Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – How to Get the Best out of Your Qur’an Recitation

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The importance of reading the Quran for understanding everything in the internet is emphasized, along with the need for proper writing and translation. The practice of reciting verses in a spiritual message is also emphasized, and the holy month is emphasized as a powerful way to increase one's sense of gratitude and understanding Allah's teachings. Visiting the holy month is encouraged, and online lectures and Rayyan courses are available for further learning. Ultimately, practicing the holy month is crucial for achieving health, success, and spiritual well-being.
AI: Transcript ©
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So when you do start, you're reflecting on a page, mark out the

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verses that really strike you, there'll be some verses that will

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just strike you more than others because they're more relevant to

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you, or they just ring true for something, mark them out, mark the

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translation, and then repeat them when you need SubhanAllah. You

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know, I think as human beings we need moments of reflection. So

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when we just, especially I will say when you had a really good

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time, then it's a time to reflect just to kind of Earth us again,

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just to ground us again. Sometimes some people leave read verses of

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the Quran, some people lead read or listen to certain machines or

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say something poetry is very, very profound. And but even the Quran

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has multiple verses like this that can help to ground us. So pick

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your verses that just help you that just help you. Whatever that

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verses and you will make your selection as you go along. As you

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read, you will make your own selection that are relevant to us.

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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu

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salam ala Sayidina Muhammad wider early he or Safi or Baraka was

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seldom at the Sleeman Kathira on Eli. Oh, me, Dean.

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I'm bad.

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So what we'll do is we'll continue with the etiquettes. Right, so

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we've done five air ticket, we'll continue with the rest of the

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etiquettes of reading the Quran, one to get the best out of our

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recitation now, all of the ones we've just covered, they're to do

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with their to do with the state to be in the most optimal state and

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the permissible states. Now what we're going to discuss is how to

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get the best out of our reading. One should seek protection in

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Allah before reciting. And most people do we say our villa homina,

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shaytaan the regime why do we do that we don't want shaytaan to

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misrepresent anything for us to be missed. Understanding something,

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we can still misunderstand, but at least it's not from the shaytaan

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then it's just to our in

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inadequate knowledge, if we're if we're trying to understand and we

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get it wrong. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah, two Nahal for

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either Cara del Quran Fs there is bIllahi min a shape or a new

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regime, when you recite the Quran, seek Allah's protection from the

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outcast Satan. And we do that by Allah bIllahi min ash shaytaan the

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regime or you can do any of those are with the Billa his semi

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illegally Mina shaytani regime or Altavilla him in a shaytani

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regime, any kind of

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seeking refuge is fine. reciting this Dorado is is not necessary.

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Like if you started reading without that it'd be fine, but

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it's just not the other to do. So we want to seek protection from

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the shaytaan before we do this, okay, number seven.

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When you recite, we should recite with reflection and pondering.

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Now, the author is an Egyptian, he is expected he's probably writing

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for Arabs who understand what they're reading, or they better

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understand what they're reading, or they should.

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What about the rest of us who don't understand what we're

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reading? Well, we do the best that we can. But this is what he says

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he says that you should recite with reflection and pondering. I

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guarantee you even us there's words that we can ponder over. If

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you're not reading with a translation, there'll be certain

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words that will allow us to ponder

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but this is what I'm encouraging. Mashallah, this Ramadan, you're

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reading, right? May Allah subhanho wa taala, except our Quran

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Hutton's that we do. But I'm going to suggest that at least once a

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day, do one page a day start off, start off with just one page a day

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of reflection. Meaning in all of your reading that you're doing

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before after fajr after the after your work.

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After Arthur McGraw whenever you're reading, you take a

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translation. And you do reflection of at least one page you can get

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translations everywhere now online everywhere, whichever translation

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you want, at least reflect on one page, just read it with thought.

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Even if you don't understand Arabic, read the translation, you

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will see an improvement and an enhancement and an increase

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multitudes in sha Allah in and that's the only way you can learn

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about Allah through the Quran, because that's Allah speaking he

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tells us so much about himself. So start reading with meaning one

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page at a start off with that and then you'll see that you can

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you'll just want to increase you will want to read the whole Quran,

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Quran and you'll be wondering, like, why didn't I do this for the

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last 50 years?

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The last 30 years last 20 years.

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You just start doing that.

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You got to translation?

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Yeah. Okay.

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So one should recite with reflection and pondering, with

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deliberation and devotion,

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the purpose of it until the heart becomes soft

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As the sole becomes humbled

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and one becomes overwhelmed with all of Allah, that will happen

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when you read when you start understanding Allah directly. All

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of this will happen. You can't stay arrogant if you start reading

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the Quran with this kind of focus.

