Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Embrace Change for a Thriving Marriage The Evolution of Love

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how our behavior and experiences change as we become mothers, as being different from our partner's behavior. They suggest that this may affect our partner's behavior as well. The speaker also warns that while we may still act like a bachelor, it is important to play the "medge" role of a mother to avoid becoming a husband.
AI: Transcript ©
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When they got married 20 years ago, they were literally different

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people than they are now. Humans change.

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Even the studies on the brain shows that your brain will be

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quite different, the way

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the form of it will be very different, at least every 10

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years. Our desires, our thoughts, the way we do things, our maturity

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level, our experiences, they change a lot throughout. And thus

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our partner will change as well. And we can hopefully change for

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the better.

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Now what's going to happen, think about this, you get married. So

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now you become a husband. You become a wife. Very different from

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being the individual. But if you still want to act just like

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a bachelor, then clearly that's wrong because you have to play the

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role of a husband or wife now

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