Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Hell Revealed Part 2 The Warnings
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The speakers discuss the importance of fear of hellfire and the need for fear of the God after the hellfire. They emphasize the need for fear of the God after the hellfire and the importance of the Hadith collections. The speakers also mention the potential for mental health issues and the importance of hope and faith in one's own success.
AI: Summary ©
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Bismillah al Rahman al
Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam o
Allah al mobile Ruthie, Ramadan Lila and Amin what are the early
he was sabe he or Baraka was seldom at the Sleeman Cathedral on
Isla yo Medina Amma bad.
So Alhamdulillah we move on to the second level of our * revealed
discussion based on ignorable, humbly and others first thing that
we're going to discuss which is very important. The first thing
that we're going to discuss is fear of hellfire. So we're going
to discuss the concept of fear of the Hellfire before we move on to
the description of the Hellfire first so that we understand what
we're getting out of this discussion about the hellfire. So
Allah subhanahu wa taala says, I'm going to mention a number of
verses in which Allah subhanaw taala discusses
fear of the Hellfire, how people human beings should have fear of
the Hellfire. So look at these verses. First verse I'm going to
come I'm going to mention here sort of the Hareem verse six year
are you here Lavina Ermanno cool and fullcycle Alikum Nowra rakudo
Hannahs will hija la mala Iike tune Villa Rashida de la Sol Soon
Allah humma Amara home where for Aluna your maroon so people who
believe protect Save yourselves and your families from the
Hellfire whose fuel whose fuel is people and stones. And there are
angels that are standing God there in the Hellfire as well who are
very severe
and they do not you can't basically what Allah subhanho wa
Taala is saying here is that there's nothing you can do about
once you get there. There's no context you can't speak to them in
the sense that he or do me a favor or I know your relative or I'll do
you a favor I'll pay you something like Soon Allah Amara homeware for
Aluna maroon, they do not disobey Allah subhana wa Tada and what He
in His commands to them, and they do exactly what they have been
ordered to do. Then we have another verse in which Surah
Baqarah Allah subhanho wa Taala says Fattah coonara Lottie Waku
Johannes, well hija ora, or that lil caffine, and again, the
concept of it being the fuel, so, fear or stay away or protect
yourself from the Fire, whose fuel again is people and stones and
which has been prepared for the disbelievers. Then Allah subhanaw
taala says in Surah Ali Imran, what the coonara Leti or it that
little caffeine which is similar to the previous that protect
yourself from the Hellfire
that is prepared for the disbelievers there thereafter are
inserted late Allah subhanho wa Taala says for Andara to come
naran tilava So these are all the warnings in the Quran, right about
the Hellfire Allah subhanaw taala doesn't want us to go to the
Hellfire so he's saying I am warning you from a blazing fire I
am warning you about the blazing fire and thorough to cumnor on the
lava la jasola Ill Ashkar and it continues then Allah subhanho wa
Taala answer to Zoomer says La hoomin folk the hemozoin la hoomin
Filthy him Lulu Lumina nerdy women Dr. hemozoin the Lika you hold
with Allah who be here a bird yeah our iba different Takuan for him
for them, above them for them from above them canopies of fire. So,
this is the description that above them will be canopies of fire, so
the fire will not just come from underneath or from behind them or
from the sides above them, main focal him above them will also be
canopies of fire. Now what system that is what kind of a gadget that
is Allah knows best but what I mean that the Himalayan and also
beneath them will be blazing fire canopies of fire or basically You
mean these different things from which fire will be will be will be
envelope in them that it can you hope if Allah will be here a bar
that's what we're looking at. So essentially in all of these verses
Allah these are the verses in which Allah is warning us about
the Hellfire that look there's something to be worried about. So
that you can you hope if Allah who be here a bird, you are a body fat
tycoon. That this this is something that Allah subhanho wa
warns his servants about oh my servants for Cooney. Be conscious
about me. Fear me. So this is Allah subhanaw taala saying that
then in other verses like in spiritual modality we have
other verses warmer here Ill vicarage will bash or color will
come Or will lelee Edward was super high either as far in the
Kubernetes Iran middle Bashar dementia I mean coming here to cut
them. Oh yet. Anyway, moving on.