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It's very powerful.

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Until one becomes overwhelmed with the or the reverential fear, power

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control majesty, authority might and the strength of Allah will

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discover all of these things. This will eventually then reflect in

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one's limbs and character. If you want a good, good, good character,

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then read Quran that way. He says that deep reflection is the main

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objective and the most important goal of reciting the Quran. By it,

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the soul finds solace and the heart is illuminated. That's why

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Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah Nisa, verse 82, says, fella that

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Barone will or

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will they not? Then reflect on the Quran?

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You need any more proof any more encouragement? Allah is saying,

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will they not reflect on the Quran? Not just the way it looks,

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and it's published very well this edition, and it looks beautiful,

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and the pages are so nice, but the wording Subhanallah

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another verse in Surah, Saad 29 Gita Boone,

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who Eli UK mobile, I couldn't leave the Blue Yeti. Were the

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letter that girl will.

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This is a blessed scripture, which We have sent down to you so that

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people may ponder on its verses. People may ponder on his verses,

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and those with understanding take heat.

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Well, one of the great Egyptian scholars, his name was Ibrahim Al

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house, he said that the cure of the heart lies in five things

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reciting the Quran with deep reflection

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curing the heart, right if you want to cure the heart, I think

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this might work ideologically as well, to a certain degree he's

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talking about spiritually, but from a cardiological perspective,

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let's see if this works right. Number one

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reciting the Quran with deep reflection. I would say that this

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is cardiological as well because the Quran is a Shiva we given you

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a Shiva. Okay, number one, number two, the emptiness of the stomach.

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That's definitely good for the heart.

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Not starving yourself to death but emptiness of the stomach means not

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eating too much

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standing for the night prayer

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I don't know what the doctors would say about that. But standing

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for the night prayer definitely good for the spiritual heart

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though right? supplication before dawn good for medically as well

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because doors right supplication with before dawn, this is so time

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and we've got a good opportunity in Ramadan. All right, because

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you're waking up a soul. Don't let a day pass of Ramadan. If you

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haven't done it already. From tonight, that you don't do the 100

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It's easy to do to the gods while you wake up to eat to Ricketts and

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do some some DUA and if you can pull these next 20 Something days

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with that inshallah Allah will open up the door for tahajjud for

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the rest of the year. I know it's difficult usually but now in

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Ramadan. It's easy because people wake up for school anyway. May

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Allah make that easy for us.

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Now look at this, he says it is also praiseworthy to repeat any

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single verse that one wishes to so when you're reading an A verse

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just overwhelms you and there's some verse

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that just kept captures you captivates you. Well go reread it

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over and over again. Absolutely fine. Nothing wrong with that.

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With the intention of reflecting on its meaning, and pondering its

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significance. Once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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continuously repeated a single verse in his prayer until the

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what was that?

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To the boy whom for in Whom are you Burdock? What you thought of

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it love him for in NACA, tell Azeez will hacky for his Alma

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Subhan Allah for his OMA not for himself. This was for the OMA. And

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if you punish them, they are Your servants. So you can punish them

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if you want to. But if you forgive them, you are the Almighty, the

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wise, meaning you could have punished them. You're not in a

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state of helplessness that you can't punish them. So you're

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you're not punishing them. You can you're the Almighty, so you can

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definitely punish them if you want to, but you choose not to. It's a

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subtle way of pleading with Allah not to. That's what the person

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read the whole night.

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Allah sent His abundant blessings in our messenger Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi salam is reported

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From another Sahabi Tommy macdaddy Radi Allahu Anhu that he

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continuously repeated the following verse until the morning

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um has he been the energy or who say it in gyla home can Latina men

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who are I'm you know saw the hat so

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yeah who want to

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go don't do those who commit evil deeds think that we will deal with

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them in the in the same way as those who believe and do righteous

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deeds that they will be alike in their living in the dying and

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they're dying how badly do they judge the people who do good deeds

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they will be in a special state may Allah make us of them

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say they have no job Adriana the tabby He repeated the following

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verse in his prayer 20 or so times what the WHO young woman towards

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their own Fe ILA law through Matoba Kelowna FC my cursor but

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well whom law you're on struggle Baqarah verse 281, beware of a day

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when you will be returned to Allah, every soul will be paid in

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full for what it has earned. And no one will be wronged 20

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something times he recited this,

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you can only do this. So when you do start, you're reflecting on a

