Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Palestine Muslims Always Win
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The importance of gaining support from others to be successful in winning war is discussed, along with the success of Islam in winning war. The segment touches on various aspects of Islam, including persecution, rebirth, and the need for patient mental health. The importance of education and finding one's own success is also emphasized. The segment ends with a recap of seven points of the message and a promise to continue working hard. The DUA is emphasized as a tool for expressing one's political and cultural stance and avoiding negative consequences.
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How many other people love their prophet as much? How many? We may
have other another faith which is higher in number just as in terms
of membership, or affiliation, but the Muslims are definitely the
highest in terms of actual practice, despite our weaknesses,
regularly praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala let's not forget
that. Isn't this a victory even today, with all the distractions,
we still have a family system, we still know what a male and female
is. Those confusions. Allah protect us. Because I'm sad for
people who are confused. It's a bad place to be. It's not a nice
place to be to be confused. Confusion is bad regardless. So
something you should be proud of.
And he saw something we're happy about that people are confused.
That's a really sad case that you don't even know what you are
anymore. Well hamdulillah near metal Islam hamdulillah Allah and
Muhammad Al Islam
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala
Sayidina Muhammad who are either early he will be here as remain a
mother had Allah subhanaw taala takes us through different types
of trials. Some of these trials are not within us. But they're to
do with our loved ones there to do with people that we should care
for or we do care for, or at least we should care for. Now Allah
subhana wa Tada has promised assistance and a victory that
Allah subhanho wa Taala has promised. He doesn't necessarily
tell us what that always looks like.
For example, a simple example of that is Allah says enough attack
now look at him, Medina,
we've given you a major victory and open victory a clear victory.
When did when was that revealed that was revealed that the who
they be the Treaty of who they be a treaty of Abia was seen as
disadvantageous to the Muslims even Ramadan said, how can we
accept this? They've got the better options. If any of them
become Muslim and come to us, we can't accept them, we'll have to
send them back. We can't allow them to come in Madina Munawwara
if any of us wants to go there, they don't have to send them back.
multiple things like this that seems completely disadvantageous.
Probably so the laws and signed on it
agreed to it.
Amara, the Allah Allah is but then the prophets Allah wa salam knew
what he was doing, of course, and Allah called the victory and that
was the road to the victory. You don't always win straightaway, in
whether we won. The Muslims won surprise. It was very surprising
70 of the leaders of Quraysh were destroyed. But then later, when
they were a bit more organized two years later, in the Battle of
probably writing on the victory of battle, a burden. Initially, there
was a win, but then there was a setback, the professor Larson
himself gets attacked, and he's wounded in that one. But still,
even then, ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada comforts them and says, look, it's
not always, if you have pain, they have pain, you have pain, you have
one, they have one. This is how it works in this world. Because
victory doesn't always come with winning the battle.
Victory is the ultimate, the ultimate war. And a battle is just
part of a war. So if you look at certain countries, or a particular
very small group of people in a particular country, that for 20
years, fought with the aggressors, which included the superpower of
the world, and 39 other countries,
and 20 years, they lost a lot. Lots of people were killed and
martyred. But ultimately, they won the war. They lost many battles,
but they won the war. Our job is to make an efforts and do the
right thing. And be just so what is it that Allah subhanho wa Taala
tells us to do to, to win the war, to be successful? Because
ultimately Allah is going to allow the faith to be successful, that's
for sure.
How can we be the people?
Because we're Muslims. How can we be successful? How can our
brothers wherever they are, be successful aggress especially
against their aggressors.
the first thing that is important to gain Nasir Nasir means the
assistance of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. The first thing is Eman
to be faithful without Iman. But if we people would not have
survived that long
in man in Uzbekistan would not have survived after 6070 years of
persecution, actively trying to eradicate the faith. How did he
and become thriving, despite still difficulties, but how does it
become in many other countries around the world? It's very
similar. Turkey secularism was imposed on them. And now
mashallah, they've the Back on Track after 5060 years of a down,
you know?
So, Iman biller is very important. After Eman Biller, the most
important property is subber.
Allah has promised multiple things on patients. Patients can only be
when you're steadfast when there's difficulties and you deal with
them because that's the world this is not paradise. There's going to
be struggles here Shayateen around
so Allah subhanho wa Taala says encircle and third verse 65 e yeah
come min come a sure una sala be Runa yesterday boo me attain.
