state that they want. Basically, you can eat as you like
down there, because your main staple seems to be fruits.
Okay, so this next section now is about the crops of Jannah. Allah
subhanaw taala says Wolfie Hermitage, the hill info zoo, what
they love the lion in it will be whatever the soul's desire,
whatever the self desires, and whatever the AI envisions find any
kind of pleasure in Abu Huraira. The Allahu Anhu relates that the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was one day relating to us.
And there was one of the Bedouins who was sitting with him.
Raja Rahman Al Abadi, and he was sitting there.
So he,
the voice alone was saying that a person of Jana
when we'll ask
his Lord
can he
do some
growing some farming of some sort.
So, Allah will tell him our list of fish to hate. Don't you have
whatever you desire? You've got everything ready for you? Why do
you want to? Why would you want to grow something? Why do you want to
toil and make the effort? You've got everything. It's all grown
ready. You can have it
for Karla Bella. Now, of course, of course I have everything. But I
have one Sr. I want to just do some farming.
Remember the old days I just want to do some farming. I've got all
this energy again. No, maybe even he died. He was old. Now he feels
like I've got my youthful vigor. 33 years old. I've got all the
energy, I can take on this many people at once. So let me go and
do some farming.
He will go and he will put the seeds in.
And the growing will be faster than a blink of an eye. It will
start growing, growing, standing up on it stems and then cutting it
and dealing with the whole aftermath.
And then all of that it'd be a big mountain load of it straightaway.
You'll get all of that done. Massive, fast production.
Essentially this what people are trying to do. They're trying to
create paradise in this world. All of this has been mentioned. Even
without realizing this. They they know many of these people have
never read these ahaadeeth all of these big industrialists, these
big agro businesses, they've never read any of this, but that's what
they're trying to do, isn't it in perception like humans final,
objective and goal, ambition. And Allah is telling us you will get
all of this agenda. Just focus on trying to get to gender
Subhan Allah
so then when it becomes like a whole mountain full of this, Allah
will say do not keep them here you go for in the hula you should be
okay che nothing is going to satisfy you as satiate you quench
you. So this RRB this desert arable Cindy's ADRs will Allah
we don't find this except among the Kure she's and the
uncertainties. Certainly the coloration the answer you could do
this meaning crops there the US herbalism.
Right, for a man for less now because herb is Zarin. We don't
care about this. He was basically making a remark that you're
mentioning that some people may want this. They may want to do
farming there. He says we don't care about that kind of stuff.
They have better winds they move around. They can't grow things
right in the middle of the desert. They just about fine water. But
these are the people in the these are the colorations and the
uncertainties in a generator from the maca and from Medina they do
this kind of stuff. So they're probably the ones who are going to
ask this kind of question.
Imam Buhari is also in kita with Tauheed is related some of this
this proves that in Jana, there is going to be you can grow things
and you can have seeds there.
And of course, it's the best and most fertile land to grow this and
grow instantly. Allah I mean, can you imagine that this is what
these big companies are trying to do a just a will if you could just
grow like this Subhanallah
you know, Northampton, Northampton, in this country was
the place where shoes are made, as traditionally were, I think 33% of
the people living in Northampton but 100 200 years ago used to make
shoes some of the best shoes are made there right
now one pair of shoes would take about seven eight hours to make
cutting in less than they would make take about seven hours so in
one day, how many shoes can you make
one maybe one and a half pairs if you work overtime right
now there are companies in England that churn out
several 1000 shoes every day
right because it's just so much possible on machine everything
were they trying to get to you know and here in Japan they saying
you want to do crops yes no problem farming you want to do
it's going to be so fertile everything's so well tune that is
just going to grow. Probably the only Hadith that seems to mention
this, it may be like just some kind of a quirk that somebody had
that he wants to mention. Or maybe the professor Lawson just
mentioned it that that's also a possibility just show what's
available. Why would somebody want to do farming when you when you
don't? When none of it needs to be done where everything can be ready
without it? That's the question some people are asking
there's another narration from equity my says that while a person
is in Jannah, he's gonna say to himself,
If Allah gives me permission, I want to do some farming.
Now nobody knows about this, except the angels that are at his
They will say salam menarik
you Lord has told you the mandate of enough sick seeker che in fact
the Alim to who
you have
wished for something in your hearts. We know about it, I know
about it.
And the seeds have been sent with us already the angels say
he will do it. Or he will say Okay, put the seeds out. And
immediately they will grow like mountains.
Allah will then say from above the harsh cold Libnah Adam, Eve now is
where you want to do or eat from it. The human never associated.
The human is never quenched. He always wants to do more. He's
given given all of this he still wants to do more is never
quenched. What a weird
for a weird creation of Allah.
You know, human beings they always want more.
So Hamdulillah that discusses all of the plants and fruits of Jannah
and inshallah the next time it will be about the rivers of Jannah
and the streams of Jannah. We'll discuss that next time inshallah
Dawa and Al Hamdulillah