There's a hadith related by Seema keep no harm he says that I heard
not a man even know Bashir one day giving a sermon and he was saying
in that sermon that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam saying and there are two common na and there are two common
now I am warning you I am warning you of the Hellfire, and there are
two Kaminari said it twice.
So, the Prophet sallallahu himself had said this, and but she'd
ignore normality biloba, she Radi Allahu Anhu is then saying that
the Prophet sallallahu sallam was saying this so loudly. It's so
much vigor that if there was a person out in the bazaar out in
the in the market, he would have heard it from the police. I'm
standing. So now normally liberal Bashir is is saying this in his
masjid, and there was a bazaar outside and outside of the masjid
and generally in many Muslim countries, you had the big the
jam, the big masjid, the big mosque of the area and then around
there will be a bazaar it's kind of like the ideal space for a
bazaar because people come from for their prayer, after the prayer
and then you know, there's, it's a nice place to, you know, have a,
you know, from a business perspective. So, he's saying that
the bizarre upside somebody's standing that they'd be able to
hear, they would be able to have heard it the way the professor
lorrison was saying it said had work hard, until you know, he had
a shawl on he had a shawl or some kind of cloth or sheet that was on
his shoulders, and that fell down with so much vigor he was
mentioned this hadith related by Imam Ahmed, ignore humble Rahima
hula, and it's related a number of ways but I think that one is
enough there's another Hadith which is related by Buhari and
Imam Muslim as well. I didn't even know him. Or the Allahu Anhu says
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the corner, you
know, fear the hellfire. And then what a Shah, he basically made his
his, you know, he made a gesture, an indication with his face of
like trying to protect himself from something you know, when you
make that face were like, oh, you know, this is severe. You need to
protect yourself. I'm not sure if I'm doing that. Right. And then he
said, If the canal fear the hellfire, and then again, he kind
of moved his head as though he's trying to protect himself from
something. I mean, Allahu Alem it seems like maybe the Prophet
Solomon is having a vision of the hellfire and he's like, seeing the
disgusting scene of the Hellfire, you know? And he's kind of like
saying, oh, you know, like, oh, it's such a bad scene. He did this
thrice Hata Vernon, new young guru la ha. Until we actually started
thinking we started thinking that he was actually seeing the
hellfire. That's why he was making such a face and such a gesture.
And then he said the province of Assam said it could not wallow be
shaky, Tom rotten, that beware of the fire, protect yourself from
the fire, even if it's to do with just a piece of date, half a date.
If it's not yours, don't take it right. And be careful of even the
amount of half a date familial familial immediate Furby
collimate. In *, you could mean that even protect yourself
from it by gaining reward by giving even a half a date in the
path of Allah subhanaw taala anybody who doesn't even find half
a date, then what they can do is they can say a good word.
So there's numerous Hadith you know, we can't go through all of
them. But there's numerous Hadith in the prophesy. Some actively
said you must protect yourself from the Hellfire is not just
something being there. It's actually something that we need to
protect ourselves from. So then there's a divide in Muslim.
There's another narration in Sahih Muslim, where the Prophet
sallallahu sallam said and many of you must have heard this hadith in
nomothetic method raw Julian Estacada, Nara and you know, the
prophets, Allah Islam gave her example about himself a parable.
He said, You know, my, my example is like that person who kindle the
fire somewhere, so he's got a bonfire going on. And when that
begins to illuminate, so when you put a fire on, you know, it's
going to create light, it's going to bring light to the surrounding
area. So he says that what generally happens in a forest or
outside as well, you know, all of the various different creepy
crawlies and the various different flying insects, and all of these
little insects they come about because they get attracted to the,
to the fire. And they then some of them even start dropping into the
fire because, you know, they get maybe disoriented or whatever,
they drop into the fire as well. And so my example is like, the
same thing, where people are trying to get into hellfire
because things that are related to it are so attractive. They create
a false sense of light, I guess. So just like, you know, I'm trying
to save you guys from that. So he said for the Polycom Mithali,
we're Mirtha LUCAM one, you don't be huge as ecoman Enough. So this
is the same example of that person. And me. I am also trying
to grab you by your mid midsections, your waist
So to keep you away from the Hellfire Hello man inner light
come come away from the from the fire Aluma and inner photography
Boonie will talk to him on a fee how but you know what, you're
resisting me you're overwhelming me and you want to go into the
hellfire, like you want to throw yourself into the into the fire
and you're resisting, you're resisting my efforts to take you
away. Then we have another Hadith that Imam Malik no humble has
related from Abdullah Abdullah Masuda the Allahu Anhu that
Prophet sallallahu sallam said in Allahu Alem you heard him
Hermiston in LA vaca de anima and the who say yo quiero Herman
and we're in the hidden behind jazzy calm and the half a tooth
winner gets a half total for Ah, she was do Barbie.