If there are from you 20 patient ones, like solidly patient ones,
they will overcome 200.
But you need that really strong patients. While you're coming
Your group will also mean a Latina care for Rubia Nan Coleman, live
And if there's 100 of you, assuming that the same
characteristics of patients, they will overcome 2000 Sorry, 1000 of
those who are the enemies of those who disbelieve because there are
people who don't understand what the real purpose of this world is
and what you shouldn't be doing for the sake of Allah. Remember,
there's no other faith today that has probably 20 million who files
of the Quran of the book, you'd be lucky if there's 10 People who
have memorized their entire Scripture,
we have minions, just a little place like Captain would have 1000
Ilford would have 1000 altogether new and would have 1000 or 2000
easily, this five will falls in a house
which, which are the places that how many other people love their
prophet as much? How many we may have other another faith which is
higher in number just as in terms of membership, or affiliation, but
the Muslims are definitely the highest in terms of actual
practice, despite our weaknesses,
regularly praying to Allah subhanaw taala let's not forget
that. Isn't this a victory even today, with all the distractions?
We still have a family system, we still know what a male and female
is. Those confusions. Allah protect us. Because I'm sad for
people who are confused. It's a bad place to be. It's not a nice
place to be to be confused. Confusion is bad regardless. So
something you shouldn't be proud of.
And it's not something we're happy about that people are confused.
That's a really sad case that you don't even know what you are
anymore. Well hamdulillah near metal Islam hamdulillah Allah and
Amatil Islam
number two, along with Subhan Allah at something else for Nasri
for assistance, which is taqwa Allah says in surah added Imran
Budda industry rule with a taco where the
industry rule whatever the who were to come mean for him other
young did come rockbrook On behalf city Allah Freeman and murder
equity Musa Wiebe if you are patient and persevere and persist,
persevere and are steadfast and you have Taqwa very important,
you're doing this ultimately with God consciousness properly the way
he wants it to be done.
Then and they come to you, Allah will send you a lay saying is
Allah will assist you. He will extend for you support from with
5000 Angels specially designated angels.
Otherwise how is it that small groups can win over big ones?
Physically with no equipment?
Compared to the best technology, the most advanced military in the
world? And you can you can route them.
Number three is rebirth. I'm going quickly with this because we don't
have too much time but a rebirth visa vie dilla rebirth means
staying God being precautious knowing what you need to do.
Allah subhana wa Tada and Solitaire let him around again
verse 200, year au Alladhina menos Bureau SAPA is everywhere.
Ultimately subsidies everywhere you have to be patient. Yeah, you
will at the nominal Spirou was sabe rule. Be patient yourself and
assist others encourage one another to be patient as well.
We're RB to the robots.
What duckula la isla come to flee home so that you are successful.
And number four
The little humility in front of Allah
humbly entreating ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
mashallah, I've been told by brothers that the people who are
our brothers who are under occupation and savage attacks,
they used to be like other liberal countries before but they become
much more religious now.
It's an observation that they become a lot because what else are
you gonna do? This is your only way out.
There's no other way out. Nobody else can help you. Only Allah can
help you and the way Allah will help you is all of these things.
So Allah subhanho wa Taala says in here
what are called the NA sobre como Allah will be bedded in why don't
Allah assisted you in better because you are Avila you had the
for duck Allah Allah Allah conditio Quran
fear Allah so that you can be grateful and you can express your
what what is that alone, either Ballistic Body fill armed with the
Kabbalah, Allah Nast's not to be haughty. And to think yourself
greater than others. You know, just for the sake of being haughty
and arrogant. Allah says a Villette in idle mode meaning is
sitting idle caffeine,
very humbled to the believers but very strong against the against
the disbelievers certain man either. Number five sortal and
this one is the backbone, vicar Allah He died almost the middle
which means a continuous remembrance of Allah subhanho wa
Taala because ultimately that is who it's all for. And that is the
only he is the only one who can assist so Allah says, yeah, uh,
you hella Xena man who either the key to either the key au Hala,
Xena, man who is the T tomb fi atom fifth Bhutto
was Kuru law, her Cassie of Allah, Allah come to flick on
old people who believe when you meet
the group, the enemy group,
first of all, to stand firm.
