Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Difficulties and Good Come from the Same God [Hikam 105]

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses Allah's advice to make one's lives easier by focusing on issues that may arise, and emphasizes the importance of not hesitting to believe in the reward they receive. They also discuss the benefits of hardship, including focus on one's life and empathy for others, and emphasize the importance of positive experiences and a state in one's life. The speaker offers advice on dealing with difficult situations and offers advice on how to deal with difficult situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala so you didn't

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know Celine or an early he was so happy he married a man that

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in his next one he says, which is 105 A Hickam hikma 100 105 is his

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aphorism 105 He says Lee your half if Allah allemaal Bella Eirika l

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mocha B Anna who SubhanaHu l Mobley like

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Li You have fifth Allah. Allah mal Bella er alayka l mocha be Anna

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who Subhana who who will Mobley Lukka

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Sanllehi wa gehad caminho aka Daru, who will lead the eye

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whether co host Noel Acciari.

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If only we could appreciate this in the Arabic itself. But what

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he's saying here is that to soften for you the suffering of

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to make it softer for you, to make it easier for you the suffering

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affliction. He has taught you that he is the one who causes the

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trials to come upon you.

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To make it softer and easier for you. He's telling you that I'm the

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one who's sending these issues to you. I am the one who's putting

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you under trial.

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For the one who confronts you with his degrees of fate is the same

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who has accustomed to you.

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His good choice seems a bit vague, but what he's basically saying is

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that the one who is confronting you with his decrees of faith we

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basically all the difficulties that may come upon us or

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challenges that may come upon us.

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All of those are decrees of Allah, they all within the decree of

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Allah. So the one meaning ALLAH who's

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confronting you with his decrees of fate, these difficulties?

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Remember, he's the same one, the same being

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who is also accustomed due to his good choice? What do you mean by

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his good choice when he's favored you and done good things for you?

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Are you saying that you've never had anything good in the world

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there's some people have a few bit big issues. So then they think

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that they just forget all the good things that have happened to them.

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Because they're basically saying that right now made a bad thing.

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So it doesn't matter what's happened two years ago, even

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yesterday, what matters is now so even if for 10 years or 15 years

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or even 50 years I've had a good and now I've just had a difficulty

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that 50 is should be brushed out because what matters is every next

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moment, but basically the idea is that if you had good times in the

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past and inshallah the next, this could be overcome and then you

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have a next one because Allah says that with every difficulty comes

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Just remember that

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when you keep in mind that the misfortunes that befall you from

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Allah, this is what Sheikh Abdullah Gringo, he says in his

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book of wisdoms, in the commentary come out of shame, when you keep

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in mind that the misfortunes that befall you are from Allah Most

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High, Allah knows about them. And Allah is the cause of everything.

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The worldly causes, then have absolutely no significance in

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you know, the anger, you feel that somebody who did something wrong

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to you,

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he cut you off or whatever. If you just start thinking, well, maybe

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I, Allah wants that to happen to me, well, not maybe Allah wants

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that to happen to me, suddenly, can you see how you take away your

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whole aggression against that person?

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He's just a tool. Now, he was just an excuse.

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You know, it doesn't, I mean, of course, the crimes are committed

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by people and there is that you know, punishment has to be has to

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be provided and so on. But at the end of the day, this is a

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management issue, that if you know Allah is with you, then you will

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manage your life very, very well.

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So then he says that the worldly causes, then will have absolutely

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no significance in this regard, then the grief and sorrow will be

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You will realize that the being who has afflicted you with the

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most misfortune is the same being who has always acted for your

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welfare in your all your affairs. So all of 10 years 15 520 whatever

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number of years has been good for you.

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He is the one who's given you a little difficulty right now.

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You know, if we can think like this, don't you think that we'd

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forgive people much more easily.

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We won't hold the grudge for too long.

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It's amazing, isn't it?

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But with Allah subhanaw taala once you recognize that everything

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comes from Allah.

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So we have to then realize that he's done good things for me as

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And he has always treated you with love and kindness before this.

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Just this is a little lapse that he just wants to destabilize you a

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bit. Just want you to remember him. Maybe he wants you closer to

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Him. Because the fastest one of the fastest way to get closer to

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Allah is by difficulty when you're patient over difficulty. If you

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remember we read a few weeks ago that you

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The purpose of it is that when you do have a loss or calamity, you

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actually now believe that the reward you're getting right now is

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more beloved to you than had you not had this loss and calamity,

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and not being able to be patient.