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page, mark out the verses that really strike you there'll be some

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verses that will just strike you more than others because they're

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more relevant to you, or they just ring true for something, mark them

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out, mark the translation, and then repeat them when you need

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Subhanallah you know, I think as human beings we need moments of

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reflection. So when we just especially I will say when you had

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a really good time, then it's a time to reflect just to kind of

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Earth us again, just to ground us again. Sometimes some people leave

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read verses of the Quran, some people leave read or listen to

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certain machines or say something poetry is very, very profound. And

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but even the Quran has multiple verses like this that can help to

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ground us. So pick your verses that just help you that just help

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you, whatever that verses and you will make your selection as you go

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along. As you read, you will make your own selection that are

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relevant to us.

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So Hasson bacillary Rahmatullahi Ali,

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he continuously repeated the following verse in prayer, what

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you would do near metal Allah healer to sue her, he must just I

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mean, I can just imagine what it means. If you try to count Allah's

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favours and blessings on you, you will not be able to calculate

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them. I can just imagine that he was there thinking, this blessing,

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that blessing, that blessing, this blessing. And I've got this and

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I've got that Allah has given me this. And Allah has given me that.

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And he just kept reading this. That's exactly what Allah wants us

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to do with him. These verses are relevant to us as well. Somebody

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asked him about this, what are you doing? Said, I see a lesson there

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in I see a lesson there in wherever my eye looks, I see a

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blessing and the blessings of Allah that are not known even more

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that I can't even think about right now we could spend the whole

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life thinking of the blessings.

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La ilaha, Illa Allah, and it's been reported that many of our

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other pious predecessors, they would continuously repeat a single

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any verse, whatever that is, you can do that.

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It is also praiseworthy to cry while reciting the Quran. It is a

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characteristic of the knowers of the and the emblem of the

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righteous servants of Allah.

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Why is it a sign for the nose of Allah that they cry? Because they

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know Allah more than anybody else? Well, they know Allah Well, or

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sufficiently. So when you know Allah, then when you know someone

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enough, then you can really understand the secrets and

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subtleties of what they're saying, when you know, somebody will.

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Sometimes people talk in various languages, they say certain

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things, not in a full word manner. But if you've worked with people

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for a long time, you know somebody very well, when they say something

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in a particular tone, or certain words, you know what they're

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talking about. You get to know Allah like that, then you can much

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more benefit from the verses of the Quran. And then after that,

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you're just frightened that you get it wrong. Or you're just

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awestruck. I don't want Allah subhanaw taala to see me in a

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place that

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I shouldn't be, or to be thinking in a way that I shouldn't be

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thinking. So it's just this consciousness. This Taqwa that

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appears, may Allah give us May Allah give us the trophy for that.

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Imam has early he quotes him because earlier he says it is

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praiseworthy to cry when reciting the Quran. The way to do this is

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to bring the heart how do you cry when reading the Quran? Well,

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you're going to have to

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I mean, if you're the only time we see usually people cry is if

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there's a reader who has a tone, a melody that is a crying melody

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because music has an is one of the most powerful forces in the world.

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Music is one of the most

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powerful forces in the world.

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When I mean by music, I don't mean just instruments instruments are

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very powerful, but also singing the voice melody, according to a

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certain rhythm. Certain melodies can put you to sleep, certain

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melodies can wake you up. Certain melodies can make you jump up and

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dance, get you excited, right? That's what music does. And

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certain can make you sad, make you feel grief, make you feel sorrow,

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it's in there, it's in the tone, because humans resonate with that,

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and react to that. So we don't want it that it's only those

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readers who do that, that make us cry, because they're reading so

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wonderfully. And we don't know what we're saying, we need to move

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beyond that to the actual wording. And if that then is coupled with a

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reader who makes you cry, then Subhanallah, then that crying will

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be amazing, be much better than the usual crying that you get from

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just crying because of the voice.

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And don't think it's beyond you. Believe me, try this, just one

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page a day of reflection. If it's too much, I mean, you have to get

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used to it, you know, and you have to kind of understand Allah so

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that you can do more, absolutely, but just at least do one page a

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day. Right? Take as long as you want me to cry when reading the

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Quran is to develop a state of melancholy.

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By pondering the threats and admitted admonitions that are in

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the Quran, as well as the promises and the guarantees, you interact

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with them. Thereafter, one should ponder over one's own

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shortcomings. So you do this kind of reflection that Allah has given

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us so much, but we have been so bad and we've not done enough. And

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then you just feel that guilt and guilt helps a person cry.