But Allah says and remember Allah abundantly, that's your invisible
force. Remember Allah abundantly so that you can gain success, you
can gain further
number six allege that what the GS which essentially means
preparation, you need to be prepared you need to be, you need
to be prepared.
Unfortunately, the way a lot of people prepare is Netflix.
That's the preparation of today, unfortunately, of the youth and
everybody else, rather than really
educating themselves. Understanding strategy,
understanding, a prudent prudence of what is supposed to happen,
what could happen, we take everything for granted. We have
apathy, and I'm speak these things that I'm talking about. They're
for us in the UK, for example. And in the Western world, for example,
there's a lot of other things that Allah has mentioned for Sabah
before to gain muscle
to gain victory, but they are not necessarily very easy for us to do
here, or BIA so that these are things that we have chosen, right,
that we can do
what needs to happen from us is changing the narrative that is
something that we need to do And Alhamdulillah people have been
doing but not enough. That's why today you actually see a change in
the narrative somewhat it's there now before there was no change in
narrative give you an example. Since these things have had the
since these atrocities have have have begun the bombardments and
everything I didn't have time I was just quickly looking at The
Guardian because I thought it's probably the best of the lot were
Allahu Allah and then I looked at BBC a bit and it was certain
narrative yes there was some positive slight you know, guardian
in its
in its
articles is just like everybody else it seems. But it's letters.
It has really much more favorable letters it seems it's maybe that's
it's balanced to stay out of trouble, right or be shut down or
whatever it is.
Then I went I've just been off Twitter for a very long time. Like
I've hardly been on there then I decided let me just go and check
it out. And it's a different world
it's a whole different world Mashallah. So much is out there
people are seem to be awake, because education is very
important. You
You and I, second class citizens may never be listened to. But let
our other brothers and sisters from the original Anglo Saxon
community, let them learn about these things.
And then there'll be a force to be reckoned with strategy ultimately.
Because these are supposedly democracies, they obviously messed
up democracies to a certain degree, right? With blind
affiliations and so on, but ultimately that can change.
We have to raise awareness, we have to let people know what the
reality is what's really going on.
And that we can do it's freedom of information.
So ALLAH SubhanA, WA, tada. Then
number seven,
again, there's multiple but this is our number seven. What are the
two Muslimeen? What are the four rock unity of the Muslims that
absolute? If there's one thing but it's very difficult to achieve
history, unfortunately.
You know, unfortunately, doesn't have enough example he has
examples but we could we would need more examples and we would
have would love to have more examples and not to being divided.
Allah subhana wa Tada says, where it does seem will be humbly lucky
Jimmy and Willa for Rocco, hold on. to the rope of Allah subhana
wa Tada firmly together and do not separate. Worth Quran airmet Allah
Here they come. And remember Allah has blessing upon you. Allah gives
an example of how you're coming together gave you so much and how
Allah is going to help you come together. Even if you think you
can't come together. It's going to matter and you were sworn enemies
for underfur Boehner Kuru because Allah reconcile between your
hearts 6070 year old war and
enmities, opposition's hatred
as there are so many today but Allah subhanho wa Taala says fast
back Don't be near Murthy he Juana with his with his blessings, you
became brothers, welcome to my Allah Shiva Shiva for 14 Min and
nada, you were literally on the edge of hellfire.
For another commissioner here, he extracted you from it Gatica up
you know Lola come at heal, I love them that they do this the way
Allah subhana wa, tada makes clear his signs so that you can gain
And, ultimately, with all of this, the one thing that we need to be
doing instead of
what happens in these cases is that we're hoping for good news.
So we keep looking at the news, we keep reading the news, we're
constantly on it, hoping for some good news. But no, it's not always
good news. It's all most of the time, it's bad news. If there's a
little piece of good news, we get excited. But believe me if we, the
time that we look at the news, if we took 80% of that time, and just
sat and did some DSP and Hassan Allahu and Emeril Joaquin, and do
Alpha Allah subhanaw taala. I'm not saying 100% You can do that
under percent if you want. It does help to see some of the what's
going on so that it keeps you going that, that there is a
benefit in that but just 20% of your whatever time you're saying,
if you're spending an hour a day, well, 10 minutes, the other 50
minutes, do ah, it'll be I'm telling you to go much further
than just watching and hoping for good news.