Allah there's no haram object, there is no haram item. There's no
haram activity. There's nothing haram which Allah subhanahu wa
taala has made haram. So any item, any thing that Allah has made
haram, except that ALLAH subhanaw taala already knew that there's
going to be a part of it that's going to attract you or you're
going to be attracted to some part of it. That's the nature of the
Haram that you will get attracted to it. Otherwise, if there was a
haram that nobody was attracted to, you know, it would be like,
okay, you know, so I guess most many firearms most hot arms people
are attracted to. So that was gonna happen. And then of course,
hello Sal, Allahu Allah, some said, I am trying to grab you by
your waistband, maybe you know, by your waist by your shoulders,
whatever it is, that you don't fall into that hellfire, just the
way these flying insects and so on, and flies and other things
they fall into into fire because they get maybe disoriented by it.
And that's exactly what seems to be happening with us as well. That
we get this we get we get a bit disoriented. There's numerous
other Hadith as well that when the Prophet saw him at the beginning,
he called all of his family folk. And then he said to them, that you
know, how have you found me into law do I have a lion so on and and
they they trust you know, they obviously trusted him and then he
said, I'm warning you have an impending danger, and he told him
about the Hellfire as well. Then Imam telemovie Rahim Allah has
another Hadith from
Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Anhu in which the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said Mara Ito Mifflin nadie Nirma Haribo Ha,
Wallah Mr. Jannetty Nam authority boo ha I mean, these words are
very profound. I've never seen anything like the hellfire, right?
I've never seen anything like the Hellfire that somebody is trying
to run away from it. Right? So, you know, when people are trying
to run away from something that they don't want that they're
fearful of, they would not sleep because they feel like they're
going to be caught up. But I've not seen anything like the
Hellfire where people who tried to run away from it, they they go to
sleep, so they're not too worried. And I've never seen anything like
paradise, right? Who people want, which people want, but then they
go into sleep and they're not working hard. When you think about
sleeping, it's like they're disoriented, they are
heedless, they're negligent of it. They should be running towards it
to seek it because it's so worth it. Now moving on to what some
others have said there is a person called use of Ignacia he he
transmits for more Allah Ignazio, that person called haram IGNOU
Hayyan. Used to sometimes I mean this haram YBNL Hayyan. It looks
like he had the presence of death and the presence of the afterlife,
and he could vividly somehow see Hellfire meaning he was so present
and you're so conscious of it. So some nights he would actually go
out. And he would proclaim at the top of his voice he would announce
at the top of his voice, the IGP to mean and
I jumped to mean and the jannettek a phenom. matale Whoo I'm like so
surprised. He's saying that I'm surprised by paradise that how can
somebody who really eagerly wants it can sleep so he's probably more
surprised not by paradise, but he's actually surprised that
people are sleeping though. They would want paradise it's something
they should have. And then he says the same thing he says the same
thing about the Hellfire that I'm so surprised by something like the
Hellfire that how can somebody was trying to escape it, trying to
not go into hellfire, how they could sleep. So he's announcing
that to maybe get people up? Then he would read
the following verse of Surah talara Amina al Cora, and to whom
but sunnah. Biotone wa Hoonah imune. Have the people of the
inhabitation have the people of the area, right the villages, the
inhabitants inhabitants of the of those areas. Have they been given
safety, meaning do they feel secure, that our punishment and
our grip will not come to them while they're sleeping at night?
