Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Get Another Bathroom

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
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The speaker discusses how many people in London generally live in one room and have multiple rooms, often with multiple shower rooms. They criticize the practice of having multiple rooms for privacy and suggest that it is oppressed, especially for newly married couples. The speaker also mentions that people need to do something to facilitate showering and make it easier for people to get around.
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Another thing that I want to mention here is that

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in the way our homes are

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these terraced homes that we live in London generally you go inside,

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you've got a room, a reception room, maybe two reception rooms.

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Then you go further towards the down or straight and there's a

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kitchen and so on. You go upstairs, and there's a landing.

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And there's one room there which generally becomes a bedroom for

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some reason. Right generally, next door today is generally where the

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toilet and most of these houses around here only used to have one

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bathroom and toilet in the house which was there. Many people have

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now made one downstairs as well. But this is where the toilet is

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next to that room. That becomes generally the parents room. Then

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you've got the bigger rooms upstairs right.

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Now what happens is you've got a room there and the toilet is next

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door to the parents room, the son becomes married. And every time

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that he wants to go for a shower, now he has to go into that shower,

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which is next to the next to the parents room.

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One shower in the house, one bathroom in the house, one toilet

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in the house. And the parents are think this is the way we were

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brought him in India or Pakistan or wherever we only have one

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shower, one bathroom, whatever, this is the way it should be. And

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that I think is oppression.

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Because the newly married couple are very scared to put themselves

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in a state to do hustle because the parents are gonna know they're

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taking a shower because there's two people going for a shower is

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one Fudger time everybody has to have will do and use the toilet

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get another shall meet anybody who's got two families living in

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the house and especially for parents who want their children to

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live in the house get them another and I've seen the bigger amount of

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today who are very particular about this. I went to Dubai and

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mana Arshad McNeese house he's got many of us who are living there,

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but he's made a separate bedroom and shower ensuite for them

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separately for each one of his children who are living with him.

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It's the privacy they should they should you know when they're going

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for a show. I'm not saying that's the intention. But Why be so cruel

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to insist that there's only one shower in the house. Make

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facilitate Yeah, if you're very poor, something different story.

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But otherwise, if you can then facilitate that to have a shower.

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There shouldn't be more than one nowadays. Because people need to

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do wudu and things like that.

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