Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – It’s just a minor sin

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the difficulty of remaining in a modern world and the need for punishment against injuries. They emphasize the importance of remembering the "traditional aftermath and not giving excuses to anyone. The conversation is difficult to follow and lacks clear context or clear goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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So to deter people from even minuses because we take a look,

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it's only it's only mcru Yaki. It's only undesirable this, they

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laugh about it. I mean in this month it's not haram. So that's

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these are, it's a minor sin. Why are you so particular about this?

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So now we're in England, we're in the West, it's difficult. We live

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in a modern, you know, times, it's very difficult, can't survive. You

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know, without this, all of these kinds of excuses, look who you

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look who you're saying this against, then it becomes suddenly

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bigger. And then if he wants to take us to task for it, he's gonna

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have the right to do it. Because remembering the hereafter, nobody,

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nobody at all, for any punishment that Allah gives to them is going

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to feel wronged. Because it's going to be so clear there's going

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to be no delusion in the hereafter. There's going to be too

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many proofs against us.

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