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I've done that a lot of times, I want to cry, you just feel guilty.

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Just feel man, Allah has given me so much. I've not done enough what

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a despicable human being I am. And you just break down. Arrogance

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goes down the drain. That's really, really helpful.

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So if one is not overcome by a state of melancholy, and crying,

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as the elite are, then one should cry for not being able to cry.

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Allahu Akbar, he says, If you can't cry for the right reason

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that you should cry that I can't cry, so I should cry because of

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that. What a bad person I am. Because that's a greater calamity.

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Okay, we're just going to finish off one or two more points

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quickly. Whenever one recites a verse, mentioning promise and

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mercy, one should pause ponder on its meaning, find joy in what

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Allah has promised. Take it as a glad tiding. See, you're gonna get

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this interaction, which you don't get when you don't understand what

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you're reading, right? There's just this amazing interaction. So

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it's a promise. It's like, yes, that's promises for me.

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sha Allah that promises for me. And then you ask Allah for

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Paradise. When one recites a verse mentioning punishment.

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The one should seek Allah's protection from evil, seek his

00:17:55 --> 00:17:59

refuge from punishment, and seek should fear for themselves.

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When there's a verse of forgiveness, seeking forgiveness,

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when should seek forgiveness for one's sins? When there's a verse

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of repentance, one should turn back to Allah. If there's a verse

00:18:10 --> 00:18:13

talking about the flawlessness of Allah and His completeness and

00:18:13 --> 00:18:16

perfection, you should declare Allah subhanaw taala to be perfect

00:18:16 --> 00:18:21

and for your faults Subhan Allah. If one recites a verse of do Allah

00:18:21 --> 00:18:24

in the Quran, robbing Allah to Zico Luban birthday of Hadith and

00:18:24 --> 00:18:28

our habla will lead them Kurama in inter Wahab one should stop and

00:18:28 --> 00:18:32

call on to Allah and ask him for that dua. And if when they come

00:18:32 --> 00:18:37

across the verse in Surah Aza in Allahu Allah Iike, who you saw

00:18:37 --> 00:18:40

Luna Island, Wii U haul Edina um and also Lulu he was selling with

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a slimmer, which basically means that Allah and His angels bless

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the prophet so you believe you who believe blessed him to and send

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him greetings of peace or anywhere else where the Prophet Solomon has

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mentioned, send Salawat on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam and then of course when you have when you go past the

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verses of Sajida do a search don't miss those. If you can't do it

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straightaway do it later.

00:19:05 --> 00:19:08

If you read the whole Quran and for some reason you didn't do the

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from past years doing

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the only one that gets cancelled is if you read the verses such

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that in the Quran sorry in the salaat and then you forgot to do

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it then you can't do that when afterwards but if you read it any

00:19:19 --> 00:19:23

other time you should why should we do such the verses? And we'll

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stop here for today. The reason we do such that you might be

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wondering there's 14 places we do such then you we go by the marks

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right a lot of people like yes to doing yes to do you know when you

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see that verse, it's got something to do with such that right? So

00:19:37 --> 00:19:41

usually what it is is that it's saying for Allah do they prostrate

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so then we prostrate to show that we are doing this for Allah or it

00:19:46 --> 00:19:49

says something like they don't prostrate when they call for

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prostration they don't prostrate. We prostrate. So we're literally

00:19:53 --> 00:19:57

and this is obligatory all the other responses to the Quran like

00:19:57 --> 00:20:00

at least Allahu BIAC Emil Hakim in Bella those are option

00:20:00 --> 00:20:04

You know, this one is a necessary response that when you read these

00:20:04 --> 00:20:08

verses you have to prostrate otherwise it's just like what kind

00:20:08 --> 00:20:12

of non Greek ungrateful people you are that you know it's talking

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about frustration and you don't demonstrate them best time to

00:20:15 --> 00:20:18

frustration is straightaway unless it's a time when you can't you

00:20:18 --> 00:20:21

need will do for prostration right so if you can't then you do it

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later but do make up for them if you haven't done them. May Allah

00:20:25 --> 00:20:28

subhanaw taala allow us to prostrate and may Allah subhanaw

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taala to make us of the frustrating ones mashallah we've

