Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Advice for University Students Avoid Red Bull Energy Drinks

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the benefits of eating healthy andackageal foods, including Red Bull and energy drinks, but also mentions that certain chemicals in Yemenis prevent people from getting into trouble. The speaker suggests that eating these foods is bad for one, but good for the whole person. They also mention that people with addiction to certain foods may require help managing their sleep and adapt to them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Eat healthy and halal.

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I mean, this is a big city. There's a lot of Halal places

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here, I'm assuming. Right? So eat healthy and halal is a lot of good

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Yemeni food here.

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Because there's a lot of Yemenis here, right? in Cardiff?

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Well, you probably know the places. All I know is avoid too

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much Red Bull and energy drinks. The reason is that they're just

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not good for you. They have too much of certain chemicals and so

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on, they keep you awake. Yes. But train yourself to manage your

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sleep and be fresh. Okay, a cup of tea or coffee is okay. It's

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understandable. But when you go beyond that into these things, and

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you think they're useful for you, they're actually very different.

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If you become addicted to these things. They're actually very bad

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for you. And you can read the study the studies on this

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