At nighttime while they're sleeping, meaning do they feel
that you won't die, for example, or that you won't be punished in
some other way, right so that you don't maybe even make your two
hours before going to sleep at least before you're going to see
make a DUA. And the beauty of making those before you go to
sleep is that if we do die that night, then that is a continuous
state from the time that we slept. So if we sleep on the name of
Allah subhanaw taala, after having made these two hours and so on,
then that whole night's sleep in sha Allah is part of that. That's
why we sleep on wudu we make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala and we
do our UScar as the last words and that will mashallah be very, very
Then I will Joe's up, he says that, I will Joseph once again,
these are people who can't help it, but to express their
sentiment, their eagerness, and they want to share this with
others, and they want others to be conscious of this. So Ebola Joseph
Rahim, Allah once he says, If I had been given authority over
people, meaning had I been the governor or the ruler, or, you
know, in charge, then I would have made he says, I would have made a
A speaker system, right?
In modern in the modern day, I would put up a speaker system, you
know, on all the roads and everything he was saying at that
time, I would put up a minaret like, you know, and I would put
people in there, that would just be proclaiming a NAR anon just
Subhanallah you know, the fire the fire the fire? Imam Ahmed has
actually transmitted this from him in Kitab Zoid right now
Subhan Allah, I don't I don't know. I mean, if we think about
it, I mean, how many lectures do we actually hear about the
Hellfire on a regular basis? You know, actually about the
description of the Hellfire so that people can be warned about
it. As I said, the biggest problem I think we're facing is that even
those of us who practice who do some good deeds and so on, there's
not enough fear. So why do we do the good deeds? We're not, we
don't have the same ability to avoid bad deeds. So may Allah
subhana, WA, tada, these are different people that are trying
trying to do their best of trying to help people. I mean, I guess
today, you wouldn't have to do that, would you? You could
probably do it in terms of sending out WhatsApp messages, or some
other kind of message or text messages. The problem is that
WhatsApp is just so
oversubscribed, and you get so much junk on them so much spam on
there, that it becomes very, very difficult to focus on the good
stuff from the bad stuff. Because we just don't have the time. When
you're used to getting so much spam. You just don't even read it
properly, you just kind of scan it right and you lose the point of
it. Imagine the pure times when everything that came through your
door, like a leaflet or something like that. It was actually
Now, there's just so much spam going on around that, you know, we
just hardly pay attention unless it really they have to actually
compete for our attention these days. So somebody needs to think
of something that you know, can help other people may Allah
subhanaw taala help us we move on to the next chapter, which is
about so the first section we just did that was more about how Allah
subhanaw taala has warned against the hellfire and how other people
have done so in the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has done
so now we're talking about how believers should be fearful. So
the fear and why the fear is necessary. Right? So this is all
about the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah subhanaw taala
benefit us through this. So let's look at firstly the verse in Surah
Al Imran, which many of you most of you have probably heard before,
it's really about contemplation about the creation of Allah
subhana wa Tada outside and so Allah subhanho wa Taala say, sort
of Imran in the hockey summer What do you want out of the walk? dilla
feel like anyone heard ILA Tilly? Will.