Sometimes we will say how bad are these guys will swear whatever.
But no doll comes out. The curse isn't.
You don't even know how to curse.
Do us, do us? That's very, very important. Because Allah subhanaw
taala ultimately says, but there is not enough though. And the
other thing which stops our doors for even the doors we make
sometimes is that we're not really making any changes to our life. So
we want the cake and we want to eat it. As they say I still don't
understand that example. Or that proverb. But ultimately what it
is, is that we're making do our we want our doors to be accepted.
We're not really making any changes to our life, in terms of
the wrongs that we may be doing. To say Ya Allah, look, I am worthy
now, because I've made these changes and one of the worst
things that that we really have to think about some sins we know were
sinning. And we still continue to sin though we know. The worst is
the case when we don't even realize the sins that have become
part of our life. That's the worst because we lie to them.
And then we hope for our doors to be accepted the Muslim world. So
don't be glued to Al Jazeera.
And whatever else there is out there
All right, get your news. And then pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala
get it this be and just every time you feel bad just do it the suite
of hustlin Allah Who an airman Rookie of any other dua to Allah,
and that was that there we can suggest, when Ibrahim Ali Salam,
when he was thrown into the fire, he said has to be Allahu Akbar
The prophets also told us, right, it's not in the Quran, but the
prophets also told us that Ibrahim Ali Salam and he has to be Allah
Who am an ally sufficient for me, he's the best patron.
Likewise in Saudi Arabia, Iran, when
is a Hadith of Buhari?
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah says in the
nurse a pajama or with a comb, fuck showhome when the believers
were told that
the enemies have gathered for you,
to eat you up, consume you to attack you.
Allahu Akbar. They said, and then they said, fuck, fuck show him you
need to be fearful of them. The whole world is telling the group
the people
are our brothers to be fearful. But hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah
we've hit we've seen multiple reports from the way they respond
just like the Sahaba
what how did the Sahaba respond, facade the home Imana it is
increased the Eman because this is what Allah had promised us wakanow
has spoon of love one animal Joaquin as what you see coming out
of their tongues Alhamdulillah that they know this.
People will die because people die. Ultimately that's where we
come here to die find me anyway. Just some people die earlier in
bad situations. But Allah has incentivize everything.
A person who dies in a bad state in an accident in an attack in a
war they've got better chance of than a person who dies without
preparing for death properly naturally. Because they Shaheed
This is our this is the way we make ourselves content after
somebody has died.
Right? This is the way we deal with the matter. We have to
continue our work, we have to do all of these things the seven
things that we mentioned the sub and the Dakhla and a dozen Lulu
the humility in front of Allah subhana wa Tada continuous
remembrance of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada ribbleton precaution and
preparation and trying to be unified, trying to be unified as
much as possible. And then the dua to Allah the continuous Dwars to
Allah subhana wa Tada because Allah has promised in this world,
we're definitely going to test you. Ultimately, this is a big
test, right? And we shouldn't lose ourselves, our work has to
continue. And there's a lot more work still to do. In fact, this is
not the time to mention these things in this particular way. But
they are bigger issues in our community, which is literally
destroying the Muslim communities. I don't want to diminish that
idea. There is a lot of work to do. We pray for our brothers we
continue our work in whichever way we can, in the best way we can and
in the way that we can. That's what we do it what's within our
within our capability insha Allah and finally the prophets Allah
some used to make a DUA, especially in great difficulty and
in great pain. Very powerful, very powerful dua. When you have a
massive issue, you you resort to this to La ilaha IL Allah will
have even had him
La Ilaha illa Allah Hora Bullough shield Kareem La Ilaha illa Allah
Rob boo Samoa Torah Bhullar Sheila the look how powerful the meaning
of this dua is, there is no God except Allah, Allah Allah, Allah,
Allah, Allah Allah Karim al Halim, there is no God except Allah, the
majestic of him. And I'll help him forbearing he knows what's going
on. Just gonna do it in the right time. Because nothing happens by
magic in this world, you don't do a spell and things happen, sought
about efforts and strategy. Then there is no God except Allah, the
of the noble throne.
Or the Lord noble Lord of the Throne.