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In view of Allah's kind and loving treatment in all your affairs,

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you know, just think back at all the positives. And that's what

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counselors and psychologists will tell you do the same thing they

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think back about good things that have happened to you. So in view

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of Allah's kind of loving treatment in all your affairs, you

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will understand that there most certainly is some benefit for you

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in the hardship. Having had hardship before where it became a

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positive thing afterwards. It made us stronger. A hardship makes you

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stronger. A hardship makes you more cautious in the future. A

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hardship makes you more appreciating, more grateful. A

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hardship makes you more empathic to others. Right, you get more

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sympathy for others, because you've been through difficulty. It

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gives you greater experience. That's all the benefits of

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This is Allah's world we're dealing with. So everything has a

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purpose. So if you're looking at it from that perspective, you will

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suddenly start realizing that there's some benefit in your

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hardship. While Austin's ostensibly the hardship appears to

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be a misfortune, I mean, obviously, the hardship as company

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is going to look like a misfortune right now. But in reality, it is

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for your benefit. In fact, it is a mercy for you. Because it's coming

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from the Most Merciful One, that means he has to have mercy. When

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this knowledge develops into a state now, that's what's

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important. Now, all of this that we've studied, and we've been

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reading, we know about it, then we'll forget it until we're

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reminded again. But the important thing is that if you want this to

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really help our life,

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and help ourselves deal with difficulties, then this needs to

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become our state. Where this is practice to such a degree that

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every time something happens, we remember this

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that two times three times four times it'll become our state, then

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like when something difficult happens, instead of swearing or

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something like that, we can actually say in that Allah, or may

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Allah make this easy. Oh Allah, you know, something like that,

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whatever, just something with Allah.

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So when this, this knowledge should not just remain knowledge,

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it should become a state, your worry and grief will disappear,

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you'll be able to just deal with it instantly. Although the

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hardship you have to remember the hardship will produce pain, if

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you've been struck, May, God forbid, you will feel pain, you

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might have to get a plaster, you might have to stay in bed. If it's

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your car, you'll have to get it fixed. Or maybe you'd have to buy

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a new car, maybe we'll have to look for a new job. But

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Allah will just make it easy. Like imagine several things go wrong

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with your car. So you're paying 120 pounds for brakes 100, and

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something pounds for service, 300 pound for road Rotex 700 pound for

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insurance, and then x, y, and Zed. And it all happened at once. You

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know when your insurance was due when your mot was due? And it all

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happened at once. So you end up like 15 1600 you could buy a new

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car with that.

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How do you deal with that?

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Just think well,

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Allah is making it difficult he's provided in the past, I've never

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become absolutely a pauper. By doing this, what else am I going

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to do? That's what it is. It's my curse word ALLAH given me I must

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do it.

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Or you can make a calculation by something else and describe this.

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If it's worth doing that, you have to make that judgment call. But

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this needs to become a state. Although the hardship may will

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produce the pain to your physical body or to your physical heart.

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Your spiritual heart, though will be contented and delighted that

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yes, this is difficult, man. But you know what? Subhanallah I am

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getting rewarded for this. Allah has something in store for me.

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That's why Allah in Hola, hola. Hola. Hola. fanatee himolla home,

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your husband,

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the friends of Allah, they know they're in good company. la joven

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la joven Ali Baba has known, you know, these people who get caught

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in things, but they've got context, right? So even if they

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weren't put in prison for a while or wherever. They know that

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they're quite content. I know somebody's gonna pull me out as a

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bad example. Right?

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But they know they're going to be pulled out even though they have

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to get a bit humiliated. Right? But that's the world that's done.

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Everything's done up context. This is Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And the wonderful thing is that you might think but Allah doesn't

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do that for me. Well, why don't you increase your positivity

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towards Allah and see his positive

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Everybody come through.

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Because Allah says in a hadith and Cozzi, I am with my seven as he

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thinks of me.

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Because a lot of people are going to be thinking that but Allah

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doesn't do that for me who am I?

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You have the ability to be greater than so many other people.

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If you just get it right,

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if you think in the right way,

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increase your positivity with Allah subhanaw taala and you will

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see the positivity come from him as well. We ask Allah subhanaw

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taala to make this a state for us and give us our fear and grant us

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the ability to do that which pleases Him in whatever state we

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are in working with that runner and Al Hamdulillah

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