Allah Xena Yes, karuna Allah pa mu Kuru they were either June will be
him where the effect Karuna fee is the will or the Robina. What
Bernama Hala cotta has about Suba ha Nick Subhana Kapha Tina either
been Rob burner in Cameroon to the heat in Rafah called the zeta
woman and the Lord he mean I mean, so. So it's the verse about that
Allah subhanho wa Taala in in his creation of the heavens and the
earth and coming of the night and day and the differences there are
signs in there for the people of intellect, and those who remember
Allah subhana wa Taala standing up, sitting down and on their
sides, meaning in all their states, and they are constantly
reflecting so they reflect over the creation of the heavens and
the earth, and then they proclaim that our Lord you did not create
any of
This in vain Subhanak you are purified, you are transcendent
fokina As governor so Subhanallah The point here is that after
contemplation of the heavens and the earth, and Allah's creation,
the person Allah subhanaw taala is praising here, you know, those
people who remember him constantly, even those people,
right? I mean, those people, this is their state, they're gonna say,
Give us refuge protect us from the hellfire. And then it carries on
it says, Oh our Lord, anybody that you cause to enter that you put
into hellfire, then you have really disgraced them. And
oppressors will have no people to assist them on that day. So even
these people who do this contemplation, which is a really
profound Act of, you know, reflection, they even come to this
conclusion at the end. So all of these verses here, they show that
we have to actually actively seek refuge from the hellfire. You'll
see in all of these verses that I quote here, it's speaking about
actively seeking refuge from the hellfire. So we're not just trying
to avoid it. We just don't have fear for it. But this is adding
the dimension that we actually need to say, oh, Allah protected
me from the hellfire. And the doors of it are very simple and
I'm going to mention some of them are what Allah protect me from the
Hellfire give me refuge from the hellfire, save us from the
hellfire. There's just so many words, right? And of course that
will become easier if you've if we've developed the concern and
the fear for the Hellfire then we'll actually ask Allah subhanho
wa Taala for safety from it. The next verse is also from Saudi
Arabia Imran who Allah subhanho wa Taala says, will not be oh come
behind him in that a complete Latina taco, Enderby him Jana to
the journeyman daddy * and how Holly Dena fie her. What is word
you Mata Hora to Edwin Amin, Allahu Allah who proceed on
belabor should I tell you something even superior to that,
for those who have Taqwa, those who have God consciousness, right
in the Rabi him, Jana and for them by the Lord gardens, beneath which
rivers flow they will dwell in there forever, and with the, with
the pure wives with the pure spouses, and they will have in
there also the red one, the satisfaction and the happiness of
Allah subhanaw taala. Allah subhanaw taala is absolutely well
aware and watchful over his servants, but then it says, it
gives a description of these people who go to paradise. It
gives a description, that's what I want to focus on, who are these
people that are going to be given paradise who are going to be
enjoying these gardens, Alenia coluna, right, this is what's
important for us, those who say, Our Lord, so this is their dua
Robina in an amen fulfilled and as an Obama working as governor, oh
our Lord, we have believed so forgive us our mistakes, forgive
us our sins. Joaquina other Banagher and protect us from the
These are these people who are given paradise if we want to be
among them, same thing. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, the famous
verse in Surah Furqan verse 6366, where EBA door rock man in levena
yam Shuna, the homeowner what either Hall taba, Homolka he Luna
what either hot tub or hormonal Jahai no naka Lu Salama well
levena JOBY to nanny Robbie him Sujatha Whoo.
Well, Lavina yaku Luna, Rob burner serif and either by Jehan in
either Baja aka Anna orama. In
most car Romo karma, same thing. These are the servants of the
Rockman, the master of the famous verse of the Abba Rahman who walk
calmly, with humility and humbly on the earth. And when some
ignorant people confront them, they deal with it with with peace,
and they're the ones who spend their nights in frustration and
standing for the Lord. This is the point who are these people? What
else do they do? They're the ones who say our Lord,
avert from us the punishment of the Hellfire for its punishment is
severe. It is a really bad place to be a really bad place to end up
in, so they making this dua as well.
In solitary Sr, same thing where Jonah Ramita who were half una
Azova these are people who
hope for His mercy, and they actually fear His punishment they
fear His punishment against certain marriage will Latina who
may either be robbed him mushfiqur And those who are fearful of the
punishment of the Lord Surah Ibrahim, Veronica lemon half and
Nakagami were half are worried that reward is for the people who
fear standing my standing or standing in front of me and who
fear the warning. This is very necessary that we have to fear
that warning
Allahu Akbar in Surah two tool with a cabal about the Humala
about being here. This is a very interesting verse, just focus on
this. We're acapella, but do Humala about the others on the Day
of Judgment, you know, they're going to face one another and
they're going to be asking questions to one another like you
made us do this or whatever. So one party will say or they will
say in couldn't cope Luffy Alina mushy teen from an Allahu Allah in
our corner either but some of them so these are the good people,
they're going to say that we were fearful or anxious among our
family. So when we were among our families, among our people, even
of safety, you know, even people have familiarity people that were
comfortable with, we would still be Mushrikeen we would still be
fearful and anxious. But now Allah subhanaw taala has showered his
blessings upon us, and he's protected us from the punishment.