You're invoking the throne because you're saying, whoever is in
charge of the throne, they are in charge of everything. That's the
idea. When you say that Allah is the Lord of the Throne, that means
is the Lord of everything. And finally, there is no God except
Allah, the Lord of the heavens and Ragusa words, the Lord of the
heavens and the mighty Lord of the Throne or the Lord of the Mighty
So that's a hadith of Buhari as well. So may we read that
frequently? May we read that frequently inshallah we will put
it down into the into the description.
of the video when it goes up as well in sha Allah so that you can
actually memorize these things. And the seven points and may Allah
subhanaw taala give us the trophy to continue to pray for our
brothers and do whatever we can sha Allah but to continue our work
and may Allah subhanaw taala give us satisfaction well for the devil
Anna and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen the victory is for Allah
subhana wa Tada Allah who meant the salah woman because salaam the
Bama Thea the jewelry where the Quran Allahu me are how you yokley
whom erotica and a study allowed me 100 em unknown law either, you
learn to Subhana Cana cannoli mean does Allah Warren Mohamed mo
Yo yo, setup Yeah, happy New Year, salaam.
Here Latif here Latif, here Latif, here. Liberty calm, yeah Allah
here Allah have mercy on this one. Yeah, ALLAH forgive this. The
Allah forgive us all. Yeah, Allah. If we are the people who are
creating an obstacle in the acceptance of your DUA. Oh Allah
forgive us and remove this. Remove this sin from us. Oh Allah. We are
certainly sinners. We are certainly wrongdoers. We are
certainly being lazy, and procrastinating and indulgent and
distracted. Oh Allah forgive us for one of these things. But what
Allah forgive us for these things, our brothers are suffering. Oh
Allah, we are enjoying our lifestyles here. And our brothers
are suffering. How Allah what have they done wrong that you're doing
this to them? What have we done right there you're, you're giving
us this so called blessing. Oh Allah. Oh Allah don't make this a
deception for us. Oh Allah grant them the patience and the
steadfastness and the taqwa and the ribat and the Nosara and the
assistance and all the fortitude that they are required our Lord
grant them a win in the war. Oh Allah grant them delivery from
this, oh Allah grant them
grant them victory. Oh Allah grant them freedom. Oh Allah grant them
their dignity and their honor of Allah grant them the respect that
is required of Allah remove this bias, remove this haywire near
remove remove this
injustice of Allah remove this injustice, or Allah remove this
aggression. Oh Allah our love. Forgive us all of our wrongdoings
that we've done that have brought darkness in our layers and that
have made us have to sin these kinds of events. Oh Allah, Oh
Allah make it that we don't have to see these kinds of events
anymore. Oh Allah that we can only see victory and goodness and
success and beauty and humanity. Oh Allah allow us to do that allow
us to be worthy and unworthy of that make us all contribute
towards that onma of Allah we all we all contribute to this onma Oh
ALLAH if we are negative in this regard of Allah, and make us
positive and good contributors make us of the righteous ones. Oh
Allah allow us to fulfill all of the obligations that will then
bring your your assistance and your victory and your protection
of Allah grant us him grant her strength of Allah grant to
steadfastness grant has beneficial knowledge of Allah and do not make
this a moment of us wasting our time thinking we're doing
something productive, but allow us to do that which is productive and
which is right and which is beneficial. And Oh Allah, Oh
Allah, Oh Allah ultimately we pray for all of those who've lost their
lives that are alive accept them as Shaheed Oh Allah accept them as
the mod says, Oh Allah, they've gone from this world we're still
going to be we're still going to be negotiating the various
different activities of this world. They've gone a shahid Yeah,
Allah they may be in Paradise by now. Oh Allah bless them and their
families and for Allah grant them great steadfastness. And oh Allah
give them a much more than what they have lost. Oh Allah grant
them much more than what they have lost. Oh Allah assist us all and
guide us on. Oh Allah. Oh Allah. Accept us all for the service of
your deen Subhan Allah because Allah is it here and now you'll
see phone was said I'm in Ireland, Melissa, you know Al Hamdulillah.
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration and encouragement. suasion. The next
step is to actually start learning seriously, to read books to take
on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on that Islamic essentials
certificate, which you take 20 Short modules and at the end of
that in
sha Allah you will have gotten the basics of most of the most
important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well to Zach Allah here in Santa Monica when I
had to lie about what occurred