Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Don’t Ever Give Up

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how Apple's competitive advantages lie in being the best at what one does, rather than competing with others. They explain that Apple's competitive advantages lie in being the best at what one does, rather than competing with others. The speaker also mentions how Apple's competitive advantages lie in being the most Complete for oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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perseverance. Don't ever give up, especially when the going gets

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tough and it will get tough. Just expect that it's not supposed to

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be easy. Any subject to take it, there's a curve, a learning curve,

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certain parts are easy, certain parts are difficult. You just have

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to get yourself through them, then Inshallah, at the end, you will

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feel elated, you will feel like a champion insha Allah that I've

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been able to accomplish this always be the best at what you do

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for yourself that I just want to be for myself, that's just much

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more worthy than to be competing with anybody else. For example,

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they say that one of the biggest differences between Apple and

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Microsoft and I'm an apple, I'm not an Apple user, I only have an

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iPad, right? I don't like Apple phones. I don't I'm not into them.

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And neither do I have an apple mac. I work on a PC. But they say

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that the reason why Apple is so great is because they don't care

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about what anybody else is doing. They just want to be the best.

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They just want to be the most accomplished. There is no

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competition. It's just I want to be the utmost best.

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