He's protected us from the punishment. So based on this
Ibrahima Tamie Rahim Allah says that anybody who is never grieving
about the hereafter, who never grieves, was never concerned about
the hereafter. Right?
For that person.
He should be fearful that he is going to he could be from the
people of hellfire. This is interesting, anybody who's not
grieving in this world and concerned about the hellfire,
right, they should, it is appropriate, it is more befitting
from them, that they are probably going to be from the people of
How? Because the people of paradise if you want to be a
person of paradise, then your state should be the following
which I've read from the verse Alhamdulillah, Hillary and hubba
Annelle has an insert far too similar. All praise is to Allah
who removed the grief from us. What grief is that? So this grief
is necessary. This concern is necessary, because the people of
paradise are saying, we had the grief but Allah has removed it
from us. We had the worry, Allah has removed it from us. So you
can't be worryfree about the hereafter. That person is more
befitting to be in the hellfire. Subhan Allah Subhana Allah. Then
he says Ibrahim attack me carries on he says, also
the person who is not fearful in this world, the one who has no
fear, right about the hereafter, he should not have any fear of
human beings but he's not fearful of Allah standing in front of
Allah and so on, then it is more befitting for that person. He
should be then fearful, it's more befitting for him to be fearful
that he is not going to be from the people of paradise.
It's a bit complex. But the idea is, is saying that if anybody is
not fearful in this world, about the hereafter, then it is
befitting for him to be then fearful that he is not going to be
from paradise. So he's saying that you need some kind of fear in this
world. So if you're not fearful of the Hellfire or fearful of
standing in front of Allah, then you better be fearful that you're
not gonna get to Paradise.
And if you are fearful that you're not going to get to Paradise, then
that's correct. Why does he say that? He says because Allah says
about the people that I just mentioned, from Surat Ibrahim,
actually sorted to tour where they were saying after they entered
paradise, that we used to be fearful and anxious. We had
anxiety when we were even among our families. Right but now Allah
subhanaw taala has removed that anxiety. So anxiety about the
Hellfire is actually a good thing. Obviously not to a debilitating
state but concern, a healthy concern to keep us on track.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself used to seek refuge
from the Hellfire multiple times, many many times. And he used to
also command that to be done in in his solitude as well as numerous
verses numerous Hadith about that. So for example, UNASUR the Allahu
Anhu relates and this is the mambo Heidi has mentioned this that can
actually die in the VA sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Rob bene Tina
fit duniya Hassan Woodfill harati has been worked in either been now
what Nina either but not you will insha Allah identify that even if
you don't understand Arabic, you'd identify that it means in you know
this dua, the Prophet salallahu Salam and so the Allahu Anhu is
saying that an abundant dua of the Prophet sallallahu ALA is a person
used to make this abundantly our Lord grant us in our dunya the
excellent and the good in our our hero the good and protect us from
the punishment of the fire. Joaquina Tina means protect us
either but not either and nor the
punishment of the Hellfire. Then in Surah Nisa II, from Abu Huraira
the Allahu Anhu he heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam saying Allah Houma. These are the specific doors Allahumma
inni Ooh,
Ruby come in her region Jahannam mean hurry Jahannam Oh Allah I
seek Your ref I seek refuge from the heat the intense heat of
So this is the promise I'm actively then in sunnah Naboo Tao
and IGNOU Marja from Jabra the Allah one, the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said to a person,
that he was having a he saw somebody must have seen him and he
said to him, gave it a quarter of his Salah what what do as you make
in salah I mean he says what do you say in Salah Davi savings, not
talking about the fatty and so on. Because you can tell you can tell
this by the response, what do you what do you ask for in solid
in your sitting? So, the person replied, He said First I make the
shirt. So, I do my attire here the t shirt and everything else. And
then after that is I say Allahumma in the local Jana who will be
coming a nap. And you can do this go at the end of your prayer as
well. Right especially in your soon no official prayer. You can
you can do this you can do it after the after the after salad as
well. So, Oh Allah, I ask you for Paradise for the garden and I seek
your refuge. I seek your refuge from the Hellfire so that's what
he used to read after his diet the last two hours
and then he said to the boys Allah says he looks like my other the
Allahu Anhu was there as well or that he knew what other the alarm
so he said am I in the law or scene with then then Attica? Well,
then then at the morality, you know, he he was belittling what he
was reading like his dua he was saying that you know, I cannot I
can't do your humming of dua you know, you're humming with Da as
well. You know, I can't do it as well. I can't do the humming with
the DA as well as you are like the humming of Miranda, the hola one
then that means to say something in a very low as like a hum.
