Abdullah Oduro – The Quranic Call (Part 18)

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary ©
The Islam world's recent history includes policy-setting and the use of etiquette in policy-setting. The speakers emphasize the importance of not denying people's rights to say their name and the need for policy-setting in society. They also discuss the severe punishment for spreading rumors about sexual interactions between men and women and the impact on social and moral codes. The speaker notes that the punishment can lead to embarrassment and loss of social confidence, and a new chapter is being made into the book on sex.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi obit Academy the Peace and blessings of Allah Subhana Allah Allah be upon you all. As we know one of the names of Allah is a summit, that he is the one that is is a comprehensive name, which is generally means perfection and has no deficiencies, so everything else other than Him is deficient with that reality. We see that example even with Adam and Eve, Adam took from the forbidden fruit and for their for which was a sin and he was cast it down onto the earth, everything on this earth has a deficient nature. Within that deficient nature, we as human beings joined together in a society and there may be things that we may contribute to that is not exactly

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what Allah loves. Individually, we have our own sense, but collectively, it can come to something much greater than that, on a community level, a lawsuit kinda without addresses a number of etiquettes in the 18th juice, particularly the 24th chapter, the chapter of Nord, the chapter of light. Last month, Allah even starts it off, where he says after other Muslims challenging Bismillahirrahmanirrahim surah tune ends and now what we're for or for up near her, what ends in FY 18, big net. Now, I'll come to that Carolyn, last what Allah says a chapter ends and now that we have sit down without near her and inside of it are obligatory aspects are made obligatory to be

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given to you. What ends in Effie is in V net, and we have sit down within it. This chapter. bayonet is clear evidences, perhaps you will be of those who will remember, then a lot immediately goes into some etiquettes that are important for all of us to know. And it's very important that this is understood within every society, because he starts off by by addressing a human reality, that there will be man, a man and a woman that will associate with one another in a manner that is not permissible in Islam, and as a matter of fact, an immoral practice. And that is adultery. where it goes on to say zania to was Danny fudge the do meter agenda. Well, last month, Allah goes into say,

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the zania and zanni, the person that commits Zina at male and female, that they should be whipped 100 times. And he goes on in this verse and numerous verses after that, to talk about the etiquettes of the of the man with the woman, the the the social etiquettes when it comes to how to greet one another, when you're in your home by yourself, how do you when you enter in upon your home? How do you give celebs, what do you say, when you want to intern upon someone? Do you knock on the door or not? And what is that considered if you don't knock on the door, you just enter when looking inside of a hole in the wall of somebody's private home or in their home, certain etiquettes that are taken

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here, and particularly the etiquettes of spreading tales if you hear a rumor about someone and what you heard is something that if it was to be spread, it will cause mischief in a society. That is what we as Muslims should be aware of. Because in society today, there are talk shows, and television shows that we see based around gossip based around talking about other people's private lives that in which in reality doesn't benefit benefit us at all. But hearing about it at the moment is something juicy, we'd love to hear about it because that person is on television. But ilasik kind of Medina puts this in proper perspective. And he reminds you of the moral gives you the moral

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compass of how one should act.

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Within this last month, Allah says in verse number 19, he says in then levena you hit buena and Tashi alfalfa to fill Athena Avenue. Let him Isaiah Boone le moon fiducia when Africa or La Jolla animal one two that tanaman Allah says, verily those that love for the fatty ship, the abominable, evil, bad, disgusting news to spread about the people who believe for them is a painful punishment in this life. And in the next. A lot knows and you don't know. But notices he said here in livina, you have buena and Toshi and Fantasia to the ones that love for the fascia, the bad, immoral news to spread. So when you're on social media, and you hear some rumor about someone that may have had

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* with another person that they're not married to, or may have done an immoral act, caught drinking, and you spread it to millions of people around the world, to where by the click of a button that can see that face and that immoral act. And you're doing it to spread bad news about the person which the other deficient human being will see that and then maybe unjust by thinking

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thinking something about that person? What do you think's going to happen when they meet that person? That first picture in their mind that mean, that email that that heading on a on a paper or a title or an article or a blog is going to come to their minds to where they have just an injustice to that person? Maybe the person has made Toba. They have just an injustice to that person. Think about it. Why did you spread that news in the first place? Was it just a juicy topic because you want it to get likes, you want it to get a lot of numbers, a loss of kind of witnesses, that there was a painful punishment for that person, does that even matter to you?

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Last month, always associating that painful punishment to the ones that care

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to the ones that care it will affect you. You'll think about it. Because our desires love and lean towards getting into business that that's not ours. And that's why laws being severe on the punishment for the one that loves this news to be spread, especially in those who believe this verse was particularly talking about when the news was spread about Asia, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is called kissa, to the story of when the prophets wives on the line to send them when there was she would there was slander against her that she did an immoral act. And Allah subhanaw taala acquitted her and showed that she was totally innocent of the claims

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of some of the hypocrites during that time that wanted to spread news about her, and then met another illustrious companion. So if one had been waffling, but this was untrue. So in conclusion, we should look at ourselves when we turn on the television, when we go on Netflix, or any binge on any show, that talks about people having * with this person and this person, and how that is news. And we continue to listen. But in reality, there is a severe punishment, even for spreading the news, which this chapter talks about, as as a severe punishment for the one that engages in * with someone they're not married to me unless it kind of went down to protect us from

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any of these social ills that weaken the strength of our social and moral code that is found within this beautiful Quran, especially within this chapter of a newer, a cinematic number two line or better caption. Thank you.

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