00:20:31 --> 00:20:33

just had one under Allah

00:20:36 --> 00:20:40

Allahu Allah and the Silla morning because Salam wa jalla wa Quran

00:20:40 --> 00:20:43

Allah who may or hate you? Yeah, the US Bureau of Medical History

00:20:43 --> 00:20:47

Lahoma Yeah, Hannah me I'm in La Ilaha illa Allah Subhana Allah

00:20:47 --> 00:20:51

inocula monopoly mean, just Allahu Allah Muhammad the MaHA Yeah,

00:20:51 --> 00:20:55

Medina God welcome economic economy. Where Highlands Odeon

00:20:55 --> 00:20:58

were hailed hailer Martine. Yeah that agility very calm. Yeah,

00:20:58 --> 00:21:01

Allah bless us. Yeah Allah we ask you for your generosity. You know

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Allah, we ask you for your kindness and your mercy. This is a

00:21:04 --> 00:21:07

month of kindness. This is a month of mercy, a month of forgiveness,

00:21:08 --> 00:21:11

a month of blessing of Allah we ask You for all of these things to

00:21:11 --> 00:21:15

shower us with this envelope us to drench us in Your Mercies in your

00:21:15 --> 00:21:19

blessings. Oh Allah we know we are sinful we know we have many things

00:21:19 --> 00:21:22

that prevent your mercy from coming to us. But Allah we know

00:21:22 --> 00:21:25

that your generosity knows no bounds your mercy and your

00:21:25 --> 00:21:29

forgiveness forgive us. O Allah forgive us yeah Allah forgive us.

00:21:29 --> 00:21:32

Yeah, Allah forgive us. Allah purify us during this month this

00:21:32 --> 00:21:36

month has started a few days have passed. Oh Allah. Days are going

00:21:36 --> 00:21:41

fast already. Don't let this month pass and we have not received

00:21:41 --> 00:21:45

forgiveness. We have not been exonerated from the hellfire. Oh

00:21:45 --> 00:21:48

Allah every night you are writing people to be free of hellfire.

00:21:49 --> 00:21:53

Make us have those put us on that list. Oh Allah we try. We try but

00:21:53 --> 00:21:56

we keep failing. We make an effort we have a desire. That's why we're

00:21:56 --> 00:22:00

sitting here today. But Oh Allah, we keep failing. Oh Allah grant us

00:22:00 --> 00:22:04

the strength and fortitude to live this life with iman and with

00:22:04 --> 00:22:08

strength. And with that we do the right thing and we pray we are

00:22:08 --> 00:22:11

protected from the wrong things and the distractions and the

00:22:11 --> 00:22:14

problems out there. Oh Allah. There are multiple problems

00:22:14 --> 00:22:18

multiple issues of Allah grant has a higher than paper in a way that

00:22:18 --> 00:22:21

we can actually worship you properly. elevate us to the Quran.

00:22:21 --> 00:22:26

Bless us to the Quran, beautify us to the Quran. illuminate us from

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the Quran make us closer to you through the Quran, O Allah, O

00:22:29 --> 00:22:34

Allah grant us, grant us the ability to, to respect the Quran

00:22:34 --> 00:22:38

to recite the Quran with correctness with understanding

00:22:38 --> 00:22:41

with reflection, to interact with the Quran to be blessed by the

00:22:41 --> 00:22:45

Quran. Oh Allah to understand your words of ALLAH to understand what

00:22:45 --> 00:22:49

you're saying, to speak to you directly to listen to you directly

00:22:49 --> 00:22:51

of Allah make us of those who will listen to you directly so that our

00:22:51 --> 00:22:55

hearts will become soft, and our hearts will be prepared to enter

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into your pure court of Allah do not throw us away on the Day of

00:22:58 --> 00:23:03

Judgment. Do not turn you away from us do not refuse to look at

00:23:03 --> 00:23:06

us Do not turn your profits on the license away from us. Oh Allah

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bless us. Bless all those who are listening all those who all those

00:23:10 --> 00:23:14

who want to who desire you, and Allah make us the way you want us

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to be. And bless all of those who established these massages and

00:23:17 --> 00:23:21

these programs and who work for for the betterment of the Muslim

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community and accept us all for the service of your deen Subhan

00:23:24 --> 00:23:27

Allah because Allah is at the IOC Fonasa anonymously, you know what?

00:23:29 --> 00:23:33

The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get

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further an inspiration and encouragement, persuasion. The

00:23:38 --> 00:23:42

next step is to actually start learning seriously to read books

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to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of

00:23:46 --> 00:23:49

Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware

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of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan

00:23:53 --> 00:23:59

courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand

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whenever you have free time, especially for example, the

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Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic

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essentials certificate which you take 20 Short modules, and at the

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end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of

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the most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more

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confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue

00:24:20 --> 00:24:24

to live, you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have

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this more sustained study as well as local law here and Salam

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aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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