Right? So what he's saying is that, you know, when you are in
your Salah, and you're reading all of these doors, I can't do it as
well meaning I don't know as many doors I cannot hum the way you do
meaning I don't know how to read, write too many of these doors I
don't know too many of these doors in these prayers. So then the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, how Luo Man
who then then like it is exactly around that subject of paradise
and hellfire that we are also making dua so don't worry about
it. That's exactly the subject that we're doing. So he was
wondering that do you make do hours about other things? He says
no, that is exactly what we make that as well. Subhanallah then
there's another Hadith in Imam Ahmed Musa
from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to this Salim Al
Ansari, yes will a mother America mineral Quran?
Mother America mineral Quran, you know, how much Quran Do you know
what do you read of the Quran? So he said,
I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala for Paradise and I seek refuge
from the hellfire.
And again the same thing. He said the same thing. I mean that that
is what I read in solids. So the question was actually about
solids. And they said that I can't do the two hours like you do and
like what other the Allahu Anhu does. So the Brontosaurus said the
same thing that me and my other the and that's what we do. We ask
for protection from the hellfire and we ask for Paradise. There's
another Hadith from suede even aside from ignore Amara, the Allah
that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said in the microgen Netta
manual Juha the people who are going to enter paradise are those
who are going to have some hope for Paradise.
So we actually have to actively hope for Paradise it shouldn't
just be part of our our kind of belief system that oh as Muslims
Muslims go to Paradise, right? Maybe more okay, you know, if I
eventually even if I have to go to hellfire eventually I'm gonna go
to paradise. You want to go to paradise you have to intend you
have to hope you have to make an effort. What you agenda will now
remain your heart for her and the people who will be protected from
the Hellfire are those who fear it. Actively fear it? Why in the
mire, Pamela who may or hum, Allah has mercy on those who have mercy
themselves. I will not name is transmitted this one. Amara, the
Allahu Anhu said if there was an announcer, announcing from the
heavens, Are you a nurse in a condor he luminal Jana
could look illogical and words
like HIV to an akuna Anna Hua.
This is going to be on state. He said that, you know, even if we
were told there was a announcement from the heavens, right? That all
of you are going to be going to paradise. Every single one of you
is going to enter Paradise, except one man. There's only one man
who's not going to enter paradise on one or the other and said that
I would fear
That's me.
Would we feel that that's me? Or do you feel like well, we probably
included in that majority in that overwhelming 99.999. So percent.
He said, No, I'm worried about being that minority that one
person. That's how much fear he had. Right. But, you know, his
fear did not debilitate him from doing good. And staying away from
evil, or from helping others. I mean, look how profound he was. So
nobody because I've dealt with people who've come and they've had
some serious debilitating fear where they just can't function. I
think that becomes more of an OCD kind of more of a mental issue. So
that's a bit different. Then Imam Ahmed has transmitted from
Abdullah, ignore Rumi. He said that it's reached me from Earthman
or the Allah one. So Osman or the Earthmen Alazani. of man. zunow
reign Radi Allahu Anhu he says that low en ne banal Jannetty when
if I was to eventually end up between hellfire and Paradise, so
I'm between the and I've not been told which way to go yet. While at
the Illa Yeti Hema you Marvy I've not, you know, I don't know which
side I've just been made to stand and it's like, okay, you're gonna
go to one of these two places. laughter to an akuna Ramadan.
Subhan Allah, I would, in that state, I would choose. I mean,
he's got a 50 50% chance, so he should take it as 5050 Now, his
fear is he's so worried about his fear that I would rather than deal
with that fear of that day because that is serious, right? If I do
end up with that 50% I would rather choose to be rahmat.
I would rather choose to be dust.
Goblin dilemma Illa Illa Yeti Hema a seer, you know, before I could
find out which side I'm going to go to, it's just too fearful.
Right, that's the fear that they had, they had about these things.
Inshallah, the I'm going to mention a few things to just
Prelude what we're to discuss in the coming session in sha Allah.
This is more about
the concept of, you know, the concept of the fear of Allah, or
the fear of actually punishment, fear of the punishment of the
If knowledgeable humbly says that this is not something that
anybody, anybody at all, including profits, can feel a safety from.
Right? This is something which everybody is going to experience.
This is something which everybody is going to experience. If not
today, then in the hereafter. They're gonna have to fear they're
going to have to experience the fear of the fire. It's a reality
there's no way because the Hellfire is a reality. So
eventually, if not now, because we've got so many things to
distract us, then maybe towards the end of life, maybe when
something bad happens, if not now, then in the hereafter standing on
the day of judgment, and the * is blazing with its huge site,
then eventually, so in our existence, we're going to fear it,
so you'd rather be prepared for it by fearing it. So that's why he
says well, hopefully in other regions random lie in German who
had the mental Hulk,
Allah subhanahu wa Tada.
Although Allah subhanaw taala has warned about it specifically to
the people who disobey despite that, you know, people are going
to have the fear. So Allah subhanaw taala says that he can
Mima Oh ha la caribou communal Hikmah well as your and my Allah
He ILA and arhaan for Tullio coffee, Johanna Maluma Madhura
right. This is what your Lord has revealed to you of the wisdoms
don't take with Allah any other god, such that you would then be
thrown into hellfire, in that state of blame, and, and so on.
So, generally this comes from people who do wrong, Hellfire is
for those who do wrong. Then we've got another Hadith from Amara
Carr, who transmits from Abu surah the Abu Huraira the Allahu Anhu.
This is the famous Hadith, the famous Hadith most of you must
have heard this, I'm not going to repeat the word hadith is the
hadith of Shiva, on the Day of Judgment, that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told
this mentioned this hadith and he said that people are going to come
to Adam Ali salaam, right? They're going to come to other money,
Salam Ademar. Islam is going to say now, there's various versions
of this hadith in the various different Hadith collections. This
one is the money some will say to respond to that delegation, that
my Lord today is so angry, right that he's never been so angry
before. And never after, will he ever be so angry again. Right? He
commanded me to do something, but I disobeyed him, so I have fear
that he's going to throw me into hellfire.
Go to somebody else not see enough. See, I'm concerned for
myself and concern for myself. You've heard this howdy. They're
gonna go to new Harley Salem, Ibrahim Arisa Musa alayhis salam
or ISA de Salam, similar, right?
They all gonna say that just a Saudi Salam may not say that
according to some versions but besides that most of them are
saying that I am fearful, a yet Rouhani phenol that Allah is going
to throw me into the fire, right? This particular version has been
transmitted by YBNL a bit duniya right, though Imam Muslim has
another version and so on. So in here we learn that even the
prophets are going to be fearful of the Hellfire on that day.
Right? They're going to be fearful of the anger of Allah subhanho wa
taala. So, let us stop here in sha Allah next time what we want to
cover, which is this question you must have heard about it, you must
have heard it discussed. So in sha Allah, this would be a satisfying
explanation for should you be fearful of the Hellfire. Right?
And should you worship out of fear for Hellfire or out of love and
hope for Paradise? Or should you have just hope to please Allah,
and you fear the
disobeying Allah subhanho wa taala. What exactly is going on
here? Because you've heard, there's different things that I've
mentioned from different people, different pious individuals as
well. So we want to try to put that in perspective in sha Allah,
we, if Allah subhanaw taala gives us the Tofik we'll do that in the
third section in sha Allah next week, but there you go.
To sum up these two things, Allah warns against the hellfire. Then
the second thing is Allah subhanaw taala. And the price doesn't tell
us how the people who are going to enter paradise who Allah subhanaw
taala loves they actively seek protection and refuge from the
hellfire. So it is something that we actually need to do. We ask
Allah for Tofik We ask Allah for tofi Kwahu to Darwin and Al hamdu
Lillahi Rabbil Alameen